Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  DTM  COMPARE  Command Qualifiers, /IGNORE

   The /IGNORE qualifier enables you to specify that various aspects
   of benchmark and result files are to be ignored during comparison.

   The following keywords apply to noninteractive and interactive
   terminal tests, only.

     Keyword          Result

     CASE             Ignores any differences between the case of
                      alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, .. . )

     FORM-FEEDS       Ignores form-feed characters

     LEADING_BLANKS   Ignores leading blanks and tabs

     SPACING          Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a single space

     TRAILING_BLANKS  Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

   For interactive terminal tests, if you specify the /IGNORE and
   /SCREENS qualifiers together, Digital Test Manager performs the
   comparison screen by screen and ignores the /IGNORE qualifier.

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. The output file (your
   result file) is not changed in any way by the /IGNORE qualifier.

   The following keyword applies to DECwindows tests only.

     Keyword    Result

     MASK       Ignores masked areas defined on DECwindows
                benchmark images
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