RDOHELP72.HLB  —  IMPORT  Format  db-wide-options-2  CARRY_OVER_LOCKS
    The carry-over locks option is a database-wide parameter
    that allows you to disable carry-over lock optimization. This
    optimization is enabled by default. Although this is an advantage
    in more environments, it can result in false lock conflicts in
    some applications.

    The carry-over locks optimization holds area and record locks
    across transactions and depends on NOWAIT transactions asking for
    and acquiring the NOWAIT lock. This can result in long delays if
    concurrent users are executing long verbs. You should consider
    disabling the carry-over locks optimization if transactions
    experience noticeable delays in acquiring the NOWAIT lock (as
    seen in the output of the RMU/SHOW STATISTICS command). Note that
    if you do disable the carry-over locks option, there may be some
    performance degradation because transactions will acquire and
    release area and top level ALG locks for every transaction.
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