Analyzer Command

    Displays raw performance or coverage data. Also displays other
    information stored in the performance data file.


      LIST  data-kind [,data-kind...]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies a kind of performance or coverage data. All records in
    the performance data file that contain the specified kind of data
    are listed. The valid data-kind parameters follow:

    Keyword            Description

    ALL                Lists all data records
    BEGIN_END          Lists collection run begin and end records
    COUNTERS           Lists execution counter records
    COVERAGE           Lists test coverage records
    CPU_SAMPLING       Lists CPU sampling records
    EVENTS             List event marker records
    IO_SERVICES        Lists I/O system service call records
    PAGE_FAULTS        Lists page fault records
    PC_SAMPLING        Lists program counter sampling records
    RUN_DESCRIPTION    Lists collection run description records
    SERVICES           Lists system service call records
    SHAREABLE_IMAGES   Lists all shareable image name and address
                       range records
    TASKING            Lists tasking records
    TASK_SWITCH        Lists task switch records
    UNALIGNED          Lists unaligned records
    VCOUNTERS          Lists vector instruction counter records
    VCPU_SAMPLING      Lists CPU sampling records for code containing
                       vector instructions
    VPC_SAMPLING       Lists program counter sampling records for
                       code containing vector instructions

2  –  Description

    The LIST command displays information stored in the performance
    data file. If you specify data-kind parameters, it displays all
    corresponding performance or coverage data records from the
    file. Thus, you can inspect the raw performance or coverage
    data gathered by the Collector. If you specify the appropriate
    qualifiers, the LIST command displays other information stored in
    the performance data file (see qualifier list). You must always
    request at least one kind of information from the LIST command.

    The output of the LIST command is often extensive. You can stop
    the LIST output by entering CTRL/C.

    The LIST output can be sent to the printer with the PRINT command
    or written to a file with the FILE command. If you write the
    LIST output to a file, you can use it as input to your own data
    reduction programs.

3  –  Qualifiers


    Lists the names of all modules for which codepath data was


    Lists the contents of the coverage-set table.

3.3    /CPT

    Lists the contents of the codepath table.

3.4    /DMT

    Lists the contents of the DMT.

3.5    /DST

    Lists the contents of the DST.


    Lists all event marker names recorded in the data file.

3.7    /FILE_NAMES

    Lists the names of all files opened or created by the user

3.8    /GST

    Lists the contents of the GST.

3.9    /HEADER

    Lists the performance data file header.


    Lists all performance data records in hexadecimal form in
    addition to the normal text form.

3.11    /IMAGE

    Lists information about the user program's executable image file.

3.12    /LOST_DATA


    Controls the output of lost data indications and the displaying
    of lost data records.

    The default qualifier is /LOST_DATA=ALL.

    Keyword    Description

    ALL        Outputs any lost data indications and displays any lost
               data records.
    NONE       Does not output any lost data indications or display
               any lost data records.
    PCA        Outputs lost data indications and displays lost data
               records which were caused by PCA.
    USER       Outputs lost data indications and displays lost data
               records which were caused by the user.

3.13    /NOLOST_DATA


    Does not output any lost data indications or display any lost
    data records.

    This is the default LIST qualifier.


    Lists the names of all the modules in the image for which the
    data was collected.



    Outputs sequence numbers when listing performance data records.



    Does not output sequence numbers when listing performance data

    This is the default LIST qualifier.


    Lists the names of all shareable images used by the user program
    or by the Collector.

3.18    /START_TIME


    Outputs CPU start and end times when listing system service



    Output only the CPU end time when listing system service records.

    This is the default LIST qualifier.

3.20    /TASK_NAME

    Lists the task name section.

3.21    /TASK_TYPE

    Lists the task type section.

4  –  Examples


      This command lists all performance or coverage data records in
      the data file.


      This command lists only I/O services and page fault data
      records from the data file.


      This command lists the header of the performance data file.


      This command lists the execution counter records for vector
      instructions in the data file.
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