/ACTIVITY=code | CONSTANT=integer

    Specifies a license unit code that corresponds to a License Unit
    Requirement Table (LURT) or to a constant value. If your PAK
    supplies an activity code, you must enter the code exactly as
    it appears. The current codes are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I.
    If your PAK specifies the keyword CONSTANT, then you must also
    specify the integer value. This denotes a constant requirement
    for all System Marketing Models (SMMs) equal to the value given.
    If your PAK specifies the decimal value 0, then the license has
    no requirement for that license type. PAK issuers determine the
    value for this element.



    Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
    register. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
    appears on your PAK.


       /AVAILABILITY= code | CONSTANT=integer

    Specifies a license unit code that corresponds to a License Unit
    Requirement Table (LURT) or to a constant value. If your PAK
    supplies an availability code, you must enter the code exactly
    as it appears. The current codes are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and
    I. If your PAK specifies the keyword CONSTANT, then you must also
    specify the integer value from your PAK. PAK issuers determine
    the value for this element.



    Specifies a 17-character verification string created by the PAK
    issuer for each PAK. The checksum string is presented in the
    format n-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccc, where n is an integer and c is
    an alphabetic character from A through P. A PAK presents the
    checksum string with hyphen (-)  characters for readability.
    Because LMF does not count hyphens for authorization, you do not
    have to enter them. Otherwise, you must enter the checksum string
    exactly as it appears on your PAK.



    Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
    specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
    points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB in an unmodified
    OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
    use the default database.



    Specifies the identification number of the hardware on which
    the product is licensed. If your PAK supplies a hardware
    identification number, you must enter the information exactly as
    it appears. On Integrity server systems, the HARDWARE_ID string
    is in the format SOCKETS=n.

7    /ISSUER


    Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
    the PAK for the product. Note that the PAK issuer is often the
    same as the producer. You must enter the information exactly as
    it appears on your PAK.



    Specifies LICENSE REGISTER options. If your PAK supplies any
    license options, you must enter this information exactly as it

    The following table describes the available keywords.

    Keyword          Meaning

    ALPHA            Identifies Availability Licenses for Alpha
    HARD_COMPLIANCE  Identifies a license that will enforce
                     compliance to license terms.
    IA64             Identifies Licenses for Integrity server
    IA64_ALPHA       Identifies Activity Licenses that are valid
                     for OpenVMS Integrity servers and OpenVMS Alpha
    IA64_ALPHA_VAX   Identifies Activity Licenses that are valid for
                     OpenVMS Integrity servers, OpenVMS Alpha, and
                     OpenVMS VAX systems.
    MOD_UNITS        You can modify the number of license units.
    NO_SHARE         You cannot use the license on more than one
                     processor in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.

                     To use this license in a cluster, designate
                     it for one node. Issue LICENSE MODIFY with the
                     /INCLUDE qualifier.
    PCL              Designates a Per Core License on an OpenVMS
                     Integrity server system.
    RESERVE_UNITS    The license must be assigned to one or more
                     users. Reserve the license using LICENSE MODIFY
                     with the /RESERVE qualifier.
    USER             Designates a User License.
    VAX_ALPHA        Identifies Availability Licenses that are valid
                     for both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems.

    If you enter more than one keyword, separate them with commas,
    and enclose the list in parentheses. You can abbreviate each
    option to the minimum number of characters needed to uniquely
    identify it.



    Specifies the name of the company (for example, VSI) that owns
    the product for which you have a license. You must enter the
    information exactly as it appears on your PAK.



    Specifies a product release date such that the license authorizes
    use of all product versions released on or before the date. If
    your PAK supplies a product release date, you must enter the
    information exactly as it appears. The date must be presented in
    the standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy.



    Specifies the date on which the product license terminates. If
    your PAK supplies a license termination date, you must enter it
    exactly as it appears. The date must be presented in the standard
    OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy.

12    /TOKEN


    Specifies a string of information associated with some products.
    This option can enable or disable certain product features. See
    your product documentation for details. If your PAK provides
    token information, you must enter it exactly as it appears.

13    /UNITS


    Specifies the number of license units for your license. You must
    enter the number exactly as it appears on your PAK even if your
    PAK specifies the MOD_UNITS option.

14    /VERSION


    Limits the version number of the product for which you have a
    license. Use the format integer.integer. If your PAK supplies
    version information, you must enter it exactly as it appears.
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