Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  DTM  COMPARE  Command Qualifiers, /MASK

   The /MASK qualifier selects one or more sets of mask patterns that
   will cause certain run-time data to be ignored during the comparison
   of screens for interactive terminal tests.  Such run-time data is
   ignored by substituting blank space for patterns in both the
   benchmark and result screens before they are compared.

   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Mask

     ALL           Specifies that all the masks in this table be used

     DATE          The date mask ignores comparison of date stamps

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   patterns to be ignored;  this list is not all

                     dd-mmm-yyyy     ( example: 17-OCT-1998 )
                     dd mmm yy       ( example: 17 OCT 98 )
                     yy.mmm.dd       ( example: 98.OCT.17 )
                     mm/dd/yy        ( example: 10/17/98 )
                     yyyy/mm/dd      ( example: 1998/10/17 )
                     month day, year ( example: October 17, 1998 )
                     month day, year ( example: Oct. 17, 1998 )
                     day.month.year  ( example: 17.October.1998 )
                     year-month-day  ( example: 98-October-17 )

     TIME          Ignores time stamps with the following forms:

                     hh:mm:ss.xxxx   ( example: 15:37:53.22 )
                     hh:mm:ss        ( example: 15:37:53 )
                     hh:mm           ( example: 15:37 )
                     hh:mm xm        ( example: 3:37 PM )
                     hhHmmm          ( example: 15H37m )
                     hhHmm'          ( example: 15H37' )
            h         ( example: 15.37 h )
                     hh h mm"ss s    ( example: 15 h 37"53 s )
                     hh h mm min     ( example: 15 h 37 min )
                     kl        ( example: kl 15.37 )
                     h         ( example: h 15.37 )

     VERSION       Ignores file versions on file names

     FILE_NAMES    Ignores file names of the form FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Ignores directory specification fields of
                   the form DISK:[DIRECTORY]

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.  Masking of is performed in
   the order of the keywords shown above.
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