Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  ORACLE_RDB72, System Tables, RDB$ROUTINES
    The RDB$ROUTINES system table describes each routine that is part
    of a stored module or a standalone external routine. An external
    routine can either be part of a module or standalone (outside the
    context of a module). The following table provides information on
    the columns of the RDB$ROUTINES system table.

    Column Name                 Type      Summary Description

    RDB$ROUTINE_NAME            char(31)  Name of the routine.
    RDB$GENERIC_ROUTINE_NAME    char(31)  Reserved for future use.
    RDB$MODULE_ID               integer   The identifier of the
                                          module that contains this
                                          routine. If routine is
                                          standalone, value is 0.
    RDB$ROUTINE_ID              integer   Unique identifier assigned
                                          to this routine.
    RDB$ROUTINE_VERSION         char(16)  Routine version and
                                          checksum. Allows runtime
                                          validation of the routine
                                          with respect to the
    RDB$PARAMETER_COUNT         integer   The number of parameters
                                          for this routine.
    RDB$MIN_PARAMETER_COUNT     integer   Minimum number of
                                          parameters for this
    RDB$ROUTINE_BLR             list      The BLR for this routine.
                                of byte   If the routine is external,
                                varying   this column is set to NULL.
    RDB$ROUTINE_SOURCE          list      Source of the routine as
                                of byte   provided by the definer.
    RDB$FLAGS                   integer   Flags.
                                          section lists the values
                                          for this column.
    RDB$DESCRIPTION             list      Description of the routine.
                                of byte
    RDB$ACCESS_CONTROL          list      The access control list
                                of byte   (ACL) to control access to
                                varying   the routine. This value can
                                          be NULL.
    RDB$SECURITY_CLASS          char(20)  Reserved for future use.
    RDB$EXTENSION_PARAMETERS    list      Stores interface
                                of byte   information about the
                                varying   routine. This includes
                                          parameter mappings, the
                                          shareable image name, and
                                          entry point name.
    RDB$TYPE_ID                 integer   Reserved for future use.
    RDB$ROUTINE_OWNER           char(31)  Owner of the routine. This
                                          column is only used when
                                          the routine is standalone
                                          (when RDB$MODULE_ID is
                                          0) otherwise the value is
    RDB$CREATED                 date vms  Set when the routine is
                                          created (the same as the
                                          parent module's creation
    RDB$LAST_ALTERED            date vms  Set when the routine is
                                          modified by the ALTER,
                                          RENAME, GRANT, and REVOKE
    RDB$ROUTINE_CREATOR         char(31)  Creator of this routine.
                                          Differentiates between
                                          AUTHORIZATION and OWNER.
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