Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  RMU72  Show
    Displays current information about security audit
    characteristics, version numbers, active databases, active users,
    active recovery-unit files, after-image journal files, area
    inventory pages, corrupt areas and pages, optimizer statistics,
    or database statistics related to database activity on your node.
    Note that, with the exception of the RMU Show Locks and RMU Show
    Users commands, the RMU Show commands display information for
    your current node only in a clustered environment.

    Oracle RMU provides the following Show commands:


    Each show command is described in a separate section.

1  –  After Journal

    Displays the after-image journal configuration in the form
    required for the Aij_Options qualifier. You can use the Aij_
    Options qualifier with the RMU Copy_Database, RMU Move_Area,
    RMU Restore, RMU Restore Only_Root, and RMU Set After_Journal

    Optionally, this command initializes the RDM$AIJ_BACKUP_SEQNO,
    SEQNO global process symbols.


       Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the ability to display an
       .aij specification was provided through the Rdbalter Display
       Root command. The Rdbalter Display Root command no longer
       provides this capability.

1.1  –  Description

    The output of the RMU Show After_Journal command appears in the
    form shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command.
    This is the form required by the Aij_Options qualifier for the
    RMU Copy_Database, Move_Area, and Restore commands. When you
    issue the RMU Show After_Journal command, you may see fewer items
    than shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command;
    some options do not appear unless you specified them when you
    created your after image journal file configuration (for example,
    with the RMU Set After_Journal command).

    Figure 1  Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command

  (B)0Journal [Is] {Enabled | Disabled} -
          [Reserve n] -
          [Allocation [Is] n] -
          [Extent [Is] n] -
          [Overwrite [Is] {Enabled|Disabled}] -
          [Shutdown_Timeout [Is] n] -
          [Notify [Is] {Enabled|Disabled}] -
          [Backups [Are] {Manual|Automatic} -
          [[No]Quiet_Point] [File filename]] -
          [Cache [Is] {Enabled File filename|Disabled}]
  Add [Journal] journal-name -
  ! File file-specification
          File filename -
          [Allocation [Is] n] -
          [Backup_File filename] -
          [Edit_String [Is] (edit-string-options)]

    When you use the output from the Show After_Journal command as a
    template for the Aij_Options qualifier of the RMU Copy_Database,
    Move_Area, and Restore commands, note the following regarding the

    o  As shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command,
       you can use the DCL continuation character (-)  at the
       end of each line in the Journal and Add clauses. Although
       continuation characters are not required if you can fit each
       clause (Journal or Add clause) on a single line, using them
       might improve readability.

    o  The Journal Is clause must precede the Add clause.

    o  Because the Journal clause and the Add clause are two separate
       clauses, a continuation character should not be used between
       the last option in the Journal clause and the Add clause (or

    o  The journal options file can contain one Journal clause only,
       but it can contain several Add clauses. However, the number of
       Add clauses cannot exceed the number of reservations made for
       .aij files. In addition, if you are enabling journaling, you
       must add at least one journal.

    o  You can specify only one of each option (for example, one
       Extent clause, one Cache clause, and so on) for the Journal Is

    The clauses and options have the following meaning:

    o  Journal Is Enabled

       Enables after-image journaling. At least one Add clause must
       follow. If this option is omitted, the current journaling
       state is maintained.

    o  Journal Is Disabled

       Disables after-image journaling. You can specify other options
       or Add clauses but they do not take effect until journaling
       is enabled. The Add clause is optional. If this option is
       omitted, the current journaling state is maintained.

    o  Reserve n

       Allocates space for an .aij file name for a maximum of n .aij
       files. By default, no reservations are made. Note that you
       cannot reserve space in a single-file database for .aij files
       by using this option with the RMU Move_Area command with the
       Aij_Options qualifier. After-image journal file reservations
       for a single-file database can be made only when you use the
       RMU Convert, RMU Restore, or RMU Copy_Database commands.

    o  Allocation Is n

       Specifies the size (in blocks) of each .aij file. If this
       option is omitted, the default allocation size is 512 blocks.
       The maximum allocation size you can specify is eight million

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the allocation size.

    o  Extent Is n

       Specifies the maximum size to extend an .aij journal if it is,
       or becomes, an extensible .aij journal (in blocks). (If the
       number of available after-image journal files falls to one,
       extensible journaling is employed.)

       If there is insufficient free space on the .aij journal
       device, the journal is extended using a smaller extension
       value than specified. However, the minimum, and default,
       extension size is 512 blocks.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.

    o  Overwrite Is Enabled

       Enables overwriting of journals before they have been backed
       up. If this option is omitted, overwriting is disabled.

       This option is ignored if only one .aij file is available.
       When you specify the Overwrite Is Enabled option it is
       activated only when two or more .aij files are, or become,

    o  Overwrite Is Disabled

       Disables overwriting of journals before they have been backed
       up. If this option is omitted, overwriting is disabled.

    o  Shutdown_Timeout Is n

       Sets the delay from the time a journal failure is detected
       until the time the database aborts all access and shuts itself
       down. The value n is in minutes.

       If this option is omitted, the shutdown timeout is 60 minutes.
       The maximum value you can specify is 4320 minutes.

    o  Notify Is Enabled

       Enables operator notification when the journal state changes.
       If this option is omitted, operator notification is disabled.

    o  Notify Is Disabled

       Disables operator notification when the journal state changes.
       If this option is omitted, operator notification is disabled.

    o  Backups Are Manual

       Automatic backup operations are not enabled. This is the
       default behavior.

    o  Backups Are Automatic [File filename]

       Automatic backup operations are triggered by the filling of
       a journal. The backup file will have the specified file name
       unless a different file name or an edit string is specified in
       the Add clause. If this option is omitted, backup operations
       are manual.

    o  Edit String Is (edit-string-options)

       Specifies a default edit string to apply to the backup file
       when an .aij is backed up automatically. See the description
       of the Edit_Filename keyword in Set After_Journal for a
       description of the available options. An Edit_String that
       appears with the definition of an added journal takes
       precedence over this edit string.

    o  Quiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation is
       to acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database.

    o  Noquiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation will
       not acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database.

    o  Cache Is Enabled File filename

       Specifies that a journal cache file should be used. The cache
       file must reside on a nonvolatile solid-state disk. If it
       does not, caching is ineffectual. See Set After_Journal
       for information on what happens if the cache file becomes

       By default, caching is disabled.

    o  Cache Is Disabled

       Specifies that a journal cache file should not be used. This
       is the default behavior.

    o  The Add clause or clauses specify the name and location of the
       journal file and the backup file generated by automatic backup
       operations as follows:

       -  Add [Journal] journal-name

          Specifies the name for the after-image journal file
          described in the Journal clause. The journal-name is the
          name of the journal object. A journal object is the journal
          file specification plus all the attributes (allocation,
          extent, and so on) given to it in the journal clause.

       -  ! File file-specification

          Provides the full file specification and version number of
          the .aij file named in the Add clause. This line of output
          is provided because the next line (File filename) provides
          the string that the user entered when he or she created
          the .aij file. For example, if the user entered a file name
          only, and this line of output was not provided, you would
          have to issue the RMU Dump command to determine in which
          directory the file resides.

       -  File filename

          Specifies the file name for the .aij file being added. This
          option is required.

       -  Allocation Is n

          Specifies the size of the .aij file (in blocks). If this
          option is omitted, the default allocation size is 512

          See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
          guidance on setting the allocation size.

       -  Backup_File filename

          Specifies the backup file name for automatic backup
          operations. Note that it is not valid to specify a Backup_
          File clause in the Add clause if you have specified Backups
          Are Manual in the Journal clause; Oracle RMU returns an
          error if you attempt to do so.

       -  Edit String Is (edit-string-options)

          Specifies an edit string to apply to the backup file when
          the .aij is backed up automatically. See the description
          of the Edit_Filename keyword in Set After_Journal for a
          description of the available keywords.

1.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show After_Journal root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /[No]Backup_Context                     x /Nobackup_Context
      /Output[=file-name]                     x SYS$OUTPUT

1.3  –  Parameters

1.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    the after-image journal configuration to be displayed.

1.4  –  Command Qualifiers

1.4.1  –  Backup Context


    The Backup_Context qualifier specifies that the following
    symbols be initialized, unless you have issued a DCL SET


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij backup file
       written to tape. This symbol has a value identical to RDM$AIJ_
       BACKUP_SEQNO. RDM$AIJ_SEQNO was created prior to Oracle Rdb
       Version 6.0 and is maintained for compatibility with previous
       versions of Oracle Rdb.


       Contains the sequence number of the currently active .aij
       file. A value of -1 indicates that after-image journaling is


       Contains the sequence number of the next .aij file that
       needs to be backed up. This symbol always contains a positive
       integer value (which may be 0).


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file available
       for a backup operation, which is different from the current
       sequence number if fixed-size journaling is being used. A
       value of -1 indicates that no journal has ever been backed up.

       If the value of the RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO symbol is greater than
       the value of the RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO symbol, then no more .aij
       files are currently available for the backup operation.


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file backed
       up (completed) by the backup operation. This symbol is set
       at the completion of an .aij backup operation. A value of -
       1 indicates that this process has not yet backed up an .aij


       Contains the number of available .aij files.


       Contains the end of file block number for the current AIJ


       Contains the percent fullness of the current AIJ journal.

    o  RDM$HOT_STANDBY_STATE - Contains the current replication
       state. Possible state strings and the description of each
       state are listed below:

       -  "Inactive" - Inactive

       -  "DB_Bind" - Binding to database

       -  "Net_Bind" - Binding to network

       -  "Restart" - Replication restart activity

       -  "Connecting" - Waiting for LCS to connect

       -  "DB_Synch" - Database synchronization

       -  "Activating" - LSS server activation

       -  "SyncCmpltn" - LRS synchronization redo completion

       -  "Active" - Database replication

       -  "Completion" - Replication completion

       -  "Shutdown" - Replication cleanup

       -  "Net_Unbind" - Unbinding from network

       -  "Recovery" - Unbinding from database

       -  "Unknown" - Unknown state or unable to determine state

    o  RDM$HOT_STANDBY_SYNC_MODE - Contains the current replication
       synchronization mode when replication is active. Possible
       synchronization mode strings are listed below:

       o  "Cold"

       o  "Warm"

       o  "Hot"

       o  "Commit"

       o  "Unknown"

    The Nobackup_Context qualifier specifies that the preceding
    symbols will not be initialized.

    The Nobackup_Context qualifier is the default.

    Note that these are string symbols, not integer symbols, even
    though their equivalence values are numbers. Therefore performing
    arithmetic operations with them produces unexpected results.

    If you need to perform arithmetic operations with these symbols,
    first convert the string symbol values to numeric symbol values
    using the OpenVMS F$INTEGER lexical function. For example:


1.4.2  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.

1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show After_Journal command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$VERIFY privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show After_
    Journal command when one journal is available, which means
    extensible journaling will be used. The commented line is
    generated by the RMU Show After_Journal command to display the
    full file specification for the added .aij file. The next line
    shows the actual file specification entered by the user when he
    or she created the .aij file configuration. In this example, the
    user did not enter a full specification, therefore only the file
    name appears in the uncommented portion of the code.


        RESERVE 1 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE AIJ1.AIJ -
        ALLOCATION IS 512

    Example 2

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show After_
    Journal command when two journal files are enabled, which means
    fixed-size journaling will be used. In this example, the user
    entered a full file specification for the .aij file when the .aij
    file configuration was created. Thus, the commented line and the
    one appearing below it are identical with the exception of the
    file version:


        RESERVE 2 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE DISK2:[AIJ]AIJ1.AIJ -
        ALLOCATION IS 512
         ALLOCATION IS 512

    Example 3

    The following example uses the RMU Show After_Journal command
    to show the settings of the symbolic names for the .aij sequence
    numbers before and after the RMU Backup command is executed:


        RESERVE 4 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE DISK2:[DB]AIJ_TWO -
        ALLOCATION IS 512
        ALLOCATION IS 512
      RDM$AIJ_COUNT == "2"
      RDM$AIJ_ENDOFFILE == "1"
      RDM$AIJ_FULLNESS == "0"
      RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO = "-1"
      RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO = "0"

    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal RDM$JOURNAL
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up current after-image journal sequence
     number 0

      RDM$AIJ_BACKUP_SEQNO == "-1"
      RDM$AIJ_COUNT == "2"
      RDM$AIJ_ENDOFFILE == "1"
      RDM$AIJ_FULLNESS == "0"
      RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO = "0"
      RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO = "1"
      RDM$AIJ_SEQNO == "-1"

2  –  AIP

    Displays the contents of the AIP (Area Inventory Pages)
    structure. The AIP structure provides a mapping for logical areas
    to physical areas as well as describing each of those logical
    areas. Information such as the logical area name, length of the
    stored record, storage thresholds and other information can be
    displayed using this simple command interface.

2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show AIP command allows the database administrator to
    display details of selected logical areas or all logical areas in
    the database.

2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show AIP root-file-spec [larea-name]

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /Brief                                x See description
  /Larea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Parea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Option=Rebuild_Spams                 x See description
  /Output=output-filename               x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Type=type-name                       x See description

2.3  –  Parameters

2.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be
    processed. The default file extension is .rdb.

2.3.2  –  larea-name

    An optional parameter that allows the logical areas to be
    selected by name. Only those AIP entries are displayed. This
    parameter is optional and will default to all logical areas being

    Any partitioned index or table will create multiple logical areas
    all sharing the same name. This string may contain standard
    OpenVMS wildcard characters (% and *) so that different names
    can be matched. Therefore, it is possible for many logical areas
    to match this name.

    The value of larea-name may be delimited so that mixed case
    characters, punctuation and various character sets can be used.

2.4  –  Command Qualifiers

2.4.1  –  Brief


    Displays AIP information in a condensed, tabular form (see
    example below).

2.4.2  –  Larea

    Larea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of logical area identifiers. The LAREA qualifier
    and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive. The default
    if neither the LAREA or PAREA qualifiers nor the larea-name
    parameter is specified is to display all AIP entries.

2.4.3  –  Parea

    Parea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of physical area identifiers. The PAREA
    qualifier and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive. The
    default if neither the PAREA or LAREA qualifiers nor the larea-
    name parameter is specified is to display all AIP entries.

2.4.4  –  Option


    Display only those logical areas which have the REBUILD_SPAMS
    flag set.

2.4.5  –  Output

    Output [ = output-filename ]

    This qualifier is used to capture the output in a named file. If
    used, a standard RMU header is added to identify the command and
    database being processed. If omitted, the output is written to
    SYS$OUTPUT and no header is displayed.

2.4.6  –  Type

    Type = type-name

    Legal values for type-name are TABLE, SORTED_INDEX, HASH_INDEX,

    This qualifier is used in conjunction with larea-name to select
    a subset of the AIP entries that may match a name. For instance,
    it is legal in Rdb to create a table and an index with the name
    EMPLOYEES. So using EMPLOYEES/TYPE=TABLE will make the selection
    unambiguous. It also allows simpler wildcarding. Commands using
    *EMPLOYEE*/TYPE=TABLE will process only those tables that match
    and not the associated index logical areas.

2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The database administrator requires RMU$DUMP privilege as
       this command is closely related to the RMU DUMP LAREA=RDB$AIP

    o  Only AIP entries that are in use are displayed. In contrast,
       the RMU Dump command also displays deleted and unused AIP

2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    This example uses the name of a known database table to display
    details for this single logical area.


    Logical area name JOBS
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 85 in mixed physical area 7
    Physical area name JOBS
    Record length 41
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 64

    Example 2

    The wildcard string "*EMPLOYEE* matches both indices and table
    logical areas, so here we use /TYPE to limit the display to just
    table logical areas. The table EMPLOYEES in the MF_PERSONNEL
    database is partitioned across three storage areas and hence
    there exists three logical areas.


    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 80 in mixed physical area 3
    Physical area name EMPIDS_LOW
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 150
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 4800

    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 81 in mixed physical area 4
    Physical area name EMPIDS_MID
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 1504

    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 82 in mixed physical area 5
    Physical area name EMPIDS_OVER
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 1504

    Example 3

    This example shows the REBUILD_SPAMS option used to locate
    logical areas that require SPAM rebuilds. This may occur because
    the stored row length changed size or THRESHOLDS were modified
    for the index or storage map.

    _Logical area name:

    Logical area name ACCOUNT_AUDIT
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 86 in uniform physical area 1
    Physical area name RDB$SYSTEM
    Record length 12
    Thesholds are (10, 100, 100)
        SPAM pages should be rebuilt
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 1004
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 5824

    Logical area name DEPARTMENTS_INDEX
    Logical area 94 in uniform physical area 10
    Physical area name DEPARTMENT_INFO
    Record length 430
    Thesholds are (30, 65, 72)
        SPAM pages should be rebuilt
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 2
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 7585

    Example 4

    The /BRIEF qualifier specifies that a condensed tabular output
    format be used. The /PAREA qualifier is used here to specify that
    only logical areas stored in physical areas 4 and 5 are to be

    * Logical Area Name             LArea PArea   Len Type
    RDB$SYSTEM_RECORD                  60     4   215 SYSTEM RECORD
    RDB$SYSTEM_RECORD                  61     5   215 SYSTEM RECORD
    EMPLOYEES_HASH                     79     4   215 HASH INDEX
    EMPLOYEES                          82     4   121 TABLE
    JOB_HISTORY_HASH                   85     4   215 HASH INDEX
    JOB_HISTORY                        88     4    42 TABLE
    DEPARTMENTS_INDEX                  89     5   430 SORTED INDEX
    DEPARTMENTS                        90     5    55 TABLE

    The columns displayed include:

    o  Logical Area Name - Name of the logical area stored in the AIP

    o  LArea - Logical area number stored in the AIP entry

    o  PArea - Physical area number stored in the AIP entry

    o  Len - Object length stored in the AIP entry

    o  Type - Object type stored in the AIP entry. The following
       object types may be displayed:

       o  UNKNOWN - The logical area type is unknown or has not been

       o  TABLE - A data table type

       o  SORTED INDEX - A sorted index type

       o  HASH INDEX - A hashed index type

       o  SYSTEM RECORD - A system record type

       o  LARGE OBJECT - A large object (BLOB) type

3  –  Audit

    Displays the set of security auditing characteristics established
    by the RMU Set command with Audit qualifier.

3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Audit command is the Oracle Rdb equivalent to the
    DCL SHOW AUDIT command. Because Oracle Rdb security auditing uses
    many OpenVMS system-level auditing mechanisms, certain auditing
    characteristics such as /FAILURE_MODE can only be displayed
    using the OpenVMS SHOW AUDIT command, which requires the OpenVMS
    SECURITY privilege.

3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Audit root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /All                                  x See description
  /Daccess[=object-type[,...]]          x See description
  /Every                                x See description
  /Flush                                x See description
  /Identifiers                          x See description
  /Output[=file-name]                   x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Protection                           x See description
  /Rmu                                  x See description
  /Type={Alarm|Audit}                   x Alarm and Audit

3.3  –  Parameters

3.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    auditing information to be displayed.

3.4  –  Command Qualifiers

3.4.1  –  All


    Displays all available auditing information for the database,
    including the following: whether security auditing and security
    alarms are started or stopped; types of security events currently
    enabled for alarms and audits; identifiers currently enabled
    for auditing; and whether forced write operations are enabled or

3.4.2  –  Daccess

    Daccess[=object-type[, . . . ]]

    Indicates whether the general DACCESS audit event class is
    currently enabled. Specifying one or more object types with the
    Daccess qualifier displays the object types and their associated
    privileges that are currently enabled for DACCESS event auditing.
    If you specify more than one object type, enclose the list of
    object types within parentheses.

    The valid object types are:


3.4.3  –  Every


    Displays the current setting for the first or every DACCESS event
    auditing for the database.

3.4.4  –  Flush


    Displays the current setting for forced write operations on audit
    journal records for the database.

3.4.5  –  Identifiers


    Displays the user identification codes (UICs) of the users
    currently enabled for DACCESS event auditing of specified

3.4.6  –  Output


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do not
    enter the Output qualifier, or if you enter the Output qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device.

3.4.7  –  Protection


    Displays whether auditing is currently enabled for the PROTECTION
    audit event class.

3.4.8  –  Rmu


    Displays whether auditing is currently enabled for the RMU event

3.4.9  –  Type


    Displays information about security alarms or security auditing.
    If you do not specify the Type qualifier, Oracle RMU displays
    information about both security alarms and security auditing.

3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Audit command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  If you do not specify any qualifiers with the RMU Show Audit
       command, the currently enabled alarm and audit security events
       are displayed.

    o  Use the RMU Show Audit command to check which auditing
       features are enabled whenever you plan to enable or disable
       audit characteristics with a subsequent RMU Set Audit command.

    o  When the RMU Show Audit command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command shows that alarms are enabled for the RMU
    and PROTECTION audit classes for the mf_personnel database. Note
    that the display shows that alarms are also enabled for the AUDIT
    audit class. The AUDIT audit class is always enabled and cannot
    be disabled.

    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 2

    In the following example, the first command enables and starts
    alarms for the RMU audit class for the mf_personnel database.
    Following the first command is the alarm that is displayed on
    a security terminal when the first command is executed. The
    second command displays the auditing characteristics that have
    been enabled and started. The RMU Show Audit command with the
    All qualifier causes the alarm at the end of the example to be
    displayed on the security terminal. Note that security-enabled
    terminals only receive alarms if alarms have been both enabled
    and started.


    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   8-JUL-1996 09:41:01.19  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user RICK on MYNODE
    Oracle Rdb Security alarm (SECURITY) on MYNODE, system id:      32327
    Database name:          DDV21:[RICK.SQL]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    Auditable event:        Auditing change
    PID:                    21212274
    Event time:             8-JUL-1996 09:41:01.17
    User name:              RICK
    Sub status:             RMU required privilege
    Final status:           %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL
    RMU privilege used:     RMU$SECURITY

    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   8-JUL-1996 09:43:07.94  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user RICK on MYNODE
    Oracle Rdb Security alarm (SECURITY) on MYNODE, system id:      32327
    Database name:          DDV21:[RICK.SQL]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    Auditable event:        Attempted RMU command
    PID:                    21212274
    Event time:              8-JUL-1996 09:43:07.92
    User name:              RICK
    RMU command:            RMU/SHOW AUDIT/ALL MF_PERSONNEL
    Access requested:       RMU$SECURITY
    Sub status:             RMU required privilege
    Final status:           %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL
    RMU privilege used:     RMU$SECURITY

4  –  Corrupt Pages

    Indicates which pages, storage areas, or snapshot files are
    corrupt or inconsistent by displaying the contents of the corrupt
    page table (CPT). Corrupt pages are logged to the CPT, which is
    maintained in the database root file.

4.1  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Corrupt_Pages root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /Options=({Normal|Debug|Full})          x /Options=(Normal)
      /Output[=file-name]                     x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

4.2  –  Parameters

4.2.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    the corrupt or inconsistent storage areas or snapshot files
    logged to the CPT to be displayed.

4.3  –  Command Qualifiers

4.3.1  –  Options


    Specifies the type of information you want displayed, as follows:

    o  Normal

       Displays the active CPT entries and the corrupt or
       inconsistent areas sorted by area and page.

    o  Full

       Displays the same information as Normal plus the disks on
       which the active CPT entries and the corrupt or inconsistent
       areas or snapshot files are stored-sorted by disk, area, and

    o  Debug

       Provides a dump of the entire CPT and lists all the storage

    Options=(Normal) is the default qualifier.

4.3.2  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.

4.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$VERIFY privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

    o  You can repair and remove a corrupt snapshot file from
       the CPT by issuing the RMU Repair command with the
       Initialize=(Snapshots) qualifier. Using the Repair command
       in this case is faster than performing a restore operation.
       See Repair for details.

4.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show Corrupt_
    Pages command when page 1 in area 3 is marked as corrupt:

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                          8-JUL-1996 13:46:20.77
    * Dump of Corrupt Page Table
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Entries for storage area EMPIDS_MID

        Page 1
            - AIJ recovery sequence number is -1
            - Area ID number is 3
            - Consistency transaction sequence number is 0:0
            - State of page is: corrupt

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                          8-JUL-1996 13:46:21.17
    * Dump of Storage Area State Information
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    All storage areas are consistent.

5  –  Locks

    Displays current information about the OpenVMS locks database on
    your node. It provides information concerning lock activity and
    contention for all active databases.

5.1  –  Description

    In a clustered environment, the RMU Show Locks command displays
    detailed lock information for your current node and may display
    information about known remote locks.

    The RMU Show Locks command displays information about process
    locks for all active databases on a specific node. A process
    requesting a lock can have one of three states: owning, blocking,
    or waiting. A process is considered to be owning when the lock
    request is granted. A process is considered to be blocking when
    the lock request is granted and its mode is incompatible with
    other waiting locks. A process is considered to be waiting when
    it is prevented from being granted a lock due to the presence
    of other granted locks whose modes are incompatible with the
    process' requested mode.

    Using the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command can be difficult on systems
    with multiple open databases due to the amount of output and
    difficulty in determining what database a particular lock
    references. The RMU/SHOW LOCKS command, when supplied with a
    root file specification, can be used to additionally filter
    lock displays to a specific database. Note that in some cases
    the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command may be unable to filter locks prior
    to display. And when using the database "LOCK PARTITIONING IS
    ENABLED" feature for a database, the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command with
    a root file specification will be unable to associate area, page,
    and record locks with the specified database because the database
    lock is not the lock tree root for these lock types.

    The values for the Mode qualifier: Blocking and Waiting, can be
    combined with the Process and Lock qualifiers to indicate which
    of the following types of information is displayed:

    o  If the Blocking option is specified, information is displayed
       about processes whose locks are blocking other processes'

    o  If the Waiting option is specified, information is displayed
       about processes whose locks are waiting for other processes'

    o  If the Process qualifier is specified, information is
       displayed for a specified list of processes.

    o  If the Lock qualifier is specified, information is displayed
       for a specified list of locks. When no qualifiers are
       specified, a list of all active locks in the OpenVMS locks
       database is displayed.

    Use the qualifiers individually or in combination to display the
    required output. See Lock Qualifier Combinations for all possible
    qualifier combinations and the types of output they produce.
    If you do not specify any qualifiers, a complete list of locks
    is displayed. The volume of information from this report can
    be quite large. Therefore, you should use the Output qualifier
    to direct output to a file, instead of allowing the output
    to display to SYS$OUTPUT. Each output contains a heading that
    indicates what qualifiers, if any, were used to generate the

    Table 16 Lock Qualifier Combinations

              Mode           Option
    Object    Argument       Argument      Output

    Process                                Locks for the specified
    Process   Blocking                     Processes blocking the
                                           specified processes
    Process   Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
                                           specified processes
    Process                  All           Process locks for the
                                           specified processes
    Process                  Full          Special process locks for
                                           the specified processes
    Process   Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
              Waiting                      waiting for the specified
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
                                           blocking the specified
    Process   Waiting        Full          Special process locks
                                           waiting for the specified
    Process   Blocking,      Full          Special process locks
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting for
                                           the specified processes
    Process                  All, Full     Process and special
                                           process locks for the
                                           specified processes
    Lock                                   Locks for the specified
    Lock      Blocking                     Processes blocking the
                                           specified locks
    Lock      Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
                                           specified locks
    Lock                     Full          Special process locks for
                                           the specified locks
    Lock      Blocking       Full          Special process locks
                                           blocking the specified
    Lock      Waiting        Full          Special process locks
                                           waiting for the specified
    Lock      Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
              Waiting                      waiting for the specified
    Lock      Blocking,      Full          Special process locks
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting for
                                           the specified locks
              Blocking                     Lock requests that are
              Waiting                      Lock requests that are
              Blocking,                    Lock requests that are
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting
    Process                                Locks for specified
    Lock                                   processes and locks
    Process   Blocking                     Processes blocking the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process   Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process   Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
    Lock      Waiting                      waiting for the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   blocking the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process   Waiting        Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   waiting for the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process                  All           Process locks for the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process                  Full          Special process locks for
    Lock                                   the specified processes
                                           and locks
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   blocking the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process                  All, Full     Process and special
    Lock                                   process locks for the
                                           specified processes and

    You can display only those processes that you have privilege to
    access. Furthermore, certain special database processes are not
    displayed, unless you specifically indicate that all processes
    are to be displayed. The report heading indicates what qualifiers
    were used to generate the output.

5.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Locks [root-file-spec]

      Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
      /Lock = lock-list                        x None
      /Mode = (mode-list)                      x None
      /Options = (option-list)                 x See description
      /Output[=file-name]                      x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
      /Process = process-list                  x None
      /Resource-type=resource-type-list        x None

5.3  –  Parameters

5.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want to
    filter lock displays. Optional parameter.

5.4  –  Command Qualifiers

5.4.1  –  Lock


    Displays information for each of the specified locks. When
    combined with the Mode=Blocking qualifier, the Lock qualifier
    displays information about processes whose locks are blocking the
    specified locks. When combined with the Mode=Waiting qualifier,
    the Lock qualifier displays information about processes whose
    lock requests are waiting for the specified locks.

    One or more locks can be specified; if more than one lock is
    specified, they must be enclosed in parentheses and separated
    by commas. The lock identifier is an 8-digit hexadecimal number,
    and must be local to the node on which the RMU Show Locks command
    is issued. To see the lock identifier upon which a process is
    waiting, you can do either of the following:

    o  Invoke the character cell Performance Monitor "Stall Messages"

    o  Invoke the Performance Monitor from your PC and select

5.4.2  –  Mode


    Indicates the lock mode to be displayed. If you specify more than
    one option in the mode-list, you must separate the options with
    a comma, and enclose the mode-list in parentheses. The following
    lock mode options are available:

    o  Blocking

       Displays the set of processes whose locks are blocking the
       lock requests of other processes. A process is considered
       to be waiting when it has requested a lock mode that is
       incompatible with existing granted lock modes; in this case,
       the requestor is the waiting process and the grantors are the
       blocking processes.

       The first line of output identifies a process that is waiting
       for a lock request to be granted. All subsequent lines of
       output identify those processes that are preventing the
       lock request from being granted. When multiple processes
       are waiting for the same lock resource, multiple sets of
       process-specific information, one for each waiting process,
       are displayed.

    o  Culprit

       Displays the set of locks for processes that are blocking
       other processes but are themselves not locked. The output
       represents the processes that are the source of database
       stalls and performance degradation.

    o  Waiting

       Displays the set of processes whose lock requests are waiting
       due to incompatible granted locks for other processes. A
       process is considered to be blocking others when it has been
       granted a lock mode that is incompatible with requested lock
       modes; in this case, the "Blocker" is the blocking process and
       the "Waiting" are the waiting processes.

       A requesting process can appear to be waiting for other
       lock requestors. This condition occurs when there are many
       processes waiting on the same lock resource. Depending upon
       the sequence of processes in the wait queue, certain waiting
       processes appear to be blocking other waiting processes
       because, eventually, they will be granted the lock first.

       The first line of output identifies a process that has been
       granted a lock on a resource. All subsequent lines of output
       identify those processes that are waiting for lock requests on
       the same resource to be granted. When multiple processes are
       blocking the same lock resource, multiple sets of process-
       specific information, one for each blocking process, are

5.4.3  –  Options


    Indicates the type of information and the level of detail the
    output will include. If you do not specify the Options qualifier,
    the default output is displayed. If you specify more than one
    type of output for the Options qualifier, you must separate
    the options with a comma, and enclose the options list within
    parentheses. The following options are available:

    o  All

       Used when you want the complete list of process locks; by
       default, lock information for only the specified process is
       displayed. When you specify the All option, information is
       displayed for all other processes that have a need to know
       the lock held by the specific process. This method is an easy
       way to display all of a process' locks and to see what other
       processes are also using the same resource.

       If the Mode qualifier is specified, the Options=(All)
       qualifier is ignored.

    o  Full

       Indicates that special database processes are to be displayed.
       Some special database processes, such as monitors, perform
       work on behalf of a database. These database processes
       frequently request locks that by design conflict with other
       processes' locks; the granting of these locks indicates an
       important database event.

       By default, these special database processes are not displayed
       because they increase the size of the output.

5.4.4  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.

5.4.5  –  Process


    Displays information for each lock held or requested by the
    specified processes when used by itself. When the Process
    qualifier is combined with the Mode=Blocking qualifier,
    information is displayed about processes whose locks are blocking
    lock requests by the specified waiting processes.


       When the Process qualifier is specified without any Options
       qualifier values, all locks for the processes are displayed,
       including owning, blocking, and waiting locks.

    One or more processes can be specified; if more than one process
    is specified, they must be enclosed within parentheses and
    separated by commas. The process identifier is an 8-digit
    hexadecimal number, and must be local to the node on which the
    RMU Show Locks command is issued. The process ID must include all
    eight characters; the node identifier portion of the process ID
    cannot be excluded. To get more information, use the Options=All
    qualifier to display all users using processes' locks.

5.4.6  –  Resource type


    Displays information for each lock held or requested by the
    specified resource type. Only the specific resource types will
    be displayed. This permits, for example, only PAGE or RECORD lock
    types to be selected.

    One or more resouce types can be specified; if more than one
    type is specified, they must be enclosed within parentheses and
    separated by commas.

    The following keywords are allowed with the Resource_type

    Table 17 RESOURCE_TYPE Keywords

    Lock Type
    Name           Keyword(s)

    ACCESS         ACCESS
    ACTIVE         ACTIVE
    AIJDB          AIJDB
    AIJFB          AIJFB
    AIJ            AIJ
    AIPQHD         AIP
    ALS            ALS_ACTIVATION
    CLIENT         CLIENT
    CLOSE          CLOSE
    CLTSEQ         CLTSEQ
    DB             DATABASE
    FILID          FILID
    FRZ            FREEZE
    KROOT          KROOT
    LOGFIL         LOGFIL
    MEMBIT         MEMBIT
    NOWAIT         NOWAIT
    PLN            DBKEY, RECORD, PLN
    PNO            PAGE, PNO
    QUIET          QUIET
    RCACHE         RCACHE
    RO_L1          L1_SNAP_TRUNCATION
    RTUPB          RTUPB
    RUJBLK         RUJBLK
    RW_L2          L2_SNAP_TRUNCATION
    SAC            SNAP_AREA_CURSOR
    SEQBLK         SEQBLK
    TRM            TERMINATION
    TSNBLK         TSNBLK

    The RESOURCE_TYPE qualifier is incompatible with the MODE, LIMIT,
    LOCK and PROCESS qualifiers.

5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Locks command for a database, you must
       have the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  When you specify a list of processes or lock identifiers, make
       sure the processes or locks are local to the node on which the
       RMU Show Locks command is issued.

    o  To display the complete list of locks in the OpenVMS locks
       database, do not specify the Mode=Blocking or Waiting
       qualifier. The volume of information from this report can
       be quite large.

    o  If you have entered an Oracle RMU command and there are no
       locks on your node, you receive the following message:

       %RMU-I-NOLOCKSOUT, No locks on this node with the specified

    o  When you use the RMU Show Locks command to display locks,
       the "requested" and "granted" modes of the given lock are
       displayed. The definitions for the two fields follow:

       -  Requested

          This is the mode for which the process has requested
          the lock. Valid modes are NL, CR, CW, PR, PW, and EX.
          This mode is not guaranteed to be granted; some locks
          are intentionally held in conflicting modes forever (for
          example, the "termination" lock).

       -  Granted

          This is the mode that the process was last granted for
          the lock. Valid modes are NL, CR, CW, PR, PW, and EX.
          Furthermore, if the lock has never been previously granted,
          the lock mode is displayed as NL mode.

       Lock Mode Compatibility shows the compatibility of requested
       and granted lock modes.

    Table 18 Lock Mode Compatibility

                           Mode of Currently Granted Locks

    Mode of
    Lock       NL   CR   CW    PR   PW    EX

    NL         Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes  Yes   Yes
    CR         Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes  Yes   No
    CW         Yes  Yes  Yes   No   No    No
    PR         Yes  Yes  No    Yes  No    No
    PW         Yes  Yes  No    No   No    No
    EX         Yes  No   No    No   No    No
    Key to Lock Modes

        NL-Null Lock
        CR-Concurrent Read
        CW-Concurrent Write
        PR-Protected Read
        PW-Protected Write
        EX-Exclusive Lock
        Yes-Locks compatible
        No-Locks not compatible

    o  If the "requested" and "granted" lock modes differ, then the
       lock requested is currently blocked on either the "wait" or
       "conversion" queue. If the modes are the same, then the lock
       has been granted.

    o  The OpenVMS distributed lock manager does not always
       update the requested lock mode. This means that potentially
       conflicting information can be displayed by the RMU Show Locks

    o  The requested lock mode is updated only under the following

       -  The lock request is for a remote resource.

       -  The lock request is a Nowait request.

       -  The lock request could not be granted due to a lock
          conflict (that is, it was canceled by the application or
          aborted due to lock timeout or deadlock).

       -  The lock request is the first for the resource.

    o  Consider the following RMU Show Locks output:

 Resource Name: page 533
 Granted Lock Count: 1,  Parent Lock ID: 01000B6C,   Lock Access Mode:
 Resource Type:
       Global,  Lock Value Block: 03000000 00000000 00000000 00000002

   -Master Node Info-  --Lock Mode Information--     -Remote Node Info-
 ProcessID Lock ID  SystemID Requested Granted Queue  Lock ID SystemID
 2040021E  0400136A  00010002  EX      CR      GRANT  0400136A 00010002

       In this example, it is ordinarily difficult to explain how
       such a combination of lock modes could occur. Note that the
       CR (concurrent read) mode is on the Grant queue (not the
       Conversion queue).

       Knowledge of the operating environment is necessary to know
       that there was only one node on this system. It turns out that
       two lock requests actually occurred to generate this output,
       in the opposite order of what appears to have occurred.

       The first lock request was for EX (exclusive), which was
       immediately granted. Thus, the Requested and Granted modes
       were updated according to situation 4. Then, the lock was
       demoted from EX to CR mode, which was also immediately
       granted. However, the Requested field was not updated because
       none of the four preceding rules was true, so the Requested
       mode was never updated to reflect the CR lock request.


5.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command will output all the locks held by process
    ID 44A047C9. The report text will show the resource on which
    the lock is held, ID information, and lock status (Requested and


6  –  Logical Names

    Displays logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb.

6.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Logical_Names command displays the definitions of
    logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb. You
    can specify all logical names or just one. The output format is
    similar to that of the DCL SHOW LOGICALS command.

6.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Logical_Names [logical-name]

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /Output=file-name                       x SYS$OUTPUT
      /Undefined                              x None

6.3  –  Parameters

6.3.1  –  logical-name

    Use this option to display the definition of one logical name. If
    you omit the logical name, the definitions of all logical names
    known to Oracle Rdb are displayed.

6.4  –  Command Qualifiers

6.4.1  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.

6.4.2  –  Undefined

    Use the Undefined qualifier to display a list of both defined and
    undefined logicals.

6.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example displays defined logical names known to
    Oracle Rdb.

    $ rmu/sho log

    Example 2

    This example displays both defined and undefined logical names.

    $ rmu/sho log /undefined ! Display them all
      "RDMS$AUTO_READY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_PRIORITY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABW_ENABLED" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_AIJ_ARB_COUNT" = Undefined

7  –  Optimizer Statistics

    Displays the current values of the optimizer statistics for
    tables and indexes as stored in the RDB$INDICES, RDB$RELATIONS,
    and the RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

7.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Optimizer_Statistics root-file

  Command Qualifiers            x  Defaults
  /[No]Full                     x  /Nofull
  /[No]Indexes[=(index-list)]   x  /Index
  /[No]Log[=file-name]          x  /Log
  /Statistics[=(options)]       x  /Statistics
  /[No]System_Relations         x  /Nosystem_Relations
  /[No]Tables[=(table-list)]    x  /Tables
  /[No]Threshold[=options]      x  /Nothreshold

7.2  –  Parameters

7.2.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database for which optimizer statistics are to be
    displayed. The default file type is .rdb.

7.3  –  Command Qualifiers

7.3.1  –  Full


    This qualifier can only be used if table, index, or index prefix
    cardinality statistics are being displayed. If this qualifier is
    specified, the following cardinality information is displayed:

    o  Actual cardinality

       Displays the current table, index, or index prefix cardinality

    o  Stored cardinality

       Displays the table, index, or index prefix cardinality value
       stored in the system relations.

    o  Difference between the stored and actual cardinality values

       This value is negative if the stored cardinality is less than
       the actual cardinality.

    o  Percentage cardinality difference from the actual value

       This value is calculated by dividing the difference between
       the stored and actual cardinality values by the actual
       cardinality value. It is negative if the stored cardinality
       is less than the actual cardinality.

    The default value is Nofull.

7.3.2  –  Indexes



    Specifies the index or indexes for which statistics are to be
    displayed. If you do not specify an index-list, statistics for
    all indexes defined for the tables specified with the Tables
    qualifier are displayed. If you specify an index-list, statistics
    are displayed only for the named indexes. If you specify the
    Noindex qualifier, statistics are not displayed for any indexes.

    The default is the Indexes qualifier without an index-list.

7.3.3  –  Log


    Specifies whether the display of statistics are to be logged.
    Specify the Log qualifier to have the information displayed
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-spec qualifier to have the
    information written to a file. The Nolog qualifier is valid
    syntax, but is ignored by Oracle RMU. The default is the Log

7.3.4  –  Statistics



    Specifies the type of statistics you want to display for the
    items specified with the Tables, System_Relations, and Indexes
    qualifiers. If you specify the Statistics qualifier without
    an options list, all statistics are displayed for the items

    If you specify the Statistics qualifier with an options list,
    Oracle RMU displays the types of statistics described in the
    following list. If you specify more than one option, separate the
    options with commas and enclose the options within parentheses.

    The Statistics qualifier options are:

    o  Cardinality

       Displays the table cardinality for the tables specified with
       the Tables and System_Relations qualifiers and the index and
       index prefix cardinalities for the indexes specified with the
       Indexes qualifier.

    o  Workload

       Displays the Column Group, Duplicity Factor, and Null Factor
       workload statistics for the tables specified with the Tables
       and System_Relations qualifiers.

    o  Storage

       Displays the following statistics:

       -  Table Row Clustering Factor for the tables specified with
          the Tables qualifier

       -  Index Key Clustering Factor, the Index Data Clustering
          Factor, and the Average Index Depth for the indexes
          specified with the Indexes qualifier.

7.3.5  –  System Relations



    The System_Relations qualifier specifies that optimizer
    statistics are to be displayed for system tables (relations)
    and their associated indexes.

    If you do not specify the System_Relations qualifier, or if you
    specify the Nosystem_Relations qualifier, optimizer statistics
    are not displayed for system tables or their associated indexes.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    displayed for indexes defined on the system tables.

    The default is the Nosystem_Relations qualifier.

7.3.6  –  Tables




    Specifies the table or tables for which optimizer statistics
    are to be displayed. If you specify a table-list, optimizer
    statistics for those tables and their associated indexes are

    If you do not specify the Tables qualifier, or if you specify
    the Tables qualifier but do not provide a table-list, optimizer
    statistics for all tables and their associated indexes in the
    database are displayed.

    If you specify the Notables qualifier, optimizer statistics for
    tables are not displayed.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    displayed for indexes defined on the specified tables.

    The Tables qualifier is the default.

7.3.7  –  Threshold


    The Threshold qualifier can only be used in conjunction with
    the Full qualifier. If this qualifier is used, an additional
    Threshold column is added to the display. You can specify the
    following options with the Threshold qualifier:

    o  Percent=n

       The value for Percent=n can be an integer value from 0 to 99.
       The default value for n is 0. If Percent=n is not specified
       or if a percent value of 0 is specified, any percentage
       difference from the actual cardinality value is flagged as
       "*over*" in the output column. If a percent value of 1 to
       99 is specified, any percentage difference from the actual
       cardinality value that is greater than the percent value
       specified is flagged as "*over*" in the output column. In the
       report, the Threshold column displays those cardinality values
       in which the percent difference exceeds the specified value.
       If the threshold is not exceeded, the column is blank. If the
       threshold is exceeded, the column shows the string "*over*".

    o  Log={All|Over_Threshold}

       If Log is not specified or if Log=All is specified, all
       cardinality values are displayed. If Log=Over_Threshold is
       specified, only cardinality values that exceed the threshold
       percentage are flagged as "*over*" in the output column.

7.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE or RMU$SHOW privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and Workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of Physical
       storage and Workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you will see a line
       such as the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  Use the RMU Show Optimizer Statistics command with the
       Statistics=Cardinality/Full/Threshold=n qualifier to identify
       index prefix cardinality drift. This command identifies
       indexes that need to be repaired. Use the RMU Collect
       Optimizer_Statistics command to repair the stored index prefix
       cardinality values.

7.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command displays all optimizer statistics
    previously collected for the EMPLOYEES table. See Collect_
    Optimizer_Statistics for an example that demonstrates how to
    collect optimizer statistics.



    Optimizer Statistics for table : EMPLOYEES

      Cardinality            : 100
      Row clustering factor  : 0.5100000

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 1.0000000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.73

      Workload Column group  : LAST_NAME,   FIRST_NAME,  MIDDLE_INITIAL,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5625000
      Null factor            : 0.3600000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.74

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Index Cardinality      : 83
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0481928
      Data clustering factor : 1.1686747
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        LAST_NAME                       0

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 0
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0100000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 0
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000

    Example 2

    The following command displays optimizer statistics for all the
    tables defined in the database. Because the Noindex qualifier
    is specified, no index statistics are displayed. Because the Log
    qualifier is specified with a file specification, the values for
    the optimizer statistics are written to the specified file.

    $ RMU/SHOW OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS mf_personnel.rdb -

    Example 3

    The following example displays the output of a command when
    the Full and Threshold qualifiers are used with the Cardinality
    option. In the example, table XXX has three indexes. Index XXX_
    IDX_FULL has index prefix cardinality collection enabled full
    and the report shows no cardinality drift for this index. Index
    XXX_IDX_APPROX has index prefix cardinality collection enabled,
    and cardinality drift is evident. For the first segment of the
    index (column C1), the stored cardinality is 20% lower than the
    actual cardinality. Since the command specifies a threshold of
    5%, the line is marked "*over*" in the Thresh column. There
    is also cardinality drift for the second segment of the index
    (column C2), index prefix (C1, C2). The third index XXX_IDX_
    NONE has index prefix cardinality collection disabled. This is
    indicated in the report rather than showing the index segments.
    If the report were lengthy, you could write it to a disk file
    and then locate the problem indexes by searching for the string

    $ RMU/SHOW OPTIMIZER/STAT=CARD/FULL/THRESH=(percent=5,log=all) sample.rdb

    Optimizer Statistics for table : XXX

    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Table cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_FULL
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
                                     Prefix cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
      Segment Column : C1
        1425                 1425                  0                0  %
      Segment Column : C2
        31797                31797                 0                0  %
     Segment Column : C3
        0                    0                     0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_APPROX
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
                                     Prefix cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
      Segment Column : C1
        1425                 1140                 -285             -20 %    *over*
      Segment Column : C2
        31797                30526                -1271            -4  %
      Segment Column : C3
        0                    0                     0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_NONE
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
      ***Prefix cardinality collection is disabled***

8  –  Privilege

    Allows you to display the root file access control list (ACL) for
    a database.

8.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Privilege root-file-spec

   Command Qualifiers        x  Defaults
   [No]Expand_All            x  /Noexpand_All
   [No]Header                x  /Header

8.2  –  Parameters

8.2.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification for the database whose root file
    ACL you are displaying. By default, a file extension of .rdb is

8.3  –  Command Qualifiers

8.3.1  –  Expand All


    Specifies that if a user's access mask was defined with the
    RMU$ALL keyword on the RMU Set Privilege command, each of the
    RMU privileges represented by the RMU$ALL keyword is displayed.

    The Noexpand_All qualifier specifies that if a user's access mask
    was defined with the RMU$ALL keyword on the RMU Set Privilege
    command, only the keyword is displayed; the RMU privileges
    represented by the keyword are not displayed.

    The Noexpand_All qualifier is the default.

8.3.2  –  Header


    Specifies that header information is to be displayed. The
    Noheader qualifier suppresses output of header information.

    The Header qualifier is the default.

8.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Privilege command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Although you can use the DCL SHOW ACL command to display the
       root file ACL for a database, the DCL SHOW ACL command does
       not display the names of the Oracle RMU privileges granted to

8.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example, the RMU Show Privilege command displays
    the root file ACL for the mf_personnel database:

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER1]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
     on 12-FEB-1996 10:48:23.04


    Example 2

    The following examples demonstrate the difference in output when
    you use the Header and Noheader qualifiers:

    Object type: file,  Object name: RDBVMS_USER:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
     on 17-SEP-1998 13:47:20.21


    Example 3

    The following examples demonstrate the difference in output when
    you use the Expand and Noexpand qualifiers:




9  –  Statistics

    Opens the Performance Monitor to display, on a character-cell
    terminal, the usage statistics for a database. See the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for tutorial
    information on how to interpret the Performance Monitor displays.

9.1  –  Description

    The Performance Monitor dynamically samples activity statistics
    on a database. You can display the statistics at your terminal
    and can also write them to a formatted binary file.

    The statistics show activity only from the node on which you
    execute the command.

    The Performance Monitor operates in one of three modes: online,
    record, and replay. In online mode, you can display or record
    current activity on a database. In record mode, you can record
    statistics in a binary file. In replay mode, you can examine a
    previously recorded binary statistics file.

    If you use the Input qualifier, the Performance Monitor executes
    in replay mode. In replay mode, this command generates an
    interactive display from a previously recorded binary statistics

    If you do not use the Input qualifier, you must specify a
    database file name. The Performance Monitor then executes in
    online mode. In online mode, the command generates an interactive
    display when you use the Interactive qualifier and can also
    record statistics in a binary file.

    The interactive display is made up of numerous output pages.
    You control the interactive display by means of menus, arrow
    keys, and the Return key to select options. You select an item
    by pressing the arrow keys until the desired item is highlighted,
    then press the Return key.

    Display the Select Display options (by typing D) from the
    Performance Monitor screen to view the available output pages.
    Items in the Display menu followed by this set of characters:
    [->, indicate that a submenu is displayed when you select this

    Once you have selected a display, there are a number of methods
    you can use to navigate through the screens:

    o  To move to the next screen of information, do one of the

       -  Press the right arrow (- > ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the Next Screen keyboard key.

    o  To move to the previous screen of information, do one of the

       -  Press the left arrow (< - ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the Prev Screen keyboard key.

    o  To move forward n number of screens, press the plus (+)
       keyboard key and enter the value n.

    o  To move backward n number of screens, press the minus (-)
       keyboard key and enter the value n.

    o  To move directly from the first screen to the last screen, do
       one of the following:

       -  Press the up arrow (^ ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the plus (+) keyboard key and enter the value 0.

    o  To move directly from the last screen to the first screen, do
       one of the following:

       -  Press the down arrow (v ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the hyphen (-) keyboard key and enter the value 0.

    o  To quickly locate a screen in the current submenu group that
       contains activity, press the space bar on your keyboard.

       This feature works even when you are replaying a binary input
       file. If there is no screen in the current subgroup that has
       activity, the next screen is displayed (as though you had
       used the Next Screen key). The Performance Monitor ignores
       computational screens, such as Stall Messages, Monitor Log,
       and so on, when searching for activity.

    In interactive mode, enter an exclamation point to open the
    Select Tool menu. This menu allows you to switch the database
    for which you are displaying statistics, edit a file, invoke a
    system command, and so on. (The ability to open a new database
    is not available if you specify the Input or Output qualifier.)
    In addition, it provides you the ability to locate a specific
    statistics screen either by name (or portion thereof) or by a
    summary-selection menu. Select the Goto screen or Goto screen
    "by-name" options from the Select Tool menu to use these options.

    In interactive mode, you can pause output scrolling on your
    screen by pressing the P key. Resume output scrolling by pressing
    the P key again.

    An extensive online help facility for the character-cell
    interface is available by doing the following from the
    Performance Monitor screen:

    1. Type H or PF2.

    2. Select the type of help you want (keyboard, screen, or field).

    3. Press the Return key.

    If you select field level help, you must also do the following:

    1. Highlight the field for which you want help information.

    2. Press the Return key.

    All screens regardless of format or display contents have a
    standard format as follows:

    o  First line

       Contains the node name, the utility name and version number,
       and the current system date and time. The current system date
       and time are updated at the specified set-rate interval.

    o  Second line

       Contains the screen refresh rate, in seconds; the current
       screen name; and the elapsed time since the last set-rate
       command, which indicates how long the screen information has
       been collected.

    o  Third line

       Contains the current page number within the screen (screen X
       of Y), the name of the current database, and the statistics
       utility operation mode (online, record, or replay). Online
       mode is the normal database activity displayed in real
       time. Record mode indicates that the database activity being
       displayed is being recorded to an external file specified by
       the Output qualifier. Replay mode indicates that the database
       activity is being displayed from the external file specified
       by the Input qualifier.

    You can display most statistics in either a histogram or a
    columnar chart, although several display pages have special
    formats. By default, the initial interactive display appears
    in histogram mode; by using the Nohistogram qualifier, you can
    direct Oracle RMU to display statistics in tabular numeric mode.

    In addition, you can produce time-plot graphics for individual
    statistical fields.

    Use the Output qualifier to direct statistical output to a file.
    The output is a formatted binary file and does not produce a
    legible printed listing. To read the output, you must use the RMU
    Show Statistics command with the Input qualifier.

    The Nointeractive qualifier suppresses the interactive display.
    Use this qualifier when you want to generate binary statistics
    output but do not want an online display.

    Database statistics are maintained in a global section on each
    system on which Oracle Rdb is running. Statistics are reset to
    zero when you close a database. Running the Performance Monitor
    keeps the database open even when there are no users accessing
    the database.

    The Stall Messages display permits you to display multiple
    screens of information. Access the Stall Messages display by
    selecting Per-Process Information from the Select Display Menu;
    then select the Stall Messages display from the secondary menu.

    If you are displaying the last screen of Stall Messages
    information and the number of stalled processes is reduced such
    that the last screen is empty, you are automatically moved to the
    newest last screen of information when you press the Next Screen
    keyboard key (or the right arrow keyboard key).

    You can also use the Alarm, Notify, and Screen qualifiers to
    simplify monitoring stalled processes. See the description of
    each of these qualifiers for more information.

9.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Statistics [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifiers                         x  Defaults
     /Access_Log                                x  None
     /Alarm=interval                            x  /Alarm=0
     /[No]Broadcast                             x  See description
     /[No]Cluster=[(node-list)]                 x  /Nocluster
     /Configure=file-spec                       x  None
     /[No]Cycle=seconds                         x  /Nocycle
     /Dbkey_Log=file-spec                       x  See description
     /Deadlock_Log=file-spec                    x  None
     /[No]Histogram                             x  /Histogram
     /Hot_Standby_Log                           x  None
     /Input = file-name                         x  See description
     /[No]Interactive                           x  See description
     /Lock_Timeout_Log=file-spec                x  None
     /[No]Log                                   x  See description
     /[No]Logical_Area                          x  /Logical_Area
     /[No]Notify[=([No]All | operator-classes)] x  /Nonotify
     /[No]Opcom_Log=filename                    x  /Noopcom_Log

  (B)0   /Options=keywords                          x  /Options=Base
     /Output=file-spec                          x  See description
     /[No]Prompt_Timeout=seconds                x  /Prompt_Timeout=60
     /Reopen_Interval= minutes                  x  None
     /Reset                                     x  Statistics are no
     /Screen = screen-name                      x  See description
     /Stall_Log = file-spec                     x  Stall messages no
     /Time = integer                            x  /Time = 3
     /Until = date-time                         x  See description

9.3  –  Parameters

9.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database on which you
    want statistics. If you use the Input qualifier to supply a
    prerecorded binary statistics file, you cannot specify a database
    file name. If you do not use the Input qualifier, you must
    specify a database file name.

9.4  –  Command Qualifiers

9.4.1  –  Access Log

    Identifies the name of the log file where logical area accesses
    are to be recorded.

9.4.2  –  Alarm


    Establishes an alarm interval (in seconds) for the Stall Messages
    screen from the command line. This is useful when you plan to
    submit the RMU Show Statistics command as a batch job.

    Use this qualifier in conjunction with the Notify qualifier to
    notify an operator or set of operators of stalled processes.

    The default value is 0 seconds, which is equivalent to disabling

9.4.3  –  Broadcast


    Specifies whether or not to broadcast messages. The Broadcast
    qualifier is the default, if broadcasting of certain messages
    has been enabled with DCL SET BROADCAST. If broadcasting has
    been disabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST=none command, broadcast
    messages are not displayed, even if you specify the RMU Show
    Statistics command with the Broadcast qualifier.

    Specify the Nobroadcast qualifier if broadcasting has been
    enabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST command but you do not
    want broadcast messages displayed while you are running the
    Performance Monitor.

9.4.4  –  Cluster


    Specifies the list of remote nodes from which statistics
    collection and presentation are to be performed. The collected
    statistics are merged with the information for the current node
    and displayed using the usual statistics screens.

    The following list summarizes usage of the Cluster qualifier:

    o  If the Cluster qualifier is specified by itself, remote
       statistics collection is performed on all cluster nodes on
       which the database is currently open.

    o  If the Cluster=(node-list) qualifier is specified, remote
       statistics collection is performed on the specified nodes
       only, even if the database is not yet open on those nodes.

    o  If the Cluster qualifier is not specified, or the Nocluster
       qualifier (the default) is specified, cluster statistics
       collection is not performed. However, you can still enable
       clusterwide statistics collection online using the Tools menu.

    You can specify up to 95 different cluster nodes with the Cluster
    qualifier. There is a maximum number of 95 cluster nodes because
    Oracle Rdb supports only 96 nodes per database. The current node
    is always included in the list of nodes from which statistics
    collection is to be performed.

    It is not necessary to have the RMU Show Statistics command
    running on the specified remote nodes or to have the database
    open on the remote nodes. These events are automatically handled
    by the feature.

    The following example shows the use of the Cluster qualifier to
    initiate statistics collection and presentation from two remote


    Remote nodes can also be added and removed online at run time.
    Use the Cluster Statistics option located in the Tools menu.
    The Tools menu is displayed by using the exclamation point (!)
    on-screen menu option.

    See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink
    if you have a service contract) for information about the Cluster
    Statistics Collection and Presentation feature.

9.4.5  –  Configure


    Specifies the name of a human-readable configuration file to be
    processed by the RMU Show Statistics command. The configuration
    file can be created using any editor, or it can be automatically
    generated from the RMU Show Statistics command using the current
    run-time configuration settings. The default configuration file
    type is .cfg.

    If you specify the Configure=file-spec qualifier, the
    configuration file is processed by the RMU Show Statistics
    command prior to opening the database or the binary input file.
    If you do not specify this qualifier, all of the variables are
    the defaults based on command-line qualifiers and logical names.

    The configuration file is processed in two passes. The first
    pass occurs before the database is opened and processes most
    of the configuration file entries. The second pass occurs after
    the database is opened and processes those variables that are
    database-dependent, such as the CUSTOMER_LINE_n variable.

    See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink
    if you have a service contract) for more information about
    configuration files.

9.4.6  –  Cycle


    Directs the Performance Monitor to continually cycle through the
    set of screens associated with the currently selected menu item.
    Each menu is displayed for the number of seconds specified.

    When you specify the Cycle qualifier, you can change screen
    modes or change submenus as desired; cycling through the menus
    associated with your choice continues at whichever menu level is
    currently selected.

    The specified value for the Cycle qualifier must be greater
    than or equal to the value specified for the Time qualifier.
    In addition, if you manually change the refresh rate (using the
    Set_rate onscreen menu option) to a value that is greater than
    the value you specify with the Cycle qualifier, the cycling is
    performed at the interval you specify for the Set_rate.

    If you do not specify the Cycle qualifier, or if you do not
    specify the number of seconds, no screen cycling is performed.

9.4.7  –  Dbkey Log


    Logs the records accessed during a given processing period by the
    various attached processes. The file-spec is the name of the file
    to which all accessed dbkeys are logged.

    The header region of the dbkey log contains four lines. The first
    line indicates that the RMU Show Statistic utility created the
    log file. The second line identifies the database. The third
    line identifies the date and time the dbkey log was created. The
    fourth line is the column heading line.

    The main body of the dbkey log contains six columns. The first
    column contains the dbkey process ID and stream ID. The second
    through sixth columns contain the most recently accessed dbkey
    for a data page, snapshot page, SPAM page, AIP page, and ABM
    page, respectively.

    Only one message per newly accessed dbkey is recorded. However,
    all dbkey values are displayed, even if some of the dbkeys did
    not change.

    The dbkey information is written at the current screen refresh
    rate, determined by the Time qualifier or the Set_rate onscreen
    menu option. Using a larger refresh rate minimizes the size of
    the file but results in a large number of missed dbkey messages.
    Using a smaller refresh rate produces a large log file, but
    contains a much finer granularity of dbkey messages.

    Note that you do not need to display the Dbkey Information screen
    in order to record the dbkey messages to the dbkey log. The
    dbkey log is maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is

    You can use the Dbkey_Log qualifier to construct a dbkey logging
    server, as follows:

    _$ /NOBROADCAST/UNTIL="15:15:00"

9.4.8  –  Deadlock Log


    Records the last deadlock for the processes. There is no method
    to record each lock deadlock as it occurs.

    The file-spec in the qualifier is the name of the file to which
    you want all lock deadlock messages to be logged. The lock
    deadlock messages are written in human-readable format similar
    to the Lock Timeout History and Lock Deadlock History screens.

    The header region of the lock deadlock log contains three lines:

    o  Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created
       the log file.

    o  Line 2 identifies the database.

    o  Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created.

    The main body of the stall log contains three columns:

    o  The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that
       experienced the lock deadlock.

    o  The second column contains the time the deadlock occurred;
       however, the date is not displayed.

    o  The third column contains the deadlock message describing the
       affected resource. This message is similar to the originating
       stall message.

    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR)

    If any lock deadlocks are missed for a particular process
    (usually because the recording interval is too large), the
    number of missed lock deadlocks is displayed in brackets after
    the message. For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed]

    Only one message is logged for each deadlock.

    The lock deadlock messages are written at the specified screen
    refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or
    online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger
    refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in
    a large number of missed deadlock messages. Using a smaller
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer
    granularity of deadlock messages.

    Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier produces a reasonable log
    while minimizing the impact on the system.

    The affected LockID is not displayed, because this is meaningless
    information after the lock deadlock has completed.

    Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation
    point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock
    timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show
    Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock
    timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary
    file replay.

9.4.9  –  Histogram


    Directs Oracle RMU to display the initial statistics screen in
    the numbers display mode or the graph display mode. The Histogram
    qualifier specifies the graph display mode. The Nohistogram
    qualifier specifies the numbers display mode.

    The Histogram qualifier is the default.

9.4.10  –  Hot Standby Log

    Specifies the name of the Hot Standby log file. The "Start hot
    standby logging" option of the Tools menu (enter !) can be used
    to specify the name of the Hot Standby log file at runtime.

9.4.11  –  Input


    Specifies the prerecorded binary file from which you can read the
    statistics. This file must have been created by an earlier RMU
    Show Statistics session that specified the Output qualifier.

    You cannot specify a database file name with the Input qualifier.
    Also, you must not use the Until, Output, or Nointeractive
    qualifiers with the Input qualifier. However, you can use the
    Time qualifier to change the rate of the display. This will not
    change the computed times as recorded in the original session.
    For example, you can record a session at Time=60. This session
    will gather statistics once per minute.

    You can replay statistics gathered in a file by using the Input
    and Time qualifiers. To replay a file:

    o  Use the Output qualifier to create a file of database

    o  Use the Input and Time qualifiers to view the statistics
       again at a rate that you determine. For example, the command
       file and change the display once per second, thus replaying 10
       hours of statistics in 10 minutes.

    If you do not specify the Input qualifier, you must specify the
    root-file-spec parameter.

9.4.12  –  Interactive


    Displays the statistics dynamically to your terminal. The
    Interactive qualifier is the default when you execute the
    RMU Show Statistics command from a terminal. You can use the
    Nointeractive qualifier with the Output qualifier to generate a
    binary statistics file without generating a terminal display. The
    Nointeractive qualifier is the default when you execute the RMU
    Show Statistics command from a batch job.

    In an interactive session, you can use either the menu interface
    or the predefined control characters to select display options
    (see the Performance Monitor online help for further information
    about the predefined control characters).

    Select menu options by using the up (^ ) and down (v ) arrow keys
    followed by pressing the Return or Enter key. Cancel the menu by
    pressing Ctrl/Z.

9.4.13  –  Lock Timeout Log


    Records the last lock timeout message for the processes. There
    is no method to record each lock timeout as it occurs. The lock
    timeout messages are written in human-readable format.

    The header region of the lock timeout log contains three lines:

    o  Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created
       the log file.

    o  Line 2 identifies the database.

    o  Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created.

    The main body of the stall log contains three columns:

    o  The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that
       experienced the lock timeout.

    o  The second column contains the time the timeout occurred;
       however, the date is not displayed.

    o  The third column contains the timeout message describing the
       affected resource. This message is similar to the originating
       stall message.

    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR)

    If any lock timeouts are missed for a particular process (usually
    because the recording interval is too large), the number of
    missed lock timeouts is displayed in brackets after the message.
    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed]

    Only one message is logged for each lock timeout.

    The lock timeout messages are written at the specified screen
    refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or
    online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger
    refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in a
    large number of missed lock timeout messages. Using a smaller
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer
    granularity of lock timeout messages.

    Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier appears to produce a
    reasonable log while minimizing the impact on the system.

    The affected LockID is not displayed because this is meaningless
    information after the lock timeout has completed.

    Note that you do not need to be displaying the Lock Timeout
    History or Lock Deadlock History screens to record the stall
    messages to the stall log. These logs are maintained regardless
    of which screen, if any, is displayed.

    Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation
    point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock
    timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show
    Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock
    timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary
    file replay.

9.4.14  –  Log


    Logs the creation of a binary statistics file to your output
    file. This binary statistics file is created only if you have
    used the Output qualifier. If you use the Nolog qualifier, no
    operations will be logged to your output file.

    The default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. See
    HELP SET VERIFY in DCL HELP for more information on changing the
    DCL verify switch.

    If you use the Interactive qualifier, the Log qualifier is

9.4.15  –  Logical Area


    Specifies that you want the RMU Show Statistics command to
    acquire the needed amounts of virtual memory to display logical
    area statistics information. The Logical_Area qualifier is the

    By default, the RMU Show Statistics command consumes
    approximately 13,000 bytes of virtual memory per logical area.
    (The number of logical areas is determined by the largest logical
    area identifier - not by the actual number of areas.) This can
    result in the RMU Show Statistics command consuming large amounts
    of virtual memory, even if you do not want to review logical area
    statistics information.

    Use the NoLogical_Area qualifier to indicate that you do not want
    to display logical area statistics information. When you specify
    the NoLogical_Area qualifier, the virtual memory for logical area
    statistics information presentation is not acquired.

    When you specify the NoLogical_Area qualifier, do not also
    specify the Nolog qualifier, as this causes logical area
    statistics information to still be collected.

    The "Logical Area" statistics are not written to the binary
    output file. Conversely, the "Logical Area" statistics screens
    are not available during binary input file replay.

    There is no corresponding configuration variable. This qualifier
    cannot be modified at run time. See the RMU Show Statistic DBA
    Handbook (available in MetaLink if you have a service contract)
    for more information about interpreting logical area screens.

9.4.16  –  Notify






    Notifies the specified system operator or operators when a
    stall process exceeds the specified alarm interval by issuing
    a broadcast message and ringing a bell at the terminal receiving
    the message.

    The valid operator classes are: CENTRAL, CLUSTER, DISKS, OPCOM,
    SECURITY, and OPER1 through OPER12.

    The various forms of the Notify qualifier have the following

    o  If you specify the Notify qualifier without the operator-
       classes parameter, the CENTRAL and CLUSTER operators are
       notified by default.

    o  If you specify the Nonotify or Notify=Noall qualifiers,
       operator notification is disabled.

    o  If you specify the Notify=All qualifier, all operator classes
       are enabled.

    o  If you specify the Notify=operator-classes qualifier, the
       specified classes are enabled. (If you specify more than one
       operator class, enclose the list in parentheses and separate
       each class name with a comma.)

       For example, issuing the RMU Show Statistics command with the
       Notify=(OPER1, OPER2) qualifier sends a notification message
       to system operator classes OPER1 and OPER2 if the Alarm
       threshold is exceeded while monitoring the Stall Messages

    o  When the Notify=OPCOM qualifier is specified with the RMU
       Show Statistics command along with the Alarm and Cluster
       qualifiers, Oracle RMU generates an OPCOM message and delivers
       it to the OPCOM class associated with the Notify qualifier.
       This message alerts the operator to the fact that the process
       has stalled for more than n seconds, where n is the value
       assigned to the Alarm qualifier. The process that has stalled
       may be on any node that is included in the node name list
       assigned to the Cluster qualifier.

    The specified system operator(s) are notified only when the alarm
    threshold is first exceeded. For instance, if three processes
    exceed the alarm threshold, the specified operator(s) are
    notified only once. If another process subsequently exceeds the
    alarm threshold while the other processes are still displayed,
    the specified system operator(s) are not notified.

    However, if the longest-duration stall is resolved and a new
    process then becomes the newest stall to exceed the alarm
    threshold, then the specified system operator(s) will be notified
    of the new process.

    To receive operator notification messages, the following three
    OpenVMS DCL commands must be issued:



    3. $ REPLY /ENABLE=(operator-classes)

    The operator-classes specified in the REPLY /ENABLE command must
    match those specified in the Notify qualifier to the RMU Show
    Statistics command.

    The operator notification message will appear similar to the
    following sample message:

    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.27  %%%%%%%%%%%
                         (from node MYNODE at 19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.30)
    Message from user SMITH on MYNODE
    Rdb Database USER2:[SMITH.WORK.AIJ]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    Process 2082005F:1 exceeded 5 second stall: waiting for record 51:60:2  (EX)

    The system operator notification message contains four lines.
    Line 1 contains the OPCOM broadcast header message. Line 2
    identifies the process running the RMU Show Statistics command
    that sent the message. Line 3 identifies the database being
    monitored. Line 4 identifies the process that triggered the
    alarm, including the alarm interval and the stall message.

    To establish an alarm interval for the Stall Messages screen, use
    the Alarm=Interval qualifier.

    If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, bell notification is
    disabled, but the broadcast message remains enabled.

9.4.17  –  Opcom Log


    Specifies the name of the file where OPCOM messages broadcast by
    attached database processes will be sent.

    When recording OPCOM messages, it is possible to occasionally
    miss a few messages for a specific process. When this occurs, the
    message "n missed" will be displayed in the log file.

    You can record specific operator classes of OPCOM messages if
    you specify the Option=Verbose qualifier. The Option=Verbose
    qualifier records only those messages that can be received by the
    process executing the RMU Show Statistics utility. For example,
    if the process is enabled to receive operator class Central, then
    if you specify Opcom_Log=opcom.log the Option=Verbose qualifier
    records all Central operator messages. Conversely, specifying
    only the Opcom_Log=opcom.log qualifier records all database-
    specific OPCOM messages generated from this node. Because the
    output is captured directly from OpenVMS, the operator-specific
    log file output format is different from the database-specific
    contents. The following example shows the operator-specific log
    file contents for the Cluster and Central operator classes:

     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor OPCOM Log
     OPCOM Log created 11-JUN-1999 10:52:07.53
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:23.85)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Server terminated
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:25.49)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server started
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:26.06)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server failed
    11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.09)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_
    PERSONNEL.RDB;1    AIJ Log Server started
    11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.13)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_

9.4.18  –  Options

    The following keywords may be used with the Options qualifier:

    o  [No]All

       Indicates whether or not all collectible statistics (all
       statistics for all areas) are to be collected. The All option
       indicates that all statistics information is to be collected;
       the Noall keyword indicates that only the base statistics
       information is to be collected. You must also specify the
       Output qualifier. Note: Logical Area information is not
       written to the binary output file.

    o  [No]Area

       Indicates whether or not the by-area statistics information
       is to be collected in addition to the base statistics
       information. When you specify the Area or Noarea option, the
       Base statistics are implicitly selected. You must also specify
       the Output qualifier.

       When the Area option is specified, statistics for all existing
       storage areas are written to the binary output file; you
       cannot selectively choose specific storage areas for which
       statistic information is to be collected.

       The size of the by-area statistics output largely depends on
       the total number of storage areas in the database, including
       reserved storage areas. If the database contains a large
       number of storage areas, it may not be advisable to use the
       Options=Area qualifier.

       Before you replay a binary output file that contains by-
       area statistics, specify the following command to format the
       display correctly:


       You can then replay the statistics as follows:

       $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/INPUT=main.stats

    o  Base (default)

       Indicates that only the base set of statistics is to be
       collected; this is the default Options option. The base set of
       statistics is identical to the one collected prior to Oracle
       Rdb V6.1. You must also specify the Output qualifier. You
       cannot specify Nobase.

    o  Compress

       Compresses the statistics records written to the output
       file specified by the Output qualifier. While replaying the
       statistics, the RMU Show Statistics command determines if a
       record was written using compression or not. If the record was
       written using compression it is automatically decompressed.

       If compression is used, the resultant binary file can be
       read only by the RMU Show Statistics command. The format and
       contents of a compressed file are not documented or accessible
       to other applications.

    o  Confirm

       Indicates that you wish to confirm before exiting from the
       utility. You can also specify the Confirm option in the
       configuration file using the CONFIRM_EXIT variable. A value
       of TRUE indicates that you want to confirm before exiting the
       utility and a value of FALSE (the default) indicates you do
       not want to confirm before exiting the utility.

    o  Log_Stall_Alarm

       If Log_Stall_Alarm is present when using the Stall_Log
       qualifier to write stall messages to a log file and the
       Alarm qualifier to set an alarm interval, only those stalls
       exceeding the Alarm specified duration are written to the
       stall log output file.

    o  Log_Stall_Lock

       If you use the Stall_Log qualifier to write stall messages to
       a log file, use the Nolog_Stall_Lock option to prevent lock
       information from being written to the log file. If you use or
       omit the Log_Stall_Lock option, lock information is written to
       the log file.

    o  [No]Row_Cache

       Indicates that all row cache related screens and features of
       the RMU Show Statistics facility are to be displayed. NoRow_
       Cache indicates that these features are disabled.

    o  Screen_Name

       Allows you to identify a screen capture by screen name. If you
       issue an RMU Show Statistics command with the Options=Screen_
       Name qualifier, the screen capture is written to a file that
       has the name of the screen with all spaces, brackets, and
       slashes replaced by underscores. The file has an extension of
       .SCR. For example, if you use the Option=Screen_Name qualifier
       and select the Write option on the Screen Transaction
       Duration (Read/Write), the screen is written to a file named

    o  Update

       Allows you to update fields in the Database Dashboard. See
       the Performance Monitor Help or the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
       Database Performance and Tuning for information about using
       and updating the Database Dashboard. You must have both the
       OpenVMS WORLD and BYPASS privileges to update fields in the
       Database Dashboard.

    o  Verbose

       Causes the stall message logging facility to report a stall
       message at each interval, even if the stall message has been
       previously reported.


          Use of the Options=Verbose qualifier can result in an
          enormous stall messages log file. Ensure that adequate
          disk space exists for the log file when you use this

       You can enable or disable the stall messages logging Verbose
       option at run time by using the Tools menu and pressing the
       exclamation point (!) key.

       You can also specify the Verbose option in the configuration
       file by using the STALL_LOG_VERBOSE variable. Valid keywords
       are ENABLED or DISABLED.

       Lock information is displayed only once per stall, even in
       verbose mode, to minimize the output file size.

9.4.19  –  Output


    Specifies a binary statistics file into which the statistics are
    written. Information in the Stall Messages screen is not recorded
    in this file, however. The information in the Stall Messages
    screen is highly dynamic and thus cannot be replayed using the
    Input qualifier.


       Statistics from the Stall Messages display are not collected
       in the binary output file.

    For information on the format of the binary output file (which
    changed in Oracle Rdb V6.1), see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Database Performance and Tuning.

9.4.20  –  Prompt Timeout


    Allows you to specify the user prompt timeout interval, in
    seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.

    If you specify the Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_
    Timeout=0, the RMU Show Statistics command does not time out any
    user prompts. Note that this can cause your database to hang.


       Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not use the
       Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_Timeout= 0
       qualifier unless you are certain that prompts will always
       be responded to in a timely manner.

    If the Prompt_Timeout qualifier is specified with a value greater
    than 0 but less than 10 seconds, the value 10 is used. The user
    prompt timeout interval can also be specified using the PROMPT_
    TIMEOUT configuration variable.

9.4.21  –  Reopen Interval


    After the specified interval, closes the current output file and
    opens a new output file without requiring you to exit from the
    Performance Monitor. The new output file has the same name as the
    previous output file, but the version number is incremented by 1.

    This qualifier allows you to view data written to the output file
    while the Performance Monitor is running.

    If there has been no database activity at the end of the
    specified interval, the current output file is not closed and
    a new output file is not created.

    Be careful not to use the DCL PURGE command inadvertently. Also
    note that use of the DCL SET FILE/VERSION_LIMIT command causes
    older versions of the output file to be deleted automatically.

    Use of the Reopen_Interval qualifier is only valid when you also
    specify the Output qualifier.

9.4.22  –  Reset

    Specifies that you want the Performance Monitor to reset your
    display to zero. The Reset qualifier has the same effect as
    selecting the reset option from the interactive screen (except
    when you specify the Reset qualifier, values are reset before
    being initially displayed).

    Note that this qualifier resets the values being displayed to
    your output device only, it does not reset the values in the
    database global section nor does it affect the data collected in
    an output file.

    The default behavior of the Performance Monitor is to display
    each change in values that has occurred since the database was
    opened. To display only the value changes that have occurred
    since the Performance Monitor was invoked, specify the Reset
    qualifier, or immediately select the on-screen reset option when
    statistics are first displayed.

    The Reset qualifier does not affect the values that are written
    to the binary output file (created when you specify the Output
    qualifier). Specify the Reset qualifier when you replay the
    output file if you want the replay to display only the change in
    values that occurred between the time the Performance Monitor was
    invoked (with the Output qualifier) and the monitoring session

9.4.23  –  Screen


    Specifies the first screen to be displayed. This is particularly
    useful when you are using the Performance Monitor to
    interactively monitor stalled processes. For example, the
    following command automatically warns the system operator of
    excessive stalls:


    The following list describes the syntax of the screen-name

    o  You can use any unique portion of the desired screen name for
       the screen-name argument. For example, the following has the
       same results as the preceding example:


    o  Except with regards to case, whatever unique portion of the
       screen you supply must be an exact match to the equivalent
       portion of the actual screen name.

       For example Screen="Stall" is equivalent to Screen="STALL";
       however Screen="Stalled" is not.

    o  If the specified screen-name does not match any known screen
       name, the display starts with the Summary IO Statistics screen
       (the default first screen). No error message is produced.

    o  If the screen name contains spaces, enclose the screen-name in

    o  You can not specify the "by-lock" or "by-area" screens.

    If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, the Screen qualifier
    is ignored.

9.4.24  –  Stall Log


    Specifies that stall messages are to be written to the specified
    file. This can be useful when you notice a great number of stall
    messages being generated, but do not have the resources on hand
    to immediately investigate and resolve the problem. The file
    generated by the Stall_Log qualifier can be reviewed later so
    that the problem can be traced and resolved.

    The stall messages are written to the file in a format similar to
    the Stall Messages screen. Stall messages are written to the file
    at the same rate as the screen refresh rate. (The refresh rate
    is set with the Time qualifier or from within the Performance
    Monitor with the Set_rate on-screen menu option.) Specifying a
    large refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results
    in a large number of missed stall messages. Specifying a small
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains more of the
    stall messages generated.

    You do not need to be displaying the Stall Messages screen to
    record the stall messages to the log file. The stall log is
    maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is displayed.

    By default, stall messages are not logged to a file.

9.4.25  –  Time


    Specifies the statistics collection interval in seconds. If
    you omit this qualifier, a sample collection is made every 3
    seconds. The integer has a normal range of 1 to 180 (1 second
    to 3 minutes). However, if you specify a negative number for the
    Time qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics command interprets the
    number as hundredths of a second. For example, Time=-20 specifies
    an interval of 20/100 or 1/5 of a second.

    If you are running the RMU Show Statistics command interactively,
    it updates the screen display at the specified interval.

    If you also use the Output qualifier, a binary statistics record
    is written to the output file at the specified interval. A
    statistics record is not written to this file if no database
    activity has occurred since the last record was written.

9.4.26  –  Until


    Specifies the time the statistics collection ends. When this
    point is reached, the RMU Show Statistics command terminates
    and control returns to the system command level. When the
    RMU Show Statistics command is executed in a batch job, the batch
    job terminates at the time specified.

    An example of using the Until qualifier follows:

    $ DEFINE LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT "!MAU !DB, !Y4 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2"
    $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS /UNTIL="JUNE 16, 1996 17:00:00.00" -

    This stops execution of the RMU Show Statistics command at 5 P.M.
    on June 16, 1996. You can omit the date if you wish to use the
    default of today's date.

    You can use either an absolute or delta value to specify the data
    and time.

    If you do not use the Until qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics
    command continues until you terminate it manually. In an
    interactive session, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/Z
    or by selecting Exit from the menu. When you are running the RMU
    Show Statistics command with the Nointeractive qualifier from a
    terminal, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y and
    then selecting Exit. When you are running the RMU Show Statistics
    command in a batch job, terminate the command by deleting the
    batch job.

9.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  Refer to the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and
       Tuning for complete information about the RMU Show Statistics
       command, including information about using formatted binary
       output files from the RMU Show Statistics command.

    o  To use the RMU Show Statistics command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$SHOW privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV, BYPASS, or WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Statistics command to display statistics
       about other users, you must have the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Statistics command to update fields in
       the Database Dashboard (specified with the Options=Update
       qualifier), you must have both the OpenVMS WORLD and BYPASS

    o  If a database recovery process is underway, you cannot
       exit the Performance Monitor using Ctrl/Z or "E" from the
       interactive display menu. You must use Ctrl/Y or wait for the
       recovery process to complete. Exiting from the Performance
       Monitor causes Oracle RMU to request several locks; however,
       these locks cannot be granted because the recovery process
       stalls all new lock requests until the recovery is complete.

    o  Since Oracle Rdb V4.1, a number of changes have been made to
       the data structures used for the RMU Show Statistics command.
       If you are having a problem with an application that accesses
       the RMU Show Statistics field structures, recompile your
       application with SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_STATISTICS.CDO (or
       RMU$SHOW_STATISTICSnn.CDO in a multiversion environment, where
       nn is the version of Oracle Rdb you are using).

    o  The Oracle Rdb RMU Show Statistics command displays process
       CPU times in excess of 1 day. Because the width of the CPU
       time display is limited, the following CPU time display
       formats are used:

       -  For CPU time values less than 1 day: "HH:MM:SS.CC"

       -  For CPU time values less than 100 days but more than 1 day:
          "DD HH:MM"

       -  For CPU time values more than 100 days: "DDD HH:MM"

    o  The following caveats apply to the Cluster Statistics
       Collection and Presentation feature:

       -  Up to 95 cluster nodes can be specified. However, use
          cluster statistics collection prudently, as the system
          overhead in collecting the remote statistics may be
          substantial depending on the amount of information being
          transmitted on the network.

       -  Cluster statistics are collected at the specified display
          refresh rate. Therefore, set the display refresh rate to
          a reasonable rate based on the number of cluster nodes
          being collected. The default refresh rate of 3 seconds is
          reasonable for most remote collection loads.

       -  If you specify the Cluster qualifier, the list of cluster
          nodes applies to any database accessed during the Show
          Statistics session. When you access additional databases
          using the Switch Database option, the same cluster nodes
          are automatically accessed. However, any nodes that you
          added manually using the Cluster Statistics menu are
          not automatically added to the new database's remote

          In other words, manually adding and deleting cluster nodes
          affects only the current database and does not apply to
          any other database that you may have accessed during the
          session. For example, when you run the Show Statistics
          utility on node ALPHA3 with manually added node BONZAI,
          subsequently switching to BONZAI as the current node will
          not display cluster statistics from node ALPHA3 unless you
          manually add that node. Furthermore, switching back to node
          ALPHA3 as the current node loses the previous collection of
          node BONZAI because it was manually added.

       -  Both DECnet and TCP/IP network protocols are supported.
          By default, the DECnet protocol is used. To explicitly
          specify which network protocol to use, define the RDM$BIND_
          STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT to DECNET or TCPIP respectively. The
          RDM$BIND_STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT logical name must be defined
          to the same definition on both the local and cluster nodes.
          The RDM$BIND_STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT logical name can be
          specified in LNM$FILE_DEV on the local node but must be
          specified in the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE on all remote nodes.


             There is no command qualifier to specify the network

       -  The Output qualifier continues to work as usual, but when
          in cluster mode writes the cluster statistics information
          to the binary output file.

       -  The Cluster qualifier cannot be specified with the Input
          qualifier. Furthermore, the online selection of cluster
          nodes is not available when you use the Input qualifier.

       -  While the collection and presentation feature is active,
          all on-screen menu options continue to operate as usual.
          This includes the time-plot, scatter-plot, screen pause,
          and various other options.

       -  There is no way to exclude the current node from statistics
          collection. Log in to another node if you want to do this.

       -  The cluster collection of per-process stall information
          automatically detects the binding or unbinding of processes
          to cluster databases. There is no need to manually refresh
          the database information on the current node.

       -  If the database is not currently open on the specified
          node, Oracle RMU still attempts to collect cluster
          statistics. However, you must open the remote database
          prior to regular process attaches.

       -  When you display any of the per-process screens that
          support cluster statistics collection, such as the Stall
          Messages screen, you can zoom in on any of the displayed
          processes to show which node that process is using.

       -  Using the Cluster Statistics submenu from the Tools menu,
          it is also possible to collect statistics from all open
          database nodes using the Collect From Open Database Nodes
          menu option. This option simplifies the DBA's job of
          remembering where the database is currently open. However,
          subsequently opened nodes are not automatically added to
          the collection; these must be manually added.

       -  The cluster statistics collection is an intracluster
          feature in that it works only on the same database, using
          the same device and directory specification used to run the
          initial RMU Show Statistics command (that is, on a shared
          disk). The cluster statistics collection does not work
          across clusters (intercluster).

       -  When you replay a binary output file, the screen header
          region accurately reflects the number of cluster nodes
          whose statistics are represented in the output file.

9.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example directs the results of the RMU Show
    Statistics command to an output file:


    Example 2

    The following example formats the binary results created in the
    previous example and produces a readable display:


    Example 3

    The following DCL script shows a complete example of how to
    create an excessive stall notification server using the operator
    notification facility. To execute this script, submit it to any
    queue on the node from which you want to run the script. Supply
    the parameters as follows:

    o  P1 is the database pathname.

    o  P2 is the completion time.

    o  P3 is the set of operators to be notified. You must enclose
       the list of operators in quotes.

    $ VERIFY = F$VERIFY(0)
    $ SET NOON
    $! Get the database name.
    $ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P1 "_database"
    $! Get the termination date/time.
    $ IF P2 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P2 "_until"
    $! Get the operator classes.
    $ IF P3 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P3 "_operators"
          /NOINTERACTIVE /UNTIL="''P2'" /ALARM=5 /NOTIFY='P3 -
    $ EXIT

    Example 4

    You can use the Lock_Timeout or Deadlock qualifiers to construct
    a Lock Event Logging server. The following OpenVMS DCL script
    shows how to create a server that logs both lock timeout and
    lock deadlock events on the MF_PERSONNEL database for the next 15


    Example 5

    The following example shows stall log information first with and
    then without the lock information:

    _$ DUA0:[DB]MFP.RDB
     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor Stall Log
     Stall Log created  4-SEP-2001 11:27:03.96
    11:27:03.96 0002B8A1:1 11:27:03.67 waiting for record 118:2:2 (PR)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 118:2:2"
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   0F019E52    EX Grant
       Waiting: 0002B8A1   RND_TST_24715   4500C313 PR    Wait
    11:27:03.96 0002B8A8:1 11:27:02.32 waiting for record 101:3:0 (EX)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 101:3:0"
       Blocker: 000220AD   RND_TST_24710   0B00176A    PR Grant
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   52018A3F    PR Grant
       Waiting: 0002B8A8   RND_TST_2474    3C00B5AF EX PR Cnvrt
    11:27:03.96 0002B89C:1 11:27:00.15 waiting for record 114:4:1 (PR)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 114:4:1"
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   180033CC    EX Grant
       Waiting: 0002B89C   RND_TST_2479    110066BA PR    Wait

     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor Stall Log
     Stall Log created  4-SEP-2001 11:28:34.68
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B8:1 11:28:33.69 waiting for logical area 146 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8A8:1 11:28:32.76 waiting for record 114:4:2 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B3:1 11:28:33.06 waiting for record 114:4:2 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B0:1 11:28:31.96 waiting for record 111:7:7 (EX)

10  –  System

    Displays a summary of which databases are in use on a particular
    node, the monitor log file specification, the number of monitor
    buffers available, and if after-image journal (AIJ) backup
    operations have been suspended.

    This command is the same as the RMU Show Users command, except
    that it has no root-file-spec parameter. You can use it to see
    systemwide user information only.

10.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show System command displays information about all active
    database users on a particular node.

10.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show System

     Command Qualifier                  x Default
     /Output[=file-name]                x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

10.3  –  Command Qualifiers

10.3.1  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify only a file name without an extension.

10.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show System command, you must have the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  When the database monitor is completely idle, identified in
       the output of the RMU Show Users command by the "no databases
       accessed on this node" message, the number of available
       monitor messages should be 1 less than the maximum. During
       periods of monitor activity, it is normal for the number
       of available monitor buffers to be less than the maximum,
       depending on how much work remains for the monitor to process.

10.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command lists the file specification for the
    monitor log file and databases currently in use.

    Oracle Rdb V7.0-64 on node NODEA 27-JUN-2002 16:23:43.92
      - monitor started 26-JUN-2002 06:33:07.33 (uptime 1 09:50:36)
      - monitor log filename is "$111$DUA366:[RDMMON_LOGS]RDMMON701_NODEA.LOG"

    database $111$DUA619:[JONES.DATABASES.V70]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
      - first opened 27-JUN-2002 16:23:42.11 (elapsed 0 00:00:01)
      * database is opened by an operator

        - first opened 26-JUN-2002 23:24:41.55 (elapsed 0 16:59:02)
        * database is opened by an operator
        * After-image backup operations temporarily suspended from this node
        - current after-image journal file is DISK$RDBTEST8:[RDB$TEST_SYSTEM.A70_RMU
        - AIJ Log Server is active
        - 1 active database user

11  –  Users

    Displays information about active database users, the monitor
    log file specification, the number of monitor buffers available,
    and if after-image journal (AIJ) backup operations have been
    suspended. It allows you to see the user activity of specified
    databases on a specific node, and identifies the various nodes in
    the VMScluster where the database is currently open and available
    for use. In addition, if you are using Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS
    Alpha, this command indicates whether or not system space global
    sections are enabled.

    If you are interested in information on users for a cluster, use
    the RMU Dump command with the Users qualifier.

11.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Users command displays information about all active
    database users or users of a particular database, the file
    specification for the monitor log file, the number of monitor
    buffers available, and if AIJ backup operations have been

    This command also displays global buffer information for the node
    on which the RMU Show Users command is issued and displays global
    buffer information for the specified database only if global
    buffers are enabled for that database.

11.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Users  [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifier                  x Default
     /Output[=file-name]                x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

11.3  –  Parameters

11.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    information. This parameter is optional. If you specify it, only
    users of that database are shown. Otherwise, all users of all
    active databases on your current node are shown.

11.4  –  Command Qualifiers

11.4.1  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify a file name.

11.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Users command for a specified database,
       you must have the RMU$SHOW, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) of the database, or
       the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Users command without specifying a
       database, you must have the RMU$SHOW, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN
       privilege in the root file ACL of the database or databases,
       and the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  When the database monitor is completely idle, identified in
       the output of the RMU Show Users command by the "no databases
       accessed on this node" message, the number of available
       monitor messages should be 1 less than the maximum. During
       periods of monitor activity, it is normal for the number
       of available monitor buffers to be less than the maximum,
       depending on how much work remains for the monitor to process.

11.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command lists current users information in the file


    Example 2

    The following example shows all active users:


    Oracle Rdb V7.0-64 on node NODEA 27-JUN-2002 16:25:49.64
        - monitor started 26-JUN-2002 06:33:07.33 (uptime 1 09:52:42)
        - monitor log filename is "$DISK1:[LOGS]MON701_NODEA.LOG;12"

    database DISK2:[TEST]M_TESTDB.RDB;3
        - first opened 26-JUN-2002 23:24:41.55 (elapsed 0 17:01:08)
        * database is opened by an operator
        * After-image backup operations temporarily suspended from this node
        - current after-image journal file is DISK3:[TEST1]TEST3.AIJ;2
       - AIJ Log Server is active
        - 1 active database user
        - database also open on these nodes:
        - 23225948:1 - RDM_4 - non-utility server, USER1 - active user
            - image DISK4:[SYS1.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]RDMALS701.EXE;567

12  –  Version

    Displays the currently executing Oracle Rdb software version
    number and the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the
    specified database.

12.1  –  Description

    This command is useful when you have multiple versions of Oracle
    Rdb running on your system and perhaps multiple databases. If
    the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb is not the version
    required to access the database, change the current version of
    Oracle Rdb to the required version. See Example 3 in the Examples
    help entry under this command.

12.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Version [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifier                 x Default
     /Output[=file-name]               x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

12.3  –  Parameters

12.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    A database root file specification. The default file extension
    is .rdb. If you do not specify a database root file, RMU Show
    Version displays only the version of Oracle Rdb under which
    Oracle RMU is currently running.

12.4  –  Command Qualifiers

12.4.1  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify a file name.

12.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need any special privileges to use the RMU Show
       Version command.

    o  When the RMU Show Version command executes, it sets the
       following two DCL local symbols:


          Set to the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb


          Set to the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the
          specified database

       If you want to set the DCL symbols, RMU$RDB_VERSION and
       RMU$DATABASE_VERSION, only and do not want the RMU Show
       Version output, specify the null device as the file name with
       the Output qualifier. For example:


         RMU$RDB_VERSION = "7.0"

         RMU$DATABASE_VERSION = "6.1"

12.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command displays the current version of Oracle Rdb

    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-64

    Example 2

    The following command displays the current version of Oracle Rdb
    software and the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the mf_
    personnel database:

    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-64
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 7.0

    Example 3

    The following example demonstrates how you might use the RMU Show
    Version command to determine how to access a database that is
    incompatible with the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb:

    $ ! The RMU Show Version command tells you that the currently
    $ ! executing version of Oracle Rdb is Version 7.0, but
    $ ! that mf_personnel requires Version 6.1.
    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-00
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 6.1
    $ ! If you ignore this information and attempt to attach to the
    $ ! database, you receive an error.
    $ SQL
    %SQL-F-ERRATTDEC, Error attaching to database MF_PERSONNEL
    -RDB-F-WRONG_ODS, the on-disk structure of database filename is
     not supported by version of facility being used
    -RDMS-F-ROOTMAJVER, database format 61.0 is not compatible
     with software version 70.0
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ ! Assign the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb to
    $ !
    $ rmu$prev_version := 'rmu$rdb_version'
    $ !
    $ ! Use the RDB$SETVER.COM command file to set the version of
    $ ! Oracle Rdb to the version required by mf_personnel.
    $ ! (For more information on the RDB$SETVER.COM command
    $ ! file, see the Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide.)
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Re-execute the RMU Show Version command to confirm that you have
    $ ! the version of Oracle Rdb set correctly.
    $ !
    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V6.1-00
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 6.1
    $ ! Invoke SQL and attach to the mf_personnel database.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    User tables in database with filename MF_PERSONNEL
         CURRENT_INFO                    A view.
         CURRENT_JOB                     A view.
         CURRENT_SALARY                  A view.
    $ !
    $ !Reset the executing version of Oracle Rdb to the original setting.
    $ !
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