Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  FORTRAN  /OPTIMIZE[=(opt[,...])] D=/OPTI=(LEV=4,INL=SPE,NOL,NOP,TUN=GEN,UNR=0)

  Controls how the compiler produces optimized code.

  The default is /OPTIMIZE, which is the same as /OPTIMIZE=(LEVEL=4,
  debugging session, use the negative form (/NOOPTIMIZE or
  /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=0) to ensure that the debugger has sufficient
  information to locate errors in the source program.

  In most cases, using /OPTIMIZE will make the program execute
  faster.  As a side effect of getting the fastest execution speeds,
  using /OPTIMIZE can produce larger object modules and longer
  compile times than /NOOPTIMIZE.

  To allow full interprocedural optimization when compiling multiple
  source modules, consider separating source file specifications with
  plus signs (+), so the files are concatenated and compiled as one
  program.  Full interprocedural optimization can reduce overall
  program execution time.  Consider not concatenating source files
  when the size of the source files is excessively large and the
  amount of memory or disk space is limited.

    Controls the inlining performed by the compiler.  The keyword can
    be any of the following:

        Keyword   Meaning
        -------   -------
        NONE      Suppresses all inlining of routines.

        MANUAL    This is the same as INLINE=NONE for VSI Fortran.

        SIZE      Inlines calls that the compiler feels will improve
                  run-time performance without significantly increasing
                  the size of the program.

        SPEED     Inlines calls that the compiler feels will improve
                  run-time performance, even where it may significantly
                  increase the size of the program.

        ALL       Inlines every procedure call that can be inlined
                  while still generating correct code.  Recursive
                  routines will not cause an infinite loop at
                  compile time.


    For all optimization levels other than 0, the inlining mode is
    the one specified on the command line.  If no inlining mode is
    explicitly specified, the compiler derives it from the
    optimization level, as follows:

        Level       Inlining Mode
        -----       -------------
        0           NONE
        1           NONE
        2           NONE
        3           NONE
        4           SPEED
        5           SPEED

    Controls the level of optimization performed by the compiler.
    The "n" is an integer in the range 0 through 5.  LEVEL=0 is the
    same as /NOOPTIMIZE; LEVEL=4 is the same as /OPTIMIZE.  The
    following explains the level numbers:

        Level Number  Meaning
        ------------  -------
        LEVEL=0       Disables nearly all optimizations.

        LEVEL=1       Enables local optimizations within the
                      source program unit and recognition of common

        LEVEL=2       Enables global optimizations and optimizations
                      performed with LEVEL=1.

        LEVEL=3       Enables additional global optimizations that
                      improve speed (at the cost of extra code size)
                      and optimizations performed with LEVEL=2.

        LEVEL=4       Enables interprocedural analysis, automatic
                      inlining of small procedures (with heuristics
                      limiting the amount of extra code), and
                      optimizations performed with LEVEL=3. LEVEL=4
                      is the default.

        LEVEL=5       Activates software pipelining, loop transformation
                      optimizations, and optimizations performed with
                      LEVEL=4.  Loop transformation optimizations apply
                      to array references within loops. Software pipe-
                      lining allows instructions within a loop to
                      "wrap around" and execute in a different itera-
                      tion of the loop.  In certain cases, loop trans-
                      formation and software pipelining can improve
                      run-time performance.

    For more information about these LEVEL numbers, see the HP Fortran
    for OpenVMS User Manual.

    Specifies a group of loop transformation optimizations that apply
    to array references within loops.  These optimizations can
    improve the performance of the memory system and usually apply to
    multiply nested loops.

    The loops chosen for loop transformation optimizations are always
    "counted" loops (which include DO or IF loops, but not DO WHILE

    Conditions that typically prevent the loop transformation
    optimizations from occurring include subprogram references that
    are not inlined (such as an external function call), complicated
    exit conditions, and uncounted loops.

    The types of optimizations associated with this option are:

      Loop blocking
      Loop distribution
      Loop fusion
      Loop interchange
      Loop scalar replacement
      Outer loop unrolling

    This type of optimization can be specified for /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=2
    or higher; it is performed by default if /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=5 is in

    Applies instruction scheduling to certain innermost loops,
    allowing instructions within a loop to "wrap around" and execute
    in a different iteration of the loop.  This can reduce the impact
    of long-latency operations, resulting in faster loop execution.
    /OPTIMIZE=PIPELINE also enables prefetching of data to reduce the
    impact of cache misses.

    This type of optimization can be specified for /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=2
    or higher; it is performed by default if /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=5 is in

  TUNE=keyword (Alpha only)
    Specifies the kind of optimized code to be generated.  The
    keyword can be any of the following:

        Keyword   Meaning
        -------   -------
        GENERIC   Generates and schedules code that will execute
                  well for all generations of Alpha processors.
                  This provides generally efficient code for those
                  cases where all processor generations are likely
                  to be used.

        HOST      Generates and schedules code optimized for the
                  processor generation in use on the system being
                  used for compilation.

        EV4       Generates and schedules code optimized for the
                  21064, 21064A, 21066, and 21068 implementations
                  of the Alpha chip.

                  Programs compiled with the EV4 option run without
                  instruction emulation overhead on all Alpha

        EV5       Generates and schedules code optimized for the
                  21164 implementation of the Alpha chip. This
                  processor generation is faster than EV4.

                  Programs compiled with the EV5 option run without
                  instruction emulation overhead on all Alpha

        EV56      Generates code for some 21164 chip implementations
                  that use the byte and word manipulation instruction
                  extensions of the Alpha architecture.

                  Programs compiled with the EV56 option may incur
                  emulation overhead on EV4 and EV5 processors, but
                  will still run correctly on OpenVMS Version 7.1 (or
                  later) systems.

        EV6       Generates and schedules code for the 21264 chip
                  implementation that uses the following extensions
                  to the base Alpha instruction set: BWX (Byte/Word
                  manipulation) and MAX (Multimedia) instructions,
                  square root and floating-point convert instructions,
                  and count instructions.

                  Programs compiled with the EV6 option may incur
                  emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, and PCA56
                  processors, but will still run correctly on OpenVMS
                  Version 7.1 (or later) systems.

        EV67      Generates and schedules code for the 21264 chip
                  implementation that uses the following extensions
                  to the base Alpha instruction set: BWX (Byte/Word
                  manipulation) and MAX (Multimedia) instructions,
                  square root and floating-point convert instructions,
                  and CIX (Count) instructions.

                  Programs compiled with the EV67 option may incur
                  emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, EV56, EV6 and PCA56
                  processors, but will still run correctly on OpenVMS
                  Version 7.1 (or later) systems.

        PCA56     Generates code for the 21164PC chip implementation
                  that uses the byte and word manipulation instruction
                  extensions and multimedia instruction extensions
                  of the Alpha architecture.

                  Running programs compiled with the PCA56 keyword
                  may incur emulation overhead on EV4, EV5, and
                  EV56 processors, but will still run correctly on
                  OpenVMS Version 7.1 (or later) systems.

    The default is /OPTIMIZE=TUNE=GENERIC.

    Controls loop unrolling done by the optimizer.  UNROLL=n means to
    unroll loop bodies n times, where "n" is an integer in the range
    0 through 16.  UNROLL=0 (the default) means the optimizer will
    use its default unroll amount.  For more information, see the
    HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.
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