LSE$CLIHELP.HLB  —  Features  Windows
  A window is a section of your screen that displays the contents of  a

  LSE allows you to create two text windows, each mapped to a different
  buffer.   By  splitting the screen into two windows, you can view any
  two buffers simultaneously.

  The status line is highlighted and  provides  information  about  the
  associated buffer.  The status line tells you the name of the buffer,
  whether you are in insert or overstrike mode, whether the  buffer  is
  in  a forward or reverse direction, and whether the buffer is a write
  or read-only buffer.

  The message area is located at  the  bottom  and  displays  broadcast
  messages and messages issued by LSE and SCA.

  The prompt area overlays the top line of the message window with  the
  LSE>  or  LSE Command> prompts, which prompt for commands or required
  parameters for commands.  LSE commands can be used to manipulate  the
  screen and its format.

  The following describes a common use of  some  of  the  commands  and
  default  key  bindings  used to manipulate screens.  If, for example,
  you are editing a file called MODULES.AS, you can issue the following
  commands  to move a procedure from the MODULE2.AS file to the current

  1.  Press the CHANGE WINDOW_MODE key (PF1-=).

      This command will  split  the  screen  into  two  windows.   Both
      windows  will  contain  the  current  buffer.  The cursor will be
      placed in the bottom window.

  2.  Issue the command:  GOTO FILE MODULE2.PAS.

      This command will put the contents of the file, MODULE2.AS,  into
      the  bottom  window.  Now that the two files are displayed on the
      screen, you can locate both the procedure you want to select  and
      the  location  in  the  current file where you want the procedure

  3.  Move to the  desired  procedure  and  press  the  SELECT  (Keypad
      Period)  key.   Use the arrow keys to select the entire procedure
      and press the CUT (Keypad 6) key to capture the procedure.

  4.  Press the PREVIOUS WINDOW key (PF1-(UPARROW)) to place the cursor
      in file MODULE1.PAS.

  5.  Press the PASTE key (PF1-KP6) at the location where the procedure
      should be placed.

  6.  Press the CHANGE WINDOW_MODE key (PF1-=) to return the screen  to
      one window containing the current buffer.

  The commands for manipulating buffers, along  with  the  default  key
  bindings, are listed under subtopic "Screen_Commands".

1  –  Screen Commands

  LSE provides the following commands for manipulating screens:

           toggles the number of windows (between one and two) displayed.

           deletes the current window.

           moves to the specified buffer.

       GOTO FILE
           moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file.

           moves the cursor by the number of lines in the current window.

           selects the alternate window.

           selects the alternate window.

           rewrites the display screen.

           defines the display screen characteristics.

           scrolls a window to the left or to the right.
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