Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  STOP
    Terminates execution of a command, an image, a command procedure,
    a command procedure that was interrupted by a Ctrl/Y function, or
    a detached process or subprocess.

    Requires GROUP privilege to stop other processes in the same
    group. Requires WORLD privilege to stop processes outside your


      STOP  [process-name]

    The STOP command performs entirely different functions when used
    with certain qualifiers as follows:

    STOP Qualifier(s)      Function

    /CPU                   Stops the specified secondary processor
                           or processors (and any associated vector
                           processors) in an OpenVMS multiprocessing

    /NETWORK               Stops the specified network service on the
                           local node.

    /QUEUE                 Causes the specified execution queue to

    /QUEUE/ABORT           Aborts a job that is printing or
                           processing on an output queue, deletes
                           it from the queue, and begins processing
                           the first pending job in the queue.

    /QUEUE/ENTRY           Aborts one or more jobs that are executing
                           on a batch queue or printing on an output
                           queue, deletes them from the queue, and
                           begins processing the first pending job in
                           the queue.

    /QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER Stops the queue manager throughout the
                           OpenVMS Cluster.

    /QUEUE/NEXT            Stops the specified queue after all
                           executing jobs have completed processing.

    /QUEUE/REQUEUE         Stops the current jobs on the specified
                           queue and requeues them for later

    /QUEUE/RESET           Abruptly stops the queue and returns
                           control to the system.

    /QUEUES/ON_NODE        Stops all queues on the specified node.

    /ZONE                  Removes a zone from the VAXft series

1  –  Parameter


    Requires that the process be in your group.

    Specifies the name of the process to be deleted. The process name
    can have from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters. If the process-
    name includes spaces or lowercase letters, enclose the name in
    quotation marks (" ")  to preserve the correct spelling.

    The specified process must have the same group number in its
    user identification code (UIC) as the current process; you cannot
    use the process-name parameter to stop a process outside of your
    group. To stop a process outside of your group, you must use the
    qualifier /IDENTIFICATION=pid.

    The process name is incompatible with the /IDENTIFICATION
    qualifier; if you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the
    process name is ignored. If you include neither the process-
    name parameter nor the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier with the
    STOP command, the image executing in the current process is

2  –  Qualifiers



    Specifies the system-assigned process identification (PID)
    code. When you create a process with the RUN command, the RUN
    command displays the PID code of the newly created process. The
    /IDENTIFICATION qualifier can be used in place of the process
    name parameter.

    You can omit any leading zeros in specifying the PID code.

2.2    /IMAGE

       /IMAGE [/IDENTIFICATION=pid] [process-name]

    Calls the $FORCEX system service to stop the image of the target
    process specified in the process id or process name that is
    currently executing. The target process is not deleted.

    If you omit the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier and the process name,
    the STOP/IMAGE command is identical to the STOP command.

2.3    /EXIT

       /EXIT[=access-mode] (default)

    Specifies an option to call exit handlers prior to deletion of
    the process.

    The following table describes the access mode options:

    Mode            Description

    EXECUTIVE_      Execute executive and more privileged mode exit
    MODE            handlers (default, if no access mode specified).
    KERNEL_MODE     Execute kernel mode exit handlers.
    SUPERVISOR_     Execute supervisor and more privileged mode exit
    MODE            handlers.
    USER_MODE       Execute user and more privileged mode exit

3  –  Examples

    1.$ RUN MYPROG

      $ STOP

      The RUN command in this example begins executing the image
      MYPROG. Subsequently, the Ctrl/Y function interrupts the
      execution. The STOP command then terminates the image.

    2.$ @TESTALL


      $ STOP

      The @ (execute procedure) command in this example executes
      the procedure TESTALL.COM. Subsequently, the Ctrl/Y function
      interrupts the procedure. The STOP command then returns control
      to the DCL command interpreter.

      %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 0013340D
      $ STOP LIBRA

      The RUN command in this example creates a subprocess named
      LIBRA to execute the image LIBRA.EXE. Subsequently, the STOP
      command causes the image to exit and deletes the process.


      In a command procedure, the ON command establishes a default
      action when any error occurs in the execution of a command or
      program. The STOP command stops all command levels. If this ON
      command is executed in a command procedure, which in turn is
      executed from within another procedure, control does not return
      to the outer procedure, but to DCL command level 0.

    5.$ STOP/EXIT

      Terminates the process and runs exit handlers beginning at
      executive mode.

    6.$ STOP/IMAGE/ID=12345678

      Terminates the current user image being executed by process

4    /CPU

    Stops the specified secondary processor or processors (and any
    associated vector processors). The /CPU qualifier is required.

    Applies only to OpenVMS multiprocessing systems. Requires CMKRNL
    (change mode to kernel) privilege.


      STOP/CPU  [cpu-id[,...]]

4.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a decimal value representing the identity of a
    processor in an OpenVMS multiprocessing system. On an Alpha 7000
    system, the CPU ID is the backplane slot number of the processor.
    If you do not specify a CPU ID, the STOP/CPU command selects a
    processor in the current active set to stop.

4.2  –  Qualifiers

4.2.1    /ALL

    Stops all eligible secondary processors in the system's active

4.2.2    /ASSIGN

       /ASSIGN=option (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Assigns specified processors to the hard partition node after
    they are stopped.

    Option          Description

    $$HARD_         The configuration tree hard partition node. All
    PARTITION       instances running in the hard partition defined
                    by this node have visibility and access to CPUs
                    owned at this level.

    Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.

4.2.3    /MIGRATE

       /MIGRATE (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Transfers ownership of the CPU from the current instance to
    another soft partition.

    Option          Description

    instance_name   The name of any valid running instance in the
                    current hard partition.

    partitionID     The numeric ID of any partition (reflected in
                    the configuration tree) in the current hard
                    partition. An operating system instance is not
                    required to be running with this identifier.

    Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.


    Directs the STOP/CPU command to bypass a series of OpenVMS
    scheduling checks that determine whether the specified processor
    is eligible for removal from the active set.

    Note that this is not an unconditional operation; other CPU load
    or configuration constraints may prevent the specified processor
    from being stopped.

4.2.5    /POWER

       /POWER=OFF (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Powers down the CPU after it is removed from the active set. The
    CPU will be powered down while still owned by the instance, prior
    to any assignments.

    The /POWER qualifier cannot be used in conjunction with the
    /MIGRATE qualifier.

    Supported only on AlphaServer GS series systems.

4.3  –  Examples

    1.$ STOP/CPU

      The STOP/CPU command in this example selects a processor and
      removes it from the multiprocessing system's active set.

    2.$ STOP/CPU 4,7

      The STOP/CPU command in this example selects the processors
      with CPU IDs 4 and 7 and removes them from the multiprocessing
      system's active set.


      The STOP/CPU/OVERRIDE_CHECKS command in this example overrides
      some OpenVMS scheduling states that ordinarily prevent the
      operation and stops the processor with the CPU ID of 8. Then
      it is removed from active participation in the multiprocessing

    4.$ STOP/CPU/ALL

      The STOP/CPU/ALL command in this example stops all eligible
      secondary processors in the active set and removes them from
      the multiprocessing system.


      The STOP/CPU/MIGRATE command in this example removes CPU 5 from
      the current instance's active set and transfers ownership to
      instance WFGLXE in the current hard partition.


      The STOP/CPU/MIGRATE command in this example removes CPU 6 from
      the current instance's active set and transfers ownership to
      the hard partition node in the configuration tree. The CPU is
      immediately available for assignment for any instance within
      the hard partition defined by that node.


    Stops the specified network service on the local node. The
    /NETWORK qualifier is required.


      STOP/NETWORK  network-service

5.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the network service that you want to halt.

5.2  –  Example


      The STOP/NETWORK command in this example stops the current
      network service.

6    /QUEUE

    The STOP/QUEUE command causes the specified execution queue to
    pause. All jobs currently executing in the queue are suspended
    (until the queue is restarted with the START/QUEUE command), and
    no new jobs are initiated. The /QUEUE qualifier is required.

    Requires manage (M) access to the queue.

    The STOP/QUEUE command performs different functions when used
    with certain qualifiers as follows:

    STOP Qualifier(s)      Function

    /QUEUE/ABORT           Aborts a job that is printing or
                           processing on an output queue, deletes
                           it from the queue, and begins processing
                           the first pending job in the queue.

    /QUEUE/ENTRY           Aborts one or more jobs that are executing
                           on a batch queue or printing on an output
                           queue, deletes them from the queue, and
                           begins processing the first pending job in
                           the queue.

    /QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER Stops the queue manager throughout the
                           OpenVMS Cluster.

    /QUEUE/NEXT            Stops the specified queue after all
                           executing jobs have completed processing.

    /QUEUE/REQUEUE         Stops the current jobs on the specified
                           queue and requeues them for later

    /QUEUE/RESET           Abruptly stops the queue and returns
                           control to the system.

    /QUEUES/ON_NODE        Stops all queues on the specified node.


      STOP/QUEUE  queue-name[:]

6.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue that you want to pause.

6.2  –  Examples


      The STOP/QUEUE command in this example suspends the current
      print job in the queue LPA0 and places that queue in the paused


      The STOP/QUEUE command in this example suspends the job that
      is currently printing on the printer queue JADE_PRINT and
      places that queue in the paused state. The START/QUEUE command
      releases the queue from the paused state. The /TOP_OF_FILE
      qualifier causes the job that was suspended to resume printing
      at the beginning of the file rather than at where it was

6.3    /ABORT

    Aborts a job that is printing or processing on an output queue,
    deletes it from the queue, and begins processing the first
    pending job in the queue. The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but
    the /ABORT qualifier is required.

    Requires delete (D) access to the current job.


      STOP/QUEUE/ABORT  queue-name[:]

6.3.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue containing the job you want to

6.3.2  –  Example


      This example aborts the current print job on the queue LPA0.
      The print symbiont begins to process the first pending job in
      the queue. Assuming there is no problem with the printer, the
      current page of the file completes printing. If the printer
      queue has been set up to put trailer pages at the end of jobs,
      a trailer page is printed after the current page is completed.

      For batch queues an entry number must be provided. To abort a
      batch job, use the STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command.

6.4    /ENTRY

    Aborts one or more jobs that are executing on a batch queue or
    printing on an output queue, deletes them from the queue, and
    begins processing the first pending job in the queue. The /QUEUE
    qualifier is optional, but the /ENTRY qualifier is required.

    Requires delete (D) access to the specified job.


      STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY=(entry-number[,...]) [queue-name[:]]

6.4.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the entry number (or a list of entry numbers) of jobs
    to be deleted. If you specify only one entry number, you can
    omit the parentheses. If you do not specify a queue name, you can
    delete entries from multiple queues.

    The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
    or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
    commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
    a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
    local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
    recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
    SHOW ENTRY or the SHOW QUEUE command.


    Specifies the name of the queue that contains the jobs that you
    want to abort. The queue name can refer either to the queue
    to which the job was submitted or to the queue where the job
    is executing. The queue-name parameter is optional syntax;
    however, when you specify a queue name, the OpenVMS system uses
    it to verify an entry in the specific queue before stopping and
    deleting the entry.

6.4.2  –  Example


      The STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command in this example aborts batch
      job number 365 currently executing on the SYS$BATCH queue and
      begins the first pending job in the queue.

6.5    /MANAGER

6.5.1    /CLUSTER

    Shuts down the queue manager on a standalone node or an OpenVMS
    Cluster. The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but the /MANAGER
    and /CLUSTER qualifiers are required on both standalone and
    clustered systems. By default, the command affects the default
    queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER. Specify the /NAME_OF_MANAGER
    qualifier to shut down a queue manager other than the default.

    Requires OPER (operator) and SYSNAM (system logical name)

    The STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command notifies the queue manager
    to perform the following on the standalone node or on all nodes
    in the cluster:

    o  Aborts all current jobs that cannot be restarted, and requeues
       all current restartable jobs.

    o  Stops all execution queues.

    o  Disables autostart on all nodes.

    o  Closes all queue database files.

    Once the STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command is entered, the queue
    manager process remains stopped, and requests to the queuing
    system are denied until the DCL command START/QUEUE/MANAGER is




    Specifies the name of the queue manager process to be stopped.
    If the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is omitted, the default queue
    manager name SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER is used. For more information,
    see the chapter about the queue manager in the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.  –  Example


      The STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command in this example stops
      the queue manager process, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER. The process
      remains stopped and requests to SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER will be
      denied until the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command is entered.

      This command stops the default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER
      because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is not specified.

6.6    /NEXT

    Stops the specified queue after all executing jobs have completed
    processing. No new jobs are initiated. For autostart queues, also
    marks the queue as inactive for autostart.

    The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but you must specify the /NEXT

    Requires manage (M) access to the queue.


      STOP/QUEUE/NEXT  queue-name[:]

6.6.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue that you want to stop.

6.6.2  –  Examples


      In this example, the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command prepares to stop
      the queue LASER_PRINT. The currently printing job is allowed
      to complete, but no new job is allowed to initiate. Once the
      current job has finished, the queue is stopped.

      If LASER_PRINT is an autostart queue, it will not be
      automatically started until you enter the START/QUEUE command.

      Batch queue BATCH_1, stopped, on JADE::

      This example shows how to delete the batch queue BATCH_
      1. First, the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command is entered, which
      stops the queue after jobs currently executing on the
      queue are completed. Second, the SHOW QUEUE/ALL command is
      entered to ensure that no jobs are pending in the queue. The
      screen display shows that no jobs are pending. Finally, the
      DELETE/QUEUE command is entered to delete the queue BATCH_1.

6.7    /REQUEUE

    Stops the current jobs on the specified queue and requeues them
    for later processing. The queue does not stop; processing of
    the first pending job in the queue begins. The /QUEUE qualifier
    is optional, but the /REQUEUE qualifier is required. The /ENTRY
    qualifier is required to requeue batch jobs.

    Requires delete (D) access to the current or specified job.


      STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name] queue-name[:]

      STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name] /ENTRY=(entry-number[,...])


6.7.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the name of the queue that contains the jobs that you
    want to stop. When you specify a queue name as a parameter for
    the /REQUEUE qualifier, the jobs are requeued to that queue;
    otherwise, the jobs are requeued in the current queue.


    Specifies the entry number (or a list of entry numbers) of the
    jobs you want to requeue. If you specify only one entry number,
    you can omit the parentheses.

    The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
    or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
    commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
    a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
    local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
    recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
    SHOW ENTRY or SHOW QUEUE command.

6.7.2  –  Qualifiers    /ENTRY


    Specifies the entry number of one or more jobs you want to
    abort. If you specify only one entry number, you can omit the

    The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
    or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
    commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
    a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
    local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
    recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
    SHOW ENTRY or the SHOW QUEUE command.

    You must use the /ENTRY qualifier when you enter the
    STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command for a batch queue. Entry numbers
    specified must match entry numbers of executing jobs.    /HOLD

    Places the aborted job or jobs in a hold state for later release


    Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter privilege) privilege to
    raise the priority value above the value of the system parameter

    Changes the priority of the requeued job or jobs. The parameter
    n can be from 0 to 255; the default value of the n parameter is
    the same as the priority value that the job or jobs had when they
    were stopped.

    Generally, the /PRIORITY qualifier is used to lower the priority
    of a job or jobs, which ensures that the job or jobs runs when
    the queue contains no other jobs. No privilege is needed to set
    the priority lower than the MAXQUEPRI value.    /REQUEUE


    Specifies a queue where current jobs are to be requeued. If you
    do not specify the queue-name parameter, the jobs are requeued in
    the current queue.

6.7.3  –  Examples


      In this example, the current print job on queue LPA0 is
      stopped and requeued to queue LPB0. If the print symbiont
      sent checkpoint information about the print job to the job
      controller, printing resumes on LPB0 at the last checkpoint


      In this example, the current print job on LPA0 is suspended
      and placed in the hold state. Later, when you enter the SET
      ENTRY command with the /RELEASE qualifier, the job is released
      from the hold state and is rescheduled to print on queue LPA0.
      If the print symbiont sent checkpoint information about the
      print job to the job controller, printing resumes at the last


      In this example, batch job number 758 is stopped and requeued
      for later processing on SYS$BATCH. If the batch job has been
      programmed with appropriate SET RESTART_VALUE commands, those
      portions of the job that have completed successfully are not

6.8    /RESET

    Abruptly stops the queue and returns control to the system.
    Any jobs that cannot be restarted are aborted immediately. For
    autostart queues, also marks the queue as inactive for autostart.

    The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but you must specify the /RESET

    Requires manage (M) access to the queue.


      STOP/QUEUE/RESET  queue-name[:]

6.8.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue you want to reset.

6.8.2  –  Examples


      THE INITIALIZE/QUEUE command in this example creates an
      autostart output queue named LPA0. The /START qualifier
      activates the queue for autostart, and the ENABLE
      AUTOSTART/QUEUES command causes the queue to begin executing.

      Suppose the printer LPA0:: runs out of paper. The
      STOP/QUEUE/RESET command abruptly stops the queue LPA0. The
      current print job stops immediately and is requeued. The
      STOP/QUEUE/RESET command also makes the queue inactive for
      autostart, so it will not be restarted while the printer's
      paper is being resupplied.

      After the printer is loaded with paper, the START/QUEUE command
      makes the queue active for autostart and allows the queue
      manager to automatically start it again.


      The STOP/QUEUE/RESET command in this example stops the batch
      queue TEXBATCH. Any current jobs that were submitted with the
      /RESTART qualifier are requeued for processing when the queue
      is restarted. Users might want to resubmit current jobs that
      were not originally submitted with the /RESTART qualifier.

6.9    /ON_NODE

    Stops all queues on the specified node. This command is useful if
    you want to stop a set of queues on a node with a single command
    (for example, before shutting down a node), but do not want to
    stop a queue manager throughout an OpenVMS Cluster.

    The /QUEUES qualifier is optional, but the /ON_NODE qualifier is

    Requires OPER (operator) privilege.



6.9.1  –  Description

    The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command notifies the queue manager to
    perform the following tasks:

    o  Abort all current jobs that cannot be restarted (in all of
       that queue manager's execution queues on the appropriate
       node), and requeue all current restartable jobs.

    o  Stop all of that queue manager's execution queues on the
       appropriate node. Force any of that queue manager's autostart
       queues on the node to fail over to the next available node
       in the queue's failover list (if any) on which autostart is

    o  Prevent any of that queue manager's autostart queues from
       failing over to the node.

    By default, this command affects the node from which it is
    entered. Specify a nodename with the /ON_NODE qualifier to stop
    queues on a different node.

    By default, the command affects autostart queues managed by the
    default queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER. Specify the /NAME_
    OF_MANAGER qualifier to disable autostart of a different queue
    manager's autostart queues (on the node).

    The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command affects all autostart and
    nonautostart execution queues on the appropriate node that are
    managed by the queue manager. Autostart queues stopped as a
    result of this command remain active for autostart and will
    be restarted when the ENABLE AUTOSTART command is entered for
    the affected node or a node to which the queue can fail over.
    Nonautostart queues stopped as a result of this command must each
    be started with a START/QUEUE command specifying the queue name.

    If you are using autostart queues, you might want to enter the
    DISABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command. For more information on the
    relationship between DISABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES and STOP/QUEUES/ON_
    NODE, see the section on stopping queues before shutting down
    a system in the chapter about queues in the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.

    The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command is included in the shutdown
    command procedure SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM. If you shut down a
    node without using SHUTDOWN.COM, you might want to enter the
    STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command first. For more information on
    stopping queues before shutting down a node, see the chapter
    about queues in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

6.9.2  –  Qualifier    /NAME_OF_MANAGER


    Specifies the name of the queue manager controlling the queues
    you want to stop.

    If the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is omitted, then the default
    queue manager name SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER is used. For more
    information on multiple queue managers, see the chapter about
    the queue manager in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

6.9.3  –  Examples


      The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command in this example stops all
      queues on the node from which it is entered. The autostart
      feature is disabled on this node for all autostart queues.

      However, the queue manager process continues to run and
      schedules jobs as requested for execution on its unstopped
      queues on other nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster.

      This command only affects queues managed by the default
      queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER
      qualifier is not specified.

      Batch queue BATCH_1, idle, on RUBY::

      The INITIALIZE/QUEUE command in this example creates the
      autostart queue BATCH_1 capable of running on node JADE,
      RUBY, or OPAL. The /START qualifier activates the queue for
      autostart. The first ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command enables
      autostart of all autostart queues on node JADE, causing the
      queue BATCH_1 to begin processing on that node. The second
      ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command enables autostart for all
      autostart queues on node RUBY.

      Later, suppose node JADE needs to be removed from the cluster.
      The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command in the example stops all queues
      on node JADE without stopping the clusterwide queue manager,
      and causes the autostart queue BATCH_1 to failover to node
      RUBY, the next available node in its failover list. Because
      the STOP QUEUES/ON_NODE command disables autostart, the ENABLE
      AUTOSTART/QUEUES command must be executed on node JADE when it
      reboots for autostart queues to run on that node in the future.

      This command only affects queues managed by the default
      queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER
      qualifier is not specified.

7    /ZONE

    Removes a zone from a running VAXft system. For more information
    on the STOP/ZONE command, see the VAXft systems documentation.

    Applies only to the VAXft system. Requires CMKRNL (change mode to
    kernel) privilege.


      STOP/ZONE  zone-id
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