Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  RMU72  RMU_ERRORS


  inconsistency between spam page <num>  and  bit  <num>  in  area
  bitmap in larea <num> page <num>

  Explanation:  An ABM (Area Bit Map) page may have a bit set  for
  a  SPAM (Space Management) page that does not manage the logical
  area described by that ABM, or the ABM page should  have  a  bit
  set but does not.

  User Action:  Use RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM pages.


  Bit <num> set in area bitmap for nonexistent SPAM page.
  Corrupt bit is for logical area <num> on page <num>.

  Explanation:  An ABM page can contain more bits than  there  are
  spam  pages  in an area.  This message indicates that an ABM bit
  was set for a non-existent SPAM page.  The logical area and page
  number  in  the  message  identify the page that has the bad bit

  User Action:  User RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM page.


  area bit map page <num> for logical area <num>
  contains a filler field that should be zero
  expected:  0, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The area bit map pages contain some filler  fields
  that  are  reserved  for  future  use.  These should contain all

  User Action:  Correct the error with  RMU  Restore  command  and
  verify the database again.


  area bit map page <num> for logical area <num>
  has an incorrect free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The free space count in  the  area  bit  map  page
  contains a bad value.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  larea <str> ABM page <num> points to page <num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification of  the  ABM
  chain  for the logical area.  This message gives one link in the
  ABM page chain before the  error  occurred.   You  may  use  the
  series  of  these  error  messages to reconstruct the entire ABM
  chain up to the point where the error occurred.

  User Action:   Verify  the  page  manually,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  ABM page chain verification pruned

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification  of  an  ABM
  page,  so verification will not proceed any further for this ABM

  User Action:  Verify the ABM page manually,  and  check  if  the
  database needs a restore.

7  –  ABORT

  operator requested abort on fatal error

  Explanation:  Operation terminated by user's request.

  User Action:


  fatal error encountered; aborting conversion

  Explanation:  Errors  were  encountered  that  prevent  the  RMU
  conversion process from proceeding.

  User Action:  Before aborting, RMU Convert should have displayed
  one  or  more error message.  Correct the errors as indicated by
  each error message's user  action  and  rerun  the  RMU  Convert


  fatal error encountered; aborting verification

  Explanation:  The database is corrupted so badly that no further
  verification is possible.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  AIJ backup active or backup operations suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  AIJ backup operations not suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal  backup  operations  have  not
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  AIJ backup operations already suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

13  –  ACCVIO

  access violation on read/write of user address

  Explanation:  A readable parameter is not readable by  the  DBCS
  or a writeable parameter is not writeable by the DBCS.

  User Action:  Pass good parameters to the DBCS.


  Network error:  Timeout waiting for Executor acknowledgement.

  Explanation:  The client sent a request to the executor but  did
  not receive an acknowledgement within a specific interval.

  User Action:  Determine that  SQL/Services  is  running  on  the
  server  system  and  then  retry  the operation.  If the problem
  persists,  contact  your  Oracle  support   representative   for


  There is no more space for more ACE entries.

  Explanation:  The space allocated in the root for  RMU's  access
  control  list  is full and cannot be extended either because the
  database is a single-file database or because  the  database  is
  open for other users.

  User Action:  If the database is a multi-file database,  execute
  the command when the database is not open.  If the database is a
  single-file database, then the  only  possible  changes  are  to
  delete existing access control entries and then add new ones.


  Access control list is empty

  Explanation:  The specified database root file has no ACL.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set Privilege command to create a root
  file ACL for the database.


  Internal error - ACL fetch fail

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command was unable  to  fetch  the
  access control lists.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  journal is for database activation <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The activation time and date  stamp  in  the  root
  does not match the activation time and date stamp in the journal
  file.  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.


  <num> active transaction(s) not yet committed or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the  current  AIJ  file, more than 1 transaction remains active.
  That is, the commit or roll-back information resides in the next
  AIJ  file to be processed.  It is also possible that one or more
  of these active transactions are  prepared  transactions,  which
  may  be  committed  or  aborted  by the recovery operation using
  DECdtm information; in this case, a separate message  indicating
  the number of prepared transactions will be displayed.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  after-image journal roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  starting automatic after-image journal recovery

  Explanation:  The /AUTOMATIC command qualifier was specified for
  the  after-image  roll-forward  operation,  and the roll-forward
  operation  has  detected  that  automatic  journal  recovery  is
  possible.   This  message  indicates that automatic recovery has

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  inconsistent storage area <str> needs AIJ sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   The  indicated  storage  area  has  been   marked
  inconsistent  with  the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with
  the indicated sequence number is required to  commence  recovery
  of  the  area.   If  the  sequence  number  of  the  AIJ file is
  different than the indicated sequence number,  recovery  of  the
  area will not be performed.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  inconsistent page  <num>  from  storage  area  <str>  needs  AIJ
  sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The indicated page has  been  marked  inconsistent
  with  the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with the indicated
  sequence number is required to commence recovery  of  the  page.
  If  the  sequence  number  of the AIJ file is different than the
  indicated sequence number, recovery of  the  area  will  not  be

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ modify operation not allowed; AIJ backup in progress

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is currently in progress.  While  an
  AIJ  backup  is  in  progress,  AIJ  modify operations (such as,
  disabling AIJ journaling or changing the default  AIJ  filename)
  are not permitted.  If the AIJ backup was prematurely terminated
  by the  user,  another  AIJ  backup  must  complete  before  AIJ
  modifications are permitted.

  User Action:  Allow the AIJ backup to finish  before  attempting
  the  AIJ  modify  operation.   If the AIJ backup was prematurely
  terminated by the user, start another AIJ backup and allow it to
  complete.  The AIJ modify operation will then be possible.


  journal <str> backup (sequence <num>) already active

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is already active for the  specified
  journal.   In  most cases, the previously active backup is being
  performed by the background AIJ  backup  server.   This  problem
  only  occurs when using the "by-sequence" AIJ backup option, and
  normally when specifying only a single AIJ sequence number value
  (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=15").

  User Action:  Let the active backup finish before attempting  to
  start  another  AIJ backup operation, or specify both a starting
  and ending AIJ sequence number (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=(15,15)").


  invalid AIJ backup sequence numbers (<num> through <num>)

  Explanation:   The  specified  AIJ   backup   sequence   numbers

  User Action:  Specify the sequence numbers in ascending order.


  beginning after-image journal backup operation

  Explanation:  This is an informational  message  to  inform  the
  user that the after-image backup operation has begun.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  cannot specify a backup filename and use SAME AS JOURNAL option

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  specify  an  after-image
  backup filename and use the BACKUP SAME AS JOURNAL option.

  User Action:  Specify one or the other of the after-image backup
  options, but not both.


  cannot  backup  current  AIJ  journal  if  no  other  unmodified
  journals exist

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  backup  the  "current"
  after-image   journal,   but  no  other  unmodified  after-image
  journals  are  available.   This   situation   occurs   when   a
  "by-sequence"  backup  is performed in the wrong order; that is,
  the current after-image journal was backed up when a  "modified"
  lower sequence after-image journal exists.

  User Action:   Backup  the  lower-sequence  after-image  journal


  AIJ-backup  filename  "<str>"  does  not  include   device   and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-backup filename specified does not include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a  device  and  directory  in the AIJ-backup file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the  database  device
  and AIJ device.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing unmodified journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal that has not been modified.  This normally occurs when a
  "by-sequence" is done out of order (For instance, sequence 6  is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted).

  User Action:  In the above example,  the  backup  was  completed
  when  the  previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered;
  the journal containing sequence  5 was fully and  safely  backed
  up.   Restart  the backup with the next journal requiring backup
  (in the above example, sequence  7).


  database contains  no  after-image  journals  that  qualify  for

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  backup  for  a database that has after-image journaling disabled
  and does not have any journals that qualify  to  be  backed  up.
  This  situation  occurs if there are no after-image journals, or
  all journals are unmodified and do not require backup.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  after-image journal backup operation completed successfully

  Explanation:  This is an informational  message  to  inform  the
  user   that  the  after-image  backup  operation  has  completed

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  the AIJ backup that created the AIJ file did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears  that  the  AIJ  backup  process,  that
  created  the  AIJ  file currently being recovered, failed or was
  prematurely terminated.   When  this  situation  occurs,  it  is
  possible that one or more transactions active at the time of the
  backup failure may not have been recovered completely.

  User Action:  Roll forward  the  next  AIJ  file,  which  should
  contain  the  commit  information for any transactions that were
  not completely recovered.  If there are no more AIJ files to  be
  rolled  forward,  then  all  transactions  have  been completely


  no after-image journal backup filename specified

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal,  but no backup file name was specified, and the journal
  did not contain a default backup-file name specification.

  User Action:  Specify an after-image journal backup filename, or
  modify  the  journal  to  contain  a  default  backup-file  name


  cannot perform by-sequence AIJ backup of extensible journals

  Explanation:   An  attempt  has  been  made  to   back   up   an
  "extensible" after-image journal using the "by-sequence" command

  User Action:  Do NOT use  the  "by-sequence"  command  qualifier
  when backing up an extensible AIJ journal.


  AIJ backup completed after skipping previously backed up journal
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal  that  does  not  have  the  next chronological sequence
  number.  This condition normally  occurs  when  a  "by-sequence"
  operation  is  done  out  of order.  For instance, sequence 6 is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted.

  User Action:  In the above example,  the  backup  was  completed
  when  the  previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered.
  The journal containing sequence  5 was fully and  safely  backed
  up.   Restart the backup with the next journal requiring back up
  (in the above example, sequence  7).


  after-image journals cannot be backed up  due  to  unrecoverable
  data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal after loss of AIJ data has occurred.  One or more of the
  following events may have occurred:  1.  An inaccessible journal
  was   deleted.    2.   A  modified  journal  was  deleted  while
  journalling was disabled.  3.  A journal  was  overwritten.   4.
  Journal switch-over failed.

  User  Action:   A  full  database  backup  must  be  immediately
  performed to make the database recoverable again.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing inaccessible journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal that is not currently accessible.

  User Action:  The specified after-image journal must be  deleted
  or unsuppressed before the backup will be allowed to proceed.


  invalid  after-image  journal  backup  interval  value   "<num>"

  Explanation:   An  invalid  AIJ  journal  backup  interval   was

  User Action:  The AIJ  journal  backup  interval  specifies  the
  number  of  seconds for which the backup utility will wait.  The
  value must be a positive number, which  may  include  the  value


  cannot  modify  AIJ  information  while  backup  is  active   or

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify after-image  journal
  information while an AIJ backup was in progress.

  User Action:  Wait until the AIJ backup completes.


  AIJ  backup  not  possible  when  modified  journals  have  been

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  backup  when  one  or  more of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.   Backing  up  an  AIJ  journal   that   has   been
  overwritten  is not possible, because AIJ data was lost when the
  journal was overwritten, making  the  database  non-recoverable.
  The  resulting  AIJ backup file could not be used for subsequent
  AIJ roll-forward operations.

  User Action:  Perform a full database  backup.   Once  the  full
  database  backup  has been completed, after-image journal backup
  operations will again be possible.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing overwritten journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal that has been overwritten.

  User Action:  While an after-image journal was in progress,  the
  journal   being   backed   up  was  overwritten.   Consequently,
  data-loss has occurred, and the backup operation cannot continue
  any further.  A full database backup is required.


  /RENAME qualifier invalid when backup filespec also specified

  Explanation:  The /RENAME qualifier cannot be specified when  an
  AIJ backup filename specification is also specified, since these
  are conflicting options.

  User Action:  Specify either the /RENAME qualifier (using "" for
  the  AIJ  backup  filename  specification)  or  the  AIJ  backup
  filename specification, but not both.


  backing up after-image journal sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   The  created  after-image  backup  file  will  be
  internally  identified with the indicated sequence number.  When
  AIJ files are rolled  forward,  the  roll-forward  utility  will
  prompt for specific AIJ sequence numbers.  The AIJ file sequence
  number should be included as a component of  any  external  file
  identification information, such as magtape labels.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  backup of after-image journal <str> did not complete

  Explanation:  The AIJ backup operation of the identified journal
  did  not  complete,  typically  because  of some previous backup
  failure condition.

  User Action:  Restart the AIJ backup operation after  correcting
  the identified problems.


  journal <str> is busy and AIJ switch-over suspended  -  add  new

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing  the  requested  AIJ  backup operation cannot proceed
  because active processes require the specified AIJ  journal  for
  recovery reasons.

  User Action:  It is  necessary  to  add  a  new  journal  before
  performing the AIJ backup operation.


  invalid  after-image  journal  backup  threshold  value  "<num>"

  Explanation:   An  invalid  AIJ  journal  backup  threshold  was

  User Action:  The AIJ journal  backup  threshold  specifies  the
  approximate limit on the size of the journal.  The value must be
  a positive number, which may include the value "0".


  AIJ-cache  file  name  "<str>"  does  not  include  device   and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-cache filename specified does not  include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a  device  and  directory  in  the AIJ-cache file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the  database  device
  and AIJ device.


  Do you wish to  continue  the  roll-forward  operation  of  this
  journal [<char>]:

  Explanation:   Continue  or  terminate  the   AIJ   roll-forward
  operation with the current journal file.

  User Action:  Enter 'YES' to continue the roll-forward operation
  of  the  journal.   Enter  'NO'  to  terminate  the roll-forward
  operation of the journal.  Any response other  then  'YES'  will
  also result in the termination of the roll-forward operation.


  journal entry <num>/<num> contains <num>!1%Can  AIJBUF  with  an
  invalid  length!2%Can  AIJBL with an invalid length!3%Cthe start
  of a new AIJBL before previous AIJBL is complete!4%Ca new  AIJBL
  that doesn't have the start flag set!%E**!%F

  Explanation:  The journal contains corruption  at  the  location
  indicated (record number / block number).

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  The entry for AIJ <str> is marked as being corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is corrupt.

  User Action:  Remove the journal from the set of journals.


  specified after-image journal contains sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The specified  after-image  journal  contains  the
  indicated  sequence  number.   This sequence number must exactly
  match that expected by the roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  The AIJ file has lost some data.

  Explanation:  An attempt to write data to the AIJ file failed at
  some time.

  User Action:  Verify that you have a full and complete backup of
  the  database  that postdates this journal file.  That backup is
  required to insure recoverability of the database.


  cannot remove the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  remove  the  AIJ  journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to remove the
  AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.


  cannot remove AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remove an AIJ journal  that
  has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  backup  the  AIJ


  AIJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The after-image journal file name  specified  does
  not include a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.


  after-image journaling must be enabled for this operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform  an  after-image  journal
  operation,  such as a backup of the journal file, for a database
  that has after-image journaling disabled.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling for  your  database,
  and try the backup again at some later time.


  cannot manually suppress the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually suppress  the  AIJ
  journal currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to unsuppress
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.


  cannot manually suppress AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually  suppress  an  AIJ
  journal that has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  backup  the  AIJ


  duplicate "Hot Standby" server name

  Explanation:  The specified  "Hot  Standby"  server  name  is  a
  duplicate of an existing server name on this node.

  User Action:  Specify another server name.


  AIJ file <str> is empty.

  Explanation:  Every active AIJ file must have an OPEN record  as
  the first record in the file.  The AIJ file named in the message
  has no data in it.

  User Action:  Backup the database, and recreate the AIJ files.


  after-image journaling must be disabled

  Explanation:   You  attempted  to  perform  an  operation   that
  requires after-image journaling to be disabled, but the database
  still has after-image journaling enabled.

  User Action:  Disable after-image journaling for  your  database
  and try the operation again.  After the operation has completed,
  you can enable after-image journaling again.


  enabling AIJ journaling would overwrite an existing journal

  Explanation:  Enabling after-image journaling would result in an
  existing AIJ journal being overwritte, which would result in the
  loss of AIJ data, making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  Modify the database to allow after-image  journals
  to be overwritten, or add a new AIJ journal.


  continuing with AIJ modification operation

  Explanation:  When an attempt was made to disable AIJ journaling
  or to change the default AIJ filename, the active AIJ file could
  not  be  opened.   This  condition  typically  occurs  only  for
  catastrophic reasons; therefore, the AIJ file is assumed to have
  contained some data records, which are  presumed  to  have  been

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


          <num> error(s) validating after-image journal

  Explanation:   Errors  were  found  during  validation   of   an
  after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Backup your database and create a new  after-image
  journal file.


  to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence  number  needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

68  –  AIJFULL

  The AIJ files are full

  Explanation:  An attempt to write data to the  AIJ  file  failed
  because the AIJ files are full.

  User Action:  Add new AIJ files if you have some  empty  journal
  file  slots  available  or perform a noquiet-point AIJ backup to
  free some AIJ space.


  storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:   The  indicated  storage  area  has  been   marked
  consistent with the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  page <num> from storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:  The indicated page has been marked consistent with
  the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  cannot unsuppress an AIJ journal that has hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to unsuppress an  AIJ  journal
  that  experienced hard data loss.  This is not permitted because
  it would possibly leave the database in a non-recoverable state.

  User Action:  The AIJ journal must be removed.


  after-image journaling has been disabled

  Explanation:  After-image journaling  has  been  disabled.   The
  database  is  no  longer  recoverable.  It is highly recommended
  that after-image journaling be re-enabled as soon as possible.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

73  –  AIJISON

  after-image journaling has been enabled

  Explanation:  After-image  journaling  has  been  enabled.   All
  subsequent   database   operations  will  be  journaled  to  the
  "current" journal.

  User Action:  A full database backup should be performed.


  journal <str> is busy and cannot be backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to back up an after-image
  journal  that  is  currently required for process recovery.  The
  journal is considered to be "busy" until no process requires the
  journal for recovery.

  User Action:  Use the /WAIT command qualifier to  indicate  that
  the  after-image  backup  is to "wait" for the journal to become
  available; that is, the journal  becomes  available  for  backup
  when no more processes require it for recovery.


  "Hot Standby" has been shutdown

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" has been terminated.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.


  allocation size is <num> blocks due to suspended AIJ switch-over
  or active replication

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal file allocation size was
  overwritten  with  the  optimal size indicated.  This action was
  taken to meet the requirements of the suspended AIJ  switch-over

  User Action:  None.


  cannot use deprecated modification syntax with new AIJ features

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify an AIJ journal using
  deprecated  syntax  in a database environment where advanced AIJ
  journaling features are in use.

  User Action:  The enhanced AIJ journal modification syntax  must
  be   used  in  an  environment  where  advanced  AIJ  journaling
  features, such as multiple AIJ journals, are in use.


  next AIJ file sequence number will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ switch-over suspended - add new journal or backup current

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing the requested operation will not succeed and possibly
  result in the database being shutdown.

  User Action:  Add a new AIJ journal or, if possible, backup  the
  existing journals.


  active transactions will be aborted if you terminate recovery

  Explanation:  One or more active transactions will be aborted if
  AIJ recovery is terminated.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational  only.   This  message  supplements  the AIJNXTSEQ


  AIJ name or filespec necessary for modify or delete operations

  Explanation:  In order to  modify  or  delete  an  existing  AIJ
  journal, either the AIJ name or the exact filename specification
  are mandatory.

  User Action:  Please specify either the AIJ name  or  the  exact
  filename specification, including VMS version number.


  there are no active transactions

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the  current  AIJ  file, no transactions remain active.  The AIJ
  recovery  process  can  be  terminated  without  the   loss   of
  transaction data.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ contains no transactions that qualify for backup

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal  file  that does not have any records that qualify to be
  backed  up.   This  situation  occurs  if  the   oldest   active
  checkpoint  record  is  in  the  first  block  of the AIJ.  This
  restriction is necessary to guarantee that all transactions  for
  this  process  will  be  recoverable  in the event of unexpected
  process failure.  This message is applicable only if  the  "fast
  commit" feature is enabled.

  User Action:   The  offending  process(es)  need  to  commit  or
  rollback their current transaction or unbind from the database.


  after-image journaling has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has
  completed,  but  AIJ  logging  has  not  yet been enabled.  This
  message is a reminder to the user  to  enable  AIJ  logging,  if

  User Action:  If AIJ logging is desired, AIJ logging  should  be
  enabled.   Otherwise,  no user action is required.  This message
  is informational only.


  extraction of this journal must start with sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ  journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and  then
  later  enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition; extraction of  the  AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the  preceeding  AIJSEQAFT  or
  AIJSEQPRI message.


  AIJ initialization not possible  when  journals  have  not  been

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  initialization  when  none  of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.   Resetting  an  AIJ  journal  that  has  not  been
  overwritten  is  not  possible,  because  AIJ data will be lost,
  making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  None.


  recovery must start with journal sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ  journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and  then
  later  enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition;  recovery  of  the  AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the  preceeding  AIJSEQAFT  or
  AIJSEQPRI message.


  After-image journaling is not enabled

  Explanation:  Partial "by area" backups are of very limited  use
  if after-image journaling is disabled.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set After command  or  the  SQL  ALTER
  DATABASE statement to enable after-image journaling.


  expected after-image file <str> not found

  Explanation:  The after-image journal file could not be  opened.
  Either the file has been deleted, renamed, or is corrupted.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.


  AIJ journaling was not active when the database was backed up

  Explanation:  AIJ journaling was not activated when the database
  backup  was  created.   However,  AIJ  journaling  may have been
  activated subsequent to the database backup,  and  AIJ  recovery
  may   be  necessary  to  fully  complete  the  database  restore

  User Action:  None.


  enter the next AIJ file name, or enter return to terminate:

  Explanation:  Enter the name of another AIJ file  to  be  rolled
  forward.   If  no  AIJ  file  name  is entered, the roll-forward
  operation is terminated.

  User Action:  Enter the name of the next AIJ file to  be  rolled
  forward.   If  you wish to terminate the roll-forward operation,
  simply hit return <CR>.


  to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence  number  needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ file sequence <num> roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The roll-forward operations for the AIJ file  with
  the  indicated sequence number have been successfully completed.
  Note that in some cases, no transactions may have been  applied;
  this is normal.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  Optimized AIJ journal will not be applied during restart

  Explanation:   An  optimized  AIJ  was  encountered   during   a
  restarted  AIJ  roll-forward  operation.  Since an optimized AIJ
  journal only contains 1 real transaction,  nothing  in  the  AIJ
  journal  can  be  applied  if  transaction  recovery has not yet
  commenced.  Therefore, the AIJ journal is simply  read  but  not
  applied to the database.

  User Action:  None.


  AIJ optimization completed successfully

  Explanation:  An AIJ optimization has completed successfully.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  overwritten AIJ journal <str> has been re-initialized

  Explanation:    An   "overwritten"   AIJ   journal   has    been
  re-initialized.    This   makes   the  AIJ  journal  immediately
  available for future re-use.

  User Action:  None.


  <num> of the active transactions prepared but not yet  committed
  or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the current AIJ file, more than 1 transaction remains active AND
  prepared.  That is, the commit or roll-back  information  either
  resides  in the next AIJ file to be processed, or the action can
  be determined using  DECdtm  upon  completion  of  the  recovery

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ quiet-point backup required when commit-to-journal enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform a no-quiet-point back  up
  of  an  after-image  journal  file  when  the  commit-to-journal
  feature was enabled.

  User Action:  Either disable the commit-to-journal  feature,  or
  use the quiet-point AIJ backup mechanism.


  Recovery of area <str> starts with AIJ file sequence <num>

  Explanation:  To complete the database  restore  operation,  AIJ
  recovery of the indicated area should be performed starting with
  the AIJ file that contains the indicated  sequence  number.   If
  there  are  no  AIJ  files  to  be  recovered, then the database
  restore operation is complete.

  User Action:  None.


  recovering after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the  restore utility attempts to recover the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the  time  of
  the   backup  operation.   Recovering  the  after-image  journal
  information permits  subsequent  "automatic"  (i.e.,  hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  after-image journal "state" recovery complete

  Explanation:  The after-image journal "state" recovery operation
  has completed.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated due to sequence error

  Explanation:  Instead of  specifying  another  AIJ  file  to  be
  rolled forward, the AIJ roll-forward operations were prematurely
  terminated because the AIJ files were out of sequence.  In  this
  case,  it  is possible that one or more active transactions were
  aborted by the system.

  User Action:  Redo the RMU/RECOVER with the correct sequence  of
  AIJ  files,  continue  rolling  forward with the next AIJ in the
  correct sequence, or specify /COMMIT=CONTINUE to  continue  with
  the next AIJ file after skipping the missing AIJ file.


  Recovery of the entire database starts with  AIJ  file  sequence

  Explanation:  If you require restoration of the database to  the
  most  recent  state,  AIJ  recovery should be performed starting
  with the AIJ file that contains the indicated  sequence  number.
  If  there  are  no  AIJ files to be recovered, then the database
  restore operation is complete.

  User Action:  None.


  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated at user request

  Explanation:  Instead of  specifying  another  AIJ  file  to  be
  rolled   forward,  the  user  specified  that  AIJ  roll-forward
  operations should be prematurely terminated.  In this  case,  it
  is possible that one or more active transactions were aborted by
  the system.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  cannot remount the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to  remount  the  AIJ  journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  try  to  remount
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.


  cannot remount AIJ journal "<str>" due to hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  has experienced data loss.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  None.

107  –  AIJREMOK

  AIJ journal "<str>" is already fully accessible

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  is already fully accessible.

  User Action:  None.


  starting after-image journal sequence number required is <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal sequence number  indicated
  corresponds  to  the  first AIJ file that can be rolled forward.
  If the sequence number of the AIJ file to be rolled forward does
  not exactly match the indicated sequence number, no transactions
  will be applied.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  <num> after-image journal(s) available for use

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number  of  after-image
  journals  that were successfully restored.  One or more of these
  journals may actually be modified, but all  of  them  are  valid
  after-image journals for the database.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  journal is currently marked inaccessible

  Explanation:  The journal  that  is  in  the  process  of  being
  restored  was  marked as being inaccessible.  Consequently, this
  journal cannot be restored.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  restoring after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the  restore utility attempts to restore the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the  time  of
  the   backup   operation.   Restoring  the  after-image  journal
  information permits  subsequent  "automatic"  (i.e.,  hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  journal "<str>" filename "<str>" has been removed

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image  journal  could  not  be
  successfully restored.  Therefore, the information regarding the
  journal has been removed from the database.  Note, however, that
  the specified filename was NOT deleted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  after-image journal "state" restoration complete

  Explanation:  The  after-image  journal  restore  operation  has

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  after-image journal sequence numbers are incompatible

  Explanation:  The sequence number stored in the  header  of  the
  after-image  journal  does not correspond to the sequence number
  stored in the database.  Typically, this situation occurs if the
  after-image journal was modified or backed up AFTER the database
  backup was made.  As a result, the journal information cannot be
  restored  in  the  database.   However,  the on-disk after-image
  journal  may   be   acceptable   for   subsequent   roll-forward

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  restoring journal "<str>" information

  Explanation:  The specified after-image  journal  was  available
  when  the  database was originally backed up, and restoration of
  the journal "state" will be attempted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  <num> after-image journal(s) marked as "modified"

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number  of  after-image
  journals  that were successfully restored, but contain data that
  needs to be backed up.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  journal has not yet been modified

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal has not yet been
  modified,  and  is  available  for  immediate use.  Note that at
  least one unmodified  after-image  journal  is  required  before
  journaling can be enabled.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  original database root file "<str>" still exists

  Explanation:  An after-image journal cannot be restored  if  the
  database for which it was originally created still exists.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  journal sequence number is "<num>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully
  restored.   This  message  identifies the sequence number of the

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  journal "<str>" successfully restored from file "<str>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  incorrect AIJ file sequence <num> when <num> was expected

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for the
  following reasons:   1)  an  incorrect  AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging  was  disabled  and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  The utility will prompt for confirmation that  the
  supplied  AIJ  file  is  valid.  If AIJ logging was disabled and
  then later enabled without any intervening database  transaction
  activity,   then   confirming  the  AIJ  file  will  permit  the
  roll-forward operation to  continue  applying  all  transactions
  contained  in  the  AIJ file.  Otherwise, the AIJ file should be
  rejected  and  the   correct   AIJ   file   specified.    Should
  confirmation be given for an incorrect AIJ file, no transactions
  will be applied.


  cannot find an AIJ journal with sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   A  "by-sequence"   after-image   journal   backup
  operation  was  attempted  with  a  sequence number that did not
  currently exist for any known AIJ journal.

  User Action:  Specify a valid AIJ sequence number, or perform  a
  full  AIJ  backup  by  not  specifying the "by-sequence" command


  AIJ  file  sequence  number  <num>  created  prior  to  expected
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal supplied was created prior
  to  the  expected  AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) a database backup was performed
  subsequent to the AIJ backup.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational   only.    The  AIJ  roll-forward  operation  will
  continue to completion, although no transactions will be applied
  from the AIJ file.


  standby database AIJ signature does not match master database

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ journal slots  ("reserved"),  or
  the specific journal allocation sizes, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the master and standby database AIJ
  journal  configurations  are  identical.   Ensure  that  the AIJ
  journal device "cluster size" is identical on  both  the  master
  and standby databases.


  after-image file "<str>",
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time> and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  after-image  journal  file
  specifies  a  time later than the current time or a time earlier
  than the time that the database could have been created.  Such a
  time is incorrect.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.


  inaccessible AIJ file forced image exit to protect database

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity  of  the  database,  the
  database  system  has  forced  your image to exit.  An error has
  been encountered with one or more of  the  after-image  journals
  that  could  jeopardize  your  ability  to  recover the database
  should  a  it  become  necessary  to  restore  and  recover  the
  database.   Until  the  journaling  problem has been remedied no
  further updates to the database are allowed.

  User Action:  The RMU or DBO /DUMP/HEADER=JOURNAL  command  will
  display the current state of the journals.  Various remedies are
  possible, depending on the error  encountered.   Contact  Oracle
  Support  if  you  have  questions  on  how  to  fix the problem.
  Typically, disabling and re-enabling journaling is the  simplest
  way  to  restore  operation  of  the database.  This can be done
  using the DBO or RMU SET AFTER command, or from interactive SQL.
  After  the  journaling problem has been resolved a full database
  backup must be done to ensure that the database can be  restored
  and recovered successfully in the future.


  AIJ file <str> synchronized with database

  Explanation:   When  recovering  a  database   for   which   AIJ
  journaling  was  enabled,  it  may  be  necessary to synchronize
  information in the AIJ file with  information  in  the  database
  root  file.   This  is  necessary  to ensure that subsequent AIJ
  recovery operations are successful.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

128  –  AIJWASON

  AIJ journaling was active when the database was backed up

  Explanation:  AIJ journaling was  activated  when  the  database
  backup was created.  Therefore, AIJ recovery may be necessary to
  fully complete the database restore operation.

  User Action:  None.


  after-image journaling is being  disabled  temporarily  for  the
  Convert operation

  Explanation:  The user's  database  has  after-image  journaling
  enabled.   Journaling  must  be  disabled  during an RMU convert

  User Action:  Use Rdb to disable after-image journaling  on  the
  database before conversion, or convert the database knowing that
  any  existing  backups  of  the  database  that  exist  will  be
  obsolete!    A   full  backup  must  be  done  immediately  upon
  completion of the RMU Convert command.


  in area inventory page <num> the pointer to the
  next area inventory page <num> does not point to another
  area inventory page, bad page or wrong pointer

  Explanation:  An area inventory page contains a bad  pointer  to
  the  next  area  inventory page.  The page referred to is not an
  AIP page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  entry <num> in area inventory page <num> has never
  been used, but is not empty.  It should contain all zeroes

  Explanation:  The page contains an entry that is not in use, but
  is not empty.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  area inventory page <num> entry  <num> contains a
  reference to logical area <num> that is nonexistent

  Explanation:  The AIP page  entry  contains  a  reference  to  a
  logical area of which it is not a part.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

133  –  ALRATTDB

  command not allowed - already attached to a database

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER ATTACH command is being issued  when
  another database is currently attached.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER DETACH command to  detach  from
  the  current  database.   Then  reissue  the  RMU  ALTER  ATTACH


  Database replication is active

  Explanation:  Certain database operations, such  as  terminating
  the   AIJ   Log  Server,  cannot  be  performed  while  database
  replication is active.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication and re-attempt  the


  Database replication is not active

  Explanation:   Database  replication  is  not  active  for   the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Verify that the database is being replicated.


  "Hot Standby" not available or improperly installed

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" cannot be started because it has not
  been installed.

  User Action:  Make sure the "Hot  Standby"  component  has  been
  properly installed.


  database replication has not previously been started

  Explanation:  Database replication has not yet been started  for
  this database.

  User  Action:   You  specified  the  replication-start   command
  without  identifying  the master or standby database.  This type
  of command can only be used when database replication  has  been
  previously started.

138  –  ALSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process does not have an output
  file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename when the AIJ Log Server process is started.


  AIJ Log Server process is not active

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process is not running  on  the
  current node.

  User Action:  Verify that the AIJ Log Server has been started.


  AIJ Log Server process is already running

  Explanation:  The  AIJ  Log  Server  process  has  already  been
  started on the current node.

  User Action:  No action is required.

141  –  ALTWARN

  ***** WARNING!  *****
  Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
  remove the inconsistencies.  Remove any inconsistencies
  or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

  Explanation:  This command merely changes the  marked  state  of
  the  area  or  page from inconsistent to consistent.  The object
  was originally marked  inconsistent  because  its  contents  are
  potentially  incompatible  with  the  remainder of the database.
  Normal usage is to recover from after image journals  to  return
  the  object  to  consistency.   Changing  the  object's state to
  consistent without actually  updating  its  contents  may  cause
  unexpected  failures  or  wrong  results to be returned when the
  object is used.

  User Action:  Either use recovery from after image  journals  to
  make  the  area  or  page  consistent, or locate and correct any
  inconsistencies before proceeding.  One may also proceed,  as  a
  temporary  measure,  to  evaluate  the  situation, or to provide
  access for corrective action, or until corrective action can  be

142  –  AREABUSY

  usage of storage area <str> conflicts with a co-user

  Explanation:  You attempted to ready an  area  that  is  already
  being   accessed  by  another  user,  and  that  usage  mode  is
  incompatible with the usage mode you requested.

  User Action:  Wait until  the  storage  area  you  requested  is
  available,  and  try  again,  or  ready  the  area with the WAIT

143  –  AREAEXCL

  Nothing restored for storage area - <str>

  Explanation:  Either the  area  that  was  to  be  restored  was
  excluded  from  the  specified  backup file, or this incremental
  restore contained no data for the area.

  User Action:  If you expected some data to be restored, select a
  backup  that  contains  the  area and restore the area from that
  backup, or restore the entire database from a full  backup  that
  includes all defined areas.


  area <str> is marked as inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The area has been restored from a backup  but  not

  User Action:  Make the area consistent by using the RMU  Recover


  Area <str> is already marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark as corrupt an area that  is
  already marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different area, and  enter  the  command


  /UNTIL qualifier ignored when /AREA qualifier specified

  Explanation:  The  /UNTIL  qualifier  to  the  AIJ  roll-forward
  utility is ignored when the /AREA qualifier is also specified.

  User Action:  None necessary.


  storage area <str> is corrupt

  Explanation:  The storage area has been corrupted by an abnormal
  termination of a BATCH UPDATE run unit.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Either try to fix the  problem  by  verifying  the
  area  and  then altering the corrupt pages or reload/restore the


  area is not active or was previously deleted

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to ready an  area  which  does
  not exist.


  storage area <str> is inconsistent

  Explanation:  The storage area has been marked inconsistent with
  the rest of the database.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Recover the area to make it consistent.


  storage area <str> is under restructure

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  ready  an  area  that  is
  either   presently   being  or  in  the  recent  past  has  been

  User Action:  See your DBA to have the areas released.


  ASCII length must be greater than 0

  Explanation:  The value supplied as the  ASCII  length  must  be
  greater than 0.

  User Action:  Issue the command with a length greater than 0.


  Invalid record read from audit file, record number <num>.

  Explanation:  An audit file record  is  invalid  and  cannot  be
  loaded.   Correct  the  problem or repeat the load starting from
  the record after the bad record using /SKIP=n  where  n  is  the
  record number in the error message.


  Network    authentication/authorization    failure.      Invalid
  username/password  or  client not authorized to access specified

  Explanation:  The convert operation cannot be committed.  Either
  the  convert operation was already committed or the database was
  created using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.


  Explicit authentication required for remote executor creation

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create an RMU executor on a
  remote node by a client that was implicitly authenticated.  When
  executing a  parallel  backup  across  a  cluster  the  logicals
  SQL_USERNAME and SQL_PASSWORD must be defined.

  User Action:  Define SQL_USERNAME and SQL_PASSWORD  logicals  to
  be your username and password, respectively.


  Backup file is corrupt

  Explanation:  The backup file  is  corrupt,  most  likely  as  a
  result of truncation.

  User Action:  This  error  is  fatal.   No  restoration  of  the
  database is possible using this backup file.

156  –  BACFILCOR_01

  Converted  root  is  version   <num>.<num>,   expected   version

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

157  –  BACFILCOR_02

  Unable to read buffer from backup file

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

158  –  BACFILCOR_03

  Unexpected condition after end of volume detected

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

159  –  BACFILCOR_04

  Buffer from backup file is for area <num>, expected area <num>

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

160  –  BACFILCOR_05

  Data page was restored before the data header

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

161  –  BACFILCOR_06

  Data page cannot be restored without data header

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

162  –  BACFILCOR_07

  Unrecognized backup file record type

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

163  –  BACFILCOR_08

  Backup file record type must be subschema or security schema

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

164  –  BACFILCOR_09

  Invalid ID for ACL or name table

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

165  –  BACFILCOR_10

  Page <num> is not in the backup file

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  unexpected end of backup file on <str>

  Explanation:  Block read from backup file is  not  from  current
  backup file.  Likely, this is the result of corrupted media from
  an incomplete backup.

  User Action:


  error fetching ABM page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  given  ABM  page.   This could be because of a corruption in the
  RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  If there is a corruption that causes  this  error,
  correct  the  error with the RMU Restore command, and verify the
  database again.


  max set bit index of area bit map page <num>
  for logical area <num> out of range
  expected to be in range 0 :  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum bit set index of the current area  bit
  map page is out of range.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


         error verifying ABM pages

  Explanation:  Errors verifying ABM pages.

  User Action:  Verify  the  logical  area  corresponding  to  the
  corrupt ABM pages.


  invalid larea for ABM page <num> in storage area <num>.
  The SPAM page entry for this page is for a different larea.
  SPAM larea_dbid :  <num> page larea_dbid:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The logical area contained in the page tail of  an
  ABM  page  is  different than the logical area indicated for the
  page in the SPAM page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  Access mode of <num> is invalid  for  area  <str>  (FILID  entry

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an  invalid  access  mode

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  after-image journal is electronic cache

  Explanation:  You have  attempted  to  use  the  AIJ  Cache  for
  Electronic  disk  for  an operation which is not supported.  For
  instance, you may have tried to use the electronic cache as  the
  roll-forward journal, which is incorrect.

  User Action:  Do not use the AIJ Cache for Electronic  disk  for
  day-to-day  operations.  Use the disk-based after-image journals
  for all roll-forward or AIJ operations.


  previous AIJ backup did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears  that  the  previous  AIJ  file  backup
  process,  which  was  started on the indicated date/time, either
  failed or was prematurely terminated by the user.

  User Action:  No user action required.  The current  AIJ  backup
  will  backup the complete AIJ file to ensure there is no loss of
  transactions.  The AIJ file created by the failed backup utility
  MUST be preserved; DO NOT discard the AIJ backup file created by
  the failed backup utility.  Even though the AIJ  backup  failed,
  the  AIJ  backup  file  must be used for successful roll-forward


  illegal  after-image  journal  format  or  journal   incorrectly

  Explanation:  The file you specified does not appear  to  be  an
  after-image  journal  file.  For example, when performing an AIJ
  roll-forward  operation  using  an  after-image  journal  on   a
  magnetic   tape,   this  problem  will  occur  if  the  tape  is
  incorrectly mounted.

  User Action:  Check the file name and try again.  Verify that  a
  magnetic tape was correctly mounted.

175  –  BADAIJID

  the after-image journal contains a bad identification
  expected:  "<str>", found:  "<str>"

  Explanation:  OPEN record of the  after-image  journal  contains
  the wrong id.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot  be  used  to
  roll forward your database.  You should backup your database and
  create a new after-image journal file.

176  –  BADAIJPN

  There is no name associated with AIJ entry <num>.

  Explanation:  There is an active entry in the table of AIJ files
  in  the  root file, but there is no name associated with the AIJ

  User Action:  Disable journals, then  correct  or  redefine  the
  journals  with  the  RMU  Set After_Journal command or SQL ALTER
  DATABASE statements.  Next, reenable journals and perform a full
  and complete backup to insure future recoverability.


  AIJ file is incorrect for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is not the correct file  to
  be  rolled-forward.   Usually,  this  condition  occurs  for the
  following reasons:   1)  an  incorrect  AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging  was  disabled  and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  the first block of the after-image file should  be  of  an  OPEN
  expected:  "O", found "<str>"

  Explanation:   The  after-image  journal  file  (AIJ)  does  not
  contain  an  OPEN  record  in  its  first block, and will not be
  usable to roll forward your database.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.


  date specified by /UNTIL (<time>) has not yet been reached

  Explanation:  The date and time specified by the /UNTIL  command
  qualifier  had  not  yet  been  reached when after-image journal
  roll-forward operations were completed.

  User Action:  Another after-image journal, if any, might have to
  be  rolled  forward  to  ensure  that all transactions have been
  applied up to the specified date and time.  If no more AIJ files
  are available, the AIJ roll-forward operations are complete.


  after-image journal version is  incompatible  with  the  runtime

  Explanation:  Your after-image journal file was created with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot be used  with
  the  version of the software you have installed on your machine.
  Make  sure  you  are  using  the  correct  AIJ  journal,  or  if
  "multi-version"  software  is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.


  storage area <str> contains references
  to a logical area reserved for the AIP pages
  Logical area <num>, in storage area <num>

  Explanation:   A  storage  area  other  then  storage   area   1
  references the reserved logical area 16385.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  error fetching AIP page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  an  AIP  page
  from disk.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  error verifying the AIP pages

  Explanation:  Because the  AIP  pages  are  used  to  build  the
  information  about the database they must be correct in order to
  pursue the verification.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the last backup.


  "<str>" is not a valid user identifier

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  the  rights  database  was
  accessed to translate an identifier name to a binary identifier.

  User Action:  See the secondary  error  message,  and  supply  a
  valid user identifier.


  Area <str>
  Bad  logical  area   DBID   in   hash   bucket   logical   dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier  was  found  in
  the  hash  bucket dbkey.  The id should match that of the hashed
  index currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Area <str>
  Flags in hash bucket at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> are  not
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The hash bucket  flags  are  not  currently  used.
  They should be zero.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Area <str>
  Tried to read past end of hash bucket fragment.
  Fragment at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is corrupt.

  Explanation:  The length of the given  hash  bucket  is  greater
  than expected.  The hash bucket is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Area <str>
  Bad   index   DBID   in   hash   bucket   at    logical    dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid storage type identifier  was  found  in
  the  hash  bucket.   The  id  should be that of the hashed index
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  error readying larea <num> for bucket of index <str>

  Explanation:  The logical area corresponding to the hash  bucket
  for the hash index could not be readied.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.


  Header information could not be retrieved for segmented string.

  Explanation:  An attempt to get the  statistics  stored  at  the
  beginning of a segmented string failed.

  User Action:  Restore  and  recover  the  storage  area  from  a


  <str> has inconsistent block size

  Explanation:  Block read from backup file had a different  block
  size than originally written.

  User Action:


  bad bind parameter <str> value "<str>"

  Explanation:  The logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User  Action:   See  the  secondary  error  message   for   more

193  –  BADBNDPRM0

  bad bind parameter

  Explanation:  A logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User  Action:   See  the  secondary  error  message   for   more
  information.   Because  of  unfortunate  logistics,  no  further
  information is available at this point, check  the  Monitor  log
  for more info.


  value not in range <num> to <num>

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or  redefine  it  with  a
  value in the acceptable range.


  buffer size (<num>) is too small for largest page size (<num>)

  Explanation:  Specified buffer size is too small  to  hold  even
  one page from the storage area with the largest page size.


  record cache "<str>" does not exist

  Explanation:  The specified record cache is not defined  in  the

  User Action:  Please specify a valid record cache name.


  <num> client sequences allocated in the root is less than  <num>
  client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  allocated in the database root and the number
  of client sequences defined in the system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.


  <num> client sequences allocated in the root is  less  than  the
  maximum client sequence id of <num> in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  allocated in the database root and the number
  of client sequences defined in the system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.


  <num> client sequences in use in the root does not  equal  <num>
  client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  in use in the database root and the number of
  client sequences defined  in  the  system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.


  storage area <str> belongs to a single-file database

  Explanation:  The COUPLED bit in  the  FILID  of  this  area  is
  incorrect.  It is currently marked as belonging to a single-file
  database, while there are many areas in the database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the  RMU  Restore  command,
  and verify the database again.


  The entry that is identified as the current AIJ is not active.

  Explanation:  The entry in the list of AIJ files that is  marked
  as the current AIJ in the root file is not an active entry.

  User Action:  Disable journals, then  correct  or  redefine  the
  journals  with  the  RMU  Set After_Journal command or SQL ALTER
  DATABASE statements.  Finally, reenable journals and  perform  a
  full and complete backup to insure future recoverability.

202  –  BADDATA

  error in block <num> of <str> detected during backup

  Explanation:  Corruption of a  block  of  the  backup  file  was

  User Action:  None.  But you  should  investigate  the  possible
  sources of the corruption.


  illegal default format for date string

  Explanation:  The logical name, SYS$DATE_INPUT,  represents  the
  default format for a date string.  It is a three-character field
  (MDY,DMY, etc.), in which M = month, D = day, and Y = year.

  User Action:  Redefine the logical name with a legal date-string

204  –  BADDBID

  The DBID field for FILID entry number <num> does not
  match its position in the FILID list in the root.
  Instead, the DBID field contains <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID  list  contains  information  about  all
  areas  in  the database.  The DBID field in an entry for an area
  in the FILID list should match its position in  the  list.   The
  only  exception  is  for inactive entries in the list, where the
  DBID field may contain 0.  This error indicates that  the  entry
  does not contain a valid value in its DBID field.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  Error fetching dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of the line  with
  the given dbkey

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  can't find database root <str>

  Explanation:  The database root file you specified could not  be

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

207  –  BADDBPRO

  <str> file does not belong to
  database <str>
  found references to database <str>

  Explanation:  While validating the prologue page of an  area  it
  was  discovered that it contained references to a database other
  than the one being verified.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.  If this
  error is encountered while performing an  RMU  Convert  command,
  then it indicates that the database file was manually moved from
  its original location.  If  this  is  the  case,  then  its  new
  location  must  be  made known through the use of an RMU Convert
  options file and the RMU Convert command must be rerun using the
  options file.


  Area <str>
  Bad  logical  area   DBID   in   duplicate   hash   node   dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier  was  found  in
  the  duplicate  hash  node  dbkey.  The id should be that of the
  hashed index currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  The specified tape density is invalid for this device

  Explanation:  This tape device does  not  accept  the  specified

  User Action:  Specify a valid tape density for  this  device  or
  use the default density.


  error fetching data record from duplicate hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a duplicate hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.


  Bad length of data segment in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual length of a data segment  (found  part)
  of  a  segmented  string  is not equal to the length of the data
  segment stored in the corresponding  pointer  segment  (expected
  part)  of  the  segmented string.  See accompanying messages for
  the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Bad number of data segments found in segmented string
  pointer segment.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of data segments (found part) in
  a  pointer  segment  of  a  segmented string is greater than the
  number of data segments stored in the pointer segment  (expected
  part).   See  accompanying  messages  for  the  segmented string

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Last b-tree level at level <num> had non-null next pointer.
  Last b-tree node points to logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:   An  index  verification  error  was  found   when
  verifying  the  next  b-tree  node  of  a b-tree node.  The next
  b-tree node of a b-tree node B at level L is the  next  level  L
  node on the right of b-tree node B.  The rightmost node at level
  L should point to the NULL dbkey.  In this case it pointed to  a
  different dbkey.


  entity "<str>" does not exist in this database.

  Explanation:  The specified database entity is invalid.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Executor count is out of range.

  Explanation:  The plan file specified either too many or too few
  executors.  For the RMU Load command, there must be at least one
  executor and at most 255 executors.

  User Action:  Specify an appropriate number of executors in  the
  plan file.


  Extend percent value of <num> is invalid for area  <str>  (FILID
  entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an invalid extend percent

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  Column does not exist in table "<str>".

  Explanation:  The specified column is not in the table.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

218  –  BADFILID

  errors in FILID entries, unable to continue the verification

  Explanation:  The errors for some FILID entries are too  serious
  to continue the verification of the database.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the last backup.


  database file must have extension "<str>"

  Explanation:  All database files must have  the  specified  file

  User Action:  You might be attempting to access  a  non-database
  file.   If  not,  rename  or  copy the database file to have the
  proper type.


  after-image journal file contains references to wrong database
  expected:  "<str>", found:  "<str>"

  Explanation:   The  database  root  file  name  stored  in  your
  after-image   journal  file  differs  from  the  database  being
  verified.  This could be caused by the root file being moved  or
  restored  to  a different location.  It also could mean that the
  journal file is being used by other databases.  This could occur
  when  non-system-wide concealed logical names are used to create
  databases or AIJ files.

  User Action:  There is a danger that the AIJ is for  a  database
  other  than the database being verified.  You should backup your
  database and create a new after-image journal file.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  unexpected non-secondary fragment

  Explanation:  The current fragment in the  fragment  chain  does
  not  indicate  that  this  is  a  'secondary'  fragment  and the
  'primary' fragment in the chain has  already  been  encountered.
  This  message  is  followed  by  a  line indicating the previous
  record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad last fragment pointer
  expected:  <num>:<num>, found:  <num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The 'final' fragment of  the  fragment  chain  was
  encountered  but  its fragment pointer did not point back to the
  'primary' fragment of the chain.  The chain  has  probably  been
  corrupted;  that is, one of the fragments in the chain points to
  the wrong 'next' fragment.  This message is followed by  a  line
  indicating   the  previous  record  occurrence  of  the  invalid
  fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad expanded fragment length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The total record length stored  in  the  'primary'
  fragment  indicated  a  record  length  different from the total
  amount of data in the actual fragment chain.  The  total  record
  length  in  the  primary fragment may be incorrect or one of the
  fragments in the chain may have the wrong length  or  the  chain
  has  been  corrupted; that is, one of the fragments in the chain
  points to the wrong 'next' fragment.  This message  is  followed
  by  a  line  indicating  the  previous  record occurrence of the
  invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad fragment chain pointer
  expected <num> through <num>, found page number <num>

  Explanation:  The page number in the  fragment  pointer  of  the
  fragmented  storage  record  points to a page that is out of the
  page range for the storage area.  This message is followed by  a
  line  indicating  the  previous record occurrence of the invalid
  fragment chain, unless the error  is  detected  in  the  primary
  storage  segment of the chain.  The 'previous segment' line will
  not appear when this same error occurs,  as  the  bad  secondary
  storage segment is verified out of fragment chain context during
  segment verification.  That is, this message will usually  occur
  twice;  once  with  the  'previous  segment'  message  when  the
  fragment chain is  walked  to  collect  the  fragmented  storage
  record together for verification, and once without the 'previous
  segment' message, when the fragment is verified out of  fragment
  chain context.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Bad fragment chain.
  Expected fragment does not exist.

  Explanation:  The line number in the  fragment  pointer  of  the
  previous  storage  record  in  the  fragment  chain  points to a
  nonexistent line.  This message is followed by a line indicating
  the previous record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  Bad  logical  area  DBID  in  hashed  index  data  record  dbkey
  Found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  During  the  verification  operation,  an  invalid
  logical  area  identifier  was  found  in  the hashed index data
  record dbkey.  The id should match the  relation  on  which  the
  hashed index is defined.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  hash bucket DBID differs from expected DBID
  expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The storage record type database  id  for  a  hash
  bucket  is  a  constant  value.  It does not equal this constant
  value in this case.  This could be a corruption  of  the  system
  record pointer cluster or the data record itself.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index if  the  system  record  pointer
  cluster is corrupted.


  error fetching data record from hash bucket <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.


  Index <str> either points to a non-existent record or
  has multiple pointers to a record in table <str>.
  The logical dbkey in the index is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  An index contains a dbkey for  a  record  but  the
  dbkey  is  not a valid one for the relation corresponding to the
  index or the index contains multiple instances of the dbkey.

  User Action:  Recreate the index for the table.


  Statistics API:  The info request row index is not valid

  Explanation:  A statistics API request has been made for  a  row
  that does not exist.

  User Action:  Correct the row index.


  inconsistent page is corrupt -- not found in Corrupt Page Table

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  Furthermore,  the  page  is  probably corrupt, because it is not
  logged in the Corrupt Page Table as an inconsistent page.   This
  page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User  Action:   Take  the  proper  action  to  make   the   page
  consistent.   For  example,  perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or  ABM

232  –  BADLAREA

  could not ready logical area <num>,
  valid logical areas are between <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains a reference to  a  logical  area
  that does not exist.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  An invalid LIBRARIAN logical name has been specified.

  Explanation:  Incorrect  sytax  was  specified  for  defining  a
  logical name with the LIBRARIAN qualifier.

  User Action:  Repeat the command using the correct logical  name


  unable to read last page (<num>) in file <str>

  Explanation:  The attempt to read the last page of  the  storage
  area  failed.   The  highest initialized page value in the FILID
  could be corrupt.

  User Action:  If the FILID is corrupt, restore the database  and
  verify the database root again.


  Network error:  Bad message detected.

  Explanation:  A bad message was detected; possibly  a  corrupted

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Conversion not possible because of nonconforming metadata

  Explanation:  The metadata being converted does not  conform  to
  the  expectations  for  the  version  being  converted.  You can
  receive this error message as a result of a data  corruption  or
  prior unsupported metadata changes.

  User Action:  Use EXPORT - IMPORT to convert this database.

237  –  BADMODE

  <str> is an illegal transaction type

  Explanation:  A legal  transaction  type  is  either  EXCLUSIVE,
  PROTECTED,  or  SHARED.  It can be abbreviated down to as little
  as one character.

  User Action:  Use  only  EXCLUSIVE,  PROTECTED,  or  SHARED  for
  transaction type mode.


  index id invalid for b-tree node <num>:<num>:<num>
  expected:  <num> (hex), found <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The B-tree node at the given logical dbkey  has  a
  different   index   id  than  expected.   The  index  id  for  a
  nonpartioned index is the same as the logical  area  id  of  the
  index.  The index id for a partioned index is zero.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index and verify the database again.


  B-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  not  at  correct
  Expected level <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The "next b-tree node" of a b-tree node is not  at
  the  correct  level  in the node's b-tree structure.  Both nodes
  should be at the same level.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  <str> is an illegal numeric value for <str>

  Explanation:  A non-numeric character  was  encountered  for  an
  qualifier that takes a numeric value.

  User Action:  Use only numeric characters for  this  qualifier's


  Bad  logical  area  DBID  in  next  b-tree  node  logical  dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier was found in  a
  b-tree  node's  "next  b-tree  node"  dbkey.   The  logical area
  identifier of a b-tree node dbkey and  its  "next  b-tree  node"
  dbkey  should  be  equivalent  (that is, the two nodes should be
  from the same logical area).

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Bad next b-tree node at level <num>.
  Expected b-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Found next b-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message tells the user an index  verification
  error  was  found  when  verifying  the  "next b-tree node" of a
  b-tree node.  The "next b-tree node" of a b-tree node B at level
  L is the next level L node on the right of b-tree node B.

  User Action:  Rebuild the corrupted index.


  error fetching page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  a  page  from

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  page <num> is out of valid range  (1:<num>)  for  physical  area

  Explanation:  The page number requested does not fall within the
  range  of  pages  that  exist  in the specified physical storage
  area.  Note that a page number of 4294967295 is equal to -1.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  area <str>
  page number <num> out of range
  expected between 1 and <num>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch the given  page,  but
  the  fetch was not performed, because the page number was out of
  range for the area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  read  requesting  physical  page   <num>:<num>   returned   page

  Explanation:  The area or page numbers stored  on  the  database
  page  do  not  match  the  area  or  page  numbers  of the DBKEY
  requested to be read from the database.  This usually is  caused
  by a hardware problem.

  User Action:


  page size (<num>) conflicts with existing areas (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to define a new  storage  area
  with a page size that conflicts with other areas.

  User Action:  Define the area with a page size  that  is  within
  the range specified.


  Pages-Per-SPAM value of <num> is invalid for area  <str>  (FILID
  entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an invalid Pages-Per-SPAM

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

249  –  BADPARAM

  <str> (<num>) is out of valid range (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An illegal parameter was specified during creation
  or modification of the database.

  User Action:  Examine your command line  for  illegal  parameter


  Bad pointer cluster count in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual  pointer  cluster  count  field  (found
  part)  in a data record's KODA header portion does not match the
  pointer  cluster  count  expected  for  the  data  record.   See
  accompanying messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

251  –  BADPROID

  <str> file contains a bad identifier
  Expected "<str>", found "<str>"

  Explanation:  While validating the prologue page of an area,  it
  was discovered that it contained a bad identifier.

  User Action:  This problem may be corrected, using  RMU  RESTORE
  or  SQL  IMPORT.  If journaling is enabled, you may restore just
  the affected area and recover it.


  Bad number of pointer segments in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of pointer segments (found part)
  of  a  segmented  string  is  greater than the number of pointer
  segments stored in the header (expected part) of  the  segmented
  string.  The segmented string is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Tried to fetch data segments past the end of a
  segmented string pointer segment.

  Explanation:  During fetches of data  segments  from  a  pointer
  segment,  the  end  of  the  pointer  segment storage record was
  unexpectedly encountered.   The  segmented  string  is  probably
  corrupt.   See  accompanying  messages  for the segmented string

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  ABM flag set in page tail of data page <num>
  expected:  0, found:  1

  Explanation:  The Area Bit Map flag in a data Page Ptail  should
  not  be  set.   This flag is reserved for the Area Bit Map pages
  and should never be set for a data page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  invalid larea for uniform data page <num> in storage area <num>
  SPAM larea_dbid:  <num>, page larea_dbid:  <num>

  Explanation:  The logical area database id on the page does  not
  match  the  logical  area  in the SPAM page for a uniform format
  data page.  This could be because of a corrupt page  tail  or  a
  corrupt SPAM page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

256  –  BADRANGE

  <str> out of range [<num>:<num>]

  Explanation:  The limits are specified  as  [1:<num>]  for  area
  number  and  page  number, and as [0:<num>] for line number, and
  page offset.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  <str> <str> is an illegal user mode for <str>

  Explanation:   Indicated  user  mode  is  not  allowed  for  the
  specified operation.

  User Action:  Use a legal user mode for the specified operation.

258  –  BADREADY

  error readying storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area  could  not  be  readied  in  the
  requested  mode  perhaps  because  of corruption of AIP pages or
  because of a legitimate lock conflict with another user.

  User Action:  Check for possible conflicting users of  the  same
  area.  Try verification in a read-only ready mode.


  Invalid reference pointer <num>:<num>:<num> for duplicate B-tree
  node <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The reference pointer dbkey for a duplicate B-tree
  node  is corrupted.  The reference pointer dbkey must be greater
  than the last duplicate record dbkey.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the  owner node after dumping that page.  Rebuild the
  index if it is corrupt.


  Statistics API:  Unknown request class.

  Explanation:  An unrecognized request class was  passed  to  the
  statistics API.

  User Action:  Correct the request class value.


  error getting index "<str>" root dbkey

  Explanation:  It was not possible to get the  index  root  dbkey
  from  the  system  relation.   Indexes  cannot  be  verified  if

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.


  root file "<str>" no longer has its original name "<str>"

  Explanation:  The current root file name does not match the name
  used  when  the root file was created.  This could happen if you
  copied or renamed the root file, or  if  the  file  was  created
  using  a  concealed logical device name and that logical name is
  no longer defined.

  User Action:  Rename or copy the root file back to its  original
  name  or  location,  or redefine the necessary concealed logical
  device name in the system logical name table.


  Statistics API:  Bad request buffer.

  Explanation:  A statistics API request buffer  is  not  properly

  User Action:  Correct the API request buffer.

264  –  BADRTIMG

  Failed to activate external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  There was an error in attempting  to  activate  an
  image   that  contains  an  external  routine.   The  last  line
  displayed is the error returned.

  User Action:  Check that the image is the correct  one  for  the
  external  routine,  that  the  image is in the correct location,
  that all appropriate logical names have been defined,  and  that
  the  image  can  be  dynamically  activated as defined given the
  current privileges.


  run-unit journal version is incompatible with the runtime system

  Explanation:  Your run-unit journal file  was  created  with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your run-unit journal file cannot be used with the
  version  of  the  software  you  have installed on your machine.
  Make  sure  you  are  using  the  correct  RUJ  journal,  or  if
  "multi-version"  software  is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.

266  –  BADSCOPE

  singular cluster item applied to entire cluster

  Explanation:  A DISPLAY command involving CLUSTER * is  followed
  by singular context; for example, NEXT.  Most often this happens
  because of the context assumed from previous commands.  The same
  portion  of all clusters in a storage record cannot be displayed
  with one command.

  User Action:  You must use multiple commands to display the same
  portion of all clusters in a storage record.


  Bad number of data segments in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of data segments (found part) of
  a  segmented  string is greater than the number of data segments
  stored in the header (expected part) of  the  segmented  string.
  See accompanying messages for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Bad segmented string length.
  Expected:  <num><num> found:  <num><num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The actual length  (found  part)  of  a  segmented
  string is greater than the length stored in the header (expected
  part) of the segmented string.  See  accompanying  messages  for
  the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Bad longest data segment length of segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual  longest  data  segment  length  (found
  part)  of  a  segmented  string is greater than the longest data
  segment length stored in  the  header  (expected  part)  of  the
  segmented  string.   See accompanying messages for the segmented
  string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Storage segment of <num> found in storage segment header
  Expected segmented string type of <num>, found <num>

  Explanation:  A storage  segment  was  found  that  specified  a
  segmented  string  of  the  type identified by the number in the
  first message.  The number stored inside  the  segmented  string
  (that  is  also  used  to identify the type of segmented string)
  must agree with the storage type found  in  the  header  of  the
  storage segment.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database


  Storage segment of <num> found in storage segment header.
  Expected segmented string type of <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  A storage  segment  was  found  that  specified  a
  segmented  string  of  the  type identified by the number in the
  first message.  The number stored inside  the  segmented  string
  (that  is  also  used  to identify the type of segmented string)
  must agree with the storage type found  in  the  header  of  the
  storage segment.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database


  spam  interval  (<num>)  is  too  large  for  page  size  (<num>

  Explanation:  The SPAM interval is too large for  the  specified
  page size.

  User Action:  Reduce the SPAM  interval  or  increase  the  page


  error fetching SPAM page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  a  SPAM  page
  from disk.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


         errors in SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Some errors occurred during verification  of  SPAM

  User Action:  Verify all the pages in spam range for the corrupt
  spam page.


  invalid storage area DBID <num>,
  valid storage areas are between <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Storage area database ids are expected to be  less
  than  or  equal  to  the  number of areas in the database.  This
  storage area database id is corrupt.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  statistics input file version is incompatible with the  software

  Explanation:  The binary statistics file specified by the /INPUT
  qualifier  was  created  with  an  incompatible  version  of the

  User Action:  The binary statistics file cannot be used with the
  version of the software you have installed on your machine.


  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> contains an invalid storage version.
  Expected non-zero value no larger than <num> but found <num>.

  Explanation:  An invalid version number was found for a vertical
  partition  of  a  row.   The  dbkey reported is the dbkey of the
  partition with  the  invalid  version.   Currently,  Oracle  Rdb
  supports  only  one version of a vertical partition; you can not
  change the definition of a partition.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database  page  containing
  the corrupt record.


  Bad pointer portion length in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual pointer  portion  length  field  (found
  part)  in a data record's KODA header portion does not match the
  pointer portion  length  expected  for  the  data  record.   See
  accompanying messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Bad storage type dbid in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual storage type database id  (found  part)
  in  a  data  record's  KODA  header  portion  does not match the
  database id expected for  the  data  record.   See  accompanying
  messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  error readying larea <num> for system record of index <str>

  Explanation:  The  logical  area  corresponding  to  the  system
  record for the hash index could not be readied.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.


  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  system record DBID differs from expected DBID.
  Expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  A system record which was needed to locate a  hash
  bucket  was  expected at the given dbkey but was not found.  The
  page from which the record was  fetched  and  the  corresponding
  storage area are probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  after-image journal creation version differs from the root
  expected:  <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The database creation  time  stored  in  the  root
  differs from the time recorded in your after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot  be  used  to
  roll  forward  your database.  Backup your database and create a
  new after-image journal file.


  Space management thresholds values of <num>,  <num>,  <num>  are
  invalid for area <str> (FILID entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains invalid space  management
  thresholds values.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

284  –  BADVALUE

  invalid value "<str>"

  Explanation:  A parameter was given an illegal value.

  User Action:  Correct error and try again.


  after-image journal version is incompatible with the DBCS
  expected:  <num><num>, found:  <num><num>

  Explanation:  Your after-image journal file was created with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot be used  with
  the version of the software you have installed on your machine.

286  –  BADVRP2RV

  Primary vertical partition has mismatched record versions  <num>
  and <num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition of a vertically  partitioned
  record  has  two  copies  of  the  record version number for the
  record.  This message is displayed when the two numbers  do  not

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page  containing  the  bad


  Vertical partition ID for dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is  stored  as
  The valid vertical partition ID for this logical area is <num>.

  Explanation:  Each logical area containing a vertical  partition
  of a record can contain information for only one of the vertical
  partitions.  This message indicates that a  specified  dbkey  is
  associated with the incorrect partition number.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page from backup.


  Vertical partition reference <num> points to  an  invalid  dbkey

  Explanation:   The  pointer  for  one  of  the  vertical  record
  partition segments within a row did not contain a valid dbkey.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is vertically partitioned.

  Explanation:  A record was  found  that  should  not  have  been
  vertically partitioned but was.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Vertical partition <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  does not point back to the correct primary segment
  invalid reference was <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The pointer to the primary segment from one of the
  secondary  segments  within  a  vertically partitioned record is

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  The primary partition at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> segment <num>
  points to another primary partition at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  A primary vertical record partition segment should
  only  point  to  secondary  segments,  never  to another primary
  segment.  The specified row points to another primary segment.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  confirmation not allowed in batch

  Explanation:  Confirmation is not permitted in batch mode.

  User Action:  Try again without  CONFIRM,  or  from  interactive


  The backup command was"<str>".

  Explanation:  Make sure that all the backup set files  specified
  by the backup command have been specified by the restore command

  User Action:  Repeat the restore, specifying all the backup  set
  files in the correct order.


  unable to open file <str> for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area file corresponding to the storage
  area could not be opened successfully.

  User Action:  Check the error message to make sure the  filename
  is  correct.   If  the  filename  is  not  correct, the FILID is
  corrupt.  In this case, restore the  database,  and  verify  the
  database root again.


  The specified BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value would cause an illegal clump
  page count for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The  SPAM  clump  page  count  multiplied  by  the
  specified  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE  value  would  be  greater  than  the
  maximum of 64 blocks.  For  uniform  storage  areas,  if  a  new
  blocks_per_page value is specified RMU/RESTORE cannot change the
  clump page count of the backup up database.

  User Action:  Repeat the  restore  with  a  new  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE
  value or without changing the BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value.


  day, month, or year field in date string out of range

  Explanation:   The  month  field  must  be  between  1  and   12
  inclusive.   The  day  field must be between 1 and 31 inclusive.
  The year field must be between 0 and 3000 inclusive.

  User Action:   Re-enter  the  DATE  data  item  with  the  error


  error readying logical area with dbid <num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  an  attempt  was  made  to
  ready  the  given  logical  area.   This  could  be because of a
  corruption in the RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If there is a corruption that  causes
  this  error, correct the error with the RMU Restore command, and
  verify the database again.


  area inventory page <num> contains a reference
  to a logical area it does not belong
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains an entry that is not in use, but
  is not empty.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

299  –  BDLIVDBD

  The live area for snapshot area <str> is not valid.
  Expected a number between 1 and <num>.  Found <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each  snapshot  area  contains
  the  FILID  entry  number  for  its  live area.  The area number
  stored for this FILID entry is not in the valid range  of  FILID
  numbers for this database.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  invalid DBID for single-file database area <str>
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains a database id other  than
  1 for a live area of a single-file database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  Bad logical area DBID in segmented string segment
  logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier was found in  a
  segmented  string data segment dbkey.  See accompanying messages
  for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  unable to open file <str> for snapshot area <str>

  Explanation:   The  storage  area  file  corresponding  to   the
  snapshot area could not be opened successfully.

  User Action:  Check the error message to make sure the  filename
  is  correct.   If  the  filename  is  not  correct, the FILID is
  corrupt.  In this case, restore the  database,  and  verify  the
  database root again.

303  –  BDSNPDBD

  The snapshot area for live area <str> is not valid.
  Expected a number between 1 and <num>.  Found <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each live  area  contains  the
  FILID  entry  number  for  its  snapshot  area.  The area number
  stored for this FILID entry is not in the valid range  of  FILID
  numbers for this database.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  the DBID value of this snap area is wrong
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains a database id other  than
  2 for a snapshot area of a single-file database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  illegal space range for current space management page

  Explanation:  The limits of the space range are not in ascending
  order,  or  the range goes past the end of the space information
  for the current space management page.

  User Action:  Try the operation again, putting the range  limits
  in  ascending  order  or  correcting  the  range  so it does not
  reference a space entry outside of  the  space  management  page


  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:   An  attempt  was  made  to  back  up   an   empty
  after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Be sure the correct after-image journal  file  was

307  –  BLOCKCRC

  software block CRC error

  Explanation:  Media error detected on tape.

  User Action:  None.


  block of <str> lost due to unrecoverable error

  Explanation:  Tape data recovery failed for this block of data.

  User  Action:   The  restored  database  may   be   corrupt   or
  incomplete.  Validate and repair the database before using.

309  –  BLRINV

  internal error - BLR string <num> for <str>.<str> is invalid

  Explanation:  An attempt to translate an internal metadata  item

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

310  –  BOUND

  multiple binds are not allowed

  Explanation:  You are already bound to a database.  You can only
  be bound to one database at a time for a given stream.

  User Action:  You can execute an UNBIND statement  and  try  the
  BIND  again,  or  use  the  multiple stream feature to bind to a
  database on another stream.

311  –  BREAK

  internal system failure -- database session  attach  information
  not found

  Explanation:  The database session information cannot be  found;
  this may be indicative of a more serious problem.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  bad b-tree owner dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> for index <str>

  Explanation:  The owner dbkey  of  a  b-tree  node  is  invalid.
  Further verification of the b-tree is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error by recreating the related index,
  and verify the database again.


  Leftmost edge of interior b-tree node at level <num> must have a
  IKEY of "<str>" found as first entry of dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The left edge of a b-tree must have a null Ikey at
  each  non-leaf level.  The specified b-tree node was at the left
  edge of the tree and had a non-null Ikey  as  its  first  entry.
  This indicates that the index is corrupt.

  User Action:  Drop and rebuild the index.


  Inconsistent duplicate cardinality (C1) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Actual count of duplicates is !@UQ.

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent   with   the  the  cardinality  computed  from  the
  duplicate list for the entry.  This will cause wrong results for
  SQL  queries  like  COUNT(*).   Rebuild the index and verify the
  database again.


  Inconsistent entry cardinality (C1) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  using  precision  of
  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> at level <num> specified  a  cardinality
  of !@UQ.

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent  with  the the cardinality supplied by the targeted
  child in the b-tree.


  B-tree node entry <num> has an invalid data length of <num>.

  Explanation:  An entry in a B-tree node was identified as having
  an  invalid  data length.  A data length is invalid if it is LEQ
  zero for a  entry  containing  duplicates  or  NEQ  zero  for  a
  non-duplicate  entry.   The  data  length  is also invalid if it
  extends beyond the end of the b-tree node.


  parent B-tree node of <num>:<num>:<num> is at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred at a lower level in the  B-tree.
  The B-tree node at the given logical dbkey is in the path in the
  B-tree from the root to a node where an error occurred.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem happened and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.


  Sum of entry cardinalities given as !@UQ; expected !@UQ.

  Explanation:  The cardinality in the ANHD header disagreed  with
  the sum of the cardinalities found in the entries for the node.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record <str>,
  b-tree node dbkey contains an invalid logical area id
  expected 1 through <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key  followed by a compressed dbkey.  The logical area id of the
  dbkey of the current entry of the b-tree node is not within  the
  range  of  logical area id numbers computed.  The valid range is
  expected to be 1 through <num>.  Further  verification  of  that
  b-tree  node  is  abandoned.  This message is followed by one or
  two lines.  The first line indicates the parent node of the node
  in  error (unless the parent is the owner record occurrence).  A
  second line indicates the owner record occurrence of the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  Non-zero counts in a duplicate node entry.

  Explanation:  One of the PRE_LEN, SEP_LEN, C1 or C2 counts  were
  non-zero in a duplicate node entry for a b-tree.


  Invalid flags found for b-tree node  entry  <num>.   Flags  were

  Explanation:  An entry in a B-tree node was identified as having
  invalid  flag bits.  This prevents verification of the remainder
  of the b-tree node.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  b-tree node dbkey contains an invalid page number
  expected <num> through <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key  followed  by  a  compressed  dbkey.  The page number of the
  dbkey of the current entry of the b-tree node is not within  the
  range  of  page  numbers for the storage area to which the dbkey
  points.  The valid range is expected  to  be  1  through  <num>.
  Further  verification  of the b-tree is abandoned.  This message
  is followed by one or two lines.  The first line  indicates  the
  parent node of the node in error (unless the parent is the owner
  record occurrence).  A second line indicates  the  owner  record
  occurrence of the invalid b-tree.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  Inconsistent leaf cardinality (C2) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  using  precision  of
  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> at level <num> specified  a  cardinality
  of !@UQ

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent  with  the the cardinality supplied by the targeted
  child in the b-tree.

  User Action:  Drop the index and rebuild it.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  b-tree node length error
  expected node length <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The length of each b-tree node is stored after the
  expanded  dbkey  of  the owner record occurrence.  The length in
  the b-tree node and the length computed by examining the entries
  within  the  b-tree  node do not agree.  Further verification of
  the b-tree is abandoned.  This message is followed by one or two
  lines.   The first line indicates the parent node of the node in
  error (unless the parent is the  owner  record  occurrence).   A
  second line indicates the owner record occurrence of the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  B-tree node Ikeys not in lexical order
  found key "<str>" in b-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>
  followed by key "<str>" in b-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key followed by a compressed dbkey.  The keys stored in a b-tree
  node must be in ascending lexical order.  The keys stored in the
  current  b-tree  node are out of order.  Further verification of
  the b-tree is abandoned.

  User Action:  Drop and recreate the index, or correct the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command or the SQL IMPORT statement and
  verify the database again.


  Dbkey of B-tree node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  This message gives the dbkey of the  B-tree  index
  node  so the integrity of the index can be verified manually, if

  User  Action:   Ascertain  if  index  is  corrupt  by   manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild the index.


  B-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  contains a filler field that should be zero
  expected:  0, found:  <num><num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The b-tree node contains a filler  field  that  is
  reserved  for future expansion.  It should contain all zeros but
  does not.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  root dbkey of b-tree partition in <str> is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An  error  occurred  at  a  lower  level  in  this
  partition  of  the  b-tree.   This  error message gives the root
  dbkey of this partition of the b-tree index  to  help  determine
  the point of corruption.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem occurred and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record with prefix key "<str>"
  contains a bad prefix key len, expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The length of the prefix in  the  separator  of  a
  btree node is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index and verify the database again.


  Invalid precision of <num><num> (hex) specified for B-tree.

  Explanation:  The precision specified in the root  node  of  the
  B-tree  is  invalid.  A valid precision has the high bit set set
  and the other bits must be greater than zero and  less  than  or
  equal to 100.


  root dbkey of B-tree is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred at a lower level in the  B-tree.
  This  error  message gives the root dbkey of the B-tree index to
  help determine the point of corruption.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem occurred and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record contains a logical area
  that does not match logical area of owner occurrence in b-tree
  owner:  <str>, storage record:  <str>

  Explanation:  Each node of a b-tree, except the terminal  member
  records,  contains  the storage set id number of the indexed set
  type.  This id number should be the same as the storage  set  id
  number  of the pointer cluster in the owner record occurrence of
  the b-tree.  The storage set id number  stored  in  the  current
  b-tree  node is not correct.  Further verification of the b-tree
  is abandoned.  This message is followed by  one  or  two  lines.
  The  first  line  indicates the parent node of the node in error
  (unless the parent is the owner record  occurrence).   A  second
  line  indicates  the  owner  record  occurrence  of  the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.


  B-tree verification pruned at this dbkey

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a B-tree node.
  Verification  will  not  proceed beyond this node down the tree.
  However, verification of other nodes will continue.

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  all buffers are lost

  Explanation:  This is indicative of an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  The specified BLOCKS_PER_PAGE  <num>  exceeds  the  buffer  size
  <num> for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area page size  must  not  be  greater
  than the database buffer size.

  User Action:  Repeat the  restore  with  a  new  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE
  value  or  without changing the BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value or with an
  increased buffer size.


  Network error:  Network buffer too big.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  buffer size (<num>) is smaller than largest page (<num>)

  Explanation:   The  buffer  size  must  be   large   enough   to
  accommodate the largest page size within the database.

  User Action:  Specify a buffer size at least  as  large  as  the
  message indicates.

338  –  BUFTRUNC

  response buffer truncated.

  Explanation:  The supplied response buffer is not  large  enough
  to  accommodate  the  results  of the statistics API query.  The
  contents of the returned buffer are valid but incomplete.

  User Action:  Correct the user  program,  and  try  the  request

339  –  BUGCHECK

  fatal, unexpected error detected

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database management system.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  generating bugcheck dump file <str>

  Explanation:  The database  management  system  has  detected  a
  fatal,  unexpected  error,  and  is writing a bugcheck dump file
  with the specified file name.

  User Action:  Please  send  this  bugcheck  dump  file  to  your
  software  specialist,  along  with any other related programs or

341  –  BYPAGABM

  "by page"  RESTORE  of  an  ABM  (area  bitmap  page)  page  was

  Explanation:  ABM pages are not backed up, so they  can  not  be
  restored.   The  affected page has been initialized, but the ABM
  chain must be rebuilt to complete the correction of the  corrupt
  ABM page.

  User Action:  Correct ABM pages by using the  ABM  qualifier  of
  the RMU Repair command.  You can do this now.

342  –  BYPAGAIP

  "by page" RESTORE of an AIP (area inventory page) was attempted

  Explanation:  Corruptions in the AIP (area  inventory)  may  not
  always be correctable using a "by page" RESTORE operation.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Verify command to verify the database.
  If  the "by page" restore operation was not effective, perform a
  "by area" restore of the entire RDB$SYSTEM storage area.

343  –  CABORT

  user entered Control-C to abort  RMU  CONVERT  causing  database

  Explanation:  You entered a CTRL/C to abort a convert operation.
  The database is now corrupt.

  User Action:  Start with a backup of the database.  Use the  RMU
  Convert command again.


  record cache <str> is still referenced by storage area <str>

  Explanation:  Unable to delete record cache because it is  still
  being referenced by one or more storage areas.

  User Action:  Remove the record cache from the affected  storage
  areas first.


  RCS is active on this node and the  database  is  also  open  on
  another node

  Explanation:  The Record Cache Server (RCS) process is active on
  this node and another node has this database open.  The database
  must be closed on all other nodes before it  can  be  closed  on
  this node.


  Cannot create logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Too many logical areas have been  created.   Can't
  create a new one.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to create so  many  logical  areas.


  error assigning a channel to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  assign  a
  channel to a VMS mailbox.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error mapping database root file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during mapping to  the  database
  root file.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  database could not be closed as requested

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  detected  an  error  while
  attempting to close the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error creating AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error creating AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error creating Buffer Object

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create  an
  OpenVMS buffer object.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more


  error creating database recovery process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached database recovery process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  Cannot create executor process.

  Explanation:  The root process could  not  create  one  or  more
  executor processes.

  User Action:  Look at the secondary message that  describes  the
  reason for the process creation failure for further information.


  error creating and mapping database global section

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  map to the database global section.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more


  error creating AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error creating AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  cannot create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  mailbox.   Mailboxes  are used for interprocess communication by
  the database management system.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason  for  failure.   Usually,  you will have to change one of
  your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O-byte count  quota  or
  the open-file quota).


  unable to start database monitor process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  database monitor process.  This is a detached process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  error creating Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error creating or mapping Very Large Memory region

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create  or
  map a database Very Large Memory (VLM) region.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more

362  –  CANTCVRT

  cannot convert this database version

  Explanation:  Your database is not recognized as one  which  can
  be converted.

  User Action:  Either the database being  converted  has  already
  been  converted,  is  too  old  to  be  converted,  or  is not a
  database.  Check your backups.


  Cannot convert a database with CPT entries.

  Explanation:  Your database has  entries  in  the  corrupt  page
  table and cannot be converted.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the corrupt pages, back up the
  database, and then convert it.


  error deleting "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to delete the
  indicated  file.  You must be able to change the protection on a
  file in order to delete it.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  cannot locate standby AIJ journal to match master database

  Explanation:  A master database AIJ journal cannot be located on
  the standby database.

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by  dumping  the  database
  header information.


  cannot locate logical area <num> in area inventory page list

  Explanation:  This is an internal error.  A request was made  to
  find  logical  area  information  for the specified logical area
  number but no active AIP entries could be found for that logical
  area number.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  database monitor error establishing termination lock

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  was  unable  to  assert  a
  request  on the user's image termination lock.  The user's image
  might already have terminated before the  monitor  received  the

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more


  error mapping to shared memory "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred  while  mapping  to  a  database
  shared memory section.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

369  –  CANTOCDB

  Error encountered while opening or closing database file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occured while trying to openor close  the
  specified database file.

  User Action:  See  previous  error  message  in  the  output  to
  determine what corrective action to take.


  database could not be opened as requested

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  detected  an  error  while
  attempting to open the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error opening input file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  opening  of  the  input

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  error opening AIJ Log Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ Log Catch-Up Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Catch-Up Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Roll-Forward Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ log server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during  opening  of  log  server
  output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  cannot open root file "<str>"

  Explanation:  The named root file could not be opened.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  unable to send mail to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to send  mail
  to a mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  error opening or reading database file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  open  or
  read from the database file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more


  error reading pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  read  one
  or  more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  error resuming AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  you  attempted  to  resume
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error resuming AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to resume the
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

382  –  CANTSNAP

  can't ready storage area <str> for snapshots

  Explanation:  Snapshots were last enabled for  this  area  by  a
  transaction  that had not committed before the snapshot started.
  Information to materialize the snapshot is not present.

  User Action:  Restart the snapshot transaction.  If failure of a
  snapshot  transaction  is  critical,  you should ready all areas
  before doing any retrievals.


  error spawning sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  spawn  a

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error starting AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  start  a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  start  a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  detached  AIJ  Log  Catch-Up  Server  process  on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  detached  AIJ  Log Roll-Forward Server process on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting  to  start  the
  detached   "Hot   Standby"  Server  process  on  the  replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting  to  start  the
  detached Record Cache Server process on the indicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  cannot start transaction

  Explanation:  Cannot start a transaction as requested.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error stopping AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  stop  a
  detached AIJ log-server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error stopping "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  stop  the
  detached "Hot Standby" Server process(es).

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error stopping Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  stop  a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error suspending AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  suspend
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error suspending AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  suspend
  the   detached  AIJ  Log  Roll-Forward  Server  process  on  the
  replicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error writing pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to write  one
  or  more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  captive account -- no DCL commands can be issued

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to issue a DCL command from  a
  captive account.

  User Action:  Do not issue DCL commands from captive accounts or
  modify  the  account  flags  so  that it's possible to spawn DCL


  /FULL can only be used with CARDINALITY statistics

  Explanation:  The /FULL  qualifier  can  only  be  used  if  the
  RMU/SHOW  OPTIMIZER  command is displaying TABLE, INDEX or INDEX

  User Action:  Specify the display of CARDINALITY statistics with
  the /FULL qualifier.


  Cache directory "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The specified  record  cache  directory  does  not
  include a device and directory.

  User Action:  Include a device and directory specification.


  Could not access the CDD/Plus repository.

  Explanation:  An error was detected while attempting  to  access
  the CDD/Plus repository.

  User Action:  The secondary error (CDD/Plus error) indicates the
  appropriate action.


  The repository record  or  field  definition  retrieved  is  not

  Explanation:  The record or field definition retrieved from  the
  repository  uses attributes or attribute values not supported by
  the load function.

  User Action:  Create a new compatible definition.


  The repository  pathname  did  not  specify  an  entity  in  the

  Explanation:  The entity specified by  the  repository  pathname
  was not found in the repository.

  User Action:  Correct the specified pathname.


  The repository pathname did not specify a unique entity  in  the

  Explanation:  More than one entity was found for  the  specified
  repository pathname.

  User Action:  Correct the specified pathname, and check  it  for


  Workload column group already exists for table <str>.

  Explanation:  The specified column group already exists for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  None.


  Workload column group for table <str> not found.

  Explanation:  The specified column group does not exist for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column group and try again.


  Workload column groups for table <str> not found.

  Explanation:  The specified column groups do not exist  for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column groups and try again.

407  –  CHECKSUM

  checksum error - computed <num>, page contained <num>

  Explanation:   The  computed  checksum  for  the  database  page
  disagreed  with  the checksum actually stored on the page.  This
  usually is caused by a hardware problem.

  User Action:  None.


  Transaction checkpointing is not enabled for this database

  Explanation:  This request was ignored because checkpointing  is
  not enabled.

  User Action:  No action is required.


  Make sure that the Power  Utilities  option  has  been  properly
  installed on your system

  Explanation:  An attempt to execute a parallel  load  or  backup
  operation  was  attempted  but the power utilities have not been
  installed on the system.

  User  Action:   Install  the  power  utilities  and  retry   the

410  –  CHMODERR

  Error on call to chmod.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX chmod
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Continuous LogMiner  requires  fixed-size  circular  after-image

  Explanation:  The  Continuous  LogMiner  feature  requires  that
  fixed-size circular after-image journals are used.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are  required  the
  database  must  be  re-configured  to enable fixed-size circular
  after-image journals.


  Continuous LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The  Continuous  LogMiner  feature  has  not  been
  enabled on this database.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are required,  The
  Continuous LogMiner should be enabled.


  the clump page count multiplied by the number of blocks
  per page is greater than the maximum of 64 blocks
  Computed:  <num>.  CLUMP_PAGCNT = <num>; PAG_BLKCNT = <num>

  Explanation:  The clump page count multiplied by the  number  of
  blocks  per  page  is  greater  than  the  maximum of 64 blocks.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

414  –  CLOSERR

  Network error:  Error closing file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX  bind
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Command in options file exceeds 1024 characters in length

  Explanation:  a command line from the options file  exceeds  the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the options file to fix the problem.


  verification of constraints is incomplete due to errors.

  Explanation:  An  error  occurred  during  the  verification  of
  constraints which prevented further verification of constraints.
  Other  requested   verifications   were   performed.    Messages
  describing  the error that prevented constraint verification are
  displayed following this message.

  User  Action:   If  the  messages  following  this  message  are
  LOCK_CONFLICT  followed  by  CANTSNAP,  then there was a locking
  conflict between the transaction verifying the constraint (which
  is a read-only transaction) and another transaction which has an
  area  locked  in   exclusive   mode.    Retry   the   constraint
  verification when no exclusive transactions are running.


  Prefix   cardinality   has   been   estimated    for    database
  <str>.RMU/COLLECT  OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  should  be  run  to get
  actual values.

  Explanation:  The Rdb query  optimzer  uses  prefix  cardinality
  statistics.    Running   RMU/COLLECT  OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  will
  replace estimated or out of data cardinality values with  actual
  cardinality values.

  User Action:  Run RMU/COLLECT OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  as  soon  as


  cannot convert number to a date string

  Explanation:  A quadword DATE data type is not  in  the  correct
  form to be converted to a text string.

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in the correct format.


  Failed to insert workload column group for table <str>.

  Explanation:  The specified column group could not  be  inserted
  for the specified table.

  User Action:  Make sure the  database  is  accessible.   Contact
  your  Oracle  support  representative  for  assistance  if  this
  problem persists.


  Column <str> of table <str> not found.

  Explanation:   The  specified  column  does  not  exist  in  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column name and try again.

421  –  COLTXT_10

  Workload column group for <str> is not found.

  Explanation:  You specified a non-existent  column  group  on  a
  command line.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the names and the  order  of
  the column group.

422  –  COLTXT_13

  Failed to insert workload column group for <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt to insert a column group  for  a  table

  User Action:  None

423  –  COLTXT_50

  Changing <str> area to READ_WRITE.

424  –  COLTXT_51

  Changing <str> area to READ_ONLY.

425  –  COLTXT_52

  Prefix cardinality

426  –  COLTXT_53

  ***Prefix cardinality collection is disabled***

427  –  COLTXT_54

  Segment Column :  <str>

428  –  COLTXT_55

  Table cardinality

429  –  COLTXT_56

  Index cardinality

430  –  COLTXT_57

  Actual Stored Diff Percent

431  –  COLTXT_58

  Actual Stored Diff Percent Thresh

432  –  COLTXT_59

  (Cardinality:  Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual)

433  –  COLTXT_60

  (Cardinality:      Diff=Stored-Actual,      Percent=Diff/Actual,
  Thresh=Percent exceeded)

434  –  COMPLEX

  data conversion error on complex data type

  Explanation:  There would have been loss  of  information  on  a
  complex data type conversion.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Enter another value.


  currently modified area  header  fields  must  be  committed  or
  rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or  rolling  back  currently modified header
  fields for area files.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.


  currently modified area file fields must be committed or  rolled

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing or rolling back currently modified fields for
  area files.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.


  currently modified pages must be committed or rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or  rolling back currently modified database

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.


  currently modified ROOT fields must be committed or rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or rolling back currently modified fields in
  the root file.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.


  this command

  not  alowed  if  a  DEPOSIT  ROOT  UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER  command is
  currently pending for this RMU/ALTER session.  The DEPOSIT  ROOT
  UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER  command will write the root unique identifier
  to ALL storage area header blocks to insure  database  integrity
  command is redundant.

  User Action:  The user will  have  to  COMMIT  or  ROLLBACK  the
  current  session  before  he can execute the DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER


  conflicting qualifiers <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated qualifiers can not be used together.

  User Action:  Read the HELP file or documentation to  see  which
  qualifier you need.

441  –  CONFOPT

  conflicting options - all options have been disabled

  Explanation:  The command option negated all options.

  User Action:  Correct the RMU command.


  Do you really want to <str> this transaction?  [<char>]:

  Explanation:  Confirm that the user actually wants to  take  the


  Conflicting name usage - Record and Field have the same name

  Explanation:  The RECORD name derived from the RELATION name  is
  identical to the name of a FIELD of that record.

  User Action:  If the .rrd  file  is  to  be  imported  into  the
  repository,  it  must  first  be  edited  to  resolve  the  name
  conflict.  If you do not plan to import into the repository,  no
  action is required.


  Error connecting to server.  To correct the most  common  causes
  of  this  problem,  check  that  SQL/Services  is running on the
  server node and that your network is configured for  the  chosen

  Explanation:  An error was encountered  on  the  connect  system
  service call.

  User Action:  To correct the most common causes of this problem,
  check  that  SQL/Services is running on the server node and that
  your network is configured for the chosen transport.


  Network error:  Timeout connecting to server.

  Explanation:  The server created a connect context for a client,
  but  it  did  not  complete connect processing within the server
  specified interval.

  User Action:  Determine that  SQL/Services  is  running  on  the
  server system and then retry connecting to the server.


  area <str> is already consistent

  Explanation:  You issued an  RMU  command  with  the  intent  of
  making this area consistent.  But it already is consistent.

  User Action:  None.


  Verification of constraint "<str>" has failed.

  Explanation:  The specified  constraint  failed  a  verification
  check.    One   or  more  rows  in  the  database  violate  this
  constraint.  A constraint violation may occur when using the RMU
  Load  command  with  the  Noconstraint  qualifier  or  with  the
  Constraint=Deferred qualifier.

  User Action:  Determine the offending rows and correct  them  to
  remove the constraint violation.


  Too  many  errors:   List  of  constraint  violations  has  been

  Explanation:  Too  many  invalid  constraints  were  identified.
  Over   100   invalid  constraints  were  identified  before  the
  operation was terminated.

  User Action:  Fix the displayed  constraints  and  reverify  the
  database to find additional invalid constraints.


  <str> contains a continued file - cannot append

  Explanation:  The output tape contains a file which is continued
  on  the next tape volume.  The backup file can not be written on
  this tape unless it is initialized.

  User Action:  Initialize the tape or use another tape.

450  –  CONVERR

  data conversion error

  Explanation:  The  database  management  system  was  unable  to
  convert the data item from one data type to another.

  User Action:  Enter another value.


  Corrupt or inconsistent pages are present in area <str>

  Explanation:  The operation can not proceed  because  there  are
  known corrupt or inconsistent pages in the named storage area.

  User Action:  Correct corrupt  pages  (or  areas)  by  executing
  restore  and  recover operations.  Inconsistent pages (or areas)
  can be made consistent with the RMU Recover command.

452  –  CORRUPT

  storage area is corrupt, indices cannot be verified
  Indices cannot be verified

  Explanation:  Found corrupted storage area.

  User Action:  Verify the database using the Areas  qualifier  to
  find out which storage area is corrupted.


  Page <num> in area <str> is marked as corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified page is unreadable.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Restore command to  restore  the  page
  from  a  backup.   Then use the RMU Recover command to apply any
  changes since the last backup.


  Snapshot page <num> for live area <str> is marked as corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified snapshot page is unreadable.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Repair or the  RMU  Set  Corrupt_Pages
  command to reset the snapshot page.


  area <str> is marked corrupt

  Explanation:  The corrupt flag is set indicating that this  area
  may be corrupt.  This could be caused by an aborted utility or a
  batch update transaction.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  snapshot area <str> is marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  The corrupt flag is set indicating that this  area
  may be corrupt.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command  and
  verify the database again.

457  –  CPTCHNG

  Corrupt Page Table for storage area <str> has changed during  an
  online restore

  Explanation:  During an online RMU Restore  operation  in  which
  the Just_Corrupt qualifier was specified, the Corrupt Page Table
  of a storage area  became  full.   When  a  Corrupt  Page  Table
  becomes full, the storage area is marked as corrupt.

  User  Action:   Repeat  the  online   RMU   Restore   with   the
  Just_Corrupt qualifier.


  The corrupt page table has overflowed.

  Explanation:  The maximum number  of  individual  corrupt  pages
  that  can be processed in one RMU Restore or RMU Recover command
  is 127.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of corrupt pages to be processed
  by  restoring  one  or more entire areas to reduce the number of
  corrupt pages that need be recorded.  Or,  restore  and  recover
  the  corrupt  pages  in multiple operations rather than a single


  Page <num> in area  <num>  caused  the  corrupt  page  table  to

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark  a  page  corrupt,  but  an
  attempt  to  insert  that  page caused the corrupt page table to
  overflow.  The storage area for this page had the  most  entries
  in  the corrupt page table.  That area was marked as corrupt and
  all entries for corrupt pages in that area were removed from the
  corrupt page table.  Since that entire area is now corrupt, this
  page was not added to the corrupt page table.

  User Action:  Use RMU RESTORE to restore an uncorrupted  version
  of the storage area.


  Network error:  Invalid parameter.

  Explanation:  This error indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Network error:  Error on read.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered while attempting  a  read
  operation.   This  can  happen  because  your  server terminated
  abnormally or there is an internal error.

  User Action:  Check that your server is still running.  If  this
  is  not  the problem, contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.


  Network error:  Process should terminate.

  Explanation:  The monitor has sent a terminate message  to  this
  process.  The process should do cleanup work and terminate.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Network error:  Error writing to file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered while attempting a  write
  operation.   This  can  happen  because  your  server terminated
  abnormally or there is an internal error.

  User Action:  Check that your server is still running.  If  this
  is  not  the problem, contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

464  –  CSI_NYI

  Network error:  feature not yet implemented.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

465  –  CVRTUNS

  The minimum database version that can be  converted  is  version

  Explanation:  Your database version is too old to be converted.

  User Action:  You must convert your database using 2 versions of
  Oracle  Rdb.   First  convert  your  database  using the minimum
  version of Oracle Rdb specified in the error text.  Next convert
  again using the version of Oracle Rdb that reported the original
  error.  For example, Oracle Rdb V7.0 can only convert Oracle Rdb
  databases  V5.1  or  greater.  If you are trying to convert from
  4.2 to 7.0, then you must first convert using Oracle  Rdb  V5.1,
  V6.0  or  V6.1.   Then  you can convert the database again using

466  –  DATACMIT

  unjournaled changes made; database may not be recoverable

  Explanation:  Changes have been made to the database  while  AIJ
  journaling  was disabled.  This may result in the database being
  unrecoverable in the event of database failure; that is, it  may
  be impossible to roll-forward the after-image journals, due to a
  transaction mis-match or attempts to modify  objects  that  were
  not journalled.

  User  Action:   IMMEDIATELY  perform  a  full  database  backup.
  Following successful completion of the full database backup, the
  after-image journals may be backed up.


  Data may not be unloaded as unloaded record  length  may  exceed
  the RMS limit of 32767

  Explanation:  The sum of field(s) length exceeds the  RMS  limit
  of 32767.  Data exceeding the limit can't be unloaded.

  User Action:  Make sure sum of field(s) length does  not  exceed


  logical area <num> marked corrupt; unjournaled changes  made  to
  user-defined object

  Explanation:  Changes have  been  made  to  the  database  while
  AIJ/RUJ  journaling  was disabled.  The specified area cannot be
  properly recovered.

  User Action:  Drop the area.


  conversion error in date string

  Explanation:  The date  string  is  not  in  one  of  the  legal
  formats.   As  a result, it cannot be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in one of the  correct


  Row in table <str> is not in any indexes.
  Logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The row with the specified dbkey should  exist  in
  all indexes defined for the table, but it is not in any of them.

  User Action:  Recreate the indexes for the table.

471  –  DB700NOTSUP

  <str> a pre-beta test 5  version  of  a  T7.0  database  is  not

  Explanation:  You have attempted to convert a T7.0 database that
  was  created with a version of Oracle Rdb software prior to beta
  test 5 or you have attempted to restore a T7.0 database that was
  backed  up  with  a version of Oracle Rdb software prior to beta
  test 5.  This is not supported.

  User Action:  Do one of the following:  o Recreate the  database
  using  the current version of Oracle Rdb.  o Unload the database
  using the Oracle Rdb T7.0 beta test software and then  load  the
  database  using the current version of Oracle Rdb.  o Export the
  database using the Oracle Rdb T7.0 beta test software  and  then
  import the database using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

472  –  DBACTIVE

  database is already being used

  Explanation:  You attempted to open a database that  is  already
  being  used.   You  can  only  open a database that is not being

  User Action:  Wait for all users to finish using  the  database,
  or force the users off by closing the database.

473  –  DBBUSY

  database is busy - try again later

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a database  that  is  shut

  User Action:  Wait for the database to become available, and try

474  –  DBCRUPT

  database is corrupt

  Explanation:  Your database is not a valid Oracle Rdb  database.
  This  can  happen  if the SQL DEFINE DATABASE statement does not
  terminate normally.

  User Action:  Create your database again.


  storage type of line <num>:<num>:<num> is <num>

  Explanation:  There is probably some corruption in the line.

  User Action:  Check if the storage type is correct for the  line
  in question.  The storage type for the relations is the relation
  identifier and for indices, it is a constant.


  database has been modified; AIJ roll-forward not possible

  Explanation:  The database  has  been  modified.   Consequently,
  performing  a  "full"  roll forward of an after-image journal is
  not possible, because the transaction integrity of the  database
  would  be  compromised  by such an operation.  Note that the AIJ
  roll-forward utility sometimes converts the /AREA or /PAGE roll-
  forward  operation  into a "full" roll-forward operation, if all
  of the specified objects do not need recovery.   In  this  case,
  this  message  can  be  received  even  when  the /AREA or /PAGE
  qualifiers are explicitly specified by the user.

  User Action:  An after-image  journal  MUST  be  rolled  forward
  BEFORE  any  database  modifications are made.  In addition, "by
  area" and "by page" after-image journal roll forward  operations
  are permitted.

477  –  DBNOAIJ

  database does not have AIJ enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to start an AIJ  log  server  for  a
  database that does not have AIJ enabled.

  User Action:  Enable AIJ for the database, and try again.


  database does not have AIJ "fast commit" enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to  start  an  AIJ  Log  Server  for
  database  replication  purposes on a database that does not have
  the AIJ "fast commit" feature enabled.

  User Action:  Enable the  AIJ  "fast  commit"  feature  for  the
  database, and try again.

479  –  DBNOGB

  database does not have global buffers enabled

  Explanation:  The database cannot be opened with  the  specified
  global  buffer  parameters  because  the  database does not have
  global buffers enabled.

  User Action:  Retry the open operation without specifying global
  buffer parameters.


  database is not being used, or must be manually opened first

  Explanation:  You attempted to close  a  database  that  is  not
  open, or you attempted to access a closed database that requires
  manual open.

  User Action:  There is no need to close the  database  -  it  is
  already  closed.   If  you  are  attempting  to  access a closed
  database that requires manual open, open the database first.


  database is not open for access

  Explanation:  The database must be  opened  to  allow  users  to
  access it.

  User Action:  Open the database and try again.


  database is open on another node in a mode not  compatible  with
  this node

  Explanation:  Another node has already opened the  database  and
  the  database  uses  some  feature  that  makes it impossible to
  concurrently open the database on this node.   For  example,  if
  Row  Cache  is  enabled,  then  all  nodes must be able to share
  memory (OpenVMS Galaxy).  If global  buffers  are  enabled  then
  every  node  that is a member of the same Galaxy system must use
  the same global buffer parameters when opening the database.


  database recovery process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached database  recovery  process  failed  to
  recover a transaction.

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

484  –  DBRBOUND

  attach not allowed while your process is being recovered

  Explanation:  The database recovery process (DBR)  is  currently
  recovering  an  image  for  your  process.   While  the recovery
  operation is  running,  you  cannot  start  another  image  that
  attempts to attach/bind to the database.

  User  Action:   You  can  attach/bind   to   another   database.
  Otherwise,  you  must  wait for the database recovery process to
  complete recovery of your previous image.


  database shutdown is in progress

  Explanation:  The  request  you  made  could  not  be  completed
  because the database is being shut down.

  User  Action:    Examine   the   database   monitor   log   file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

486  –  DB_CVT_FAIL

  Cannot convert from version V<num>.<num> to V<num>.<num>

  Explanation:  You cannot restore the database unless it  can  be
  converted to the target version of the restore operation.

  User Action:  Restore this  file  with  the  same  or  a  higher
  version  of  Oracle  Rdb  than  was  used  to perform the backup

487  –  DEADLOCK

  deadlock on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted has been forbidden  by
  the  database  management  system because it would have led to a
  system deadlock.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a  COMMIT  to  release  your
  locks, and try the transaction again.


  The  specified  multiple  tape  density   should   be   DEFAULT,

  Explanation:  A multiple tape density value has  been  specified
  for  this  SCSI  or  TA90,  TA90E  or  TA91  tape device that is
  invalid.  A value of COMPACTION, NOCOMPACTION or DEFAULT  should
  have   been  specified  with  the  DATA_FORMAT  qualifier.   The
  incorrect multiple tape density value  will  be  ignored  and  a
  correct value assumed.

  User Action:  Consider specifying  the  DEFAULT,  COMPACTION  or
  NOCOMPACTION   value  for  this  device  using  the  DATA_FORMAT


  The number of reader threads has been adjusted to <num>.

  Explanation:  The /THREADS value exceeds either  the  number  of
  database  storage  areas  or  is  less  than the number of input
  devices.  The value is being changed to the next possible  valid

  User Action:  None.  To avoid this message specify the number of
  reader threads displayed in this message.


  The number of writer threads has been adjusted to <num>.

  Explanation:   The  /WRITER_THREADS  value  exceeds  either  the
  number  of  database  storage  areas  or  the  number  of output
  devices.  This would create writer threads with no work  to  do.
  The value is being changed to the largest possible valid value.

  User Action:  None.  To avoid this message specify the number of
  writer threads displayed in this message.


  Cache file <str> deletion failed

  Explanation:  Attempt made to delete non existing file.

  User Action:  Check for the existence of the cache file.


  Qualifier only valid with delimited text "<str>".

  Explanation:   A  qualifier  that  is  appropriate   only   when
  delimited  text  is  being  used in a record definition has been
  specified  without  also  specifying  the  Format=Delimited_Text

  User Action:  If the record  definition  really  uses  delimited
  text, then specify the Format=Delimited_Text qualifier.

493  –  DELPRC

  database attach has been terminated

  Explanation:  The user's attach has been terminated.

  User Action:  This error message indicates that  a  request  was
  made  to eliminate this user's database attach.  The termination
  may have been requested due to a database action such as closing
  the  database  with  the  ABORT=DELPRC option, or potentially an
  unrecoverable error was encountered by the database system  that
  necessitated terminating the user.


  equal  or  be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.The COMMIT_EVERY
  value of <num> is not equal to or a multiple  of  the  ROW_COUNT
  value of <num>.

  Explanation:    For   DELETE_ROWS   or    FLUSH=ON_COMMIT    the
  COMMIT_EVERY  value must equal or be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT
  value to prevent possible loss of data  written  to  the  unload
  file  if there is an error.  The COMMIT_EVERY value is not equal
  to or a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.

  User Action:  Specify a COMMIT_EVERY value that is equal to or a
  multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.

495  –  DENSITY

  <str> does not support specified density

  Explanation:  The specified tape device  does  not  support  the
  requested tape density.

  User Action:  Specify  a  supported  tape  density  or  use  the
  default for the device.


  Deprecated Feature:  <str> (replaced by <str>)

  Explanation:  The qualifier specified will be removed  from  RMU
  in  a  future  release.   It  has  been  replaced  with  another
  qualifier.  The Noareas qualifier for the RMU Move_Areas command
  has been replaced by the All_Areas qualifier because the Noareas
  qualifier was confusing and misleading.

  User Action:  Switch to using the All_Areas qualifier  in  place
  of the No_Areas qualifier.


  directory not found.

  Explanation:  The specified directory  does  not  exist  on  the
  specified device.

  User Action:   Verify  that  the  device  and/or  directory  are
  specified  correctly.   Create  the  directory  if necessary, or
  specify an existing directory.


  The <str> option is temporarily disabled and will be ignored

  Explanation:  The option specified  is  currently  disabled  and
  will be ignored.

  User Action:  Do not specify this option to avoid  this  warning


  <str> (<str>) not found for column <num> of  row  <num>  in  the

  Explanation:   Either  the  prefix,  or  the  suffix,   or   the
  separator, or the terminator was not found.

  User Action:  Correct the input file, and reissue the command.


  after-image journaling must be enabled to ensure recovery

  Explanation:  After adding an AIJ journal, it  is  necessary  to
  enable  AIJ  journaling (if it is not already enabled).  Failure
  to enable AIJ journaling will result in the AIJ file  being  NOT

  User  Action:   IT  IS  HIGHLY  RECOMMENDED   that   after-image
  journaling be enabled AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


  full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

  Explanation:   After  enabling  AIJ  journaling,  it  is   often
  necessary  to  perform  a  full (i.e., not incremental) database
  backup.  Failure to backup the database may result  in  the  AIJ
  file NOT being recoverable.

  User Action:  IT IS HIGHLY  RECOMMENDED  that  a  full  database
  backup be performed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


  A full backup of this database is recommended upon completion of
  the RMU Convert command

  Explanation:  After-image journaling was disabled during the RMU
  CONVERT.    Any  existing  backups  of  this  database  are  now

  User Action:  Do a full RMU BACKUP of this database.


  Data segment is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This  message  is  issued  when  segmented  string
  context  is  dumped  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It
  reports the logical dbkey of the data  segment  currently  being

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is


  data type conversion error

  Explanation:  A conversion error occurred during  formatting  of
  database metadata.

  User Action:  See the secondary message for more information.


  duplicate AIJ filename "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ file name was specified during AIJ
  journal  addition.   Each  AIJ  file  name is used to identify a
  specific journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ filename.


  duplicate AIJ name "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ  name  was  specified  during  AIJ
  journal  addition.  Each AIJ name is used to identify a specific
  journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ name.


  Dbkey of duplicate node for data node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  This message gives  the  dbkey  of  the  duplicate
  node,  so  that  the  integrity  of  the  index  can be verified
  manually, if necessary.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the owner node after dumping that page.  If the index
  is corrupt, rebuild it.


  record cache "<str>" already exists

  Explanation:  A duplicate record cache name was specified.   The
  name used to identify a cache must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique record cache name.


  Executor name "<str>" has already been used.

  Explanation:  In specifying a plan file, the same executor  name
  was used multiple times.

  User Action:  Make each executor name unique.


  same storage area filename <str> for area ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two storage areas were found pointing to the  same
  physical  filename.   This  situation  can  happen during an RMU
  Convert command if an options file were used and more  than  one
  storage area name was assigned to the same physical filename.

  User Action:  Correct any errors in the convert options file and
  rerun the RMU Convert command.


  Dbkey   of   duplicate   hash   bucket   for   data   node    is

  Explanation:  This message gives the dbkey of the duplicate hash
  bucket  so  the integrity of the index can be verified manually,
  if necessary.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.


  Logical area id <num> has been specified more than once

  Explanation:  The logical area  id  number  displayed  has  been
  specified more than once.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  duplicate B-tree node not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A duplicate B-tree index node was expected at  the
  given  dbkey,  but  was not found.  The pointer to the duplicate
  node in the B-tree is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.


  Dbkey of owner of this duplicate node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  There is an error with  a  duplicate  node.   This
  message  gives  the dbkey of the owner of the duplicate node, so
  that the integrity of the index can  be  verified  manually,  if

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the  owner node after dumping that page.  Rebuild the
  index if it is corrupt.


  same relation name <str> for relation ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two relations were found with the same name.

  User Action:   If  having  two  relations  with  the  same  name
  indicates  your  database is corrupted, restore the database and
  roll forward.


  same area name <str> for area ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two storage areas were found with the same name.

  User Action:  Restore the database, roll the  database  forward,
  and verify it again.

517  –  DYNPCL

  deposit not allowed, dynamic data item

  Explanation:  You attempted to deposit  a  dbkey  value  into  a
  dynamic data item cluster.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Dbkeys are only  allowed  in
  set clusters.


  filename edits "<str>" truncated

  Explanation:  Internal represenation of filename  edits  limited
  to  a  maximum  of  31  characters.   Specified  filename  edits
  truncated to the maximum of 31 characters.

  User Action:  No action required.  If desired, the filename edit
  specification can be shortened.

519  –  EMPTYAIJ

  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:  A recovery operation was  attempted  on  an  empty
  after-image  journal  file,  or  the  UNTIL  time  predates  any
  journaled  transactions.   The   former   can   happen   if   no
  transactions  were initiated while after-image journaling was in

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  <str> file is empty

  Explanation:  The file is empty.

  User Action:  None.


  Encryption algorithm name is missing.

  Explanation:   The   /ENCRYPTION=(ALGORITHM=algorithm_name)   is
  missing.   Action:   Specify  a  valid encryption algorithm with
  your key.


  Specify encryption key name or a key value but not both.

  Explanation:      Either     /ENCRYPTION=(NAME=key-name)     or,
  /ENCRYPTION=(VALUE=key-value)  is  missing  or,  both  have been


  decryption parameters do not match encryption parameters

  Explanation:  The specified parameters  for  decryption  do  not
  match the parameters used for encryption.

  User Action:  Specify the key value and key  algorithm  used  to
  create the save set.


  save set is encrypted, /ENCRYPT must be specified

  Explanation:  Saveset is encrypted and no encryption  parameters

  User Action:  Specify the key value and key  algorithm  used  to
  create the save set.


  Encryption key required when future restore performed.

  Explanation:  This backup has  been  encrypted.   Therefore  any
  future  restore  of  this  backup  file  will  require  the same
  encryption key that was used to create this backup file.

  User Action:  Make sure the encryption key used for this  backup
  is saved since it will be required to restore this backup.


  elapsed time for metadata extract :  <time>

  Explanation:  This message provides the  elapsed  time  for  the
  requested   metadata  to  be  extracted.   This  information  is
  provided to help you schedule extracts from this database in the


  elapsed time for verification :  <time>

  Explanation:  The elapsed time for the complete verification  is
  given  in  this message to help schedule future verifications of
  the database.


  Unable to enqueue lock.

  Explanation:  A lock required by RMU was not granted by the lock

  User Action:  Refer to the secondary message to identify why the
  lock was not granted.  If the secondary message specifies a user
  correctable action (such as EXQUOTA), correct the  problem.   If
  the  secondary  message  specifies  an  internal  error (such as
  ACCVIO),  contact  your  Oracle   support   representative   for


  Network error:  Environment already allocated.

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to initialize the  RMU  client
  environment more than once.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  error   fetching   data   record   from   B-tree   index    node

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a B-tree node.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

531  –  ERRDET

  an error was detected

  Explanation:   An  "error  level"  (-E-)  error  condition   was
  detected  by  RMU  and  displayed during the execution of an RMU

  User Action:  If possible, run the statement(s) again using  RMU
  and  read  any  additional  RMU error messages to determine what
  caused the error condition.  Then fix the error.


  Error reading device characteristics for process output.

  Explanation:  An attempt to determine device characteristics  of
  the  output  file  for  the  process  failed with an error.  See
  secondary error for more information.


  error fetching duplicate hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch  of  a  duplicate
  hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it


  Error fetching data segment from segmented string.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  fetch  a
  data segment from a segmented string.  See accompanying messages
  for the segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Errors found verifying a data segment header.

  Explanation:  This messages indicates  that  errors  were  found
  during  verification  of  the  KODA  storage  record header of a
  segmented string's data segment.  See accompanying messages  for
  the specific errors and for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is


  error fetching duplicate B-tree index node

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch  of  a  duplicate
  B-tree node.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.


  Error executing command "<str>".

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified command.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  Error executing plan file <str>.

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified plan file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  error opening foreign command file as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the reading of a  foreign
  command file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error gathering fragmented record at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when gathering the segments of a
  fragmented  record  were gathered.  Other related error messages
  may give more information.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  error fetching hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a hash bucket fetch.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

542  –  ERRMETA

  Error getting metadata <str>.

  Explanation:  An error occurred while getting database metadata.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  error opening <str> as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of an input file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening <str> as output

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  opening  of  an  output

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  Error fetching pointer segment of segmented string.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  fetch  a
  pointer  segment  from  a  segmented  string.   See accompanying
  messages for the segmented string context at  the  time  of  the

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Errors found verifying a pointer segment header.

  Explanation:  This messages indicates  that  errors  were  found
  during  verification  of  the  KODA  storage record header of an
  indexed segmented string's pointer  segment.   See  accompanying
  messages  for  the  specific errors and for the segmented string

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is


  error accessing RDB$INDICES relation

  Explanation:  Unable  to  get  the  list  of  indexes  from  the
  RDB$INDICES  system  relation.   Indexes  cannot  be verified if
  requested.  Very minimal verification can be performed.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.


  error accessing RDB$RELATIONS relation

  Explanation:  It is not possible to  get  information  from  the
  RDB$RELATIONS system relation.  Only minimum verification can be

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.


  Error  getting  segmented  string  data  from   system   tables.
  Segmented strings will not be verified.

  Explanation:  It  is  not  possible  to  get  information  about
  segmented  strings  from  the  system tables.  Segmented strings
  will not be verified.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.


  Error fetching segmented string's primary segment.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  primary   (first)   segment   from   a  segmented  string.   See
  accompanying messages for the segmented string  context  at  the
  time of the error.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  Error fetching system record.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  system record.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.


  error accessing some system relations

  Explanation:  It is not possible to get  information  from  some
  system relations.  Only minimum verification can be done.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

553  –  ERRWRITE

  error writing file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a file write.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  Exceeded maximum limit of columns  for  column  group  in  table

  Explanation:  The maximum number of columns  (15)  in  a  column
  group has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Correct the column group and try again.


  Network error:  Executor needs to be unbound.

  Explanation:  Executor needs to be unbound.

  User Action:  Unbind the executor.

556  –  EXECFAIL

  Network error:  Executor failure.

  Explanation:  The executor was unable  to  complete  the  client

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Network error:  Executor protocol violated by API driver.

  Explanation:  The executor protocol has been violated by the API
  driver.   This  error  occurs if the API driver issues a request
  such as receive, send, and so on, before binding to an executor.
  This  error also occurs if the API driver issues unbind twice in
  a row.

  User Action:  Issue requests in the correct order.


  Network error:  Executor is in an unbound state.

  Explanation:  Executor is in an unbound state.

  User Action:  Bind to the executor.


  database cannot be opened on this node  --  maximum  node  count
  (<num>) exceeded

  Explanation:  The  database  cannot  be  opened  on  this  node,
  because  it  has  already  been  opened on the maximum allowable
  number of nodes.

  User Action:  Consider increasing the maximum  number  of  nodes
  configured for the database.


  Export file <str> is corrupt

  Explanation:  The format of the file does not match  the  Oracle
  Rdb   interchange   format  specification.   Either  the  EXPORT
  operation used features not not available  in  this  version  of
  Oracle Rdb, or the file itself has become corrupted.

  User Action:  None.

561  –  EXQUOTA

  exceeded quota

  Explanation:  The image could not  proceed  because  a  resource
  quota or limit had been exceeded.

  User Action:  The secondary error message describes the resource
  that  was  exceeded.  If this occurs consistently, increase your


  Extra data in row <num> has been ignored.

  Explanation:  A row of a table has been successfully loaded, but
  extraneous data at the end of the delimited text record has been

  User Action:  If it is expected that there are more  columns  of
  data  in the delimited text input file than there are columns in
  the table being loaded,  no  action  is  necessary.   Otherwise,
  check the results of the load and reissue the command.


  "<num>", the number of  reader  threads,  exceeds  "<num>",  the
  numberof output files or master tape devices.

  Explanation:  If restoring from tape devices the number of  tape
  volumes  specified by "/VOLUMES" may exceed the number of MASTER
  tape  devices.   For  "/DISK_FILE"  restores   the   number   of
  "/READER_THREADS" specified may be larger that the the number of
  backup files in the backup set.  For "/LIBRARIAN"  restores  the
  number  of  "/READER_THREADS"  specified may be greater than the
  number of backup files or tape  volumes  in  the  media  manager
  backup set.

  User Action:  Correct any  incorrect  values  specified  by  the
  /READER_THREADS  or  /VOLUMES  qualifiers  if  one  of  them was
  specified on the command line and repeat the restore.  Otherwise
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.


  Records:<num> Merges:<num> Nodes:<num> WorkAlq:<num>

  Explanation:  During extraction operations, statistics are often
  collected  to  aid  the  user  in tuning.  This message displays


  A character set information table was not created

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command could not create  a  table
  containing character set information.

  User Action:  Call the Customer Support Center.


  An SQL keyword table was not created

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command could not create  a  table
  containing SQL keywords.

  User Action:  Call the Customer Support Center.


  The lookup of an SQL keyword failed

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command was unable to look  up  an
  SQL keyword.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

568  –  FATALERR

  fatal error on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation  was  aborted  because  very  severe
  errors were detected.

  User Action:  Examine the other errors  reported  and  take  the
  appropriate corrective action.

569  –  FATALOSI

  Fatal error from the Operating System Interface.

  Explanation:  An unexpected and unhandled error occurred  in  an
  operating system or library function.

  User  Action:   Refer  to  the  operating  system   or   library
  documentation  for  further  explanation and possible corrective

570  –  FATALRDB

  Fatal error while accessing Oracle Rdb.

  Explanation:  An unexpected and unhandled error  occurred  while
  accessing  Oracle  Rdb.   The  preceding  messages  describe the

  User Action:  Refer to the Oracle Rdb documentation for  further
  explanation and possible corrective action.


  this filid contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The checksum on  the  FILID  entry  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  the CHECKSUM flag must be set but it is not

  Explanation:  The CHECKSUM flag must be  set.   Verification  of
  the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  the highest page of a CALC SET is greater than
  the maximum page number of the area
  Maximum page number is <num>, highest page number is <num>

  Explanation:  The highest page number of a CALC SET  is  greater
  than  the  maximum page number of the area.  Verification of the
  FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  error <str> file <str>

  Explanation:  A file-access error occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  Network error:  Error creating file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered creating a new file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

576  –  FILELOCK

  file currently locked by another user.

  Explanation:  An attempt  to  open  or  create  a  file  failed.
  Another  user  has the file open in a mode incompatible with the
  attempted access.

  User Action:  Wait until the other user has unlocked  the  file.
  If  the  file cannot be shared, modify the program to detect and
  respond to this condition by waiting.

577  –  FILEQUAL

  Qualifier only valid on files "<str>".

  Explanation:  A qualifier that is valid only for backup to files
  is being used with something that is not a file.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or change the  type  of


  the specified file already exists

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  create  a  file  but  the
  specified already exists.

  User Action:  If this error  is  returned  while  attempting  to
  perform  an  RMU Backup operation using the Librarian qualifier,
  then it indicates that the backup filename given in the  command
  line  already  exists  in  the  media  manager's storage system.
  Either provide a new unique backup filename or use  the  Replace
  keyword  with  the  Librarian  qualifier  to  instruct the media
  manager to replace the existing backup file with a new one.


  file not found

  Explanation:  An error occurred when an attempt was made to open
  a nonexistent storage file.

  User Action:  If a storage file does not exist in  the  expected
  directory,  it must be restored if it was moved accidentally, or
  the database needs to be restored from the last backup.


  Network error:  Error opening file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered opening an existing file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  Network error:  Error reading file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered reading from a file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  standby database storage area signature does  not  match  master

  Explanation:  The number of storage area slots ("reserved"),  or
  the  specific  storage area page size, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the  master  and  standby  database
  storage  area  configurations  are identical.  Do not change any
  storage area page size when restoring the databases.


  Specified fields must match in  number  and  datatype  with  the
  unloaded data

  Explanation:  The unloaded data can not be  loaded  because  the
  specifications  of the unloaded data and the target relation are

  User Action:  Check the use of the Fields qualifier.


  Referenced global field (<str>) was not defined

  Explanation:   This  field  was  referenced  by   the   relation
  definition but not found in the metadata, or it was specified in
  the command but not referenced by the relation definition.

  User Action:  Validate and correct the database metadata or  the
  Fields qualifier.


  Referenced global field (<str>) not unloaded

  Explanation:  This field was referenced by the table  definition
  but  not  found  in  the  metadata,  or  it was specified in the
  command but not referenced by the table definition.

  User Action:  Validate and correct the database metadata or  the
  Fields qualifier.


  pointed to by fragment on page <num>, line <num>

  Explanation:  This message is printed  after  a  fragment  chain
  verification  error has occurred indicating the previous storage
  record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.


  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Offset for the end of the storage record is <num>
  Which is greater than the page size of <num>.

  Explanation:  The location information stored in the line  index
  for  a storage segment indicates that part or all of the storage
  segment is beyond the end of the page.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another


  attempt to free busy (or free) buffer

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

589  –  FTL_INS_STAT

  Fatal error for INSERT OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS operation at <time>


  partially-journaled  changes   made;   database   may   not   be

  Explanation:  Partially-journalled changes have been made to the
  database.   This  may result in the database being unrecoverable
  in the event of database failure; that is, it may be  impossible
  to  roll-forward  the after-image journals, due to a transaction
  mis-match  or  attempts  to  modify  objects   that   were   not
  journalled.   This  condition  typically  occurs  as a result of
  replicating database changes using the Hot Standby feature.

  User Action:   IMMEDIATELY  perform  a  full  (not  by-sequence)
  quiet-point  AIJ  backup  to  clear  the  AIJ journals, followed
  immediately by a full (no-quiet-point allowed) database backup.


  Area <str> represents a future state of the database

  Explanation:  The state of this area is  inconsistent  with  the
  database  and  represents  a  future state of the database.  The
  entire database must be brought forward in time to  this  future

  User Action:  None.


  unaccounted gap on page <num>
  free space end offset :  <num> (hex)
  minimum offset of any line :  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  A gap was found between the end of free space  and
  the  beginning of the line closest to the beginning of the page.
  This could be caused by the  corruption  of  locked  free  space
  length, free space length, or the line index.

  User Action:   Dump  the  page  in  question  to  determine  the
  corruption.  Restore the database and verify again.


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to  COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE  this
  blocked transaction.


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to COMMIT/ABORT this  blocked

  User Action:  None.


  AIJ file is correct for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is the correct file  to  be
  rolled forward.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  The float value is greater than maximum allowed.

  Explanation:  The float value specified for the named option  is
  too large.

  User Action:  Use a float value that is less  than  the  maximum
  value and try again.


  error getting the hash indices database id

  Explanation:  It was not  possible  to  get  the  hash  indexes'
  database ids (DBID's).

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

598  –  HAZUSAGE

  <str> specified for <str>, Corruption may occur if the value was
  not correct

  Explanation:  The area qualifiers specified in this  command  do
  not agree with the values stored in the root file that was lost.
  RMU displays this message only to  warn  you  that  setting  the
  option   to   an   incorrect   value  may  render  the  database
  inaccessible or otherwise corrupt it.

  User Action:  Specify the option on the command line only if the
  value  for  the  option  has  changed  since the backup file was
  created.  If you are certain  the  value  is  correct,  then  do
  nothing.   Otherwise, determine the correct value for the option
  and repeat the operation using the correct value.

599  –  HDRCRC

  software header CRC error

  Explanation:  A media error  was  detected  in  the  tape  block
  header  data.  This can also result from an attempt to process a
  file that was not created by RMU; for example, a OpenVMS  BACKUP

  User Action:  None.

600  –  HELMTCNT

  index <str> hash element <num>:<num>:<num> contains a bad
  duplicate node count, expected:  <num>, computed:  <num>

  Explanation:  The count field in the hash index element contains
  a value different then what was computed.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

601  –  HELMTNEG

  hash element containing 1 entry has a bad dbkey pointer
  expected a positive logical area number, found <num>

  Explanation:  If the data record count is 1,  then  the  logical
  area  database id in the dbkey must be positive.  This indicates
  that the dbkey is pointing to a data record.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

602  –  HELMTPOS

  hash element containing more  than  1  entry  has  a  bad  dbkey
  expected a negative logical area number, found <num>

  Explanation:  If the data record count is greater than  1,  then
  the  logical  area  database  id  in the dbkey must be negative.
  This condition  indicates  that  the  dbkey  is  pointing  to  a
  duplicate hash bucket.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

603  –  HIBER

  thread requests hibernate

  Explanation:   The  currently  executing  internal  thread   has
  requested a short term hibernation.

  User Action:   This  state  should  never  be  seen  by  a  user
  application.    It  is  only  used  by  the  internal  threading


  Highest CSN (<num>:<num>) is higher than the CSN  that  will  be
  assigned next(<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The database has a CSN that  is  higher  than  the
  KODA  sequence  number that will assigned as the next CSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.


  Highest active TSN (<num>:<num>) is higher  than  the  TSN  that
  will be assigned next (<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The database has a TSN that  is  higher  than  the
  KODA  sequence  number that will assigned as the next TSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.


  Active transactions prevent replication startup

  Explanation:  The Log Catch Server (LCS) is unable  to  complete
  the  catch-up phase of replication startup.  Active transactions
  prevented the  LCS  from  acquiring  a  quiet-point  within  the
  specified interval.

  User Action:  Ensure that no extremely long-running  transaction
  are active.  Increase the LCS quiet-point timeout interval.


  Hot Standby is active and AIJ  switch-over  suspended  -  backup
  existing journals first

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing  the requested AIJ journal creation while Hot Standby
  is active could result in replication being terminated.

  User Action:  It is recommended to backup one or  more  existing
  AIJ journals before creating the new AIJ journal(s).


  continuous AIJ backup not permitted when replication active

  Explanation:  The "continuous"  AIJ  backup  operatoion  is  not
  permitted when the database replication is active.

  User Action:  Use the AIJ Backup Server (ABS) process when using
  multiple  AIJ  journals,  or  issue  non-continuous  AIJ  backup
  operations when using a single AIJ journal.


  request cannot be completed due to pending hot standby command

  Explanation:  A Hot Standby command was pervious requested  from
  this  node  using the /NOWAIT qualifier; the command has not yet
  completed.  The command just requested cannot be completed until
  the  Hot  Standby  feature command already active but pending on
  this node has first completed.

  User  Action:   The  requested  Hot  Standby  command  must   be
  completed  prior  to  issuing  this command.  Use the SHOW USERS
  command to indicate the status of the Hot Standby command.


  error exchanging replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:


  hot standby failure:  <str>

  Explanation:  A hot standby failure occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error allocating local network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:


  standby database version does not match master database

  Explanation:  The version time and date  stamp  in  the  standby
  database  root does not match the version time and date stamp in
  master database root.  Also, it may be possible that the standby
  database  was  backed  up and restored, thereby invalidating the
  abaility to be replicated.

  User Action:  Ensure that  the  specified  standby  database  is
  correct and restored from a master database backup file.


  cannot switch from circular  to  extensible  AIJ  journaling  if
  replication active

  Explanation:   User  Action:   Terminate  database   replication


  cannot switch from extensible  to  circular  AIJ  journaling  if
  replication active

  Explanation:  Adding a new AIJ  journal  is  not  allowed  while
  database  replication  is  active,  if  adding the journal would
  activate circular journaling.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication first.


  attempt to access standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to attach  to  a  standby
  database  for  which replication has been started with exclusive

  User Action:  Stop replication and re-start with "online" access
  to the standby database.

617  –  HOTNORC

  record  cache  not  allowed  on  hot  standby  database   during

  Explanation:  The record cache feature must be disabled  on  the
  hot standby database during hot standby replication.

  User Action:  Open (or re-open) the standby  database  with  the


  standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  Hot Standby replication has been  started  on  the
  master  database  using  exclusive access.  This occurs when the
  /NOONLINE qualifier is used, or the  /ONLINE  qualifier  is  not
  specified during replication startup.  When the standby database
  is in "exclusive" mode, user  processes  cannot  attach  to  the

  User Action:  If exclusive access is not  desired,  Hot  Standby
  replication  must  be terminated and restarted using the /ONLINE


  error receiving replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:


  error allocating remote network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:


  error deleting replication connection

  Explanation:  User Action:


  error disconnecting from replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:


  database  in  use  with   active   or   pre-started   read/write

  Explanation:  Database replication  cannot  be  started  on  the
  standby   database   if  there  are  processes  with  active  or
  pre-started read/write transactions.

  User  Action:   All  read/write  transaction  activity  must  be
  stopped  prior  to  starting database replication on the standby


  cannot find AIJ journal required to start replication

  Explanation:  Database replication using the Hot Standby feature
  was attempted to be started, but the AIJ journal required by the
  standby database could not be  found  on  the  master  database.
  This  typically  occurs  when  the  AIJ  Backup  Server  ("ABS")
  inadvertantly backs up the AIJ journal on  the  master  database
  following an AIJ switch-over operation.

  User Action:  The journal specified in the  Log  Catchup  Server
  ("LCS")  output  file  must  be  manually  rolled forward on the
  standby database.  Alternately,  the  master  database  must  be
  backed up and restored as the standby database.


  stopping database replication, please wait

  Explanation:   This  message  informs  the  user  that  database
  replication  is  being  stopped  and  to  wait  for  shutdown to
  complete.  Replication shutdown times vary based on  system  and
  network activity.

  User Action:  Wait for database replication to stop.


  error connecting to replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:


  error identifying remote replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:


  attempt to start replication for wrong master database

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to start replication on a
  master  database whose standby database is already replicating a
  different master database.  The master root file name  does  not
  match  the  name  used when replication was first started on the
  standby database.  This could happen if you  copied  or  renamed
  the  master database root file, or if the file was created using
  a concealed logical device name and  that  logical  name  is  no
  longer defined.

  User Action:  Ensure that  the  specified  standby  database  is
  correct.  If so, ensure that replication on the standby database
  has been fully terminated; replication termination occassionally
  has  long-duration  shutdown processing to be performed.  If the
  master database rootfile had been moved, rename or copy the root
  file  back  to  its  original  name or location, or redefine the
  necessary concealed logical device name in  the  system  logical
  name table.


  error getting the count of hash indices

  Explanation:  It was not possible  to  get  the  count  of  hash
  indexes, probably because the system relation is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.


  hash index verification pruned at this dbkey

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification  of  a  hash
  index.   Verification will not proceed any further for this hash

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Use of HYPERSORT is not  supported  -  SORTSHR  logical  defined


  Logical area <num> (<str>) needs to be
  verified as part of index data verification.

  Explanation:  The Data qualifier was specified and  verification
  of  the  index  that  was created for the named logical area was
  requested but verification of the named the logical area was not

  User Action:  Reissue the RMU Verify  command  with  either  the
  Nodata  qualifier  or with the Larea qualifier listing the named
  logical area.


  Index <str> does not point to a row in table <str>.
  Logical dbkey of the missing row is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The row with the specified dbkey should  exist  in
  the named index but it does not.

  User Action:  Recreate the index for the table.


  Completed data verification of logical area <num>.


  Beginning index data verification of logical area <num> (<str>).


  Ignoring disabled index <str>

  Explanation:  The RMU Analyze Index and  RMU  Analyze  Placement
  commands  do  not,  by  default,  process indices which have had
  maintenance disabled.  This message indicates that the specified
  index  will  not  be  analyzed.  If you wish to analyze disabled
  indices, explicitly list the  index  name  on  the  RMU  Analyze
  command  line.   Disabled  indices  should  be  dropped from the
  database, when convenient.

637  –  IGNJNL

  <str> journal ignored

  Explanation:  The specific journal is  being  removed  from  the
  recovery list because it does not appear to be required.

  User Action:  None.

638  –  IGNORACL

  Ignoring foreign RMU access control list

  Explanation:  A restore operation was performed on a  Windows/NT
  system  using  a  backup  file  created  on either an OpenVMS or
  Digital Unix system.  Alternatively,  a  restore  operation  was
  performed  on  an  OpenVMS or Digital Unix system using a backup
  file created on a Windows/NT system.  In either case, RMU is not
  able  to  restore  the access control list because the format of
  the ACL differs among operating systems.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set Privilege command to create a root
  file  ACL  for the database that meets the security needs of the
  new platform on which the database was restored.


  [No]Scan qualifier ignored for online full backup operations

  Explanation:  The [No]Scan_Optimization qualifier was  used  for
  an  online  full backup operation.  The purpose of the qualifier
  is to enable or disable  the  recording  of  the  identities  of
  regions  of  the  database that have changed since the last full
  backup.  However, this recording state cannot be changed  during
  an  online full backup.  In order to change the recording state,
  an  offline  full   backup   must   be   performed   using   the
  [No]Scan_Optimization qualifier.


  compressed IKEY for index "<str>" exceeds 255 bytes

  Explanation:  The current index key (IKEY)  being  stored  in  a
  sorted or hashed index with compression enabled has exceeded the
  255-byte  IKEY-length  limit  during  compression.   With   IKEY
  compression  enabled,  some  IKEYs may actually increase in size
  during compression and potentially exceed the 255-byte limit.

  User Action:  Refer to your reference documention for details on
  controlling   the   maximum   expansion   overhead  during  IKEY
  compression.  Alternatively, recreate the specified  index  with
  compression disabled.

641  –  ILLCHAR

  illegal character "<str>" encountered

  Explanation:  A non-alphanumeric character has been detected  in
  the command input stream.

  User Action:  Remove  the  non-alphanumeric  character  and  try


  illegal dbkey data, <str> out of range [<num>:<num>]

  Explanation:  The area id, page number, or line  number  of  the
  dbkey  specified  in the command is out of range.  The allowable
  limits are specified as [<num>:<num>].

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  illegal dbkey format

  Explanation:  The format of the dbkey specified in  the  command
  is        invalid.        The       proper       format       is

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Multiple tables in UPDATE or DELETE action of trigger <str>

  Explanation:  The delete or update actions are performed in  the
  context  of join (CROSS) of multiple database tables.  This type
  of trigger action cannot be extracted in SQL and  is  no  longer
  recommended in RDO.

  User Action:  Recode the join as a single  table  reference  and
  subqueries as described in the Oracle Rdb documentation.

645  –  ILLNCHAR

  illegal character found in numeric input

  Explanation:  You specified a number  containing  a  non-numeric

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

646  –  ILLNUM

  numeric conversion failed on "<str>"

  Explanation:  A number was expected and a non-numeric token  was

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Illegal segmented string type of <num> found.

  Explanation:  A segmented string was found that contained either
  a secondary chained segment or a secondary pointer segment, when
  a  primary  chained  segment  or  primary  pointer  segment  was

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database


  trying to deposit an illegal storage fullness code

  Explanation:  The operation is  trying  to  deposit  an  illegal
  space  code  value  into  a data page entry on the current space
  management page.  The codes range from 0 to 3 inclusive.

  User Action:  Try the operation again using a  value  between  0
  and 3 inclusive.

649  –  ILLTIM

  ASCII to binary time conversion failed on "<str>"

  Explanation:  An invalid time format was specified in a  DEPOSIT
  TIME_STAMP   command.    The   proper   format  is  "dd-mmm-yyyy".

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  image aborted at privileged user request

  Explanation:   The  current  image  was   aborted   by   another
  privileged   user,  typically  the  database  administrator,  in
  response to some event that required this action.

  User Action:  Consult the database administrator to identify the
  reason the image was aborted.


  FILID entry <num> is a snapshot area that points to an  inactive
  live area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each snapshot area contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the live area associated with the
  snapshot area.  The live area associated with the named snapshot
  area is not an active area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  Live area <str> points to a snapshot area that is inactive.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for  each  live  area  contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the snapshot area associated with
  the live area.  The snapshot area associated with the named live
  area is not an active area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  incremental restore of <str> to <time> has already been done

  Explanation:  The database area has already  been  incrementally
  restored to a time beyond the updates in this backup file.

  User Action:  No action is required.  You  may  want  to  delete
  this incremental backup file since it is no longer needed.


  incremental restore to <time> has already been done

  Explanation:   The  database  has  already  been   incrementally
  restored to a time beyond the updates in this backup file.

  User Action:  No action required.  You may want to  delete  this
  incremental backup file since it is no longer needed.


  "<str>" is an incomplete file specification

  Explanation:  All parts of a file specification are not present.
  The  device, directory, file name, file type, and version number
  must all be specified.

  User Action:  Try again using a complete file specification.


  area <str> is marked inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The inconsistent flag is  set  for  the  specified
  area.   This  flag  is  set  when a by-area restore operation is
  executed (the Area qualifier was specified with an  RMU  Restore
  command)  and  the  RMU Restore command determines that the area
  needs to be recovered before it can be made consistent with  the
  rest of the data in the database.

  User Action:   Make  the  database  consistent,  using  the  RMU
  Recover command.


  Executors are inconsistent on the '<str>' attribute.

  Explanation:  Some executors specified the  indicated  attribute
  and  other  executors omitted the attribute.  The attribute must
  be specified by all executors or by none of the executors.

  User Action:  Modify the executor definitions to be consistent.


  Vertical  partition   information   is   incorrect   for   dbkey
  Found <num> pointers  for  vertical  partitions  when  expecting

  Explanation:  The first partition of  a  vertically  partitioned
  record  contains  pointers  to  all  vertical partitions of this
  record.  This error is displayed when the number of  pointer  to
  vertical  partitions  in  the  specified dbey does not match the
  number expected.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page  containing  the  bad


  Index <str> is disabled.  It will not be verified.

  Explanation:  The index identified  in  the  error  message  was
  listed  as  one  of  the  indices  to be verified in the Indexes
  qualifier to the RMU Verify command,  but  the  index  has  been
  marked  as  disabled.   Disabled  indices  are  never  verified,
  because it is inconsequential if they are corrupt.

  User Action:  When listing indices with the  Indexes  qualifier,
  do not list disabled ones.


  index <str> does not exist in this database

  Explanation:  There are no indexes with the given name.

  User Action:  Use the SQL SHOW  INDEX  statement  to  see  which
  indices exist.


  cannot ready the RDB$INDICES logical area
  Indices cannot be verified

  Explanation:  Found corrupted storage  area,  logical  area,  or

  User Action:  Rebuild the indices and verify again.


  indirect command is too long (greater than 511 characters)

  Explanation:  The indirect  command  you  entered  is  too  long
  (greater than 511 characters).

  User Action:  Enter a  shorter  RMU  command,  by  either  using
  abbreviations or shorter names.

663  –  INSFRPGS

  physical memory has been exhausted

  Explanation:  Physical memory has been exhausted on the machine,
  typically  because  of  an  excessive  number  of  cache  global
  sections, or excessively large cache global section sizes.

  User Action:  If  possible,  increase  the  amount  of  physical
  memory  on  the  machine.   Reduce  the  number  of cache global
  sections, or  reduce  the  size  of  each  active  cache  global
  sections.   Possibly  moving  a  cache from SSB to VLM will also
  solve this problem.  It might be necessary to delete some caches
  to  alleviate  this problem.  Also, re-configuring the operating
  system parameters may be necessary  to  reduce  physical  memory


  Database filespec must equate to filespec <str> recorded in CDD

  Explanation:  The INTEGRATE database file specification and  the
  file  specification  recorded  with  the  repository definitions
  found at the specified path name refer to different databases.

  User Action:  Reissue the command with a file specification that
  corresponds  to  the  database  referenced in the repository, or
  with a different path name.


  attempt to INTEGRATE FROM nonexistent CDD entity <str>

  Explanation:  The repository entity required for INTEGRATE  FROM
  does not exist.

  User Action:  Respecify  a  path  that  points  to  an  existing
  repository entity.

666  –  INTERR

  Network error:  Internal error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  inconsistent database file <str>

  Explanation:  This database file is inconsistent with  the  root
  file.   This  might  happen  if  you  have  used any unsupported
  methods for backing up or restoring files; for instance, if  you
  used  the  DCL COPY command or the DCL RENAME command.  This can
  also happen if you tried to use an old root file.

  User Action:  Restore your database from last  backup  and  roll
  forward your transactions using the appropriate AIJ file.

668  –  INVALLOC

  Unable to allocate tape device <str>.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered allocating a tape.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

669  –  INVALREQ

  RMU command is invalid - type HELP for information

  Explanation:  A command was specified which is not known to  the

  User Action:  Type HELP RMU and verify command is valid.

670  –  INVAMBIG

  invalid or ambiguous qualifier "<str>"

  Explanation:   A  qualifier   is   incorrect,   misspelled,   or
  abbreviated to the point of making it ambiguous.

  User Action:  Use HELP or the  documentation  to  determine  the
  desired qualifier, and try again.


  <str> is not a valid backup file


  invalid block header in backup file

  Explanation:  The header of a block of the backup file does  not
  have a valid format.

  User Action:  None.


  invalid block size in backup file

  Explanation:  The size of a block in the backup  file  conflicts
  with the size specified when the file was written.

  User Action:  None.


  invalid context handle specified.

  Explanation:  The context handle specified is not valid.

  User Action:  This error should only occur through a programming
  error.  Correct the error, and try the request again.


  invalid backup file <str>

  Explanation:  The specified file is not a valid database  backup


  invalid database handle specified.

  Explanation:  The database handle specified in a statistics  API
  request is not valid.

  User Action:  This error should only occur through a programming
  error.  Correct the error, and try the request again.

677  –  INVDBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> is not a valid dbkey

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  fetch  a  record  by  its
  database  key  value,  but the specified page is a SPAM, ABM, or
  AIP.   Alternatively,  the   specified   dbkey   refers   to   a
  non-existing storage area or a system record.

  User Action:  Correct the condition, and try again.


  inconsistent storage area file <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area  file  is  inconsistent
  with  the  root  file.  This might happen if you have improperly
  used any unsupported methods for backing up or  restoring  files
  (for  instance,  COPY  or  RENAME).  This can also happen if you
  tried to use an old root file -- one  whose  storage  area  file
  names have been re-used for another database.

  User Action:  Restore the correct storage-area  file  or  delete
  the obsolete root file.


  Default  RUJ  filename  "<str>"  does  not   contain   a   valid

  Explanation:   The  default   recovery-unit   journal   filename
  specified  in  the  root  file  does  not contain a valid device
  and/or directory.  This may be detected during an RMU Convert of
  a  database.   In  order  for  the  conversion to complete it is
  necessary for RMU to clear  the  default  recovery-unit  journal
  filename field in the root file.

  User Action:  After the conversion has completed,  use  the  SQL
  ALTER  DATABASE  statement  to  set  a new recovery-unit journal


  Invalid delimited text specification.

  Explanation:   The  delimited   text   specification   must   be
  sufficient to identify the individual fields of each record.

  User Action:  Reissue the command with either suffix not null or
  the separator and the terminator not null.

681  –  INVDEPOS

  deposit not allowed to that field

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to  deposit  to  an  aggregate
  field; for example, the entire page "*", or the page header.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  RMU ALTER DEPOSIT statements
  are  only  allowed for simple fields; for example, FREE_SPACE or


  invalid backup device type <str>

  Explanation:  The requested list of backup  devices  contains  a
  device  that either is not supported or is incompatible with the

  User Action:  Correct and reissue the command.

683  –  INVDISPL

  unable to display numerics in lengths other than 1, 2, and 4

  Explanation:  An RMU ALTER DISPLAY DATA  statement  specified  a
  length other than BYTE, WORD, or LONGWORD.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Invalid invocation of an executor process.

  Explanation:  An executor process was started incorrectly.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to start an RMU  parallel  executor
  process  by hand.  If this message occurred when an executor was
  started   automatically,    contact    your    Oracle    support
  representative for assistance.


  Invalid executor process version.

  Explanation:   The  version   of   the   executor   process   is
  incompatible  with the version of the RMU process that initiated
  the parallel operation.

  User Action:  Reinstall Oracle Rdb.  If problems still  persist,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.


  possibly  use  SET  FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:FIX,LRL:32256)  on  this
  backup file


  invalid file extension linkage in <str>

  Explanation:  The relative volume number of the sequential  disk
  file does not match the expected backup volume number.

  User Action:  Take care to mount the sequential disk volumes  in
  the correct order.


  possibly use SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(LRL:<num>) on this backup file


  Invalid function code specified.

  Explanation:  An invalid function code was  passed  to  the  RMU
  shareable image.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Network error:  Invalid handle.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  invalid file header record

  Explanation:  An invalid file header record was  read  from  the

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

692  –  INVIDLEN

  length  of  <str>  "<str>"  (<num>)  is  outside   valid   range

  Explanation:  The supplied name  for  the  specified  object  is
  outside the valid range for the object.

  User Action:  Respecify the RMU command  using  a  name  with  a
  length within the required range.

693  –  INVJOBID

  Network error:  Invalid job ID.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  An invalid logical area name parameter has been specified

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area name has been specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Line number for pointer segment is bad.

  Explanation:  The dbkey contains a line number that is  invalid.
  Either the line is not in use or the line number is greater than
  the number of lines on the page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.


  invalid   markpoint   commit/rollback   for   TSN   <num>:<num>,
  MARK_SEQNO <num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during the commit or rollback of a
  markpoint.  This message  indicates  the  "transaction  sequence
  number"  of  the transaction and the "markpoint sequence number"
  of the markpoint that has to be committed or rolled back.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

697  –  INVMOUNT

  Unable to mount tape device <str>.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered mounting a tape.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  Invalid operator notification class specified

  Explanation:  The  operater  class  specified  with  the  notify
  qualifier  is not valid for this platform.  All operator classes
  are valid on OpenVMS platforms while only the  console  operator
  class is valid on other platforms.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  "<str>" contains a character which may be handled incorrectly.

  Explanation:  The object name contains a character that may  not
  be handled correctly.

  User  Action:   Specify  SQL  or  ANSI_SQL  with  the   Language
  qualifier and FULL with the Options qualifier.


  <str> is an invalid option

  Explanation:  The option specified for the Option  qualifier  is
  incorrect  or  misspelled.   The valid options are Normal, Full,
  and Debug.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Aborting command - invalid page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An invalid page has been  detected  in  the  named
  storage  area causing the execution of the current command to be

  User Action:  Run RMU/VERIFY to  get  more  information  on  the
  corrupt  page.   The  database  administrator  should  create  a
  replacement storage area and use ALTER or DROP commands to  move
  other tables and indices out of the affected storage area.  Then
  use DROP STORAGE AREA to remove the unused area.  Alternatively,
  you can use the SQL EXPORT DATABASE and IMPORT DATABASE commands
  to rebuild the whole database.  Then execute  the  command  that
  was aborted.


  allocation parameter <num> overflows when rounded

  Explanation:  the allocation parameter selected, though  it  may
  be  an  allowed  value,  becomes illegal when rounded to make an
  even number of pages in the storage area; i.e.,  the  number  of
  pages  to  actually  be  allocated  is  always a multiple of the
  number of pages per buffer

  User Action:  select a smaller allocation parameter.


  Procedure <str> is invalid due to database changes.

  Explanation:  This stored procedure has been invalidated due  to
  changes in database changes referenced by the procedure.

  User Action:  Alter the procedure  definition  so  that  it  can
  access the database correctly.

704  –  INVQSTR

  Invalid quoted string (<str>).

  Explanation:  A quoted string value is not delimited by quotes.

  User Action:   Provide  a  quoted  string  delimited  by  double


  Error expanding compressed backup file record.

  Explanation:  An error occurred  while  expanding  a  compressed
  record in the backup file.

  User Action:  Backup the database without  compression  enabled.
  Submit a bug report.


  invalid record size in backup file

  Explanation:  The size of a record in the backup file  conflicts
  with the blocking of records in the file.

  User Action:  None.


  invalid record type in backup file

  Explanation:  The backup file contains unsupported types of data

  User Action:  None.

708  –  INVRELID

  invalid relation id at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  expected relation id <num>, found <num>

  Explanation:   The  page  contains  a  record  with  an  invalid
  relation id.

  User Action:  None.


  An invalid RENAME_TO logical area name has been specified

  Explanation:  An invalid RENAME_TO name has been specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  invalid statistics request header.

  Explanation:  The statistics header structure passed in  a  call
  to  rmust_database_info  was  corrupted,  never  initialized, or
  contains an illegal request code.

  User Action:  Correct the  user  program  and  try  the  request

711  –  INVRNG

  invalid range, start greater than end, START=<num>, END=<num>

  Explanation:  In a MOVE statement, the starting page offset  was
  greater than the ending page offset.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  maximum set bit index <num> on ABM page <num>
  exceeds the total of <num> SPAM page(s)
  for area <str>

  Explanation:  The maximum set bit  field  of  the  ABM  page  is
  probably corrupt.  Because every bit in the ABM bitvector points
  to a SPAM page, the maximum set  bit  cannot  exceed  the  total
  number of SPAM pages in the area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

713  –  INVSTR

  strings are only allowed in DATA and TIME_STAMP statements

  Explanation:  A string was specified on a statement other than a
  DATA or TIME_STAMP statement.

  User  Action:   You  can  only  specify  strings  on  DATA   and
  TIME_STAMP statements.


  invalid structure level in backup file

  Explanation:  The structure level version specified in  a  block
  header  in  the  database  backup file indicates either that the
  backup file was created with a format that is incompatible  with
  this  release  of  Oracle  Rdb  RMU  or  that the backup file is
  corrupt, or that there has been  an  error  reading  the  backup

  User Action:  Dump the backup file using RMU/DUMP/BACKUP to  see
  if  there  are  any  errors reading the backup file.  Repeat the
  RMU/RESTORE command after moving the backup file to a  different
  device  to see if the problem is related to a particular device.
  If the problem still occurs repeat the backup to  create  a  new
  backup  file  and  then retry the restore.  If the problem still
  occurs contact Oracle Rdb support.


  Tape devices <str> must end with a colon (:) character.

  Explanation:  A tape device name  was  specified  without  being
  terminated with the colon (:) character.

  User Action:  Correct and reissue the command.


  Invalid vertical partition number in <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Entry <num> is for partition <num> and partition count is <num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates  that the tag for the specified entry in the array was
  for a partition number  which  is  larger  than  the  number  of
  partitions for the record.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.


  Multiple references for vertical partition <num>
  in primary segment in dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates   that  multiple  dbkeys  are  tagged  with  the  same
  partition number specified in the message.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

718  –  INV_ROOT

  database file has illegal format

  Explanation:  You attempted to use a file that is not a database

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

719  –  IOCTLERR

  Network error:  Error on ioctl.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX ioctl
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

720  –  IVCHAN

  invalid or unknown I/O channel

  Explanation:  The  channel  number  cannot  be  located  in  the
  database information.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

721  –  IVORDER

  order of ACEs being modified is incorrect for object <str>

  Explanation:  The ACEs that are to be replaced can not be  found
  in the ACL in the specified order.

  User Action:  Correct the command and try again.

722  –  JOB_DONE

  Network job has completed

  Explanation:  The executor has completed the requested job.

  User Action:  None.

723  –  LABELERR

  error in tape label processing on <str>

  Explanation:  An error was encountered in the  ANSI  tape  label

  User Action:  If you are attempting an  RMU  RESTORE  operation,
  mount  the  correct  tape.   If you are attempting an RMU BACKUP
  operation, reinitialize this tape.


  Logical area "<str>" name must match  name  of  other  specified
  logical areas

  Explanation:  For the  specifed  options  all  selected  logical
  areas must have the same name.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Logical area name "<str>" contains only wildcard characters

  Explanation:  The logical area name cannot contain only wildcard

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Logical area "<str>" type must match  type  of  other  specified
  logical areas

  Explanation:  For the  specifed  options  all  selected  logical
  areas must be of the same record type.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Last Committed TSN (<num>:<num>) is higher  than  the  TSN  that
  will be assigned next (<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The Last  Commit  TSN  is  higher  than  the  KODA
  sequence  number  that  will  assigned  as  the  next TSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.


  lock conflict on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted failed because another
  run  unit  is  holding  a lock in a mode that conflicts with the
  lock mode you needed.

  User Action:  Wait for  the  other  run  unit  to  finish.   Use
  ROLLBACK  or  COMMIT  to  release  all  your locks and retry the
  transaction, or specify that you want to wait on lock conflicts.

729  –  LCNTZERO

  line index entry count is zero - this is invalid

  Explanation:  An RMU ALTER DISPLAY or DEPOSIT LINE m command has
  been issued for a page with no lines.

  User Action:  This is an invalid page; each  mixed  format  page
  must  contain  at least a SYSTEM record.  Create a SYSTEM record
  for the page using DEPOSIT DATA commands.

730  –  LCSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Catch-Up Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process does not  have
  an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename  when  database  replication  is  started on the master


  <str>, page <num>
  Line index is larger than free space on the page.

  Explanation:  The page contains a line index that is larger than
  the free space on the page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.


  Internal error returned from the LIBRARIAN media manager.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal error returned  from  a
  call to the LIBRARIAN media management interface.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  LIKE operator converted to  RDO  MATCHING  operator  -  possible
  inconsistent wildcard operators

  Explanation:   RDO  uses  the  MATCHING  operator   which   uses
  different wildcard characters than the SQL LIKE operator.  There
  may be possible differences in execution.

  User Action:  Examine  the  usage  of  the  object,  and  change
  wildcards to be those of RDO.


  Line in record definition file exceeds 1024 characters in length

  Explanation:  A line from the record definition file exceeds the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the problem.


  Callback routine "<str><str>" returned status <num>


  CALLBACK_ROUTINE must  follow  CALLBACK_MODULE  at  line  <num>:


  line <num>:  "<str>"


  Cannot specifiy  both  CONTROL  and  RECORD_DEFINITION  at  line
  <num>:  "<str>"


  CONTROL  table  option  requires  TEXT  format  at  line  <num>:

740  –  LMMFCHK

  Metadata file "<str>" incorrect format


  Read <num> objects from metadata file "<str>"

742  –  LMMFVER

  Metadata file "<str>" version <num>.<num> expected <num>.<num>


  Wrote <num> objects to metadata file "<str>"


  LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The LogMiner feature has not been enabled on  this

  User Action:  If LogMiner features are enabled, LogMiner  should
  be enabled.


  No "TABLE=" at line <num>:  "<str>"


  <num>:  "<str>"


  line <num> beyond line index on page

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch a  line  on  a  page.
  The  fetch  failed  because  the  line index on that page has no
  entry for the requested line.  The problem is most likely caused
  by an invalid or corrupt pointer in an index.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index if the line is  referenced  from
  an index.


  Data cannot be loaded to a temporary table.

  Explanation:  A temporary table cannot be specified for the  RMU
  Load command.

  User Action:  Check  that  the  table  is  not  defined  in  the
  database  as  a global or local temporary table.  The table must
  be defined as a non-temporary table  to  be  able  to  load  the
  table's data.

749  –  LOATXT_10


750  –  LOATXT_8

  Start <num> executor(s) for GSD "<str>" on Database "<str>".

751  –  LOATXT_9

  Message from <str>:

752  –  LOCKACL

  Error locking or unlocking root ACL

  Explanation:  The lock  (unlock)  operation  on  the  root  file
  failed.   The  reason  for the failure is given in the secondary
  error message.

  User Action:  Correct the source of the failure and try again.


  added record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:   A  new   record   cache   definition   has   been
  successfully added the the database.


  backed up <num> <str> transaction(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed  or  rolled-back
  transactions  were  successfully  backed up from the after-image
  journal file.


  backed up <num> after-image journal block(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of blocks  were  successfully
  backed up from the after-image journal file.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.


  backed up <num> after-image journal(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of after-image journals  were
  successfully backed up during the AIJ backup operation.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.

757  –  LOGCOMPR

  data compressed by !@UQ% (!@UQ <str> in/!@UQ <str> out)

  Explanation:  User action:


  created optimized after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message  indicates  the  action  taken  on  a
  specific file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  deleted temporary after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message  indicates  the  action  taken  on  a
  specific file.


  deleted record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  A record cache definition  has  been  successfully
  deleted from the database.


  modifying record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  The parameters for  a  record  cache  are  in  the
  process of being modified.


  modified <num> spam page(s)

  Explanation:  None.


  modifying storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The parameters for  a  storage  area  are  in  the
  process of being modified.


  <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.   The  specified
  number of transactions were re-applied to the database, ignored,
  or rolled back.

  User Action:  None.


  transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  During roll-forward,  this  message  is  displayed
  every time a transaction is committed, rolled back, or ignored.


  blocked transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  When  a  blocked  transaction  is  resolved,  this
  message  is  displayed  every time the transaction is committed,
  rolled back, or ignored.


  total <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.   The  specified
  total  number  of  transactions were re-applied to the database,
  ignored, or rolled back.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

768  –  LOOKUP

  error searching for file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  find  the
  indicated file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  The LRS process has failed.

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*LRSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

770  –  LRSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process  does  not
  have an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename  when  database  replication  is started on the standby


  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server being shutdown

  Explanation:  The  LRS  process  is  in  final  phase  of  being

  User Action:   Try  starting  Hot  Standby  after  the  AIJ  Log
  Roll-Forward server has completely stopped execution.


  The float value is smaller than minimum allowed.

  Explanation:  The float value specified for the named option  is
  too small.

  User Action:  Use a float value that is greater than the minimum
  value and try again.


  FILID entry <num> is a  snapshot  area  whose  live  area  is  a
  snapshot area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each snapshot area contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the live area associated with the
  snapshot area.  The live area associated with the named snapshot
  area is not a live area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.


  MATCHING operator converted to  SQL  LIKE  operator  -  possible
  inconsistent wildcard operators

  Explanation:  SQL uses the LIKE operator  which  uses  different
  wildcard  characters  than the RDO MATCHING operator.  There may
  be possible differences in execution.

  User Action:  Examine  the  usage  of  the  object,  and  change
  wildcards to be those of SQL.


  ending page <num> greater than last page <num> of area
  last page in area used as ending page

  Explanation:  The upper limit of a page range  is  greater  than
  the maximum page number in the area.  Therefore, the ending page
  is taken as the last page in the database area.

  User Action:  There is no error here.  There could have  been  a
  typographic error in the command line.

776  –  MAXVOLS

  too many volumes in volume set <str>

  Explanation:   The  volume  set  is  larger  than  the   maximum
  supported (999).

  User Action:  A backup using more tapes is not  supported.   Use
  "by area" backups as an alternative.


  area <num>, page <num> should  contain  <num>  byte(s)  of  free
  starting at offset <num>

  Explanation:  The page in the indicated  area  contains  a  free
  space that should be zero, but is not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.


  page <num> should contain <num> byte(s) of free space
  starting at offset <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains a  free  space  that  should  be
  zero, but is not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

779  –  MFDBONLY

  operation is not allowed on single-file databases

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  modify  a  single-file
  database  in  such  a  way  that  the root file would need to be
  expanded.  This type of change is not permitted for  single-file
  databases.   Examples  of database modifications that cause this
  error include the following:  reserving after-image journals  or
  storage areas, adding or deleting storage areas, or changing the
  number of nodes or users.

  User Action:  If you want to create a multifile database from  a
  single-file database, use the EXPORT and IMPORT statements.


  starting page <num> greater than ending page <num>
  area verification is skipped

  Explanation:  The lower limit of the verification page range  is
  greater  than the higher limit of the page range.  Therefore, no
  pages are verified in the storage area.

  User  Action:   Supply  a  valid  page  range,   and   try   the
  verification again.


  starting page <num> greater than last page <num> of area
  area verification is skipped

  Explanation:  The lower limit of a page range  is  greater  than
  the  maximum page number in the area.  Therefore, no page in the
  area will be verified.

  User  Action:   Supply  a  valid  page  range,   and   try   the
  verification again.


  missing either month or day field in date string

  Explanation:  The date string must contain  the  month  and  day
  field.   Otherwise,  it  will  not be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item and specify  both  the
  month and day fields.


  Network error:  Required parameter missing.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

784  –  MISSVAL

  required value missing for <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated parameter requires a value.

  User Action:  Specify a value for the named  parameter  and  try


  failure message received from the monitor

  Explanation:  An error happened in  the  monitor  process.   The
  user process received the error message.

  User Action:  Examine the monitor log on the node where the user
  program  was  running  to  see  messages relating to the monitor


  Could not synchronize with database monitor

  Explanation:  The server needs to synchronize  with  a  database
  monitor but it cannot.

  User Action:  Make sure that the database monitor on the  server
  system  is  running  successfully.   If  appropriate,  have  the
  database monitor and server restarted.


  monitor is already running

  Explanation:  The monitor has already been  started  by  another

  User Action:  No action is required.


  database monitor process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The  request  you  made  could  not  be  completed
  because the database monitor process is being shut down.

  User  Action:    Examine   the   database   monitor   log   file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

789  –  MOUNTFOR

  <str> must be mounted foreign

  Explanation:  The device on which the backup  file  resides  was
  not mounted as a foreign volume.

  User Action:  Mount the device as a foreign volume  and  reissue
  the command.


  The specified density cannot  be  translated  to  an  equivalent
  multiple tape density value

  Explanation:   A  multiple  tape  density  value  has  not  been
  specified for this tape device even though multiple tape density
  values are supported for this device.  Since the specified  tape
  density  value  cannot  be  translated to an equivalent multiple
  tape density value, a multiple tape density value  will  not  be
  used for this device.

  User Action:  Consider specifying a multiple tape density  value
  for  this  device using the DATA_FORMAT qualifier instead of the
  DENSITY qualifier or specify a value with the DENSITY  qualifier
  that can be translated to a multiple tape density value.


  Only TEXT fields allowed for delimited text input

  Explanation:  The .rrd file describes a field which  is  not  of
  type TEXT.

  User Action:  Create a new .rrd file with fields of type TEXT.


  database must be closed or recovered

  Explanation:  The operation can be done only on  databases  that
  are closed and recovered.

  User Action:  Use the CLOSE command if an  OPEN  was  performed.
  Recovery,  if  required,  can be forced by opening the database.
  If other users are accessing the database,  you  must  wait  for
  them to finish.


  Must specify <str>

  Explanation:  You have entered  a  command  without  a  required

  User Action:  Reissue command, specifying the missing options.

794  –  NAMTRUNC

  File name truncated, <str>

  Explanation:  The names of files that are  placed  on  tape  are
  limited to a maximum of 17 characters.

  User Action:  Use a file name of 17 characters or less.


  error getting index information from system relations,
  indices will not be verified, continuing database verification

  Explanation:  During an attempt to read  information  about  the
  indexes from the the system tables, errors were encountered that
  makes it impossible to verify the indexes.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes and verify the database again.


  A logical area name or logical area id must be specified

  Explanation:  This  option  requires  a  logical  area  name  or
  logical  area  id.   It  cannot  be  implemented for all logical

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  area <str> already has <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified  storage  area  was
  trivial, as the number of pages before was exactly same.

  User Action:  Check page count of the current  area  allocation.
  (If it should differ)


  error <str> <str> network <str>

  Explanation:  A network-access error occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

799  –  NETERROR

  Network error:  <str>

  Explanation:  A network related error has occurred.

  User Action:  None

800  –  NOACTION

  This command requires an action to be specified

  Explanation:   No  action  parameters  are  specified  for  this

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

801  –  NOAIJDEF

  no default after-image filename available

  Explanation:  A default after-image journal file name cannot  be
  formed,  because  no  journal  file  name  is  presently  in the
  database root.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling, and supply  a  name
  for the after-image journal.

802  –  NOAIJENB

  cannot enable after-image journaling without any AIJ journals

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  enable  AIJ  journaling
  although no AIJ journals exist.

  User Action:  Create one or more AIJ  journals  BEFORE  enabling
  AIJ journaling.

803  –  NOAIJREM

  cannot remove AIJ journal without disabling journaling first

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  remove  the  last  AIJ
  journal.   The  last  AIJ  journal  may  be  removed only IF AIJ
  journaling has been previously disabled.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first.


  database replication server is not running or running  on  other

  Explanation:  The database replication  server  process  is  not
  running  on  the  standby  node  specified,  or  has  abnormally
  terminated.  There may also be a problem with the  mailbox  used
  to communicate with the database replication server.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or  not  the
  database  replication server process is actually running on your
  system.  Check the use of cluster aliases,  as  the  replication
  connection  may  have  been  attempted  on  another  node of the
  designated cluster.  If the database replication server  process
  does  not appear to be running, have your database administrator
  start the replication server, and try again.   If  the  database
  replication  server process appears to be running properly, then
  the problem  may  be  related  to  the  mailbox  by  which  user
  processes communicate with the replication server process.  Make
  sure the "server name" specified for both the live  and  standby
  databases  logical  are unique and identical.  On VMS platforms,
  the "server name" is used to create a logical of the  same  name
  that  resides  in  a logical name table accessible to all users,
  typically  the  LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX  name   table.    If   the
  replication  server  process  abnormally  terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be produced.  Search the bugcheck dump for  a
  string   of  five  asterisks  (*****)  using  the  SEARCH/WINDOW
  command.  You will see a line with a  format  similar  to  this:
  *****  Exception  at  <address>  :   <database  module  name>  +
  <offset> %facility-severity-text,  <error  text>  The  exception
  line will be followed by one or more additional errors that will
  help you to determine what caused the replication server process
  to  fail.   Typically,  the  problem  is  caused by insufficient
  quotas or system  resources.   However,  other  possible  causes
  include misdefined or undefined filename logicals.  Depending on
  the cause of the problem, take the appropriate action.   If  you
  are  uncertain  of  what  to  do,  contact  your  Oracle support
  representative for assistance.


  no more after-image journal slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of after-image  journals  that  can  be
  created  is  "reserved" in advance.  An attempt has been made to
  create more journals than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either remove an existing AIJ file or reserve more
  AIJ slots before creating additional journals.


  No storage areas were found on <str>

  Explanation:  No storage areas were found on the specified  disk
  or directory.

  User Action:  Verify the location  of  the  storage  areas,  and
  enter the command again.


  no more storage area slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of storage areas that can be created is
  "reserved"  in advance.  An attempt has been made to create more
  storage areas than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing storage area, or reserve
  more storage area slots before creating the area(s).


  No areas were moved.

  Explanation:  The RMU Move_Area  command  did  not  specify  any
  areas to be moved.

  User Action:  Specify the areas that  need  to  be  moved  using
  either  an  explicit  parameter,  an options file, the All_Areas
  qualifier or the Root qualifier.

809  –  NOASCLEN

  ASCII length not allowed on DEPOSIT

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER DEPOSIT command does not  allow  the
  ASCII length to be specified.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  DEPOSIT  command  without  the
  ASCII length specified.

810  –  NOATTACH

  command not allowed - not currently attached to a database

  Explanation:  A command has been issued which requires that  the
  user be attached to a database.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER ATTACH command to attach (bind)
  to a database.


  VMS AUDIT_SERVER process is not running on this system

  Explanation:  You attempted to generate a database audit record;
  however,  the  VMS  AUDIT_SERVER  process is not running on this

  User Action:  Restart the VMS AUDIT_SERVER process.


  Initialization failure for automatic AIJ recovery

  Explanation:   This  configuration  can  not  perform  automatic
  recovery from the After Image Journals known to the database.

  User Action:  Determine the cause for the failure from the other
  messages  provided and correct the problem.  Manual recovery may
  be successfully substituted.


  B-tree node not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A B-tree index node  was  expected  at  the  given
  dbkey,  but was not found.  The pointer to the duplicate node in
  the B-tree is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.


  no more record cache slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of record caches that can be  added  is
  "reserved"  in  advance.   An  attempt has been made to add more
  record caches than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing record cache  definition
  or reserve more slots before creating the caches(s).


  For  segmented  strings  COMMIT_EVERY  must  be  a  multiple  of
  ROW_COUNT,  setting  ROW_COUNT  equal  to  COMMIT_EVERY value of

  Explanation:  Data containing segmented strings cannot be loaded
  if  the  value  specified for COMMIT_EVERY exceeds the ROW_COUNT
  value and the value specified for COMMIT_EVERY is not a multiple
  of  the ROW_COUNT value.  ROW_COUNT is set equal to the value of
  COMMIT_EVERY and the load continues.

  User Action:  If  the  table  being  loaded  contains  segmented
  string  fields and the value of COMMIT_EVERY is greater than the
  value of ROW_COUNT specify a value for COMMIT_EVERY  that  is  a
  multiple of the value of ROW_COUNT.

816  –  NOCHAR

  no character after '' in pattern

  Explanation:  A MATCH operation was in progress and the  pattern
  was  exhausted  with  the  pattern  quote  character as the last
  character in the pattern.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression in error to have the proper


  The character set of <str>.<str> is <str>.  It may be ignored.

  Explanation:   Neither  RDO  nor  SQL89  has  any   syntax   for
  specifying  a  character set of a field.  When the character set
  of a field is different from a database default  character  set,
  it  will  be  recognized  as  the  same  as  a  database default
  character set.

  User  Action:   Specify  SQL  or  ANSI_SQL  with  the   Language
  qualifier and specify the Options=Full qualifier.


  attempted to verify a hash index in a storage area
  that is not of mixed area type
  Hash index is <str> and storage area is <str>

  Explanation:  The hash index must be stored in a storage area of
  mixed  type.   Probably  the mixed area flag in the FILID is not
  set, but should be.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

819  –  NOCOMBAC

  No full and complete backup was ever performed

  Explanation:  The database root file can only be restored from a
  full  and complete (all storage areas included) backup.  Without
  such  a  backup,   error   conditions   may   occur   that   are

  User  Action:   Perform  a  full  and  complete  backup  of  the


  no RMU command specified

  Explanation:  You  entered  RMU  without  specifying  a  command

  User Action:  Enter command with proper command option.


  This tape device does not accept compaction mode - compaction is

  Explanation:   This  tape  device  does  not  accept  the   tape
  compaction  mode.   The specified compaction mode is ignored for
  this device.

  User Action:  None -  the  specified  tape  compaction  mode  is


  RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION for index <str> cannot be  defined  using
  RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION  for  an  index  cannot  be
  represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to specify RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION for an index.

823  –  NOCONFIG

  Unable to load configuration file.

  Explanation:  An error occurred while  loading  the  Oracle  Rdb
  configuration file.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  Unable to load configuration file.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during  loading  of  the  user's
  configuration file.

  User Action:  Check that the DBSINIT  environment  variable  has
  been set correctly.

825  –  NOCREMBX

  can't create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  mailbox.  See the secondary message for more information.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.

826  –  NOCURPAG

  there is no current page - use the PAGE or DISPLAY command

  Explanation:  No page has been established as current since  the
  last ROLLBACK.

  User Action:  Use the RMU ALTER  PAGE  or  DISPLAY  commands  to
  establish a current page.

827  –  NOCVTCOM

  Database <str> is already at the current structure level.

  Explanation:  The convert operation cannot be committed.  Either
  the  convert operation was already committed or the database was
  created using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.

828  –  NOCVTDB

  Database <str> is already at the current version and  cannot  be

  Explanation:  The database is already at  the  current  version.
  The database will not be converted.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the correct version of RMU is executing.

829  –  NOCVTROL

  ROLLBACK of CONVERT not possible for <str>

  Explanation:  The  convert  operation  cannot  be  rolled  back.
  Either no conversion was performed, or the convert operation was
  already committed or rolled back.  Most commonly, this indicates
  that  the  database has already been converted or that the wrong
  version of RMU has been executed.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.


  no data records in index <str>

  Explanation:  A null dbkey was found as  the  root  dbkey  of  a
  B-tree  index.   It  is assumed that there are no records in the
  relation, and hence, the root dbkey is null.

  User Action:  If you know there are records in the relation, the
  index  is  corrupt, and you may rebuild the index.  If there are
  no  records  in  the  index,  however,  this  is  not  an  error


  partitioned index <str> in area <str> is empty

  Explanation:  A null dbkey was found as the root dbkey  of  this
  partition  of  a  B-tree index.  It is assumed that there are no
  records in this partition, and hence, the root dbkey is null.

  User Action:  If you know there are records in  this  partition,
  the  index  is corrupt, and you can rebuild the index.  If there
  are no records in the index,  however,  this  is  not  an  error

832  –  NODBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> does not point to a data record

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  fetch  a  record  by  its
  database-key value, but the record has been deleted.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.


  Network error:  Error looking for node name.

  Explanation:  Named node cannot be found.

  User Action:  Check the following:  - the network is  running  -
  the  node  is  accessible  from  your network - the node name is
  spelled correctly Correct any error found and retry.  If problem
  persists,   contact   your  Oracle  support  representative  for

834  –  NODEVDIR

  filename does not include device and directory

  Explanation:  The file you specified did not  include  a  device
  and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.


  duplicate hash bucket not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A duplicate hash bucket was expected at the  given
  dbkey,  but  was  not  found.  The pointer to the duplicate hash
  bucket from a primary hash bucket is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

836  –  NOENTRPT

  No entry point found for external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  The entry point for an external  routine  was  not
  found in the image that is supposed to contain the entry point.

  User Action:  Check the image name and the entry point name  for
  the external routine.


  unable to acquire exclusive access to database

  Explanation:  Exclusive access to the database was not possible.
  Therefore, the requested database operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Try again later.

838  –  NOEXTCUR

  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  Use a backup AIJ file.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> does not have LogMiner enabled

  Explanation:  This AIJ file came from a database  that  did  not
  have LogMiner enabled at the time the AIJ file was created.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> backed up via  a  no-quiet-point

  Explanation:   An  AIJ  file,  which  was  backed  up   with   a
  no-quiet-point    backup,    cannot   beextracted,   because   a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ  file.  AIJ extraction cannot handle incomplete transactions
  within an AIJ file.

  User  Action:   No  user  action.   This  AIJ  file  cannot   be

841  –  NOEXTOPT

  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> is optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> had its previous AIJ file backed
  up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous  AIJ  file  was
  backed  up  with  a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be extract.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file,   and   AIJ   extraction  cannot  handle  incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions

  Explanation:   The  AIJ  file  being  extracted  has  unresolved
  distributed   transactions.    AIJ   extraction   cannot  handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:   Use  a  complete  AIJ  file  with  no  unresolved
  distributed transactions.

844  –  NOFIXCSM

  Checksum on corrupt page <num> was not fixed.

  Explanation:  The page that you are marking  consistent  had  an
  invalid checksum that was not corrected.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Restore command to restore the page to
  a usable state.


  no full backup of this database exists

  Explanation:  An incremental backup of a database is not allowed
  if  a  full  backup  has never been made or if changes have been
  made to the database that require a full backup.


  hash bucket not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A hash bucket was expected at the given dbkey, but
  was  not  found.  The pointer to the hash bucket from the system
  record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

847  –  NOHIDDEN

  Not allowed to modify hidden ACEs

  Explanation:  Access to hidden ACEs  requires  OpenVMS  SECURITY

  User Action:  See your system manager.


  Index <str> will not be verified because it is not stored  in  a
  live area.

  Explanation:  All indexes should be stored  in  a  storage  area
  that  is  an  active  area.   The metadata for the index you are
  verifying  incorrectly  indicates  that  the  index  is   either
  inactive or in snapshot area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

849  –  NOIMAGE

  Unable to invoke image <str>.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during image invocation  for  an
  RMU command.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  no line index and no storage segments on a Space Mgmt.  page

  Explanation:  Space management pages are in a  different  format
  than  data  pages.   The  operation was trying to reference this
  space management page in data page format.

  User Action:  Try the operation again using  either  the  proper
  data  page number or the space management page format, depending
  on the intended operation.


  Root and/or path name is too long to perform a CDD integration

  Explanation:  The sum of the lengths of the root  name  and  the
  path name must be less than 230 characters for this operation.

  User Action:  Use SQL to perform the integration.

852  –  NOIOCHAN

  no more I/O channels available on system

  Explanation:  The process has attempted to exceed the number  of
  I/O  channels  that  can  be assigned at one time; this value is
  "per node".

  User Action:  Check  the  VMS  SYSGEN  parameter  CHANNELCNT  to
  ensure   that  it  is  large  enough  to  properly  service  the


  No logical areas match the specified selection parameters

  Explanation:  No logical areas have been found for the specified
  selection parameters.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

854  –  NOLCKMGR

  Unable to initialize lock manager.

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  initialization  of  the
  Oracle Rdb lock manager.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  Cannot locate LIBRARIAN image

  Explanation:  An operation involving a tape librarian was unable
  to   locate  an  implementation  of  the  Oracle  Media  Manager

  User Action:  Make sure that a media manager image is  installed
  and located at the specified location.

856  –  NOLINE

  line <num> is unused or locked

  Explanation:  You attempted to display unused or locked lines.

  User Action:  This is  not  allowed.   Unused  or  locked  lines
  cannot be displayed.

857  –  NOLIST

  list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  More than one parameter was specified in  a  comma
  seperated list but the command only excepts one parameter.

  User Action:  Remove the extra parameters.


  Cannot load virtual field <str>.

  Explanation:  Virtual fields cannot be loaded.

  User Action:  Remove the name of the virtual field from the list
  of fields to be loaded by the RMU Load command.


  no locks on this node with the specified qualifiers

  Explanation:  No locks were found on the current node that match
  the  specified  command qualifiers.  This usually indicates that
  either no monitors are active on this node, or no databases  are
  currently being accessed on this node.

  User Action:  If databases are active on the node, try  using  a
  less restrictive set of command-qualifiers.

860  –  NOMEM

  Network error:  Insufficient virtual memory.

  Explanation:  An operation exhausted the system pool of  dynamic
  memory,  and either the client or server process cannot allocate
  virtual memory.  The system cannot complete the request.

  User Action:  Free the resources you are  holding,  or  increase
  the  existing  pool  of memory.  Take these actions first on the
  server system, and if the problem is not  resolved,  take  these
  actions  on  the  client system.  Most likely, the problem is on
  the server system.

861  –  NOMIXASC

  do not mix data types with the ASCII switch

  Explanation:  You attempted an RMU ALTER DEPOSIT operation  with
  different, conflicting data types or radixes.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Issue the RMU ALTER  DEPOSIT
  DATA command with compatible data types or radixes.


  monitor home directory is not valid

  Explanation:  The directory from which the monitor  was  invoked
  is  no longer valid.  Typically, this occurs when the monitor is
  invoked by the installation IVP  procedure,  which  subsequently
  deletes  the invocation directory.  However, this can also occur
  during day-to-day operations whenever directories  are  deleted.
  When  the  monitor home directory does not exist, the monitor is
  unable to invoke other server processes, such  as  the  database
  recovery  process  ("DBR")  or  the AIJ Backup Server ("ABS") to
  name a few.  When the monitor home directory does not exist, the
  server processes will be unable to create temporary work files.

  User Action:  Stop the monitor, and  restart  it  from  a  valid


  database monitor is not running

  Explanation:  The database monitor process is not running or has
  abnormally  terminated.   There  may  also be a problem with the
  mailbox used to communicate with the database monitor.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or  not  the
  database monitor process is actually running on your system.  If
  the database monitor process does not appear to be running, have
  your  database  administrator  start the monitor, and try again.
  If the database monitor process appears to be running  properly,
  then  the  problem  may  be related to the mailbox by which user
  processes communicate with the monitor process.  Make  sure  the
  logical  <fac>$MAILBOX_CHANNEL  resides  in a logical name table
  accessible to all  users,  typically  the  LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX
  name  table.   If  the monitor abnormally terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be written to the monitor  log.   Search  the
  monitor  log  for  a  string of five asterisks (*****) using the
  SEARCH/WINDOW command.  You  will  see  a  line  with  a  format
  similar  to  this:   *****  Exception  at <address> :  <database
  module name> + <offset>  %facility-severity-text,  <error  text>
  The  exception  line  will be followed by one or more additional
  errors that will help you to determine what caused  the  monitor
  process   to   fail.    Typically,  the  problem  is  caused  by
  insufficient  quotas  or  system  resources.    However,   other
  possible   causes   include  misdefined  or  undefined  filename
  logicals.  Depending on the  cause  of  the  problem,  take  the
  appropriate action.  If you are uncertain of what to do, contact
  your Oracle support representative for assistance.

864  –  NOMOREGB

  <num> global buffers not available to bind; <num>  free  out  of

  Explanation:  Your  attempt  to  bind  to  the  database  failed
  because  there  are  not  enough  global  buffers  to allow your
  process to bind to the database.

  User Action:  There are four ways  to  alleviate  this  problem.
  1)Try  to  bind to the same database on another node, if you are
  using a VAXcluster.  2)Wait untill another user unbinds from the
  database  and  retry  the bind.  3)Increase the number of global
  buffers used for the database.  4)Decrease the maximum number of
  global  buffers  any  one  user  can use, in order to allow more
  users to bind to the database.  Please see your DBA for help.


  Online operation cannot  be  performed  if  page  transfers  via
  memory are enabled.

  Explanation:  The backup, copy_database, or  move_area  facility
  is  not  able  to  handle modified database pages which have not
  been  written  to  disk.   This  situation  may  arise  if  page
  transfers via memory are enabled for global buffers.

  User Action:  Either disable page transfers via memory  for  the
  database or perform the operation off line.


  Unable to load message file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred while loading a message file.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  The specified multiple tape density cannot be translated  to  an
  equivalent tape density value

  Explanation:  A multiple tape density value has  been  specified
  for  this  tape  device but multiple tape density values are not
  supported for this device.  Since the  specified  tape  multiple
  density value cannot be translated to an equivalent tape density
  value, the DEFAULT tape density will be used for this device.

  User Action:  Consider specifying a non  multiple  tape  density
  value for this device using the DENSITY qualifier instead of the
  DATA_FORMAT qualifier or specify a multiple tape  density  value
  with  the  DATA_FORMAT qualifier that can be translated to a non
  multiple tape density value.

868  –  NONEGVAL

  "<str>" qualifier is negated - value must not be supplied

  Explanation:  You negated a qualifier and also supplied a value.
  This combination is inconsistent.

  User Action:  Enter the command again,  and  do  not  specify  a
  value for a negated qualifier.

869  –  NONODE

  no node name is allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  A node name was found in the  file  specification.
  Node names cannot be used.

  User Action:  Use a file name without a node specification.


  no pointer clusters in a b-tree node

  Explanation:  You cannot try to display a pointer cluster  of  a
  b-tree  node  using  the  CLUSTER  clause.   B-tree nodes do not
  contain pointer clusters.

  User Action:  This is not a realistic RMU  ALTER  command.   Use
  DISPLAY LINE to see the b-tree node.

871  –  NOONLREC

  No online RECOVERY possible

  Explanation:  Online operation is not  available  when  recovery
  requires  altering  the  transaction  state of the database as a
  whole.  Online  operation  is  available  when  the  transaction
  states  of  areas  marked inconsistent are to be advanced to the
  state of the database as a whole.

  User Action:  Perform the operation using NOONLINE.


  cannot optimize -- commit-to-journal optimization is enabled

  Explanation:   The  'commit-to-journal'  database  parameter  is
  enabled.   When  this  parameter  is  enabled,  AIJ optimization
  cannot be performed.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for  recovery.  As an alternative, disable the commit-to-journal

873  –  NOOPTCUR

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ file

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be optimized,  because
  the  optimized  AIJ  file would not be equivalent to the current
  AIJ file if more journaling was done after optimization.

  User Action:  Start a new AIJ file, and then  optimize  the  AIJ
  file in question.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> backed up via a no-quiet-point

  Explanation:   An  AIJ  file,  which  was  backed  up   with   a
  no-quiet-point   backup,   cannot   be   optimized,   because  a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file.    AIJ   optimization   cannot   handle   incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User  Action:   No  user  action.   This  AIJ  file  cannot   be

875  –  NOOPTOPT

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is already optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be optimized again.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str>  had  its  previous  AIJ  file
  backed up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous  AIJ  file  was
  backed  up with a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be optimized.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file,   and  AIJ  optimization  cannot  handle  incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be optimized.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions,

  Explanation:   The  AIJ  file  being  optimized  has  unresolved
  distributed   transactions.    AIJ  optimization  cannot  handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for recovery.


  Cannot load audit records in parallel.

  Explanation:  Parallel loading is not supported for the RMU Load
  command  with  the  Audit qualifier.  A non-parallel load of the
  audit information will occur.

  User Action:  Do not specify the Parallel and  Audit  qualifiers
  in the same load operation.


  Cannot load segmented strings in parallel.

  Explanation:   Parallel  loading  is  not  supported  for   data
  containing  segmented strings.  A non-parallel load of the audit
  information will occur.

  User Action:  Do not specify the Parallel qualifier when loading
  data files that contain segmented strings.


  Only  one  executor  can  be  specified   for   a   BATCH_UPDATE

  Explanation:  An attempt to execute a  parallel  load  operation
  was  attempted  with multiple execurors and the TRANSACTION_TYPE
  set to BATCH_UPDATE.

  User Action:  Specify another  transaction_type,  do  not  do  a
  parallel load operation, or only specify one executor.


  no CDD pathname was available - using pathname <str>

  Explanation:  No CDD Pathname was available for  this  database,
  so a pathname was derived from the file specification.

  User Action:  None

882  –  NOPRIOR

  no PRIOR dbkey in this pointer cluster

  PRIOR  [= <dbkey>] command was issued for a pointer cluster that
  does not contain PRIOR pointers.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.   PRIOR  pointers  cannot  be
  displayed or altered in sets where they are not allowed.

883  –  NOPRIV

  no privilege for attempted operation

  Explanation:  You  attempted  an  operation  that  requires  VMS
  privileges, and you do not have those privileges enabled.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  no privileges for attempted operation

  Explanation:   There  are  insufficient   privileges   for   the
  operation to be performed.

  User  Action:   Get  sufficient  privileges   to   perform   the


  For segmented  strings  ROW_COUNT  cannot  exceed  COMMIT_EVERY,
  setting ROW_COUNT equal to COMMIT_EVERY value of <num>.

  Explanation:  Data containing segmented strings cannot be loaded
  if  the  value  specified for ROW_COUNT or the default ROW_COUNT
  value exceeds the value specified for  COMMIT_EVERY.   ROW_COUNT
  is  set  equal  to  the  value  of  COMMIT_EVERY  and  the  load

  User Action:  If  the  table  being  loaded  contains  segmented
  string  fields  specify a value of ROW_COUNT that is equal to or
  less than the value of COMMIT_EVERY.

886  –  NORDOALL

  the expression ALL cannot be represented using RDO

  Explanation:  The expression using  the  ALL  predicate  is  not
  supported in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract


  ANSI style protections can not be defined using RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  The database has ANSI-style ACL's which cannot  be
  represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract ANSI protections.


  ANSI style multischema can not be defined using RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  The database has an ANSI-style  multischema  which
  cannot be represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract a multischema database definition.


  the expression storage area <str> cannot be represented in RDO

  Explanation:  Indexes cannot  be  vertically  partitioned  using

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract

890  –  NORDOVRP

  Vertical record partitioning  cannot  be  defined  using  RDO  -

  Explanation:  The  database  has  vertical  record  partitioning
  defined in a storage map which cannot be represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command   to   extract   storage   maps   with  vertical  record


  The RDB$REL_REL_ID_NDX index could not be processed

  Explanation:  The RDB$REL_REL_ID_NDX index must  be  scanned  to
  identify  the  valid  relation  record types.  The index, or the
  RDB$DATABASE relation, or the root file is corrupt.

  User Action:  Locate and correct the corruption with RMU  ALTER,
  and  try  again.   Alternatively,  you  can  use the RMU Restore
  command to restore the database from a backup file.

892  –  NOREQIDT

  reached internal maximum number of simultaneous timer requests

  Explanation:  All allocated timer  request  ID  slots,  used  to
  uniquely  identify  timers,  are  in use.  Therefore, this timer
  request could not be serviced at this time.

893  –  NORTNSRC

  source for <str> "<str>" missing in module "<str>" - routine not

  Explanation:  RMU Extract uses the original SQL source text from
  the  RDB$ROUTINE_SOURCE  column in the RDB$ROUTINES system table
  when you specify the Item=Modules qualifier.   This  source  has
  been removed, probably to restrict users from viewing the source
  for the stored module.

  User Action:  If the module is created by the  RdbWEB  software,
  then  this  is  the  expected  behavior;  regenerate  the module
  instead of using RMU Extract.  If this  is  a  customer  defined
  module, then investigate why the source is missing.

894  –  NORTUPB

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already  accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.

895  –  NOSEGUNL

  Table "<str>" contains at least one segmented string column

896  –  NOSEQENT

  sequence id <num> has no valid entry in the root file

  Explanation:  Sequence with the sequence id is  present  in  the
  RDB$SEQUENCES  table but does not have a valid entry in the root
  file.  Either the seq is not marked as being used in  root  file
  or the condition minvalue <= next value <= maxvalue is false

897  –  NOSEQROW

  sequence id <num> has an entry in the root file but  no  row  in

  Explanation:  Sequence with id indicated has a root  file  entry
  but not corresponding row in the table RDB$SEQUENCES.


  Cannot create shared memory.

  Explanation:  A parallel operation was specified that required a
  global  memory  section  to  be shared among the processes.  The
  memory section could not be created.

  User Action:  Look at the secondary message that  describes  the
  reason for the failure of the shared memory creation.


  database shutdown not allowed while backup processes are active

  Explanation:  One or more database or AIJ backup  utilities  are
  active.  Database shutdown is not permitted while these types of
  utilities are active.

  User Action:  Wait for the utilities to  complete,  or  shutdown
  the database using the /ABORT=DELPRC qualifier.

900  –  NOSIP

  transaction is not a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that is not
  a snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use COMMIT or ROLLBACK to terminate  your  current
  transaction.   Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to start a new snapshot

901  –  NOSNAPS

  snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for area <str>

  Explanation:  Snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for  this

  User Action:  This is a normal situation created by the database
  definition  or  by  a change- or modify-database command.  Check
  with your DBA to make sure this situation is desirable.

902  –  NOSPACE

  no space available on page for new dbkey

  Explanation:  You issued  an  RMU  ALTER  DEPOSIT  command  that
  requires more space than is available on the page.

  User Action:  Space must be created  by  moving  data  from  the
  current  page  to  other  pages  in the database.  While this is
  difficult, it is not impossible.

903  –  NOSRVSUP

  Network error:  the operation is not supported by  this  version
  of the server.

  Explanation:  An operation was requested of the RMU Server which
  it  cannot  perform  because the operation was not available for
  that version of the server.

  User Action:  None.

904  –  NOSTATS

  statistics are not enabled for <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  show  statistics  for  a
  database that currently has statistics' collection disabled.

  User Action:  Enable statistics and try again.


  ACE for object <str>, does not exist<str>

  Explanation:  The specified  ACE  could  not  be  found  in  the
  database root file ACL.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Privilege command to display  the
  existing  ACEs  in  the  root  file  ACL.  Then try your command
  again, if appropriate.


  no such AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal does not exist  for  the

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by  dumping  the  database
  header information.


  unknown user "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to access information  with  a
  user  name unknown to the database (for example, sending mail to
  the monitor or attempting to execute a database recovery process
  (DBR))  or to access information with a user name unknown to the
  operating system (for example, no record in the UAF file).

  User Action:  Make sure the user name is spelled  correctly  and
  has  been  properly  identified  to  either  the database or the
  operating system.  Do not attempt to run DBR from DCL;  this  is
  not  allowed,  because  the  system  will  automatically  manage
  database recovery.  Be sure the monitor user name  is  correctly


  <str> is not supported on this platform.

  Explanation:  You are trying to use a command or qualifier  that
  is not available on this platform.


  System record not found at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  A system record was expected but not found at  the
  given dbkey.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  RESTORE
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

910  –  NOT1STVOL

  <str> is not the start of a backup volume set

  Explanation:  The mounted volume is not the first of the  volume

  User Action:  Mount the correct volume.

911  –  NOTABM

  command not allowed - not ABM page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on a non-ABM page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to an ABM page.


  page <num> in area <str> is not an ABM page

  Explanation:  A page in an ABM page chain is not  an  ABM  page.
  This probably indicates a corruption in the RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  If there is a corruption that causes  this  error,
  correct  the  error with the RMU Restore command, and verify the
  database again.

913  –  NOTAIP

  command not allowed - not AIP page

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER ENTRY command is being issued  on  a
  non-AIP page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to an AIP page.


  Not all data for database <str> can be loaded from system tables
  - verify continuing.

  Explanation:  Because of database corruption not  all  the  data
  necessary  for verification of the specified database object can
  be loaded.  The verify will continue.

  User Action:  Look for other verify  diagnostics  that  indicate
  the source of this corruption.


  AIJ Log Server is not automatically invoked by database monitor

  Explanation:  In order to initiate database replication  on  the
  master  database,  it  is  required  that  the AIJ Log Server be
  automatically invoked by the database monitor.

  User Action:  Change the AIJ Log  Server  invocation  mode  from

916  –  NOTANSI

  tape is not valid ANSI format

  Explanation:  The tape labels do not conform to ANSI standards.

  User Action:  If you are attempting an  RMU  RESTORE  operation,
  mount  the  correct  tape.   If you are attempting an RMU BACKUP
  operation, reinitialize this tape.

917  –  NOTANSI2

  <str> are not supported in ANSI/ISO SQL2 - ignored

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL2 does not support this feature,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL2.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL2  or use another language to
  extract the definition.

918  –  NOTANSI89

  <str> are not supported in ANSI/ISO SQL - ignored

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL-89 does not support this feature, so this
  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.


  <str> is not a valid backup file

  Explanation:  The backup file specified could not be used.   The
  specification  may  be  in error, or there may be an operational
  error such as an improperly  mounted  tape  or  a  file  damaged
  during  transmission.   If  you  have  issued  the  RMU  Restore
  command, the file format may not be valid.

  User  Action:   Correct  the  backup   file   specification   or
  operational error.  In the case of a disk-format backup file, if
  the OpenVMS file attributes have been damaged or lost, it may be
  possible  to  reset  them  with  a  command  similar to SET FILE


  invalid block size in backup file

921  –  NOTBOOL

  expression in AND, OR, or NOT was not a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or  subexpression  of  the form "A AND B", "A OR B", or "NOT A".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was not in the proper form.
  The  correct forms are "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X
  GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE Y", "X CONTAINS Y",  or  "X  MATCHES  Y".
  The  operand  of  NOT, and both sides of AND and OR expressions,
  must be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.

922  –  NOTBOUND

  command not allowed - not currently bound to a database

  Explanation:  A command has been issued which requires that  the
  user be attached to a database.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER ATTACH command to attach (bind)
  to a database.


  storage area <str> is not corrupt

  Explanation:  An RMU  ALTER  UNCORRUPT  command  was  issued  to
  uncorrupt  the named storage area but the area was not currently
  marked corrupt.

  User Action:  None.


  You must run in the dbsmgr account.

  Explanation:  RMU can only be invoked from the dbsmgr account.

  User Action:  Log in as dbsmgr before invoking RMU.


  filename does not specify disk device type

  Explanation:  A file name was specified which does not reference
  a disk oriented device type.

  User Action:  Check the file name for a proper disk device type.


  Save set is not encrypted.  Ignoring /ENCRYPT qualifier

  Explanation:  The save set is encrypted and the user specified a
  decryption key.

  User Action:  Remove encryption key from command.


  requested number of global buffers (<num>)  is  more  than  USER
  LIMIT (<num>)

  Explanation:  The user has requested more  global  buffers  than
  are allowed for a single user.

  User Action:  Either  reduce  the  number  of  requested  global
  buffers or increase the number of global buffers that a user may
  allocate.  See documentation  for  descriptions  of  USER  LIMIT
  clause used when creating and/or opening a database.


  area <str> cannot be extended to <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified  storage  area  was
  not  possible.   This condition is possible if the specified new
  size is less than the current  storage  area  allocation.   This
  condition can also occur when attempting to change the size of a
  WORM device.

  User Action:  Specify a new page count that is larger  than  the
  current area allocation.


  Backup set file number <num>, the first backup file specified,is
  not  the  first  file of the backup set.  Specify all the backup
  set files ordevices in the correct order.

  Explanation:  The first backup set file specified  was  not  the
  first backup set file specified by the backup command.

  User Action:  Repeat the restore, specifying all the backup  set
  files in the correct order.


  feature is not implemented yet

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a feature  that  has  been
  planned but has not been implemented yet.

  User Action:  Avoid this feature.


  value not within specified range of acceptable values

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or  redefine  it  with  a
  value in the acceptable range.

932  –  NOTIP

  no transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted to execute a DML verb, but there  is
  no transaction in progress yet.

  User Action:  Execute a READY  statement  before  executing  any
  other DML statements.

933  –  NOTLAREA

  "<str>" is not a logical area name

  Explanation:  The logical area name is incorrect or misspelled.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

934  –  NOTONABM

  command not allowed on ABM page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on an ABM page.

  User Action:  Issue a PAGE command to change the  context  to  a
  non-ABM page.

935  –  NOTONAIP

  command not allowed on AIP page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on an AIP page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to a non-AIP page.


  no transactions in this journal were applied

  Explanation:   This  journal  file  contains  transactions  that
  cannot be applied to the specified backup of the database.

  User Action:  Be sure you are using the correct database  backup
  and journal file.


  not all requested verifications have been performed

  Explanation:   It  is  not  possible  to  access   some   system
  relations.   The database is probably corrupt.  Only some of the
  requested verifications were performed.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

938  –  NOTROOT

  not a root file

  Explanation:  The specified file is not a database root file.

  User Action:  Specify a database root file and try again.

939  –  NOTSFDB

  This command is not allowed for a single file database

  Explanation:   This  comamnd  is  illegal  for  a  single   file

  User Action:  Only use this command for a multi-file database

940  –  NOTSNBLK

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already  accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.


  current page is not a space management page

  Explanation:  The operation is trying  to  access  a  data  page
  using the space management page format.

  User Action:  If you want access to  a  space  management  page,
  then  make  the  current page a space management page and repeat
  the operation.  If the current page is  correct,  then  you  can
  only reference it with the data page format, and a new operation
  is needed.


  constraints are not supported in SQL  -  syntax  conversion  not
  possible - ignored

  Explanation:  SQL does not support constraints outside of  table
  definitions, so this definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.


  storage area <str> does not exist in this database

  Explanation:   The  storage  area  name  is  incorrect.   It  is
  probably misspelled.

  User Action:  Use a valid storage area name.


  The function <str> is not supported for <str>

  Explanation:  This function or qualifier is  not  supported  for
  this version of Rdb.

  User Action:   Repeat  the  command  but  do  not  specify  this
  function or qualifier.


  <str> are not supported in RDO - syntax conversion not  possible
  for <str> <str>.<str>

  Explanation:   RDO  does  not  support  this  feature,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.


  non-system concealed device name in filename

  Explanation:  A concealed device name must  be  defined  in  the
  system logical table.

  User Action:  If the device  name  has  to  be  concealed,  then
  define it in the system logical table.


  Input file was not created by RMU UNLOAD

  Explanation:   The  input  file  does  not  contain  the  header
  information recorded by the RMU Unload command.

  User Action:  Check to see that the correct file was specified.


  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is not vertically partitioned.

  Explanation:   A  record  was  found  that  should   have   been
  vertically partitioned but was not.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Vertical partition <num> points  to  non-partitioned  record  at

  Explanation:  The primary vertically partitioned segment  points
  to a secondary record that is not vertically partitioned.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Expected a WORM hole in WORM storage area <str>
  at page <num>.

  Explanation:  A WORM storage area page, beyond the  area's  last
  initialized page, is not a WORM hole.  It should be a WORM hole,
  because it should have never been written to.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.


  Storage area <str> is not a WORM storage area.
  It should have a logical end-of-file of zero.
  Logical end-of-file is <num>.

  Explanation:  A storage area not having the WORM property has  a
  non-zero  logical  end-of-file.   Non-WORM  areas must have zero
  logical end-of-files.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

952  –  NOT_BOUND

  database is not bound

  Explanation:  You have not bound to a database yet, or you  have
  unbound the database and have not bound to another one yet.

  User Action:  Bind to a database before continuing.

953  –  NOT_FULL

  area <str> is not marked as full

  Explanation:  You issued an RMU ALTER MAKE NOT FULL  command  to
  unmark the full flag of the named storage area, but the area was
  not currently marked as full.

  User Action:  None.

954  –  NOT_LARDY

  area for <num>:<num>:<num> not in proper ready mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a logical area  for  which
  you have not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  Retry a ready operation later.

955  –  NOT_READY

  storage area <str> not readied

  Explanation:  You attempted to access an area for which you have
  not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If the area is included in your subschema, you can
  use the READY statement to prepare it for processing.

956  –  NOT_UPDATE

  storage area <str> not readied in update usage mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to modify the contents  of  an  area
  without having declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If you have not readied  the  area  yet,  you  can
  READY  for  UPDATE.   If  you  have already readied it, you must
  abort your transaction by executing a ROLLBACK  before  you  can

957  –  NOUSER

  invalid user number

  Explanation:  The ROOT USER command references a user that  does
  not exist.

  User Action:  Issue the command, referencing a valid user.

958  –  NOVERENT

  Unable to verify external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  RMU cannot verify that the external routine can be
  activated.   This  message  will  be  displayed  if RMU has been
  installed with privileges (this is  the  default  configuration)
  and  either  of  the following conditions exists:  1.  The image
  for the external routine can be located via /SYSTEM logicals but
  is  not  installed  with the VMS INSTALL utility.  2.  The image
  for the external routine can be located but not via only /SYSTEM

  User Action:  Specify the image location in the external routine
  using  system- wide executive-mode logical names and install the
  image as a known image.  Alternately, retry the verify operation
  using a non privileged RMU.

959  –  NOWILD

  no wild cards are allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  Wild-card characters ("*" and "%") cannot be  used
  in that file specification.

  User  Action:   Use  a  file  specification  without   wild-card


  WORM areas are not supported

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to declare an area  as  having
  the  WORM  attribute.   At this time, there is no longer support
  for this attribute.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  No WORM areas found with journaling disabled.

  Explanation:  You are executing the RMU Repair command with  the
  Worm_Segments  qualifier.   You  specified  no arguments for the
  Areas qualifier, and the database does not have any  WORM  areas
  with journaling disabled.

  User Action:  Verify that you are using the correct database.

962  –  NOWRMFLD

  No segmented string fields found for relation <str>.

  Explanation:  You are executing the RMU Repair command with  the
  Worm_Segments  qualifier and you listed a relation that does not
  have any segmented string fields.

  User Action:  Verify that you are  listing  the  relations  that
  have  segmented  string fields that may have had segments stored
  in the WORM areas that is in need of recovery.

963  –  NO_EXEC

  No executor processes are available at this time.

  Explanation:  No executor processes  are  available  to  process
  your requests at this time.

  User Action:  Try again later.

964  –  NO_REQUEST

  Network error:  Request buffer was not available.

  Explanation:  Request buffer was not available.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

965  –  NPARQUAL

  Qualifier not valid for parallel operation "<str>".

  Explanation:  An qualifier was specified that cannot be used for
  parallel operations.

  User Action:  Remove this qualifier or do not attempt a parallel


  Field CONSISTENT is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.

967  –  NTSNPFNF

  Field NOT FULL is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.


  Field UNCORRUPT is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.


  unexpected overlap on page <num>
  free space end offset :  <num> (hex)
  minimum offset of any line :  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  An overlap was found between the end of free space
  and  the  beginning  of the line closest to the beginning of the
  page.  This could be caused by the  corruption  of  locked  free
  space length, free space length, or the line index.

  User Action:   Dump  the  page  in  question  to  determine  the
  corruption.  Restore the database and verify again.


  database operator requested database shutdown

  Explanation:  Your  program  has  been  terminated  because  the
  database operator shut down the database you were using.

  User Action:  Try again later after  the  database  shutdown  is

971  –  OPERFAIL

  error requesting operator service

  Explanation:  Communication  with  the  operator  through  OPCOM

  User Action:  Correct the problem  with  OPCOM  or  reissue  the
  command interactively.


  system operator notification:  <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated message  was  sent  to  one  of  the
  configured system operators.

  User Action:  Examine the  indicated  message  and  perform  the
  appropriate operation.


  database operator requested monitor process shutdown

  Explanation:  Your  program  has  been  terminated  because  the
  database operator shut down the database monitor process.

  User Action:  Try again later after  the  database  shutdown  is


  error opening file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when an attempt was made to open
  a  file.  Either the the file does not exist, or you do not have
  sufficient privileges to perform the operation.

  User Action:  Make sure the file exists.  If  the  file  exists,
  you need to get sufficient privileges to access the file.


  opened snapshot area <str> for <str> <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area has been opened, either
  because  it  is  the current storage area being verified, or set
  chain  verification  has  been  specified  and  a  storage   set
  occurrence  requires  opening the storage area to verify the set


  TSN  <num>:<num>  contains  DDL  information  that   cannot   be

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ  record
  with  DDL  information.  DDL information cannot be optimized and
  forces a flush of the accumulated SORT information.  Too many of
  these  operations  limit  the  effectiveness  of  the  resulting
  optimized  after-image  journal   and   decrease   the   overall
  optimization performance.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  TSN <num>:<num> record size <num> exceeds maximum  <num>  record

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ  record
  whose  size  exceeds  the  maximum  specified  sort record size.
  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records are passed to
  the  sort  utility.  By default, the size of the sort records is
  1548 bytes in length, which is also the maximum  value  allowed.
  The sort record length affects the amount of disk space required
  to complete the AIJ optimization operation.   The  size  of  the
  record  passed  to  the  sort  utility can be adjusted using the

  User Action:  If possible, increase the size of the sort  record
  using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.


  AIJ record count exceeded specified <num> sort threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ records processed  exceeded  the
  maximum      sort      threshold      specified      by      the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a fatal

  User Action:  None.  Use  of  the  <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD
  may  reduce  the  sort work file disk space required for the AIJ
  optimization operation.  However, this may result  in  a  larger
  output file.


  TSN <num>:<num> error count exceeded <num> failure threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ  optimize  errors  exceeded  the
  transaction     error     threshold     specified     by     the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a  fatal

  User Action:  None.  The remainder of the  transaction  contents
  are  written  directly  to  the  optimized AIJ file.  Use of the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name may actually  increase
  the AIJ optimize operation performance as the number of required
  sort operations is reduced.   However,  this  may  result  in  a
  larger output file.


  optimized AIJ file is inconsistent with the database

  Explanation:  The database and/or some areas within the database
  are  not  consistent  with  the  optimized  AIJ  file.  The last
  transaction committed to the database and/or  to  some  database
  areas  is  not the same as the last transaction committed to the
  database at the time the optimized AIJ file's original AIJ  file
  was created.  To use an optimized AIJ file for recovery, it must
  be consistent with the database and all areas.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the


  error processing option <str>

  Explanation:  An internal error was  detected  while  processing
  this option.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   You  will need to provide the command which caused
  this error.

982  –  OPTLIN

  <num> :  <str>


  cannot do by-area recovery with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover-by-area operation was attempted with  an
  optimized AIJ file.  Optimized AIJ files do not support recovery
  by area, so the recovery operation was aborted.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  by area recovery.


  cannot do a /RECOVER/UNTIL with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover operation specifying an "until" time  is
  not  allowed  with  an  optimized  AIJ  file.   No  recovery  is
  performed if this condition is specified.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  /RECOVER/UNTIL operation.


  AIJ optimization record length was <num> characters in length

  Explanation:  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records
  are  passed  to  the  sort utility.  By default, the size of the
  sort records is 1548 bytes in length, which is also the  maximum
  value  allowed.   The  sort  record length affects the amount of
  disk space required to complete the AIJ optimization  operation.
  The  size  of  the  record  passed  to  the  sort utility can be
  adjusted using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.  This
  message  indicates  the size of the largest AIJ record passed to
  the sort utility that was less than or equal to the maximum sort
  record length.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  <str>:  <num>

  Explanation:  During  optimization  operations,  statistics  are
  often  collected  to  aid  the  user  in  tuning.   This message
  displays a single statistic.


  Syntax error in options file   <str>'<str>'<str>

  Explanation:  A command from  the  options  file  has  a  syntax

  User Action:  Edit the file and fix the indicated command.


  Fatal error, output file deleted

  Explanation:  A non  recoverable  error  was  encountered.   The
  output file was deleted.

  User Action:  Locate and correct  the  source  of  the  original


  Fatal error, the output file is  not  deleted  but  may  not  be
  useable,<num> records have been unloaded.

  Explanation:  A non  recoverable  error  was  encountered.   The
  output  file  was  not deleted.  However, depending on the error
  the output file may not be useable.

  User Action:  Locate and correct  the  source  of  the  original

990  –  OVERFLOW

  data conversion overflow

  Explanation:  A loss of information would  have  occurred  on  a
  data item transformation.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try the operation again.


  area <str>, page <num>
  maps incorrect storage area
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The storage area id number on the database page is
  not  the  storage  area  id number of the storage area currently
  being verified.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>
  contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:   The  checksum   on   the   page   is   incorrect.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  Page <num> is already consistent.

  Explanation:  You are trying to set a page as consistent when it
  is not marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different page, and  enter  the  command


         <num> page error(s) encountered
         <num> page header format error(s)
         <num> page tail format error(s)
         <num> area bitmap format error(s)
         <num> area inventory format error(s)
         <num> line index format error(s)
         <num> segment format error(s)
         <num> space management page format error(s)
         <num> difference(s) in space management of data page(s)

  Explanation:  This message indicates how many page format errors
  were  encountered  while scanning a particular storage area that
  has space management pages.  Data  pages  which  contain  format
  errors will not have storage segments verified.


  Database must be off-line to assign a page size of <num> to area

  Explanation:  The page size specified for this  area  is  larger
  than  the buffer size supported by the database.  To accommodate
  the larger page size, the buffer size of the database would have
  to  grow.   The  buffer  size  cannot  be  changed for an online

  User Action:  Either settle for a smaller page size  or  perform
  the operation off line.


  area <str>, page <num>
  (free space+locked free space+line index) length
  greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The sum of the number  of  bytes  of  all  storage
  records  mapped  by  all  the entries in the line index plus the
  number of bytes of free space,  both  locked  and  unlocked,  is
  larger   than  expected.   Further  verification  of  the  page,
  including segment and  set  occurrence  chain  verification,  is

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  area <str>, page <num>
  has odd locked free space
  found:  <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Free  space  should  be  word-aligned.   The  page
  header   indicates  byte-aligned  locked  free  space.   Further
  verification of the page, including segment and  set  occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

998  –  PAGINCON

  area <str>, page <num>
  page is marked as inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The page has been restored but not recovered.

  User Action:  Make the page consistent by using the RMU  Recover


  page is inconsistent

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  This page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User  Action:   Take  the  proper  action  to  make   the   page
  consistent.   For  example,  perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or  ABM

1000  –  PAGISCRPT

  Page <num> is already marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark as corrupt a page  that  is
  already marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different page, and  enter  the  command

1001  –  PAGLILINV

  area <str>, page <num>
  has a line index length greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum available space on  a  given  database
  page  is  (page  length  - length of page header - length of one
  line index entry - length of line index count).  The  number  of
  entries  specified  in  the  line  index count multiplied by the
  length of an  individual  line  index  entry  indicates  a  size
  greater  than  this  maximum.  Further verification of the page,
  including segment and  set  occurrence  chain  verification,  is

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1002  –  PAGLIXBIG

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index maps a total length greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The sum of the number  of  bytes  of  all  storage
  records  mapped  by  all the entries in the line index is larger
  than expected.  Further  verification  of  the  page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1003  –  PAGLIXFRS

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num> maps free space at offset <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The line index entry specifies an offset  that  is
  partially or totally allocated to either locked or unlocked free
  space on the page.  Further verification of the page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1004  –  PAGLIXHOL

  area <str>, page <num>
  line <num>, line <num>
  hole of <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Storage records are  stored  contiguously  on  the
  database  page.   A  hole  between  two  storage  records, space
  claimed by neither storage record, is indicated by the specified
  line  index  entries.   The  line  index  or  one or both of the
  storage records is incorrect.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1005  –  PAGLIXODD

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num> has an odd offset
  found offset <num>

  Explanation:  Storage records  on  a  database  page  should  be
  word-aligned.   The  line  index  entry indicates a byte-aligned
  storage record.  Further verification  of  the  page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1006  –  PAGLIXOVL

  area <str>, page <num>
  line <num>, line <num>
  overlap of <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Storage records are  stored  contiguously  on  the
  database page.  An overlap of two storage records, space claimed
  by both storage records, is  indicated  by  the  specified  line
  index  entries.   The  line  index or one or both of the storage
  records is incorrect.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1007  –  PAGLIXSML

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num>, length too small
  expected at least <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The line index entry specifies  a  storage  record
  length  that  is  smaller  than  the  length  of one database id
  number.  Storage records must be at least  this  long.   Further
  verification  of  the page, including segment and set occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1008  –  PAGLUBAD

  area <str>, page <num>
  has free space (locked+unlocked) greater than expected
  expected no more than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum available space on  a  given  database
  page  is  (page  length  - length of page header - length of one
  line index entry - length of line index count).  The total  free
  space  on  the  page,  indicated  by  the  sum of the locked and
  unlocked free space,  is  greater  than  this  amount.   Further
  verification  of  the page, including segment and set occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1009  –  PAGPAGRAN

  area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of range
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the database page is not within
  the  range  of valid page numbers for the storage area stated in
  the storage schema.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1010  –  PAGPAGSEQ

  area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of sequence
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the database  page  is  not  +1
  greater  than  the  preceding  page number.  Verification of the
  page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1011  –  PAGSYSREC

  area <str>, page <num>
  system record contains an invalid database ID
  expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:   This  verification  is  performed  here  only  if
  OPT=PAGES  is  specified.   Otherwise,  it  is  performed during
  segment verification.  The SYSTEM record id was not found in the
  system record on this page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1012  –  PAGTADINV

  area <str>, page <num>
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time>
  and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the page specifies a time  later
  than  the  time  that  the  verification  began.  Such a time is
  incorrect.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1013  –  PAGTADZER

  area <str>, page <num>
  contains zero time stamp

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  page  is  zero,  that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1014  –  PAGUFSODD

  area <str>, page <num>
  has odd unlocked free space
  found:  <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Free  space  should  be  word-aligned.   The  page
  header  indicates  byte-aligned  unlocked  free  space.  Further
  verification of the page, including segment and  set  occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  error when trying to participate in a distributed transaction

  Explanation:  The process  was  unable  to  participate  in  the
  DECdtm distributed transaction, because of a DECdtm error.  This
  error is returned in the secondary error message.

  User Action:  Look at the  secondary  error  message,  make  the
  necessary correction, and try the operation again.

1016  –  PARTLVFY

  continuing partial verification

  Explanation:   It  was  not  possible  to  access  some   system
  relations.   The  database  is probably corrupt.  As much of the
  requested verification will be performed as is possible.

  User Action:  You may need to restore the database.

1017  –  PARTNDCNT

  error getting the count of partitioned indices

  Explanation:   It  was  not  possible  to  get  the   count   of
  partitioned  indices,  probably  because  the RDB$INDICES system
  relation is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

1018  –  PBCKMISSA

  Executor count is greater than number of storage areas.

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors   specified   by   the
  Executor_Count  qualifier  is greater than the number of storage
  areas included in the backup operation.   The  unused  executors
  are ignored.

  User Action:  Decrease the number of executors.

1019  –  PBCKMISTD

  Executor count is greater than number of  tape  drives  or  disk

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors  specified  with   the
  Executor_Count  qualifier  is  greater  than  the number of tape
  drives or disk directories listed with the backup file parameter
  for  a  parallel  backup command.  For this error, a tape master
  and its  slave  are  considered  one  tape  drive.   The  unused
  executors are ignored.

  User Action:  Decrease the number of executors or add more  tape
  drives or disk directories to the operation.

1020  –  PBCKXTRND

  Executor count is less than number of nodes specified.

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors  specified  with   the
  Executor_Count qualifier is less than the number of nodes listed
  with the Node qualifier for  a  parallel  backup  command.   The
  extra node names specified are ignored,

  User Action:  Increase the number of  executors  or  reduce  the
  number of nodes in the node list.

1021  –  PCNTZERO

  line <num> has no pointer clusters

  Explanation:  You issued an RMU ALTER DISPLAY or DEPOSIT LINE  m
  CLUSTER n command for a record with no clusters.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Clusters cannot be displayed
  or deposited into if the storage record has no clusters.

1022  –  PGSPAMENT

  area <str>, page <num>
  the fullness value for this data page does not match
  the threshold value in the space management page
  expected:  <num>, computed:  <num>

  Explanation:  The data page's percentage fullness falls  outside
  of  the  range  of  percentage  fullness represented by the data
  page's space management page code.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the   SQL  IMPORT  statement  and  verify  the  database  again.
  Alternatively, the RMU Repair command may be used with the  SPAM
  qualifier  to  correct  this  problem.  Please note that the RMU
  Repair command should not be used unless you have a backup  copy
  or  an  exported  copy  of the database.  Because the RMU Repair
  command does  not  write  its  transactions  to  an  after-image
  journal  file, a repaired database cannot be rolled forward in a
  recovery process.  Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that
  a  full  and  complete  database backup be performed immediately
  after using the RMU Repair command.

1023  –  PGSPMCLST

  area <str>, page <num>
  the <num>% fullness value for this data page does not fall
  within the <num>-<num>% range found on the space management page

  Explanation:  The data page's percentage  fullness  of  a  mixed
  area   falls   outside  of  the  range  of  percentage  fullness
  represented by the data page's space management page code.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the   SQL  IMPORT  statement  and  verify  the  database  again.
  Alternatively, the RMU Repair command may be used with the  SPAM
  qualifier  to  correct  this  problem.  Please note that the RMU
  Repair command should not be used unless you have a backup  copy
  or  an  exported  copy  of the database.  Because the RMU Repair
  command does  not  write  its  transactions  to  an  after-image
  journal  file, a repaired database cannot be rolled forward in a
  recovery process.  Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that
  a  full  and  complete  database backup be performed immediately
  after using the RMU Repair command.

1024  –  PLNBADMAS

  Executor <str> cannot be a coordinator executor.

  Explanation:  The  Coordinator  keyword  was  specified  for  an
  executor other than the first executor.

  User Action:  Remove  the  Coordinator  keyword  for  the  named
  executor  or  move  the named executor to the first entry of the
  executor list.

1025  –  PLNBADSA

  Storage area <str> does not exist in the database.

  Explanation:  The named storage area was specified  for  backup,
  but it does not exist in the database.

  User Action:  Remove the storage area from the plan file.

1026  –  PLNDRVMAS

  Drive <str> is the first drive in the list and must be a master.

  Explanation:  The first drive in a  list  of  drives  is  not  a
  master drive.

  User Action:  Either specify the Master qualifier to  the  named
  drive  or make another drive the first drive in the list of tape

1027  –  PLNDUPSA

  Storage area <str> is listed multiple times in the plan.

  Explanation:  The named storage area is listed multiple times in
  the plan file.

  User Action:  Make sure the storage area appears  only  once  in
  the plan file.

1028  –  PLNDUPTAP

  Drive <str> is listed multiple times in the plan.

  Explanation:  A tape drive has been listed in multiple places in
  the plan file.

  User Action:  Make sure the named drive appears only once  among
  all of the tape drives specified in the tape drive lists.

1029  –  PLNLABELS

  Labels cannot be specified for the plan and for the executors.

  Explanation:  Tape labels were specified for the  entire  backup
  operation  and  for  each tape drive.  A plan can specify either
  labels for the entire backup operation, or labels for  the  tape
  drives, but not both.

  User Action:  Remove either the label list for the operation  or
  the label lists for the tape drives.

1030  –  PLNMASDIR

  First  executor  in  backup  plan  cannot   be   assigned   disk

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in the backup  plan  file
  does not write to disk.  Therefore,it should not be assigned any
  disk directories.

  User Action:  Remove the disk directory list from the definition
  of the coordinator executor.

1031  –  PLNMASNOD

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned to a node.

  Explanation:  The first executor in a backup plan always runs on
  the node where the plan file is being read and executed.

  User Action:  Remove the node name from the first executor.

1032  –  PLNMASSA

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned areas.

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in  a  backup  plan  does
  backup  any  areas.   Therefore,  it  should not be assigned any
  storage areas.

  User Action:  Remove the storage area list from  the  definition
  of the coordinator executor.

1033  –  PLNMASSLV

  First executor in backup plan cannot be a worker executor.

  Explanation:  The first executor in a backup plan  must  be  the
  coordinator executor.  It is followed by worker executors only.

  User Action:  Move the coordinator executor the beginning of the
  list of executors.

1034  –  PLNMASTD

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned tape drives.

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in the backup  plan  file
  does not write to tape.  Therefore,it should not be assigned any
  tape drives.

  User Action:  Remove the tape drive list from the definition  of
  the coordinator executor.

1035  –  PLNMISEXE

  No executors listed in backup plan.

  Explanation:  A list of executors is  missing  from  the  backup
  plan file.

  User Action:  Use the List_Plan and Parallel qualifiers with the
  RMU Backup command to generate a plan file.

1036  –  PLNMISMAS

  First executor in backup plan is not the coordinator executor.

  Explanation:  The first executor of backup plan must  always  be
  the  coordinator executor.  The subsequent executors must all be
  worker executors.

  User Action:  Move the declaration of the  coordinator  executor
  to the beginning of the list of executors.

1037  –  PLNMISRBF

  No backup file specified in backup plan.

  Explanation:  The backup plan file name is missing from the plan

  User Action:  Add the name of the backup file to the plan file.

1038  –  PLNMISRT

  No database specified in backup plan.

  Explanation:  The database root file is  not  specified  in  the
  plan file.

  User Action:  Add the name of the database to the plan file.

1039  –  PLNMISSLV

  Executor <str> should be a worker executor.

  Explanation:  The worker keyword must be  used  for  all  listed
  executors except the first.

  User Action:  Add the worker keyword to the  named  executor  or
  make the named executor the coordinator executor by moving it to
  the first entry in the list.

1040  –  PLNNOSLV

  There are no worker executors in the plan.

  Explanation:  The plan has no worker executors.

  User Action:  Add worker executors to the plan file.

1041  –  PLNSAMIS

  Executor <str> has no storage areas assigned to it.

  Explanation:  The named executor  requires  a  list  of  storage
  areas to backup.

  User Action:  Add a list of storage area to the named executor.

1042  –  PLNSLVDIR

  Executor <str> has no disk directories assigned.

  Explanation:   The  named  executor  requires  a  list  of  disk

  User Action:  Add a  list  of  disk  directories  to  the  named

1043  –  PLNSLVLAB

  Labels must be assigned to all tape drives or none.

  Explanation:  Some of the tape drives have been assigned a  list
  of labels while other drives have not.

  User Action:  Either assign labels to all drives are to none  of
  the drives.

1044  –  PLNSLVTD

  Executor <str> has no tape drives assigned.

  Explanation:  The named executor requires a list of tape drives.

  User Action:  Add a list of tape drives to the named executor.

1045  –  PLNSYNTAX

  Syntax error in plan file      <str>'<str>'<str>.

  Explanation:  An option in the plan file has a syntax error.

  User Action:  Edit the file and fix the indicated option.

1046  –  PLNTDMORS

  Drive <str> must be either a master or slave.

  Explanation:  A tape drive has been given both  the  master  and
  the slave attribute or has not been given either attribute.

  User Action:  Make sure the tape drive has either the master  or
  slave attribute.


  Option in plan file exceeds 1024 characters in length.

  Explanation:  An option  line  in  the  plan  file  exceeds  the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the plan file to fix the problem.

1048  –  POSERROR

  error positioning <str>

  Explanation:  Tape device rejected the attempt to set  the  tape
  characteristics, or positioning.

  User Action:  Correct the device or media problem,  and  reissue
  the command.

1049  –  POSITERR

  error positioning <str>

  Explanation:  Tape device rejected the attempt to set  the  tape
  characteristics, or positioning.

  User Action:  Correct the device or media problem,  and  reissue
  the command.

1050  –  POSSCALE

  positive scale not possible in SQL - <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  SQL does not allow a positive scale.  For example,
  DATATYPE SIGNED LONGWORD SCALE 2 cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1051  –  PREMEOF

  premature end of file encountered in <str>

  Explanation:  A  premature  end-of-file  was  encountered  while
  reading the specified file.


  Unexpected end of file on restore options file

  Explanation:   The  last  line  of  the  options  file   was   a
  continuation line.

  User Action:  Edit the options file to fix the problem.


  Unexpected end of file on plan file.

  Explanation:  The last line of the plan file was a  continuation

  User Action:  Edit the plan file to fix the problem.

1054  –  PREM_EOF

  Unexpected end of file on record definition file

  Explanation:  The last line of the file was a continuation line.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the problem.

1055  –  PREVACL

  Restoring the root ACL over a pre-existing ACL.        This is a
  normal condition if you are using the CDO utility.

  Explanation:  The creation of the database also created an  ACL,
  either  by propagation from a previous version of the root or by
  propagation of default ACEs from the directory  ACL.   This  ACL
  may  supersede  the access rights being restored from the backup
  file, and it may be necessary  to  use  the  RMU  Set  Privilege
  command to establish the desired access rights for the database.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Privilege command to examine  the
  restored  access rights.  If they are not what you want, correct
  them by using the RMU Set Privilege command.  In extreme  cases,
  OpenVMS  privilege  may  be required to correct the problem.  If
  the problem is caused by default ACEs in a directory ACL you may
  consider altering them or propagating RMU access to these ACEs.


  Processing plan file <str>.

  Explanation:  User action:

1057  –  PROTOCOL

  Network error:  Protocol error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

1058  –  PSEGDBKEY

  Pointer segment is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when  dumping  the  segmented
  string context after a possible corruption is found.  It reports
  the  logical  dbkey  of  the  pointer  segment  currently  being

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

1059  –  QIOXFRLEN

  data transfer length error - expected <num>, actual <num>

  Explanation:  The expected data-transfer length was not equal to
  the actual data-transfer length.

  User Action:  This is usually caused by a hardware problem.

1060  –  QUIETPT

  waiting for database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The user is waiting for the quiet lock in order to
  force a database quiet point.

  User Action:  None.


  released database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The database quiet point lock has been released.

  User Action:  None.

1062  –  RCLMAREA

  Reclaiming area <str>


  record cache server process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached  record  cache  server  process  failed

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.


  database node count exceeds record cache maximum of "1"

  Explanation:  The record cache feature can  only  be  used  when
  after-image  journaling is enabled, the "Fast Commit" feature is
  enabled, and the maximum node count is set to "1".

  User Action:  Alter the database to  set  the  maximum  database
  node count to "1".


  request to Record Cache Server failed

  Explanation:  User submitted a request  the  RCS  process  which
  failed  either during the submission process or, for synchronous
  requests, possibly during the execution of the request.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  the  database
  monitor  log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) or any RCS log file in
  root file's directory  or  any  SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP  bugcheck
  dump files for more information.


  The <str> <str> <str> storage area(s) must also be specified for
  the restore.

  Explanation:  This error can occur during an incremental by-area
  restore  operation when the RDB$SYSTEM and/or the default and/or
  the list segment storage areas are not included in the  list  of
  storage  areas  to  be  restored.   If  incremental changes have
  occured to any of these three storage areas and these areas  are
  not  restored  then  tables  in  the  database affected by these
  changes will appear to be corrupted.

  User  Action:   Rerun  the  restore  operation   including   the
  requested storage areas in the list of storage areas to restore.

1067  –  RDYBTRNOD

  ready needed for B-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  B-tree  index  node  failed.  This could be because of an
  invalid logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

1068  –  RDYDUPBTR

  ready needed for duplicate B-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a duplicate B-tree index node failed.  This could be because
  of an invalid logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

1069  –  RDYHSHBKT

  ready needed for hash bucket at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  hash  bucket failed.  This could be because of an invalid
  logical area in a dbkey in the system record.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

1070  –  RDYHSHDAT

  Area <str>
  Could not ready logical area for data records  of  hashed  index

  Explanation:  The logical area for the data records of the given
  hashed  index could not be readied.  This could be the result of
  an error, such as the specification of an invalid  logical  area
  identifier  or  of  another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

1071  –  RDYSEGSTR

  ready needed for segmented string at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  segmented  string  failed.   This  could be because of an
  invalid logical area in a dbkey in data record or because  of  a
  lock conflict with other users in the database.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If there are no conflicting users  of
  the  database, correct the error with the RMU Restore command or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

1072  –  READACLER

  Error reading ACL for <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when the ACL  was  accessed  for
  the  database  root file.  The secondary error message gives the
  reason for the failure.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try again.

1073  –  READBLOCK

  error reading block <num> of <str>

  Explanation:  A media error was detected during  an  attempt  to
  read from the backup file.

  User Action:  None.

1074  –  READERR

  error reading <str>

  Explanation:  Media error was detected while reading the  backup

  User Action:  None.

1075  –  READERRS

  excessive error rate reading <str>

  Explanation:  Excessively  large  number  of  read  errors  were
  encountered on this tape volume.

  User Action:  Check for media and/or drive maintenance problems.

1076  –  READYDATA

  ready needed for data record at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready a logical  area  corresponding
  to  a  data  record failed.  This could be because of an invalid
  logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

1077  –  READYDSEG

  Could not ready logical area <num> for a data segment.

  Explanation:  The logical area for  a  segmented  string's  data
  segment  could  not  be readied.  This could be the result of an
  error, such as, the specification of  an  invalid  logical  area
  identifier,  or  of another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.   See  accompanying  messages  for  the
  segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

1078  –  READYPSEG

  Could not ready logical area <num> for a pointer segment.

  Explanation:  The logical area for a segmented string's  pointer
  segment  could  not  be readied.  This could be the result of an
  error, such as the specification  of  an  invalid  logical  area
  identifier,  or  of another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.   See  accompanying  messages  for  the
  segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

1079  –  READ_ONLY

  read-only area <str> must be readied in RETRIEVAL mode only

  Explanation:  A read-only area can be readied in RETRIEVAL  mode

  User Action:  Ready this area for retrieval  or  make  the  area

1080  –  REBLDSPAM

  Space management (SPAM) pages should be rebuilt for
  logical area <str>,
  logical area id <num>

  Explanation:  The SPAM pages  for  the  indicated  logical  area
  should  be  rebuilt  since  the  logical  area thresholds and/or
  record length have been modified.

  User Action:  Use RMU/SET AIP /REBUILD_SPAM to rebuild the  SPAM
  pages   for   all   logical   areas   that  have  been  changed.
  Alternately, explicitly name the mentioned logical  area  id  or
  name on the RMU/SET AIP command to rebuild just that area.


  SPAM pages should be rebuilt for logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Modifications have been made to the  logical  area
  parameters  that  may  have made the SPAM thresholds inaccurate.
  The RMU utility should be used to rebuild the SPAM pages for the
  logical area.

1082  –  RECBADVER

  Invalid row version found at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Expected a non-zero version not greater than <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  Each change to a table definition  creates  a  new
  version  for  the  table Whenever a row is added to a table, the
  current version number is stored  as  part  of  the  row.   This
  message indicates that the row stored at the specified dbkey has
  a version which is larger than the maximum  version  number  for
  the row.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page from backup.

1083  –  RECDEFSYN

  Syntax error in record definition file <str>'<str>'<str>

  Explanation:  A line from the file has a syntax error.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the indicated line.

1084  –  RECFAILED

  fatal, unexpected roll-forward  error  detected  at  AIJ  record

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This typically is caused by a  corrupt  AIJ  file  or  by
  applying an AIJ file out of sequence.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   Note  that  the indicated AIJ record number can be
  used to quickly locate the  offending  information  in  the  AIJ
  journal   using   the  appropriate  DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL/START=XXX
  command; it is recommended that when dumping the AIJ  file,  you
  use  a  starting  record number that is several records prior to
  the indicated record, because the actual cause  of  the  problem
  may be in preceding AIJ records.


  last successfully processed transaction was TSN <num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This message indicates the "transaction sequence  number"
  of  the  last  transaction  successfully  processed  by  the AIJ
  roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   Information  concerning the identified transaction
  TSN can be obtained  by  dumping  the  AIJ  journal,  using  the

1086  –  RECSMLVRP

  Primary vertical partition at <num>:<num>:<num> is too small.

  Explanation:  The specified record is not big enough to hold the
  VRP  information  that the primary segment of a VRP record needs
  to hold.  This information contains  the  dbkeys  of  the  other
  vertical partitions for the record.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

1087  –  RECUNTIL

  work-around:  roll forward AIJ using /UNTIL="<time>" qualifier

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  However,  one  or  more  transactions  were  successfully
  rolled  forward  up to the date indicated in the message.  Using
  the /UNTIL qualifier on  the  roll-forward  command  produces  a
  database  that  is  transaction  consistent  up to the indicated

  User Action:  Issue  the  AIJ  roll-forward  command  using  the
  indicated /UNTIL qualifier.

1088  –  RECVERDIF

  Record at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> in table "<str>" version <num>
  does not match current version

  Explanation:  The specified record in  the  after-image  journal
  was  found  with a record version number that is not the same as
  the current highest  version  of  the  record  in  the  database
  metadata.  This may be caused by changes to the table definition
  while the  LogMiner  is  running  or  during  the  span  of  the
  after-image journal that is being unloaded.

  User Action:  The LogMiner does not handle different versions of
  table metadata during an unload operation.  The correct sequence
  of events when using the  LogMiner  and  making  table  metadata
  changes  is  to  unload  all of the AIJ files, then shutdown the
  LogMiner  (if  needed),  make  the  metadata  changes  and  then
  re-start  unloading form the after-image journal.  This sequence
  ensures that the LogMiner always processes records that  are  of
  the current metadata version.

1089  –  REFSYSREL

  table <str> references a system relation field <str> and can not
  be exported

  Explanation:  A table cannot be exported when  it  references  a
  system relation field

  User Action:  Remove the unsupported usage  and  try  again,  or
  compensate  for  the warning by editing the output file from the
  RMU Extract command.  The preferred  action  is  to  remove  the
  unsupported usage, even if you decide not to use the RMU Extract


  ROLLING BACK CONVERSION - Relation ID exceeds maximum <num>  for
  system table <str>.

  Explanation:  New relation ids  cannot  be  assigned  to  system
  tables  since  the  maximum  database relation id value has been

  User Action:  Please contact your Oracle support representative.

1091  –  RELNOTFND

  Relation (<str>) not found

  Explanation:  The specified relation or view was not found.

  User Action:  Correct the relation or view specification.


  request canceled

  Explanation:  The executing  request  was  canceled.   This  can
  occur  if  a  query  limit  was  specified  and exceeded, or the
  request was canceled by an external source such as  the  RMU  or

1093  –  RESINCOMP

  Not all storage areas have been restored, the  database  may  be

  Explanation:  One or more storage areas could not be restored.

  User Action:  You may be able to attach to the restored database
  and  access  some  of  your  storage  areas.  Make sure you have
  specified all tape save sets or directories and/or all rbf files
  that  were  specified  in the backup command.  Use RMU/VERIFY to
  find any  missing  or  incomplete  storage  areas.   Repeat  the
  restore  command  including  all  tape  save sets or directories
  and/or all rbf files that were specified in the backup command.

1094  –  RESTART

  restarted recovery after ignoring <num> committed transaction(s)

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed transactions did
  not  apply  to  this database root.  All subsequent transactions
  were applied.

  User Action:  None.

1095  –  RMUNOTSUC

  RMU command finished with exit status of <num>.

  Explanation:  An RMU command that was executing in a  subprocess
  exited with a exit status indicating non-success.

1096  –  RMUSIG

  RMU command terminated with signal number <num>.

  Explanation:  An RMU command that was executing in a sub-process
  was terminated with the specified signal number.

1097  –  ROOCKSBAD

  root "<str>",
  contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The  checksum  on  the  root  file  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1098  –  ROOERRORS

          <num> error(s) encountered in root verification

  Explanation:  Errors found while verifying files associated with
  the root, as well as the root file itself.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1099  –  ROOMAJVER

  root major version is incompatible with the software version

  Explanation:  Your database was  created  with  an  incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the  version  of
  the software you have installed on your machine.

1100  –  ROOTADINV

  root "<str>",
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time> and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the root file specifies  a  time
  later  than  the  current time or earlier than the time at which
  the database could have possibly been created.  Such a  time  is
  incorrect.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1101  –  ROOTADZER

  root "<str>",
  contains zero time stamp

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the root file is zero, that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  database format <num>.<num>  is  not  compatible  with  software
  version <num>.<num>

  Explanation:  Your database was  created  with  an  incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the  version  of
  the software you have installed on your machine.


  database has been corrupted and must be restored from backup

  Explanation:  The  database  has  been  corrupted  and  must  be
  restored from a full database backup.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the latest full database
  backup,  apply  any  incremental  backups  that might exist, and
  roll-forward ("recover") the corresponding after-image journal.

1104  –  ROOVERLAP

  root block  <num>  is  multiply  allocated  to  data  structures
  "<str>" and "<str>"

  Explanation:  A blocks in the database root file is assigned  to
  more than one root file data structure.

  User Action:  Restore database  from  backups  and  recover  the
  database from journals.

1105  –  RRDFILRQD

  The  File  keyword  is  required  with   the   Record_Definition
  qualifier .

  Explanation:  The Record_Definition qualifier must  include  the
  File  option  and  a file specification.  This file receives the
  record definition for the unloaded data.

  User Action:  Reissue the command, specifying a file to  receive
  the record definition.  Specify a file name with the File option
  to the Record_Definition qualifier.


  Either the File or  Path  option  must  be  specified  with  the
  Record_Definition qualifier.

  Explanation:   The  Record_Definition  qualifier  must   include
  either  the  File  or  Path  option, but not both.  The file (or
  path) contains the description of the data to be loaded.

  User Action:  Reissue the command using either the  File  option
  to  specify  the  file  name  or  the Path option to specify the
  repository path name.


  AIJ references root file "<str>" - expected "<str>"

1108  –  RTNERR

  Call to routine <str> failed

  Explanation:  A call to the routine failed with  the  additional
  error message.

1109  –  RUJDEVDIR

  RUJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The RUJ filename you specified did not  include  a
  device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.

1110  –  RUJTOOBIG

  RUJ file size may not exceed 8,000,000 disk blocks

  Explanation:  The transaction attempted to extend the  RUJ  file
  size  beyond  8  million  disk blocks.  This transaction will be
  rolled back (note that due to the size  of  the  RUJ  file,  the
  rollback operation may take a very long time).

  User Action:  Reduce the number of records being modified by the
  transaction;   commit   more   often   or  use  a  BATCH  UPDATE


  storage area name <str> is already in use

  Explanation:  The storage area name that  is  being  created  is
  already  existing.   An  attempt has been made to create another
  storage area with the same name.

  User Action:  Use different storage area name to avoid conflict.


  identical root file "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  The specified master and replicated database  root
  file names are identical; this is not allowed.

  User Action:  Specify the rootfile name of a replicated database
  that was created from the backup of the master database.


  Network error:  Error executing script file.

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified script file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  specified screen could not be found

  Explanation:  The specified screen name was  not  found  in  the
  SHOW STATS utility.

  User Action:  Check the spelling, or use the  menu-based  screen
  selection option of the Notepad facility.

1115  –  SEGNOTPRM

  <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Primary segment not found for segmented string.

  Explanation:  The segment identified in the error message should
  be  the  primary  segment of a segmented string, but a secondary
  segment was found.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1116  –  SEGNULEND

  Finished search with <num> fields changed to NULL.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  command has finished looking for missing segmented strings.

1117  –  SEGRECDBK

  Data record is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when dumping segmented string
  context  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It reports the
  logical dbkey of the data record  whose  segmented  strings  are
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

1118  –  SEGSETNU2

  Dbkey of parent record is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This is the  dbkey  of  the  parent  record  of  a
  segmented string that has been set to NULL.

1119  –  SEGSETNUL

  Segmented string at <num>:<num>:<num> cannot be accessed.

  Explanation:  The segmented  string  with  the  specified  dbkey
  cannot be accessed and will be set to null.

1120  –  SEGSHORT

  Segmented string fragment is too short.

  Explanation:  The primary fragment of a chained segmented string
  is  too  short to contain the pointer to the next segment in the
  chain.  A segment of a segmented string will never be stored  in
  a  fragment that small.  Subsequent messages will give the dbkey
  of the segment.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

1121  –  SEGSTRDBK

  Segmented string is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when dumping segmented string
  context  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It reports the
  logical dbkey of the  first  segment  of  the  segmented  string
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

1122  –  SEQINVAL

  client sequence id <num> does not have a valid value

  Explanation:  The sequence with id indicated, has the next value
  in  the  root  file  which  is  either  >  the max value for the
  sequence or < min value.

1123  –  SEQTBLFUL

  sequence table is full

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create a  sequence  but  no
  room   remains  in  the  Rdb  root  file  for  further  sequence
  definitions.  Initially only 32 sequences can be  created  in  a
  new or converted database.

  User Action:  Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to  increase  the
  size  of  the  sequences  table  with the RESERVE ...  SEQUENCES
  clause.  Note that the value entered will be rounded to the next
  highest  multiple  of 32 so that a full page in the root file is


  Network error:  Error on setsockopt call.

  Explanation:  An error  was  encountered  on  the  Digital  UNIX
  setsockopt system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

1125  –  SETWIDTH

  error setting width of terminal

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the  parsing  of  a  file

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

1126  –  SEVERRDET

  a severe error was detected

  Explanation:  A severe error was detected by RMU  and  displayed
  during the execution of an RMU statement.

  User Action:  If possible, run the statement(s) again using RMU,
  and  read  any  additional  RMU error messages to determine what
  caused the severe error condition.  Then fix the error.

1127  –  SFDBMOV

  A single-file database requires the "ROOT=file" qualifier

  Explanation:  The RDB$SYSTEM  area  of  a  single-file  database
  cannot be moved independently of the root file.

  User Action:  Either use the OpenVMS  COPY  command  to  move  a
  single-file database, or specify the Root qualifier with the RMU
  Move_Area command.


  backup file block too short

  Explanation:  Media or device error on backup file  resulted  in
  an incomplete read of a block of data.

  User Action:  None.

1129  –  SIP

  transaction is a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that  is  a
  snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to ready  the  area  for
  the snapshot transaction or use COMMIT to terminate the snapshot

1130  –  SKIPLAVFY

  logical area <str> not verified

  Explanation:  An error occurred that  prevents  verification  of
  the logical area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the  RMU  Restore  command,
  and verify the database again.

1131  –  SNAPFULL

  snapshot area too full for operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in  the  database,
  because  there  was  an  active  reader and the snapshot area in
  which the record would go is too full.

  User Action:  Modify the snapshot area extend parameter to allow
  snapshot area extension.

1132  –  SNPAREALV

  The snapshot area for live area <str> (FILID entry <num>)  is  a
  live area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for  each  live  area  contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the snapshot area associated with
  the live area.  The snapshot area associated with the named live
  area is not a snapshot area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

1133  –  SNPBADARE

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  maps incorrect storage area.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The storage area ID number on the snapshot page is
  not  the  storage area ID number of the corresponding live area.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

1134  –  SNPCKSBAD

  page for snapshot area <str>, page <num>
  contains an invalid checksum.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The checksum on the snapshot  page  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU  Set  Corrupt_Pages
  command  or the RMU Repair command with the Initialize=Snapshots

1135  –  SNPCOUPLD

  the COUPLED flag is set indicating that this is
  the live area of a single file database, but the SNAP flag is
  also set for a SNAPSHOT, contradicting the previous flag

  Explanation:  The COUPLED flag is set indicating  that  this  is
  the  live  area  of a single-file database, but the SNAP flag is
  also set  for  a  SNAPSHOT,  contradicting  the  previous  flag.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1136  –  SNPFILERS

  <num> error(s) validating SNAP file

  Explanation:  Errors found while validating a SNAP file.

  User Action:  Restore a backup of your database.

1137  –  SNPPAGRAN

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of range.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the snapshot page is not within
  the  range  of valid page numbers for the storage area as stated
  in the storage schema.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

1138  –  SNPPAGSEQ

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of sequence.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the snapshot page  is  not  one
  greater  than  the  preceding  page number.  Verification of the
  page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

1139  –  SNPSHTWRM

  is a snapshot area and cannot be a WORM area.

  Explanation:  The SNAPS flag is set indicating that  this  is  a
  snapshot   area,   but  the  WORM  flag  is  set;  this  setting
  contradicts the previous flag, because snapshot areas cannot  be
  WORM areas.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

1140  –  SNPTADINV

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  contains incorrect time stamp.
  Expected between <time>
  and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the snapshot  page  specifies  a
  time  later  than  the time that the verification began.  Such a
  time is incorrect.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

1141  –  SNPTADZER

  snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  contains zero time stamp/

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  page  is  zero,  that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

1142  –  SOCKETERR

  Network error:  Socket error.

  Explanation:  An error  was  encountered  on  the  Digital  UNIX
  socket system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

1143  –  SORTOPERR

  a VMS SORT/MERGE operation was unsuccessful

  Explanation:    A    VMS    SORT/MERGE    operation    completed
  unsuccessfully.  See the secondary message for information about
  what operation failed.

  User Action:  Fix the VMS SORT/MERGE problem, and try again.

1144  –  SPAMFRELN

  area <str>, page <num>
  error in space management page's free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The space  management  page's  locked  free  space
  count  is  different than what it should be.  Because no data is
  stored on this page the free space count should remain constant.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1145  –  SPAMLOKLN

  area <str>, page <num>
  error in space management page's locked free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The space  management  page's  locked  free  space
  count  is  different than what it should be.  Because no data is
  stored on this page the locked free space  count  should  remain
  constant at zero.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  cannot disable SPAMs for uniform area <str>

  Explanation:    Only   mixed-format   areas   can   have   SPAMs

  User Action:  Do not  enable/disable  SPAMs  for  uniform-format


  cannot enable SPAMs for READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:  Read-only areas cannot be modified to  have  SPAMs
  enabled, because this involves rebuilding the SPAM pages.

  User Action:  Change the area to be read write.


  cannot enable SPAMs for WORM area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas cannot have SPAMs enabled.

  User Action:  Do not enable SPAMs for WORM areas.

1149  –  SPAMNZERO

  area <str>, page <num>
  unused space on this space management page is not empty

  Explanation:  After the space management page's  array  of  data
  page entries, the rest of the page should be empty (zero).

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1150  –  SPMERRORS

  <num> error(s) verifying SPAM pages for <str> storage area

  Explanation:  Errors found while verifying spam pages.

  User Action:  Restore a backup of your database.


  Server process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The Server process is currently being  shut  down,
  but has not yet terminated.

  User Action:  Issue the server startup command later.


  <str> is not in the root file

  Explanation:  The DDCB you specified is not in  the  root  file.
  You  can see which DDCBs a root file has by issuing the DBO/DUMP

  User Action:  Add the DDCB to your root  file  (DBO/MODIFY),  or
  check your bind sequence and try again.

1153  –  STALL

  asynchronous operation requires a stall

  Explanation:  The operation has not completed yet.

  User Action:  Check the event flag  and  I/O  status  block  for
  final completion, and contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

1154  –  STAREAFUL

  storage area <str> is full

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in  the  database,
  but the storage area in which the record would go is full.  This
  condition can be  caused  by  the  storage  area  being  set  to
  disallow being extended or when the ABM pages are at their limit
  and cannot map a new extension for the storage area.

  User Action:  Modify the storage area extend parameter to  allow
  storage  area  extension if it is disabled, or increase the page
  size or redistribute objects across other storage areas to  free
  up existing space.


  Statistics API:  Output buffer too small.

  Explanation:  A tag-length-value set is too large for the output
  buffer for a statistics API request.

  User Action:  Allocate a larger output buffer for returned data.


  node is already actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:  A node was  specified  that  is  already  actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled  correctly  and
  has been properly identified.


  node is not actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:   A  node  was  specified  that  is  NOT   actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled  correctly  and
  has been properly identified.


  no logical area names match specified wildcard pattern

  Explanation:  No logical areas (tables, indexes, etc) match  the
  specified  wildcard  pattern.   Possibly the wildcard characters
  ("*" and/or "%") were not specified, which results in an  "exact
  match" pattern.

  User Action:  Use a different wildcard pattern.  Remember to use
  the "*" for "zero or more" and "%" for "exactly one".


  standby database cannot be exclusively accessed for replication

  Explanation:  There are one or  more  application  processes  or
  database servers accessing the standby database.

  User  Action:   Make  sure  there  are  no  active   application
  processes or database servers accessing the standby database, on
  any node of the cluster.


  error allocating remote statistics network connection

  Explanation:  None.


  error identifying remote statistics server

  Explanation:  None.


  database is open on another node with incompatible software

  Explanation:  Incompatible Rdb software exists in  this  OpenVMS
  Galaxy  system  and is attempting to open a database in a Galaxy
  shared environment.  Identical versions of Rdb are  required  in
  order  to  access  a  database from multiple nodes in an OpenVMS
  Galaxy environment.

1163  –  SYNTAX

  syntax error near "<str>"

  Explanation:  A syntax error was detected in the  command  input

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1164  –  SYNTAXEOS

  syntax error at end of statement

  Explanation:  A syntax error was detected in the  command  input

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1165  –  SYSRDONLY

  write access is not allowed if RDB$SYSTEM is read-only

  Explanation:  BATCH UPDATE and EXCLUSIVE UPDATE  access  do  not
  update  the  snapshot  files.   The  fact that snapshots are not
  being maintained is recorded in  the  RDB$SYSTEM  area.   Hence,
  RDB$SYSTEM may not be READ_ONLY.

  User  Action:   Use  another  UPDATE  access  mode,  or   change

1166  –  SYSRECCPC

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  pointer cluster <num> in this system record is corrupt.

  Explanation:  When expanding the hash bucket and  system  record
  pointers  in  the  given pointer cluster, an attempt was made to
  fetch data beyond the pointer  cluster  structure.   The  system
  record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1167  –  SYSRECDYN

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Pointer cluster <num> not found in this system record.

  Explanation:  Expected to find a pointer cluster structure,  but
  did not.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1168  –  SYSRECHKY

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  inconsistent hash index DBIDs in pointer cluster <num>.
  Hash index DBID in system record is <num> (hex).
  Hash index DBID in hash bucket dbkey is <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The ID which is stored in a pointer cluster should
  be  the  same  as  the logical area ID of the index, because the
  pointers in the cluster point to hash index nodes.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1169  –  SYSRECID

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  non-system storage record type on line 0
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Line 0 of  every  database  page  must  contain  a
  SYSTEM record.  This page did not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1170  –  SYSRECNPC

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  number of hash buckets field in system record does not match
  the number of hash buckets verified.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The number of hash buckets  field  in  the  system
  record  was not consistent with the number of hash buckets found
  and verified.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1171  –  SYSRECOKY

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  expanded owner dbkey in PCL  <num>  is  not  the  system  record
  Expanded owner logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.
  System record logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The system record dbkey expanded  from  the  given
  pointer  cluster  should  be that of the system record currently
  being verified.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1172  –  SYSRECPCL

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  the length, <num>, of PCL <num> in this system record is greater
  than expected.

  Explanation:  The length of the given pointer cluster  structure
  is  greater  than  expected.   The  system  record  is  probably

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1173  –  SYSRECPPL

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  this system record's pointer portion length field is corrupt.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The number of bytes of pointer cluster  structures
  field  in  the  system  record is not consistent with the actual
  number of bytes found.  This system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1174  –  SYSRECZER

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  no PCLs found within this system record.

  Explanation:  No pointer cluster structures were  found  in  the
  system  record,  but the system record is not empty.  The system
  record is probably corrupt (it should be empty).

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

1175  –  TABLMORE1

  Only one table can be specified for a column group.

  Explanation:  If a column group is specified, only the table for
  that column group can be specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1176  –  TABNOTFND

  Table <str> is not found in this database.

  Explanation:   The  specified  table  does  not  exist  in   the

  User Action:  Correct the table name and try again.


  journal is for database version <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The version time and date stamp in the  root  does
  not  match  the version time and date stamp in the journal file.
  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.


  Tape label <str> preserved on <str> at <time>

  Explanation:  The ACCEPT_LABELS qualifier was  specified  and  a
  tape  volume  is  being written in such a way as to preserve its

1179  –  TAPEFULL

  <str> is full

  Explanation:  Tape is positioned at the  End  Of  Tape.   A  new
  backup file can not be written on this tape.

  User Action:  Use another tape or reinitialize this one.

1180  –  TAPEQUAL

  Qualifier only valid for tape devices "<str>"

  Explanation:  A qualifier that is valid only for  tape  devices,
  is  being  used with a device that is not a tape, or with a tape
  that is not mounted with the DCL /FOREIGN qualifier.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or make sure  that  the
  tape is mounted with the DCL /FOREIGN qualifier before executing
  the RMU command.

1181  –  TBLSPCTWC

  Table "<str>" specified more than once

1182  –  TERMINATE

  database recovery failed -- access to database denied by monitor

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity  of  the  database,  the
  monitor  forced  your  image exit because an unrecoverable error
  has been detected.

  User Action:  Look  for  a  file  named  SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP.
  This  is  a DataBase Recovery process bugcheck dump.  Search the
  file  for  a  string  of  five  asterisks  (*****)   using   the
  SEARCH/WINDOW  command.   You  will  see  a  line  with a format
  similar to this:  *****  Exception  at  <address>  :   <database
  module  name>  +  <offset> %facility-severity-text, <error text>
  The exception line will be followed by one  or  more  additional
  errors  that will help you to determine what caused the recovery
  process to fail.  Possible causes include:  low quotas,  missing
  Recovery-Unit   Journal   (RUJ)   files,  or  filename  logicals
  misdefined or undefined.  Depending on the cause of the problem,
  take  the  appropriate  action.  If you are uncertain of what to
  do, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

1183  –  TIMEOUT

  timeout on <str>

  Explanation:  A lock request has been canceled by  the  database
  management  system  because  the  request  could  not be granted
  within the user-specified timeout period.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a  COMMIT  to  release  your
  locks, and try the transaction again.

1184  –  TOKTOOBIG

  token "<str>" is too long

  Explanation:  A token that is longer than the allowed number  of
  characters was detected in the command input stream.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  The specified number of output parameters exceeds the number  of
  storage areas.

  Explanation:  The number of output parameters specified  exceeds
  the  number  of  storage  areas in the database to be backed up.
  This would cause backup files to be written  that  contained  no

  User Action:  Re-enter the backup command specifying a number of
  output  parameters  which  does not exceed the number of storage
  areas to be backed up.

1186  –  TOOFEWENT

  Interior  b-tree  node  at  level   <num>   at   logical   dbkey
  <num>:<num>:<num> has 0 entries.

  Explanation:  B-tree nodes above level one must have a fanout of
  at least 1.  The specified b-tree node has 0 entries.


  <num> executors were requested, but only <num> executors will be

  Explanation:  For a parallel load operation, the user  requested
  more  executors  than  there  area  storage areas for the table.
  Only one executor per storage area is used.

  User Action:  Do not  specify  more  executors  than  there  are
  storage areas within the table.


  too many option values specified

  Explanation:  You specified too many values for an option.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1189  –  TRAN_IN_PROG

  transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that  is  allowed  only
  when you have no transaction in progress.

  User Action:  Complete your transaction by executing a COMMIT or

1190  –  TRMTYPUNK

  terminal type is unknown or not supported

  Explanation:   The  terminal   type   is   either   unknown   or

  User Action:  Utilize a support terminal type.  If the  terminal
  type  is unknown to the operating system, a SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE
  command may help.

1191  –  TRUE

  condition value is true

  Explanation:  None.


  data conversion truncation error

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1193  –  TSNLSSMIN

  value  (<num>:<num>)  is  less  than   minimum   allowed   value
  (<num>:<num>) for <str>.

  Explanation:  The TSN value you specified for the  named  option
  is too small.

  User Action:  Use a value that is greater than the minimum value
  and try again.


  cannot synchronize database due to transaction commit mismatch

  Explanation:   Attempting  to   synchronize   the   master   and
  replicated  databases failed because the last commit transaction
  sequence numbers in the database do not match exactly.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.


  /INIT_TSNS can only be specified for all storage areas

  Explanation:   RMU/REPAIR/INITIALIZE=TSNS  cannot  be  specified
  with  a  specific  list  of  storage  areas  since  TSNs must be
  initialized on pages in all areas of the database.

  User Action:  Respecify the command for all storage  areas  (the


  Logical area <num>, <str>, is not of type table - /LENGTH cannot
  be used

  Explanation:   Action  "/LENGTH"  with  no  value  can  not   be
  performed on a logical area of type "TABLE".

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1197  –  UNCORTAIL

  Pages <num>-<num> in area <str> have  an  uncorrectable  logical
  area assignment

  Explanation:  The affected pages should all be assigned  to  the
  same logical area, but they are not.

  User Action:  You can correct the problem by  performing  either
  an  RMU  RESTORE  operation  or  an  SQL IMPORT operation on the
  database.  The problem can also be manually corrected  with  the
  RMU ALTER utility.

1198  –  UNDERFLOW

  data conversion underflow

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Statistics API:  Unexpected error.

  Explanation:  An unexpected error has occurred during a call  to
  the statistics API.

  User Action:  Check that the error is not due to bad data  being
  passed  to  the  statistics API and that calls to the statistics
  API are being used correctly.  If the  problem  is  not  in  the
  client  application,  contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.


  Unexpected delimiter encountered (<str>) in row <num> of input

  Explanation:  A column  of  data  has  an  unexpected  delimiter
  embedded within it.

  User Action:  Correct the input file, and reissue the command.

1201  –  UNEXPEOL

  Unexpected end of line encountered in row <num>.

  Explanation:  A line of input does not have enough data.

  User Action:  Correct the input file and reissue the command.


  Unexpected termination by executor <str> (exit code = <num>.)

  Explanation:  An executor process unexpectedly terminated  prior
  to the completion of the parallel operation.

  User Action:  Look at the  last  error  message  issued  by  the
  executor to determine the cause of the termination.

1203  –  UNFREEZE

  database freeze over

  Explanation:  A database freeze or a  cluster  failover  was  in
  effect, but is no longer.

  User Action:  None.


  BLOCKS PER PAGE cannot be changed for uniform storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The number of BLOCKS PER PAGE can only be  changed
  for  mixed  storage  areas  and  this  storage area is a uniform
  storage area.

  User Action:  None - the BLOCKS PER PAGE setting will be changed
  for  the  mixed  storage  areas  but not for the uniform storage

1205  –  UNKCSETID

  Unknown character set id !SD

  Explanation:  The RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE contained a value which  is
  not supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  No action is required.

1206  –  UNKCSNAME

  unknown collating sequence <str>

  Explanation:  The collating sequence  referenced  by  the  field
  could not be fully translated.

  User Action:  No action is required.

1207  –  UNKDTYPE

  unknown data type <num>

  Explanation:  The RDB$FIELD_TYPE contained a value which is  not
  supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  No action is required.

1208  –  UNKEXTRTN

  Unexpected error trying to verify external routine <str>.

  Explanation:  An  unexpected  error  occurred  while  trying  to
  verify  the  specified external routine.  A second error message
  is displayed indicating the type of error that occurred.

  User Action:  Delete and redefine the external routine, and  try
  the verify operation again.  If the error persists, contact your
  Oracle support representative for assistance.


  Unexpected HASH ALGORITHM value  of  <num>  for  index  <str>  -

  Explanation:  The HASH ALGORITHM value specified for this hashed
  index  is  not  supported for the RDO language or is illegal for
  the SQL language.

  User Action:  Specify the Language=SQL qualifier  with  the  RMU
  Extract  command  if  this  error  occurs  when the Language=RDO
  qualifier is specified with the RMU Extract  command.   If  this
  error  occurs when the Language=SQL qualifier is specified, then
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

1210  –  UNKIDXFLG

  unknown value (<num>) for RDB$FLAGS in <str>

  Explanation:  The value of RDB$FLAGS is not within the  expected

  User Action:  No Action is required.

1211  –  UNKIDXVAL

  unknown value (<num>) for RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG in <str>

  Explanation:  During an attempt to  decode  RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG,  an
  unknown value was detected.

  User Action:  No action is required.


  External routine <str> references an unknown language.

  Explanation:   An  unsupported  external   language   has   been
  specified for this external routine.

  User Action:  Redefine the routine, specifying a valid  external

1213  –  UNKN_ABS

  unknown AIJ backup server process -- ABS image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  after-image  backup server process (ABS) that was not created by
  the database monitor; this would happen if  the  ABS  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ABS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image backup server  process  to  perform  after-image
  journal backup operations.

1214  –  UNKN_ALS

  unknown AIJ Log Server -- ALS  image  not  invoked  by  database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log  Server  process  (ALS)  that  was  not  created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the ALS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ALS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image  logging  server  process  to  perform  database
  journaling activities.

1215  –  UNKN_DBR

  unknown database recovery process -- DBR image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made  by  a
  database  recovery  process  (DBR)  that  was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the DBR image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the DBR image from  DCL.
  The  database  monitor will invoke the database recovery process
  to perform database recovery.

1216  –  UNKN_LCS

  unknown AIJ Log Catch-Up Server -- image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log  Catch-Up  Server  process  that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen  if  the  server  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the  server  image  from
  DCL.   Use  the  appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

1217  –  UNKN_LRS

  unknown AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server  --  image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log Roll-Forward Server process that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen  if  the  server  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the  server  image  from
  DCL.   Use  the  appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

1218  –  UNKN_RCS

  unknown Record Cache Server -- RCS image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made  by  a
  Record  Cache  Server  process (RCS) that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the RCS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the RCS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the Record Cache Server process to perform  database  journaling


  Unexpected PERCENT FILL value of <num> for index <str> - ignored

  Explanation:  The PERCENT FILL value is a percentage,  but  this
  value falls outside the range 0 to 100.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  unknown segmented string sub-type <num>

  Explanation:  This sub-type is user-defined.

  User Action:  No action is required.

1221  –  UNLAIJCB

  Unloading table <str> to <str><str>

1222  –  UNLAIJFL

  Unloading table <str> to <str>

1223  –  UNLFORMAT

  Incompatible organization in the input file

  Explanation:  This file either was not created by the RMU Unload
  command, or it has been corrupted.

  User Action:  Create another UNL file or recover this one from a


  Data cannot be unloaded from a temporary table.

  Explanation:  A temporary table cannot be specified for the  RMU
  Unload command.

  User Action:  Check  that  the  table  is  not  defined  in  the
  database  as  a global or local temporary table.  The table must
  be defined as a non-temporary table to be  able  to  unload  the
  table's data.


  Network error:  Unrecognized DBS error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

1226  –  UNSARITH

  expression includes unsupported arithmetic operation

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or   sub-expression   that  contained  an  arithmetic  operator.
  Arithmetic operators are not supported.

  User Action:   Rewrite  the  expression  in  error  without  the
  arithmetic operator.

1227  –  UNSBIGINT

  BIGINT not supported in ANSI SQL - converted to DECIMAL(18)  for

  Explanation:   ANSI  SQL  does  not  support  a  BIGINT  (SIGNED
  QUADWORD) data type, so this definition cannot be represented in

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

1228  –  UNSCASE

  CASE expression not supported in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support the CASE expression, so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1229  –  UNSCOMP

  unsupported data comparison

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would compare  two
  incommensurate data items.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  COMPUTED BY not supported in ANSI SQL - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL,
  because ANSI SQL does not support the COMPUTED BY function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

1231  –  UNSCONV

  unsupported data conversion

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  DEFAULT clause not supported in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support the DEFAULT clause,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1233  –  UNSFLDUSE

  Unsupported usage of global field <str> in relation <str>

  Explanation:   System  global  fields  should  not  be  used  in
  user-defined relations.

  User Action:  No action  is  required.   However,  it  would  be
  prudent  to correct this and to avoid using system global fields
  in user-defined relations in the future.

1234  –  UNSFUNCT

  External routines are not supported in RDO.

  Explanation:   RDO  does  not  support  external  routines,   so
  external routines cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract the definition.


  MISSING_VALUE  clause  not  supported  in  SQL  -  ignored   for

  Explanation:  SQL does not support the MISSING VALUE clause,  so
  this definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1236  –  UNSMODULE

  Stored procedures are not supported in RDO.

  Explanation:  RDO does not support stored procedures, so  stored
  procedures cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract the definition.


  POSITION function not available in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the POSITION function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1238  –  UNSSCALE

  numeric  scale  not  supported  in  ANSI  SQL  -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  ANSI  SQL  does  not  support  numeric  scale  for
  SMALLINT or INTEGER, so this definition cannot be represented in

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

1239  –  UNSSUBSTR

  SUBSTRING  function  not  available  in  RDO   -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the SUBSTRING function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1240  –  UNSSUPDAT

  Unsupported data type:  <num>

  Explanation:  A column in this table uses  an  unsupported  data

  User Action:  Convert the column to a supported data type.


  TINYINT not supported in ANSI SQL - converted  to  SMALLINT  for

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL does not support a TINYINT (SIGNED  BYTE)
  data type, so this definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

1242  –  UNSTRANS

  TRANSLATE  function  not  available  in  RDO   -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the TRANSLATE function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1243  –  UNSTRIM

  TRIM function not available in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the TRIM function.

  User Action:  Alter the definition so that it can be represented
  in  RDO  or  use  the  Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU Extract
  command to extract the definition.


  VALID IF clause not supported in SQL - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  SQL does not support the VALID IF clause, so  this
  definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.


  VARCHAR not  support  in  ANSI  SQL  -  converted  to  CHAR  for

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL does not support a VARCHAR data type,  so
  this  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.  VARCHAR has
  been converted to CHAR of the same size.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.


  WITH CHECK OPTION not available in RDO - ignored for <str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support CHECK  WITH  OPTION  so  this
  constraint cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

1247  –  UNTILTAD

  recovery /UNTIL date and time is "<time>"

  Explanation:  The specified date and time are being used for the
  after-image journal roll-forward operation.

1248  –  UNTSTR

  unterminated character string <str>

  Explanation:  An unterminated character string has been detected
  in  the  command input stream.  Character strings must be wholly
  contained on one command line and must  be  enclosed  in  quotes

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1249  –  UPDACLERR

  Error updating the ACL for <str>

  Explanation:  The attempt to update the ACL failed.  The  reason
  for the failure is given in the secondary error message.

  User Action:  Correct the source of the failure, and then update
  the ACL to the desired content.

1250  –  UPDPRECRD

  Updating sorted index prefix cardinalities as estimated values.

  Explanation:  The  RMU  Analyze  Cardinality  command  estimates
  index    prefix   cardinalities   when   actual   sorted   index
  cardinalities  are  updated.   It  then  updates  them  in   the
  RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS   system   tables   so   that   index  prefix
  cardinalities will remain up-to-date.


  Updates  have  been  performed  since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE.
  Aborting  the  INCREMENTAL  RESTORE to prevent possible database

  Explanation:  For BATCH mode incremental restores where the user
  is  not  prompted to allow him to abort the restore operation if
  updates have been performed since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE  the
  restore  is  aborted to avoid possible database corruption do to
  the updates conflicting with the incremental restore.

  User Action:  Do the incremental restore  using  the  /NOCONFIRM
  qualifier or do not do the incremental restore to avoid possible
  database corruption or restore the database from the  last  full
  restore,  immediately  do  the incremental restore, and redo any
  database changes that are not in the incremental restore.


  Updates  have  been  performed  since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE.
  Consider   verifying   your   database   for  possible  database

  Explanation:  Updates have been performed since  the  last  full
  RESTORE.   These updates may cause database corruption do to the
  updates conflicting with the incremental restore.

  User Action:  Immediately verify the  database  if  there  is  a
  possibility  that  the  updates made since the last FULL RESTORE
  conflict with the changes made by the incremental restore.


  This database has  been  corrupted  by  bypassing  the  recovery

  Explanation:  RMU ALTER  was  used  to  enable  access  to  this
  database  without  performing  the  required recovery procedure.
  The database may contain structural and logical inconsistencies.

  User Action:  Restore this database from a backup  file  created
  before the corruption occurred.

1254  –  USERECCOM

  Use the RMU Recover command.  The journals are not available.

  Explanation:  This form of the  RMU  Restore  command  will  not
  preserve  the  journal  configuration.   Consequently it can not
  recover from those journals.

  User Action:   Use  the  RMU  Recover  command  to  perform  the
  recovery from journal backups.


  please use original  unoptimized  AIJ  file  for  this  recovery

  Explanation:  The requested recovery operation is not compatible
  with  an  optimized  AIJ file.  See the accompanying message for
  the cause of the incompatability.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the


  value(s) and * are not allowed

  Explanation:  A specified qualifier does not take a value.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1257  –  VALGTRMAX

  value (<num>) is greater than maximum allowed value (<num>)  for

  Explanation:  The value you specified for the named qualifier is
  too large.

  User Action:  Use a value that is less than  the  maximum  value
  and try again.

1258  –  VALLSSMIN

  value (<num>) is less than minimum  allowed  value  (<num>)  for

  Explanation:  The value you specified for the named qualifier is
  too small.

  User Action:  Use a value that is greater than the minimum value
  and try again.

1259  –  VERB_COMMIT

  constraint <str> in table <str> will be evaluated at commit time

  Explanation:  There is no conversion for 'check  on  update'  to
  SQL.  The constraint will be evaluated at commit time.

  User Action:  None.


  Client version is incompatible with server.

  Explanation:  Client application is not compatible  with  server
  software version.

  User Action:  Install a version of the client  application  that
  is compatible with the server software version.

1261  –  VFYALTIND

  index is from the database's previous version metadata.

  Explanation:  The index currently being verified is part of  the
  database's  previous  version  metadata.   See  the accompanying
  message for the name of the index.   This  message  should  only
  appear when verifying a database converted using the RMU Convert
  command with the Nocommit qualifier.

1262  –  VFYALTREL

  logical area is from the database's previous version metadata.

  Explanation:  The logical area currently being verified is  part
  of   the   database's   previous   version  metadata.   See  the
  accompanying message for the name of  the  logical  area.   This
  message  should  only appear when verifying a database converted
  using the RMU Convert command with the Nocommit qualifier.

1263  –  VIEWNOVER

  views cannot be verified

  Explanation:  You have attempted to verify a view.

  User Action:  Specify a table name.


  Invalid column list  for  vertical  partition  <num>  for  table

  Explanation:  The column list for the vertical record  partition
  had an unrecognizable format.

1265  –  VRPDBKMIS

  No reference for vertical partition <num> found
  in primary segment in dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates that no dbkeys are tagged with the specified partition

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

1266  –  VRPDUPDEF

  Duplicate default vertical partitions for table <str>.

  Explanation:  More than one default  vertical  record  partition
  (partitions  with  a  NULL  column  list)  were  found  for  the
  specified table.

1267  –  VRPPRISEG

  Primary   segment   for   vertical   partition   is   at   dbkey

  Explanation:  Identifies the primary  VRP  segment  for  several


  wait attempted on idle buffer

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

1269  –  WAITOFF

  Waiting for offline access to <str>

  Explanation:  The database is either opened or otherwise in use,
  and  the  offline operation can not proceed until this access is
  terminated.   If  the  database  remains  inaccessible  for  two
  minutes, the RMU operation will be terminated.

  User Action:  Determine if the database is opened  (possibly  on
  another cluster node) or being accessed by another RMU user, and
  then free up the database or reissue the RMU  command  when  the
  database is offline.

1270  –  WAITUNFRZ

  waiting for unfreeze to ready logical area <num>

  Explanation:  A database freeze or a  cluster  failover  is  (or
  was)  in  effect.   An  attempt  will  be  made  to wait for the
  appropriate locks.  This situation  was  discovered  because  an
  attempt  to  ready  the  specified  logical area without waiting

  User Action:  This message could indicate that the  verification
  process  is  waiting  on  a  logical  area  lock that some other
  process is holding.  You can determine this by  looking  at  the
  stall  statistics.  If this is the case, you can decide to abort
  the verification process or the process holding the  conflicting
  lock,  or let the verification wait until the other user holding
  the logical area lock completes its transaction.

1271  –  WASBOOL

  expression in CONTAINS or MATCHES was a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or  sub-expression  of the form "A CONTAINS B" or "A MATCHES B".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was a Boolean of  the  form
  "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE
  Y", "X CONTAINS Y", or "X MATCHES Y".  Neither side of  CONTAINS
  and MATCHES expressions are allowed to be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.


  WIDTH was specified with a value outside the range 60..512

  Explanation:  The Option=Width:N qualifier allows values in  the
  range 60 to 512.

  User Action:  Reexecute the command with a value in the  allowed

1273  –  WORMCANT

  Qualifier not valid for WORM devices "<str>".

  Explanation:  A qualifier was specified that cannot be used  for
  WORM devices.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or make sure the device
  is not a WORM device.


  error writing block <num> of <str>

  Explanation:  Media or device error detected while  writing  the
  backup file.

  User Action:  Consider repeating the  operation  with  different
  media and/or different tape drives.

1275  –  WRITEERR

  error writing <str>

  Explanation:  Media error was detected while writing the  backup

  User Action:  None.

1276  –  WRITERRS

  excessive error rate writing <str>

  Explanation:  An excessively large number of write  errors  were
  encountered on this tape volume.

  User Action:  Check for media and or drive maintenance problems.

1277  –  WRMBADEOF

  WORM storage area <str> has a bad logical end-of-file.
  It should be greater than or equal to the
  last initialized page.
  Logical end-of-file is <num>.
  Last initialized page is <num>.

  Explanation:  A WORM storage area was found  to  have  its  last
  initialized page greater than its logical end-of-file.  This can
  never be true.  The last initialized page must be less  than  or
  equal to the logical end-of-file.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.


  error reading WORM pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  read  one
  or  more  WORM pages.  The message indicates the storage area ID
  number and the page numbers of the first and  last  pages  being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason  for  failure.   One  possible  cause  for  this error is
  disabling logging for the WORM area and  subsequently  restoring
  that area from an earlier backup.

1279  –  WRMDEVFUL

  WORM device full for area <str>

  Explanation:  The area is marked as "WORM device full,"  because
  a previous attempt to extend this WORM area failed.

  User Action:  Consider adding more areas to the storage  map  or
  moving the WORM area to a higher capacity WORM device.

1280  –  WRMFLDST

  Searching field <str> in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  is  beginning  to  look in the specified field in the
  specified relation for segmented strings that are missing.

1281  –  WRMISUNIF

  <str> is a WORM storage area  and  cannot  be  a  uniform-format

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area  but the MIXED_FMT_FLG flag is not set; this
  setting contradicts the previous flag, because WORM  areas  must
  be mixed-format.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1282  –  WRMNOTMIX

  cannot add WORM attribute to uniform format area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas should be mixed-format areas only.

  User  Action:    Examine   your   command   line   for   illegal

1283  –  WRMNOTRWR

  <str> is a WORM storage area and cannot be READ-ONLY.

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area, but the READ_ONLY flag is set; this setting
  contradicts the previous flag , because  WORM  areas  cannot  be
  READ-ONLY.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

1284  –  WRMRDONLY

  cannot add WORM attribute to READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:   WORM  areas  cannot  also  have   the   read-only

  User  Action:    Examine   your   command   line   for   illegal

1285  –  WRMRELEND

  Finished search for segmented strings in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  has  finished the search for missing segmented string
  fields in the specified relation

1286  –  WRMRELST

  Starting search for segmented strings in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  is  beginning  to  look in the specified relation for
  segmented strings that are missing.

1287  –  WRMSPMENA

  <str> is a WORM storage area and cannot have SPAMs enabled.

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area,  but  the  SPAMS_DISABLED  flag is not set,
  contradicting the previous flag, because WORM  areas  must  have
  SPAMS disabled.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.


  <str> <str>

  Explanation:  The specified backup file is not  of  the  correct


  This backup file cannot be used with the specified database

  Explanation:  When a by-area restore operation or an incremental
  restore  operation  is  performed  on  an existing database, the
  database must either be the original database  that  was  backed
  up,  or  it must be recreated from a full and complete backup of
  the original database.

  User  Action:   Perform  the  operation  again,  specifying  the
  correct database.


  wrong incremental backup.  Last full  backup  of  <str>  was  at
  <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  This incremental backup file was created against a
  full  backup  of  the  area  that is different from the one that
  restored the area.

  User Action:  Either this incremental  backup  file  is  out  of
  date,  or you must restore the full backup that this incremental
  backup was generated against.


  wrong incremental backup.  Last full backup was at  <time>,  not

  Explanation:  This incremental backup file was created against a
  different full backup of the database than the one that restored
  the database.

  User Action:  Either this incremental backup file is out of date
  or you must restore the full backup that this incremental backup
  was generated against.


  The specified plan type is unsupported for this operation.

  Explanation:  A plan was supplied that was inappropriate for the
  current operation.  (For example, a backup plan was supplied for
  a load operation).

  User  Action:   Modify  the  plan  type  to  match  the  current

1293  –  WRONGVOL

  <str> is not the next volume in the set

  Explanation:  The wrong  relative  volume  was  mounted  on  the

  User  Action:   The  volumes  must  be  mounted  in  the   order

1294  –  XFERDEF

  A Replication Option for Rdb  transfer  is  defined.   Requested
  operation is prohibited.

  Explanation:  A Replication Option for Rdb transfer is currently
  defined.   The  requested operation would cause this transfer to
  fail; consequently, the operation is prohibited.

  User Action:  Delete any transfers before repeating the request.


  specified XID could not be found in the database

  Explanation:  The specified XID was not found in  the  database.
  Either  the  XID  was  never  in the unresolved state, or it has
  since been resolved with the resolution that had  been  supplied

  User Action:  Check the appropriate transaction manager log  for
  more information.


  expression forces too many levels of recursion/stack overflow

  Explanation:  You provided an expression which forces  too  many
  levels of recursion, which resulted in stack overflow.

  User  Action:   The  expression  should  be  rewritten  to   use
  parentheses  and  therefore cause fewer levels of recursion.  It
  may also be possible to increase the size of the stack.

1297  –  XVERREST

  Cross version RESTORE is not possible for by-area or incremental

  Explanation:  A by-area restore operation is not permitted  from
  a  backup  created  under  an  earlier  software  version.  This
  function requires recovery from the after  image  journal  file,
  and  that  is  not  possible  across  versions.   An incremental
  restore operation is not permitted from a backup  created  under
  an  earlier  software  version.  The full restore operation that
  preceded this request performed an implicit  convert  operation.
  This  updates  the  database  and  invalidates  the  incremental
  restore operation.

  User Action:  If this operation can not be avoided, the recovery
  must be performed under the version that the backup was created.
  That usually will require a full restore operation, and possibly
  an  incremental  restore  operation  and  a  recover  operation.
  Updates made under the current software version will be lost.
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