RDOHELP72.HLB  —  IMPORT  Format  db-wide-options-2  LOCK_TIMEOUT
    Specifies the number of seconds for processes to wait during a
    lock conflict before timing out. The number of seconds can be
    between one and 65,000.

    Sets the default database lock timeout interval. This is the
    database wide timeout interval. It is used as the default as well
    as the upper limit in determining the timeout interval to use.
    For example, if LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL IS 25 SECONDS is specified
    with the CHANGE DATABASE or DEFINE DATABASE statement, and a
    user specifies 30 seconds with the SQL SET TRANSACTION WAIT 30
    statement or sets the logical name RDM$BIND_LOCK_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL
    to 30, RDO would still use the interval of 25 specified with the
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