Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  COBOL  DATA_DIVISION, rg_report-group-description-entry, 1format_01
  The Report Group Description entry specifies the characteristics of a
  report group and of the individual items within a report group.

  Format 1 -

   01 [ group-data-name ]

      [ LINE NUMBER IS { line-num [ ON NEXT PAGE ] } ]
      [                { PLUS line-num-plus        } ]

      [               { next-group-line-num           } ]
      [ NEXT GROUP IS { PLUS next-group-line-num-plus } ]
      [               { NEXT PAGE                     } ]

      [         { REPORT HEADING }                        } ]
      [         { RH             }                        } ]
      [         { PAGE HEADING }                          } ]
      [         { PH           }                          } ]
      [         { CONTROL HEADING } { control-head-name } } ]
      [         { CH              } { FINAL             } } ]
      [ TYPE IS { DETAIL }                                } ]
      [         { DE     }                                } ]
      [         { CONTROL FOOTING } { control-foot-name } } ]
      [         { CF              } { FINAL             } } ]
      [         { PAGE FOOTING }                          } ]
      [         { PF           }                          } ]
      [         { REPORT FOOTING }                        } ]
      [         { RF             }                        } ]

      [ [ USAGE IS ] DISPLAY ] .
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