RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Fields  ALS DASHBOARD screen

1  –  AIJ Hiber Time field

    This field displays the amount of time (in hundredths of a
    second) that processes have spent hibernating while the AIJ log
    server processes their requests.

2  –  Switch Global Ckpt field

    This field indicates whether to perform a global checkpoint after
    an AIJ switch-over has occurred. The default value 1 indicates
    that a global checkpoint will be performed and the value 0
    indicates that a global checkpoint will not be performed. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_SWITCH_GLOBAL_
    CKPT logical name.

3  –  Check Control Recs field

    This field indicates whether to check for control records during
    AIJ cache formatting. The default value 1 indicates that Oracle
    Rdb will check for control records and the value 0 indicates
    that Oracle Rdb will not check for control records. You can
    override the default value with the RDM$BIND_AIJ_CHECK_CONTROL_
    RECS logical name.

4  –  Emergency AIJ field

    This field indicates whether the ALS process creates an emergency
    AIJ journal if the AIJ switch-over operation enters the suspended
    state. The default value 0 indicates that the creation of
    emergency journals is disabled and the value 1 indicates that it
    is enabled. You can override the default value with the RDM$BIND_
    ALS_CREATE_AIJ logical name.

5  –  ALS Log Reopen Sec field

    This field displays the amount of time, in seconds, that the ALS
    process will wait before attempting to automatically reopen its
    log file.

6  –  ALS Log Reopen Siz field

    This field displays the maximum file size that the ALS process
    log file is allowed to grow before it is automatically reopened.
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