Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  RMU72  Set

1  –  After Journal

    Allows you to do any of the following with respect to after-image
    journal (.aij) files:

    o  Enable or disable after-image journaling.

    o  Alter an .aij file (occurs only if .aij file is re-created).

    o  Add, drop, modify, or reserve .aij files.

    o  Suppress the use of an .aij file.

    o  Add AIJ caches.

    o  Set the initial .aij file allocation.

    o  Set the .aij file extent (for extensible journals).

    o  Enable or disable .aij file overwriting.

    o  Send OpenVMS operator communication manager (OPCOM) messages
       when specific after-image journal events occur.

    o  Set the shutdown timeout period.


       Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the ability to alter an
       .aij file name was provided through the RdbALTER DEPOSIT
       ROOT command. Beginning with Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the
       RdbALTER DEPOSIT ROOT command no longer provides this
       capability; use the Alter qualifier with the RMU Set After_
       Journal command instead.

1.1  –  Description

    Many of the RMU Set After_Journal functions are also available
    through the use of the following SQL ALTER DATABASE clauses:

       ADD JOURNAL clause
       DROP JOURNAL clause
       ALTER JOURNAL clause

1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set After_Journal root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                 x Defaults
  /Add=(keyword[,...])               x No journals added
  /Aij_Options=OptionsFile           x None
  /Allocation=number-blocks          x See description
  /Alter=(keyword[,...])             x No journals altered
  /Backups=(keyword_list)            x See description
  /[No]Cache=file                    x See description
  /Disable                           x None
  /Drop=(Name=name)                  x No journals deleted
  /Enable                            x None
  /Extent=number-blocks              x See description
  /[No]Log                           x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Notify=(operator-class-list)  x See description
  /[No]Overwrite                     x None
  /Reserve=number-journals           x None
  /Shutdown_Timeout=minutes          x 60 minutes
  /Suppress=(Name=name)              x No journals suppressed
  /Switch_Journal                    x None

1.3  –  Parameters

1.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to enable
    journaling or set .aij file characteristics.

1.4  –  Command Qualifiers

1.4.1  –  Add

    Add=(keyword, ...)

    Adds an .aij file to the after-image journal file configuration.
    You can add an .aij file while users are attached to the
    database. If you specify the Suppress, Drop, or Alter qualifiers
    in the same RMU Set After_Journal command, they are processed
    before the Add qualifier. The Add qualifier can appear several
    times in the same command.

    Specify an .aij file to add by using the following keywords:

    o  Name=name

       Specifies a unique name for the after-image journal object
       to be added. An after-image journal object is the .aij file
       specification plus all of its attributes, such as allocation,
       extent, and backup file name.

       This keyword is required.

    o  File=file

       Specifies the file for the journal to be added. This keyword
       is required. If you do not provide a full file specification,
       and only the file name, the file is placed in your current
       directory. If more than one journal resides in the same
       directory, each journal must have a unique file name. However,
       each fixed-size journal file should be located on a separate
       device. This minimizes risks associated with journal loss or
       unavailability should a device fail or be brought off line.
       For example, if two or more journal files reside on the same
       failed device, the loss of information or its unavailability
       is far greater than that of a single journal file.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies the file to be used for automatic backup operations.
       This keyword is optional. If you specify a file name, but
       not a file extension, the .aij file extension is used by
       default. If you supply only a file name (not a complete file
       specification), the backed up .aij file is placed in the
       database root file directory.

    o  Edit_Filename=(option)

       Specifies an edit string to apply to the backup file
       when an .aij is backed up automatically. This keyword is
       optional. However, if it is specified, the Backup_File=file
       keyword must be specified also. When you specify the Edit_
       Filename=(options) keyword, the .aij backup file name is
       modified by appending the options you specify.

       See the description of the Edit_Filename keyword for the
       Backups qualifier for a list of the available keyword options.

       This keyword and the options you specify affect the backup
       file name of the .aij file specified with the associated Name
       keyword only. If you want the same edit string applied to all
       backed up .aij files, you might find it more efficient to use
       the Backups qualifier with the Edit_Filename keyword instead
       of the Add qualifier with the Edit_Filename keyword.

       If you use a combination of the Edit_Filename keyword with the
       Add qualifier and the Edit_Filename keyword with the Backups
       qualifier, the Add qualifier keyword takes precedence over the
       Backups qualifier keyword for the named .aij file. In other
       words, the options you specify with Edit_Filename keyword
       to the Backups qualifier are applied to all backed up .aij
       files except those for which you explicitly specify the Edit_
       Filename keyword with the Add qualifier. See Example 6.

       This keyword is useful for creating meaningful file names for
       your backup files and makes file management easier.

    o  Allocation=number-blocks

       Sets the initial size, in disk blocks, of the .aij file. If
       this keyword is omitted, the default allocation is used.
       The minimum valid value is 512, the maximum value is eight
       million. The default is 512.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the allocation size.

    o  Extent=number-blocks

       Specifies the maximum size to extend an .aij file if it is,
       or becomes, an extensible .aij file (in blocks). (If the
       number of available after-image journal files falls to one,
       extensible journaling is employed.)

       If there is insufficient free space on the .aij file device,
       the journal is extended using a smaller extension value than
       specified. However, the minimum, and default, extension size
       is 512 blocks.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.

1.4.2  –  AIJ Options


    Specifies an options file name. The default extension is .opt.
    The OptionsFile is the same as that generated by an RMU Show
    After_Journal command and is also used by the RMU Copy_Database,
    Move_Area, Restore, and Restore Only_Root commands. The AIJ_
    Options qualifier may be used alone or in combination with other
    RMU Set After_Journal command qualifiers.

1.4.3  –  Allocation


    Sets the default .aij file allocation. You can change the
    allocation while users are attached to the database. If the
    Allocation qualifier is omitted, the default allocation is

    The minimum value you can specify is 512. The default is also

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance on
    setting the allocation size.

1.4.4  –  Alter


    Specifies that an after-image journal object be altered.

    You can alter an after-image journal object while users are
    attached to the database. The Alter qualifier can be used
    several times within the same RMU Set After_Journal command.
    If you specify a previously suppressed .aij file with the
    Alter qualifier, that named .aij file is unsuppressed. Oracle
    RMU performs this unsuppress action as soon as the command is

    The changes specified by the Alter qualifier are stored in the
    database root file (and thus are visible in the dump file if you
    issue an RMU Dump command), but the changes are not applied to
    the .aij file until it is re-created (or backed up, in the case
    of the Backup_File= file keyword). A new extensible .aij file is
    re-created, for example, when the following are true:

    o  Fast commit is enabled.

    o  Extensible after-image journaling is being used.

    o  Users are actively updating the database.

    o  You issue an RMU Backup After_Journal command with the
       Noquiet_Point qualifier.

    Backing up an extensible .aij file does not ensure that a new
    .aij file will be created. In most cases, the existing .aij file
    is truncated and reused.

    Specify an after-image journal object to alter by using the
    following keywords:

    o  Name=name

       Specifies the name of the after-image journal object. This
       is a required keyword that must match the name of an existing
       after-image journal object.

    o  File=file

       This option only takes effect if a journal is, or becomes,
       an extensible .aij file and only when that journal is re-
       created. This option allows you to supply a new .aij file
       specification to be used for the extensible .aij file if and
       when it is re-created. This can be used to move the re-created
       .aij file to a new location. If you do not provide a full file
       specification, and only the file name, the file is placed in
       your current directory. See the general description of the
       Alter qualifier for an example of when an extensible .aij file
       is re-created.

       This option cannot be used to move a fixed-size .aij file. To
       move a fixed-size .aij file, you must first create a new .aij
       file and then drop the existing .aij file.

       This keyword is optional.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies a new file to be used for automatic backup

       This keyword is optional.

    o  Edit_Filename=(options)

       Specifies a new edit string to apply to the backup file
       name of the named .aij file when the .aij is backed up
       automatically. This keyword is optional. See the description
       of the Edit_Filename keyword for the Backups qualifier for a
       list of the available keyword options.

    o  Allocation=number-blocks

       Specifies the initial size of the .aij file that is re-created
       if that file is, or becomes, a fixed-size .aij file.

    o  Extent=number-blocks

       Specifies the extent size of the .aij file that is re-created
       if it is, or becomes, extensible.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.

1.4.5  –  Backups


    Specifies options to control the AIJ backup server. You can
    select one or more of the following keywords:

    o  Automatic

       Specifies that the AIJ backup server will run automatically,
       as required. You cannot specify both the Automatic and Manual
       keywords. If neither the Automatic nor the Manual keyword is
       specified, the backup server state is unchanged.

    o  Manual

       Specifies that the RMU Backup After_Journal command will be
       used to back up the .aij files. The AIJ backup server will
       not run automatically. You cannot specify both Automatic
       and Manual keywords. If neither the Automatic nor the Manual
       keyword is specified, the backup server state is unchanged.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies a default file specification for the AIJ backup
       server to use as the backup file name if no backup file name
       is associated with the .aij file to be backed up.

    o  Nobackup_File

       Specifies that there is no default backup file specification.
       Omission of this keyword retains the current default backup
       file specification.

    o  Edit_Filename=(options)

       The Edit_Filename keyword specifies an edit string to apply
       to .aij files when they are backed up automatically. When
       the Edit_Filename=(options) keyword is used, the .aij backup
       file names are edited by appending any or all of the values
       specified by the following options to the backup file name:

       -  Day_Of_Year

          The current day of the year expressed as a 3-digit integer
          (001 to 366).

       -  Day_Of_Month

          The current day of the month expressed as a 2-digit integer
          (01 to 31).

       -  Hour

          The current hour of the day expressed as a 2-digit integer
          (00 to 23).

       -  Julian_Date

          The number of days passed since 17-Nov-1858.

       -  Minute

          The current minute of the hour expressed as a 2-digit
          integer (00 to 59).

       -  Month

          The current month expressed as a 2-digit integer (01 to

       -  Sequence

          The journal sequence number of the first journal in the
          backup operation.

       -  Vno

          Synonymous with the Sequence option. See the description of
          the Sequence option.

       -  Year

          The current year (A.D.) expressed as a 4-digit integer.

       If you specify more than one option, place a comma between
       each option.

       The edit is performed in the order specified. For example, the
       file backup.aij and the keyword EDIT_FILENAME=(HOUR, MINUTE,
       MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, SEQUENCE) creates a file with the name
       backup_160504233.aij when journal 3 is backed up at 4:05 P.M.
       on April 23rd.

       You can make the name more readable by inserting quoted
       strings between each Edit_Filename option. For example, the
       option shown in the following code adds the string "$30_0155-
       2" to the .aij file name if the day of the month is the 30th,
       the time is 1:55 and the version number is 2:


       This keyword is useful for creating meaningful file names for
       your backup files and makes file management easier.

       If you use a combination of the Edit_Filename keyword with
       the Add qualifier and the Edit_Filename keyword with the
       Backups qualifier, the Add qualifier keyword takes precedence
       over the Backups qualifier keyword for the named .aij file.
       In other words, the options you specify with Edit_Filename
       keyword to the Backups qualifier are applied to all .aij back
       up files except those for which you explicitly specify the
       Edit_Filename keyword with the Add qualifier. See Example 6.

    o  Quiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation is
       to acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database. This option
       (as with all the other Backup options) affects only the
       database specified in the RMU Set After_Journal command line.
       For information on specifying that the quiet-point lock be
       acquired before any .aij backup operation is performed on a
       system, see the Usage Notes.

    o  Noquiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation will
       not acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database. This option (as
       with all the other Backup options) affects only the database
       specified in the RMU Set After_Journal command line. For
       information on specifying that the quiet-point lock will not
       be acquired prior to any .aij backup operations performed on a
       system, see the Usage Notes.

1.4.6  –  Cache


    Specifies an after-image journal cache file specification on a
    solid-state disk. If the Cache qualifier is specified, after-
    image journal caches are enabled. If you specify a file name, but
    not a file extension, the file extension .aij is used by default.

    If the Nocache qualifier is specified, AIJ caches are disabled.
    You can use this qualifier only when users are detached from the

    This file must be written to a solid-state disk. If a solid-state
    disk is not available, after-image journal caching should not be
    used. Unless you are involved in a high performance, high-volume
    environment, you probably do not need the features provided by
    this qualifier.

    You can determine whether the cache file is accessible by
    executing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier. If
    caching is enabled, but the cache file is unavailable, the cache
    file is marked inaccessible and after-image journaling continues
    as if caching was disabled. Once the cache file has been marked
    inaccessible, it will remain so marked until either the existing
    cache file is dropped from the database, or a new cache file is
    added to the database (even if this is the same cache file as was
    previously used).

    If this qualifier is omitted, the AIJ cache state remains

1.4.7  –  Disable


    Disables after-image journaling if it has already been enabled.
    If after-image journaling has already been disabled, this
    qualifier has no effect. You can specify the Disable qualifier
    only when users are detached from the database.

    When the Disable qualifier and other qualifiers are specified
    with the RMU Set After_Journal command, after-image journaling is
    disabled before other requested operations.

    There is no default for the Disable qualifier. If you do not
    specify either the Disable or Enable qualifier, the after-image
    journaling state remains unchanged.

1.4.8  –  Drop


    Specifies that the named after-image journal object be deleted.
    You can drop an after-image journal object while users are
    attached to the database, but the named after-image journal
    object must not be the current .aij file or be waiting to be
    backed up. When the Drop qualifier is specified with the Alter
    or Add qualifiers on the RMU Set After_Journal command, the named
    after-image journal object is dropped before any after-image
    journal objects are altered or added.

    Each after-image journal object to be deleted is specified by
    the required keyword, Name=name. This specifies the name of the
    after-image journal object to be dropped, which must match the
    name of an existing after-image journal object.

1.4.9  –  Enable


    Enables after-image journaling if it has been disabled. You can
    specify the Enable qualifier only when users are detached from
    the database and at least one unmodified .aij file is available
    (unless you also specify the Overwrite qualifier). After-image
    journaling is enabled after other specified qualifiers have been

1.4.10  –  Extent


    Sets the size, in blocks, of the default .aij file extension.
    This qualifier has no effect on fixed-length .aij files. This
    qualifier can be used while users are attached to the database.

    The minimum valid number-blocks value is 512. The default is also

    If the Extent qualifier is omitted, the default extension remains

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance on
    setting the extent size.

1.4.11  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

1.4.12  –  Notify


    Sets the operator notification state for after-image journaling
    and selects the operators to be notified when the journaling
    state changes. Oracle RMU uses the OpenVMS operator communication
    manager (OPCOM). The following events evoke operator

    o  An error writing to an .aij file.

    o  No .aij file is available for write operations.

    o  The .aij file has been overwritten.

    o  The RMU Backup After_Journal command fails.

    You can use this qualifier while users are attached to the
    database. If you specify the Nonotify qualifier, operator
    notification is disabled. If the qualifier is omitted, the
    operator notification state is unchanged.

    The operator classes follow:

    o  [No]All

       The All operator class broadcasts a message to all terminals
       that are attached to the system or cluster. These terminals
       must be turned on and have broadcast-message reception
       enabled. The Noall operator class inhibits the display of
       messages to the entire system or cluster.

    o  [No]Central

       The Central operator class broadcasts messages to the central
       system operator. The Nocentral operator class inhibits the
       display of messages to the central system operator.

    o  [No]Disks

       The Disks operator class broadcasts messages pertaining to
       mounting and dismounting disk volumes. The Nodisks operator
       class inhibits the display of messages pertaining to mounting
       and dismounting disk volumes.

    o  [No]Cluster

       The Cluster operator class broadcasts messages from the
       connection manager pertaining to cluster state changes. The
       Nocluster operator class inhibits the display of messages from
       the connection manager pertaining to cluster state changes.

    o  [No]Security

       The Security operator class displays messages pertaining to
       security events. The Nosecurity operator class inhibits the
       display of messages pertaining to security events.

    o  [No]Oper1 through [No]Oper12

       The Oper1 through Oper12 operator classes display messages
       to operators identified as OPER1 through OPER12. The Nooper1
       through Nooper12 operator classes inhibit messages from being
       sent to the specified operator.


       Use the Notify qualifier conservatively. Be sure that
       messages regarding a private database are not broadcast
       to an entire system or cluster of users who may not be
       interested in the broadcast information. Similarly, be
       conservative regarding even a clusterwide database. You
       do not want to overload the operators with insignificant

1.4.13  –  Overwrite


    The Overwrite qualifier specifies that .aij files can be
    overwritten without first being backed up. The Nooverwrite
    qualifier specifies that only an .aij file that has been backed
    up can be overwritten. You can specify the Nooverwrite qualifier
    only when users are detached from the database. If you do
    not specify either the Overwrite qualifier or the Nooverwrite
    qualifier, the Overwrite characteristic remains unchanged.

    This qualifier is ignored if only one .aij file is available.
    When you specify the Overwrite qualifier, it is only activated
    when two or more .aij files are, or become, available.

    Note that if you use the Overwrite qualifier, you will be unable
    to perform a rollforward from a restored backup file. Most users
    will not want to use the Overwrite qualifier; it is provided for
    layered applications that might want to take advantage of some
    performance features provided by Oracle Rdb that require after-
    image journaling, but where the use of after-image journaling is
    not required for the application to run reliably.

1.4.14  –  Reserve


    Reserves additional space in the after-image journal
    configuration for the specified number of .aij files. You can
    specify the Reserve qualifier only when users are detached from
    the database. If you do not specify the Reserve qualifier, no
    space is reserved for additional .aij files.

    Note that you cannot reserve space in a single-file database for
    .aij files by using this qualifier with the RMU Set After_Journal
    command. After-image journal file reservations for a single-
    file database can be made only when you use the RMU Convert, RMU
    Restore, or RMU Copy_Database commands.

    Note that once you reserve space in the journal configuration
    (using the Reserve=n qualifier), the reservations are permanent.
    There is no way to unreserve this space unless you back up and
    restore the database. Specify fewer reservations with RMU Restore
    command After_Journal qualifier.

    Each reservation uses two blocks of space in the root file and
    the run-time global sections.

    When you reserve journals slots to create additional journals
    for your journal system, the reserve operation is not journaled.
    Therefore, you should perform a full database backup operation to
    ensure database consistency.

1.4.15  –  Shutdown Timeout


    Modifies the after-image journal shutdown time in the event that
    after-image journaling becomes unavailable. The after-image
    journaling shutdown time is the period, in minutes, between
    the point when after-image journaling becomes unavailable and
    the point when the database is shut down. During the after-
    image journaling shutdown period, all database update activity
    is stalled.

    If operator notification has been enabled, operator messages are
    broadcast to all enabled operator classes and to the RMU Show
    Statistics screen at 1-minute intervals.

    To recover from the after-image journaling shutdown state
    and to resume normal database operations, you must make an
    .aij file available for use. You can do this by backing up an
    existing modified journal, or, if you have a journal reservation
    available, by adding a new journal to the after-image journaling
    configuration. If you do not make a journal available before the
    after-image journal shutdown time expires, the database is shut
    down and all active database attaches are terminated.

    The after-image journaling shutdown period is only in effect when
    fixed-size AIJ journaling is used. When a single extensible .aij
    file is used, the default action is to shut down all database
    operations when the .aij file becomes unavailable.

    If you do not specify the Shutdown_Timeout qualifier, the
    database shuts down 60 minutes after the after-image journaling
    configuration becomes unavailable. The maximum value you can
    specify for the Shutdown_Timeout qualifier is 4320 minutes (3

1.4.16  –  Suppress


    Prevents further use of the named after-image journal object. The
    named after-image journal object must be an existing after-image
    journal object.

    This qualifier is useful when you want to temporarily disallow
    the use of an .aij file. For example, suppose the disk containing
    the next .aij file to use goes off line. You do not want the
    database to attempt to access that file until the disk is back on
    line. Use the Suppress qualifier so the database does not attempt
    to access the specified .aij file. When the disk is back on line,
    use the RMU Set After_Journal command with the Alter qualifier
    to unsuppress the after-image journal object that references this
    .aij file.

    You can specify the Suppress qualifier while users are attached
    to the database, but the .aij file referenced by the after-image
    journal object must not be the current journal or be waiting
    to be backed up. You must back up the referenced .aij file
    before the after-image journal object that references it can
    be suppressed.

    The Suppress qualifier is processed prior to any Drop, Add, or
    Alter qualifiers specified with the same command.

1.4.17  –  Switch Journal


    Changes the currently active .aij file to the next available .aij
    file in a fixed-size after-image journaling configuration.

    In an extensible journal file configuration, the Switch_Journal
    qualifier has no effect and is ignored if specified.

    The Switch_Journal qualifier is useful for forcing a switch to an
    .aij file on another disk when you want to perform maintenance on
    the disk containing the currently active journal file.

    You cannot specify the Switch_Journal qualifier and the Enable
    or the Disable qualifier on the same command line. In addition,
    after-image journaling must be enabled when you issue the Switch_
    Journal qualifier.

    It is seldom necessary to specify this option because normally a
    switch occurs automatically.

1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$ALTER, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE
       privilege in the root file access control list (ACL) for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Set After_Journal command.

    o  Use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier to see if
       after-image journaling additions or changes you have made have
       been recorded as you expect. However, note that although the
       AIJ attributes change as you specify, the changed .aij file
       might be flagged as unmodified in the dump of the header. This
       occurs because the transaction containing your changes to the
       .aij file is captured in the current .aij file, not the .aij
       file for which you specified modifications.

    o  When you use RMU Set After_Journal to specify a fixed-size
       journal configuration, specify a different disk for each
       .aij file, if possible. Using this method, you can suppress
       a journal on a given disk if that disk should start to fail.

    o  If the disk fails on which the current .aij file resides,
       Oracle Rdb immediately starts using a new .aij file if your
       journal configuration contains more than one journal. For
       example, if AIJ_DISK1 contains AIJ_ONE, the current .aij file,
       and AIJ_DISK1 fails, Oracle Rdb will immediately start using
       AIJ_TWO, the .aij file on AIJ_DISK2.

    o  Execute a full database backup operation after issuing an RMU
       Set After_Journal command that displays the RMU-W-DOFULLBCK
       warning message (such as a command that includes the Reserve
       or the Enable qualifier).

    o  Use the Alter qualifier to unsuppress an .aij file that has
       been suppressed with the Suppress qualifier.

    o  Use the Backup=(Quiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing an
       .aij backup operation for the specified database. (Use the
       Backup=(Noquiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the quiet-
       point lock will not be acquired prior to an .aij backup
       operation for the specified database.)

    o  Use the RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT logical to specify whether or
       not the quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing
       any .aij backup operation on any database on a cluster.

       Define the value for the logical to be 1 to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing .aij
       backup operations; define the value to be 0 to specify that
       the quiet-point lock need not be acquired prior to .aij backup
       operations. You must define this logical in the system table
       on all nodes in the cluster as shown in the following example:


    o  The selection of which journal in a set of fixed-size journal
       files is used by Oracle RMU is unpredictable and depends on
       availability. For example, while a journal is temporarily
       unavailable, it cannot be selected as the next journal file.
       Thus, a journal file might be reused before all journals in
       the set have been used once.

1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command reserves space for three .aij files, adds
    two .aij files to the mf_personnel database, and then enables
    after-image journaling:

    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery

    Example 2

    The following example demonstrates how to switch the current .aij
    file from DISK1:[DB]AIJ1 to the next available journal file in a
    fixed-size journal configuration, and then suppress the original
    journal in anticipation of maintenance on the disk that contains
    it. The last Oracle RMU command moves AIJ1 to a new disk and
    implicitly unsuppresses it.

        AIJ Journaling...
         - After-image journaling is enabled
          - Database is configured for 5 journals
          - Reserved journal count is 5
          - Available journal count is 3
          - Journal switches to next available when full
          - 1 journal has been modified with transaction data
          - 2 journals can be created while database is active
          - Journal "AIJ1" is current
          - All journals are accessible
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    After-image journal 0 switch-over in progress (to 1)

    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    After-image journal switch-over complete

    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     switching to after-image journal "AIJ2"

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKBEG, beginning after-image journal backup operation
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation started
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up after-image journal sequence number 2
    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal AIJ1 at 10:59:58.83
    %RMU-I-LOGCREBCK, created backup file DISK1:[DB]AIJ1_BCK.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation completed

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKEND, after-image journal backup operation completed
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJJRN, backed up 1 after-image journal at 11:00:02.59
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJBLK, backed up 254 after-image journal blocks
     at 11:00:02.59
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     suppressed after-image journal "AIJ1"
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     unsuppressed after-image journal "AIJ1"

    Example 3

    The following example turns on the automatic backup server for
    .aij files and defines a default backup file name:


    Example 4

    The following example turns off the automatic backup server for
    .aij files and removes the default backup file name:


    Example 5

    The following example changes the .aij backup file name without
    changing the setting of the AIJ backup server:


    Example 6

    The following example sets a local and a global edit string for
    .aij backup files. When AIJ_ONE is backed up, it is appended with
    the string _LOCAL. When AIJ_TWO or AIJ_THREE are backed up, they
    are appended with the string _GLOBAL. Although it is unlikely
    that you would select these edit strings, they demonstrate the
    behavior of the Edit_Filename keyword when it is used with the
    Backup qualifier (global effect) versus the behavior of the Edit_
    Filename keyword when it is used with the Add qualifier (local

    _$    FILE=DISK1:[AIJS]AIJ_ONE, -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ1BCK, -
    _$    EDIT_FILENAME=("_LOCAL")) -
    _$  /ADD=(NAME=AIJ2, -
    _$    FILE=DISK1:[AIJS]AIJ_TWO,  -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ2BCK) -
    _$  /ADD=(NAME=AIJ3, -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ3BCK) -

    $ !
    $ ! After these .aij files are backed up:
    $ !
    $ DIR .AIJ

2  –  AIP

    Allows the user to modify the contents of the AIP (Area Inventory
    Pages) structure. The AIP structure provides a mapping for
    logical areas to physical areas as well describing each of those
    logical areas. Information such as the logical area name, length
    of the stored record, and storage thresholds can now be modified
    using this simple command interface.

2.1  –  Description

    This RMU command is used to modify some attributes of an existing
    logical area. It cannot be used to add or delete a logical area.
    This command can be used to correct the record length, thresholds
    and name of a logical area described by an AIP entry. It can also
    be used to rebuild the SPAM pages for a logical area stored in
    UNIFORM page format areas so that threshold settings for a page
    correctly reflect the definition of the table.

    See also the RMU Repair Spam command for information on
    rebuilding SPAM pages for MIXED areas.

2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set AIP root-file-spec [larea-name]

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /Larea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Length[=n]                           x See description
  /Log                                  x See description
  /Rebuild_Spams                        x See description
  /Rename_To=new-name                   x See description
  /Threshold=(p,q,r)                    x See description

2.3  –  Parameters

2.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be
    processed. The default file extension is .rdb.

2.3.2  –  larea-name

    An optional parameter that allows the logical areas to be
    selected by name. Only those AIP entries are processed.

    Any partitioned index or table will create multiple logical areas
    all sharing the same name. This string may contain standard
    OpenVMS wildcard characters (% and *) so that different names
    can be matched. Therefore, it is possible for many logical areas
    to match this name.

    The value of larea-name may be delimited so that mixed case
    characters, punctuation and various character sets can be used.

2.4  –  Command Qualifiers

2.4.1  –  Larea

    Larea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of logical area identifiers. The LAREA qualifier
    and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive.

2.4.2  –  Length


    Sets the length of the logical area. If no value is provided on
    the RMU Set AIP command, then Oracle Rdb will find the matching
    table and calculate a revised AIP nominal record length and apply
    it to the AIP.

2.4.3  –  Log


    Logs the names and identifiers of logical areas modified by this

2.4.4  –  Rebuild Spams


    Locate each logical area with the "rebuild-spam" flag set and
    rebuild the SPAM pages.

2.4.5  –  Rename To


    Used to change the logical area name. This qualifier should be
    used with caution as some RMU commands assume a strict mapping
    between table/index names and names of the logical area. This
    command can be used to repair names that were created in older
    versions of Oracle Rdb where the rename table command did not
    propagate the change to the AIP. The value of new-name may be
    delimited so that mixed case, punctuation and various character
    sets can be used.

2.4.6  –  Threshold

    Threshold=(t1 [,t2 [, t3]])

    Changes the threshold on all logical areas specified using
    the Larea qualifier or the larea-name parameter. RMU accepts
    THRESHOLD=(0,0,0) as a valid setting to disable logical area
    thresholds. Values must be in the range 0 through 100. Any
    missing values default to 100.

2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The database administrator requires RMU$ALTER privilege to run
       the command and the Rdb server also requires SELECT and ALTER
       privilege on the database.

    o  This command supersedes the RMU Repair Initialize=Larea_
       Parameters command that can also change the Thresholds and
       Length for a logical area. This command can be executed
       online, whereas the RMU Repair command must be run offline.

    o  Wildcard names are not permitted with the following qualifiers
       to prevent accidental propagation of values to the wrong
       database objects.

       -  LENGTH qualifier with a value specified,

       -  RENAME_TO qualifier,

       -  and THRESHOLDS qualifier.

    o  RMU Set AIP may be used on a master database configured for
       HOT STANDBY. All AIP changes and SPAM rebuild actions are
       written to the after image journal and will be applied to the
       standby database. This command cannot be applied to a STANDBY

    o  THRESHOLDS for MIXED format areas are physical area attributes
       and are not supported at the logical area (aka AIP) level.
       Therefore, THRESHOLDS can not be applied to MIXED areas and
       specifying logical areas will cause an exception to be raised.

    o  The REBUILD_SPAMS qualifier is only applied to logical areas
       stored in UNIFORM page format storage areas.

    o  This command will implicitly commit any changes with no
       opportunity to undo them using rollback. Access to the
       functionality is controlled by privileges at the RMU and Rdb
       database level. We suggest that RMU Show AIP be used prior to
       any change so that you can compare the results and repeat the
       RMU Set AIP command with corrections if necessary.

       Some wildcard operations are restricted to prevent accidental
       damage to the database. For instance, a wildcard matching
       many objects will be rejected if more than one type of object
       is being changed. If a wildcard selects both table and index
       types then this command will be rejected.

    o  This command is an online command. Each logical area will be
       processed within a single transaction and interact with other
       online users.

    o  When the AIP entry is changed online, any existing users of
       the table or index will start to use the new values if the
       logical areas are reloaded.

    o  Various SQL alter commands will register changes for the AIP
       and these are applied at COMMIT time. RMU Verify and RMU Show
       AIP Option=REBUILD_SPAMS will report any logical areas that
       require SPAM rebuilding. The database administrator can also
       examine the output from the RMU Dump Larea=RDB$AIP command.

    o  How long can the SPAM rebuild be delayed? The fullness of
       some page will have been calculated using the old AIP length
       or THRESHOLD values. Therefore, it might appear that a page
       is full when in fact the revised length will fit on the
       page, or the page may appear to have sufficient free space
       to store a row but once accessed the space is not available.
       By rebuilding SPAM pages, you may reduce I/O during insert
       operations. However, delaying the rebuild to a convenient time
       will not affect the integrity of the database.

    o  The amount of I/O required for Rebuild_Spams depends upon
       the number of pages allocated to the table or index involved.
       Assuming just one logical area is selected then Oracle Rdb
       will read the ABM (Area Bitmap) to locate all SPAM pages in
       that area that reference this logical area. Rdb will then
       read each page in the SPAM interval for that SPAM page and
       recalculate the fullness based on the rows stored on each

2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    RMU will call Rdb for each logical area that requires rebuilding.

    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 86, name ACCOUNT_AUDIT selected for
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 94, name DEPARTMENTS_INDEX selected for

    Example 2

    RMU will request that the EMPLOYEES table length be updated
    in the AIP. Oracle Rdb will use the latest table layout to
    calculate the length in the AIP and write this back to the AIP.
    The EMPLOYEES table is partitioned across three storage areas and
    therefore the Log qualifier shows these three logical areas being

    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 80, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 81, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 82, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification

    Example 3

    RMU will request that the EMPLOYEES table length be updated
    in the AIP and then the SPAM pages will be rebuilt. This is an
    ONLINE operation. Note: there is an implied relationship between
    the logical area name and the name of the object. This example
    assumes that the EMPLOYEES object is mapped to a UNIFORM page
    format area.


    Example 4

    When Thresholds for an index are modified they will not be
    effective until the SPAM pages are updated (rebuilt) to use these
    new values. The following example shows that index maintenance
    performed by SQL. The SET FLAGS command is used to display
    information about the change. Note that the change is applied at
    COMMIT time and that the SPAM rebuild is deferred until a later
    time. RMU Set AIP is then used to rebuild the SPAM pages.

    $ SQL$
    SQL> set flags 'index_stats';
    SQL> alter index candidates_sorted store in rdb$system (thresholds are (32,56,
    ~Ai alter index "CANDIDATES_SORTED" (hashed=0, ordered=0)
    ~Ai larea length is 215
    ~As locking table "CANDIDATES" (PR -> PU)
    ~Ai: reads: async 0 synch 58, writes: async 8 synch 0
    SQL> commit;
    %RDMS-I-LOGMODVAL,     modified space management thresholds to (32%, 56%, 77%)
    %RDMS-W-REBUILDSPAMS, SPAM pages should be rebuilt for logical area
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 74, name CANDIDATES_SORTED selected for

3  –  Audit

    Enables Oracle Rdb security auditing. When security auditing is
    enabled, Oracle Rdb sends security alarm messages to terminals
    that have been enabled as security operators and makes entries
    in the database's security audit journal whenever specified audit
    events are detected.

3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Audit command is the Oracle Rdb equivalent to the
    DCL SET AUDIT command. Because Oracle Rdb security auditing uses
    many OpenVMS system-level auditing mechanisms, certain auditing
    characteristics (such as /FAILURE_MODE) can only be set and
    modified by using the DCL SET AUDIT command, which requires the
    OpenVMS SECURITY privilege.

3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Audit root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /Disable=enable-disable-options x See description
  /Enable=enable-disable-options  x See description
  /[No]Every                      x /Every
  /First                          x Synonym for /Noevery
  /[No]Flush                      x /Noflush
  /Start                          x See description
  /Stop                           x See description
  /Type={Alarm|Audit}             x Alarm and Audit

3.3  –  Parameters

3.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification of the database root for which auditing
    information will be modified.

3.4  –  Command Qualifiers

3.4.1  –  Disable


    Disables security auditing for the specified audit event classes.
    To disable alarms and audits for all classes, specify the All
    option. You can also selectively disable alarms and audits for
    one or more classes that are currently enabled. You must specify
    at least one class when you specify the Disable qualifier. See
    the Enable qualifier description for a list of the classes you
    can specify with the Disable qualifier.

    When you specify audit classes with the Disable qualifier, the
    events you specify are immediately disabled. For other audit
    events that have not been explicitly disabled with the Disable
    qualifier, records continue to be recorded in the security
    audit journal and alarms continue to be sent to security-enabled
    terminals, as specified.

    When processing the RMU Set Audit command, Oracle Rdb processes
    the Disable qualifier last. If you accidentally specify both
    Enable and Disable for the same event type in the same command,
    the Disable qualifier prevails.

3.4.2  –  Enable


    Enables security auditing for the specified audit event classes.
    To enable alarms and audits for all events, specify the All
    option. You can also selectively enable alarms and audits for
    one or more classes that are currently disabled. You must specify
    at least one class when you specify the Enable qualifier.

    When you specify audit classes with the Enable qualifier, the
    audit events you specify are immediately enabled, so that audit
    events of currently attached users are recorded in the security
    audit journal and alarms are sent to security-enabled terminals,
    as specified.

    With the Enable and Disable qualifiers, you can specify one or
    more of the following six valid class options: All, Daccess,
    Daccess=object-type, Identifier=(identifier-list), Protection,
    and Rmu. If you specify more than one class, separate the classes
    with commas, and enclose the list of classes within parentheses.
    The following list provides a description of each option:

    o  All

       Enables or disables all possible audit event classes.

    o  Daccess

       Enables or disables DACCESS (discretionary access) audit

       A DACCESS audit event occurs whenever a user issues a command
       that causes a check to be made for the existence of the
       appropriate privilege in an access privilege set (APS). To
       monitor access to a particular database object or group of
       objects, use the Daccess=object-type option to specify that a
       DACCESS audit record be produced whenever an attempt is made
       to access the object.

       Specifying the general Daccess option enables or disables the
       general DACCESS audit event type. If DACCESS event auditing is
       enabled and started for specific objects, auditing takes place
       immediately after you issue the RMU Set Audit command with
       the Enable=Daccess qualifier. Auditing starts for any users
       specified in the Identifier=(identifier-list) option who are
       attached to the database when the command is issued.

    o  Daccess=object-type[=(object name)]/Privileges=(privilege-

       Allows you to audit access to database objects by users in the
       Identifier=(identifier-list) option with the privileges you

       A DACCESS type event record indicates the command issued, the
       privilege used by the process issuing the command, and whether
       the attempt to access the object was successful.

       The object-type option enables or disables DACCESS auditing
       for the specified object type. You can specify one or more
       object types in an RMU Set Audit command. The three valid
       object types are:

       -  DATABASE

          When you specify the DATABASE object type, you must use the
          Privileges qualifier to specify one or more privileges to
          be audited for the database. Do not specify an object name
          with the DATABASE object type.

       -  TABLE

          Specify the TABLE option for both tables and views. When
          you specify the TABLE object type, you must specify one or
          more table names with the object name parameter. You must
          also use the Privileges qualifier to specify one or more
          privileges to be audited for the specified tables.

       -  COLUMN

          When you specify the COLUMN object type, you must specify
          one or more column names with the object name parameter.
          Specify the table name that contains the column by using
          the following syntax:


          If you specify more than one column, separate the list
          of table-name.column-names with commas, and enclose the
          list within parentheses. You must also use the Privileges
          qualifier to specify one or more privileges to be audited
          for the specified columns.

       The object name parameter enables or disables DACCESS auditing
       for the specified object or objects. If you specify more than
       one object name, separate the object names with commas, and
       enclose the list of object names within parentheses.

       If you specify one or more object names, you must select one
       or more privileges to audit. Use the Privileges=privilege-list
       qualifier to select the privileges that are to be audited for
       each of the objects in the object name list when the selected
       objects are accessed. The privileges that can be specified
       with the Privileges qualifier are listed in DACCESS Privileges
       for Database Objects.

       Privilege names SUCCESS and FAILURE can be used as a
       convenient way to specify that all successful or failed
       accesses to that object for all privileges should be audited.
       The privilege name All can be used with the Enable or Disable
       qualifier to turn on or turn off auditing for all privileges
       applicable to the object.

       If you specify a privilege that does not apply to an object,
       Oracle Rdb allows it, but will not produce any auditing for
       that privilege. You can specify only SQL privileges with the
       Privileges=(privilege-list) qualifier. The privileges that
       can be specified for each Oracle Rdb object type are shown
       in DACCESS Privileges for Database Objects. The Relational
       Database Operator (RDO) privileges that correspond to
       the SQL privileges are included in DACCESS Privileges for
       Database Objects to help RDO users select the appropriate SQL
       privileges for auditing.

    Table 13 DACCESS Privileges for Database Objects

    SQL          RDO
    Privilege    Privilege      Database   Table/ViColumn

    ALTER        CHANGE         Y          Y       N
    CREATE       DEFINE         Y          Y       N
    DBADM        ADMINISTRATOR  Y          N       N
    DBCTRL       CONTROL        Y          Y       N
    DELETE       ERASE          N          Y       N
    DISTRIBTRAN  DISTRIBTRAN    Y          N       N
    DROP         DELETE         Y          Y       N
    INSERT       WRITE          N          Y       N
    REFERENCES   REFERENCES     N          Y       Y
    SECURITY     SECURITY       Y          N       N
    SELECT       READ           Y          Y       N
    UPDATE       MODIFY         N          Y       Y
    SUCCESS      SUCCESS        Y          Y       Y
    FAILURE      FAILURE        Y          Y       Y
    ALL          ALL            Y          Y       Y

    o  Identifier=(identifier-list)

       Enables or disables auditing of user access to objects listed
       in the Enable=Daccess=object-type qualifier. If you do not
       specify this option, no users are audited for the DACCESS
       event. Any user whose identifier you specify is audited for
       accessing the database objects with the privileges specified.
       You can specify wildcard characters within the identifiers
       to identify groups of users. The [*,*] identifier indicates
       public, and causes all users to be audited. If you specify a
       nonexistent identifier, you receive an error message.

       The order of identifiers in the identifier list is not
       significant. A user is audited if he or she holds any of the
       identifiers specified in the identifier list.

       You can specify user identification code (UIC) identifiers,
       general identifiers, and system-defined identifiers in the
       identifier list. For more information on identifiers, see the
       Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition.

       If you specify more than one identifier, separate the
       identifiers with commas, and enclose the identifier list
       within parentheses. UIC identifiers with commas such as
       [RDB,JONES] must be enclosed within quotation marks as


       When you use Identifier=(identifier-list) to specify one or
       more identifiers to be audited, those identifiers are audited
       whenever they access any object for which auditing has been

    o  Protection

       Allows you to audit changes made to access privilege sets
       for database objects by means of the SQL GRANT and REVOKE

    o  Rmu

       Audits the use of Oracle RMU commands by users with the
       privilege to use them.

3.4.3  –  Every


    Sets the granularity of DACCESS event auditing for the database.
    When you specify the Every qualifier, every access check
    for the specified objects using the specified privilege or
    privileges during a database attachment is audited. When you
    specify the Noevery qualifier, each user's first access check
    for the specified audit objects using the specified privilege
    or privileges during a database attachment is audited. The
    First qualifier is a synonym for the Noevery qualifier; the two
    qualifiers can be used interchangeably.

    The default is the Every qualifier.

3.4.4  –  First

    Specifies that when DACCESS event auditing is enabled, each
    user's first access check for the specified audit objects
    using the specified privilege or privileges during a database
    attachment is audited. The First qualifier is a synonym
    for the Noevery qualifier; the two qualifiers can be used

3.4.5  –  Flush


    Indicates whether forced writes of audit journal records are
    currently enabled for the database. Forced writes will cause
    Oracle Rdb to write (flush) the audit journal record immediately
    out to disk when the audit record is produced, rather than
    waiting for the audit server to flush the audit records at
    specified intervals of seconds.

    The default is the Noflush qualifier, which flushes audit records
    every interval of seconds. To specify the interval, use the DCL

3.4.6  –  Start

    Starts Oracle Rdb security auditing for the database. The Start
    qualifier by itself starts both security alarms and security
    audit journal records. Also, you can supply the Type=Alarm
    qualifier or the Type=Audit qualifier to start security alarms
    only or security audit journaling only.

    When you specify the Start qualifier, auditing starts immediately
    for all audit event classes that are currently enabled. Any
    subsequent audit events of currently attached users are recorded
    in the security audit journal, or alarms are sent to security-
    enabled terminals, or both, depending on what you have specified
    for your database.

3.4.7  –  Stop

    Stops Oracle Rdb security auditing for the database. The Stop
    qualifier by itself stops both security alarms and security audit
    journal records. Also, you can supply the Type=Alarm qualifier or
    the Type=Audit qualifier to stop security alarms only or security
    audit journaling only.

    When you specify the Stop qualifier, the alarms or audits
    (or both) of all audit event classes are immediately stopped
    (depending on whether you specified the Type=Alarm qualifier,
    the Type=Audit qualifier, or neither). The audit event classes
    previously specified with the Enable qualifier remain enabled,
    and you can start them again by using the Start qualifier.

3.4.8  –  Type


    Specifies that security alarms or security audit journal records
    (or both) be enabled or disabled. The following options are
    available with the Type qualifier:

    o  Alarm

       Causes subsequent qualifiers in the command line (Start, Stop,
       Enable, and Disable) to generate or affect security alarm
       messages that are sent to all terminals enabled as security
       operator terminals.

    o  Audit

       Causes subsequent qualifiers in the command line (Start,
       Stop, Enable, and Disable) to generate or affect security
       audit journal records that are recorded in the security audit
       journal file.

       If you do not specify the Type qualifier with the RMU Set
       Audit command, Oracle RMU enables or disables both security
       alarms and security audit journal records.

3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Set Audit command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Audit journal records collected on a database can be stored
       only in the database from which they were collected. The
       database name specified with the RMU Load command with the
       Audit qualifier identifies to Oracle Rdb both the audit
       records to be loaded and the database into which they are
       to be loaded.

    o  There is very little overhead associated with security
       auditing; no extra disk I/O is involved. Therefore, you need
       not be concerned about the impact to database performance
       should you decide to enable security auditing.

    o  You can use the Daccess=object-type option to enable DACCESS
       checking for specific objects, but the general DACCESS class
       is not enabled until you explicitly enable it by using the
       Enable=Daccess qualifier with the RMU Set Audit command.
       Also, you need to use the Start qualifier with the RMU Set
       Audit command to start the auditing and alarms that have been

    o  Alarms are useful for real-time tracking of auditing
       information. At the moment an alarm occurs, text messages
       regarding the alarm are displayed on security-enabled

       To enable a terminal to receive Oracle Rdb security alarms,
       enter the DCL REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY command. You must have
       both the OpenVMS SECURITY and OpenVMS OPER privileges to use
       the REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY command.

    o  Audit records are useful for periodic reviews of security
       events. Audit records are stored in a security audit journal
       file, and can be reviewed after they have been loaded into
       a database table with the RMU Load command with the Audit
       qualifier. Use the DCL SHOW AUDIT/JOURNAL command to determine
       the security audit journal file being used by your database.

    o  The AUDIT class is always enabled for both alarms and audit
       records, but does produce any alarms or audit records until
       auditing is started. The AUDIT class cannot be disabled.

    o  When you specify the Daccess=object-type option and
       one or more other options in an options list, the
       Privileges=(privilege-list) qualifier must begin after the
       closing parenthesis for the options list.

    o  To display the results of an RMU Set Audit command, enter the
       RMU Show Audit command.

    o  You can use the Disable and Enable qualifiers with indirect
       file references. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for
       more information.

    o  When the RMU Set Audit command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example, the first command enables alarms
    for the RMU and PROTECTION classes. The second command shows
    that alarms for the RMU and PROTECTION classes are enabled but
    not yet started. The AUDIT class is always enabled and cannot
    be disabled. The third command starts alarms for the RMU and
    PROTECTION classes. The fourth command shows that alarms for the
    RMU and PROTECTION classes are enabled and started.

    $ ! Enable alarms for RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are enabled, but not yet started:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Start alarms for the enabled RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are started for the RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 2

    In this example, the first command shows that alarms are started
    and enabled for the RMU class. The second command disables alarms
    for the RMU class. The third command shows that alarms for RMU
    class are disabled.

    $ ! Show that alarms are enabled and started for the RMU class:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Disable alarms for the RMU class:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are disabled for the RMU class:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 3

    In this example, the first command enables auditing for users
    with the [SQL,USER1] and [RDB,USER2] identifiers. The second
    command shows the enabled identifiers. The third command enables
    DACCESS checks requiring SELECT and INSERT privileges for the
    EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES tables. The fourth command displays the
    DACCESS checks that have been specified for the COLLEGES and
    EMPLOYEES tables. Note that because the general DACCESS type has
    not been enabled, DACCESS for the EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES tables
    is displayed as disabled.

    $ ! Enable auditing for users with the [SQL,USER1] and
    $ ! [RDB,USER2] identifiers:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that [SQL,USER1] and [RDB,USER2] are enabled identifiers:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Enable and start DACCESS checks for the SELECT and INSERT
    $ ! privileges for the COLLEGES and EMPLOYEES tables:
    $ !
    $ ! Display the DACCESS checks that are enabled and
    $ ! started for the COLLEGES and EMPLOYEES tables:
    Security auditing STARTED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : COLLEGES

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : COLLEGES

    Example 4

    In this example, the first command enables auditing of the JOBS
    and EMPLOYEES tables for DACCESS checks for users with the
    [SQL,USER1] or BATCH identifier. The Privileges=All qualifier
    specifies that auditing will be produced for every privilege.
    The second command shows that auditing is enabled for users
    with the [SQL,USER1] or BATCH identifier. The third command
    shows that DACCESS checking for the JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables
    for all privileges is specified. The fourth command enables the
    general DACCESS class. The fifth command's output shows that the
    general DACCESS class is now enabled. The sixth command starts
    the auditing that is enabled, and the seventh command shows that
    the enabled auditing is started.

    $ ! Enable DACCESS checks for users with the [SQL,USER1] or
    $ ! BATCH identifier for the JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that auditing is enabled for users with the [SQL,USER1]
    $ ! or BATCH identifiers:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Show that DACCESS checking for all privileges for the
    $ ! JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables is enabled:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : JOBS

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)

    $ ! Enable the general DACCESS class:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the general DACCESS class is enabled:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (enabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : JOBS

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (enabled)

    $ ! Start the auditing that is enabled:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the enabled auditing is started:
    Security auditing STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (enabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (enabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 5

    In this example, the first command enables DACCESS checks
    requiring the INSERT privilege for the mf_personnel database,
    for the EMPLOYEES table, and for the EMPLOYEE_ID column of the
    EMPLOYEES table. The second command shows that the DACCESS check
    for the INSERT privilege is enabled for the specified objects.

    $ ! Enable a DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege for the
    $ ! MF_PERSONNEL database, EMPLOYEES table, and EMPLOYEE_ID
    $ ! column of the EMPLOYEES table:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is
    $ ! enabled for the specified objects. (The general DACCESS
    $ ! class remains disabled until you issue an
    $ ! RMU/SET AUDIT/ENABLE=Daccess command without specifying
    $ ! any object-type parameter to the Daccess option.
    $ ! See the fourth Oracle RMU command in Example 4.)
    $ !
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Example 6

    In this example, the first command enables a DACCESS check
    requiring the INSERT privilege for the EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES
    tables, as well as for the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME columns of
    the EMPLOYEES table and the COLLEGE_CODE column of the COLLEGES
    table in the mf_personnel database. The second command shows that
    the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is enabled for the
    specified objects.

    $ ! Enable a DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege for the
    $ ! column of the EMPLOYEES table, and the COLLEGE_CODE column
    $ ! of the COLLEGES table:
    _$                  COLUMN=(EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID, -
    _$                          EMPLOYEES.LAST_NAME, -
    _$                          COLLEGES.COLLEGE_CODE)) -
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is
    $ ! enabled for the specified objects. (The general DACCESS
    $ ! class remains disabled until you issue an
    $ ! RMU/SET AUDIT/ENABLE=Daccess command without specifying
    $ ! any object-type parameter to the Daccess option.
    $ ! See the fourth Oracle RMU command in Example 4.)
    $ !
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : COLLEGES
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : COLLEGES
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

4  –  Buffer Object

    On a database basis, controls which database objects use the
    OpenVMS Fast I/O and Buffer Objects features.

4.1  –  Description

    Use the RMU Set Buffer_Object command to control, on a database
    basis, which database objects use the OpenVMS Fast I/O and Buffer
    Objects features.

4.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Buffer_Object root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                  x Defaults
  /Disable=enable-disable-options     x See description
  /Enable=enable-disable-options      x See description
  /[No]Log                            x Current DCL verify value

4.3  –  Parameters

4.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

4.4  –  Command Qualifiers

4.4.1  –  Disable


    Disables buffer objects for the specified Oracle Rdb buffers.
    You can specify one or more of the following buffer objects:
    Page, AIJ, RUJ, and Root. Refer to Buffer Object Control for more
    information about these keywords. If you specify more than one
    object, separate the objects with commas, and enclose the list of
    objects within parentheses.

4.4.2  –  Enable


    Enables buffer objects for the specified Oracle Rdb buffers.
    You can specify one or more of the following buffer objects:
    Page, AIJ, RUJ, and Root. Refer to Buffer Object Control for more
    information about these keywords. If you specify more than one
    object, separate the objects with commas, and enclose the list of
    objects within parentheses.

    If you specify the Enable and Disable qualifiers for the same
    buffer object, the Enable option prevails and the buffer object
    state is enabled for the specified object type.

    Table 14 Buffer Object Control

    Object     Keyword   Logical Name



       If a logical is defined as "1" then the corresponding buffer
       will be created as an OpenVMS buffer object.

4.4.3  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.

4.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The Enable and Disable qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The RMU Set Buffer_Object command requires exclusive database
       access; that is, the database cannot be open or be accessed by
       other users.

    o  Buffer objects are memory resident and thus reduce the amount
       of physical memory available to OpenVMS for other uses. Buffer
       object use requires that the user be granted the VMS$BUFFER_
       OBJECT_USER rights identifier. The system parameter MAXBOBMEM
       needs to be large enough to allow all buffer objects for all
       users to be created. For further information regarding Fast
       I/O, consult the OpenVMS documentation.

4.6  –  Example

    The following example demonstrates enabling ROOT buffer objects
    and disabling PAGE buffer objects. The RMU /DUMP /HEADER command
    is used to validate the change.

              %RMU-I-MODIFIED, Buffer objects state modified
              %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure futur
                    - OpenVMS Alpha Buffer Objects are enabled for
                        Root I/O Buffers

5  –  Corrupt Pages

    Allows you to set pages, storage areas, and snapshot files
    as either corrupt or consistent in the corrupt page table
    (CPT). A corrupt page is one that contains meaningless data; an
    inconsistent page is one that contains old data (data that is not
    at the same transaction level as the database root file). Corrupt
    pages are logged to the CPT, which is maintained in the database
    root file. When the CPT becomes full (due to a large number of
    pages being logged), the area containing the most corrupt pages
    is marked as corrupt and the individual corrupt pages for that
    area are removed from the corrupt page table. The Oracle RMU Set
    Corrupt_Pages operation is an offline operation.

    If you reset a page or storage area in the CPT to consistent it
    does not remove any true corruption or inconsistencies. However,
    if you reset a snapshot file in the CPT to consistent, Oracle
    RMU initializes the snapshot file and thus removes any true
    corruption or inconsistency.


       Use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command only after you
       fully understand the internal data structure and know the
       information the database should contain. Setting a page
       in a storage area that is truly corrupt or inconsistent to
       consistent does not remove the corruption or inconsistency.
       Setting truly corrupt or inconsistent pages in a storage
       area to consistent and continuing to access those pages can
       result in unrecoverable corruptions to the database.

       The RMU Restore and RMU Recover commands should be used
       first and should be part of your normal operating procedure.


       This command replaces two RdbALTER statements: MAKE
       CONSISTENT and UNCORRUPT. Both the RdbAlter statements,
       MAKE CONSISTENT and UNCORRUPT, are deprecated commands that
       may be removed in future versions.

    When a storage area is restored from backup files on a by-area
    basis, it does not reflect data that has been updated since
    the backup operation. The transaction level of the restored
    area reflects the transaction level of the backup file, not the
    transaction level of the database. Therefore, the transaction
    level of the restored area differs from that of the database.
    Oracle Rdb marks the area by setting a flag in the storage area
    file to inconsistent.

    You can perform a recovery by area to upgrade the transaction
    level of the restored area to that of the database. (After-
    image journaling must be enabled in order to restore by area.)
    If you are certain that no updates have been made to the database
    since the backup operation, you can use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages
    command to change the setting of the flag from inconsistent to

    In addition, storage areas are corrupted by attempting an SQL
    rollback with one or more storage areas opened in batch-update
    transaction mode.

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command allows you to access a database
    that is in an uncertain condition. Accordingly, the following
    message and question are displayed when you enter it to correct a
    corrupt or inconsistent storage area or storage area page. (This
    message is not displayed if you enter it to correct a corrupt or
    inconsistent snapshot file.)

                  ***** WARNING! *****

    Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
    remove the inconsistencies. Remove any inconsistencies
    or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

    Do you wish to continue? [N]

5.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command allows you to override the
    required RMU Recover command after a by-area restore operation.
    Although Oracle RMU cannot determine when the recover operation
    is superfluous, you might have that knowledge. If you are certain
    of this knowledge, you can abridge the requirement for the
    recover operation by using the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command
    to set corrupt pages to consistent.

    Similarly, sometimes you might know of a problem that Oracle
    RMU does not recognize. For example, you might find that a page
    contains an index node that causes a bugcheck dump each time it
    is accessed. You can use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command to
    mark this page as corrupt and then follow your usual procedure
    for recovering from database corruption.

    Note that the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent
    qualifier does not make truly corrupt storage area pages usable.
    Corrupt storage area pages detected during normal operation are
    logged in the CPT, and likely have an invalid checksum value.
    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent qualifier
    removes the specified pages from the CPT, but the next time a
    user tries to touch that storage area page, it is logged in the
    CPT again because it is still physically corrupt. To correct a
    storage area page that is truly corrupt, you must restore it from
    a backup file.

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent qualifier
    does make truly corrupt or inconsistent pages in a snapshot file
    usable. When you use this command and specify a snapshot file
    with the areas qualifier, Oracle RMU initializes the specified
    snapshot file.

5.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Corrupt_Pages root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /Area=identity                  x None
  /Consistent                     x None
  /Corrupt                        x None
  /Disk=device                    x None
  /Page=(n,...)                   x None

5.3  –  Parameters

5.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification of the database root file for which you
    want to set pages or areas to corrupt or consistent.

5.4  –  Command Qualifiers

5.4.1  –  Area


    Specifies a particular storage area file or snapshot file. The
    identity for a storage area can be either the area name (for
    example, EMPIDS_OVER), or a storage area ID number (for example,
    5). The identity for a snapshot file must be the snapshot file
    ID number. Use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier to
    display the ID numbers associated with a storage area file or a
    snapshot file.

    When you use the Area qualifier with the Page=(n,...) qualifier,
    the command specifies the named pages in the named storage area
    or snapshot file. When you specify the Area qualifier without the
    Page qualifier, the command specifies all pages of the specified
    storage area or snapshot file.

    The Area qualifier cannot be used with the Disk qualifier.

5.4.2  –  Consistent


    Specifies that the pages, areas, or snapshot files specified with
    the Page, Area, or Disk qualifier are to be considered consistent
    with the remainder of the database.

    If you make a storage area or page in a storage area consistent
    while it is marked in the database as not corrupt, but
    inconsistent, you receive a warning and are required to confirm
    your request to carry out this operation before the operation
    will complete.

    You cannot use the Consistent qualifier with the Corrupt

5.4.3  –  Corrupt


    Specifies that the pages, areas, or snapshot files specified with
    the Page, Area, or Disk qualifier are to be considered corrupt.

    You cannot use the Corrupt qualifier with the Consistent

5.4.4  –  Disk


    Specifies all the pages, all the storage areas, and all the
    snapshot files on the named device be set as you indicate with
    the Corrupt or the Consistent qualifier.

    You cannot use the Disk qualifier with the Page or the Area

5.4.5  –  Page


    Specifies the listed page numbers.

    You must specify the Area qualifier when you use the Page

    You cannot use the Page qualifier with the Disk qualifier.

5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$ALTER, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE
       privilege in the root file access control list (ACL) for a
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command for the database.

    o  You can issue the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command while users
       are attached to the database.

    o  You must specify either the Corrupt or the Consistent
       qualifier (but not both) when you use the RMU Set Corrupt_
       Pages command.

    o  When you use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command to mark a page
       as corrupt or consistent, the database is marked as having
       been altered.

5.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command sets storage area EMPIDS_MID in the mf_
    personnel database as corrupt:

    %RMU-I-AREAMARKED, Area 4 was marked corrupt.

    Example 2

    The following command marks EMPIDS_MID as consistent. This is the
    area that was marked as corrupt in Example 1. However, in this
    case, instead of using the storage area name in the Oracle RMU
    command, the storage area identifier is used.


                  ***** WARNING! *****

    Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
    remove the inconsistencies. Remove any inconsistencies
    or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

    Do you wish to continue? [N] Y
    %RMU-I-AREAMARKED, Area 4 was marked consistent .

    Example 3

    The following command marks page 1 in area 3 in the mf_personnel
    database as corrupt. Using the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command
    confirms that the page has been marked as expected.

    %RMU-I-PAGEMARKED, Page 1 in area 3 was marked corrupt.
    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                           3-JUL-1996 17:01:20.62
    * Dump of Corrupt Page Table
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Entries for storage area EMPIDS_LOW

        Page 1
            - AIJ recovery sequence number is -1
            - Live area ID number is 3
            - Consistency transaction sequence number is 0:0
            - State of page is: corrupt

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                           3-JUL-1996 17:01:20.82
    * Dump of Storage Area State Information
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    All storage areas are consistent.

    Example 4

    The following example sets page 4 of the snapshot file for
    EMPIDS_OVER to consistent. Because Oracle RMU initializes
    snapshot files specified with the Set Corrupt_Pages command,
    the snapshot file is removed from the corrupt page table and is
    now usable.

    %RMU-I-PAGEMARKED, Page 3 in area 14 was marked consistent.

6  –  Database

    Allows you to alter the database-allowed transaction modes
    without marking the database as modified.

6.1  –  Description

    The RMU /SET command "DATABASE /TRANSACTION_MODE=(...)" allows
    altering of the database-allowed transaction modes without
    marking the database as modified. This command is intended to be
    used to set the transaction modes allowed on a standby database.
    This command requires exclusive database access (the database
    cannot be open or be accessed by other users).

    Because only read-only transactions are allowed on a standby
    database, you may wish to use the TRANSACTION_MODE=READ_ONLY
    qualifier setting on a standby database. This setting prevents
    modifications to the standby database at all times, even when
    replication operations are not active.

    The RMU /SET DATABASE command requires a database specification.
    Valid keywords for the RMU /SET DATABASE /TRANSACTION_MODE=(...)
    qualifier are:

    o  ALL - Enables all transaction modes

    o  CURRENT - Enables all transaction modes that are set in the

    o  NONE - Disables all transaction modes


    o  [NO]READ_ONLY








    o  [NO]SHARED



    If you specify more than one transaction mode in the mode-list,
    enclose the list in parenthesis and separate the transaction
    modes from one another with a comma. Note the following:

    o  When you specify a negated transaction mode, it indicates
       that a mode is not an allowable access mode. For example, if
       you specify the Noexclusive_Write access mode, it indicates
       that exclusive write is not an allowable access mode for the
       restored database.

    o  If you specify the Shared, Exclusive, or Protected transaction
       mode, Oracle RMU assumes you are referring to both reading and
       writing in that transaction mode.

    o  No mode is enabled unless you add that mode to the list or you
       use the All option to enable all transaction modes.

    o  You can list one transaction mode that enables or disables a
       particular mode followed by another that does the opposite.

       ambiguous because the first value disables Shared_Write access
       and the second value enables Shared_Write access. Oracle
       RMU resolves the ambiguity by first enabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list and then disabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list. The order of items in the list is
       irrelevant. In the example presented previously, Shared_Read
       is enabled and Shared_Write is disabled.

6.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Set Database /Transaction_Mode=[mode] root-file-spec

6.3  –  Parameters

6.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to specify
    the database transaction mode.

7  –  Galaxy

    Allows you to enable or disable the database utilization of an
    OpenVMS Galaxy configuration without requiring that the database
    be open.

7.1  –  Description

    Use this command to enable or disable Galaxy features on an
    Oracle Rdb database. Databases opened on multiple copies of the
    OpenVMS operating system within a Galaxy system can share, in
    memory, database structures including global buffers, row caches,
    and root file objects.

7.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Galaxy root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers           x  Defaults
  /Disable                     x  See description
  /Enable                      x  See description
  /[No]Log                     x  Current DCL verify value

7.3  –  Parameters

7.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

7.4  –  Command Qualifiers

7.4.1  –  Disable

    Specifies that Galaxy features are to be disabled for the

7.4.2  –  Enable

    Specifies that Galaxy features are to be enabled for the

7.4.3  –  Log


    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set Galaxy

7.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The Enable and Disable qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The RMU Set Galaxy command requires exclusive database access;
       that is, the database cannot be open or be accessed by other

7.6  –  Example

    The following example enables the Galaxy features for the
    specified database.

    $ RMU /SET GALAXY /ENABLE root-file-spec

8  –  Global Buffers

    Allows you to control the database global buffers feature without
    requiring that the database be open.

8.1  –  Description

    If you move a database from one system to another, or when memory
    usage or system parameters change, you may have to modify the
    global buffer parameters for a database when it is not possible
    to open the database. This situation could occur, for example, if
    you have insufficient available physical or virtual memory.

    The RMU Set Global_Buffers command allows you to alter some
    of the global buffer-related parameters without opening the
    database. This allows you to reconfigure the database so that
    it can be opened and accessed on the system.

8.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Global_Buffers root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                x  Defaults
  /Disabled                         x  None
  /Enabled                          x  None
  /Large_Memory={Enabled|Disabled}  x  None
  /Log                              x  None
  /Number=n                         x  None
  /User_Limit=n                     x  None

8.3  –  Parameters

8.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    global buffers feature.

8.4  –  Command Qualifiers

8.4.1  –  Disabled

    Disables global buffers for the specified database.

8.4.2  –  Enabled

    Enables global buffers for the specified database.

8.4.3  –  Large Memory


    Large_Memory=Enabled enables global buffers in large memory

    Large_Memory=Disabled disables global buffers in large memory

8.4.4  –  Log

    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set Global_
    Buffers command.

8.4.5  –  Number


    Sets the number of global buffers.

8.4.6  –  User Limit


    Sets the global buffers user limit value.

8.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  The Enabled and Disabled qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The Large_Memory=Enabled and Large_Memory=Disabled qualifiers
       are mutually exclusive.

    o  Changes made by the RMU Set Global_Buffers command are not
       journaled. You should make a subsequent full database backup
       to ensure recovery.

    o  When global buffers are set to reside in large memory
       (Large_Memory=Enabled), the process that opens the database
       must be granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER rights identifier.
       Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Open
       command when you utilize this feature.

9  –  Logminer

    Allows you to change the LogMiner state of a database.

9.1  –  Description

    Use this command to enable or disable LogMiner operations on an
    Oracle Rdb database. When LogMiner is enabled, the Oracle Rdb
    database software writes additional information to the after-
    image journal file when records are added, modified, and deleted
    from the database. This information is used during the unload

9.2  –  Format

  (B)0 RMU/Set Logminer root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers           x  Defaults
  /Continuous                  x  /NoContinuous
  /Disable                     x  See description
  /Enable                      x  See description
  /[No]Log                     x  Current DCL verify value

9.3  –  Parameters

9.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

9.4  –  Command Qualifiers

9.4.1  –  Continuous


    Enables the database for the Continuous LogMiner feature
    when used in conjunction with the Enable qualifier. Use the
    NoContinuous qualifier with the Enable qualifier to disable use
    of the Continuous LogMiner feature.

    The RMU Set Logminer /Disable command explicitly disables
    the Continuous LogMiner feature as well as the base LogMiner
    functionality. To enable the Continuous LogMiner feature again,
    the entire RMU Set Logminer /Enable /Continuous command must be

9.4.2  –  Disable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be disabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is disabled, the Oracle Rdb software does
    not journal information required for LogMiner operations. When
    LogMiner is disabled for a database, the RMU Unload After_Journal
    command is not functional on that database.

9.4.3  –  Enable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be enabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is enabled, the Oracle Rdb database
    software logs additional information to the after-image journal
    file. This information allows LogMiner to extract records. The
    database must already have after-image journaling enabled.

9.4.4  –  Log


    Specifies that the setting of the LogMiner state for the database
    be reported to SYS$OUTPUT. The default is the setting of the DCL
    VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.

9.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Set Logminer command, you must have the
       RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$ALTER privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  The RMU Set Logminer command requires offline access to the
       database. The database must be closed and no other users may
       be accessing the database.

    o  Execute a full database backup operation after issuing an
       RMU Set Logminer command that displays the RMU-W-DOFULLBCK
       warning message. Immediately after enabling LogMiner, you
       should perform a database after-image journal backup using the
       RMU Backup After_Journal command.

9.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example enables a database for LogMiner for Rdb


10  –  Privilege

    Allows you to modify the root file access control list (ACL) for
    a database.

    A database's root file ACL determines the Oracle RMU commands
    that users can execute for the associated database.

10.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Privilege command allows you to manipulate an entire
    root file ACL, or to create, modify, or delete access control
    entries (ACEs) in a root file ACL. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to
    Database Design and Definition for introductory information on
    ACEs and ACLs.

    Use the RMU Set Privilege command to add ACEs to a root file ACL
    by specifying the ACEs with the Acl qualifier.

    Privileges Required for Oracle RMU Commands shows the privileges
    a user must have to access each Oracle RMU command.

    If the database root file you specify with RMU Set Privilege
    command does not have an ACL, Oracle RMU creates one.

    The RMU Set Privilege command provides the following qualifiers
    to manipulate ACEs and ACLs in various ways:


    By default, any ACEs you add to a root file ACL are placed at
    the top of the ACL. Whenever Oracle RMU receives a request
    for Oracle RMU access for a database that has a root file ACL,
    it searches each entry in the ACL from the first to the last
    for the first match it can find, and then stops searching. If
    another match occurs further down in the root file ACL, it has no
    effect. Because the position of an ACE in a root file ACL is so
    important, you can use the After qualifier to correctly position
    an ACE. When you use the After qualifier, any additional ACEs are
    added after the specified ACE.

    You can delete ACEs from an ACL by including the Delete qualifier
    and specifying the ACEs with the Acl qualifier. To delete all the
    ACEs, include the Delete qualifier and specify the Acl qualifier
    without specifying any ACEs.

    You can copy an ACL from one root file to another by using the
    Like qualifier. The ACL of the root file specified with the Like
    qualifier replaces the ACL of the root file specified with the
    root-file-spec parameter.

    Use the New qualifier to delete all ACEs before adding any ACEs
    specified by the Acl, Like, or Replace qualifiers.

    You can replace existing ACEs in a root file ACL by using the
    Replace qualifier. Any ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier
    are deleted and replaced by those specified with the Replace

    The existing ACE can be abbreviated when you use the Delete,
    Replace, or After qualifiers.

    Use the RMU Set Privilege command with the Edit qualifier to
    invoke the ACL editor. You can specify the following qualifiers
    only when you specify the Edit qualifier also:


    For more information on the ACL editor, see the OpenVMS
    documentation set.

10.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Privilege root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                         x  Defaults
  /Acl[=(ace[,...])]                         x  See description
  /Acl_File=filename                         x  See description
  /After=ace                                 x  See description
  /Delete[=All]                              x  See description
  /Edit                                      x  No editor invoked
  /[No]Journal[=file-spec]                   x  /Journal
  /Keep[=(Recovery_Journal)]                 x  See description
  /Like=source-root-file-spec                x  None
  /[No]Log                                   x  /Nolog
  /Mode=[No]Prompt                           x  /Mode=Prompt
  /New                                       x  None
  /[No]Recover[=file-spec]                   x  /Norecover
  /Replace=(ace[,...])                       x  None

10.3  –  Parameters

10.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file for the database whose root file ACL you are

10.4  –  Command Qualifiers

10.4.1  –  Acl


    Specifies one or more ACEs to be modified. When no ACE is
    specified, the entire ACL is affected. Separate multiple ACEs
    with commas. When you include the Acl qualifier, the specified
    ACEs are inserted at the top of the ACL unless you also specify
    the After qualifier. You cannot specify the Acl qualifier and the
    Acl_File qualifier on the same RMU command line.

    The format of an ACE is as follows:

    (Identifier=user-id, Access=access_mask)

    The user-id must be one of the following types of identifier:

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-number,member-
       number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    o  Wildcard characters in [*,*] format

    Names are not case sensitive. In addition, the Identifier and
    Access keywords can be abbreviated to one character. For example,
    the following ACE is valid:

    (I=isteward, A=RMU$ALL)

    The access_mask can be any of the following:

    o  One or more of the Oracle RMU privileges listed in the Oracle
       Rdb7 Oracle RMU Reference Manual

       If more than one privilege is specified, a plus sign (+) must
       be placed between the privileges.

    o  The keyword RMU$ALL

       These keywords indicate that you want the user to have all of
       the RMU privileges. (This keyword has no effect on system file

    o  The keyword None

       This keyword indicates that you do not want the user
       to have any RMU or OpenVMS privileges. If you specify
       Acl=(id=username, access=READ+NONE), the specified user will
       have no RMU privileges and no READ privileges for the database

10.4.2  –  Acl File


    Specifies a file containing a list of ACEs, with one ACE
    specified per line. You can use continuation characters to
    continue an ACE on the next line, and you can include commented
    lines within the file. Within this file, use the dash (-) as a
    continuation character and the exclamation point (!) to indicate
    a comment.

    You cannot specify the Acl_File qualifier and the Acl qualifier
    on the same RMU command line.

10.4.3  –  After


    Indicates that all ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier are to
    be added after the ACE specified with the After qualifier. By
    default, any ACEs added to the ACL are always placed at the top
    of the list.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.

10.4.4  –  Delete


    Indicates that the ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier are
    to be deleted. If no ACEs are specified with the Acl qualifier,
    the entire ACL is deleted. If you specify an ACE that was not
    specified with the Acl qualifier, you are notified that the ACE
    does not exist, and the delete operation continues.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.

10.4.5  –  Edit


    Invokes the ACL editor and allows you to use the Journal,
    Keep, Mode, or Recover qualifiers. Oracle RMU ignores any other
    qualifiers you specify with the Edit qualifier.

    The RMU Set Privilege command with the Edit qualifier only
    functions off line. If you attempt it on line, an error message
    is generated. This restriction is necessary because the ACL
    editor requests exclusive write access to the database.

    To use the Edit qualifier, the SYS$SHARE:ACLEDTSHR.EXE image
    must be installed at system startup time, or, be installed by
    RMONSTART.COM. Contact your system manager if this image is not
    installed as needed.

    For more information on the ACL editor, see the OpenVMS
    documentation set.

10.4.6  –  Journal


    Controls whether a journal file is created from the editing
    session. By default, a journal file is created if the editing
    session ends abnormally.

    If you omit the file specification, the journal file has the
    same name as the root file and a file type of .tjl. You can use
    the Journal qualifier to specify a journal file name that is
    different from the default. No wildcard characters are allowed in
    the Journal qualifier file-spec parameter.

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier.

10.4.7  –  Keep


    Determines whether the journal file, the recovery file, or both,
    are deleted when the editing session ends. The options are:

    o  Recovery-Saves the journal file used for restoring the ACL.

    o  Journal-Saves the journal file for the current editing

    You can shorten the Journal and Recover options to J and R,
    respectively. If you specify only one option, you can omit the

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier. If you
    specify the Edit qualifier but do not specify the Keep qualifier,
    both the journal file for the current editing session and the
    journal file used for restoring the ACL are deleted when the
    editing session ends.

10.4.8  –  Like


    Indicates that the ACL of the root file specified with the Like
    qualifier is to replace the ACL of the root file specified with
    the root-file-spec parameter of the RMU Set Privilege command.
    Any existing ACEs are deleted before the root file ACL specified
    by the Like qualifier is copied.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.

10.4.9  –  Log


    Directs the RMU Set Privilege command to return both the name of
    the root file that has been modified by the command and the ACL
    associated with the database. The default of Nolog suppresses
    this output.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.

10.4.10  –  Mode


    Determines whether the ACL editor prompts for field values. By
    default, the ACL editor selects prompt mode.

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier.

10.4.11  –  New


    Indicates that any existing ACE in the ACL of the root file
    specified with RMU Set Privilege is to be deleted. To use the
    New qualifier, you must specify a new ACL or ACE with the Acl,
    Like, or Replace qualifiers.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.

10.4.12  –  Recover


    Specifies the name of the journal file to be used in a recovery
    operation. If the file specification is omitted with the Recover
    qualifier, the journal is assumed to have the same name as the
    root file and a file type of .tjl. No wildcard characters are
    allowed with the Recover qualifier file-spec parameter.

    The default is the Norecover qualifier, where no recovery is
    attempted when you invoke the ACL editor to edit a root file ACL.

    You must specify Edit to use this qualifier.

10.4.13  –  Replace


    Deletes the ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier and replaces
    them with those specified with the Replace qualifier. Any ACEs
    specified with the Acl qualifier must exist and must be specified
    in the order in which they appear in the ACL.

    This qualifier cannot be used with the Edit qualifier.

10.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL
       for a database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege
       to use the RMU Set Privilege command for the database. The
       RMU$SECURITY access is VMS BIT_15 access in the ACE. You can
       grant yourself BIT_15 access by using the DCL SET ACL command
       if you have (READ+WRITE+CONTROL) access.

    o  By default, a root file ACL is created for every Oracle Rdb
       database. In some cases, the root file ACL may not allow
       the appropriate Oracle RMU access for the database to all
       Oracle RMU users. In these situations, you must use the RMU
       Set Privilege command to modify the root file ACL to give the
       appropriate Oracle RMU access to Oracle RMU users. Privileges
       Required for Oracle RMU Commands shows the privileges required
       to access each Oracle RMU command.

    o  The root file ACL created by default on each Oracle Rdb
       database controls only a user's Oracle RMU access to the
       database (by specifying privileges that will allow a user or
       group of users access to specific Oracle RMU commands). Root
       file ACLs do not control a user's access to the database with
       SQL statements.

       A user's access to a database with SQL statements is governed
       by the privileges granted to the user in the database ACL
       (the ACL that is displayed using the SQL SHOW PROTECTION ON
       DATABASE command).

    o  If you find that the root file ACL has changed, or is not
       set as expected, it may be because a layered product has
       manipulated the OpenVMS directory or file ACLs. This can
       result in the unintentional alteration of an Oracle RMU access

       For example, Oracle CDD/Repository may use the following ACE:


       If this ACE is propagated to an Oracle Rdb database, such
       as CDD$DATABASE or CDD$TEMPLATE, OpenVMS privileges may be
       required to manage that database. Or, you can use the RMU Set
       Privilege command to change the ACL on the affected database.

    o  If you need to move a database from one system to another, you
       should be aware that the identifiers used in the database's
       root file ACL on the source system are not likely to be
       valid identifiers on the destination system. Thus, if the
       database root file ACL from the source system is moved to the
       destination system without modification, only those users with
       the same identifiers on both systems have the same Oracle RMU
       access to the database on the destination system as they had
       to the database on the source system.

       For example, suppose that the mf_personnel database with the
       following root file ACL is moved from its current system to
       another node. If the database root file ACL is moved without
       modification to the destination node, the users USER, USER2,
       USER3, USER4, and USER5 will not have any Oracle RMU access to
       the database on the destination node unless they have the same
       identities on the destination node.

       Object type: file, Object name:SQL_USER:[USER]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
       on 31-MAR-1992 15:48:36.24


    o  The following list describes some ways to move a database from
       one node to another and explains what happens to the original
       root file ACL in each scenario:

       -  RMU Restore command

          First, use the RMU Backup command to back up the database
          on the source node and to create an .rbf file. Then, copy
          the .rbf file from the source node to the destination
          node. When you use the RMU Restore command to re-create
          the database from the source node on the destination node,
          the database on the destination node will have the same
          root file ACL as the database on the source node. If a
          user with the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file
          ACL on the source node has the same identifier on the
          destination node, that user can modify the root file ACL
          on the destination node to grant users the privileges they
          need for Oracle RMU access to the database. Otherwise, a
          user with one of the OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY
          or BYPASS) needs to modify the root file ACL.

       -  RMU Restore command with the Noacl qualifier

          First, use the RMU Backup command to back up the database
          on the source node and to create an .rbf file. Then, copy
          the .rbf file from the source node to the destination
          node. When you use the RMU Restore command with the Noacl
          qualifier to re-create the database from the source node on
          the destination node, the database on the destination node
          is created with an empty root file ACL. A user with one of
          the OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY or BYPASS) needs
          to modify the root file ACL to grant users the privileges
          they need for Oracle RMU access to the database.

       -  SQL IMPORT statement

          First, use the SQL EXPORT statement on the source node
          to create an .rbr file. Then, copy the .rbr file from the
          source node to the destination node. When you use the SQL
          IMPORT statement on the destination node, the imported
          database is created with the same root file ACL as existed
          on the database on the source node. If a user with the
          RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL on the source
          node has the same identifier on the destination node, that
          user can modify the root file ACL on the destination node
          to grant users the privileges they need for Oracle RMU
          access to the database. Otherwise, a user with one of the
          OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY or BYPASS) needs to
          modify the root file ACL to grant users the privileges they
          need for Oracle RMU access to the database.

       -  SQL IMPORT NO ACL statement

          First, use the SQL EXPORT statement on the source node to
          create an .rbr file. Then, copy the .rbr file from the
          source node to the destination node. When you use the
          SQL IMPORT NO ACL statement on the destination node, the
          imported database is created with a root file ACL that
          contains one ACE. The single ACE will grant the OpenVMS
          READ, WRITE, and CONTROL privileges plus all the Oracle RMU
          privileges to the user who performed the IMPORT operation.
          The user who performed the IMPORT operation can modify the
          root file ACL to grant users the privileges they need for
          Oracle RMU access to the database.

10.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example assumes that the user with a user
    identification code (UIC) of [SQL,USER] has created the mf_
    test_db database and is therefore the owner of the database.
    After creating the mf_test_db database, the owner displays the
    root file ACL for the database. Then the owner grants Oracle RMU
    privileges to database users. The Oracle RMU privileges granted
    to each type of user depend on the type of Oracle RMU access the
    user needs to the database.

    $! Note that by default the owner (the user with a UIC of [SQL,USER])
    $! is granted all the Oracle RMU privileges in the root file
    $! ACL and no other users are granted any Oracle RMU privileges.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:51:55.79

    $! The owner uses the RMU Set Privilege command and the After
    $! qualifier to grant the RMU$ANALYZE, RMU$OPEN, and
    $! RMU$VERIFY privileges to a user with a UIC of [SQL,USER2].
    $! This user will serve as the database administrator for the
    $! mf_test_db database.


    $! Next, the owner grants the RMU$SECURITY privilege to a user with a
    $! UIC of [SQL,USER3].  This gives the user USER3 the ability
    $! to grant other users the appropriate privileges they need for
    $! accessing the database with Oracle RMU commands.  Because both
    $! the database creator and user USER3 have the RMU$SECURITY
    $! privilege, both of them can modify the root file ACL for the
    $! database.

    $! The user with a UIC of [RDB,USER4], who will serve as the database
    $! operator, is granted the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$CONVERT, RMU$DUMP, and
    $! RMU$RESTORE privileges:
    $! The RMU$LOAD and RMU$SHOW privileges are granted to the user
    $! with a UIC of [RDB,USER5]. This user will be writing programs
    $! that load data into the database.

    $! No privileges are granted to all other users.

    $! The RMU/SHOW PRIVILEGE command displays the root file ACL for the
    $! mf_test_db database.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:17.03


    Example 2

    The following command adds an ACE for the user with a UIC of
    [RDB,USER1] to the root file ACL for the personnel database. This
    ACE grants [RDB,USER1] the RMU$BACKUP privilege for the personnel
    database. The RMU$BACKUP privilege allows user [RDB,USER1]
    to access the RMU Backup, RMU Backup After_Journal, and RMU
    Checkpoint commands for the personnel database.


    Example 3

    The Replace qualifier in the following example causes the ACE
    in the root file ACL for the user with a UIC of [RDB,USER4]
    to be replaced by the ACE specified for the user with a UIC of

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:23.92


    Example 4

    The Delete qualifier in the following example causes the ACE for
    the user with a UIC of [RDB,USER5] to be deleted from the root
    file ACL for the mf_test_db database:

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:29.07


    Example 5

    In the following example, the Like qualifier copies the root file
    ACL from the mf_test_db database to the test_db database. As part
    of this operation, the original root file ACL for the test_db
    database is deleted.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]TEST_DB.RDB;1,  on
    30-MAR-1996 15:52:31.48

    $ !
    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:33.86

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]TEST_DB.RDB;1,  on
    30-MAR-1996 15:52:41.36


    Example 6

    The New qualifier in the following example deletes all the
    existing ACEs and the Acl qualifier specifies a new ACE for the
    root file ACL for the mf_test_db database. Note that after the
    RMU Set Privilege command in this example is issued, only the
    user with a UIC of [SQL,USER2] or a user with an OpenVMS override
    privilege would be able to display the root file ACL for the mf_
    test_db database.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:44.50


11  –  Row Cache

    Allows you to enable or disable the database Row Cache feature
    and to modify certain parameters on a per-cache basis.

11.1  –  Description

    You can use the RMU Set Row_Cache command to allow the database
    Row Cache feature to be enabled or disabled without requiring
    that the database be opened.

    You can also use the Alter parameter to make modifications to one
    cache at a time.

11.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Row_Cache root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
  /Alter=(Name=cache-name,option(,...))    x See Description
  /Backing_Store_Location=devdir           x See Description
  /NoBacking_Store_Location                x See Description
  /Disable                                 x None
  /Enable                                  x None
  /[No]Log                                 x Current DCL verify value
  /Sweep_Interval=n                        x See Description
  /[No]Sweep_Interval                      x See Description

11.3  –  Parameters

11.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    Row Cache feature.

11.4  –  Command Qualifiers

11.4.1  –  Alter

    Alter=(Name=cachename,option(, ...))

    Specifies the action to take on the named cache. You must
    specify the cache name and at least one other option. The /Alter
    qualifier may be specified multiple times on the command line.
    Each /Alter qualifier specified operates on one unique cache
    if no wildcard character (% or *) is specified. Otherwise, each
    /Alter operates on all matching cache names.

    o  Name=cachename

       Name of the cache to be modified. The cache must already be
       defined in the database. You must specify the cache name
       if you use the Alter qualifier. This parameter accepts the
       wildcard characters asterisk (*) and percent sign (%).

    o  Backing_Store_Location=devdir

       Specifies the name of the cache-specific default directory to
       which row cache backing file information is written for the
       specified cache. The database system generates a file name
       (row-cache-name.rdc) automatically for each row cache backing
       file it creates when the RCS process starts. Specify a device
       name and directory name; do not include a file specification.
       By default, the location is the directory of the database
       root file unless a database-specific default directory or a
       cache-specific default directory has been set.

    o  NoBacking_Store_Location

       Specifies that there is no cache-specific default directory
       to which row cache backing file information is written for the
       specified cache.

    o  Drop

       Specifies that the indicated row cache is to be dropped
       (deleted) from the database.

    o  Shared_Memory=keyword

       Specifies the shared memory type and parameters for the cache.
       Valid keywords are:

       -  Type=option

          Specify one of the following options:

          *  Process

             Specifies traditional shared memory global section,
             which means that the database global section is located
             in process (P0) address space and may be paged from the
             process working set as needed.

          *  Resident

             Specifies that the database global section is memory
             resident in process (P0) address space using shared
             page tables. This means that the global section is fully
             resident, or pinned, in memory, and uses less physical
             and virtual memory (for process page tables) than a
             traditional shared memory global section.

       -  Rad_Hint=n

          Indicates a request that memory should be allocated from
          the specified OpenVMS Resource Affinity Domain (RAD). This
          keyword specifies a hint to Oracle Rdb and OpenVMS about
          where memory should be physically allocated. It is possible
          that if the requested memory is not available, it will be
          allocated from other RADs in the system. For systems that
          do not support RADs, no Rad_Hint specification is valid.

          The Rad_Hint keyword is valid only when the shared memory
          type is set to Resident. If you set the shared memory type
          to System or Process, you disable any previously defined
          RAD hint.

          Use Norad_Hint to disable the RAD hint.

    o  Slot_Count=n

       Specifies the number of slots in the cache.

    o  Slot_Size=n

       Specifies the size (in bytes) of each slot in the cache.

    o  Snapshot_Slot_Count=n

       Specifies the number of snapshot slots in the cache. A value
       of zero disables the snapshot portion for the specified cache.

    o  Sweep_Interval=n

       Specifies the periodic cache sweep timer interval in seconds.
       Valid values are from 1 to 3600.

    o  NoSweep_Interval

       Disables the periodic cache sweep timer interval.

    o  Working_Set_Count=n

       Specifies the number of working set entries for the cache.
       Valid values are from 1 to 100.

11.4.2  –  Backing Store Location=devdir

    Specifies the name of the database-specific default directory to
    which row cache backing file information is written. The database
    system generates a file name (row-cache-name.rdc) automatically
    for each row cache backing file it creates when the RCS process
    starts up. Specify a device name and directory name; do not
    include a file specification. The file name is the row-cache-name
    specified when creating the row cache. By default, the location
    is the directory of the database root file unless a database-
    specific default directory or a cache-specific default directory
    has been set.

11.4.3  –  Disable

    Disables row caching. Do not use with the Enable qualifier.

11.4.4  –  Enable

    Enables row caching. Do not use with the Disable qualifier.

11.4.5  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.

11.4.6  –  NoBacking Store Location

    Specifies that there is no database-specific default directory to
    which row cache backing file information is written.

11.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  The Alter qualifier can be specified multiple times on the
       command line. Each use of the qualifier operates on a unique

    o  Only one value can be supplied with the Rad_Hint keyword. The
       indicated RAD must contain memory.

    o  When shared memory is set to System (with Galaxy enabled) or
       to Resident, then the process that opens the database must be
       granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

    o  For applications that can be partitioned into one or more
       RADs, the Rad_Hint qualifier allows additional control
       over exactly where memory for caches and global sections
       is allocated. This control can permit increased performance
       if all application processes run in the same RAD, and the
       database and row cache global sections also reside in that
       same RAD.

    o  When Resident shared memory is specified, the global demand-
       zero pages are always resident in memory and are not backed
       up by any file on any disk. The pages are not placed into the
       process's working set list when the process maps to the global
       section and the virtual memory is referenced by the process.
       The pages are also not charged against the process's working
       set quota or against any page-file quota.

    o  To save physical memory, Oracle Rdb generally attempts to
       create and use shared page tables when creating large resident
       global sections.

    o  The total number of rows for any individual cache (the
       combination of live rows and snapshot rows) is limited to

11.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example sets the slot count on cache "mycache".


    Example 2

    This command disables all caches.


    Example 3

    The following sample specifies that cache "cache2" should use RAD

    _$ RAD_HINT=2)

    Example 4

    This example drops cache "seacache".


    Example 5

    This example shows multiple uses of the Alter qualifier.

    _$ SLOT_COUNT = 800, WINDOW_COUNT = 25) -

    Example 6

    The following example modifies the database MYDB to set the
    snapshot slot count for the cache EMPL_IDX to 25000 slots and
    disables snapshots in cache for the SALES cache.


    Example 7

    The following example alters two caches:

            /ALTER= (   NAME = RDB$SYS_CACHE,
                        SLOT_COUNT = 800) -
            /ALTER= (   NAME = RESUMES, -
                        SLOT_SIZE=500, -
                        WORKING_SET_COUNT = 15)

    Example 8

    The following command alters caches named FOOD and FOOT (and
    any other cache with a 4 character name with the first three
    characters of "FOO" defined in the database):

            /ALTER= (   NAME = FOO%,

12  –  Server

    Allows you to identify output files for several database server

12.1  –  Description

    You can use the Set Server/Output command to identify output log
    file names and locations for various database server processes.
    The following table shows valid values for the server-type
    parameter and the corresponding logical name.

    Table 15 Server Types and Logical Names

    Server             type       Logical Name

    AIJ Log Roll-      LRS        RDM$BIND_LRS_OUTPUT_FILE
    Forward Server
    AIJ Log Catch-Up   LCS        RDM$BIND_LCS_OUTPUT_FILE
    Database Recovery  DBR        RDM$BIND_DBR_LOG_FILE
    Row Cache Server   RCS        RDM$BIND_RCS_LOG_FILE

    If the output file specification is empty (Output=""), the
    log file information for that server will be deleted from the

    If an existing logical name specifies an output file name for the
    specified server process, it takes precedence over the file name
    designated in the Set Server/Output command.

12.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Set Server server-type root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers             x Defaults
      /Log                           x None
      /Output=file-name              x None

12.3  –  Parameters

12.3.1  –  server-type

    Identifies the server process for which you want to log output.
    Refer to the Server Types and Logical Names table in the
    Description topic for a list of valid server types and their
    corresponding logical names.

12.3.2  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to specify
    the server process output file.

12.4  –  Command Qualifiers

12.4.1  –  Log

    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set command.

12.4.2  –  Output

    Identifies the output log file for several database server

12.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    This example specifies the output file for the row cache server
    and displays a log message when the procedure finishes.


    Example 2

    This example specifies the output file for the AIJ log server.


    Example 3

    This example deletes the log file information in the database for
    the AIJ log roll-forward server.


    Example 4

    This example specifies the output file for the database recovery


13  –  Shared Memory

    Allows you to alter the database shared memory configuration
    without requiring that the database be open.

13.1  –  Description

    You can use the RMU Set Shared_Memory command to alter the
    database shared memory configuration without requiring that the
    database be open.

13.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Shared_Memory root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /[No]Log                        x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Rad_Hint=n                 x None
  /Type={Process|Resident|System} x None

13.3  –  Parameters

13.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    shared memory configuration.

13.4  –  Command Qualifiers

13.4.1  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.

13.4.2  –  Rad Hint


    Indicates a request that memory should be allocated from the
    specified OpenVMS Alpha Resource Affinity Domain (RAD). This
    qualifier specifies a hint to Oracle Rdb and OpenVMS about where
    memory should be physically allocated. It is possible that if
    the requested memory is not available, it will be allocated from
    other RADs in the system. For systems that do not support RADs, a
    Rad_Hint value of zero is valid.

    The Rad_Hint qualifier is only valid when the shared memory type
    is set to Resident. If you set the shared memory type to System
    or Process, you disable any previously defined RAD hint.

    Use the Norad_Hint qualifier to disable the RAD hint.


       OpenVMS support for RADs is available only on the
       AlphaServer GS series systems. For more information about
       using RADs, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and
       Galaxy Guide.

13.4.3  –  Type


    If you use the Type qualifier, you must specify one of the
    following options:

    o  Process

       Specifies traditional shared memory global section, which
       means that the database global section is located in process
       (P0) address space and may be paged from the process working
       set as needed.

    o  Resident

       Specifies that the database global section is memory resident
       in process (P0) address space using OpenVMS Alpha shared page
       tables. This means that the global section is fully resident,
       or pinned, in memory, and uses less physical and virtual
       memory (for process page tables) than a traditional shared
       memory global section.

    o  System

       Specifies that the database global section is located in
       OpenVMS Alpha system space, which means that the section is
       fully resident, or pinned, in memory, does not use process
       (P0) address space, and does not affect the quotas of the
       working set of a process.

13.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  Only one value can be supplied to the Rad_Hint qualifier. The
       indicated RAD must contain memory.

    o  When shared memory is set to System (with Galaxy enabled) or
       to Resident, then the process that opens the database must be
       granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

    o  For applications that can be partitioned into one or more
       RADs, the Rad_Hint qualifier allows additional control
       over exactly where memory for caches and global sections
       is allocated. This control can permit increased performance
       if all application processes run in the same RAD, and the
       database and row cache global sections also reside in that
       same RAD.

    o  When Resident shared memory is specified, the global demand-
       zero pages are always resident in memory and are not backed
       up by any file on any disk. The pages are not placed into the
       process's working set list when the process maps to the global
       section and the virtual memory is referenced by the process.
       The pages are also not charged against the process's working
       set quota or against any page-file quota.

    o  To save physical memory, Oracle Rdb generally attempts to
       create and use shared page tables when creating large resident
       global sections.

13.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example sets the memory type to Resident and
    requests that it be put in RAD 4.


    Example 2

    This example specifies that system space buffers are to be used.


    Example 3

    The following example specifies that process address space shared
    memory is to be used.

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