RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Fields

1  –  Summary IO Statistics screen

1.1  –  transactions_field

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

1.2  –  verb_successes_field

    This field gives the number of completed verbs that returned a
    successful status code.

1.3  –  verb_failures_field

    This field gives the number of completed verbs that returned
    an error status code. Errors include end-of-collection and
    deadlocks, as well as all other exception conditions.

1.4  –  synch_data_reads_field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database storage area for single-file and multifile
    databases and snapshot files. This operation reads database pages
    synchronously from the database.

1.5  –  synch_data_writes_field

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database storage area for single-file and multifile
    databases and snapshot files. This operation writes modified
    database pages synchronously back to the database.

1.6  –  asynch_data_reads_field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database storage area for single-file and multifile
    databases and snapshot files. This operation reads database pages
    asynchronously from the database.

1.7  –  asynch_data_writes_field

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database storage area for single-file and multifile
    databases and snapshot files. This operation writes modified
    database pages asynchronously back to the database.

1.8  –  RUJ file reads field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files. This
    operation reads before-image records from the .ruj file to roll
    back a verb or a transaction.

1.9  –  RUJ file writes field

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files. This
    operation writes before-image records to the .ruj file in case
    a verb or transaction must be rolled back. Before-images must be
    written to the RUJ file before the corresponding database page
    can be written back to the database.

1.10  –  AIJ file reads field

    The number of read-I/Os issued to the database .aij file. If
    after-image journaling is not enabled for the database, this
    statistic will be zero.

1.11  –  AIJ file writes field

    This field gives the total number of write-I/Os (queued I/O
    requests) issued to the database after-image journal (.aij) file.
    If after-image journaling is not enabled for the database, this
    statistic will be zero. This operation writes after-image records
    to the .aij file to facilitate rollforward recovery using the RMU
    Recover command.

1.12  –  ACE file reads field

    This field gives the total number of read I/Os issued to the ACE

1.13  –  ACE file writes field

    This field gives the total number of write I/Os issued to the ACE

1.14  –  root_file_reads_field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database root (.rdb) file. Oracle Rdb reads the
    .rdb file when a new user attaches to the database and when an
    .rdb file control block needs to be updated because of database
    activity on another VMScluster node.

1.15  –  root_file_writes_field

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database root (.rdb) file. Oracle Rdb writes to
    the .rdb file when a user issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.
    Other events also cause updates to the .rdb file.

2  –  Summary Locking Statistics screen

2.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

2.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

2.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

2.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

2.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    Each deadlock reported in the "rqst deadlocks" field is also
    reported in the "rqsts stalled" field. This is because each
    deadlocked request is also a stalled request.

2.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

2.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

2.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

2.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

2.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

2.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

2.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

2.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is composed of two different
    types of blocking ASTs: those generated externally and those
    generated internally.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that the
    same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking AST
    were to be received from the operating system. This algorithm
    serves as an optimistic code optimization; the process, assuming
    it would eventually receive a blocking AST for the particular
    lock, executes the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor
    does not differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

2.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

2.15  –  invalid_lock_block_field

    This field gives the number of invalid lock value blocks
    encountered during a lock request or lock promote operation.

2.16  –  ignored_lock_mode_field

    This field indicates the number of lock release operations that
    could not be performed due to the lock release being requested
    from AST context. The lock is instead demoted to NL mode, and can
    be released later.

    Note that there is no storage area specific statistic for ignored
    lock mode statistics.

3  –  Summary Object Statistics screen

3.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    shared retrieval access.

3.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object was
    actually updated.

3.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

3.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

3.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

3.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

4  –  Summary Cache Statistics screen

4.1  –  latch_requests_field

    This field displays the total number of latch requests that
    have occurred. A latch is requested whenever an internal data
    structure needs to be atomically modified, and indicates a
    potential stall point. The duration of the latch is essentially

4.2  –  __retried_field

    This field indicates the latch could not be immediately acquired
    and the latch had to be requested again. This field provides
    an indication of the contention on the row cache. Ideally, this
    field should be as close to zero as possible.

4.3  –  cache_searches_field

    This field displays the total number of times the row cache was
    searched for a particular row (DBKEY). Values within this field
    are subdivided into the following fields:

       found in workset
       found in cache
       found too big

4.4  –  __found_in_workset_field

    This field indicates the particular row was found in the process'
    working set and no additional work was required to fetch the row.
    This is the ideal situation.

4.5  –  __found_in_cache_field

    This field indicates the particular row was not found in the
    process' working set, but was found in the global row cache. When
    this occurs, it is possible that the process will have to make
    room in the working set by removing an existing row to the global

4.6  –  __found_too_big_field

    This field indicates the particular row was found in the global
    cache, but the row is now too large to fit into the specified
    cache buffer. At one time, the row fit into the cache, but it
    no longer does. Therefore, the cache effectiveness is reduced
    because a cache entry is reserved for the row but no row caching
    is possible.

4.7  –  insert_cache_field

    This field indicates the total number of times new rows have
    been inserted into the row cache. Values within this field are
    subdivided into the following fields:

       row too big
       cache full

4.8  –  __row_too_big_field

    This field indicates the row was initially too large to fit into
    the specified row cache buffer.

4.9  –  __cache_full_field

    This field indicates that all row cache entries were modified
    and could not be flushed to disk in order to make space for the
    new row. This is an indication that the row cache checkpointing
    intervals specified for the database may be too large.

4.10  –  __collision_field

    This field displays the total number of row cache hash table
    collisions that occurred when inserting new rows. This field
    provides an indication of the effectiveness of the cache size.

4.11  –  VLM requests field

    This field displays the number of VLM requests made.

4.12  –  __window_turns_field

    This field displays the number of VLM requests made for which the
    VLM address range was not immediately available.

4.13  –  skipped_dirty_slot_field

    This field displays the total number of cache entries that could
    not be replaced because the slot contained modified data rows.
    This field provides an indication of the relative amount of work
    required to find space in order to insert a new row into the

4.14  –  skipped_inuse_slot_field

    This field displays the total number of cache entries that
    could not be replaced because the slot was referenced by other
    processes. This field provides an indication of the relative
    amount of work required to find space in order to insert a new
    row into the cache.

4.15  –  hash_misses_field

    This field displays the total number of times the row cache hash
    table overflowed.

4.16  –  cache_unmark_field

    This field displays the total number of times a row in the cache
    was flushed to disk, thus making it eligible to be replaced.
    However, this field does not indicate whether or not the row was
    emptied from the cache.

5  –  Summary Cache Unmark Statistics screen

5.1  –  latch_granted_field

    This field displays the number of times the row lock (latch) was

5.2  –  latch_stalled_field

    This field displays the number of times the row lock stalled
    before being granted.

5.3  –  latch_deadlock_field

    This field displays the number of times the row lock stall
    resulted in a deadlock.

5.4  –  latch_demoted_field

    This field displays the number of times the row lock was

5.5  –  latch_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the row lock stall time (in hundredths of a

6  –  Summary Tx Statistics screen

6.1  –  transactions_field

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

6.2  –  __committed_field

    This field identifies the actual number of transactions that
    committed successfully to the database.

6.3  –  __rolled_back_field

    This field identifies the actual number of transactions that were
    aborted and were not applied to the database.

6.4  –  ____duration_x100_field_

    This field identifies the duration of the transaction rollback
    operation, expressed in hundredths of a second displayed as a
    whole number. For example, the value 500 is actually 5 seconds.

6.5  –  __prepared_field

    This field identifies the number of distributed transactions
    that have successfully "prepared" themselves for subsequent
    transaction commit.

6.6  –  __not_modified_field

    This field identifies the number of committed transactions that
    did not modify any database objects. This field includes both
    read-only and read/write transactions.

6.7  –  verb_successes_field

    This field gives the number of completed verbs that returned a
    successful status code.

6.8  –  verb_failures_field

    This field gives the number of completed verbs that returned
    an error status code. Errors include end-of-collection and
    deadlocks, as well as all other exception conditions.

6.9  –  __duration_x100_field

    This field identifies the duration of the verb failure rollback
    operation, expressed in hundredths of a second displayed as a
    whole number. For example, the value 500 is actually 5 seconds.

6.10  –  checkpoints_field

    This field identifies the number of checkpoints performed by
    users. This field does not include the initial checkpoint when
    the user first attaches to the database.

6.11  –  ___duration_x100_field

    This field displays the checkpoint duration, expressed in
    hundredths of a second displayed as a whole number. For example,
    the value 500 is actually 5 seconds.

6.12  –  RUJ file reads field

    This field displays the total number of read I/O operations
    performed on the RUJ journal during the transaction undo phase.
    The RUJ file is never written by the database recovery (DBR)

    This field includes both synchronous and asynchronous I/O read

6.13  –  ____file_writes_field_

    This field displays the total number of write I/O operations
    performed on the RUJ journal during the transaction phase.

    This field includes both synchronous and asynchronous I/O read

6.14  –  ____file_extend_field_

    This field identifies the number of times an RUJ file has been

7  –  Record Statistics screen

7.1  –  record_marked_field

    This field gives the number of records marked. A record is marked
    when it is modified or it is erased, but not when it is stored.
    This field does not include records modified in a temporary

7.2  –  record_fetched_field

    This field gives the number of records, including snapshot
    records. This field does not include records retrieved from a
    temporary table.

7.3  –  ____fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of record fragments that
    Oracle Rdb had to fetch. A record is fragmented if it is too
    large to fit on one page. A fragmented record requires more
    CPU time and more virtual memory, and often requires additional
    I/O operations because each record fragment must be fetched. If
    this value is high compared to the number of records fetched,
    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Analyze Areas
    command to further analyze the problem to see how many records
    are actually fragmented.

7.4  –  __record_stored_field

    This field gives the number of records stored in the database.
    This field does not include records stored in temporary tables.

7.5  –  _____fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of rows stored as fragmented
    records in the database. This number indicates that a page
    size is smaller than a record's uncompressed size (including
    overhead). You should use the RMU Analyze Areas command to
    further analyze the problem and then increase the page size for
    the storage area that has the problem.

7.6  –  __pages_checked_field

    This field indicates the number of pages checked in order to
    store a record. Ideally, very few candidate pages need to
    be checked when storing a record. However in certain cases,
    depending on record size, access method, locked space on a page,
    and SPAM thresholds, storing a record requires a number of page

7.7  –  saved IO field

    This field gives the number of pages checked that did not result
    in an I/O because the page was already in the buffer. It is
    essentially a "for free" pages checked.

7.8  –  ______discarded_field_

    This field identifies the number of pages checked but discarded
    because the actual free space on that page did not meet the
    physical requirements needed to store a new record.

7.9  –  record_erased_field

    This field gives the number of records erased from the database.
    This field does not include records erased from temporary

7.10  –  ___fragmented_field

    This subfield indicates the number of fragmented records erased
    from the database.

7.11  –  temp_record_marked_field

    This field gives the number of records marked in a temporary
    table. A record is marked when it is modified or it is erased,
    but not when it is stored.

7.12  –  temp_record_fetchd_field

    This field gives the number of records fetched from a temporary

7.13  –  temp_record_stored_field

    This field gives the number of records stored in a temporary

7.14  –  temp_record_erased_field

    This field gives the number of records erased from a temporary

8  –  Custom Statistics screen

8.1  –  database_binds_____field_

    This field displays the total number of database attaches on
    the current node. If a single process attaches to the database
    multiple times, this statistic is incremented by the actual
    number of attaches.

8.2  –  transactions_______field_

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

9  –  Snapshot Statistics screen

9.1  –  Total transactions field

    This field gives the total number of transactions that have been
    committed or rolled back, including read-only transactions.

9.2  –  R O transactions field

    This field gives the total number of read-only transactions that
    have been committed or rolled back.

9.3  –  retrieved_record_field

    This field gives the number of records retrieved by read-only

9.4  –  __fetched_line_field

    This field gives the number of lines fetched by read-only
    transactions. To retrieve a single record, a transaction might
    actually check a number of lines, some of which may be empty.

9.5  –  ____read_snap_page_field_

    This field gives the number of snapshot pages fetched by read-
    only transactions. If this count is high relative to the other
    read fields, read-only transactions are fetching records that
    are being updated frequently, and the snapshot file is being used

9.6  –  stored_snap_record_field

    This field gives the number of records stored in the snapshot
    file by update transactions. Every snapshot record stored by an
    update transaction implies that a snapshot page was found and
    utilized. In the best case, this is a single-page fetch. The
    "page in use," "page too full," page conflict," and "extended
    file" subfields indicate some of the extra overhead involved
    in finding suitable snapshot pages on which to store snapshot

9.7  –  ____page_in_use_field_

    This field gives the number of pages fetched that were unsuitable
    for storing snapshot records because the page was owned by
    another transaction. A new snapshot page cannot be used again
    until the TSN that denotes the age of the page is less than the
    oldest active TSN in the database. This ensures that read-only
    transactions always find the correct version of a record.

9.8  –  ____page_too_full_field_

    This field gives the number of pages fetched that were unsuitable
    for storing snapshot records because there was not enough room on
    the snapshot page to include another version of a record. In this
    case, a new snapshot page must be fetched and linked with the
    full page. This allows read-only transactions to follow a chain
    of snapshot pages to find the correct version of a record.

9.9  –  ____page_conflict_field_

    This field gives the number of times a snapshot page fetch
    was requested but aborted due to a lock conflict with another
    process. When a page fetch conflicts with another process,
    another target page is fetched and checked so the lock conflict
    does not cost a disk I/O operation.

9.10  –  ____extended_file_field_

    This field gives the number of times the snapshot file has been
    extended. The snapshot file is extended when an update operation
    cannot find a suitable page on which to store a snapshot record
    after checking a certain number of pages.

10  –  Stall Statistics Aggregate counts screen

10.1  –  miscellaneous______field_

    This field displays generic stalls, such as waiting for a
    bugcheck dump to complete.

10.2  –  records____________field__

    This field displays record-related stalls, such as waiting for
    record locks to be granted.

10.3  –  pages______________field__

    This field displays page-related stalls, such as waiting for
    storage area I/O to complete or page locks to be granted.

10.4  –  tables_____________field__

    This field displays table-related stalls, such as waiting for
    logical area locks to be granted.

10.5  –  storage_areas______field_

    This field displays stalls related to storage areas, such as
    waiting for storage areas to be created, deleted, truncated or

10.6  –  database_rootfile__field

    This field displays stalls related to the database rootfile, such
    as waiting for rootfile I/O to complete or object locks to be

10.7  –  recovery_journals__field

    This field displays journal-related stalls, such as opening,
    initializing or extending journals, as well as waiting for
    journal locks to be granted.

10.8  –  user_transactions__field

    This field displays transaction-related stalls, such as
    waiting for distributed transactions to commit, or waiting for
    checkpoints to complete.

10.9  –  hot_standby________field_

    This field displays stalls related to the Hot Standby feature.

10.10  –  database___________field__

    This field displays database-related stalls, such as waiting for
    the database freeze to complete.

11  –  Stall Statistics Aggregate durations screen

11.1  –  miscellaneous______field_

    This field displays generic stalls, such as waiting for a
    bugcheck dump to complete.

11.2  –  records____________field__

    This field displays record-related stalls, such as waiting for
    record locks to be granted.

11.3  –  pages______________field__

    This field displays page-related stalls, such as waiting for
    storage area I/O to complete or page locks to be granted.

11.4  –  tables_____________field__

    This field displays table-related stalls, such as waiting for
    logical area locks to be granted.

11.5  –  storage_areas______field_

    This field displays stalls related to storage areas, such as
    waiting for storage areas to be created, deleted, truncated or

11.6  –  database_rootfile__field

    This field displays stalls related to the database rootfile, such
    as waiting for rootfile I/O to complete or object locks to be

11.7  –  recovery_journals__field

    This field displays journal-related stalls, such as opening,
    initializing or extending journals, as well as waiting for
    journal locks to be granted.

11.8  –  user_transactions__field

    This field displays transaction-related stalls, such as
    waiting for distributed transactions to commit, or waiting for
    checkpoints to complete.

11.9  –  hot_standby________field_

    This field displays stalls related to the Hot Standby feature.

11.10  –  database___________field__

    This field displays database-related stalls, such as waiting for
    the database freeze to complete.

12  –  AIJ Statistics screen

12.1  –  AIJ file writes field

    This field gives the total number of write-I/Os (queued I/O
    requests) issued to the database after-image journal (.aij) file.
    The "data," "control," "file extend," and "switch over" counts
    further subdivide the statistic.

12.2  –  ____data_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os to the database after-
    image journal file that contained only data records.

12.3  –  ____control_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os to the database after-
    image journal file that contained OPEN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and
    checkpoint records. These writes may also include data records.

12.4  –  ____file_extend_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os issued to the database
    after-image journal file to initialize new disk blocks when the
    file is extended.

12.5  –  ____switch_over_field_

    This field gives the number of times AIJ switch-over has occurred
    (the number of times journaling has switched from one journal
    file to another).

12.6  –  tx__block_span_field

    This field displays the number of blocks each transaction spans
    in the AIJ journal.

12.7  –  records_written_field

    This field gives the number of logical after-image journal
    records written to the after-image journal file. Because many
    logical records can be buffered into a single write-I/O, this
    number is usually much larger than the number of .aij file

    No count is kept for the number of logical AIJ records read by
    the DBR process.

12.8  –  blocks_written_field

    This field gives the number of disk blocks written to the after-
    image journal file. Because many disk blocks may be written with
    a single write-I/O, this number may be larger than the number of
    .aij file writes. In addition, the same disk block can be written
    more than once, because it might not have been completely full
    the first time it was written.

12.9  –  ____filler_bytes_field_

    This field gives the number of filler bytes (bytes that contain
    nothing, that is, memory allocated but not used) needed to pad
    AIJ records to a disk block boundary. Filler bytes are necessary
    to ensure the readability of the after-image journal file in the
    event of a system failure during a write-I/O operation.

12.10  –  lock_rebuilds_field

    This field gives the number of times that the after-image journal
    lock value block had to be rebuilt. The AIJ lock value block
    contains the current end-of-file information about the after-
    image journal file. The lock value block can be lost when there
    is a VMScluster configuration change, or when a user process
    holding the lock terminates abnormally (with a Ctrl-Y/STOP, for

12.11  –  AIJ file reads field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os executed during lock
    rebuilds. To rebuild the lock value block, the after-image
    journal file is read backwards to find the last record in the

12.12  –  shuffle_averted_field

    This field displays the number of times the group commit buffer
    has had a shuffle operation averted. The shuffle operation can be
    averted for a number of reasons, including setting the RDM$BIND_
    AIJ_SHUFFLE_DISABLED logical name to the value "0".

12.13  –  suspended_switch_field

    This field displays the number of times the AIJ switchover
    operation enters the suspended state.

    A database enters the "AIJ suspended" state when the AIJ switch-
    over operation cannot complete because there are no available
    AIJ journals. During this state, the DBA can add new AIJ
    journals or perform database backups, but all other AIJ-related
    activities are temporarily suspended until an AIJ journal becomes

13  –  Group Commit Statistics screen

13.1  –  group_commits_field

    This field displays the number of group commit operations
    performed by the ALS process. Dividing the number of transactions
    by the number of groups gives the average group size (the inverse
    of the transaction average display.)

13.2  –  quick_flushes_field

    This field gives the number of times users requested their .aij
    records be flushed to the .aij file and those records had already
    been flushed by the cooperative actions of another user (group

13.3  –  ARB pool searches field

    This field gives the number of times the global after-image
    journal request block pool was searched. AIJ records are globally
    buffered using ARBs.

13.4  –  ____pre_allocation_field_

    This field gives the number of ARBs that are able to be pre-
    allocated, resulting in reduced transaction commit or rollback
    processing (increased throughput).

13.5  –  ____pool_empty_field_

    This field gives the number of times that the global after-image
    journal request block (ARB) pool was found to be empty. In this
    event, the active user must force a write operation to the after-
    image journal file to free an ARB.

13.6  –  cancel:_preemptive_field

    This field displays the number of times the background group-
    commit operation was canceled because there was no additional
    data to be formatted.

13.7  –  IO free format field

    This field displays the number of times the foreground group-
    commit operation was canceled because there was no additional
    data to be formatted.

13.8  –  submit:_watchdog_field

    This field displays the number of times the ALS process attempted
    to perform a group-commit operation in anticipation of new work
    but found none.

13.9  –  ___io_completion_field

    This field displays the number of times the group-commit
    formatting was completed because the pending asynchronous I/O
    operation for the previous group-commit operation completed.

13.10  –  ___cache_overflows_field

    This field displays the number of times the 64-block .aij cache
    has overflowed.

13.11  –  ___cache_satisfied_field

    This field displays the number of times the group-commit
    formatting was completed because the cache-size constraints have
    been reached.

13.12  –  ___control_record_field

    This field displays the number of times the group-commit
    formatting was completed because of encountering a control
    record for which a process was waiting (and there was no I/O
    in progress).

13.13  –  DBR recovery field

    This field displays the number of times the group-commit
    formatting was completed because the current process is DBR and
    the database is frozen.

14  –  ALS Statistics screen

14.1  –  AIJ file writes field

    This field gives the total number of write-I/Os (queued I/O
    requests) issued to the database after-image journal (.aij) file.
    The "data," "control," "file extend," and "switch over" counts
    further subdivide the statistic.

14.2  –  ____data_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os to the database after-
    image journal file that contained only data records.

14.3  –  ____control_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os to the database after-
    image journal file that contained OPEN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and
    checkpoint records. These writes may also include data records.

14.4  –  ____file_extend_field_

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os issued to the database
    after-image journal file to initialize new disk blocks when the
    file is extended.

14.5  –  ____switch_over_field_

    This field gives the number of times AIJ switch-over has occurred
    (the number of times journaling has switched from one journal
    file to another).

14.6  –  AIJ Write Time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    writing to the .aij file.

14.7  –  ALS Hiber Count field

    This field displays the number of times the AIJ Log Server
    process spent hibernating while waiting for more work.

14.8  –  AIJ Hiber Time field

    This field displays the amount of time (in hundredths of a
    second) that processes have spent hibernating while the AIJ log
    server processes their requests.

14.9  –  AIJ Extend Time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    extending the .aij file. An excessively high number often
    indicates a full disk or disk fragmentation, or may be an
    indication of the need for a larger allocation. Use the JOURNAL
    ALLOCATION IS clause of the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to
    specify a larger allocation.

14.10  –  Group Commits field

    This field displays the number of group commit operations
    performed by the ALS process. Dividing the number of transactions
    by the number of groups gives the average group size (the inverse
    of the transaction average display.)

14.11  –  ARBs formatted field

    This field displays the number of AIJ Request Blocks that were
    formatted by the ALS process.

14.12  –  ARBs background field

    This field displays the number of AIJ Request Blocks that were
    formatted while asynchronous I/O was being performed to the AIJ

14.13  –  premature_io_saved_field

    This field displays the number of I/Os saved by waiting for more

14.14  –  Cache Overflows field

    This field displays the number of times the 64-block .aij cache
    has overflowed.

15  –  2PC Statistics screen

15.1  –  total_tx_count_field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that have
    been committed or rolled back.

15.2  –  2PC tx count field

    This field displays the total number of distributed transactions
    that have been committed or rolled back.

15.3  –  total_tx_time_x100_field

    This field displays the total duration of all transactions,
    expressed in hundredths of a second.

15.4  –  __reg_tx_time_x100_field

    This field displays the total duration of all non-distributed
    transactions, expressed in hundredths of a second.

15.5  –  2PC tx time x100 field

    This field displays the total duration of all distributed
    transactions, expressed in hundredths of a second.

15.6  –  prepared_time_x100_field

    This field displays the total duration of the transaction
    resolution phase.

15.7  –  2PC tx resolved field

    This field displays the total number of distributed transactions
    resolved by the database recovery process (DBR). This field
    indicates the number of processes that failed while in the
    prepared state.

15.8  –  2PC committed field

    This field displays the total number of distributed transactions
    that were committed.

15.9  –  2PC aborted field

    This field displays the total number of distributed transactions
    that were rolled back.

16  –  RUJ Statistics screen

16.1  –  RUJ file writes field

    This field gives the number of write-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files. This
    operation writes before-image records to the .ruj file in case
    a verb or transaction must be rolled back. Before-images must be
    written to the RUJ file before the corresponding database page
    can be written back to the database.

16.2  –  ____data_field_

    This field displays the total number of synchronous write I/O
    operations containing modified database data.

16.3  –  ____control_field_

    This field displays the total number of synchronous write I/O
    operations containing control (header) information.

16.4  –  ____file_extend_field_

    This field displays the total number of times the recovery-unit
    journal files have been extended.

16.5  –  records_written_field

    This field displays the number of journal records written to the
    recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file.

16.6  –  RUJ file reads field

    This field gives the number of read-I/Os (queued I/O requests)
    issued to the database recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files. This
    operation reads before-image records from the .ruj file to roll
    back a verb or a transaction.

16.7  –  blocks_written_field

    This field gives the number of disk blocks written to the
    recovery-unit journal file. Because many disk blocks may be
    written with a single write-I/O, this number may be larger than
    the number of .ruj file writes. In addition, the same disk block
    can be written more than once, because it might not have been
    completely full the first time it was written.

16.8  –  _______read_field_

    This field displays the total number of 512-byte blocks that have
    been read from the .ruj files on this node.

16.9  –  cache_overflows_field

    This field displays the number of times the recovery-unit data
    cache has overflowed, causing a premature synchronous write I/O
    operation. Overflowing the data cache indicates update-intensive

16.10  –  DBKEY cache hits field

    This field gives the number of times the same DBKEY (row) was
    modified within the same transaction and found in the DBKEY

16.11  –  ______overflows_field_

    This field gives the number of times the DBKEY cache ran out of
    space and new space had to be allocated.

17  –  Fast Incr Backup Statistics screen

17.1  –  FIB update attempt field

    This field displays the number of times the fast incremental
    backup (FIB) operation was attempted. The attempt does not always
    result in the SPAM page being updated.

17.2  –  FIB map updated field

    This field displays the number of times the FIB map, a per-
    process data structure, was updated. This data structure
    indicates when each process no longer needs to update a
    particular SPAM page.

17.3  –  SPAM page updated field

    This field displays the number of times a SPAM page was
    immediately modified to indicate that one or more pages in the
    SPAM interval have been modified since the last incremental
    backup. Each SPAM page update results in one synchronous read
    I/O and one synchronous write I/O operation.

17.4  –  SPAM updt deferred field

    This field displays the number of times a SPAM page did not need
    to be immediately modified, but might have to be modified at a
    later time. In most cases, this statistic closely follows the FIB
    update attempt statistic.

18  –  Checkpoint Statistics screen

18.1  –  transactions_field

    The total number of transactions (both read/write and read-
    only transactions). This statistic represents all transactions
    (committed or rolled back) completed by all users of the
    database, including transactions that read from the database
    as well as transactions that modify the database.

18.2  –  checkpoints_field

    The total number of checkpoints. The total checkpoints
    category is further broken down into categories of reasons for
    checkpointing. The statistics for these categories are included
    in the "AIJ growth," "txn limit," "time limit," "rollback," "AIJ
    backup," and "global" subfields.

    Note that there may be more reasons for checkpoints than there
    are total checkpoints. For example, you might have a total count
    of 100 for checkpoints, but when you add the number of checkpoint
    reasons ("AIJ growth," "txn limit," "time limit," "rollback,"
    "AIJ backup," and "global"), the total could be greater than 100.
    This occurs because a single checkpoint may be triggered by more
    than one event. For example, a checkpoint may occur because of
    time and AIJ file growth. Although the total count columns for
    the "interval: seconds" and "interval: AIJ blks" fields are both
    incremented by one, the total count column for "checkpoints" is
    only incremented by one.

18.3  –  AIJ growth field

    The number of checkpoints for all processes due to the .aij file
    growth checkpoint limit.

18.4  –  ____txn_limit_field_

    The number of checkpoints for all processes due to the logical-
    defined transaction limit.

18.5  –  ____time_limit_field_

    The number of checkpoints for all processes due to the time
    interval checkpoint limit.

18.6  –  ____rollback_field_

    The number of checkpoints automatically triggered by rollback of
    transactions that updated the database.

18.7  –  AIJ backup field

    The number of system-generated checkpoints due to periodic
    backups to tape of the .aij file by the AIJ spooler.

18.8  –  ____global_field_

    The number of system-wide checkpoints, issued from an RMU
    Checkpoint, RMU Backup, or RMU Backup After_Journal command.

18.9  –  interval: AIJ blks field

    This field displays the sum of the intervals between checkpoints
    due to AIJ growth in block checkpoints for all processes. For
    example, if Process 1 checkpoints at virtual block number (VBN)
    100, then checkpoints again at VBN 250, the AIJ block interval
    category is incremented by 150. If Process 2 checkpoints at VBN
    125, then checkpoints again at VBN 200, the AIJ block interval
    is incremented by an additional 75. Statistics for the other two
    interval categories are displayed in the "interval: tx count" and
    "interval: seconds" fields.

    If CHECKPOINT INTERVAL IS 1000 BLOCKS is specified with the SQL
    ALTER DATABASE statement, each process checkpoints when the .aij
    file has grown 1000 blocks since the process' last checkpoint.

    Keep in mind that checkpointing influences recovery time. The
    main reason to consult checkpoint statistics is to find the
    average interval per checkpoint. You can use the information in
    the total count column to compute this average. For each category
    of checkpoint reason, use the average interval per checkpoint to
    help you decide if a checkpointing interval should be adjusted,
    and by how much.

    If most of the checkpoints for a database are triggered by a
    particular checkpoint limit, that limit may be set too high,
    or the other two limits may be set too low. You can determine
    the average interval per checkpoint for each type of checkpoint
    limit. After you have this information, you can reset the limits
    so that each type of checkpoint limit triggers approximately the
    same number of checkpoints, which results in optimal performance.

    To compute the average interval in AIJ blocks, divide the
    total count for the AIJ block interval by the total number of
    checkpoints minus the number caused by AIJ backups. Although
    checkpoints caused by AIJ backups are counted in the total
    number of checkpoints, they are not counted in the total of AIJ
    block intervals. If the total count of AIJ block intervals is
    70000, the total count of checkpoints is 100, and the number
    of checkpoints caused by AIJ backups is 1, then the average AIJ
    block interval is 707:

          70000/(100 - 1) = 707

    The help for the "interval: tx count" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for transaction checkpoints.

    The help for the "interval: seconds" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for time checkpoints.

18.10  –  interval:_tx_count_field

    This field displays the sum of the intervals between checkpoints
    due to the transactions count checkpoint for all processes. For
    example, if Process 1 checkpoints after 20 transactions, the
    transactions count category is incremented by 20. If Process
    2 checkpoints after 30 transactions, the transactions count
    category is incremented by an additional 30. Statistics for the
    other two interval categories are displayed in the "interval: AIJ
    blks" and "interval: seconds" fields.

    The transactions limit for checkpoints is determined by the
    setting of the RDM$BIND_CKPT_TRANS_INTERVAL logical name. If
    RDM$BIND_CKPT_TRANS_INTERVAL is defined as a system logical set
    to 10, each process will checkpoint after 10 transactions unless
    a user redefines the RDM$BIND_CKPT_TRANS_INTERVAL logical to a
    different value. That is, if a user defines RDM$BIND_CKPT_TRANS_
    INTERVAL as a process logical and sets a value of 5, that user
    will checkpoint after 5 transactions.

    Keep in mind that checkpointing influences recovery time. The
    main reason to consult checkpoint statistics is to find the
    average interval per checkpoint. You can use the information in
    the total count column to compute this average. For each category
    of checkpoint reason, use the average interval per checkpoint to
    help you decide if a checkpointing interval should be adjusted,
    and by how much.

    If most of the checkpoints for a database are triggered by a
    particular checkpoint limit, that limit may be set too high,
    or the other two limits may be set too low. You can determine
    the average interval per checkpoint for each type of checkpoint
    limit. After you have this information, you can reset the limits
    so that each type of checkpoint limit triggers approximately the
    same number of checkpoints, which results in optimal performance.

    To compute the average transactions interval, divide the
    total count for transaction intervals by the total number of
    checkpoints. If the total count for transaction intervals is
    800 and the total number of checkpoints is 100, then the average
    number of transactions between checkpoints is 8.

          800 / 100 = 8

    The help for the "interval: AIJ blks" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for .aij file growth checkpoints.

    The help for the "interval: seconds" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for time checkpoints.

18.11  –  interval:_seconds_field

    This field displays the sum of the intervals between time in
    seconds checkpoints for all processes. For example, if Process
    1 checkpoints after 500 seconds, the time in seconds category is
    incremented by 500. If Process 2 checkpoints after 600 seconds,
    the time in seconds category is incremented by an additional 600.
    Statistics for the other two interval categories are displayed in
    the "interval: AIJ blks" and "interval: tx count" fields.

    If CHECKPOINT TIMED EVERY 600 SECONDS is specified with the
    SQL ALTER DATABASE statement, each process checkpoints every
    10 minutes.

    Keep in mind that checkpointing influences recovery time. The
    main reason to consult checkpoint statistics is to find the
    average interval per checkpoint. You can use the information in
    the total count column to compute this average. For each category
    of checkpoint reason, use the average interval per checkpoint to
    help you decide if a checkpointing interval should be adjusted,
    and by how much.

    If most of the checkpoints for a database are triggered by a
    particular checkpoint limit, that limit may be set too high,
    or the other two limits may be set too low. You can determine
    the average interval per checkpoint for each type of checkpoint
    limit. After you have this information, you can reset the limits
    so that each type of checkpoint limit triggers approximately the
    same number of checkpoints, which results in optimal performance.

    To compute the average time interval, divide the total count for
    seconds interval by the total number of checkpoints. If the total
    count for the seconds field is 59,300 and the total number of
    checkpoints is 100, the average number of seconds between each
    time-triggered checkpoint is 593.

          59,300 / 100 = 593

    The help for the "interval: AIJ blks" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for .aij file growth checkpoints.

    The help for the "interval: tx count" field explains how to
    determine the average interval for transaction checkpoints.

18.12  –  checkpoint_stall_field

    This field displays the checkpoint duration in seconds.

18.13  –  flushed_buffers_field

    This field displays the number of buffers flushed to disk during
    a checkpoint operation.

19  –  Recovery Statistics screen

19.1  –  process_attaches_field

    This field displays the total number of database attaches on
    the current node. If a single process attaches to the database
    multiple times, this statistic is incremented by the actual
    number of attaches.

19.2  –  process_failures_field

    This field displays the total number of processes that abnormally
    terminated and required database recovery.

    In the case of some other node failure, this statistic might
    indicate process failure on the other node that was actually
    recovered on this node.

19.3  –  DB freeze len x100 field

    This field displays the total database freeze duration, expressed
    in hundredths of a second. During the database freeze, no
    database activity is permitted; the database is "frozen". The
    longer the duration, the more database performance bottlenecks
    may result.

19.4  –  Tx REDO count field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that needed
    to be "redone".

    Transaction redo occurs when fast commit transaction processing
    is enabled. The fast commit feature contains several parameters
    that can be modified to control the overall redo duration, but at
    the expense of runtime performance.

    Transaction redo requires reading the AIJ journal from the failed
    process' checkpoint location and re-applying all subsequent
    committed database modifications for that process. This usually
    involves re-applying many committed transactions.

    The number of transactions redone is not as important as the
    amount of work required per transaction. In other words, a single
    long transaction requires the same redo processing as many short

    Transactions that are densely packed into a minimum AIJ interval
    are more efficiently redone than a transaction whose data
    spans a long range of AIJ blocks. In other words, long-running
    transactions that do only occasional infrequent database updates
    may be redone more efficiently as several short transactions.
    This is an application issue. However, total application
    throughput also affects this redo performance.

    Transaction redo is normally the longest portion of the process
    recovery operation.

19.5  –  __redo_time_x100_field

    This field displays the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    required for transactions that needed to be "redone".

19.6  –  Tx UNDO count field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that needed
    to be "undone".

    Transaction undo requires reading the RUJ journal approximately
    twice, once forwards to determine the end of the current
    transaction, and then backwards from that location to the
    beginning of the RUJ file.

    Transaction undo is performed only on the transaction that was
    currently active, if any, at the time of process failure.

19.7  –  __undo_time_x100_field

    This field displays the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    required for transactions that needed to be "undone".

19.8  –  no_undo_needed_field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that did
    not need to be "undone". Occasionally, the failed process did
    not have any active transactions, thereby allowing the database
    recovery (DBR) process to avoid having to manually determine if a
    transaction needs being "undone".

19.9  –  Tx committed field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that were
    committed during the transaction undo phase. This normally
    occurs during the resolution phase of an in-progress distributed
    transaction. However, this event can also occur if an optimistic
    commit record was found in the AIJ journal that was not yet
    recorded in the process' recovery information.

19.10  –  Tx rolled back field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that were
    rolled back during the transaction undo phase. This is the normal
    result of transaction undo.

19.11  –  No resolve needed field

    This field displays the total number of transactions that did not
    need to be either committed or rolled back during the transaction
    undo phase. This normally occurs when fast commit transaction
    processing is enabled, where the RUJ file is examined to locate
    an active transaction, but none can be found.

19.12  –  AIJ recover x100 field

    This field displays the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    required to recover the in-progress AIJ flush operation, if any.
    This is normally a very fast operation.

19.13  –  GB recover x100 field

    This field displays the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    required to recover the global buffer information, if applicable.
    This is normally a very fast operation.

19.14  –  Cache recover x100 field

    This field displays the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    required to recover the row cache following RCS failure or node

    Depending on the number and sizes of the active row caches, this
    can be a lengthy operation.

19.15  –  RUJ file reads field

    This field displays the total number of read I/O operations
    performed on the RUJ journal during the transaction undo phase.
    The RUJ file is never written by the database recovery (DBR)

19.16  –  AIJ file reads field

    This field displays the total number of read I/O operations
    performed on the AIJ journal during both the transaction redo
    and undo phases. If, during the transaction undo phase, the in-
    progress transaction is rolled back, a rollback record will be
    written to the AIJ journal.

20  –  Hot Standby Statistics screen

20.1  –  AIJ network send field

    This field displays the number of network messages sent.

20.2  –  AIJ network recv field

    This field displays the number of network messages received.

20.3  –  Net msg processed field

    This field displays the number of network messages processed.
    This field is only updated on the standby database, and is
    intended to be used as a comparison against the "AIJ network
    recv" field.

20.4  –  ____data_field_

    This field displays the number of data messages sent to the
    standby database or received from the master database.

20.5  –  ____control_field_

    This field displays the number of control (non-data) messages
    sent to the standby database or received from the master

20.6  –  ____checkpoints_field_

    This field displays the number of checkpoint operations

20.7  –  Stall time x100 field

    This field displays the network I/O duration, in hundredths of

20.8  –  blocks_shipped_field

    This field displays the number of 512-byte blocks sent.

20.9  –  ______received_field_

    This field displays the number of 512-byte blocks received.

20.10  –  Stalled MSN found field

    This field displays the number of stalled messages identified.

20.11  –  Network Reconnect field

    This field displays the number of times the network connection
    was lost between the master and standby databases. This statistic
    only applies to the master database. It could also indicate that
    the network object server (router) died prematurely.

20.12  –  Free Network Xmit field

    This field displays the number of messages that have been sent
    for "free". That is, a group commit buffer that does not contain
    any transaction "commit" records can always be transmitted with a
    synchronization mode of "cold" since no replication of the buffer
    can be performed on the standby side. This is an indication of
    master database performance optimization.

21  –  Synchronization Mode Statistics screen

21.1  –  transactions_field

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

21.2  –  cold_sync_send_field

    This field displays the number of cold mode messages sent to the
    standby database.

21.3  –  warm_sync_send_field

    This field displays the number of warm mode messages sent to the
    standby database.

21.4  –  hot_sync_send_field

    This field displays the number of hot mode messages sent to the
    standby database.

21.5  –  commit_sync_send_field

    This field displays the number of commit mode messages sent to
    the standby database.

21.6  –  cold_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the cold message duration, in hundredths of

21.7  –  warm_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the warm message duration, in hundredths of

21.8  –  hot_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the hot message duration, in hundredths of

21.9  –  commit_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the commit message duration, in hundredths of

21.10  –  Startup Shutdown field

    This field displays the number of times the hot standby feature
    was started or shut down.

21.11  –  Unexpected Failure field

    This field displays the number of times the hot standby feature
    was shutdown abnormally.

22  –  Recovery Information screen

22.1  –  transactions_field

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

22.2  –  _commit_field

    This field displays the number of transactions that have been
    committed to the standby database.

22.3  –  _rollback_field

    This field displays the number of transactions that have been
    rolled back prior to being applied to the standby database.

22.4  –  _prepared_field

    This field displays the number of distributed transactions that
    have been successfully prepared in anticipation of eventually
    being committed to the standby database.

22.5  –  Area ready field

    This field displays the number of physical storage areas that
    have been "readied" during the recovery operation.

22.6  –  AIJ records field

    This field displays the number of AIJ records applied.

22.7  –  _erase_mixed_field

    This field displays the number of "erase record" operations
    performed on a mixed-format storage area.

22.8  –  _erase_uniform_field

    This field displays the number of "erase record" operations
    performed on a uniform-format storage area.

22.9  –  _modify_mixed_field

    This field displays the number of "modify record" operations
    performed on a mixed-format storage area.

22.10  –  _modify_uniform_field

    This field displays the number of "modify record" operations
    performed on a uniform-format storage area.

22.11  –  SPAM updated field

    This field displays the number of SPAM page modifications that
    occurred as a result of the AIJ journal record. SPAM pages are
    typically modified due to a live data page changing its threshold

22.12  –  Num failed updates field

    This field displays the number of failed updates that are
    currently pending REDO. In general, this field should always
    be zero. However, it may temporarily increase in value and
    subsequently return to zero.

22.13  –  TTl failed updated field

    This field displays the total number of failed updates. A failed
    update is a database modification that cannot be immediately
    applied due primarily to the order in which AIJ journal records
    are recorded.

23  –  PIO Statistics Data Fetches screen

23.1  –  fetch_for_read_field

    The number of synchronous data page requests to the PIO subsystem
    where only read privileges are being requested for the page. If
    Oracle Rdb reads any area inventory pages (AIPs) and area bit map
    (ABM) pages while fetching the data page, the requests for the
    AIPs and ABM pages are included in the total count field.

    The sum of the fetch for read and fetch for write fields equals
    the total number of synchronous data page requests to the PIO

23.2  –  fetch_for_write_field

    The number of data page requests to the PIO subsystem where
    update as well as read privileges are being requested for the
    page. If Oracle Rdb reads any AIPs and ABM pages while fetching
    the data page, the requests for the AIPs and ABM pages are
    included in the total count field.

    The sum of the fetch for read and fetch for write fields equals
    the total number of data page requests to the PIO subsystem.

23.3  –  in LB: all ok field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    local buffer pool and the user already held the needed locks on
    that page.

    This line and the next four lines categorize data page requests
    to the PIO subsystem in terms of what work the subsystem had to
    do to satisfy the request. The sum of this line and the next four
    lines should be equal to the sum of the first two lines.

    The three lines with the LB heading further categorize those data
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem where the requested page
    was found in the user's local buffer pool.

23.4  –  LB: need lock field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    local buffer pool but additional locking was required (that is,
    the user did not have the page locked in the needed mode).

23.5  –  LB: old version field

    The requested page was found in the user's local buffer pool but
    it was an obsolete version of the page (that is, the page has
    been changed by another user since it was read into this user's
    local buffer). Thus, the page must be read again from disk. In
    addition, locks will need to be obtained for this page.

23.6  –  not_found:_read_field

    Because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool, it
    was read in from disk. This required obtaining appropriate locks
    on the page.

    This line and the "not found: synth" line further categorize data
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem in which the requested
    page did not reside in the user's buffer pool.

23.7  –  _________:_synth_field_

    Because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool, it
    was synthesized into the pool without being read from disk. This
    required obtaining appropriate locks on the page.

    A requested page that is synthesized is either:

    o  "Read" from a WORM storage area

    o  "Read" from a uniform format area and the clump is unallocated

    In both cases, the page does not actually have to be read from
    disk because the page contents are known (that is, Oracle Rdb can
    determine what a formatted unused page looks like). Therefore,
    rather than actually reading the page from disk, Oracle Rdb
    synthesizes the page (produces a properly formatted unused page).
    Page and buffer locking must still occur to keep other users from
    accessing the same page.

23.8  –  in AS: all ok field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    allocate set and the user already held the needed locks on that

    This line and the next eight lines categorize data page requests
    to the PIO subsystem in terms of what work the subsystem had
    to do to satisfy the request. The sum of this line and the next
    eight lines should be equal to the sum of the first two lines.

    The four lines with the AS: heading further categorize those data
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem where the requested page
    was found in the user's allocate set.

23.9  –  AS: lock for GB field

    The page was found in the user's allocate set and the user held
    sufficient locks to satisfy the request. But because of global
    buffers, additional locking was needed to verify that the version
    was correct. The version was, in fact, correct, so the extra
    locking overhead was due solely to the fact that global buffers
    were being used.

23.10  –  AS: need lock field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    allocate set but additional locking was required (that is, the
    user did not have the page locked in the needed mode).

23.11  –  AS: old version field

    The requested page was found in the user's allocate set but it
    was an obsolete version of the page (that is, the page has been
    changed by another user since it was added to the requestor's
    allocate set). Thus, the page must be read again from disk. In
    addition, locks will need to be obtained for this page.

23.12  –  in GB: need lock field

    The correct version of the page was found in the global buffer
    pool. It was necessary to bring this page into the user's
    allocate set and to obtain a lock on the page.

    This line and the GB: old version line further categorize data
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem in which the requested
    page was not found in the user's allocate set but was found in
    the global buffer pool.

23.13  –  GB: old version field

    The page was found in the global buffer pool but it was the wrong
    version. Thus, a lock had to be obtained, the page had to be
    read in from disk to a global buffer, and that buffer had to be
    brought into the user's allocate set.

23.14  –  GB: transferred field

    The count of the number of data pages that were transferred from
    one process to another without being written to the disk. This
    field is active only when the "transfer via memory" feature is

24  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Fetches screen

24.1  –  fetch_for_read_field

    The number of SPAM page requests to the PIO subsystem where only
    read privileges are being requested for the page.

    The sum of the fetch for read and fetch for write fields equals
    the total number of SPAM page requests to the PIO subsystem.

24.2  –  fetch_for_write_field

    The number of SPAM page requests to the PIO subsystem where
    update as well as read privileges are being requested for the

    The sum of the fetch for read and fetch for write fields equals
    the total number of SPAM page requests to the PIO subsystem.

24.3  –  in LB: all ok field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    local buffer pool and the user already held the needed locks on
    that page.

    This line and the next four lines categorize SPAM page requests
    to the PIO subsystem in terms of what work the subsystem had to
    do to satisfy the request. The sum of this line and the next four
    lines should be equal to the sum of the first two lines.

    The three lines with the "LB:" heading further categorize those
    SPAM page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem where the requested
    page was found in the user's local buffer pool.

24.4  –  LB: need lock field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    local buffer pool but additional locking was required (that is,
    the user did not have the page locked in the needed mode).

24.5  –  LB: old version field

    The requested page was found in the user's local buffer pool but
    it was an obsolete version of the page (that is, the page has
    been changed by another user since it was read into this user's
    local buffer). Thus, the page must be read again from disk. In
    addition, locks will need to be obtained for this page.

24.6  –  not_found:_read_field

    Because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool, it
    was read in from disk. This required obtaining appropriate locks
    on the page.

    This line and the "not found: synth" line further categorize SPAM
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem in which the requested
    page did not reside in the user's buffer pool.

24.7  –  _________:_synth_field_

    Because the requested page was not found in the buffer pool, it
    was synthesized into the pool without being read from disk. This
    requires obtaining appropriate locks on the page.

    A requested page that is synthesized is either:

    o  "Read" from a WORM storage area

    o  "Read" from a uniform format area and the clump is unallocated

    In both of these cases, the page does not actually have to be
    read from disk because the page contents are known (that is,
    Oracle Rdb can determine what a formatted unused page looks
    like). Therefore, rather than actually reading the page from
    disk, Oracle Rdb synthesizes the page (produces a properly-
    formatted unused page). Page and buffer locking must still occur
    to keep other users from accessing the same page.

24.8  –  in AS: all ok field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    allocate set and the user already held the needed locks on that

    This line and the next eight lines categorize SPAM page requests
    to the PIO subsystem in terms of what work the subsystem had
    to do to satisfy the request. The sum of this line and the next
    eight lines should be equal to the sum of the first two lines.

    The four lines with the "AS:" heading further categorize those
    SPAM page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem where the requested
    page was found in the user's allocate set.

24.9  –  AS: lock for GB field

    The page was found in the user's allocate set and the user held
    sufficient locks to satisfy the request. But because of global
    buffers, additional locking was needed to verify that the version
    was correct. The version was, in fact, correct, so the extra
    locking overhead was due solely to the fact that global buffers
    were being used.

24.10  –  AS: need lock field

    The correct version of the requested page was found in the user's
    allocate set but additional locking was required (that is, the
    user did not have the page locked in the needed mode).

24.11  –  AS: old version field

    The requested page was found in the user's allocate set but it
    was an obsolete version of the page (that is, the page has been
    changed by another user since it was added to the requestor's
    allocate set). Thus, the page must be read again from disk. In
    addition, locks will need to be obtained for this page.

24.12  –  in GB: need lock field

    The correct version of the page was found in the global buffer
    pool. It was necessary to bring this page into the user's
    allocate set and to obtain a lock on the page.

    This line and the "GB: old version" line further categorize SPAM
    page fetch requests to the PIO subsystem in which the requested
    page was not found in the user's allocate set but was found in
    the global buffer pool.

24.13  –  GB: old version field

    The page was found in the global buffer pool but it was the wrong
    version. Thus, a lock had to be obtained, the page had to be
    read in from disk to a global buffer, and that buffer had to be
    brought into the user's allocate set.

24.14  –  GB: transferred field

    The count of the number of SPAM pages that were transferred from
    one process to another without being written to the disk. This
    field is active only when the "transfer via memory" feature is

25  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Prefetches screen

25.1  –  APF start: success field

    The number of times a APF-initiated buffer fetch attempt was
    successful in fetching the buffer. This is possible only if an EX
    lock can be obtained for the whole buffer. A successful APF fetch
    may actually issue an asynchronous read or simply ensure that a
    buffer that was already in the buffer pool now moves to the front
    of the LRU queue. In the latter case, the buffer then becomes
    least likely to be removed from the buffer pool.

25.2  –  _________:_failure_field_

    The number of times a APF-initiated buffer fetch attempt failed
    due to locking conflicts. If an EX lock cannot be obtained on the
    whole buffer, then the fetch attempt will fail.

25.3  –  APF I O: utilized field

    If a buffer is fetched by APF, it is marked APF_FETCHED. If the
    buffer is accessed again, then this statistic is incremented
    to indicate that prefetching the buffer by APF was worthwhile.
    The statistic is incremented only the first time the buffer is

25.4  –  _______:_wasted_field_

    If a APF-fetched buffer is removed from the buffer pool without
    being accessed, then this statistic is incremented to indicate
    that fetching the buffer was not worthwhile.

25.5  –  DAPF start:success field

    The number of times a DAPF-initiated buffer fetch attempt was
    successful in fetching the buffer. This is possible only if an
    EX lock can be obtained for the whole buffer. A successful DAPF
    fetch may actually issue an asynchronous read or simply ensure
    that a buffer that was already in the buffer pool now moves to
    the front of the LRU queue. In the latter case, the buffer then
    becomes least likely to be removed from the buffer pool.

25.6  –  __________:failure_field__

    The number of times a DAPF-initiated buffer fetch attempt failed
    due to locking conflicts. If an EX lock cannot be obtained on the
    whole buffer, then the fetch attempt will fail.

25.7  –  DAPF I O: utilized field

    If a buffer is fetched by DAPF, it is marked DAPF_FETCHED. If
    the buffer is accessed again, then this statistic is incremented
    to indicate that prefetching the buffer by DAPF was worthwhile.
    The statistic is incremented only the first time the buffer is

25.8  –  ________:_wasted_field_

    If a DAPF-fetched buffer is removed from the buffer pool without
    being accessed, then this statistic is incremented to indicate
    that fetching the buffer was not worthwhile.

26  –  PIO Statistics Data Prefetches screen

26.1  –  APF start:success field

    The number of times a APF-initiated buffer fetch attempt was
    successful in fetching the buffer. This is possible only if an EX
    lock can be obtained for the whole buffer. A successful APF fetch
    may actually issue an asynchronous read or simply ensure that a
    buffer that was already in the buffer pool now moves to the front
    of the LRU queue. In the latter case, the buffer then becomes
    least likely to be removed from the buffer pool.

26.2  –  _________:_failure_field_

    The number of times a APF-initiated buffer fetch attempt failed
    due to locking conflicts. If an EX lock cannot be obtained on the
    whole buffer, then the fetch attempt will fail.

26.3  –  APF I O: utilized field

    If a buffer is fetched by APF, it is marked APF_FETCHED. If the
    buffer is accessed again, then this statistic is incremented
    to indicate that prefetching the buffer by APF was worthwhile.
    The statistic is incremented only the first time the buffer is

26.4  –  _______:_wasted_field_

    If a APF-fetched buffer is removed from the buffer pool without
    being accessed, then this statistic is incremented to indicate
    that fetching the buffer was not worthwhile.

26.5  –  DAPF start:success field

    The number of times a DAPF-initiated buffer fetch attempt was
    successful in fetching the buffer. This is possible only if an
    EX lock can be obtained for the whole buffer. A successful DAPF
    fetch may actually issue an asynchronous read or simply ensure
    that a buffer that was already in the buffer pool now moves to
    the front of the LRU queue. In the latter case, the buffer then
    becomes least likely to be removed from the buffer pool.

26.6  –  __________:failure_field__

    The number of times a DAPF-initiated buffer fetch attempt failed
    due to locking conflicts. If an EX lock cannot be obtained on the
    whole buffer, then the fetch attempt will fail.

26.7  –  DAPF I O: utilized field

    If a buffer is fetched by DAPF, it is marked DAPF_FETCHED. If
    the buffer is accessed again, then this statistic is incremented
    to indicate that prefetching the buffer by DAPF was worthwhile.
    The statistic is incremented only the first time the buffer is

26.8  –  ________:_wasted_field_

    If a DAPF-fetched buffer is removed from the buffer pool without
    being accessed, then this statistic is incremented to indicate
    that fetching the buffer was not worthwhile.

27  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Access screen

27.1  –  fetch_for_read_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for retrieval.

27.2  –  _uniform_area_scan_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for retrieval during a uniform area scan operation. This
    is primarily to check if SPAM thresholds need to be adjusted.

27.3  –  _record_store_fet_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for retrieval during a record store operation. This is
    primarily to check if SPAM thresholds need to be adjusted.

27.4  –  _record_modify_fet_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for retrieval during a record modification operation.
    This is primarily to check if SPAM thresholds need to be

27.5  –  _record_erase_fet_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for retrieval during a record erase operation. This is
    primarily to check if SPAM thresholds need to be adjusted.

27.6  –  fetch_for_write_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for update.

27.7  –  _record_store_upd_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page
    was fetched for update during a record store operation. This
    is primarily to modify the SPAM thresholds.

27.8  –  _record_modify_upd_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for update during a record modification operation. This
    is primarily to modify the SPAM thresholds.

27.9  –  _record_erase_upd_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page
    was fetched for update during a record erase operation. This
    is primarily to modify the SPAM thresholds.

27.10  –  fetch_for_update_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    fetched for update.

27.11  –  _clump_allocate_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    updated for a clump allocation operation.

27.12  –  _fast_incr__bkup_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    updated for a fast incremental backup modification.

27.13  –  _threshold_update_field

    This field displays the total number of times the SPAM page was
    updated to change a data page's threshold information.

27.14  –  record_stored_field

    This field displays the number of records stored in the

27.15  –  record_marked_field

    This field displays the number of records marked. A record is
    marked when it is modified or it is erased, but not when it is

27.16  –  record_erased_field

    This field displays the number of records erased from the

28  –  PIO Statistics Data Writes screen

28.1  –  unmark_buffer_field

    This field is incremented by one each time a modified buffer is
    written back to disk. Its value should be equal to the sum of
    the 14 following fields. These fields as well as the SPAM page
    field provide further detail about buffer unmark activity. Write
    operations of buffers that contain SPAM pages are included in the
    total although they are also counted separately by the SPAM page

    Note that unmarking one buffer may entail more than one I/O.

28.2  –  __transaction_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk as a result of a COMMIT or ROLLBACK

28.3  –  __pool_overflow_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk as a result of a request to read in a new
    page from disk.

28.4  –  blocking AST field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk in response to a blocking AST (that is, a
    page in the buffer was requested by another user).

28.5  –  __lock_quota_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that is
    written back to disk due to a user reaching his lock quota.

28.6  –  __lock_conflict_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that is
    written back to disk to reduce the possibility of a deadlock when
    Oracle Rdb discovers a lock conflict.

28.7  –  __user_unbind_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that is
    written back to disk as a result of a user's detaching from the
    database. This includes database detaches that occur as part of
    an Oracle RMU operation.

28.8  –  __batch_rollback_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk because of a failed or rolled back batch-
    update transaction.

28.9  –  __new_area_mode_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that is
    written back to disk as a result of a physical area being readied
    in a new lock mode.

28.10  –  __larea_change_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk as a part of creating, deleting, or
    extending a logical area.

28.11  –  __incr_backup_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk to support the requirements of the
    incremental backup feature. These buffers are always SPAM page

28.12  –  no AIJ access field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk as a safety precaution after the failure
    of an I/O to the .aij file. The buffers are unmarked under such
    circumstances only when fast commit processing is enabled to
    ensure that all committed data is safely in the database.

28.13  –  __truncate_snaps_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk as a part of an online snapshot file

28.14  –  __checkpoint_field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that is
    written back to disk as a result of a checkpoint.

28.15  –  AIJ backup field

    This field is incremented by one for each modified buffer that
    is written back to disk to optimize the performance of the quiet-
    point backup of the .aij file.

29  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Writes screen

29.1  –  spam_page_field

    This field is incremented by one each time a modified buffer that
    contains a space management (SPAM) page is written back to disk.
    These write operations are also included in the "unmark buffer"

30  –  PIO Statistics File Access screen

30.1  –  area_ready_count_field

    This field displays the number of times a storage area is readied
    for read-only or read/write access. Readying a storage area may
    result in a file access (open) operation, but not always.

30.2  –  normal_file_open_field

    This field displays the number of times a storage area is opened
    using the normal operating system mechanism. This typically
    indicates the number of different storage areas that are

30.3  –  _normal_stall_x100_field

    This field displays the total duration of the normal file-open
    operation, in hundredths of seconds.

30.4  –  quick_file_open_field

    This field displays the number of times a "quick open" is used to
    open the storage area file. This typically occurs for subsequent
    opens by any user of a storage area file already opened by
    another user, even on another node of the cluster.

30.5  –  quick stall X100 field

    This field displays the total duration of the quick file-open
    operation, in hundreths of seconds.

31  –  Asynchronous IO Statistics screen

31.1  –  data_read_request_field

    The number of requests issued to the PIO subsystem to read data
    pages asynchronously.

31.2  –  data read IO field

    The number of asynchronous read I/O operations done by the PIO
    subsystem to get data pages from the disk.

31.3  –  spam_read_request_field

    The number of requests issued to the PIO subsystem to read SPAM
    pages asynchronously.

31.4  –  spam read IO field

    The number of asynchronous read I/O operations done by the PIO
    subsystem to get SPAM pages from the disk.

31.5  –  read_stall_count_field

    The total number of times the PIO subsystem had to wait for the
    completion of asynchronous read I/O operations.

31.6  –  read_stall_time_field

    The total time (in hundredths of a second) spent waiting for
    asynchronous read requests to complete. A high number means the
    number of buffers being prefetched is too low. You can specify
    that more buffers be prefetched by specifying a higher value with
    the RDM$BIND_APF_DEPTH logical name.

31.7  –  write IO field

    The number of asynchronous writes done by the PIO subsystem to
    write data and SPAM pages to the disk.

31.8  –  write_stall_count_field

    The total number of times the PIO subsystem had to wait for the
    completion of asynchronous write I/O.

31.9  –  write_stall_time_field

    The total time (in hundredths of a second) spent waiting for
    asynchronous write requests to complete. An excessively high
    number often indicates that the number of clean buffers being
    maintained at the end of a process's least recently used queue of
    buffers for replacement is too low. You can increase the number
    of clean buffers being maintained at the end of a process's least
    recently used queue of buffers for replacement by specifying a
    higher value with the RDM$BIND_CLEAN_BUF_CNT logical name.

32  –  IO Stall Time seconds x100 screen

32.1  –  root_read_time_field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    reading the database root (.rdb) file.

32.2  –  root_write_time_field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    writing to the database root (.rdb) file.

32.3  –  data_read_time_field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    reading database pages from the .rdb, .rda, and .snp files. An
    excessively high number often indicates disk contention that
    might be alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

32.4  –  data_write_time_field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    writing database pages to the .rdb, .rda, and .snp files. An
    excessively high number often indicates disk contention that
    might be alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

32.5  –  data_extend_time_field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    extending the .rdb, .rda, and .snp files. A very high number
    often indicates a full disk or disk fragmentation.

32.6  –  RUJ read time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    reading records from the .ruj files during verb or transaction
    rollback. An excessively high number often indicates disk
    contention that might be alleviated by moving some files to other

32.7  –  RUJ write time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    writing records to the .ruj files. An excessively high number
    often indicates disk contention that might be alleviated by
    moving some files to other disks.

32.8  –  RUJ extend time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    extending the .ruj files. An excessively high number often
    indicates a full disk or disk fragmentation.

32.9  –  AIJ read time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    reading records from the .aij file.

32.10  –  AIJ write time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    writing to the .aij file.

32.11  –  AIJ hiber time field

    This field shows the stall time spent hibernating for the AIJ I/O
    to complete.

32.12  –  AIJ extend time field

    This field gives the time (in hundredths of a second) spent
    extending the .aij file. An excessively high number often
    indicates a full disk or disk fragmentation, or may be an
    indication of the need for a larger allocation. Use the JOURNAL
    ALLOCATION IS clause of the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to
    specify a larger allocation.

32.13  –  database_bind_time_field

    This field gives the length of time users are attached to the

33  –  Logical Area Statistics screen

33.1  –  record_marked_field

    This field gives the number of records marked. A record is marked
    when it is modified or it is erased, but not when it is stored.

33.2  –  record_fetched_field

    This field gives the number of records, including snapshot
    records, fetched.

33.3  –  _fragmented_field

    This subfield indicates the number of record fragments that
    Oracle Rdb had to fetch. A record is fragmented if it is too
    large to fit on one page. A fragmented record requires more
    CPU time and more virtual memory, and often requires additional
    I/O operations because each record fragment must be fetched. If
    this value is high compared to the number of records fetched,
    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Analyze Areas
    command to further analyze the problem to see how many records
    are actually fragmented.

33.4  –  ___record_stored_field

    This field gives the number of records stored in the database.

33.5  –  __fragmented_field

    This subfield indicates the number of rows stored as fragmented
    records in the database. This number indicates that a page
    size is smaller than a record's uncompressed size (including
    overhead). You should use the RMU Analyze Areas command to
    further analyze the problem and then increase the page size for
    the storage area that has the problem.

33.6  –  pages_checked_field

    This field indicates the number of pages checked in order to
    store a record. Ideally, very few candidate pages need to
    be checked when storing a record. However in certain cases,
    depending on record size, access method, locked space on a page,
    and SPAM thresholds, storing a record requires a number of page

33.7  –  saved IO field

    This field gives the number of pages checked that did not result
    in an I/O because the page was already in the buffer. It is
    essentially a "for free" pages checked.

33.8  –  ____discarded_field_

    This field identifies the number of pages checked but discarded
    because the actual free space on that page did not meet the
    physical requirements needed to store a new record.

33.9  –  _record_erased_field

    This field gives the number of records erased from the database.

33.10  –  ___fragmented_field

    This subfield indicates the number of fragmented records erased
    from the database.

33.11  –  node_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched an
    index node during index retrievals. This number includes the
    number of leaf nodes and duplicate nodes fetched. Therefore, the
    calculation for the number of upper-level index nodes accessed
    is: this "node fetches" field minus the sum of the leaf and
    duplicate node fetches. The result can indicate the depth of
    the database indexes.

33.12  –  _leaf_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched bottom
    level (leaf) nodes during index retrievals. This number, along
    with the "index scans" field, can indicate the length of scans in
    terms of index nodes accessed. There is one leaf node fetch for
    each "index lookup" retrieval.

33.13  –  _dup__fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched a
    duplicate node (as opposed to a leaf node) during index
    retrievals. This number can indicate the lengths of duplicate
    node chains in the database indexes. When a duplicate node is
    retrieved, the operation always includes one leaf fetch.

33.14  –  index_lookups_field

    This field gives the number of direct single-key retrievals
    performed on the database indexes. This statistic shows up only
    on unique key retrievals and not on duplicate key retrievals.

33.15  –  index_scans_field

    This field gives the number of scans, or range retrievals,
    performed on the database indexes. In an index scan, Oracle Rdb
    searches an index from top to bottom to find the starting point
    (low value) of the retrieval. Oracle Rdb then searches the bottom
    level nodes of the index, including duplicate nodes, until the
    scan's end condition is met.

33.16  –  _primary_entries_field

    This field gives the number of unique keys found during the index

33.17  –  _dup__entries_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate keys found during the
    index scans. If an index has two entries with the same key value,
    the first one is a primary entry and the second is a duplicate

33.18  –  node_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of index entries inserted into all
    index nodes. This number includes root, leaf, and duplicate
    entries within user- and system-defined indexes.

    This number is greater than the number of records being stored
    in the database because it usually takes one to two insertions
    into an index for each record for each index. The calculation of
    node insertions minus the sum of the root, leaf, and duplicate
    insertions yields the number of entries inserted into mid-level
    nodes. This number and the "root insertions" field indicate
    sorted balancing activity.

33.19  –  _root_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of entries inserted into the root
    (top-level) index nodes. The number of insertions should be small
    except for when you load the database. Also, if an index consists
    of only one node, insertions into this node are not included in
    this field, but are included in the "leaf insertions" field.

33.20  –  _leaf_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of unique keys inserted into the
    database's indexes. This field indicates the number of entries
    inserted into the leaf (bottom-level) index nodes.

33.21  –  _dup__insertions_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate index keys inserted
    into the database's indexes. There should be a one-to-one
    correspondence to the number of duplicate records being stored
    in the tables.

33.22  –  node_creations_field

    This field gives the total number of index nodes created during
    insertion of index entries into the index trees. This includes
    root, leaf, and duplicate nodes created within user- and system-
    defined indexes. Nodes are created three ways:

    o  When an index is first defined

    o  When a node cannot accommodate an insertion, causing it to
       overflow into a new node (node splitting)

    o  When the first duplicate for a particular key is inserted into
       an index, causing a duplicate node to be created

    The total number of nodes created and the associated fields
    should be relatively small, except for an initial load of the
    database with indexes already defined, or for creation of indexes
    on already-stored data.

33.23  –  _root_splits_field

    This field gives the number of times the root nodes have split
    because they overflowed after an insertion. A root node split
    causes the index to grow by one level-a parent node must be
    created to point to the two "halves" of the overflowed root node.
    Therefore, two nodes are created-the parent node and the node for
    the second half of the root node. Increasing the number of tree
    levels means Oracle Rdb must search more index nodes to access a
    data row; this can result in additional I/O operations.

33.24  –  _leaf_creations_field

    This field gives the number of times a leaf (bottom level) node
    was created because an existing leaf node had become full and
    needed to accommodate another unique index key entry.

33.25  –  _dup__creations_field

    This field gives the number of times a duplicate node was created
    to accommodate more duplicated entries within the duplicate index
    node or on the first store of a duplicate key entry.

33.26  –  index_creations_field

    This field gives the number of times an index was created on
    a particular table. This count is the number of CREATE INDEX
    statements. Also, if an index is partitioned over three areas,
    for example, there will be a count of three index creations.

33.27  –  node_removals_field

    This field gives the total number of index entries within the
    root, leaf, and duplicate nodes that have been removed. This
    removal can be triggered by erasing rows, deleting tables, or
    deleting indexes. The calculation of node removals minus the sum
    of the root, leaf, and duplicate node removals yields the number
    of entries removed from mid-level nodes. A node is not deleted
    until all its entries are removed.

33.28  –  _root_removals_field

    This field gives the number of index entries removed from a root
    node due to deletion of entries within lower-level nodes. If an
    index consists of only one node, removals from this node are not
    included in this field, but are included in the "leaf removals"

33.29  –  _leaf_removals_field

    This field gives the number of unique index keys removed from the
    leaf nodes during an SQL DELETE operation.

33.30  –  _dup__removals_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate index keys removed from
    duplicate nodes due to the deletion of duplicate records. This
    should be a one-to-one correspondence to the number of erased
    duplicate records within the database.

33.31  –  node_deletions_field

    This field gives the total number of index nodes deleted due
    to an SQL DROP INDEX statement or when the nodes become empty
    (except for the root node, which remains even when it is empty).
    When an index is deleted, this number should be equal to the
    total number of index nodes within the index. This field minus
    the sum of leaf and duplicate node deletions yields the number of
    mid-level node deletions.

33.32  –  _leaf_deletions_field

    This field gives the number of leaf (bottom level) nodes deleted
    from the database's indexes. A leaf node is deleted only when it
    becomes empty.

33.33  –  _dup__deletions_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate node deletions within
    the indexes.

33.34  –  index_destructions_field

    This field gives the number of indexes deleted with an SQL
    DROP INDEX statement. This count will be 1 if the index is not
    partitioned. If an index that is partitioned over three areas is
    deleted, for example, then the count will be 3. This count also
    gives the number of root node deletions.

33.35  –  __pages_checked_field

    This field indicates the number of pages checked in order to
    store a B-tree index node. Ideally, very few candidate pages
    need to be checked when storing a B-tree index node. However,
    in certain cases, depending on the size of the segment, locked
    space on a page, and SPAM thresholds, storing a B-tree index node
    requires a number of page fetches.

33.36  –  saved IO field

    This field gives the number of pages checked that did not result
    in an I/O because the page was already in the buffer. It is
    essentially a "for free" pages checked.

33.37  –  ______discarded_field_

    This field identifies the number of pages checked but discarded
    because the actual free space on that page did not meet the
    physical requirements needed to store a new B-tree index node.

33.38  –  bucket_marked_field

    This field gives the number of buckets marked. A bucket is marked
    when it is modified or it is erased, but not when it is stored.

33.39  –  bucket_fetched_field

    This field gives the number of buckets fetched.

33.40  –  ____fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of bucket fragments that
    Oracle Rdb had to fetch. A bucket is fragmented if it is too
    large to fit on one page. A fragmented bucket requires more
    CPU time and more virtual memory, and often requires additional
    I/O operations because each bucket fragment must be fetched. If
    this value is high compared to the number of buckets fetched,
    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Analyze Areas
    command to further analyze the problem to see how many buckets
    are actually fragmented.

33.41  –  _bucket_stored_field

    This field gives the number of buckets stored in the database.

33.42  –  _____fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of buckets stored as
    fragmented buckets in the database. This number indicates that a
    page size is smaller than a bucket's uncompressed size (including
    overhead). You should use the RMU Analyze Areas command to
    further analyze the problem and then increase the page size for
    the storage area that has the problem.

33.43  –  ___pages_checked_field

    This field indicates the number of pages checked in order to
    store a hashed index. Ideally, very few candidate pages need
    to be checked when storing a hashed index. However, in certain
    cases, depending on the size of the segment, locked space on a
    page, and SPAM thresholds, storing a hashed index requires a
    number of page fetches.

33.44  –  saved IO field

    This field gives the number of pages checked that did not result
    in an I/O because the page was already in the buffer. It is
    essentially a "for free" pages checked.

33.45  –  _______discarded_field_

    This field identifies the number of pages checked but discarded
    because the actual free space on that page did not meet the
    physical requirements needed to store a new hashed index.

33.46  –  hash_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of hash key insertions in the
    database's hashed indexes. It includes unique key insertions
    as well as duplicate key insertions.

33.47  –  _____duplicates_field_

    This field gives the number of duplicate key updates in the
    database's hashed indexes.

33.48  –  hash_deletions_field

    This field gives the number of hash key deletions from the
    database's hashed indexes. It includes unique key deletions as
    well as duplicate key deletions.

33.49  –  ____duplicates_field_

    This field gives the number of duplicate key deletions in the
    database's hashed indexes.

33.50  –  hash_scans_field

    This field gives the number of hashed index scans, including both
    retrieval and update scans, that were opened on the database's
    hashed indexes. A scan is defined as the sequential processing
    of the records that meet the search criteria of a query. Hashed
    scans then refer to the case where duplicate records are returned
    that meet the search criteria of a query from a scan of the
    hashed index.

33.51  –  hash_index_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of hashed index nodes that were
    fetched on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.
    This includes fetches of duplicate nodes as well as bucket
    fragment nodes.

33.52  –  __bucket_fragments_field

    This field gives the number of bucket fragments that were fetched
    on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.

33.53  –  ___duplicate_nodes_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate nodes that were fetched
    on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.

33.54  –  blob_marked_field

    This field gives the number of blob segments marked. A blob
    segment is marked when it is erased or reused, but not when it
    is stored.

33.55  –  _blob_fetched_field

    This field gives the number of blob segments fetched. This number
    includes pointer segments in addition to actual user data.

33.56  –  ______fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of blob segment fragments that
    Oracle Rdb had to fetch. A blob segment is fragmented if it is
    too large to fit on one page. A fragmented blob segment requires
    more CPU time and more virtual memory, and often requires
    additional I/O operations because each blob segment fragment
    must be fetched.

    This number refers only to actual user data as pointer segments
    are unlikely to fragment.

33.57  –  _blob_stored_field

    This field gives the number of blob segments stored in the
    database. This number includes pointer segments in addition to
    actual user data.

33.58  –  _______fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of rows stored as fragmented
    blob segments in the database. This number indicates that a page
    size is smaller than a blob segment.

    This number refers only to actual user data as pointer segments
    are unlikely to fragment.

33.59  –  _pages_checked_field

    This field indicates the number of pages checked in order to
    store a blob segment. Ideally, very few candidate pages need to
    be checked when storing a blob segment. However in certain cases,
    depending on the size of the segment, locked space on a page, and
    SPAM thresholds, storing a blob segment requires a number of page

33.60  –  saved IO field

    This field gives the number of pages checked that did not result
    in an I/O because the page was already in the buffer. It is
    essentially a "for free" pages checked.

33.61  –  _____discarded_field_

    This field identifies the number of pages checked but discarded
    because the actual free space on that page did not meet the
    physical requirements needed to store a new blob segment.

33.62  –  blob_erased_field

    This field gives the number of blob segments erased from the
    database. Note that the erase of blob segments is deferred until
    COMMIT time.

33.63  –  ________fragmented_field_

    This subfield indicates the number of fragmented blob segments
    erased from the database.

    This number refers only to actual user data as pointer segments
    are unlikely to fragment.

34  –  Locking total locks screen

34.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

34.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

34.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

34.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

34.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

34.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

34.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

34.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

34.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

34.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

34.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

34.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

34.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

34.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

35  –  Locking area locks screen

35.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

35.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

35.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

35.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

35.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

35.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

35.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

35.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

35.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

35.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

35.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

35.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

35.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

35.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

36  –  Locking buffer page locks screen

36.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

36.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

36.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

36.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

36.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

36.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

36.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

36.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

36.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

36.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

36.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

36.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

36.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

36.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

37  –  Locking record locks screen

37.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

37.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

37.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

37.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

37.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

37.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

37.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

37.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

37.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

37.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

37.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

37.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

37.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

37.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

38  –  Locking SEQBLK lock screen

38.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

38.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

38.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

38.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

38.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

38.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

38.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

38.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

38.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

38.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

38.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

38.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

38.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

38.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

39  –  Locking FILID locks screen

39.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

39.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

39.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

39.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

39.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

39.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

39.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

39.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

39.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

39.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

39.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

39.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

39.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

39.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

40  –  Locking TSNBLK locks screen

40.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

40.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

40.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

40.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

40.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

40.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

40.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

40.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

40.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

40.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

40.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

40.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

40.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

40.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

41  –  Locking RTUPB lock screen

41.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

41.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

41.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

41.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

41.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

41.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

41.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

41.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

41.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

41.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

41.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

41.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

41.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

41.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

42  –  Locking ACTIVE lock screen

42.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

42.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

42.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

42.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

42.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

42.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

42.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

42.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

42.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

42.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

42.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

42.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

42.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

42.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

43  –  Locking MEMBIT lock screen

43.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

43.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

43.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

43.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

43.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

43.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

43.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

43.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

43.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

43.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

43.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

43.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

43.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

43.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

44  –  Locking AIJ locks screen

44.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

44.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

44.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

44.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

44.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

44.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

44.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

44.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

44.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

44.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

44.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

44.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

44.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

44.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

45  –  Locking snapshot locks screen

45.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

45.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

45.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

45.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

45.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

45.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

45.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

45.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

45.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

45.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

45.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

45.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

45.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

45.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

46  –  Locking freeze lock screen

46.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

46.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

46.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

46.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

46.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

46.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

46.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

46.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

46.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

46.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

46.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

46.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

46.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

46.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

47  –  Locking quiet point lock screen

47.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

47.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

47.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

47.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

47.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

47.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

47.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

47.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

47.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

47.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

47.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

47.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

47.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

47.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

48  –  Locking logical area locks screen

48.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

48.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

48.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

48.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

48.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

48.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

48.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

48.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

48.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

48.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

48.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

48.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

48.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

48.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

49  –  Locking nowait transaction screen

49.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

49.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

49.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

49.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

49.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

49.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

49.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

49.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

49.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

49.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

49.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

49.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

49.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

49.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

50  –  Locking CLIENT locks screen

50.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

50.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

50.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

50.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

50.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

50.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

50.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

50.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

50.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

50.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

50.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

50.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

50.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

50.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

51  –  Locking locks requested screen

51.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

51.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

51.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

51.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

51.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

51.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

51.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

51.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

51.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

51.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the VMScluster nodes on which the database is currently

51.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

51.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

51.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

51.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

51.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

51.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

51.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

52  –  Locking rqsts not queued screen

52.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

52.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

52.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

52.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

52.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

52.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

52.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

52.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

52.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

52.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the VMScluster nodes on which the database is currently

52.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

52.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

52.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

52.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

52.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

52.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

52.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

53  –  Locking rqsts stalled screen

53.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

53.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

53.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

53.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

53.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

53.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

53.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

53.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

53.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

53.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

53.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

53.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

53.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

53.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

53.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

53.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

53.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

54  –  Locking rqst timeouts screen

54.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

54.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

54.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

54.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

54.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

54.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

54.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

54.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

54.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

54.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

54.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

54.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

54.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

54.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

54.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

54.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

54.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

55  –  Locking rqst deadlocks screen

55.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

55.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

55.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

55.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

55.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

55.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

55.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

55.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

55.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

55.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

55.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

55.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

55.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

55.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet point-lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

55.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

55.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

55.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

56  –  Locking locks promoted screen

56.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

56.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

56.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

56.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

56.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

56.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

56.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

56.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

56.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

56.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

56.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

56.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

56.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

56.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

56.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

56.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

56.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

57  –  Locking proms not queued screen

57.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

57.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

57.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

57.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

57.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

57.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

57.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

57.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

57.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

57.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

57.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

57.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

57.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

57.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

57.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

57.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

57.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

58  –  Locking proms stalled screen

58.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

58.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

58.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

58.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

58.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

58.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

58.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

58.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

58.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

58.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

58.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

58.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

58.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

58.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

58.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

58.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

58.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

59  –  Locking prom timeouts screen

59.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

59.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

59.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

59.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

59.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

59.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

59.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

59.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

59.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

59.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

59.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

59.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

59.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

59.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

59.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

59.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

59.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

60  –  Locking prom deadlocks screen

60.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

60.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

60.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

60.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

60.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

60.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

60.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

60.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

60.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

60.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

60.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

60.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

60.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

60.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

60.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

60.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

60.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

61  –  Locking locks demoted screen

61.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

61.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

61.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

61.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

61.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

61.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

61.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

61.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

61.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

61.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

61.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

61.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

61.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

61.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

61.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

61.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

61.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

62  –  Locking locks released screen

62.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

62.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

62.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

62.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

62.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

62.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

62.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

62.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

62.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

62.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

62.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

62.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

62.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

62.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

62.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

62.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

62.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

63  –  Locking blocking ASTs screen

63.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

63.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

63.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

63.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

63.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

63.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

63.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

63.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

63.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

63.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

63.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

63.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

63.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

63.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

63.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

63.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

63.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

64  –  Locking stall time x100 screen

64.1  –  total_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for all types of database locks.

64.2  –  area_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database physical area locks.

64.3  –  buffer_page_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database page locks. Page locks
    manage the database page buffer pool.

64.4  –  record_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for database record locks. Record
    locks maintain the logical consistency of the database. This set
    of statistics includes all record locks in the adjustable lock
    granularity tree.

64.5  –  SEQBLK lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database sequence block
    (SEQBLK) locks. The SEQBLK locks maintain global sequence numbers
    or transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

64.6  –  FILID locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database file identification
    (FILID) locks. The FILID locks maintain consistent end-of-file
    information for the .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

64.7  –  TSNBLK locks field

    This field gives statistics for the database transaction block
    (TSNBLK) locks. The TSNBLK locks control the COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are also
    used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

64.8  –  RTUPB lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database run-time user
    process block (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB locks maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

64.9  –  ACTIVE lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database ACTIVE user bit map
    lock. The ACTIVE lock maintains a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

64.10  –  MEMBIT lock field

    This field gives statistics for the database MEMBIT node bit map
    lock. The MEMBIT locks maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

64.11  –  AIJ locks field

    This field gives statistics for the after-image journal (AIJ)
    locks. AIJ locks control reading from and writing to the
    .aij file. One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file
    information. In addition, there is one local AIJ lock on each
    VMScluster node that manages the global AIJ buffer on that node.

64.12  –  snapshot_locks_field

    This field gives statistics for the database snapshot locks.
    Snapshot locks manage the allocation of snapshot pages to users
    who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used if
    snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

64.13  –  freeze_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database freeze lock. The
    freeze lock suspends database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

64.14  –  quiet_point_lock_field

    This field gives statistics for the database quiet-point lock.
    The quiet-point lock suspends starting new transactions while
    the AIJ despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents
    of the primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

64.15  –  logical_area_locks_field

    Logical area locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables.
    Lock carryover can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

64.16  –  nowait_transaction_field

 This field gives statistics for the database nowait transaction

64.17  –  CLIENT locks field

    This field monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    lock. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system tables. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

    Note: This field is only displayed on terminal displays
    containing more than 24 lines.

65  –  File Locking Statistics screen

65.1  –  locks_requested_field

    This field gives the number of lock requests (also referred to
    as enqueue lock requests) for new locks. Whether the lock request
    succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The "rqsts not
    queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for enqueue lock requests statistics.

65.2  –  _rqsts_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol to
    avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is one measure of lock

65.3  –  _rqsts_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether or
    not the lock request ultimately succeeds, it is included in this
    count. This number is one measure of lock contention.

65.4  –  _rqst_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock requests that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

65.5  –  _rqst_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without the
    application program ever knowing there was a deadlock. Therefore,
    the number shown in this field does not necessarily reflect the
    number of deadlocks reported to the application program.

    The number reported in the "rqsts stalled" field is also included
    in this number.

65.6  –  locks_promoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether or not the lock
    request succeeds, it is included in this count. The "proms not
    queued," "proms stalled," and "prom deadlocks" counts provide
    further detail for the locks promotion statistics.

65.7  –  _proms_not_queued_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock that were rejected immediately because of a
    lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting.
    When a conflict is detected, Oracle Rdb resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. This number is
    one measure of lock contention.

65.8  –  _proms_stalled_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to promote
    an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled because
    of a lock conflict. Whether or not the lock request ultimately
    succeeds, it is included in this count. This number is one
    measure of lock contention.

65.9  –  _prom_timeouts_field

    This field shows the total number of lock promotions that could
    not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

65.10  –  _prom_deadlocks_field

    This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a deadlock.
    Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved by Oracle Rdb without
    the application program ever knowing there was a deadlock.
    Therefore, this number does not necessarily reflect the number
    of deadlocks reported to the application program.

65.11  –  locks_demoted_field

    This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
    an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

65.12  –  locks_released_field

    This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
    release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

65.13  –  blocking ASTs field

    This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes referred
    to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock manager. A
    blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when a lock
    conflict is detected, which is a good indication of contention
    problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking AST, it often
    demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid unnecessary

    The number of blocking ASTs reported is actually comprised of two
    different types of blocking ASTs, those blocking ASTs externally
    generated and those blocking ASTs internally generated.

    An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking AST
    is actually received by the process from the operating system in
    response to some lock conflict with another process. A blocking
    AST routine is executed and the Performance Monitor records the
    blocking AST activity.

    An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-blocking
    AST routine is executed by the process in anticipation that
    the same work would have to be performed anyway if a blocking
    AST were to be received from the operating system, even when
    no blocking AST from the operating system actually occurred.
    This algorithm serves as an optimistic code optimization; it is
    assumed that the process would eventually receive a blocking
    AST for the particular lock, so it optimistically executes
    the blocking AST routine. The Performance Monitor does not
    differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

65.14  –  stall_time_x100_field

    This field gives the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. This statistic gives
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

66  –  Row Cache by cache screen

66.1  –  latch_requests_field

    This field displays the total number of latch requests that
    have occurred. A latch is requested whenever an internal data
    structure needs to be atomically modified, and indicates a
    potential stall point. The duration of the latch is essentially

66.2  –  __retried_field

    This field indicates the latch could not be immediately acquired
    and the latch had to be requested again. This field provides
    an indication of the contention on the row cache. Ideally, this
    field should be as close to zero as possible.

66.3  –  cache_searches_field

    This field displays the total number of times the row cache was
    searched for a particular row (DBKEY). Values within this field
    are subdivided into the following fields:

       found in workset
       found in cache
       found too big

66.4  –  __found_in_workset_field

    This field indicates the particular row was found in the process'
    working set and no additional work was required to fetch the row.
    This is the ideal situation.

66.5  –  __found_in_cache_field

    This field indicates the particular row was not found in the
    process' working set, but was found in the global row cache. When
    this occurs, it is possible that the process will have to make
    room in the working set by removing an existing row to the global

66.6  –  __found_too_big_field

    This field indicates the particular row was found in the global
    cache, but the row is now too large to fit into the specified
    cache buffer. At one time, the row fit into the cache, but it
    no longer does. Therefore, the cache effectiveness is reduced
    because a cache entry is reserved for the row but no row caching
    is possible.

66.7  –  insert_cache_field

    This field indicates the total number of times new rows have
    been inserted into the row cache. Values within this field are
    subdivided into the following fields:

       row too big
       cache full

66.8  –  __row_too_big_field

    This field indicates the row was initially too large to fit into
    the specified row cache buffer.

66.9  –  __cache_full_field

    This field indicates that all row cache entries were modified
    and could not be flushed to disk in order to make space for the
    new row. This is an indication that the row cache checkpointing
    intervals specified for the database may be too large.

66.10  –  __collision_field

    This field displays the total number of row cache hash table
    collisions that occurred when inserting new rows. This field
    provides an indication of the effectiveness of the cache size.

66.11  –  VLM requests field

    This field displays the number of VLM requests made.

66.12  –  __window_turns_field

    This field displays the number of VLM requests made for which the
    VLM address range was not immediately available.

66.13  –  skipped_dirty_slot_field

    This field displays the total number of cache entries that could
    not be replaced because the slot contained modified data rows.
    This field provides an indication of the relative amount of work
    required to find space in order to insert a new row into the

66.14  –  skipped_inuse_slot_field

    This field displays the total number of cache entries that
    could not be replaced because the slot was referenced by other
    processes. This field provides an indication of the relative
    amount of work required to find space in order to insert a new
    row into the cache.

66.15  –  hash_misses_field

    This field displays the total number of times the row cache hash
    table overflowed.

66.16  –  cache_unmark_field

    This field displays the total number of times a row in the cache
    was flushed to disk, thus making it eligible to be replaced.
    However, this field does not indicate whether or not the row was
    emptied from the cache.

67  –  RCS Statistics screen

67.1  –  find_buffer_stall_field

    This field gives the length of time (in hundredths of a second)
    required to allocate a checkpoint buffer. Typically, this value
    should be extremely small.

68  –  Index Statistics Retrieval screen

68.1  –  transactions_field

    This field gives the number of completed database transactions.
    This is the count of the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements that have

68.2  –  verb_successes_field

    This field gives the number of intermediate recoverable
    operations that returned a successful status code.

68.3  –  verb_failures_field

    This field gives the number of intermediate recoverable
    operations that returned an error status code, including
    deadlocks and other exception conditions.

68.4  –  node_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched an
    index node during index retrievals. This number includes the
    number of leaf nodes and duplicate nodes fetched. Therefore, the
    calculation for the number of upper-level index nodes accessed
    is: this "node fetches" field minus the sum of the leaf and
    duplicate node fetches. The result can indicate the depth of
    the database indexes.

68.5  –  _leaf_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched bottom
    level (leaf) nodes during index retrievals. This number, along
    with the "index scans" field, can indicate the length of scans in
    terms of index nodes accessed. There is one leaf node fetch for
    each "index lookup" retrieval.

68.6  –  _dup__fetches_field

    This field gives the number of times Oracle Rdb fetched a
    duplicate node (as opposed to a leaf node) during index
    retrievals. This number can indicate the lengths of duplicate
    node chains in the database indexes. When a duplicate node is
    retrieved, the operation always includes one leaf fetch.

68.7  –  index_lookups_field

    This field gives the number of direct single-key retrievals
    performed on the database indexes. This statistic shows up only
    on unique key retrievals and not on duplicate key retrievals.

68.8  –  index_scans_field

    This field gives the number of scans, or range retrievals,
    performed on the database indexes. In an index scan, Oracle Rdb
    searches an index from top to bottom to find the starting point
    (low value) of the retrieval. Oracle Rdb then searches the bottom
    level nodes of the index, including duplicate nodes, until the
    scan's end condition is met.

68.9  –  _primary_entries_field

    This field gives the number of unique keys found during the index

68.10  –  _dup__entries_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate keys found during the
    index scans. If an index has two entries with the same key value,
    the first one is a primary entry and the second is a duplicate

69  –  Index Statistics Insertion screen

69.1  –  node_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of index entries inserted into all
    index nodes. This number includes root, leaf, and duplicate
    entries within user- and system-defined indexes.

    This number is greater than the number of records being stored
    in the database because it usually takes one to two insertions
    into an index for each record for each index. The calculation of
    node insertions minus the sum of the root, leaf, and duplicate
    insertions yields the number of entries inserted into mid-level
    nodes. This number and the "root insertions" field indicate
    sorted balancing activity.

69.2  –  _root_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of entries inserted into the root
    (top-level) index nodes. The number of insertions should be small
    except for when you load the database. Also, if an index consists
    of only one node, insertions into this node are not included in
    this field, but are included in the "leaf insertions" field.

69.3  –  _leaf_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of unique keys inserted into the
    database's indexes. This field indicates the number of entries
    inserted into the leaf (bottom-level) index nodes.

69.4  –  _dup__insertions_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate index keys inserted
    into the database's indexes. There should be a one-to-one
    correspondence to the number of duplicate records being stored
    in the tables.

69.5  –  node_creations_field

    This field gives the total number of index nodes created during
    insertion of index entries into the index trees. This includes
    root, leaf, and duplicate nodes created within user- and system-
    defined indexes. Nodes are created three ways:

    o  When an index is first defined

    o  When a node cannot accommodate an insertion, causing it to
       overflow into a new node (node splitting)

    o  When the first duplicate for a particular key is inserted into
       an index, causing a duplicate node to be created

    The total number of nodes created and the associated fields
    should be relatively small, except for an initial load of the
    database with indexes already defined, or for creation of indexes
    on already-stored data.

69.6  –  _root_splits_field

    This field gives the number of times the root nodes have split
    because they overflowed after an insertion. A root node split
    causes the index to grow by one level-a parent node must be
    created to point to the two "halves" of the overflowed root node.
    Therefore, two nodes are created-the parent node and the node for
    the second half of the root node. Increasing the number of tree
    levels means Oracle Rdb must search more index nodes to access a
    data row; this can result in additional I/O operations.

69.7  –  _leaf_creations_field

    This field gives the number of times a leaf (bottom level) node
    was created because an existing leaf node had become full and
    needed to accommodate another unique index key entry.

69.8  –  _dup__creations_field

    This field gives the number of times a duplicate node was created
    to accommodate more duplicated entries within the duplicate index
    node or on the first store of a duplicate key entry.

69.9  –  index_creations_field

    This field gives the number of times an index was created on
    a particular table. This count is the number of CREATE INDEX
    statements. Also, if an index is partitioned over three areas,
    for example, there will be a count of three index creations.

70  –  Index Statistics Removal screen

70.1  –  node_removals_field

    This field gives the total number of index entries within the
    root, leaf, and duplicate nodes that have been removed. This
    removal can be triggered by erasing rows, deleting tables, or
    deleting indexes. The calculation of node removals minus the sum
    of the root, leaf, and duplicate node removals yields the number
    of entries removed from mid-level nodes. A node is not deleted
    until all its entries are removed.

70.2  –  _root_removals_field

    This field gives the number of index entries removed from a root
    node due to deletion of entries within lower-level nodes. If an
    index consists of only one node, removals from this node are not
    included in this field, but are included in the "leaf removals"

70.3  –  _leaf_removals_field

    This field gives the number of unique index keys removed from the
    leaf nodes during an SQL DELETE operation.

70.4  –  _dup__removals_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate index keys removed from
    duplicate nodes due to the deletion of duplicate records. This
    should be a one-to-one correspondence to the number of erased
    duplicate records within the database.

70.5  –  node_deletions_field

    This field gives the total number of index nodes deleted due
    to an SQL DROP INDEX statement or when the nodes become empty
    (except for the root node, which remains even when it is empty).
    When an index is deleted, this number should be equal to the
    total number of index nodes within the index. This field minus
    the sum of leaf and duplicate node deletions yields the number of
    mid-level node deletions.

70.6  –  _leaf_deletions_field

    This field gives the number of leaf (bottom level) nodes deleted
    from the database's indexes. A leaf node is deleted only when it
    becomes empty.

70.7  –  _dup__deletions_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate node deletions within
    the indexes.

70.8  –  index_destructions_field

    This field gives the number of indexes deleted with an SQL
    DROP INDEX statement. This count will be 1 if the index is not
    partitioned. If an index that is partitioned over three areas is
    deleted, for example, then the count will be 3. This count also
    gives the number of root node deletions.

71  –  Hash Index Statistics Screen

71.1  –  hash_insertions_field

    This field gives the number of hash key insertions in the
    database's hashed indexes. It includes unique key insertions
    as well as duplicate key insertions.

71.2  –  _____duplicates_field_

    This field gives the number of duplicate key updates in the
    database's hashed indexes.

71.3  –  hash_deletions_field

    This field gives the number of hash key deletions from the
    database's hashed indexes. It includes unique key deletions as
    well as duplicate key deletions.

71.4  –  ____duplicates_field_

    This field gives the number of duplicate key deletions in the
    database's hashed indexes.

71.5  –  hash_scans_field

    This field gives the number of hashed index scans, including both
    retrieval and update scans, that were opened on the database's
    hashed indexes. A scan is defined as the sequential processing
    of the records that meet the search criteria of a query. Hashed
    scans then refer to the case where duplicate records are returned
    that meet the search criteria of a query from a scan of the
    hashed index.

71.6  –  hash_index_fetches_field

    This field gives the number of hashed index nodes that were
    fetched on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.
    This includes fetches of duplicate nodes as well as bucket
    fragment nodes.

71.7  –  __bucket_fragments_field

    This field gives the number of bucket fragments that were fetched
    on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.

71.8  –  ___duplicate_nodes_field

    This field gives the number of duplicate nodes that were fetched
    on a successful search of the database's hashed indexes.

71.9  –  hash_bucket_stores_field

    This field gives teh number of hash index buckets stored in the
    index. A hash index bucket contains one or more hash keys.

72  –  Name Translation screen

72.1  –  dashboard_updated__field

    This field displays the number of times a user has received
    notification that the database dashboard has been updated.

72.2  –  name_translated_field

    This field displays the number of times a logical name has been

72.3  –  _____defaulted_field_

    This field displays the number of times the default value was
    used for a logical name.

73  –  Object KROOT object screen

73.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

73.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

73.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

73.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

73.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

73.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

74  –  Object FILID object screen

74.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

74.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

74.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

74.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

74.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

74.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

75  –  Object SEQBLK object screen

75.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

75.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

75.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

75.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

75.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

75.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

76  –  Object TSNBLK object screen

76.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

76.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

76.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

76.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

76.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

76.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

77  –  Object AIJDB object screen

77.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

77.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

77.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

77.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

77.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

77.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

78  –  Object AIJFB object screen

78.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

78.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

78.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

78.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

78.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

78.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

79  –  Object RTUPB object screen

79.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

79.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

79.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

79.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

79.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

79.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

80  –  Object ACTIVE object screen

80.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

80.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

80.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

80.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

80.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

80.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

81  –  Object CPT object screen

81.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

81.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

81.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

81.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

81.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

81.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

82  –  object RCACHE object screen

82.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

82.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

82.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

82.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

82.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

82.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

83  –  Object CLIENT object screen

83.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

83.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

83.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

83.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

83.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

83.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

84  –  Object CLTSEQ object screen

84.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

84.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

84.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

84.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

84.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

84.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

85  –  Object UTILITY object screen

85.1  –  objects_fetch_shrd_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
    the shared retrieval process.

85.2  –  objects_fetch_excl_field

    This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
    for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
    updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    actually was updated.

85.3  –  objects_refreshed_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
    information was read again from the database root file.

85.4  –  objects_modified_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information
    was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

85.5  –  objects_written_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose information was
    written back to the database root file.

85.6  –  objects_released_field

    This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
    exclusive access was released to other processes.

86  –  Object objects fetch shrd screen

86.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

86.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

86.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

86.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

86.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

86.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

86.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

86.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

86.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

86.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

86.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

86.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

86.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.

87  –  Object objects fetch excl screen

87.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

87.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

87.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

87.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

87.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

87.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

87.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

87.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

87.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

87.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

87.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

87.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

87.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.

88  –  Object objects refreshed screen

88.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

88.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

88.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

88.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

88.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

88.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

88.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

88.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

88.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

88.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

88.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

88.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

88.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.

89  –  Object objects modified screen

89.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

89.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

89.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

89.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

89.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

89.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

89.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

89.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

89.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

89.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

89.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

89.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

89.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.

90  –  Object objects written screen

90.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

90.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

90.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

90.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

90.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

90.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

90.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

90.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

90.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

90.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

90.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

90.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

90.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.

91  –  Object objects released screen

91.1  –  KROOT object field

    This field displays the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

91.2  –  FILID object field

    This field displays the storage area information.

91.3  –  SEQBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the allocation of sequence
    numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs) and commit
    sequence numbers (CSNs).

91.4  –  TSNBLK object field

    This field displays the information on the last committed

91.5  –  AIJDB object field

    This field displays the AIJ control information.

91.6  –  AIJFB object field

    This field displays the AIJ journal information.

91.7  –  RTUPB object field

    This field displays information on active users.

91.8  –  ACTIVE object field

    This field displays information on active transactions.

91.9  –  CPT object field

    This field displays information on the corrupt page table.

91.10  –  RCACHE object field

    This field displays information on row caches.

91.11  –  CLIENT object field

    This field displays client-specific information.

91.12  –  CLTSEQ object field

    This field displays client sequence information.

91.13  –  UTILITY object field

    This field displays RMU utility information.


92.1  –  Buffer Count field

    This field displays the default buffer count used by database

92.2  –  APF Enabled field

    This field indicates whether asynchronous prefetch operations are
    enabled. The default value 1 indicates that asynchronous prefetch
    operations are enabled and the value 0 indicates that they are
    disabled. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    APF_ENABLED logical name.

92.3  –  APF Depth field

    This field displays the asynchronous pre-fetch depth setting. You
    can override the default value of 5 buffers with the RDM$BIND_
    APF_DEPTH logical name.

92.4  –  DAPF Enabled field

    This field indicates whether detected asynchronous prefetch
    operations are enabled. The default value 1 indicates that
    detected asynchronous prefetch operations are enabled and the
    value 0 indicates that they are disabled. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_DAPF_ENABLED logical name.

92.5  –  DAPF Depth Count field

    This field displays the detected asynchronous pre-fetch depth
    count setting.

92.6  –  DAPF Start Count field

    This field displays the detected asynchronous pre-fetch start

92.7  –  ABW Enabled field

    This field indicates whether asynchronous batch write operations
    are enabled. The default value 1 indicates that asynchronous
    batch write operations are enabled and the value 0 indicates that
    they are disabled. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_ABW_ENABLED logical name.

92.8  –  ABW Clean BufCount field

    This field displays the asynchronous batch write clean buffer
    count setting. You can override the default value of 5 buffers
    with the RDM$BIND_CLEAN_BUF_CNT logical name.

92.9  –  ABW Batch Max field

    This field displays the asynchronous batch write maximum batch
    size setting.

93  –  locking DASHBOARD screen

93.1  –  Lock Timeout Intvl field

    This field displays the number of seconds for a process to wait
    during a lock conflict before timing out. The default value is
    2147483647 seconds. You can override the default value with the

93.2  –  Ready AreaSerially field

    This field indicates whether Oracle Rdb grants lock requests for
    logical and physical areas in the order that the lock requests
    were made. The default value 0 indicates that lock requests are
    not granted serially. You can override the default value with the

93.3  –  Snap Quiet Point field

    This field indicates whether the snapshot locks acquire a quiet-
    point lock. The default value 1 indicates that a quiet-point
    lock is acquired and the value 0 indicates that a quiet-point
    lock is not required. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_SNAP_QUIET_POINT logical name.

93.4  –  Hold Retrvl Locks field

    This field indicates whether hold retrieval locks are enabled.
    The default value 0 indicates that hold retrieval locks are
    disabled and the value 1 indicates that they are enabled. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_HRL_ENABLED logical

93.5  –  Coarse Buf Lockng field

    This field indicates whether coarse buffer locking is enabled.
    The default value 0 indicates that coarse buffer locking is
    disabled and the value 1 indicates that it is enabled. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_CBL_ENABLED logical

94  –  AIJ DASHBOARD screen

94.1  –  Min IO Blocks field

    This field displays the minimum AIJ group commit I/O buffer size,
    in blocks. The default value is 8 blocks. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_IO_MIN logical name.

94.2  –  Max IO Blocks field

    This field displays the maximum AIJ group commit I/O buffer size,
    in blocks. The default value is 127 blocks. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_IO_MAX logical name.

94.3  –  AIJ Stall Interval field

    This field displays the AIJ group commit stall time, in
    milliseconds. The stall time permits a larger number of
    transactions in the group commit operation. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_STALL logical name.

94.4  –  Root Stall Intervl field

    This field displays the TSNBLK group commit stall time, in
    milliseconds. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_COMMIT_STALL logical name.

94.5  –  Switch Global Ckpt field

    This field indicates whether to perform a global checkpoint after
    an AIJ switch-over has occurred. The default value 1 indicates
    that a global checkpoint will be performed and the value 0
    indicates that a global checkpoint will not be performed. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_SWITCH_GLOBAL_
    CKPT logical name.

94.6  –  Check Control Recs field

    This field indicates whether to check for control records during
    AIJ cache formatting. The default value 1 indicates that Oracle
    Rdb will check for control records and the value 0 indicates
    that Oracle Rdb will not check for control records. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_CHECK_CONTROL_
    RECS logical name.

94.7  –  Cache Shuffle Dsbl field

    This field indicates whether or not the group commit buffer
    "cache shuffle" mechanism is disabled. The default value "0"
    indicates that the cache shuffle mechanism is enabled, and the
    value "1" indicates that the cache shuffle mechanism is disabled.
    You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_SHUFFLE_
    DISABLED logical name.

94.8  –  ARB Count field

    This field displays the number of after-image journal request
    blocks (ARBs) that are in use for the database.

95  –  Checkpoint DASHBOARD screen

95.1  –  Ckpt Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of AIJ blocks after which a
    checkpoint will occur. The default value is 0 blocks. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_CKPT_BLOCKS logical

95.2  –  Ckpt Time Interval field

    This field indicates the amount of time, in seconds, after which
    a checkpoint will occur. The default value is 0. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_CKPT_TIME logical name.

95.3  –  Ckpt Tx Interval field

    This field indicates the number of committed transactions
    after which a checkpoint will occur. By default, if you have
    fast commit processing enabled, a process checkpoints when the
    AIJ block size limit is reached or the time interval limit is
    exceeded, whichever occurs first. You can specify the number of
    transactions as the checkpoint trigger by defining the RDM$BIND_
    CKPT_TRANS_INTERVAL logical name.

95.4  –  CTJ Tx Interval field

    This field indicates the number of transactions to be allocated
    as a single batch when the commit to journal optimization feature
    is enabled. You can specify the number of transactions to be
    allocated by defining the RDM$BIND_TSN_INTERVAL logical name.

95.5  –  RW Tx Ckpt Advance field

    This field whether or not read/write transactions that modified
    no data are eligable to checkpoint when the transaction commits.
    The default value "0"indicates that such transactions do not
    evaluate checkpointing when they commit, and the value "1"
    idicates that they will. You can override the default value with

96  –  Hot standby DASHBOARD screen

96.1  –  Network Timeout field

    This field displays the amount of time, in seconds, after which
    the Hot Standby network times out. The default is 120 seconds.
    You can override the default with the RDM$BIND_HOT_NETWORK_
    TIMEOUT logical name.

96.2  –  Connect Timeout field

    This field displays the amount of time, in minutes, to wait for
    the connection to be made between the master and the standby
    database. The default is 5 minutes. You can override the default
    with the RDM$BIND_LCS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT logical name.

96.3  –  Sync Commit Freq field

    This field displays the Log Catch-up Server (LCS) process message
    synchronization count, expressed as the number of messages after
    which the LCS waits for the Log Rollforward Server (LRS) process
    on the standby database to finish processing all previously
    transmitted messages. The default is 64 messages. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_LCS_SYNC_COMMIT_
    MAX logical name.

96.4  –  Data Sync Mode field

    This field displays the current database synchronization mode.

            0 = cold    1 = warm    2 = hot   3 = commit

    You can override the default with the RDM$BIND_HOT_DATA_SYNC_MODE
    logical name.

96.5  –  Server Checkpoint field

    This field displays the number of messages per server checkpoint
    interval. The default is 100 messages. You can override the
    default with the RDM$BIND_HOT_CHECKPOINT logical name.

96.6  –  LCS Reopen Log Sec field

    This field displays the amount of time, in seconds, that the LCS
    process will wait before attempting to automatically reopen its
    log file.

96.7  –  LCS Reopen Log Siz field

    This field displays the maximum file size that the LCS process
    log file is allowed to grow before it is automatically reopened.

96.8  –  Gap Timeout field

    This field displays the amount of time, in minutes, to wait for
    stalled MSN (gap) resolution. The default is 5 minutes. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_LRS_GAP_TIMEOUT
    logical name.

96.9  –  Commit Queue Min field

    This field displays the minimum number of committed transactions
    the Log Rollforward Server (LRS) process on the standby database
    will process in a single batch. Decreasing this value may cause
    asynchronous pre-fetch stalls; increasing this value may cause
    buffer turnover. The default is 10 transactions. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_LRS_COMMIT_QUEUE_MIN logical

96.10  –  Commit Queue Cur field

    This field displays the current number of committed transactions
    the Log Rollforward Server (LRS) process on the standby database
    will process in a single batch. This value dynamically floats
    between the minimum and maximum dashboard values. The default
    is 10 transactions. You can override the default value with the

96.11  –  Commit Queue Max field

    This field displays the maximum number of committed transactions
    the Log Rollforward Server (LRS) process on the standby database
    will process in a single batch. Decreasing this value may cause
    asynchronous pre-fetch stalls; increasing this value may cause
    buffer turnover. The default is 500 transactions. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_LRS_COMMIT_QUEUE_
    MAX logical name.

96.12  –  Governor Enabled field

    This field indicates whether the governor is enabled. The default
    value 1 indicates that the governor is enabled and the value 0
    indicates that it is disabled. You can override the default value
    with the RDM$BIND_LRS_GOVERNOR_ENABLED logical name.

96.13  –  LRS Reopen Log Sec field

    This field displays the amount of time, in seconds, that the LRS
    process will wait before attempting to automatically reopen its
    log file.

96.14  –  LRS Reopen Log Siz field

    This field displays the maximum file size that the LRS process
    log file is allowed to grow before it is automatically reopened.

96.15  –  Suspend ABS field

    This field indicates whether the ABS process is suspended as
    a result of a Hot Standby (replication) failure. The default
    value 1 indicates that the ABS process is suspended and the
    value 0 indicates that the ABS process is not suspended. You
    can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_HOT_ABS_SUSPEND
    logical name.

97  –  Row Cache DASHBOARD screen

97.1  –  Insert Enabled field

    This field indicates whether or not rows can be inserted into
    the row cache. The default value 1 indicates that rows can be
    inserted into the cache and the value 0 indicates that rows
    cannot be inserted into the cache. You can override the default
    value with the RDM$BIND_RCACHE_INSERT_ENABLED logical name.

97.2  –  RCRL Count field

    This field displays the number of reserved row cache slots. You
    can override the default value of 20 slots with the RDM$BIND_
    RCACHE_RCRL_COUNT logical name.

97.3  –  Latch Spin Count field

    This field indicates the number of times a process trying to
    acquire a latch should spin before hibernating.

98  –  ruj DASHBOARD screen

98.1  –  RUJ Alloc Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of blocks the .ruj file is
    created with. The default value is 127 blocks. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_RUJ_ALLOC_BLKCNT logical

98.2  –  RUJ Extend Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of blocks the .ruj file is
    extended by. The default value is 127 blocks. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_RUJ_EXTEND_BLKCNT logical

99  –  Monitor DASHBOARD screen

99.1  –  Max DBR Count field

    This field displays the maximum number of database recovery (DBR)
    processes that will be invoked following node failure. RDM$BIND_
    MAX_DBR_COUNT logical name.

99.2  –  ABS Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached ABS
    process will be invoked with. You can initialize this field with
    the RDM$BIND_ABS_PRIORITY logical name.

99.3  –  ALS Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached ALS
    process will be invoked with. You can initialize this field with
    the RDM$BIND_ALS_PRIORITY logical name.

99.4  –  DBR Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached DBR
    server process will be invoked with. You can initialize this
    field with the RDM$BIND_DBR_PRIORITY logical name.

99.5  –  LCS Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached LCS
    process will be invoked with. You can initialize this field with
    the RDM$BIND_LCS_PRIORITY logical name.

99.6  –  LRS Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached LRS
    server process will be invoked with. You can initialize this
    field with the RDM$BIND_LRS_PRIORITY logical name.

99.7  –  RCS Priority field

    This field displays the default priority that the detached
    row cache server (RCS) process will be invoked with. You can
    initialize this field with the RDM$BIND_RCS_PRIORITY logical

100  –  ABS DASHBOARD screen

100.1  –  Quiet Point field

    This field indicates whether the after-image journal backup
    server (ABS) will perform a quiet-point after-image journal

    The default value 0 indicates that a no-quiet-point backup will
    be performed while 1 indicates that a quiet-point backup will be
    performed. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    ABS_QUIET_POINT logical name.

100.2  –  Overwrite Allowed field

    This field indicates whether the after-image journal backup
    server (ABS) is allowed to reset overwritten AIJ journals.

    The default value 0 indicates that the ABS cannot reset
    overwritten journals while the value 1 indicates that the ABS
    can reset overwritten journals. You can override the default
    value with the RDM$BIND_ABS_OVERWRITE_ALLOWED logical name.

100.3  –  OverwriteImmediate field

    This field indicates whether journals should be immediately reset

    The default value 0 indicates that AIJ journals should not be
    immediately reset. The value 1 indicates that AIJ journals should
    be immediately reset depending on the value of the RDM$BIND_ABS_
    OVERWRITE_ALLOWED logical name.

    You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_ABS_
    OVERWRITE_IMMEDIATE logical name.

101  –  ALS DASHBOARD screen

101.1  –  AIJ Hiber Time field

    This field displays the amount of time (in hundredths of a
    second) that processes have spent hibernating while the AIJ log
    server processes their requests.

101.2  –  Switch Global Ckpt field

    This field indicates whether to perform a global checkpoint after
    an AIJ switch-over has occurred. The default value 1 indicates
    that a global checkpoint will be performed and the value 0
    indicates that a global checkpoint will not be performed. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_SWITCH_GLOBAL_
    CKPT logical name.

101.3  –  Check Control Recs field

    This field indicates whether to check for control records during
    AIJ cache formatting. The default value 1 indicates that Oracle
    Rdb will check for control records and the value 0 indicates
    that Oracle Rdb will not check for control records. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_CHECK_CONTROL_
    RECS logical name.

101.4  –  Emergency AIJ field

    This field indicates whether the ALS process creates an emergency
    AIJ journal if the AIJ switch-over operation enters the suspended
    state. The default value 0 indicates that the creation of
    emergency journals is disabled and the value 1 indicates that it
    is enabled. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    ALS_CREATE_AIJ logical name.

101.5  –  ALS Log Reopen Sec field

    This field displays the amount of time, in seconds, that the ALS
    process will wait before attempting to automatically reopen its
    log file.

101.6  –  ALS Log Reopen Siz field

    This field displays the maximum file size that the ALS process
    log file is allowed to grow before it is automatically reopened.

102  –  DBR DASHBOARD screen

102.1  –  Buffer Count field

    This field displays the default buffer count used by database
    processes. You can initialize this field with the RDM$BIND_DBR_
    BUFFER_CNT logical name.

103  –  RCS DASHBOARD screen

103.1  –  Ckpt Buffer Count field

    This field indicates the number of buffers to be examined as
    a single batch by the row cache server (RCS) process during a
    checkpoint operation. You can override the default value of 15
    buffers with the RDM$BIND_RCS_CKPT_BUFFER_CNT logical name.

103.2  –  Batch Count field

    This field displays the number of rows to be flushed to disk.

103.3  –  Checkpoint field

    This field indicates whether the row cache server (RCS) performs
    a checkpoint. The default value 1 indicates a checkpoint is
    performed and the value 0 indicates that a checkpoint is not
    performed. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    RCS_CHECKPOINT logical name.

103.4  –  Ckpt Time Interval field

    This field indicates the amount of time, in seconds, after which
    a checkpoint will occur. The default value is 0. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_CKPT_TIME logical name.

103.5  –  Sweep Interval field

    This field indicates the amount of time, in minutes between
    sweeps. The default sweep interval is 1 minute. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_RCS_SWEEP_INTERVAL logical

103.6  –  Low Cold Thshld field

    This field indicates the number of unmarked records below which
    the row cache server (RCS) sweep completes. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_RCS_MIN_COLD logical name.

103.7  –  High Cold Thshld field

    This field indicates the number of marked records above which the
    row cache server (RCS) sweep starts. You can override the default
    value with the RDM$BIND_RCS_MAX_COLD logical name.

103.8  –  Cold Record Count field

    This field displays the number of unmodified rows in the row

103.9  –  Abort Sweep field

    This field indicates whether the sweep should be aborted. The
    default value 0 indicates that the sweep should be continued and
    the value 1 indicates that the sweep should be aborted.

104  –  Per process i o DASHBOARD screen

104.1  –  Buffer Count field

    This field displays the actual buffer count used by database
    processes. Updating this field has no effect on the process since
    you cannot dynamically change the number of buffers.

104.2  –  APF Enabled field

    This field indicates whether asynchronous prefetch operations are
    enabled. The default value 1 indicates that asynchronous prefetch
    operations are enabled and the value 0 indicates that they are
    disabled. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    APF_ENABLED logical name.

104.3  –  APF Depth field

    This field displays the asynchronous prefetch depth setting. You
    can override the default value of 5 buffers with the RDM$BIND_
    APF_DEPTH logical name.

104.4  –  DAPF Enabled field

    This field indicates whether detected asynchronous prefetch
    operations are enabled. The default value 1 indicates that
    detected asynchronous prefetch operations are enabled and the
    value 0 indicates that they are disabled. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_DAPF_ENABLED logical name.

104.5  –  DAPF Depth Count field

    This field displays the detected asynchronous prefetch depth

104.6  –  DAPF Start Count field

    This field displays the detected asynchronous prefetch start

104.7  –  ABW Enabled field

    This field indicates whether asynchronous batch write operations
    are enabled. The default value 1 indicates that asynchronous
    batch write operations are enabled and the value 0 indicates that
    they are disabled. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_ABW_ENABLED logical name.

104.8  –  ABW Clean BufCount field

    This field displays the asynchronous batch write clean buffer
    count setting. You can override the default value of 5 buffers
    with the RDM$BIND_CLEAN_BUF_CNT logical name.

104.9  –  ABW Batch Max field

    This field displays the asynchronous batch write maximum batch
    size setting.

104.10  –  Lock Timeout Intvl field

    This field displays the number of seconds for a process to wait
    during a lock conflict before timing out. The default value is
    2147483647 seconds. You can override the default value with the

104.11  –  Ready AreaSerially field

    This field indicates whether Oracle Rdb grants lock requests for
    logical and physical areas in the order that the lock requests
    were made. The default value 0 indicates that lock requests are
    not granted serially. You can override the default value with the

104.12  –  Snap Quiet Point field

    This field indicates whether the snapshot locks acquire a quiet-
    point lock. The default value 1 indicates that a quiet-point
    lock is acquired and the value 0 indicates that a quiet-point
    lock is not required. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_SNAP_QUIET_POINT logical name.

104.13  –  Hold Retrvl Locks field

    This field indicates whether hold retrieval locks are enabled.
    The default value 0 indicates that hold retrieval locks are
    disabled and the value 1 indicates that they are enabled. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_HRL_ENABLED logical

104.14  –  Coarse Buf Lockng field

    This field indicates whether coarse buffer locking is enabled.
    The default value 0 indicates that coarse buffer locking is
    disabled and the value 1 indicates that it is enabled. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_CBL_ENABLED logical

105  –  Per process JOURNAL DASHBOARD screen

105.1  –  Min AIJ IO Bytes field

    This field displays the minimum AIJ group commit I/O buffer size,
    in bytes. The default value is 4096 bytes. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_IO_MIN logical name.

105.2  –  Max AIJ IO Bytes field

    This field displays the maximum AIJ group commit I/O buffer size,
    in bytes. The default value is 65024 blocks. You can override the
    default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_IO_MAX logical name.

105.3  –  AIJ Stall Interval field

    This field displays the AIJ group commit stall time, in

105.4  –  Root Stall Intervl field

    This field displays the TSNBLK group commit stall time, in
    milliseconds. You can override the default value with the
    RDM$BIND_COMMIT_STALL logical name.

105.5  –  Switch Global Ckpt field

    This field indicates whether to perform a global checkpoint after
    an AIJ switch-over has occurred. The default value 1 indicates
    that a global checkpoint will be performed and the value 0
    indicates that a global checkpoint will not be performed. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_SWITCH_GLOBAL_
    CKPT logical name.

105.6  –  Check Control Recs field

    This field indicates whether to check for control records during
    AIJ cache formatting. The default value 1 indicates that Oracle
    Rdb will check for control records and the value 0 indicates
    that Oracle Rdb will not check for control records. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_CHECK_CONTROL_
    RECS logical name.

105.7  –  Ckpt Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of AIJ blocks after which a
    checkpoint will occur. The default value is 0 blocks. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_CKPT_BLOCKS logical

105.8  –  Ckpt Time Interval field

    This field indicates the amount of time, in seconds, after which
    a checkpoint will occur. The default value is 0. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_CKPT_TIME logical name.

105.9  –  Ckpt Tx Interval field

    This field indicates the number of committed transactions
    after which a checkpoint will occur. By default, if you have
    fast commit processing enabled, a process checkpoints when the
    AIJ block size limit is reached or the time interval limit is
    exceeded, whichever occurs first. You can specify the number of
    transactions as the checkpoint trigger by defining the RDM$BIND_
    CKPT_TRANS_INTERVAL logical name.

105.10  –  CTJ TX Interval field

    This field indicates the number of transactions to be allocated
    as a single batch when the commit to journal optimization feature
    is enabled. You can specify the number of transactions to be
    allocated by defining the RDM$BIND_TSN_INTERVAL logical name.

105.11  –  RW Tx Ckpt Advance field

    This field whether or not read/write transactions that modified
    no data are eligable to checkpoint when the transaction commits.
    The default value "0"indicates that such transactions do not
    evaluate checkpointing when they commit, and the value "1"
    idicates that they will. You can override the default value with

105.12  –  RUJ Alloc Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of blocks the .ruj file is
    created with. The default value is 127 blocks. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_RUJ_ALLOC_BLKCNT logical

105.13  –  RUJ Extend Blocks field

    This field indicates the number of blocks the .ruj file is
    extended by. The default value is 127 blocks. You can override
    the default value with the RDM$BIND_RUJ_EXTEND_BLKCNT logical

106  –  Per Process Row Cache DASHBOARD screen

106.1  –  Insert Enabled field

    This field indicates whether or not rows can be inserted into
    the row cache. The default value 1 indicates that rows can be
    inserted into the cache and the value 0 indicates that rows
    cannot be inserted into the cache. You can override the default
    value with the RDM$BIND_RCACHE_INSERT_ENABLED logical name.

106.2  –  RCRL Count field

    This field displays the number of reserved row cache slots. You
    can override the default value of 20 slots with the RDM$BIND_
    RCACHE_RCRL_COUNT logical name.

106.3  –  Latch Spin Count field

    This field indicates the number of times a process trying to
    acquire a latch should spin before hibernating.
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