RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens

1  –  Summary IO Statistics screen

    This screen summarizes database I/O activity and indicates
    transaction and verb execution rates.

2  –  Summary Locking Statistics screen

    This screen monitors the total database locking activity.
    The statistics in this screen are the totals for all types of
    database locks.

3  –  Summary Object Statistics screen

    This screen provides cumulative information for all database root
    file objects.

4  –  Summary Cache Statistics screen

    This screen provides cumulative information for all row caches in
    the database.

    The Summary Cache Statistics screen is recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

5  –  Summary Cache Unmark Statistics screen

    This screen provides row cache "unmark" statistics which describe
    how rows in the row caches are written back to disk.

    The Summary Cache Unmark Statistics screen is recorded in
    the binary output file produced using the Output qualifier.
    Consequently, this screen is available when you replay a binary
    file using the Input qualifier.

6  –  Summary Tx Statistics screen

    This screen summarizes database transaction activity and
    indicates transaction and verb execution rates.

7  –  Record Statistics screen

    This screen shows a summary of data row activity for storage
    areas in the database. Data row activity includes modification
    (marked), retrieval (fetch), store, or erase operations.

8  –  Transaction Duration Total screen

    You can view the Transaction Duration screen either graphically
    or numerically. The default display presents a graph. Choose the
    Numbers option by typing N to change the display from graph to
    numbers. When in the numeric display, choose the Graph option by
    typing G to change to the graphical display.

    The Graph option of this screen presents a graph that indicates
    the overall real-time processing performance of the database.
    It shows the transaction rate (number per second, by default)
    and the time required to complete transactions. The duration of
    each transaction is measured from the first SQL SET TRANSACTION
    statement to the completion of the COMMIT or ROLLBACK verb. In
    addition to displaying average transaction duration, this screen
    shows a graph of the transaction durations. As each transaction
    completes, it is added to the cumulative histogram display. The
    95 percentile response time is continuously updated to show the
    time in which 95 percent or more of the transactions complete.
    The screen gives an indication of subjective system response

    The Numbers option of this screen provides the exact number of
    transactions in each of the 16 time categories. The numeric
    display also shows the number of transactions that completed
    and the number of transactions that did not complete within each
    time category.

    The information in the numeric version of the Transaction
    Duration screen includes:

    o  Total transaction count

       This is the total number of transactions represented by the
       information on the screen. Reset the number of transactions
       with the Reset option by typing R.

    o  Duration

       This column contains the transaction duration categories.

       For the short-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n seconds to
       less than but not including m seconds.

       For the long-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n minutes to
       less than but not including m minutes.

    o  Tx.Count, %

       The Tx. Count column contains the number of transactions in
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions in each transaction
       duration category.

    o  #Complete, %

       The #Complete column contains the total number of transactions
       that completed by the end of the the time specified by
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions that completed by the end
       of the time specified by each transaction duration category.

    o  #Incomplete, %

       The #Incomplete column contains the total number of
       transactions that did not complete before the end of the
       time specified by each transaction duration category. The %
       column shows the percentage of the total transactions that
       did not complete before the end of the time specified by each
       transaction duration category.

       The Complete % and Incomplete % should always add up to 100%
       for each transaction duration category.

    o  <- average

       The <- average indicator on the right side of the screen
       points to the transaction duration category that contains
       the average transaction duration time. This indicator changes
       at runtime to maintain an accurate indication of the average
       transaction duration time.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Transaction
    Duration screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Total transaction duration

       Displays read-only and read/write transactions

    o  Read/Write transaction duration

       Displays read/write transactions

    o  Read-Only transaction duration

       Displays read-only transactions

    o  XXX duration transaction display

       Displays either the short or long duration transaction
       display. The option description changes depending on which
       duration is currently being displayed.

    If you collect statistics in an output file using the Output
    qualifier for the RMU Show Statistics command, you can replay the
    Transaction Duration screen by using the Input qualifier.

9  –  Transaction Duration Read Write screen

    You can view the Transaction Duration screen either graphically
    or numerically. The default display presents a graph. Choose the
    Numbers option by typing N to change the display from graph to
    numbers. When in the numeric display, choose the Graph option by
    typing G to change to the graphical display.

    The Graph option of this screen presents a graph that indicates
    the overall real-time processing performance of the database.
    It shows the transaction rate (number per second, by default)
    and the time required to complete transactions. The duration of
    each transaction is measured from the first SQL SET TRANSACTION
    statement to the completion of the COMMIT or ROLLBACK verb. In
    addition to displaying average transaction duration, this screen
    shows a graph of the transaction durations. As each transaction
    completes, it is added to the cumulative histogram display. The
    95 percentile response time is continuously updated to show the
    time in which 95 percent or more of the transactions complete.
    The screen gives an indication of subjective system response

    The Numbers option of this screen provides the exact number of
    transactions in each of the 16 time categories. The numeric
    display also shows the number of transactions that completed
    and the number of transactions that did not complete within each
    time category.

    The information in the numeric version of the Transaction
    Duration screen includes:

    o  Total transaction count

       This is the total number of transactions represented by the
       information on the screen. Reset the number of transactions
       with the Reset option by typing R.

    o  Duration

       This column contains the transaction duration categories.

       For the short-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n seconds to
       less than but not including m seconds.

       For the long-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n minutes to
       less than but not including m minutes.

    o  Tx.Count, %

       The Tx. Count column contains the number of transactions in
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions in each transaction
       duration category.

    o  #Complete, %

       The #Complete column contains the total number of transactions
       that completed by the end of the the time specified by
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions that completed by the end
       of the time specified by each transaction duration category.

    o  #Incomplete, %

       The #Incomplete column contains the total number of
       transactions that did not complete before the end of the
       time specified by each transaction duration category. The %
       column shows the percentage of the total transactions that
       did not complete before the end of the time specified by each
       transaction duration category.

       The Complete % and Incomplete % should always add up to 100%
       for each transaction duration category.

    o  <- average

       The <- average indicator on the right side of the screen
       points to the transaction duration category that contains
       the average transaction duration time. This indicator changes
       at runtime to maintain an accurate indication of the average
       transaction duration time.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Transaction
    Duration screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Total transaction duration

       Displays read-only and read/write transactions

    o  Read/Write transaction duration

       Displays read/write transactions

    o  Read-Only transaction duration

       Displays read-only transactions

    o  XXX duration transaction display

       Displays either the short or long duration transaction
       display. The option description changes depending on which
       duration is currently being displayed.

    If you collect statistics in an output file using the Output
    qualifier for the RMU Show Statistics command, you can replay the
    Transaction Duration screen by using the Input qualifier.

10  –  Transaction Duration Read Only screen

    You can view the Transaction Duration screen either graphically
    or numerically. The default display presents a graph. Choose the
    Numbers option by typing N to change the display from graph to
    numbers. When in the numeric display, choose the Graph option by
    typing G to change to the graphical display.

    The Graph option of this screen presents a graph that indicates
    the overall real-time processing performance of the database.
    It shows the transaction rate (number per second, by default)
    and the time required to complete transactions. The duration of
    each transaction is measured from the first SQL SET TRANSACTION
    statement to the completion of the COMMIT or ROLLBACK verb. In
    addition to displaying average transaction duration, this screen
    shows a graph of the transaction durations. As each transaction
    completes, it is added to the cumulative histogram display. The
    95 percentile response time is continuously updated to show the
    time in which 95 percent or more of the transactions complete.
    The screen gives an indication of subjective system response

    The Numbers option of this screen provides the exact number of
    transactions in each of the 16 time categories. The numeric
    display also shows the number of transactions that completed
    and the number of transactions that did not complete within each
    time category.

    The information in the numeric version of the Transaction
    Duration screen includes:

    o  Total transaction count

       This is the total number of transactions represented by the
       information on the screen. Reset the number of transactions
       with the Reset option by typing R.

    o  Duration

       This column contains the transaction duration categories.

       For the short-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n seconds to
       less than but not including m seconds.

       For the long-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n minutes to
       less than but not including m minutes.

    o  Tx.Count, %

       The Tx. Count column contains the number of transactions in
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions in each transaction
       duration category.

    o  #Complete, %

       The #Complete column contains the total number of transactions
       that completed by the end of the the time specified by
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions that completed by the end
       of the time specified by each transaction duration category.

    o  #Incomplete, %

       The #Incomplete column contains the total number of
       transactions that did not complete before the end of the
       time specified by each transaction duration category. The %
       column shows the percentage of the total transactions that
       did not complete before the end of the time specified by each
       transaction duration category.

       The Complete % and Incomplete % should always add up to 100%
       for each transaction duration category.

    o  <- average

       The <- average indicator on the right side of the screen
       points to the transaction duration category that contains
       the average transaction duration time. This indicator changes
       at runtime to maintain an accurate indication of the average
       transaction duration time.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Transaction
    Duration screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Total transaction duration

       Displays read-only and read/write transactions

    o  Read/Write transaction duration

       Displays read/write transactions

    o  Read-Only transaction duration

       Displays read-only transactions

    o  XXX duration transaction display

       Displays either the short or long duration transaction
       display. The option description changes depending on which
       duration is currently being displayed.

    If you collect statistics in an output file using the Output
    qualifier for the RMU Show Statistics command, you can replay the
    Transaction Duration screen by using the Input qualifier.

11  –  Custom Statistics screen

    This screen shows a customized display of any of the base
    statistics information (for example, non-by-area and non-per-
    process statistics).

    The size of your Custom Statistics display determines the number
    of statistics fields you can add to the display. The header and
    horizontal menu take up eight lines of the Custom Statistics
    display; you can add a statistics field on each of the remaining
    lines, up to a maximum of 36 different fields. Each statistics
    field is placed on a separate line of the display.

    The Custom Statistics screen is an ordinary screen; information
    can be displayed graphically as a histogram or in numeric tabular
    format. Also, the Time_plot and X_plot options are available for
    any of the selected statistics fields.

    Initially, the Custom Statistics screen contains two statistics:
    database binds and transactions. These statistics can be moved,
    removed, replaced, or annotated.

    There are two different methods available to populate the Custom
    Statistics display: fields can either be Yanked from an existing
    statistics display and implicitly Put on the Custom Statistics
    display or you can manually create a statistics field. Oracle
    Corporation recommends using the Yank and Put method, which is

    To Yank and Put a statistics field, use the Yank menu option on
    the statistics display page containing the statistics field you
    wish to select. The Yank menu option is not available in the
    Custom Statistics display.

    When you select the Yank option by pressing Y, a menu of the
    selectable fields is displayed; this menu is similar to the Help
    on fields menu. Select the letter of the statistics field you
    want to yank and that field will automatically appear on the
    Custom Statistics display. Note that once you select a particular
    statistics field, you cannot select it again unless you first
    delete it from the Custom Statistics display. This means that the
    field selection menu changes every time you select a field.

    The selected field will be positioned on the first available row
    of the Custom Statistics display. You cannot specify the row of
    the Custom Statistics display on which the field will be placed
    using the Yank and Put method. However, once the field has been
    put on the Custom Statistics display, you can change the position
    of that field.

    The Yank and Put menu will automatically be canceled when you
    have selected all the available statistics field on any given
    display or when there are no more fields available on the Custom
    Statistics display.

    For more advanced users, you can also manually create a
    statistics field. On the Custom Statistics display, you can
    use the Config menu option to explicitly enter the index of
    the specific statistics field, numbered from 1 to 1020. These
    indexes are documented in the text file SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_
    STATISTICS.CDO (if you have installed multiple versions of Oracle
    Rdb on your system, the text file is named SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_
    STATISTICSvv.CDO, where vv is the Oracle Rdb software version).
    When selecting statistics files manually, the keyboard will
    beep if you specify the index of an existing statistics field.
    However, no error message is displayed.

    When you select the configuration menu by typing C on the Custom
    Statistics screen, the configuration submenu will be displayed.
    The configuration submenu allows you to add, delete, move,
    annotate, and compress statistics fields on the Custom Statistics
    screen. The configuration menu varies according to the state of
    the Custom Statistics screen but typically all of the following
    options are displayed:

    o  Add a statistics field

       When you select the Add menu option, you are prompted to
       select the screen position where you want to place the
       statistics field, the index of the statistics field, and the
       title of the statistics field. The title you specify is then
       appended with the respective index, in brackets, to show which
       statistics have been manually selected.

       This option is extremely useful for tracking statistics values
       that are not normally displayed. For instance, the statistics
       field that tracks the total number of bytes of VM allocated
       is not actually displayed by any Performance Monitor screen.
       However, you can select index number 16 and the number of
       bytes of VM allocated is displayed on the Custom Statistics

    o  Delete a statistics field

       When you select the Delete menu option, you are prompted to
       select the statistics field you wish to delete.

    o  Move a statistics field

       When you select the Move menu option, you are prompted
       to select the statistics field to be moved and the screen
       position where the selected field will be displayed.

    o  Annotate a statistics field

       When you select the Annotate configuration menu option,
       you will be prompted to select the statistics field to be
       annotated. You will then be prompted to enter a new name
       for the selected statistics field. Once you have annotated
       a statistic field name, you cannot retrieve the original name
       unless you delete the statistic field and re-yank it on to the
       Custom Statistics screen.

    o  Compress the display

       Selecting the Compress menu option eliminates all intervening
       blank lines on the screen. This option is particularly useful
       after deleting one or more statistics fields.

12  –  Snapshot Statistics screen

    This screen shows snapshot activity for both update and read-only
    transactions. The "retrieved record", "fetched line", and "read
    snap page" statistics relate to read-only transactions, and the
    last five statistics are relevant for update transactions.

13  –  Stall Messages screen

    This screen shows a summary of database users' stall activity.
    A user stalls whenever Oracle Rdb issues a system call on behalf
    of the user's process. For example, a stall occurs while a user
    waits for a lock or for completion of a physical disk read or

    By default, the Stall Messages screen shows all stalls, including
    those of millisecond duration. When a high-performance, high-
    volume online transaction processing (OLTP) application issues a
    large number of I/Os on a high-speed disk device, a DBA may find
    it impossible to differentiate between the many short millisecond
    stalls of the OLTP application and the longer, more important
    stalls that may be encountered by other applications using the

    By typing A to select the Alarm option from the Stall Messages
    horizontal menu, you can specify a duration, in seconds, that
    a process must stall before it appears on the Stall Messages
    screen. For example, if you specify an alarm interval of 5
    seconds, then only stalls of 5 seconds or longer duration will
    appear on the Stall Messages screen. If you specify a value of 0
    as the alarm interval, the default, all stalls will appear on the
    Stall Messages screen.

    By typing B once to select the Bell option from the horizontal
    menu, you can activate the alarm bell option and the option will
    be highlighted. Entering B again will deactivate the alarm bell
    and the option will not be highlighted.

    The alarm bell, even if activated, will be rung only if the alarm
    option has also been activated.

    When both the alarm and the alarm bell are activated, the alarm
    bell will be sounded once per screen refresh (specified by the
    Set_rate option) if there are any displayed stalls.

    By typing F to select the filter option, you can control the
    type of stall messages that are displayed. For example, you can
    display processes that are stalled while writing to a certain
    storage area.

    The filter option allows you to enter a search string which is
    used to filter the stall messages. Only those stall messages that
    contain the specified search string are displayed. The search
    string may contain one or both of the wildcard characters. The
    asterisk wildcard character is mapped to zero or more characters
    and the percent wildcard character is mapped to exactly one
    character. Note that the search string is not case sensitive.

    The filter menu option is highlighted when a search string is
    actively filtering stall messages. To disable filtering, press
    the Return key at the search string prompt.

    Stall messages are not saved in the binary statistics file
    created by the Output qualifier. Consequently, the Stall Messages
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

    This screen lists database user processes and describes the most
    recent stalls executed by users on the node from which the Show
    Statistics command was issued. Because the stall messages are
    sampled only at the screen update interval, most stalls are
    missed. If the same stall message for a process persists, it
    could indicate a problem. The screen also shows when a process is
    writing a bugcheck dump; a bugcheck dump file name longer than 53
    characters is truncated.

    The Stall Messages screen shows only processes that are actively
    stalling. Once a process finishes stalling, it disappears from
    the screen. Processes that are still stalling ripple up to the
    top of the screen. This means that the longest stalling processes
    appear at the top of the screen. Newer stalls are added to the
    bottom of the screen. Therefore, all users on the same node
    share the same stall screen lines, and only the actively stalling
    processes show up on the stall screen. This allows you to monitor
    a relatively large number of stalling processes.

    If there are more stalled processes than can fit on one page, the
    notation "Page 1 of n" appears, where n is the total number of
    pages. You can display successive pages by pressing the right
    angle bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a
    previous stall message page, press the left angle bracket (<)
    key or the Prev Screen key.

    A database with no stalls has a blank stall display.

    You can force frequent screen updates by using a negative number
    for the Time qualifier in the RMU Show Statistics command. For
    example, Time=-10 refreshes the screen every 10/100 (1/10) of a
    second. Note that you use a lot of system resources, particularly
    on the smaller CPU machines, when you specify this time interval.

    If more stalls are in progress than can fit on your screen, some
    active stalls might not be displayed. Oracle Rdb attempts to
    place as many active stall messages on the screen as possible.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Stall
    Messages screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display XXX Stall Time

       Display either the actual stall time or the elapsed stall
       time. The option description changes depending on which stall
       time is currently being displayed.

    o  Set alarm interval

       Specify a duration, in seconds, that a process must stall
       before it appears on the Stall Messages screen.

    o  XXX alarm bell

       Activate or deactivate the alarm bell. The option description
       changes depending on whether the bell is activated.

    o  Filter Stall Messages

       Display stall messages that contain the specified search

    The information shown in the screen includes:

    o  process

       The process ID and the Oracle Rdb stream ID of the database
       user. Normally the stream ID will be one (1). However, if
       the user is attached to multiple databases or has explicitly
       detached and attached to different database sessions during
       the same image activation, the stream ID will uniquely
       identify the database session. Stream ID values greater than
       99 display as "**" to indicate an integer display overflow
       on the screen; the [Z]oom function can be used to display the
       full stream ID in this case. The Config menu allows you to
       select sorting of database users by process ID.

       Optionally, a single character following the stream ID field
       indicates additional information about the process:

         D  - Database Recovery (DBR)
         R  - Server for a remote user
         s  - Database server (such as ABS, ALS, LCS, LRS, or RCS)
         u  - Attached for utility access
         *  - User process on another node in the cluster
         A  - Available for per-process monitoring
         G  - Actively being monitored

    o  T

       The current transaction state. R indicates a read-only
       transaction and W indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  since

       By default, the time at which the current stall started.

       The Config menu option allows you to display the elapsed stall
       time or the actual stall time.

    o  stall reason

       The reason for the stall. For example, "waiting for..."
       messages indicate a stalled lock request (along with the
       requested lock mode).

       The following list describes all of the stall reason messages
       that can appear on the Stall Messages screen, and a brief
       explanation of what causes each of them. In most cases, the
       messages are informational and should cause little concern:

       o  Extending .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever the .aij file is logically
          or physically extended, which should occur infrequently.

       o  Extending .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever the .ruj file is physically
          extended, which should occur infrequently.

       o  Extending storage area !UL

          This message displays whenever a storage area file
          (identified by its numeric identifier, which can be
          determined using RMU Dump) is physically extended. You can
          determine the numeric identifier for a database's storage
          areas by using the RMU Dump command. This message should
          occur infrequently. However, this message may occur more
          frequently with WORM areas because WORM area pages cannot
          be reused once they have been written.

       o  Reading .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever the AIJ lock information
          needs to be refreshed; this typically only occurs the first
          time a user attaches to the database. The .aij file is read
          to determine the AIJ logical EOF (not to be confused with
          the OpenVMS logical EOF). It is also read by the database
          recovery (DBR) process.

       o  Reading ROOT file

          This message displays whenever the in-memory database root
          information is determined to be out-of-date and must be
          read again from the disk. This message normally occurs only
          when a database parameter is modified by a user on line or
          some information in the database root is modified by the
          system (such as the AIJ sequence number).

       o  Reading .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever an undo operation needs to
          read the next RUJ page to acquire the rollback information
          necessary to complete the operation. The .ruj file is read
          one block at a time.

          Sometimes a process that is not being rolled back receives
          this message because it was necessary to read the RUJ file
          in order to refresh cached recovery information.

       o  Reading pages !UL:!UL to !UL:!UL

          This message displays whenever one or more pages is read
          into either a user's local buffer or the global buffer.
          One buffer full of pages is being read. The format string
          "!UL:!UL" identifies the physical area and the page number.

       o  waiting for !AD (!AC)

          This message displays whenever a process requests a lock
          "with wait" and another process is holding the lock in an
          incompatible mode. This message may indicate a database
          hot spot and should be investigated using the RMU Show
          Locks utility. The format string "!AD" identifies the lock
          type (that is, storage area, page, MEMBIT, etc.) and the
          string "!AC" identifies the requested lock mode (PR, CR,
          EX, etc.).

          The following list contains information on "waiting for"

          o  waiting for record or page

             The "waiting for record" and "waiting for page" messages
             display a process ID, the time, and the DBKEY for a
             record or a page.

             The DBKEYs in "waiting for record" messages are logical
             DBKEYs. For example:

             waiting for record 1:0:-4 (CR)
             waiting for record 91:155:-1 (CW)

             In this example of the "waiting for record" message, the
             first two fields of the "waiting for record" message are
             not shown. The first field of a "waiting for record"
             message is the process ID of the stalled process,
             and the second field is the time the stall began.
             The third field in the "waiting for record" message
             (the field with the "XX:YY:ZZ" format) represents the
             DBKEY, and you can usually interpret it as "logical area
             number:page number:line number." However, only positive
             numbers represent the line number. When a negative
             number appears, it refers to the record ALG (adjustable
             lock granularity) locking level. By default, there are
             three page locking levels and the negative numbers are
             interpreted as follows:

             o  -4 indicates the complete logical area

             o  -3 normally indicates 1000 database pages range

             o  -2 normally indicates 100 database pages range

             o  -1 normally indicates 10 database pages range

             For example, in the second line of the example, the
             DBKEY occurs in logical area 91 in a range of 10
             database pages, one of which is page 155.

             When you have a logical area number and want to get the
             physical area name for that logical area, follow these

             o  Issue the following command:

                $ RMU/DUMP/LAREAS=RDB$AIP db-name

             o  Search the resulting dump for the logical area with
                that number.

             o  Note the corresponding physical area number.

             o  Issue the following command:

                $ RMU/DUMP/HEADER db-name

                Look up the physical area number from the output of
                the RMU Dump Header command to find the name of the
                physical area.

             You can also look up columns RDB$STORAGE_ID or
             RDB$INDEX_ID in system relations RDB$RELATIONS,
             RDB$INDICES and RDBVMS$STORAGE_MAP_AREAS to identify
             the Oracle Rdb entity (table or index) that the DBKEY
             represents. For a description of the system relations,
             see the System_Relations help topic by issuing the
             following command:


             The page number field in the DBKEY is the number of the
             page in the corresponding physical area; the line number
             is the number of the record on that page.

             The dbkeys in "waiting for page" messages are physical
             dbkeys, for example:

             waiting for page 1:727 (PW)

             In this example of the "waiting for page" message, the
             first two fields of the "waiting for page" message are
             not shown. The first field of a "waiting for page"
             message is the process ID of the stalled process, and
             the second field is the time the stall began. The DBKEY
             format for a "waiting for page" message is interpreted
             as "physical area number:page number."

             When you have a physical area number and want to get
             the physical area name for the area, issue the RMU Dump
             Header command. Then look up the physical area number
             in the command output to find the name of the physical

             You can also get a conversion table by issuing the
             following command:

             _$ /OUTPUT=LAREA.LIS db-name

             This command produces a printable file containing
             all logical areas, logical id numbers and physical id
             numbers for a database.

             CR, CW, and PW in the previous examples are requested
             lock modes of Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write, and
             Protected Write. The following table shows the lock
             compatibility between a current transaction and access
             modes other transactions can specify:

                        Mode of Current Lock
             Mode of    ____________________
             Requested  SR  SW  PR  PW  EX
             SR         Y   Y   Y   Y   N

             SW         Y   Y   N   N   N

             PR         Y   N   Y   N   N

             PW         Y   N   N   N   N

             EX         N   N   N   N   N
             Key to lock modes:

             SR  - Shared Read
             SW  - Shared Write
             PR  - Protected Read
             PW  - Protected Write
             EX  - Exclusive
             Y   - Locks are compatible
             N   - Locks are not compatible

             Shared Read (SR) and Shared Write (SW) in the table are
             equivalent to Concurrent Read (CR) and Concurrent Write

          o  waiting for DBKEY scope

             This message displays when a database user who attached
             using the DBKEY SCOPE IS TRANSACTION clause has a
             read/write transaction in progress (giving the user the
             database key scope lock in CW mode), and a second user
             who specifies the DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH clause (which
             would give the user the database key scope lock in PR
             mode) tries to attach. In this situation, the second
             user's process stalls until the first user's transaction

             You can specify the database key scope at run time using
             the DBKEY SCOPE IS clause of the SQL ATTACH statement.
             If the DBKEY SCOPE IS clause is used with the SQL CREATE
             DATABASE or SQL IMPORT statements, the setting is in
             effect only for the duration of the session of the user
             who issued the statement; the setting does not become a
             database root file parameter.

          o  waiting for snapshot cursor

             This message displays when a process tries to start a
             read-only transaction when snapshots are deferred, there
             is no current read-only transaction, and a read/write
             transaction is active.

             Waiting for snapshot cursor is a normal state if
             snapshots are deferred. The waiting will end when all
             read/write transactions started before the first read-
             only transaction have finished.

          o  waiting for MEMBIT lock

             For each database, a membership data structure is
             maintained. The membership data structure keeps track of
             the nodes that are accessing the database at any given
             time. The membership data structure for a database is
             updated when the first user process from a node attaches
             to the database and when the last user process from a
             node detaches from the database.

             The "waiting for MEMBIT lock" message means that a
             process is stalled because the database's membership
             data structure is in the process of being updated.

          o  waiting for client lock

             A client lock indicates that an Rdb metadata lock is in
             use. The term client indicates that Rdb is a client of
             the Rdb locking services. The metadata locks are used
             to guarantee memory copies of the metadata (table, index
             and column definitions) are consistent with the on-disk

             The "waiting for client lock" message means the database
             user is requesting an incompatible locking mode. For
             example, when trying to drop a table which is in use,
             the drop operation requests a PROTECTED WRITE lock
             on the metadata object (such as a table) which is
             incompatible with the existing PROTECTED READ lock
             currently used by others of the table.

             These metadata locks consist of three longwords. The
             lock is displayed in text format first, followed by its
             hexadecimal representation. The text version masks out
             non-printable characters with a dot (.).

             The leftmost value seen in the hexadecimal output
             contains the id of the object. The id is described below
             for tables, routines, modules and storage map areas.

             o  For tables and views, the id represents the unique
                value found in the RDB$RELATION_ID column of the
                RDB$RELATIONS system table for the given table.

             o  For routines, the id represents the unique
                value found in the RDB$ROUTINE_ID column of the
                RDB$ROUTINES system table for the given routine.

             o  For modules, the id represents the unique value found
                in the RDB$MODULE_ID column of the RDB$MODULES system
                table for the given module.

             o  For storage map areas, the id presents the physical
                area id. The "waiting for client lock" message on
                storage map areas is very rare. This may be raised
                for databases which have been converted from versions
                prior to Rdb 5.1.

             The next value displayed signifies the object type. The
             following table describes objects and their hexadecimal
             type values.

             Object Type Values
             Object             Hexadecimal Value
             Tables or views     00000004
             Routines            00000006
             Modules             00000015
             Storage map areas   0000000E

             The last value in the hexadecimal output represents the
             lock type. The value 55 indicates this is a client lock.


                Because the full client lock output is long,
                it may require more space than is allotted for
                the Stall.reason column and therefore can be
                overwritten by the Lock.ID. column output.

                For more detailed lock information, perform the
                following steps:

                1. Press the L option from the horizontal menu to
                   display a menu of lock IDs.

                2. Select the desired lock ID.

       o  Writing .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever a group commit process
          writes the commit information to the .aij file. In a high
          throughput environment, the write buffer length will be as
          close to 64K as possible.

       o  Writing ROOT file

          This message displays whenever the in-memory database
          root information is modified by a user on line or some
          information in the database root is modified by the system
          (such as the AIJ sequence number).

       o  Writing .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever a user process writes
          data page modification information to the .ruj file. This
          message always precedes the next message.

       o  Writing pages back to database

          This message displays whenever one or more data pages is
          written to the database. This is typically caused by a
          request to access those pages from another process or by
          detaching from the database.

    o  lock ID

       The optional lock ID field is displayed only when the stall
       is the result of a lock request. When other types of stalls
       occur, such as stalls due to I/O activity, the lock ID field
       is cleared from the screen.

       When displayed, the lock ID field shows the lock
       identification of the resource that is stalled. You can use
       the lock identification number as input to the RMU Show Locks
       command to obtain information about processes that own, are
       blocking, or are waiting for locks.

14  –  Active User Stall Messages screen

    This screen helps you find current stalls that represent
    potential deadlocks, which become database hot spots. The screen
    also helps you determine what stalls were last encountered by any

    Active user stall messages are not saved in the binary statistics
    file created by the Output qualifier. Therefore, this screen is
    not available when you execute the RMU Show Statistics command in
    replay mode (with the Input qualifier).

    The Stall Messages screen and the Active User Stall Messages
    screen have the same format. However, the Active User Stall
    Messages screen provides information on currently stalled
    processes and on processes that were stalled but are no longer
    stalled. In contrast, the Stall Messages screen provides
    information only on currently stalled processes. Like the Stall
    Messages screen, the Active User Stall Messages screen shows
    when a process writes a bugcheck dump; a bugcheck dump file name
    longer than 53 characters is truncated.

    If there are more stalled processes than can fit on one page, the
    notation "Page 1 of n" appears, where n is the total number of
    pages. You can display successive pages by pressing the right
    angle bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a
    previous page of the Active User Stall Messages screen, press
    the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev Screen key.

    The information shown in the screen includes:

    o  process

       The process ID and the Oracle Rdb stream ID of the database
       user. Normally the stream ID is 1. However, if the user is
       attached to multiple databases or has explicitly detached and
       attached to different database sessions during the same image
       activation, the stream ID will uniquely identify the database
       session. Stream ID values greater than 99 display as "**" to
       indicate an integer display overflow on the screen the [Z]oom
       function can be used to display the full stream ID in this

       Optionally, a single character following the stream ID field
       indicates additional information about the process:

         D  - Database Recovery (DBR)
         R  - Server for a remote user
         s  - Database server (such as ABS, ALS, LCS, LRS, or RCS)
         u  - Attached for utility access
         *  - User process on another node in the cluster
         A  - Available for per-process monitoring
         G  - Actively being monitored

    o  T

       The current transaction state. R indicates a read-only
       transaction and W indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  since

       By default, the time at which the current stall started. If
       the stall has already completed, the column headed "since" is
       blank, but the stall reason remains on the screen.

       The Config menu option allows you to display the elapsed stall
       time or the actual stall time.

    o  stall reason

       The reason for the stall. For example, "waiting for..."
       messages indicate a stalled lock request (along with the
       requested lock mode). If the stall is still in progress, the
       "since" column indicates the time at which the stall started.
       If the stall has already completed, the "since" column is
       blank, but the stall reason remains on the screen until it is
       replaced by information for another stall.

       The following list describes all of the stall reason messages
       that can appear on the Active User Stall Messages screen,
       and a brief explanation of what causes each of them. In most
       cases, the messages are informational and should cause little

       o  Extending .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever the .aij file is logically
          or physically extended, which should occur infrequently.

       o  Extending .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever the .ruj file is physically
          extended, which should occur infrequently.

       o  Extending storage area !UL

          This message displays whenever a storage area file
          (identified by its numeric identifier, which can be
          determined using RMU Dump) is physically extended. You can
          determine the numeric identifier for a database's storage
          areas by using the RMU Dump command. This message should
          occur infrequently. However, this message may occur more
          frequently with WORM areas because WORM area pages cannot
          be reused once they have been written.

       o  Reading .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever the AIJ lock information
          needs to be refreshed; this typically only occurs the first
          time a user attaches to the database. The .aij file is read
          to determine the AIJ logical EOF (not to be confused with
          the OpenVMS logical EOF). It is also read by the database
          recovery (DBR) process.

       o  Reading ROOT file

          This message displays whenever the in-memory database root
          information is determined to be out of date and must be
          read again from the disk. This message normally occurs only
          when a database parameter is modified by a user online or
          some information in the database root is modified by the
          system (such as the AIJ sequence number).

       o  Reading .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever an undo operation needs to
          read the next RUJ page to acquire the rollback information
          necessary to complete the operation. The .ruj file is read
          one block at a time.

          Sometimes a process that is not being rolled back receives
          this message because it was necessary to read the RUJ file
          in order to refresh cached recovery information.

       o  Reading pages !UL:!UL to !UL:!UL

          This message displays whenever one or more pages is read
          into either a user's local buffer or the global buffer.
          One buffer full of pages is being read. The format string
          "!UL:!UL" identifies the physical area and the page number.

       o  waiting for !AD (!AC)

          This message displays whenever a process requests a lock
          "with wait" and another process is holding the lock in an
          incompatible mode. This message may indicate a database
          hot spot and should be investigated using the RMU Show
          Locks utility. The format string "!AD" identifies the lock
          type (that is, storage area, page, MEMBIT, etc.) and the
          string "!AC" identifies the requested lock mode (PR, CR,
          EX, etc.).

          The following list contains information on "waiting for"

          o  waiting for record or page

             The "waiting for record" and "waiting for page" messages
             display a process ID, the time, and the DBKEY for a
             record or a page.

             The dbkeys in "waiting for record" messages are logical
             dbkeys. For example:

             waiting for record 1:0:-4 (CR)
             waiting for record 91:155:-1 (CW)

             In this example of the "waiting for record" message, the
             first two fields of the "waiting for record" message are
             not shown. The first field of a "waiting for record"
             message is the process ID of the stalled process,
             and the second field is the time the stall began.
             The third field in the "waiting for record" message
             (the field with the "XX:YY:ZZ" format) represents the
             DBKEY, and you can usually interpret it as "logical
             area number:page number:line number." However, only
             positive numbers represent the line number. When a
             negative number appears, it refers to the record ALG
             (adjustable lock granularity) locking level. Negative
             numbers are interpreted as follows:

             o  -4 indicates the complete logical area

             o  -3 normally indicates 1000 database pages range

             o  -2 normally indicates 100 database pages range

             o  -1 normally indicates 10 database pages range

             For example, in the second line of the example, the
             DBKEY occurs in logical area 91 in a range of 10
             database pages, one of which is page 155.

             When you have a logical area number and want to get the
             physical area name for that logical area, follow these

             o  Issue the following command:

                $ RMU/DUMP/LAREAS=RDB$AIP db-name

             o  Search the resulting dump for the logical area with
                that number.

             o  Note the corresponding physical area number.

             o  Issue the following command:

                $ RMU/DUMP/HEADER db-name

                Look up the physical area number from the output of
                the RMU Dump Header command to find the name of the
                physical area.

             You can also look up columns RDB$STORAGE_ID or
             RDB$INDEX_ID in system relations RDB$RELATIONS,
             RDB$INDICES and RDBVMS$STORAGE_MAP_AREAS to identify
             the Oracle Rdb entity (table or index) that the DBKEY
             represents. For a description of the system relations,
             see the System_Relations help topic by issuing the
             following command:


             The page number field in the DBKEY is the number of the
             page in the corresponding physical area; the line number
             is the number of the record on that page.

             The dbkeys in "waiting for page" messages are physical
             dbkeys, for example:

             waiting for page 1:727 (PW)

             In this example of the "waiting for page" message, the
             first two fields of the "waiting for page" message are
             not shown. The first field of a "waiting for page"
             message is the process ID of the stalled process, and
             the second field is the time the stall began. The DBKEY
             format for a "waiting for page" message is interpreted
             as "physical area number:page number".

             When you have a physical area number and want to get
             the physical area name for the area, issue the RMU Dump
             Header command. Then look up the physical area number
             in the command output to find the name of the physical

             You can also get a conversion table by issuing the
             following command:

             _$ /OUTPUT=LAREA.LIS db-name

             This command produces a printable file containing
             all logical areas, logical id numbers and physical id
             numbers for a database.

             CR, CW, and PW in the previous examples are requested
             lock modes of Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write, and
             Protected Write. The following table shows the lock
             compatibility between a current transaction and access
             modes other transactions can specify:

                        Mode of Current Lock
             Mode of    ____________________
             Requested  SR  SW  PR  PW  EX
             SR         Y   Y   Y   Y   N
             SW         Y   Y   N   N   N
             PR         Y   N   Y   N   N
             PW         Y   N   N   N   N
             EX         N   N   N   N   N
             Key to lock modes:

             SR  - Shared Read
             SW  - Shared Write
             PR  - Protected Read
             PW  - Protected Write
             EX  - Exclusive
             Y   - Locks are compatible
             N   - Locks are not compatible

             Shared Read (SR) and Shared Write (SW) in the table are
             equivalent to Concurrent Read and Concurrent Write.

          o  waiting for DBKEY scope

             This message displays when a database user who attached
             using the DBKEY SCOPE IS TRANSACTION clause has a
             read/write transaction in progress (giving the user the
             database key scope lock in CW mode), and a second user
             who specifies the DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH clause (which
             would give the user the database key scope lock in PR
             mode) tries to attach. In this situation, the second
             user's process stalls until the first user's transaction

             You can specify the database key scope at run time using
             the DBKEY SCOPE IS clause of the SQL ATTACH statement.
             If the DBKEY SCOPE IS clause is used with the SQL CREATE
             DATABASE or SQL IMPORT statements, the setting is in
             effect only for the duration of the session of the user
             who issued the statement; the setting does not become a
             database root file parameter.

          o  waiting for snapshot cursor

             This message displays when a process tries to start a
             read-only transaction when snapshots are deferred, there
             is no current read-only transaction, and a read/write
             transaction is active.

             Waiting for snapshot cursor is a normal state if
             snapshots are deferred. The waiting will end when all
             read/write transactions started before the first read-
             only transaction have finished.

          o  waiting for MEMBIT lock

             For each database, a membership data structure is
             maintained. The membership data structure keeps track of
             the nodes that are accessing the database at any given
             time. The membership data structure for a database is
             updated when the first user process from a node attaches
             to the database and when the last user process from a
             node detaches from the database.

             The "waiting for MEMBIT lock" message means that a
             process is stalled because the database's membership
             data structure is in the process of being updated.

          o  waiting for client lock

             A client lock indicates that an Rdb metadata lock is in
             use. The term client indicates that Rdb is a client of
             the Rdb locking services. The metadata locks are used
             to guarantee memory copies of the metadata (table, index
             and column definitions) are consistent with the on-disk

             The "waiting for client lock" message means the database
             user is requesting an incompatible locking mode. For
             example, when trying to drop a table which is in use,
             the drop operation requests a PROTECTED WRITE lock
             on the metadata object (such as a table) which is
             incompatible with the existing PROTECTED READ lock
             currently used by others of the table.

             These metadata locks consist of three longwords. The
             lock is displayed in text format first, followed by its
             hexadecimal representation. The text version masks out
             non-printable characters with a dot (.).

             The leftmost value seen in the hexadecimal output
             contains the id of the object. The id is described below
             for tables, routines, modules and storage map areas.

             o  For tables and views, the id represents the unique
                value found in the RDB$RELATION_ID column of the
                RDB$RELATIONS system table for the given table.

             o  For routines, the id represents the unique
                value found in the RDB$ROUTINE_ID column of the
                RDB$ROUTINES system table for the given routine.

             o  For modules, the id represents the unique value found
                in the RDB$MODULE_ID column of the RDB$MODULES system
                table for the given module.

             o  For storage map areas, the id presents the physical
                area id. The "waiting for client lock" message on
                storage map areas is very rare. This may be raised
                for databases which have been converted from versions
                prior to Rdb 5.1.

             The next value displayed signifies the object type. The
             following table describes objects and their hexadecimal
             type values.

             Object Type Values
             Object             Hexadecimal Value
             Tables or views     00000004
             Routines            00000006
             Modules             00000015
             Storage map areas   0000000E

             The last value in the hexadecimal output represents the
             lock type. The value 55 indicates this is a client lock.


                Because the full client lock output can be long,
                it may require more space than is allotted for
                the Stall.reason column and therefore can be
                overwritten by the Lock.ID. column output.

                For more detailed lock information, perform the
                following steps:

                1. Press the L option from the horizontal menu to
                   display a menu of lock IDs.

                2. Select the desired lock ID.

       o  Writing .AIJ file

          This message displays whenever a group commit process
          writes the commit information to the .aij file. In a high
          throughput environment, the write buffer length will be as
          close to 64K as possible.

       o  Writing ROOT file

          This message displays whenever the in-memory database
          root information is modified by a user on line or some
          information in the database root is modified by the system
          (such as the AIJ sequence number).

       o  Writing .RUJ file

          This message displays whenever a user process writes
          data page modification information to the .ruj file. This
          message always precedes the next message.

       o  Writing pages back to database

          This message displays whenever one or more data pages is
          written to the database. This is typically caused by a
          request to access those pages from another process or by
          detaching from the database.

    o  lock ID

       The optional lock ID field is displayed only when the stall
       is the result of a lock request. When other types of stalls
       occur, such as stalls due to I/O activity, the lock ID field
       is cleared from the screen.

       When displayed, the lock ID field shows the lock
       identification of the resource that is stalled. You can use
       the lock identification number as input to the RMU Show Locks
       command to obtain information about processes that own, are
       blocking, or are waiting for locks.

    The Active User Stall Messages screen has the following

    o  The Active User Stall Messages screen reserves an empty line
       for each process that is accessing the database from another
       node in the VMScluster. These empty lines are unavoidable
       because it is always possible for a process on another node in
       the VMScluster to attach to the database on the current node,
       thus using the empty line.

    o  If a process is active and running on the same node as the
       Performance Monitor, the process' PID displays.

    o  The process information remains on that line until it detaches
       from the database.

    o  The process stall text remains on the screen until it is
       replaced by a new stall message.

    o  An active stall is identified by the stall starting time
       being displayed. If the stall is no longer active, the stall
       starting time is not displayed, but the message text remains

    o  It is possible to page to multiple screen displays; each
       process' state is preserved and refreshed when the new page
       is displayed. When there is more than one page of Active User
       Stalled Messages output, the header section contains the page
       number currently displayed and the total number of pages in
       the screen. Use the left angle bracket (<) key to go to the
       previous page and the right angle bracket (>) key to go to the
       next page of the screen.

    The Active User Stall Messages screen has several advantages over
    the Stall Messages screen. The advantages are:

    o  The location of a process remains static; because it is fixed
       on a given page, it is always easy to locate.

    o  The process' last stall message (and lock ID, if applicable)
       are displayed, even if the process is not currently stalled;
       this is useful for identifying possible hot spots.

    However, the Active User Stall Messages screen does have the
    following disadvantages:

    o  It is difficult (but possible) to isolate the source of
       a potential deadlock or a long-duration stall; the Stall
       Messages screen is more useful for this.

    o  It is difficult (but possible) to isolate the set of actively
       stalled processes from the complete set of processes doing
       normal database accesses.

    The following compares the Stall Messages screen and the Active
    User Stall Messages screen:

    o  Processes displayed?

       o  Stall Messages screen-Displays only actively stalled
          processes on the current node.

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-Displays all processes
          attached to the database on the current node.

    o  Process location?

       o  Stall Messages screen-Dynamic. The position of the process
          reflects the duration of the stall relative to other

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-Static. The position of
          the process remains fixed in the same location until the
          process detaches from the database.

    o  Display sequence?

       o  Stall Messages screen-Processes are displayed in descending
          stall-duration sequence.

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-Processes are displayed
          in a fixed but arbitrary sequence.

    o  Indication of active stall?

       o  Stall Messages screen-The process stall text is displayed.

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-The process stall text
          starting time is displayed.

    o  Indication of inactive stall?

       o  Stall Messages screen-The process stall text is not

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-The process stall text
          starting time is erased (message text remains).

    o  Duration of display?

       o  Stall Messages screen-The stall message is displayed only
          if the stall is active.

       o  Active User Stall Messages screen-The last stall message
          remains displayed until the process stalls again)

    You can force frequent screen updates by using a negative number
    for the Time qualifier in the RMU Show Statistics command. For
    example, Time=-10 refreshes the screen every 10/100 (1/10) of a
    second. Note that you use a lot of system resources, particularly
    on the smaller CPU machines, when you specify this time interval.

    If there are more stalls in progress than can fit on your
    screen, some current stalls might not be displayed. Oracle Rdb
    attempts to place as many active stall messages on the screen as

15  –  Process Accounting screen

    This screen provides continuously updated OpenVMS accounting
    information about local processes in a VMScluster environment.
    This screen is an alternative to the OpenVMS SHOW PROCESS
    /CONTINUOUS utility. The screen provides equivalent information,
    except that all active database processes on a specific node can
    be monitored at the same time.

    This screen displays operating system accounting information,
    thereby enabling a database administrator to evaluate the
    system resources used by database processes. The values in the
    Process Accounting screen are for all process activity, not
    just the activity that occurs while in the database. Therefore,
    this screen is useful for monitoring the complete application

    This screen displays dynamically changing process information
    only. That is, quotas and other information that are fixed for
    each process are not displayed because that information can be
    obtained in other ways.

    The Process Accounting screen has brief and full modes that
    control the amount of information displayed for each active
    database process.

    You select brief mode by typing B. In brief mode, one line
    per process is displayed, providing the following information:
    process ID, process name, CPU time, remaining lock quota count,
    page fault count, number of direct I/O operations, working set
    size and virtual memory size.

    You select full mode by typing F. In full mode, a second line
    per process is displayed that provides the following additional
    information: user name, image name, process state, page file
    quota count, direct I/O quota count, number of buffered I/O
    operations and buffered I/O quota count.

    Note that information on the Process Accounting screen cannot
    be reset. Because the information is gathered in real time, it
    cannot be written to the output file (the Output qualifier will
    not work with this screen) and therefore cannot be displayed
    during input file replay (the Input qualifier will not work with
    this screen).

    If the information on all the local processes does not fit on a
    single Process Accounting page, use the >Next_page and <Prev_page
    keys to scroll between the multiple pages of process information.
    The Process Accounting screen provides the following information
    in both brief and full modes:

    o  Process ID-The process ID for the current process, assigned
       by the operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the
       database. If the process has more than one active database
       session, only the first active stream ID will be displayed
       because the process accounting information is the same for
       all active database sessions. Stream ID values greater than 99
       display as "**" to indicate an integer display overflow on the
       screen; the [Z]oom function can be used to display the full
       stream ID in this case.

       Optionally, a single character following the stream ID field
       indicates additional information about the process:

         D  - Database Recovery (DBR)
         R  - Server for a remote user
         s  - Database server (such as ABS, ALS, LCS, LRS, or RCS)
         u  - Attached for utility access
         *  - User process on another node in the cluster
         A  - Available for per-process monitoring
         G  - Actively being monitored

    o  Process name-The name of the process.

    o  CPU time-The total accumulated CPU time since the process was
       logged in.

    o  ENQ quota count-The remaining number of locks the process
       may request. This field should not approach zero. If it
       does approach zero, the ENQLM value should be raised for the

    o  Page fault count-The total accumulated number of page faults.

    o  Number of direct I/O operations-The total accumulated count of
       the direct I/O operations.

    o  Working set size-The total accumulated number of active pages
       (512-byte pages) in the working set for the process.

    o  Virtual memory size-The total accumulated number of pages
       (512-byte pages) of virtual memory allocated by the process.
       This value includes the size of the database global section.

    The Process Accounting screen provides the following information
    fields only in full mode:

    o  User name-The name of the user (used when logging in to the

    o  Image name-The name of the image file currently being executed
       by the process.

    o  Process state-The current process state, which will be one of
       the following keywords:

       Keyword   Description

        CEF       Common event flag wait
        COM       Computable
        COMO      Computable, out of balance set
        CUR       Current process
        COLPG     Collided page wait
        FPG       Free page wait
        HIB       Hibernate wait
        HIBO      Hibernate wait, out of balance set
        LEF       Local event flag wait
        LEFO      Local event flag wait, out of balance set
        MWAIT     Mutex and miscellaneous resource wait
        PFW       Page fault wait
        SUSP      Suspended
        SUSPO     Suspended, out of balance set

    o  Page file quota count-The remaining number of pages in the
       paging file the process may request. This field should not
       approach zero. If it does approach zero, the PGFLQUOTA value
       should be raised for the process.

    o  Direct I/O quota count-The remaining number of direct I/O
       operations the process may request. This field should not
       approach zero. If it does approach zero, the DIOLM value
       should be raised for the process.

    o  Number of buffered I/O operations-The total accumulated count
       of the buffered I/O operations.

    o  Buffered I/O quota count-The remaining number of buffered
       I/O operations the process may request. This field should
       not approach zero. If it does approach zero, the BIOLM value
       should be raised for this process.

16  –  Checkpoint Information unsorted screen

    This screen displays one line of information for each process
    attached to the database on this node. There may be blank
    lines in the display as processes detach from the database; in
    this way, once a process has attached to the database, it will
    maintain the same location in the screen until it detaches from
    the database.

    The oldest active checkpoint, quiet-point, and transaction are
    highlighted to aid in identifying the process in each category.
    Note that the highlighted items may be for separate processes.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Checkpoint
    Information screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display Transaction XXX Time

       Displays either the transaction start time, or the transaction
       elapsed time. The option description changes depending on
       which transaction time is currently being displayed.

    o  Unsorted Display

       Displays the screen in its default configuration.

    o  Sort by oldest active checkpoint

       Sorts the screen display in ascending active checkpoint
       sequence. This means that the oldest active checkpoint will
       be displayed on the first line and the most recent checkpoint
       will be displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest active transaction

       Sorts the screen display in ascending transaction start time
       sequence. This means that the oldest active transaction is
       displayed on the first line and the most recently started
       transaction is displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest quiet-point

       Sorts the screen display in ascending quiet-point sequence.
       This means that the oldest quiet-point will be displayed
       on the first line and the most recent quiet-point will be
       displayed on the last line.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID

       This is the ID of the process attached to the database. The
       number following the colon (":") differentiates multiple
       attaches to the same database.

    o  Ckpt.Vno

       This is the sequence number of the AIJ journal that contains
       the most recent checkpoint information for the process.
       Sequence numbers start with "0". If nothing is displayed,
       the process has not yet performed a checkpoint operation; this
       may occur if the "Fast Commit" feature is displayed, or if the
       process actually has not performed a checkpoint operation, as
       is typical of utilities.

    o  Ckpt.Vbn

       This is the block number within the identified AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent checkpoint information for the
       process. If nothing is displayed, the process has not yet
       performed a checkpoint operation.

       This field sometimes contains two keywords:

       o  BACKUP-indicates that the checkpoint VBN has been moved
          because of an AIJ backup operation. This keyword will only
          occur if an extensible AIJ journal is backed up.

       o  ACKNWLDG-indicates that the process has "acknowledged" the
          BACKUP indication and will perform a checkpoint operation
          as soon as possible. Performing the checkpoint operation
          will cause the block number to be re-displayed.

    o  QuietVno

       This field contains the sequence number of the AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent forced quiet-point for
       this process. A forced quiet-point occurs when a database
       operation, such as database backup or AIJ backup, acquires a
       quiet-point on the database.

    o  ST

       This field contains the transaction mode. The valid values

       o  RO-indicates a read-only transaction.

       o  RW-indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  Tx.Seq

       This field contains the transaction sequence number.

    o  Transaction Time

       This field displays either the transaction start time or
       the transaction elapsed time, depending on the screen
       configuration selection. The transaction time information is
       displayed for processes on the current node only, even though
       checkpoint information may be displayed for processes on other

17  –  Checkpoint Information checkpoint screen

    This screen displays one line of information for each process
    attached to the database on this node. There may be blank
    lines in the display as processes detach from the database; in
    this way, once a process has attached to the database, it will
    maintain the same location in the screen until it detaches from
    the database.

    The oldest active checkpoint, quiet-point, and transaction are
    highlighted to aid in identifying the process in each category.
    Note that the highlighted items may be for separate processes.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Checkpoint
    Information screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display Transaction XXX Time

       Displays either the transaction start time, or the transaction
       elapsed time. The option description changes depending on
       which transaction time is currently being displayed.

    o  Unsorted Display

       Displays the screen in its default configuration.

    o  Sort by oldest active checkpoint

       Sorts the screen display in ascending active checkpoint
       sequence. This means that the oldest active checkpoint will
       be displayed on the first line and the most recent checkpoint
       will be displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest active transaction

       Sorts the screen display in ascending transaction start time
       sequence. This means that the oldest active transaction is
       displayed on the first line and the most recently started
       transaction is displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest quiet-point

       Sorts the screen display in ascending quiet-point sequence.
       This means that the oldest quiet-point will be displayed
       on the first line and the most recent quiet-point will be
       displayed on the last line.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID

       This is the ID of the process attached to the database. The
       number following the colon (":") differentiates multiple
       attaches to the same database.

    o  Ckpt.Vno

       This is the sequence number of the AIJ journal that contains
       the most recent checkpoint information for the process.
       Sequence numbers start with "0". If nothing is displayed,
       the process has not yet performed a checkpoint operation; this
       may occur if the "Fast Commit" feature is displayed, or if the
       process actually has not performed a checkpoint operation, as
       is typical of utilities.

    o  Ckpt.Vbn

       This is the block number within the identified AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent checkpoint information for the
       process. If nothing is displayed, the process has not yet
       performed a checkpoint operation.

       This field sometimes contains two keywords:

       o  BACKUP-indicates that the checkpoint VBN has been moved
          because of an AIJ backup operation. This keyword will only
          occur if an extensible AIJ journal is backed up.

       o  ACKNWLDG-indicates that the process has "acknowledged" the
          BACKUP indication and will perform a checkpoint operation
          as soon as possible. Performing the checkpoint operation
          will cause the block number to be re-displayed.

    o  QuietVno

       This field contains the sequence number of the AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent forced quiet-point for
       this process. A forced quiet-point occurs when a database
       operation, such as database backup or AIJ backup, acquires a
       quiet-point on the database.

    o  ST

       This field contains the transaction mode. The valid values

       o  RO-indicates a read-only transaction.

       o  RW-indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  Tx.Seq

       This field contains the transaction sequence number.

    o  Transaction Time

       This field displays either the transaction start time or
       the transaction elapsed time, depending on the screen
       configuration selection. The transaction time information is
       displayed for processes on the current node only, even though
       checkpoint information may be displayed for processes on other

18  –  Checkpoint Information transaction screen

    This screen displays one line of information for each process
    attached to the database on this node. There may be blank
    lines in the display as processes detach from the database; in
    this way, once a process has attached to the database, it will
    maintain the same location in the screen until it detaches from
    the database.

    The oldest active checkpoint, quiet-point, and transaction are
    highlighted to aid in identifying the process in each category.
    Note that the highlighted items may be for separate processes.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Checkpoint
    Information screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display Transaction XXX Time

       Displays either the transaction start time, or the transaction
       elapsed time. The option description changes depending on
       which transaction time is currently being displayed.

    o  Unsorted Display

       Displays the screen in its default configuration.

    o  Sort by oldest active checkpoint

       Sorts the screen display in ascending active checkpoint
       sequence. This means that the oldest active checkpoint will
       be displayed on the first line and the most recent checkpoint
       will be displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest active transaction

       Sorts the screen display in ascending transaction start time
       sequence. This means that the oldest active transaction is
       displayed on the first line and the most recently started
       transaction is displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest quiet-point

       Sorts the screen display in ascending quiet-point sequence.
       This means that the oldest quiet-point will be displayed
       on the first line and the most recent quiet-point will be
       displayed on the last line.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID

       This is the ID of the process attached to the database. The
       number following the colon (":") differentiates multiple
       attaches to the same database.

    o  Ckpt.Vno

       This is the sequence number of the AIJ journal that contains
       the most recent checkpoint information for the process.
       Sequence numbers start with "0". If nothing is displayed,
       the process has not yet performed a checkpoint operation; this
       may occur if the "Fast Commit" feature is displayed, or if the
       process actually has not performed a checkpoint operation, as
       is typical of utilities.

    o  Ckpt.Vbn

       This is the block number within the identified AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent checkpoint information for the
       process. If nothing is displayed, the process has not yet
       performed a checkpoint operation.

       This field sometimes contains two keywords:

       o  BACKUP-indicates that the checkpoint VBN has been moved
          because of an AIJ backup operation. This keyword will only
          occur if an extensible AIJ journal is backed up.

       o  ACKNWLDG-indicates that the process has "acknowledged" the
          BACKUP indication and will perform a checkpoint operation
          as soon as possible. Performing the checkpoint operation
          will cause the block number to be re-displayed.

    o  QuietVno

       This field contains the sequence number of the AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent forced quiet-point for
       this process. A forced quiet-point occurs when a database
       operation, such as database backup or AIJ backup, acquires a
       quiet-point on the database.

    o  ST

       This field contains the transaction mode. The valid values

       o  RO-indicates a read-only transaction.

       o  RW-indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  Tx.Seq

       This field contains the transaction sequence number.

    o  Transaction Time

       This field displays either the transaction start time or
       the transaction elapsed time, depending on the screen
       configuration selection. The transaction time information is
       displayed for processes on the current node only, even though
       checkpoint information may be displayed for processes on other

19  –  Checkpoint Information QuietPoint screen

    This screen displays one line of information for each process
    attached to the database on this node. There may be blank
    lines in the display as processes detach from the database; in
    this way, once a process has attached to the database, it will
    maintain the same location in the screen until it detaches from
    the database.

    The oldest active checkpoint, quiet-point, and transaction are
    highlighted to aid in identifying the process in each category.
    Note that the highlighted items may be for separate processes.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Checkpoint
    Information screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display Transaction XXX Time

       Displays either the transaction start time, or the transaction
       elapsed time. The option description changes depending on
       which transaction time is currently being displayed.

    o  Unsorted Display

       Displays the screen in its default configuration.

    o  Sort by oldest active checkpoint

       Sorts the screen display in ascending active checkpoint
       sequence. This means that the oldest active checkpoint will
       be displayed on the first line and the most recent checkpoint
       will be displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest active transaction

       Sorts the screen display in ascending transaction start time
       sequence. This means that the oldest active transaction is
       displayed on the first line and the most recently started
       transaction is displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest quiet-point

       Sorts the screen display in ascending quiet-point sequence.
       This means that the oldest quiet-point will be displayed
       on the first line and the most recent quiet-point will be
       displayed on the last line.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID

       This is the ID of the process attached to the database. The
       number following the colon (":") differentiates multiple
       attaches to the same database.

    o  Ckpt.Vno

       This is the sequence number of the AIJ journal that contains
       the most recent checkpoint information for the process.
       Sequence numbers start with "0". If nothing is displayed,
       the process has not yet performed a checkpoint operation; this
       may occur if the "Fast Commit" feature is displayed, or if the
       process actually has not performed a checkpoint operation, as
       is typical of utilities.

    o  Ckpt.Vbn

       This is the block number within the identified AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent checkpoint information for the
       process. If nothing is displayed, the process has not yet
       performed a checkpoint operation.

       This field sometimes contains two keywords:

       o  BACKUP-indicates that the checkpoint VBN has been moved
          because of an AIJ backup operation. This keyword will only
          occur if an extensible AIJ journal is backed up.

       o  ACKNWLDG-indicates that the process has "acknowledged" the
          BACKUP indication and will perform a checkpoint operation
          as soon as possible. Performing the checkpoint operation
          will cause the block number to be re-displayed.

    o  QuietVno

       This field contains the sequence number of the AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent forced quiet-point for
       this process. A forced quiet-point occurs when a database
       operation, such as database backup or AIJ backup, acquires a
       quiet-point on the database.

    o  ST

       This field contains the transaction mode. The valid values

       o  RO-indicates a read-only transaction.

       o  RW-indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  Tx.Seq

       This field contains the transaction sequence number.

    o  Transaction Time

       This field displays either the transaction start time or
       the transaction elapsed time, depending on the screen
       configuration selection. The transaction time information is
       displayed for processes on the current node only, even though
       checkpoint information may be displayed for processes on other

20  –  Active User Chart screen

    This screen tracks the number of active users attached to the
    database over a period of time.

    The Active User Chart screen graphically portrays the number of
    currently active users attached to the database over a measured
    period of time. The slope of the line can be used to visually
    identify the rate at which users attach to or detach from the

    The screen is also useful for determining when the configured
    number of users is overly large for the number of users that are
    actually attached to the database at any given moment.

    The number of active users is portrayed as a percentage of the
    maximum configured for the database, designated along the left-
    hand side of the screen.

    The screen refresh sample rate is identified at the bottom of
    the screen. Directly above the screen refresh rate is a series
    of timestamps. Each timestamp represents the time for the end of
    each block.

    Note that the rightmost timestamp displayed may not be the latest
    time; this occurs because the output of the screen wraps around
    to the leftmost edge after writing to the rightmost edge.

    The current time is designated by the cursor along the bottom
    horizontal axis. Everything to the right of the current time is
    the end of the previous pass.

    The graph output consists of a single numeric digit being written
    once per the specified sample rate. The numeric digit corresponds
    to the "nth" percentage of the particular percentage category.

    If a digit is not displayed for a given cycle, this means that
    there are no actively attached processes for the database, on any

    This screen is not recorded in the binary output file produced
    using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen is
    not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

21  –  CPU Utilization sorted screen

    This screen displays the current CPU utilization of each database
    process on the node as a percentage of the total processor

    This screen displays one line of information for each database
    process active on the node. If a process is attached to the
    database multiple times, the screen displays only one line of

    If the number of displayable processes is greater than the number
    of displayable lines, use the right arrow or up arrow and the
    left arrow or right arrow to navigate through the display pages.

    For each active database process, the CPU Utilization screen
    shows the following:

    o  Process ID

    o  Process name

    o  CPU utilization percentage of that process

       The histogram portion of the display shows the process'
       utilization percentage in graph format.

    Note that the displayed process CPU utilization, in addition to
    the database-related processing, includes the CPU utilization
    of ALL non-database related activities that the process also
    performs. In order to track the exact CPU utilization of the
    database-specific activity, Oracle Corporation recommends that
    you use Oracle Trace.

    By default, the processes on the screen appear in arbitrary
    (unsorted) order. By selecting the Config option, you can
    manually configure the CPU Utilization screen. Choose the Config
    option by typing C to display the CPU Utilization Configuration
    menu. This menu offers the following options:

    o  A. Unsorted Display

       Option A displays the processes in unsorted order.

    o  B. Sort by CPU Utilization

       Option B displays the processes sorted in order of descending
       CPU utilization. This display configuration can be difficult
       to view when the display rate is less than two seconds since
       the process CPU utilizations vary at any given time. Oracle
       Corporation recommends that you use the sorted display with a
       display rate of two seconds or more.

    The CPU Utilization screen is not saved by using the Output
    qualifier, therefore it cannot be replayed using the Input

22  –  CPU Utilization unsorted screen

    This screen displays the current CPU utilization of each database
    process on the node as a percentage of the total processor

    This screen displays one line of information for each database
    process active on the node. If a process is attached to the
    database multiple times, the screen displays only one line of

    If the number of displayable processes is greater than the number
    of displayable lines, use the right arrow or up arrow and the
    left arrow or right arrow to navigate through the display pages.

    For each active database process, the CPU Utilization screen
    shows the following:

    o  Process ID

    o  Process name

    o  CPU utilization percentage of that process

       The histogram portion of the display shows the process'
       utilization percentage in graph format.

    Note that the displayed process CPU utilization, in addition to
    the database-related processing, includes the CPU utilization
    of ALL non-database related activities that the process also
    performs. In order to track the exact CPU utilization of the
    database-specific activity, Oracle Corporation recommends that
    you use Oracle Trace.

    By default, the processes on the screen appear in arbitrary
    (unsorted) order. By selecting the Config option, you can
    manually configure the CPU Utilization screen. Choose the Config
    option, by typing C, to display the CPU Utilization Configuration
    menu. This menu offers the following options:

    o  A. Unsorted Display

       Option A displays the processes in unsorted order.

    o  B. Sort by CPU Utilization

       Option B displays the processes sorted in order of descending
       CPU utilization. This display configuration can be difficult
       to view when the display rate is less than two seconds since
       the process CPU utilizations vary at any given time. Oracle
       Corporation recommends that you use the sorted display with a
       display rate of two seconds or more.

    The CPU Utilization screen is not saved by using the Output
    qualifier, therefore it cannot be replayed using the Input

23  –  Transaction Recovery Duration Estimate screen

    This screen displays an estimate of the time it will take to roll
    back a transaction, or to completely recover a failed process.


       The information provided in this screen is an estimate based
       on previous process recovery operations and other factors
       such as page contention and disk throughput.

       Note that this information is an estimate only; the actual
       process recovery duration may be more or less than described
       on this screen.

       Individual process failure recovery performance can vary
       widely depending on many factors which cannot be accounted
       for in the displayed estimate. These factors include lock
       deadlock stalls, network delays, disk contention and many
       other system factors such as lock remastering.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID - The process identifier of a process that has the
       potential to roll back a transaction or require transaction
       recovery in the event of process failure.

    o  RUJ.Sz - The number of blocks of RUJ information that have
       been written by the process.

    o  Tx.Rollback - The estimate of the time it would require for
       the process to roll back the transaction. Note that this is
       different from the time it would take the DBR process to roll
       back the transaction.

    o  DBR.Tx.Undo - The estimate of the time it would require for
       the DBR process to undo the transaction. The DBR transaction
       undo duration is typically less than it takes the process to
       roll back the transaction, due to various optimizations and
       simplifications in the DBR recovery algorithm.

    o  AIJ.Ckpt - If the fast commit feature is enabled, this is the
       most recent checkpoint location in the AIJ journal for the

    o  Pnd - If AIJ journaling is enabled, this is the number of
       blocks of AIJ information that have been submitted, but not
       yet written to the AIJ journal.

    o  DBR.Tx.Redo - If the fast commit feature is enabled, this is
       the estimate of the time it would take the DBR process to redo
       the previously committed transactions of the failed process to
       the database.

    o  DB.Freeze.Tm - The estimate of the total time the database
       would be frozen if the current process were to prematurely

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Transaction
    Recovery Duration Estimate screen. Select this option, by
    typing the letter C, to display the configuration submenu. The
    configuration submenu provides the following options:

    o  Unsorted Display

    o  Sort by oldest transaction rollback

    o  Sort by oldest DBR undo

    o  Sort by oldest DBR redo

    o  Sort by oldest database freeze

    You can examine the past history of recovery operations by
    issuing the RMU Dump Header command and reviewing the Database
    Recovery section.

    The Transaction Recovery Duration Estimate screen is not recorded
    in the binary output file produced using the Output qualifier.
    Consequently, this screen is not available when you replay a
    binary file using the Input qualifier.

24  –  AIJ Backup Activity screen

    This screen displays information about each AIJ backup operation
    being performed on the node.

    The AIJ Backup Activity screen is also available during cluster-
    wide statistics collection. This means you can monitor the
    activities of all AIJ backup operations occurring on any node
    accessing the database.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID - The process identifier of the AIJ backup process.
       This process may be one of the following:

       o  AIJ backup server (ABS) in which case the process
          identifier contains the "s" suffix.

       o  RMU Backup After_Journal command, in which case the process
          identifier contains the "u" suffix.

       Use the Zoom menu option to display additional information
       about this process.

    o  Activity - The description of the backup activity being
       performed by the AIJ backup utility. The following backup
       activities are displayed:

       o  activation - The AIJ backup utility is being invoked by the
          monitor if it is the ABS, or startup if the manual backup
          command is being used.

       o  bind - The AIJ backup utility is binding to the database.

       o  start - The AIJ backup utility is starting the backup

       o  create bkup - The AIJ backup utility is creating a disk-
          based backup file.

       o  create temp - The AIJ backup utility is creating a
          temporary AIJ journal. This activity typically occurs
          when the fast commit feature is used in conjunction with
          extensible AIJ journals.

       o  record bkup - The AIJ backup utility is backing up an
          extensible AIJ journal to disk, or any type of AIJ journal
          to tape, using a record-by-record transfer algorithm.

       o  block bkup - The AIJ backup utility is backing up a fixed-
          size (circular) AIJ journal to disk, using a 127-block
          transfer algorithm.

       o  finish - The AIJ backup utility is completing the backup of
          an AIJ journal.

       o  quiet-point - The AIJ backup utility is attempting to
          acquire the quiet-point lock.

       o  record shfl - The AIJ backup utility is performing the
          record shuffle operation used for extensible AIJ journals.

       o  unbind - The AIJ backup utility is unbinding from the

    o  VBN - The current block number of the AIJ journal being
       backed up. The block number is normally prefixed with the AIJ
       sequence number, so it is easy to identify which AIJ journal
       is being backed up.

    o  Operation - The activity-specific operation being performed by
       the AIJ backup utility. This column contains messages similar
       to those displayed by the Stall Messages screen.

    o  Lock.ID - Any lock the AIJ backup utility may be trying to
       acquire. This lock is typically the quiet-point lock.

       Use the LockID menu option to display additional information
       about this lock.

    The AIJ Backup Activity screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

25  –  DBR Activity screen

    This screen displays one line of information for each DBR process
    active on the node. (If there is no active DBR process, the
    screen is empty.)

    If this screen is not used, the only method available to users
    to determine if the DBR process is running is to use the RMU Show
    Users utility. However, the RMU Show Users utility only indicates
    that the DBR process is running; it does not indicate what type
    of progress DBR is making in the recovery operation.

    For each active DBR process, the DBR Activity screen shows the

    o  The DBR process ID

    o  The activity being performed. (A list of these activities
       appears later in this help display.)

    o  The operation being performed. (A list of these operations
       appears later in this help display.)

    o  The lock ID, if any, being requested

    Several significant restrictions apply to the DBR Activity

    o  The DBR Activity screen only shows information about
       DBR processes running on that node. It does not display
       information about DBR processes running on other nodes.

    o  The DBR Activity screen does not identify which user process
       is being recovered. This information can be obtained from the
       Active User Stall Messages screen.

    o  The DBR Activity screen is not logged to the RMU Show
       Statistics output file, which means that it cannot be

    The DBR process currently records the following distinct

    o  Activation

       The DBR process is being activated by the monitor.

    o  Database Attach

       The DBR process is attaching to the database.

    o  AIJ Recovery

       The DBR process is recovering any pending AIJ operations.

    o  Root Update

       The DBR process is recovering any pending database root
       information updates.

    o  GB Recovery

       The DBR process is recovering any pending global buffer

    o  Recovery Setup

       The DBR process is initializing its recovery context

    o  Transaction Redo

       The DBR process is redoing committed transactions that have
       not yet been flushed to the database.

    o  Transaction Undo

       The DBR process is undoing uncommitted transactions that have
       already been flushed to the database.

    o  Buffer Flush

       The DBR process is flushing its cache buffers to the database.

    o  Database Detach

       The DBR process is detaching from the database and terminating
       the image.

    For each activity recorded by the DBR process, a variety
    of database operations are performed. These operations are
    identified by the following messages:

    o  Extending storage area n

       This message is displayed whenever a storage area (identified
       by its numeric identifier n-see RMU Dump output) file
       is physically extended. This message should occur only
       occasionally; this message may occur more frequently when
       you use WORM areas, as pages cannot be reused once they have
       been written.

    o  Prepared, waiting to commit distributed transaction

       This message is displayed whenever a database user
       participating in a distributed transaction (coordinated
       by DECdtm) is "Prepared to Commit or Roll Back," but has
       not received the final transaction outcome from DECdtm. If
       this message occurs frequently, you should look into the
       possibility of a distributed deadlock. Distributed deadlock
       can occur in a distributed transaction involving multiple
       databases that are on two or more nonclustered machines.

    o  Reading .AIJ file block n

       This message is displayed whenever AIJ lock information needs
       to be refreshed; this typically occurs only the first time
       a user attaches to the database. The .aij file is read to
       determine the AIJ logical EOF (not to be confused with the
       OpenVMS logical EOF). This operation also occurs when the DBR
       process needs REDO information from the .aij file.

    o  Reading ROOT file

       This message is displayed whenever the in-memory database root
       information has been determined to be out-of-date and must be
       re-read from the disk. This message normally occurs only when
       a database parameter is modified by a user on line, or some
       information in the database root is modified by the system
       (such as the AIJ sequence number).

    o  Reading .RUJ file block n

       This message is displayed whenever an UNDO operation needs
       to read the next RUJ page to acquire the rollback information
       necessary to complete the operation. The .ruj file is read one
       block at a time, backwards. Thus, the identified block number
       indicates the remaining number of blocks to be processed.

    o  Reading pages n:n to n:n

       This message is displayed whenever one or more pages is read
       into either the DBR process local buffer or the global buffer.
       One full buffer of pages is being read. The format string n:n
       identifies the physical area and the page number.

    o  Writing .AIJ file block n

       This message is displayed whenever DBR actually writes commit
       or rollback information to the .aij file. The write buffer can
       be as close to 64,000 bytes in length as possible.

    o  Writing ROOT file

       This message is displayed whenever the in-memory database root
       information is modified by DBR.

    o  Writing pages back to database

       This message is displayed whenever one or more data pages is
       written to the database. This is typically caused by a request
       to access those pages from another recovery process, or by
       detaching from the database.

26  –  Monitor Log screen

    This screen allows you to view the monitor log online, even
    when the disk-based logging is disabled because of disk space
    problems. It also indicates when monitor logging is disabled.

    The screen has the following features:

    o  It contains the actual monitor log information for the
       corresponding database in exactly the same format as the disk-
       based log. However, the display maximum is 79 characters;
       therefore, entries longer than 79 characters are truncated.

    o  It contains up to the last 160 lines of the monitor log.
       Blank lines are not shown in order to display as much log
       information as possible.

    Each page of the Monitor Log screen represents a view of the
    actual monitor log, in reverse order. For example, page 1 on the
    Monitor Log screen is the last page of the monitor log; page 2
    is the second to last page of the monitor log, and so on. The
    monitor log scrolls up as new entries are written.

    Entries in the monitor log are comprised of major and minor
    events. Major events have the format date/time - description.
    Minor events have the format - description with no date field.

    The Monitor Log screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

27  –  OPCOM Log screen

    This screen allows you to view database-related OPCOM messages.
    The screen identifies the last-broadcast message for each active
    process. If a single process is attached to the database multiple
    times, the OPCOM messages are displayed for the attach that
    issued the broadcast.

28  –  Defined Logicals screen

    This screen shows all the logicals currently accessible to the
    Performance Monitor, the name of the table in which they were
    defined, and the associated logical value.

    The displayed logical names are listed in suffix alphabetical
    order for quick review. That is, the logical names are sorted
    after removing the facility name (such as RDMS$, RDM$, SQL$).
    This method of sorting is very useful, because in most cases the
    facility name prefix is not known.

    The Defined Logicals screen has two modes: brief or full. The
    brief display mode is the default. You select brief mode by
    typing B (displayed as Brief on the horizontal menu). When the
    Defined Logicals screen is in brief mode, only those logicals
    actually defined and accessible appear. The displayed table name
    is the actual table where the logical resides, and the definition
    is the logical's defined value. The screen is dynamically updated
    as new logicals are defined on the system.

    You select the full display mode by typing F (displayed as Full
    on the horizontal menu). When the Defined Logicals screen is
    in full mode, all known logicals are displayed, whether the
    logical is defined or not. If the displayed logical is defined,
    the table name and logical value are displayed as if the display
    were in brief mode. If the logical is not defined, the table name
    contains the name of the table where the logical should reside;
    no definition is displayed. The full mode is useful for checking
    the spelling of logical names and ensuring the logical is defined
    in the proper table.

    When more than one page of the Defined Logicals screen is output,
    you view the succeeding pages of the Defined Logicals screen by
    pressing the right angle bracket (>) key, as indicated by the
    >Next_page option in the horizontal menu. Then, to move back to
    previous Defined Logicals display pages, press the left angle
    bracket (<) key, as indicated by the <Prev_page option in the
    horizontal menu.

    This screen shows the list of all logicals currently accessible
    to the Performance Monitor; the screen is unable to show logicals
    defined in another process' tables.

    The Defined Logicals screen shows the values of logicals; it does
    not allow you to modify the values of the logicals.

    The output from the Defined Logicals screen is not written to the
    output file; therefore, the output cannot be replayed using an
    input file.

    Due to screen width limitations, only the first 28 characters of
    the logical name are displayed.

    If you are using a multiversion product, the logicals displayed
    do not contain the numerical suffix. For example, if the
    multiversion variant of Oracle Rdb Version 6.1 is being used, the
    61 suffix does not appear for any of the logicals in the Defined
    Logicals screen.

29  –  Lock Timeout History screen

    The Lock Timeout History screen can be used to identify the
    object that causes a timeout event.

    The Stall Messages screen provides stall information, but when
    a process times out while waiting for a lock, the stall is
    terminated and the information is no longer available on the
    Stall Messages screen.

    For each active process on the current VMScluster node, the Lock
    Timeout History screen shows the process ID, the time that the
    process most recently timed out while waiting for a lock, the
    reason for the most recent timeout experienced by the process,
    and the number of timeouts experienced by the process since
    attaching to the database.

    The information shown in the screen includes:

    o  process ID

       The process ID of each active process.

    o  occurred

       The time that the process most recently timed out while
       waiting for a lock. This field is blank if the process has
       not experienced any timeouts.

    o  lock timeout reason

       The event that caused the most recent timeout experienced
       by the process. This field is blank if the process has not
       experienced any timeouts. Note that the lock timeout reason
       does not identify the cause of the timeout. The conflicting
       process could be on a different VMScluster node. Rather, the
       lock timeout reason provides historical information that can
       help the DBA track down the timeout by other means, such as
       using the RMU Show Locks utility or examining the application
       transaction data flow analysis. The lock timeout reason
       remains displayed for a process until the process is involved
       in another timeout or detaches from the database. For more
       information on interpreting the lock timeout reasons, see the
       descriptions for the stall reasons in the help text for the
       Stall Messages screen.

    o  timeout

       The number of timeouts the process has experienced since
       being attached to the database. This field is blank if the
       process has not experienced any timeouts. This information
       may be as useful as the lock timeout reason in determining
       the importance of the timeout. For instance, if the database
       has been active for a week and the number of timeouts is low,
       the system may be operating efficiently. Timeouts are fairly
       common in a database system, and not all timeouts are bad.

30  –  Lock Deadlock History screen

    The Lock Deadlock History screen can be used to identify the
    object that causes a deadlock event.

    The Stall Messages screen provides stall information, but when a
    lock is deadlocked, the stall is terminated and the information
    is no longer available on the Stall Messages screen.

    For each active process on the current VMScluster node, the Lock
    Deadlock History screen shows the process ID, the time that the
    process was most recently involved in a deadlock, the reason for
    the most recent deadlock, and the number of deadlocks the process
    has encountered since attaching to the database.

    The information shown in the screen includes:

    o  process ID

       The process ID of each active process.

    o  occurred

       The time that the process encountered the most recent
       deadlock. This field is blank if the process has not
       encountered any deadlocks.

    o  lock deadlock reason

       The event that caused the most recent deadlock encountered
       by the process. This field is blank if the process has not
       encountered any deadlocks. Note that the lock deadlock reason
       does not identify the cause of the deadlock. The conflicting
       process could be on a different VMScluster node. Rather, the
       lock deadlock reason provides historical information that can
       help the DBA track down the deadlock by other means, such as
       using the RMU Show Locks utility or examining the application
       transaction data flow analysis. The lock deadlock reason
       remains displayed for a process until the process is involved
       in another deadlock or detaches from the database. For more
       information on interpreting the lock deadlock reasons, see the
       descriptions for the stall reasons in the help text for the
       Stall Messages screen.

    o  deadlock

       The number of deadlocks the process has encountered since
       being attached to the database. This field is blank if the
       process has not encountered any deadlocks. This information
       may be as useful as the lock deadlock reason in determining
       the importance of the deadlock. For instance, if the database
       has been active for a week and the number of deadlocks is low,
       the system may be operating efficiently. Deadlocks are fairly
       common in a database system, and not all deadlocks are bad.

    By using the Lock Deadlock History screen to examine the most
    recent deadlocks, a DBA can more easily identify potential
    database hot spots and application bottlenecks. Looking
    at a screen full of deadlock information can help the DBA
    differentiate between frequent and infrequent problems and
    correlate common causes of the problems.

    Some of the deadlocks that appear on the Lock Deadlock History
    screen are page deadlocks. The lock deadlock reason "waiting
    for page n:nnn" appears for page deadlocks. Although a page
    deadlock is not necessarily a bad occurrence, it could indicate
    a potential performance problem. Sometimes a process that is
    experiencing a page deadlock appears on the Lock Deadlock History
    screen, and a high number of deadlocks is reported for the
    process. However, the lock deadlock reason gives the reason for
    only the most recent deadlock, so all the reported deadlocks
    for the process may not be for the indicated page. If the number
    of deadlocks reported is high for the time the process has been
    attached to the database, the DBA should examine the process in
    detail. A high number of deadlocks for a process can indicate a
    major design problem.

    In general, record deadlocks are undesirable and the cause of
    such deadlocks should be discovered and fixed. Page deadlocks are
    not always bad, but they need to be analyzed.

31  –  DBKEY Information screen

    This screen displays, for each process attached to the database
    on the node, the last retrieved DBKEY for each of the following
    page categories:

       data page
       snapshot page
       SPAM (space area management) page
       AIP (area inventory page) page
       ABM (area bitmap) page

    If the attached process provides line number information as
    part of the data page retrieval information, the line number
    is displayed. Otherwise, only the area and page number are
    displayed. For the snapshot, SPAM, AIP, and ABM pages, only the
    area and page number are displayed.

    The DBKEY Information screen is especially useful for identifying
    collisions on hot pages.

    The DBKEY Information screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

32  –  Stall Statistics Aggregate counts screen

    This screen displays the number of stalls for every stall class.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Stall
    Statistics screen. You can display aggregate count information
    or aggregate duration information.

33  –  Stall Statistics Aggregate durations screen

    This screen displays the total duration, in hundredths of
    seconds, for every stall class.

    Since certain types of stalls can be nested, the total stall
    durations may be larger than actually occurred.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Stall
    Statistics screen. You can display aggregate count information
    or aggregate duration information.

34  –  Active Stall Counts screen

    This screen identifies the number of processes currently stalled
    in a particular stall class. Ideally, the number of stalled
    processes for each class should be zero, which indicates that
    no processes are stalled.

35  –  Row Cache Overview unsorted screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches. This screen provides the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

36  –  Row Cache Overview searches screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by number of cache searches. This screen provides
    the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

37  –  Row Cache Overview %hit screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by the cache search hit percentage. This screen
    provides the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

38  –  Row Cache Overview %full screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by the cache fullness percentage. This screen
    provides the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

39  –  Row Cache Overview inserts screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by number of cache inserts. This screen provides
    the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

40  –  Row Cache Overview Alphabetical screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by cache names. This screen provides the following

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

41  –  Row Cache Overview wraps screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by the count of cache insert cursor wraps. This
    screen provides the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

42  –  Row Cache Overview SlotCount screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by the number of cache slots. This screen provides
    the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

43  –  Row Cache Overview SlotSize screen

    This screen provides summary Row Cache information for active
    caches ordered by the size (width) of cache slots. This screen
    provides the following information:

    o  Cache.Name

       This field displays the cache name.

    o  Searches

       This field displayes the number of times the row cache was
       searched for a specific row (DBKEY).

    o  Hit%

       This field displays the percentage of cache searches that were
       satistified by the cache (ie, the row was found in the cache).

    o  Full%

       This field displays the percentage of the slots in the cache
       that are not empty.

    o  Inserts

       This field displays the number of times new rows have been
       inserted into the row cache.

    o  Wrap

       This field displays the number of times the row cache "insert
       cursor" reached the end of the cache and started over at the
       beginning of the cache.

    o  Slots

       This field displays the total number of slots in the cache.

    o  len

       This field displays the length (ie, width) of each slot in the

44  –  Process IO Overview screen

    This screen provides summary I/O information for all processes
    activated to collect global statistics using the Process
    Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  Sync.Reads

       This field gives the number of synchronous read QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for
       single-file and multifile databases and snapshot files.
       This operation reads database pages synchronously from the

    o  SyncWrites

       This field gives the number of synchronous write QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot files (.SNP).
       This operation writes modified database pages synchronously
       back to the database.

    o  Read.Stall

       This field gives the time in hundredths of a second spent
       reading database pages from the database rootfile (.RDB),
       storage area (.RDA) files and snapshot (.SNP) files. An
       excessively high number often indicates disk contention that
       might be alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read stall durations.

    o  WriteStall

       This field gives the time in hundredths of a second spent
       writing database pages to the database rootfile (.RDB),
       storage area (.RDA) and snapshot (.SNP) files. An excessively
       high number often indicates disk contention that might be
       alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read stall durations.

    o  AsyncReads

       This field gives the number of asynchronous read QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot (.SNP) files.
       This operation reads database pages asynchronously from the

    o  AsyncWrits

       This field gives the number of asynchronous write QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot files (.SNP).
       This operation writes modified database pages asynchronously
       back to the database.

45  –  Process Journal IO Overview screen

    This screen provides summary RUJ and AIJ journal I/O information
    for all processes activated to collect global statistics using
    the Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  RUJ.Reads

       This field gives the number of read QIOs (queued I/O requests)
       issued to the database recovery-unit journal (.RUJ) files.
       This operation reads before-image records from the RUJ file to
       roll back a verb or a transaction.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read requests.

    o  RUJ.Writes

       This field gives the number of write QIOs (queued I/O
       requests) issued to the database recovery-unit journal
       (.RUJ) files. This operation writes before-image records to
       the RUJ file in case a verb or transaction must be rolled
       back. Before-images must be written to the RUJ file before
       the corresponding database page can be written back to the

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O write requests.

    o  RUJ.Extend

       This field identifies the number of times an RUJ file has been
       extended. Ideally, this value should be "0" or as close to "0"
       as possible. Each RUJ file extension represents a performance
       bottleneck that is easily resolved.

    o  AIJ.Reads

       The number of read QIOs issued to the database after-image
       journal (.AIJ) file. If after-image journaling is not enabled
       for the database this statistic will be zero.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read requests.

    o  AIJ.Writes

       This field gives the total number of write QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database after-image journal
       (.AIJ) file. If after-image journaling is not enabled for the
       database, this statistic will be zero. This operation writes
       after-image records to the after-image journal to facilitate
       rollforward recovery using the RMU Recover utility.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O write requests.

    o  AIJ.Extend

       This field identifies the number of times an after-image
       journal has been extended. Ideally, this value should be
       "0" or as close to "0" as possible. Each AIJ file extension
       represents a performance bottleneck that is easily resolved.

46  –  Process Lock Overview screen

    This screen provides summary locking information for all
    processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  Lock.Rqsts

       This field gives the number of lock requests, also referred
       to as "enqueue" lock requests, for new locks. Whether the lock
       request succeeds or fails, it is included in this count. The
       "rqsts not queued", "rqsts stalled", and "rqst deadlocks"
       counts provide further detail for enqueue lock requests

    o  prom.Rqsts

       This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to
       promote an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether
       or not the lock request succeeds, it is included in this
       count. The "proms not queued," "proms stalled," and "prom
       deadlocks" counts provide further detail for the locks
       promotion statistics.

    o  Deadlocks

       This field gives the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
       to promote an existing lock that ultimately resulted in a
       deadlock. Most deadlocks are tried again and resolved

    o  Blasted

       This field gives the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes
       referred to as "blasts", delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock
       manager. A blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock
       when a lock conflict is detected, which is a good indication
       of contention problems. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking
       AST, it often demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to
       avoid unnecessary deadlocks.

       The number of blocking ASTs reported is composed of two
       different types of blocking ASTs: those generated externally
       and those generated internally.

       An externally generated blocking AST occurs when a blocking
       AST is actually received by the process from the operating
       system in response to some lock conflict with another process.
       A blocking AST routine is executed and the RMU Show Statistic
       utility records the blocking AST activity.

       An internally generated blocking AST occurs when a lock-
       blocking AST routine is executed by the process in
       anticipation that the same work would have to be performed
       anyway if a blocking AST were to be received from the
       operating system. This algorithm serves as an optimistic
       code optimization; the process, assuming it would eventually
       receive a blocking AST for the particular lock, executes the
       blocking AST routine. The RMU Show Statistic utility does not
       differentiate between these two types of blocking ASTs.

    o  Demotes

       This field gives the number of enqueue lock requests to demote
       an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests always

    o  Unlocks

       This field gives the number of deallocating lock requests to
       release an existing lock. These requests always succeed.

47  –  Process Transaction Overview screen

    This screen provides summary transaction information for all
    processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic
    utility. This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  Transactns

       This field displays the number of transactions started.

    o  TxCommited

       This field displays the number of transactions committed.

    o  TxRollback

       This field displays the number of transactions rolled back.

    o  Checkpoint

       This field displays the number of checkpoints.

    o  VerbSucces

       This field displays the number of successful verbs.

    o  VerbFailur

       This field displays the number of failed verbs.

48  –  Process Object Overview screen

    This screen provides summary rootfile object information for
    all processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  Objs.Shrd

       This field displays the number of objects that are fetched for
       shared retrieval access.

    o  Objs.Excl

       This field displays the number of objects that are fetched
       for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently being
       updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object was
       actually updated.

    o  Objs.Rfrsh

       This field displays the number of objects whose information
       in the global section was detected as being stale, so the
       information was read again from the database root file.

    o  Objs.Updt

       This field displays the number of objects whose information
       was modified. Only objects fetched for exclusive access can be

    o  Objs.Write

       This field displays the number of objects whose information
       was written back to the database root file.

    o  Objs.Relsd

       This field displays the number of objects whose shared or
       exclusive access was released to other processes.

49  –  Process Record Overview screen

    This screen provides summary record access information for
    all processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  RecFetched

       This field gives the number of records fetched, including
       snapshot records. This field does not include records
       retrieved from a temporary table.

       Note that this value may be more than the actual number of
       records returned by a query. The reason is that queries may
       fetch records during the search phase, and then refetch the
       selected records so that they may be returned to the user.
       Also, for uniform format storage areas, a sequential scan
       needs to fetch the "next" record on each page of the clump,
       even if there are no records on that page. In addition, every
       page in a uniform format storage area incurs an extra fetch to
       verify that there are no more records residing on that page.

    o  Rec.Marked

       This field gives the number of records marked. A record is
       marked when it is modified or it is erased, but not when it
       is stored. This field does not include records modified in a
       temporary table.

    o  Rec.Stored

       This field gives the number of records stored in the database.
       This field does not include records stored in temporary

    o  Pag.Checkd

       This field indicates the number of pages checked in order
       to store a record. Ideally, very few candidate pages need to
       be checked when storing a record. However in certain cases,
       depending on record size, access method, locked space on a
       page, and SPAM thresholds, storing a record requires a number
       of page fetches.

    o  PagDiscard

       This field identifies the number of pages checked but
       discarded because the actual free space on that page did not
       meet the physical requirements needed to store a new record.

    o  Rec.Erased

       This field gives the number of records erased from the
       database. This field does not include records erased from
       temporary tables.

50  –  Process Snapshot Overview screen

    This screen provides summary record access information for
    all processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  SnpRecRtrv

       This field gives the number of records retrieved by read-only

    o  SnpLinFtch

       This field gives the number of lines fetched by read-only
       transactions. To retrieve a single record, a transaction might
       actually check a number of lines, some of which may be empty.

    o  SnpPagRead

       This field gives the number of snapshot pages fetched by read-
       only transactions. If this count is high relative to the other
       read fields, read-only transactions are fetching records that
       are being updated frequently, and the snapshot file is being
       used extensively.

    o  SnpRecStor

       This field gives the number of records stored in the snapshot
       file by update transactions. Every snapshot record stored
       by an update transaction implies that a snapshot page was
       found and utilized. In the best case, this is a single-page
       fetch. The "page in use," "page too full," page conflict," and
       "extended file" subfields indicate some of the extra overhead
       involved in finding suitable snapshot pages on which to store
       snapshot records.

    o  SnpPagFull

       This field gives the number of pages fetched that were
       unsuitable for storing snapshot records because there was
       not enough room on the snapshot page to include another
       version of a record. In this case, a new snapshot page must
       be fetched and linked with the full page. This allows read-
       only transactions to follow a chain of snapshot pages to find
       the correct version of a record.

    o  SnpLckCnft

       This field gives the number of times a snapshot page fetch
       was requested but aborted due to a lock conflict with another
       process. When a page fetch conflicts with another process,
       another target page is fetched and checked so the lock
       conflict does not cost a disk I/O operation.

51  –  AIJ Statistics screen

    This screen monitors both logical and physical after-image
    journaling activity.

52  –  Group Commit Statistics screen

    This screen monitors group commit activity.

53  –  LogMiner Information screen

    This screen provides online information about all "continuous"
    LogMiner(tm) (usually form the RMU /UNLOAD /AFTER_JOURNAL
    /CONTINUOUS command) processes. Most of the information displayed
    on the screen is obtained in real time, which means that the
    display is automatically updated as "continuous" LogMiner
    processes read and extract after-image journal files.

    The LogMiner Information screen contains multiple pages, the
    number of which is determined by the number of processes running
    the "continuous" LogMiner. The pages can be scrolled by using the
    right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page, or by using
    the left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page.

    The following columns provide information about processes running
    the "continuous" LogMiner.

    o  Process.ID - The process ID and Stream ID of the Continuous
       LogMiner process.

    o  State - The current Continuous LogMiner processing state. One
       of the following:

       o  Inactive - Processing has not yet completed initialization

       o  Hibernating - Waiting for after-image journal write

       o  Polling - Sleep/poll state while waiting for after-image
          journal writing activity; after a short while, if no after-
          image journal writing occurs, the Continuous LogMiner will
          enter the "Hibernating" state

       o  Extracting - Extracting changes from one or more
          transactions from the after-image journal

    o  SeqNum - Sequence number of the journal currently being

    o  CurrVBN - Virtual block number of the last AIJ block read

    This screen is available only if the Continuous LogMiner feature
    is enabled for the database.

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    Because the AIJ Journal Information screen provides real-time
    information, the output is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

54  –  AIJ Journal Information screen

    This screen provides online information about all of a database's
    after-image journals on the current node. Most of the information
    displayed on the screen is obtained in real time, which means
    that the display is automatically updated as AIJ database
    parameters are modified, or as AIJ operations such as a backup
    or journal switchover are performed.

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    Because the AIJ Journal Information screen provides real-time
    information, the output is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

    The AIJ Journal Information screen contains multiple pages,
    the number of which is determined by the number of allocated
    journal slots. The pages can be scrolled by using the right angle
    bracket (>) key to go to the next page, or by using the left
    angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page.

    The AIJ Journal Information screen contains information relating
    to AIJ journaling in general and information on each individual
    journal, including reserved AIJ journal slots.

    The following fields provided in the AIJ Journal Information
    screen header provide information that applies to all journals:

    o  Journaling

       Displays "Enabled" when after-image journaling is enabled and
       "Disabled" when after-image journaling is disabled.

    o  Shutdown

       If highlighted, indicates that an AIJ switchover is in
       progress and identifies the number of minutes remaining until
       the after-image journaling system shutdown is complete. If
       no switchover is in progress, the default shutdown time, in
       minutes, is displayed. Note that this field displays shutdown
       information for the current node only.

    o  Notify

       Displays "Enabled" when system operator notification is
       enabled and "Disabled" when system operator notification is
       disabled. This field does not identify the specific operator
       classes that are enabled.

    o  State

       Displays "Accessible" when the AIJ journals can be written to
       and "Inaccessible" when they cannot be written to.

    o  ALS

       Provides information about the AIJ log server (ALS). If the
       ALS is not running, it displays the startup mode for the ALS,
       either "Automatic" or "Manual." If the ALS is running, this
       field displays the value "Running."

    o  ABS

       Displays "Enabled" when the AIJ backup server is enabled
       for the database, "Disabled" when the AIJ backup server is
       not enabled, "Suspended" when the AIJ backup server has been
       manually suspended, and "Denied" when the AIJ backup server is
       not permitted due to AIJ files being overwritten or in a data-
       lost condition. Note that the AIJ backup server is not always
       invoked even though it is enabled; output from the RMU Dump
       Header command provides more information in those situations
       where the AIJ backup server is enabled but not invoked.

    o  ACE

       Displays "Enabled" when the AIJ cache on electronic disk (ACE)
       is enabled and "Disabled" when the AIJ cache on electronic
       disk is not enabled. This field does not identify the name of
       the file that serves as the AIJ cache on the electronic disk.

    o  FC

       Displays "Enabled" when the fast commit transaction processing
       feature is enabled and "Disabled" when it is not enabled. The
       fast commit options are not displayed.

    o  CTJ

       Displays "Enabled" when the commit to journal optimization
       feature is enabled and "Disabled" when it is not enabled. The
       commit to journal optimization options are not displayed.

    o  ARB.Count

       Displays the number of AIJ request blocks (ARBs) that are in
       use for the database.

    o  ARB.Avail:

       Displays the number of AIJ request blocks (ARBs) that are
       available for the database.

    The following information is provided for individual after-image

    o  After-image journal name

       Identifies the name of the after-image journal (this is not
       the journal filename). If the journal is not allocated,
       identifies the number of the available journal slot. The
       current journal is highlighted for quick identification.

    o  Sequence number

       Identifies the sequence number of the journal. If the journal
       is unused, "Unused" is displayed.

    o  AIJ size

       Identifies the size, in blocks, of the current after-image
       journal. This value typically corresponds to the after-
       image journal allocation size for fixed-size journals. If the
       physical end-of-file has not yet been established, the default
       allocation size, in blocks, is displayed.

    o  Current end of file

       Identifies the block number of the current end-of-file of
       the current journal; this information is only displayed
       for the current journal because it is meaningless for other
       journals. This value corresponds to the location in the
       journal being written with data. If the journal is current
       but the logical end-of-file has not yet been established,
       "Unknown" is displayed. If the journal is not current, "Empty"
       is displayed.

    o  Status

       Displays "Current" if the journal is currently being written
       to, "Written" if it was written to in the past, or "Latent"
       if it has not yet been written to. A journal that has been
       written to and is not current should be backed up; the warning
       "*BACKUP NEEDED*" is displayed to help identify when a journal
       needs to be backed up.

    o  State

       Displays "Backing Up" when the journal is in the process of
       being backed up, "Overwritten" when the journal has been
       overwritten, "Accessible" if the journal can be written to,
       and "Inaccessible" when the journal cannot be written to.

    Note that information on the AIJ Journal Information screen is
    for the current node only. Because an after-image journal is
    accessed by all nodes modifying the database, the information
    for one node could become stale. Therefore, the Refresh option on
    the horizontal menu at the bottom of the AIJ Journal Information
    screen is provided. The Refresh option causes the current node's
    information to be synchronized with all other nodes accessing the

55  –  AIJ Journal Growth Trend screen

    This screen graphically portrays the size of the current AIJ
    Journal over a measured period of time. The slope of the line
    can be used to visually describe the amount of information being
    written to the AIJ journal.

56  –  ALS Statistics screen

    This screen contains information specific to the operation of the
    AIJ Log Server process.

    The ALS Statistics screen is recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is available when you replay a binary file using the Input

57  –  2PC Statistics screen

    This screen provides information about distributed transaction
    performance and how it differs from non-distributed transaction

    The 2PC Statistics screen is recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is available when you replay a binary file using the Input

58  –  RUJ Statistics screen

    This screen contains summary information for all active update
    transactions on the current node.

    The RUJ Statistics screen is recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is available when you replay a binary file using the Input

59  –  Fast Incr Backup Statistics screen

 This screen displays statistics about the fast incremental backup

60  –  Checkpoint Statistics screen

    This screen shows transaction and checkpoint activity. Statistics
    are displayed for all processes on the node for a particular
    database. The total number of checkpoints, with a breakdown
    of the reasons for checkpointing, is displayed. The sum of all
    checkpoint intervals is also displayed, using three different
    metrics. You can use this information to compute the average
    interval between checkpoints, allowing you to decide if a
    checkpointing interval should be adjusted, and by how much.

    Some of the columns provided by the Checkpoint Statistics
    screen measure events on a per second or per transaction basis.
    These columns are useful for measuring frequently occurring
    events such as I/O operations. Because checkpointing typically
    occurs at a slower rate, you will find the most meaningful
    checkpointing information in the total count column of the
    Checkpoint Statistics screen. Oracle Corporation recommends that
    you refer to this column when you use checkpoint statistics to
    determine optimal checkpoint intervals.

61  –  Recovery Statistics screen

    This screen identifies various recovery phases and shows
    information on how long each phase took to complete.

    The Recovery Statistics screen is useful for identifying an
    excessive number of abnormal process failures. In addition, the
    screen is useful for determining the proper database attribute
    and parameter settings to maximize runtime performance and
    minimize recovery downtime.

    Note that this screen provides global information on all failed
    process recoveries, not on individual process recoveries.

    The Recovery Statistics screen is recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is available when you replay a binary file using the Input

62  –  Hot Standby Statistics screen

    This screen provides information about the performance and state
    of the Hot Standby feature.

63  –  Synchronization Mode Statistics screen

    This screen provides a breakdown of each type of synchronization
    mode. The count and stall duration for each of the four
    synchronization modes are displayed.

64  –  Hot Standby Network screen

    This screen displays information about active Hot Standby

65  –  Recovery Information screen

    This screen displays information about the Hot Standby recovery
    operation, with regards to what type of recovery operations are
    actually being performed.

66  –  PIO Statistics Data Fetches screen

    This screen provides statistics on how data page requests are

67  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Prefetches screen

    This screen provides statistics on asynchronous SPAM page

    Asynchronous prefetching includes both traditional asynchronous
    prefetching ( "APF") when pages are "known" to be needed
    (as during a sequential scan of a storage area) and detected
    asynchronous prefetching ( "DAPF") when a pattern of sequential
    page access is noticed and pages are automatically prefetched in

68  –  PIO Statistics DATA Prefetches screen

    This screen provides statistics on asynchronous data page

    Asynchronous prefetching includes both traditional asynchronous
    prefetching ( "APF") when pages are "known" to be needed
    (as during a sequential scan of a storage area) and detected
    asynchronous prefetching ( "DAPF") when a pattern of sequential
    page access is noticed and pages are automatically prefetched in

69  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Fetches screen

    This screen provides statistics on how SPAM page requests are

70  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Access screen

    This screen displays statistics about why the SPAM page was
    accessed. You can identify excessive SPAM fetches by comparing
    the "record store fet" field to the "record store upd" and
    "record stored" fields.

    The SPAM Access screen is recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is available when you replay a binary file using the Input

71  –  PIO Statistics Data Writes screen

    This screen provides information concerning data file writes and
    buffer unmarking activity (buffer writes to the disk).

72  –  PIO Statistics SPAM Writes screen

    This screen provides information concerning SPAM file writes.

73  –  PIO Statistics File Access screen

    This screen provides information concerning file access. The
    stall times are displayed in hundredths of a second.

74  –  Asynchronous IO Statistics screen

    This screen provides information concerning asynchronous reads
    and writes to the database files. The stall times are displayed
    in hundredths of a second.

75  –  IO Stall Time seconds x100 screen

    This screen shows a summary of I/O stall activity. All times are
    displayed in hundredths of a second.

76  –  GB utilization screen

    This screen displays the utilization of each page in a global
    buffer. Because there can be many times more buffers and pages
    than displayable geography, this screen contains multiple pages.
    Use the left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page
    and the right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the

    This screen is organized in units of buffers. Each "|" delineates
    a buffer. Each character between "|"s represents a single page.
    A buffer can contain fewer than the maximum number of pages,
    depending on the various storage area page sizes. Inadmissible
    pages are marked using underscore ("_") and can be ignored.

    The number of users sharing a particular page is known as the
    share-count. This screen is based on a display-threshold that
    is compared against the number of users sharing a particular
    page. Initially, the display threshold value is 1. The display
    threshold can be configured, as described below.

    Page share-counts are identified as follows:

    o  Space (" ")- A page with a share-count less than the display-

    o  Dot (".")- A page with a share-count identical to the display-

    o  Digit from 2 through 9- A page with share-count that exceeds
       the display-threshold but is less than ten, identified by the
       respective digit

    o  Asterisk ("*")- A page with share-count that exceeds the
       display-threshold by 10 or more

    A row of "X"s delineates the end of the global buffer pool. All
    blank lines following the row of "X"s can be ignored.

    As a general measure of global buffer pool utilization when using
    the default display-threshold, a display containing a lot of
    blanks is not good; this probably indicates that the global
    buffer pool is sized too large for the current number of users
    accessing the database. A display containing a lot of dots (".")
    is not good since this indicates non-sharing of pages; this
    probably indicates that local buffers might be a better choice.
    A display containing a lot of numeric digits is good, since
    this indicates good page sharing. A display containing a lot
    of asterisks ("*") is very good, since this indicates tremendous
    page sharing.

    You can use the "Config" menu option to filter the "GB
    Utilization" display. Select this option, by typing the letter
    C, to display the configuration submenu.

    The configuration submenu contains a single option: "Filter
    Utilization Display". Selecting this option will display the
    prompt "Enter global buffer threshold (1+) [current=1]: ". The
    threshold indicates the number of users sharing a page to be
    displayed; for instance, if you entered "5" then only those pages
    being accessed by 5 or more users will be displayed. Also, those
    pages shared by exactly 5 users would be identified using a dot
    (".") and those more than 5 would be identified using the digits
    6 through 9 or the asterisk ("*") if more than nine users are
    sharing a page.

    This screen is not saved in the binary output file and cannot be
    selected during binary file replay.

77  –  GB hot page information screen

    This screen displays a list of the "hottest", or most heavily
    shared, pages in the global buffer pool. The list is sorted in
    descending shared frequency and ascending starea:pageno sequence.
    Since there can be many times more hot pages than displayable
    geography, this screen contains multiple pages. Use the left
    angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page and the right
    angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the screen.

    The sorting sequence ensures that "page 1" contains the set of
    "hottest" pages while "page n" contains the coldest pages.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Starea:PageNo- identifies the storage area number and the page
       number in that storage area

    o  #Users- indicates the number of users sharing the page

    o  Version#- indicates the number of times the page has been

    o  CkptVbn- indicates the page's current checkpoint VBN. This
       field is not generally useful.

    o  Xfr- indicates whether or not the page is being transferred
       to another user when an asterisk ("*") is displayed; this is
       almost never indicated since the actual page transfer occurs

    This screen is not saved in the binary output file and cannot be
    selected during binary file replay.

78  –  GB Frequency Information screen

    This screen graphically displays, in general terms, the
    effectiveness of the global buffer pool for sharing of pages.
    This screen contains the following fields of header information:

    o  Total Global Buffers- indicates the total number of buffers in
       the database global buffer pool.

    o  Maximum Global Buffer Pages- indicates the maximum number
       of pages that can reside in the global buffer pool. The
       actual number of pages may be less than this value because
       of different page sizes for different storage areas.

    o  Number of Unused Buffers- indicates the number of buffers that
       are completely empty and do not contain ANY pages. This field
       should always display the value "0"; any other value indicates
       that the global buffer pool may be sized too large for the
       currently running application.

    o  Number of Active Pages- indicates the actual number of pages
       contained in the global buffer pool; this value will probably
       be less than the Maximum Global Buffer Pages field. Active
       pages can include unreferenced pages.

    o  Number of Unused Pages- indicates the number of pages in the
       global buffer pool that are not currently referenced by any

    o  Number of Unshared Pages- indicates the number of pages in the
       global buffer pool referenced by exactly one process.

    The histogram graphically displays the number of processes
    referencing each page in the global buffer pool. Because of the
    limited space on the histogram, each asterisk ("*") may represent
    more than one page; the actual number of pages represented is
    identified in the footer information.

    This screen is not saved in the binary output file and cannot be
    selected during binary file replay.

79  –  File IO Overview screen

    This screen shows a summary of I/O activity for all data and
    snapshot files.

80  –  File IO Overview Current Async Reads screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current asynchronous read

81  –  File IO Overview Current Async Writes screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current asynchronous write

82  –  File IO Overview Current Sync Reads screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current synchronous read

83  –  File IO Overview Current Sync Writes screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current synchronous write

84  –  File IO Overview Total Async Reads screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total asynchronous read

85  –  File IO Overview Total Async Writes screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total asynchronous write

86  –  File IO Overview Total I Os screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts.

87  –  File IO Overview Total Sync Reads screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts, sorted by descending total synchronous read count.

88  –  File IO Overview Total Sync Writes screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total synchronous write

89  –  File IO Overview Total current I Os screen

    This screen shows the total current synchronous and asynchronous
    read and write counts.

90  –  File IO Overview Unsorted current I Os screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts in unsorted order.

91  –  File IO Overview Unsorted total I O screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts in unsorted order.

92  –  File IO Overview Total Discarded screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts, sorted by descending total pages discarded.

93  –  File IO Overview Current Discarded screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts, sorted by descending current pages discarded.

94  –  File IO Overview Alphabetical screen

    This screen shows the synchronous and asynchronous read and write
    counts, sorted by storage area name.

    You also have the following options:

    o  Display by storage area name within storage area type (data or

    o  Display all storage areas

    o  Display data storage areas only

    o  Display snapshot storage areas only

95  –  Device IO Overview Current Async Reads screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current asynchronous read
    count. That is, the row with the highest asynchronous read I/O
    rate is displayed first.

96  –  Device IO Overview Current Async Writes screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current asynchronous write
    count. That is, the row with the highest asynchronous write I/O
    rate is displayed first.

97  –  Device IO Overview Current Sync Reads screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current synchronous read
    count. That is, the row with the highest synchronous read I/O
    rate is displayed first.

98  –  Device IO Overview Current Sync Writes screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending current synchronous write
    count. That is, the row with the highest synchronous write I/O
    rate is displayed first.

99  –  Device IO Overview Total Async Reads screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total asynchronous read
    count. That is, the row with the most asynchronous read I/Os is
    displayed first.

100  –  Device IO Overview Total Async Writes screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total asynchronous write
    count. That is, the row with the most asynchronous write I/Os is
    displayed first.

101  –  Device IO Overview Total I Os screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts, sorted by descending total read and write count.
    That is, the row with the most total I/Os is displayed first.

102  –  Device IO Overview Total Sync Reads screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read and
    write counts, sorted by descending total synchronous read count.
    That is, the row with the most synchronous read I/Os is displayed

103  –  Device IO Overview Total Sync Writes screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts, sorted by descending total synchronous write
    count. That is, the row with the most synchronous write I/Os is
    displayed first.

104  –  Device IO Overview Total current I Os screen

    This screen shows the total current synchronous and asynchronous
    read and write counts sorted by descending total read and write
    rate order. That is, the row with the highest total I/O rate is
    displayed first.

105  –  Device IO Overview Unsorted current I Os screen

    This screen shows the current synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts in unsorted order. The devices are displayed in
    alphabetical order.

106  –  Device IO Overview Unsorted total I O screen

    This screen shows the total synchronous and asynchronous read
    and write counts in unsorted order. The devices are displayed in
    alphabetical order.

107  –  Device Information screen

    This screen provides an online view of the storage-area
    device information local to a particular database. The Device
    Information screen has the following capabilities:

    o  Displays real-time information about all devices accessed by
       the database.

    o  Displays information for devices on which the database root
       file and storage areas (live and snapshot) reside.

    o  Displays information about all database root files and storage
       areas except for AIJ, ACE, or RUJ devices.

    When there is more than one page of the Device Information
    screen, the header section contains the page number currently
    displayed and the total number of pages in the screen. Use the
    left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page and the
    right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the screen.

    The Device Information screen contains the following information:

    o  Device.Name- The name of the device.

    o  Status- Any of the following status types might be displayed
       in this column:

          Mounted-Device is mounted and active
          Valid-Device is software valid
          Busy-Device is busy
          MntVrfy-Device is undergoing Mount Verification
          TimeOut-Device has timed out
          PowerFl-Device has experienced power failure
          Unknown-Device is in some unexpected state

    o  #Err- The number of hardware errors that have occurred on the
       device since it was mounted.

    o  Volume.Label- The name of the device specified when it was

    o  FreeBlock- The number of free (available) blocks on the
       device. This number approaches zero (0) as the device becomes
       full. This is one of the most important field in the screen.

    o  Max#Blocks- The total number of blocks in the device.

    o  %Full- The percentage of the disk that is full.

    Note that the Device Information screen is available in replay
    mode only if By Area information was recorded in the binary
    output file. However, because the information is displayed
    in real time, it does not reflect the time when the By Area
    information was recorded.

108  –  File IO Statistics screen

    This screen allows you to display I/O statistics for each file in
    the database. When you select "IO Statistics (by file)" from the
    display menu, Oracle Rdb displays a list of files that comprise
    the database and for which you can choose to view statistics.
    With the exception of the all data/snap files screen, each screen
    shows the I/O activity for a specific database file. The all data
    /snap files screen shows a summary of I/O activity for all data
    and snapshot files.

    The information in this screen applies from the time that your
    Performance Monitor session began, or since the accumulators were
    last reset (using the [R]eset option). The following information
    is displayed:

    o  total I/Os

       The total number of I/O operations to the file being
       displayed, broken down to the number of synchronous read,
       synchronous write, extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous
       write operations. This number does not include creation or
       truncation operations.

    o  rate per second

       This section provides information on the rate at which
       I/O operations are performed by the database. A single I/O
       operation may access several blocks of information; thus, the
       number of I/O operations does not correlate directly to the
       volume of data manipulated. However, if the file is on a disk
       by itself and this number is high (greater than 30 for RA8n
       disks), the file may be a good candidate for partitioning.
       This number also indicates how much use the file is getting,
       and if the file should be on its own disk.

       The information is partitioned into the following categories:

       o  max.

          This category indicates the maximum number of operations
          per second attained for synchronous read, synchronous
          write, extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous
          write operations. The max. category is typically used to
          differentiate peaks in performance from the system-wide
          average. Note that no total figure is displayed for this

       o  cur.

          This category indicates the current number of operations
          per second attained for synchronous read, synchronous
          write, extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous write
          operations. This information is computed using the number
          of I/O operations performed during the screen-update time

       o  avg...

          This category indicates the average number of operations
          per second attained for synchronous read, synchronous
          write, extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous
          write operations. The avg. category is typically used
          to determine overall system activity. Note that no total
          figure is displayed for this category.

    o  total count

       This category indicates the total number of synchronous
       read, synchronous write, extend, asynchronous read, and
       asynchronous write operations performed by the database.
       The total count category serves as the basis for the Average
       Per I/O categories. It is a good indicator of how much I/O
       activity there is for a file and for comparing one file's
       activity with other files in the database.

    o  average per trans

       This category indicates the total number of synchronous read,
       synchronous write, extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous
       write operations, based on the total number of application
       transactions committed by all processes attached to the
       database. The total number of committed transactions is
       not displayed. The processing within a transaction and the
       duration of a transaction for this category are determined
       entirely by the application.

       The average per trans category can indicate whether or not
       certain transactions incur a high number of I/O operations to
       accomplish a task. If you notice a number that is higher than
       you expected, you should investigate further by using other
       Performance Monitor options.

    o  blocks transferred

       This section provides information on the volume of data
       manipulated (transferred) by the database. Depending on the
       operation, Oracle Rdb attempts to make an I/O operation do
       as much work as possible by transferring as many blocks as
       possible. The blocks transferred statistic shows how much work
       is being done for each I/O operation. A number less than the
       buffer size indicates that either SPAM pages are used heavily
       (because they fill only one page), or there are contention
       problems because Oracle Rdb resolves contention problems by
       writing and reading pages rather than full buffers.

       The information is partitioned into the following categories:

       o  avg. per I/O

          This category indicates the average number of blocks
          transferred for synchronous read, synchronous write,
          extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous write
          operations, based on the total number of I/O operations
          that have been performed by the database.

       o  total...

          This category indicates the total number of blocks
          transferred for synchronous read, synchronous write,
          extend, asynchronous read, and asynchronous write

    o  stall time (x100)

       This section provides information on how long processes wait
       for the I/O operations to complete. Processes typically stall
       due to contention for the disk by other processes. Stall time
       is measured in hundredths of a second but is displayed as
       whole numbers. Thus, a displayed value of 100 represents 1
       second of stall time. A large number can indicate excessive
       I/O activity to a file and that requests are becoming stacked
       in a queue. This indicates the file is a good candidate for
       partitioning or being placed on another disk. Normally, RA8n
       disks should complete an I/O operation in 2/100 to 4/100 of a
       second, while RD5n disks should complete an I/O operation in
       5/100 to 8/100 of a second.

       The information is partitioned into the following categories:

       o  avg. per I/O

          This category indicates the average time stalled for
          synchronous read, synchronous write, extend, asynchronous
          read, and asynchronous write operations based on the number
          of I/O operations that have been performed.

          When you are displaying statistics for all data/snap files,
          the value for the average stall time per I/O field may not
          be what you expect if you have displayed the average stall
          time per I/O for the individual .rda and .snp files in the
          database. For example, it is possible for the average stall
          time per I/O for the all data/snap files screen to be 1.1
          when the average stall times per I/O for the .rda and .snp
          files are 8.3, 5.7, 6.4, and 6.8, respectively.

          Oracle Rdb issues write I/O operations in parallel,
          asynchronously (this is a batch-write mechanism). This
          means that the average stall time per I/O for the all data
          /snap files screen is not the "average of the averages"
          shown for the individual .rda and .snp files; this would
          imply that the I/Os completed serially. Rather, the total
          I/O stall time is "the average of the averages divided
          by the number of I/Os;" the average for the all data/snap
          files screen is usually a fraction of the individual file
          averages because the stall time is amortized across all
          I/Os issued in parallel.

          For example, assume that Oracle Rdb does a batch-write
          operation (all in parallel, of course) to four storage
          areas. Assume that each individual storage area's I/O
          operation takes 20 milliseconds. If the I/Os were done
          serially, then the average stall time for all storage areas
          would be 20 milliseconds. However, because the I/Os are
          done in parallel, the average for all areas is actually 5
          milliseconds (20 milliseconds divided by 4 I/O operations).

       o  total...

          This category indicates the total time stalled for
          synchronous read, synchronous write, extend, asynchronous
          read, and asynchronous write operations.

    Note that the accumulators on this screen can be reset using the
    [R]eset option.

109  –  Logical Area Statistics screen

    This screen displays statistics about a specific table or index.

    The output from the Logical Area Statistics screen is not written
    to the output file; therefore, the output cannot be replayed
    using an input file.

110  –  Logical Area Overview Tables screen

    This screen displays comparative information for all logical
    areas of a particular type, on a single screen.

    By default, the screen displays the four most useful statistic
    fields for the respective logical area type. However, you may
    configure both the statistic fields displayed as well as the type
    of statistic information displayed.

    The "system" logical area information can be filtered from the
    display, which will result in application logical areas being
    displayed only.

    There is no way to "mix and match" different logical areas on the
    same screen display. This is impossible because of the different
    statistic information collected for different logical area types.

    It is possible to zoom on a specific logical area and display its
    relevant statistic information. This drill-down capability makes
    the "Logical Area Overview" an extremely useful analytical tool
    for identifying performance bottlenecks or potential problems.

    This screen is not available if the/NOLOGICAL_AREA qualifier is
    specified, or if the INPUT qualifier is specified.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Logical Area Name -This column displays the name of the
       logical area, followed by a period ".", followed by the name
       of the physical area (storage area) in which the logical area
       partition resides.

       A maximum of 20 characters is displayed when the screen width
       is 80 columns, which typically results in the storage area
       name being partially truncated. To display the entire storage
       area name, it may be necessary to zoom on the logical area
       using the Zoom on-screen menu option. Alternately, using a
       width of more than 100 columns will allow the full area name
       to be displayed.

       For performance reasons, the logical area names are not sorted
       in any particular order by default. You can configure the
       screen to display the logical areas in alphabetical order.

       Each logical area displayed represents a single partition of
       that logical area. There is no method available to display the
       logical areas aggregate statistic information.

    o  Statistic Field #1 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a table logical area. The
       default statistic field is "record fetch."

    o  Statistic Field #2 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a table logical area. The
       default statistic field is "record stored."

    o  Statistic Field #3 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a table logical area. The
       default statistic field is "record erased."

    o  Statistic Field #4 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a table logical area. The
       default statistic field is "pages discarded."

    o  Statistic Type - This column identifies the "type" of
       statistic information being displayed. The following types
       are available:

       o  CurTot - This column indicates the total number of
          occurrences of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  CurRate - This column indicates the current occurrence-
          per-second rate of the statistic during the last sample
          interval (screen refresh); you can change the sample
          interval using the "Set_rate" on-screen menu option.

       o  MaxRate - This column indicates the maximum occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the RMU Show Statistic
          utility was started or the statistic collection information
          was reset; you can reset this information using the "Reset"
          on-screen menu option.

       o  AvgRate - This column indicates the average occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  PerTrans - This column indicates the transaction average
          of the total-count column and the total number of completed

    Note the following:

    o  The "system" logical areas can be filtered from the "Logical
       Area Overview" screen by selecting the "Display application
       logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. System logical
       areas can be included on the screen by selecting the "Display
       all logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. Note that these
       options are not available using the "Config" on-screen menu

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen can also be configured to
       display application logical areas only (no "system" logical
       areas) using the configuration variable SYSTEM_LOGICAL_AREAS
       with the keyword FALSE. Specifying the configuration variable
       with the keyword TRUE, the default, will display all logical
       areas, including "system" logical areas.

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen statistic type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       STAT with one of the following keywords: CUR_TOTAL, CUR_RATE,

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen logical area type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       TYPE with one of the following keywords: TABLE, BTREE, HASH or

    o  When selecting statistic fields for the various columns using
       the "Config" on-screen menu option, no validation is performed
       to eliminate duplicate selections. This means you can display
       the same statistic field in one or more columns at the same
       time, if you so desire.

111  –  Logical Area Overview Btree Indexes screen

    This screen displays comparative information for all logical
    areas of a particular type, on a single screen.

    By default, the screen displays the four most useful statistic
    fields for the respective logical area type. However, you may
    configure both the statistic fields displayed as well as the type
    of statistic information displayed.

    The "system" logical area information can be filtered from the
    display, which will result in application logical areas being
    displayed only.

    There is no way to "mix and match" different logical areas on the
    same screen display. This is impossible because of the different
    statistic information collected for different logical area types.

    It is possible to zoom on a specific logical area and display its
    relevant statistic information. This drill-down capability makes
    the "Logical Area Overview" an extremely useful analytical tool
    for identifying performance bottlenecks or potential problems.

    This screen is not available if the/NOLOGICAL_AREA qualifier is
    specified, or if the INPUT qualifier is specified.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Logical Area Name -This column displays the name of the
       logical area, followed by a period ".", followed by the name
       of the physical area (storage area) in which the logical area
       partition resides.

       A maximum of 20 characters is displayed with a screen width of
       80 columns, which typically results in the storage area name
       being partially truncated. To display the entire storage area
       name, it may be necessary to zoom on the logical area using
       the Zoom on-screen menu option. Alternate, a screen width of
       more than 100 columns can be used to display the full area

       For performance reasons, the logical area names are not sorted
       in any particular order by default. You can configure the
       screen to display the logical areas in alphabetical order.

       Each logical area displayed represents a single partition of
       that logical area. There is no method available to display the
       logical areas aggregate statistic information.

    o  Statistic Field #1 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a B-tree index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "leaf fetches."

    o  Statistic Field #2 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a B-tree index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "leaf insertion."

    o  Statistic Field #3 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a B-tree index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "leaf removal."

    o  Statistic Field #4 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a B-tree index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "pages discarded."

    o  Statistic Type - This column identifies the "type" of
       statistic information being displayed. The following types
       are available:

       o  CurTot - This column indicates the total number of
          occurrences of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  CurRate - This column indicates the current occurrence-
          per-second rate of the statistic during the last sample
          interval (screen refresh); you can change the sample
          interval using the "Set_rate" on-screen menu option.

       o  MaxRate - This column indicates the maximum occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the RMU Show Statistic
          utility was started or the statistic collection information
          was reset; you can reset this information using the "Reset"
          on-screen menu option.

       o  AvgRate - This column indicates the average occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  PerTrans - This column indicates the transaction average
          of the total-count column and the total number of completed

    Note the following:

    o  The "system" logical areas can be filtered from the "Logical
       Area Overview" screen by selecting the "Display application
       logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. System logical
       areas can be included on the screen by selecting the "Display
       all logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. Note that these
       options are not available using the "Config" on-screen menu

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen can also be configured to
       display application logical areas only (no "system" logical
       areas) using the configuration variable SYSTEM_LOGICAL_AREAS
       with the keyword FALSE. Specifying the configuration variable
       with the keyword TRUE, the default, will display all logical
       areas, including "system" logical areas.

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen statistic type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       STAT with one of the following keywords: CUR_TOTAL, CUR_RATE,

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen logical area type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       TYPE with one of the following keywords: TABLE, BTREE, HASH or

    o  When selecting statistic fields for the various columns using
       the "Config" on-screen menu option, no validation is performed
       to eliminate duplicate selections. This means you can display
       the same statistic field in one or more columns at the same
       time, if you so desire.

112  –  Logical Area Overview Hash Indexes screen

    This screen displays comparative information for all logical
    areas of a particular type, on a single screen.

    By default, the screen displays the four most useful statistic
    fields for the respective logical area type. However, you may
    configure both the statistic fields displayed as well as the type
    of statistic information displayed.

    The "system" logical area information can be filtered from the
    display, which will result in application logical areas being
    displayed only.

    There is no way to "mix and match" different logical areas on the
    same screen display. This is impossible because of the different
    statistic information collected for different logical area types.

    It is possible to zoom on a specific logical area and display its
    relevant statistic information. This drill-down capability makes
    the "Logical Area Overview" an extremely useful analytical tool
    for identifying performance bottlenecks or potential problems.

    This screen is not available if the /NOLOGICAL_AREA qualifier is
    specified, or if the INPUT qualifier is specified.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Logical Area Name -This column displays the name of the
       logical area, followed by a period ".", followed by the name
       of the physical area (storage area) in which the logical area
       partition resides.

       A maximum of 20 characters is displayed when the screen width
       is 80 columns, which typically results in the storage area
       name being partially truncated. To display the entire storage
       area name, it may be necessary to zoom on the logical area
       using the Zoom on-screen menu option. Alternately, a screen
       width of more than 100 columns can be used to display the
       entire area name.

       For performance reasons, the logical area names are not sorted
       in any particular order by default. You can configure the
       screen to display the logical areas in alphabetical order.

       Each logical area displayed represents a single partition of
       that logical area. There is no method available to display the
       logical areas aggregate statistic information.

    o  Statistic Field #1 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a hashed index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "hash index fetched."

    o  Statistic Field #2 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a hashed index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "hash insertion."

    o  Statistic Field #3 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a hashed index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "hash deletion."

    o  Statistic Field #4 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a hashed index logical area.
       The default statistic field is "pages discarded."

    o  Statistic Type - This column identifies the "type" of
       statistic information being displayed. The following types
       are available:

       o  CurTot - This column indicates the total number of
          occurrences of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  CurRate - This column indicates the current occurrence-
          per-second rate of the statistic during the last sample
          interval (screen refresh); you can change the sample
          interval using the "Set_rate" on-screen menu option.

       o  MaxRate - This column indicates the maximum occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the RMU Show Statistic
          utility was started or the statistic collection information
          was reset; you can reset this information using the "Reset"
          on-screen menu option.

       o  AvgRate - This column indicates the average occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  PerTrans - This column indicates the transaction average
          of the total-count column and the total number of completed

    Note the following:

    o  The "system" logical areas can be filtered from the "Logical
       Area Overview" screen by selecting the "Display application
       logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. System logical
       areas can be included on the screen by selecting the "Display
       all logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. Note that these
       options are not available using the "Config" on-screen menu

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen can also be configured to
       display application logical areas only (no "system" logical
       areas) using the configuration variable SYSTEM_LOGICAL_AREAS
       with the keyword FALSE. Specifying the configuration variable
       with the keyword TRUE, the default, will display all logical
       areas, including "system" logical areas.

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen statistic type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       STAT with one of the following keywords: CUR_TOTAL, CUR_RATE,

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen logical area type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       TYPE with one of the following keywords: TABLE, BTREE, HASH or

    o  When selecting statistic fields for the various columns using
       the "Config" on-screen menu option, no validation is performed
       to eliminate duplicate selections. This means you can display
       the same statistic field in one or more columns at the same
       time, if you so desire.

113  –  Logical Area Overview Blobs screen

    This screen displays comparative information for all logical
    areas of a particular type, on a single screen.

    By default, the screen displays the four most useful statistic
    fields for the respective logical area type. However, you may
    configure both the statistic fields displayed as well as the type
    of statistic information displayed.

    The "system" logical area information can be filtered from the
    display, which will result in application logical areas being
    displayed only.

    There is no way to "mix and match" different logical areas on the
    same screen display. This is impossible because of the different
    statistic information collected for different logical area types.

    It is possible to zoom on a specific logical area and display its
    relevant statistic information. This drill-down capability makes
    the "Logical Area Overview" an extremely useful analytical tool
    for identifying performance bottlenecks or potential problems.

    This screen is not available if the/NOLOGICAL_AREA qualifier is
    specified, or if the INPUT qualifier is specified.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Logical Area Name -This column displays the name of the
       logical area, followed by a period ".", followed by the name
       of the physical area (storage area) in which the logical area
       partition resides.

       A maximum of 20 characters is displayed when the screen width
       is 80 columns, which typically results in the storage area
       name being partially truncated. To display the entire storage
       area name, it may be necessary to zoom on the logical area
       using the Zoom on-screen menu option. Alternately, a screen
       width of more than 100 columns can be used to display the
       entire name.

       For performance reasons, the logical area names are not sorted
       in any particular order by default. You can configure the
       screen to display the logical areas in alphabetical order.

       Each logical area displayed represents a single partition of
       that logical area. There is no method available to display the
       logical areas aggregate statistic information.

    o  Statistic Field #1 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a blob logical area. The
       default statistic field is "blob fetched."

    o  Statistic Field #2 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a blob logical area. The
       default statistic field is "blob stored."

    o  Statistic Field #3 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a blob logical area. The
       default statistic field is "blob erased."

    o  Statistic Field #4 - This column displays a user-selectable
       statistic field appropriate for a blob logical area. The
       default statistic field is "pages discarded."

    o  Statistic Type - This column identifies the "type" of
       statistic information being displayed. The following types
       are available:

       o  CurTot - This column indicates the total number of
          occurrences of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  CurRate - This column indicates the current occurrence-
          per-second rate of the statistic during the last sample
          interval (screen refresh); you can change the sample
          interval using the "Set_rate" on-screen menu option.

       o  MaxRate - This column indicates the maximum occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the RMU Show Statistic
          utility was started or the statistic collection information
          was reset; you can reset this information using the "Reset"
          on-screen menu option.

       o  AvgRate - This column indicates the average occurrence-per-
          second rate of the statistic since the database was opened
          or the statistic collection information was reset; you can
          reset this information using the "Reset" on-screen menu

       o  PerTrans - This column indicates the transaction average
          of the total-count column and the total number of completed

    Note the following:

    o  The "system" logical areas can be filtered from the "Logical
       Area Overview" screen by selecting the "Display application
       logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. System logical
       areas can be included on the screen by selecting the "Display
       all logical areas" option of the "Tools" menu. Note that these
       options are not available using the "Config" on-screen menu

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen can also be configured to
       display application logical areas only (no "system" logical
       areas) using the configuration variable SYSTEM_LOGICAL_AREAS
       with the keyword FALSE. Specifying the configuration variable
       with the keyword TRUE, the default, will display all logical
       areas, including "system" logical areas.

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen statistic type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       STAT with one of the following keywords: CUR_TOTAL, CUR_RATE,

    o  The "Logical Area Overview" screen logical area type can be
       specified using the configuration variable LOGICAL_OVERVIEW_
       TYPE with one of the following keywords: TABLE, BTREE, HASH or

    o  When selecting statistic fields for the various columns using
       the "Config" on-screen menu option, no validation is performed
       to eliminate duplicate selections. This means you can display
       the same statistic field in one or more columns at the same
       time, if you so desire.

114  –  Locking total locks screen

 This screen monitors the total database locking activity. The
 statistics in this screen are the totals for all types of database

115  –  Locking area locks screen

    This screen monitors the database physical area locks.

116  –  Locking buffer page locks screen

    This screen monitors the database page locks. Page locks are used
    to manage the database page buffer pool.

117  –  Locking record locks screen

    This screen monitors the database record locks. Record locks are
    used to maintain the logical consistency of the database. All
    record locks in the adjustable lock granularity tree are included

118  –  Locking SEQBLK lock screen

    This screen monitors the database sequence block (SEQBLK) locks.
    The SEQBLK locks maintain global transaction sequence numbers or
    transaction and commit sequence numbers and control COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations.

119  –  Locking FILID locks screen

    This screen monitors the database file identification (FILID)
    locks. The FILID locks are used to maintain consistent end-of-
    file information for .rdb, .rda, and .snp database files.

120  –  Locking TSNBLK locks screen

    This screen monitors the database transaction block (TSNBLK)
    locks. The TSNBLK locks are used to control the COMMIT and
    ROLLBACK operations on each VMScluster node. TSNBLK locks are
    also used to control SQL SET TRANSACTION statements for read-only

121  –  Locking RTUPB lock screen

    This screen monitors the database run-time user process block
    (RTUPB) lock. The RTUPB lock is used to maintain a consistent
    list of the users who are attached to the database.

122  –  Locking ACTIVE lock screen

    This screen monitors the database ACTIVE user bit map lock. The
    ACTIVE lock is used to maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the users who are attached to the database.

123  –  Locking MEMBIT lock screen

    This screen monitors the database MEMBIT node bit map lock. The
    MEMBIT lock is used to maintain a consistent list (in bit map
    form) of the nodes on which the database is currently accessed.

124  –  Locking AIJ locks screen

    This screen monitors the after-image journal (AIJ) locks. The AIJ
    locks are used to control reading and writing to the .aij file.
    One global AIJ lock maintains current end-of-file information. In
    addition, one local AIJ lock on each VMScluster node manages the
    global AIJ buffers on that node.

125  –  Locking snapshot locks screen

    This screen monitors the database snapshot locks. The snapshot
    locks are used to manage the allocation of snapshot pages to
    users who are updating the database. Snapshot locks are only used
    if snapshots are enabled for a storage area.

126  –  Locking freeze lock screen

    This screen monitors the database freeze lock. The freeze lock
    is used to suspend database activity while a database recovery
    process is running.

127  –  Locking quiet point lock screen

    This screen monitors the database quiet-point lock. The quiet-
    point lock suspends starting new transactions while the AIJ
    despooler is trying to finish despooling the contents of the
    primary .aij file when you use the RMU Backup After_Journal
    command. The quiet-point lock also suspends starting new
    transactions during the startup of an online RMU Backup command.

128  –  Locking logical area locks screen

    This screen monitors database logical area locks. Logical area
    locks are obtained when Oracle Rdb readies tables. Lock carryover
    can help reduce the number of logical area locks.

129  –  Locking nowait transaction screen

    This screen monitors the database nowait transaction lock.

130  –  Locking CLIENT locks screen

    This screen monitors the database client information (CLIENT)
    locks. The CLIENT locks are used to provide serialized access to
    the database metadata stored in the system relations. The CLIENT
    locks are also used to serialize operations such as creating
    tables and indices.

131  –  Locking locks requested screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks. Whether the lock request succeeds or fails, it is included
    in these counts.

132  –  Locking rqsts not queued screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests for new
    locks that were rejected immediately because of a lock conflict.
    Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without waiting, and, when a
    conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary locking protocol
    to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. These numbers are one measure of
    lock contention.

133  –  Locking rqsts stalled screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests for
    new locks that were stalled because of a lock conflict. Whether
    the lock requests ultimately succeed or fail (resulting in a
    deadlock), they are included in these counts. These numbers are
    one measure of lock contention.

134  –  Locking rqst timeouts screen

    This screen monitors the total number of lock requests that
    could not be granted because they timed out. These are typically
    logical areas.

135  –  Locking rqst deadlocks screen

    This screen monitors the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    for new locks that ultimately resulted in a deadlock. Most
    deadlocks are resolved and retried by Oracle Rdb transparently
    to the application program, therefore these numbers do not
    necessarily reflect the number of deadlocks reported to the
    application program.

136  –  Locking locks promoted screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock to a higher lock mode. Whether the lock
    requests succeed or fail, they are included in these counts.

137  –  Locking proms not queued screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock that were rejected immediately because
    of a lock conflict. Oracle Rdb often requests a lock without
    waiting, and, when a conflict is detected, resorts to a secondary
    locking protocol to avoid unnecessary deadlocks. These numbers
    are one measure of lock contention.

138  –  Locking proms stalled screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests to
    promote an existing lock to a higher lock mode that were stalled
    because of a lock conflict. Whether the lock requests ultimately
    succeed or fail (resulting in a deadlock), they are included in
    these counts. These numbers are one measure of lock contention.

139  –  Locking prom timeouts screen

    This screen monitors the number of lock promotions that could not
    be granted because they timed out. These are typically logical

140  –  Locking prom deadlocks screen

    This screen monitors the number of stalled enqueue lock requests
    to promote an existing lock to a higher lock mode that ultimately
    resulted in a deadlock. Most deadlocks are resolved and retried
    by Oracle Rdb transparently to the application program, therefore
    these numbers do not necessarily reflect the number of deadlocks
    reported to the application program.

141  –  Locking locks demoted screen

    This screen monitors the number of enqueue lock requests to
    demote an existing lock to a lower lock mode. These requests
    always succeed.

142  –  Locking locks released screen

    This screen monitors the number of deallocating lock requests
    to release an existing lock. These requests always succeed. The
    number of outstanding locks can be determined by the formula:
    (locks requested) - (rqsts not queued) - (rqst deadlocks) -
    (locks released).

143  –  Locking blocking ASTs screen

    This screen monitors the number of blocking ASTs, sometimes
    referred to as blasts, delivered to Oracle Rdb by the lock
    manager. A blocking AST is delivered to the holder of a lock when
    a lock conflict is detected. When Oracle Rdb receives a blocking
    AST, it often demotes or releases a lock in an attempt to avoid
    unnecessary deadlocks.

144  –  Locking stall time x100 screen

    This screen monitors the total time (in hundredths of a second)
    spent by all users waiting for a lock. Since more than one user
    can be waiting for a lock at the same time, this total can be
    greater than the actual elapsed clock time. These statistics give
    a relative measure of work lost due to lock conflicts.

145  –  File Lock Overview Unsorted screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files in unsorted order.

146  –  File Lock Overview Locks screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by lock requests.

147  –  File Lock Overview Promotions screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by promotion requests.

148  –  File Lock Overview LOCKS PROMOTES screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by lock requests and promotion

149  –  File Lock Overview DEMOTES screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by locks that have been demoted.

150  –  File Lock Overview unlocks screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by locks that have been released.

151  –  File Lock Overview DEMOTES UNLOCKS screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by locks that have been demoted
    and locks that have been released.

152  –  File Lock Overview Total Locks screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted by total lock requests.

153  –  File Lock Overview Alphabetical screen

    This screen shows locking statistics for all the active storage
    area and snapshot files sorted alphabetically.

    You also have the following options:

    o  Display by storage area name within storage area type (data or

    o  Display all storage areas

    o  Display data storage areas only

    o  Display snapshot storage areas only

154  –  File Locking Statistics screen

    This screen displays information about page locks that are
    specific to storage areas and snapshot files. This information
    is vital in determining which storage areas have the most
    locking activity, and analyzing the validity of storage area

    You cannot use the information contained on the Lock Statistics
    (by file) screens on the Custom Statistics screen.

    Use the left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page
    and the right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the

    The Lock Statistics screens are recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, the
    screens are available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

155  –  General Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The General Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

156  –  Buffer Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Buffer Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

157  –  Lock Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Lock Information screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

158  –  Storage Area Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Storage Area Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

159  –  Row Cache Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Row Cache Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

160  –  Journaling Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Journaling Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

161  –  Journal information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Journal Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

162  –  Fast Commit Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Fast Commit screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

163  –  Hot Standby Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Hot Standby screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

164  –  Audit Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Audit Information screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

165  –  Active User Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Active User Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

166  –  Statistics Event Information screen

    This screen displays dynamic information that automatically
    changes to reflect database parameter modifications.

    However, because the information is local to the node from which
    you are running the Performance Monitor, the modifications
    you make to database parameters on other cluster nodes may
    not be visible immediately on the local node. You can either
    wait for the screen to eventually refresh itself, or you can
    use the Refresh menu option to periodically refresh the screen

    You cannot use the information contained in this screen on the
    Custom Statistics screen.

    The Statistics Event Information screen is not recorded in
    the binary output file produced using the Output qualifier.
    Consequently, this screen is not available when you replay a
    binary file using the Input qualifier.

167  –  OPENVMS SYSGEN Parameters screen

    This screen shows some of the OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters that are
    useful for analyzing database performance characteristics.

    The displayed parameters are listed in alphabetical order for
    quick review.

    The OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters are not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

168  –  TSNBLK Allocation screen

    This screen provides runtime information about the allocation of
    TSNBLK entries in the database root file.

    Each TSNBLK entry controls the allocation of processes to nodes,
    and records the allocation and state of each process' TSN
    information. Consequently, each TSNBLK entry contains valuable
    information about the runtime state of the database.

    The screen is not recorded in the binary output file, nor is it
    available when replaying a binary input file.

    This screen displays cluster-wide information. However,
    information concerning nodes other than the current node may
    occasionally become stale, as the Performance Monitor does not
    automatically refresh the cluster information; it relies on
    application processes to do this. If you believe the information
    displayed is stale, use the Refresh menu option to force a
    refresh of the cluster information; however, this is seldom

    This screen displays one line of information for each TSNBLK
    entry. Each TSNBLK entry contains the following fields:

    o  TSNBLK This field identifies the TSNBLK entry number for easy
       identification. This is not the block number where the TSNBLK
       entry resides in the database root file.

    o  Nodename. This field identifies the name of the node to which
       a TSNBLK is allocated. If the TSNBLK is not allocated to any
       node, the name "available" is displayed.

       Once a TSNBLK entry has been allocated to a particular node,
       it remains allocated to that node until all processes assigned
       to the TSNBLK have detached from the database.

    o  #Idle This field identifies the total number of idle processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry. An idle process is one which
       does not have an active transaction.

       This field ideally should always display the value "0".

    o  #RwTx This field identifies the total number of processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry that have an active read/write

    o  #RoTx This field identifies the total number of processes
       assigned to the TSNBLK entry that have an active read-only

    o  #Actv This field identifies the total number of active
       processes assigned to the TSNBLK entry. The value of this
       field includes server processes.

    o  #Srvr This field identifies the total number of database
       server processes assigned to the TSNBLK entry. Database
       server processes include the ABS, ALS, LCS, LRS, RCS, and
       DBR processes.

    o  #Free This field identifies the total number of processes that
       remain to be assigned to the TSNBLK entry.

    o  CommitTSN This field identifies the last commit transaction
       TSN for this TSNBLK entry.

    o  OldestTSN This field identifies the oldest active transaction
       TSN for this TSNBLK entry.

    Use the Zoom menu option to display additional information about
    the processes assigned to a particular TSNBLK entry.

169  –  Row Cache by cache screen

    This screen provides summary information for a specific row

    The Row Cache screen is written to the binary output file when
    either the Option=Row_Cache or Option=All command qualifier
    is specified. This screen is only available during replay when
    either of these qualifiers was specified for the creation of the
    binary input file.

170  –  Row cache Latch requests screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of latch
    requests that have occurred.

171  –  Row cache retried screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times
    the latch had to be requested again. This screen provides an
    indication of the contention on the row cache.

172  –  Row cache cache searches screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times the
    row cache was searched for a particular row (DBKEY).

173  –  Row cache found in workset screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times the
    row was found in the process' working set and no additional work
    was required to fetch the row.

174  –  Row cache found in cache screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times the
    row was found in the global row cache.

175  –  Row cache found too big screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times the
    row was found in the global row cache, but the row was too large
    to fit into the specified cache buffer. At one time, the row fit
    into the cache. Therefore, the cache effectiveness is reduced
    because a cache entry is reserved for the row but no row caching
    is possible.

176  –  Row cache insert cache screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times new
    rows have been inserted into the row cache.

177  –  Row cache row too big screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the number of times rows
    were too large to fit into the specified row cache buffer.

178  –  Row cache cache full screen

    This screen displays the statistics for all row cache entries
    that were modified and could not be flushed to disk in order to
    make space for the new row. This is an indication that the row
    cache checkpointing intervals specified for the database may be
    too large.

179  –  Row cache collision screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the total number of row
    cache hash table collisions that occurred when inserting new
    rows. This screen provides an indication of the effectiveness of
    the cache size.

180  –  Row cache vlm requests screen

    This screen displays the number of VLM requests made.

181  –  Row cache window turns screen

    This screen displays the number of VLM requests made for which
    the VLM address range was not immediately available.

182  –  Row cache skipped dirty slot screen

    This screen displays the total number of cache entries that could
    not be replaced because the slot contained modified data rows.
    This screen provides an indication of the relative amount of
    work required to find space in order to insert a new row into the

183  –  Row cache skipped inuse slot screen

    This screen displays the total number of cache entries that
    could not be replaced because the slot was referenced by other
    processes. This screen provides an indication of the relative
    amount of work required to find space in order to insert a new
    row into the cache.

184  –  Row cache hash misses screen

    This screen displays the total number of times the row cache hash
    table overflowed.

185  –  Row cache cache unmark screen

    This screen displays the total number of times a row in the cache
    was flushed to disk, thus making it eligible to be replaced.
    However, this field does not indicate whether or not the row was
    emptied from the cache.

186  –  Row Cache Utilization screen

    This screen provides utilization information in a graphical
    format for each row in a specific row cache.

    This screen is organized in units of cache entries. Each
    character of the screen identifies a single cache entry.

    The number of users sharing a particular row cache entry is known
    as the share-count. This screen is based on a display-threshold
    that is compared against the number of users sharing a particular
    row. Initially, the display threshold value is 1. The display
    threshold can be configured, as described below.

    Cache entries are identified as follows:

    o  Space (" ")- Cache entry is empty

    o  Dot (".")- A cache entry with a share-count less than the

    o  Equal sign ("=")- A cache entry with a share-count identical
       to the display-threshold

    o  Digit from 2 through 9- A cache entry with share-count that
       exceeds the display-threshold but is less than ten, identified
       by the respective digit

    o  Asterisk ("*")- A cache entry with share-count that exceeds
       the display-threshold by 10 or more

    o  Highlighted entry- Cache entry has been modified

    o  T- Cache entry is too large for the buffer

    A row of "X"s delineates the end of the row cache. All blank
    lines following the row of "X"s can be ignored.

    As a general measure of row cache utilization when using the
    default display-threshold, a display containing a lot of blanks
    or dots is very bad; this probably indicates that the row cache
    is sized too large for the current number of users accessing
    the database. A display containing a lot of equal signs (=)
    is bad since this indicates non-sharing of rows; this probably
    indicates that using a row cache may not be appropriate. A
    display containing a lot of numeric digits is good, since
    this indicates good row sharing. A display containing a lot
    of asterisks (*) is great, since this indicates tremendous row

    You can use the Config menu option to filter the Row Cache
    Utilization screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    contains a single option: "Filter Utilization Display". Selecting
    this option will display the prompt "Enter row cache threshold
    (0+) [current=1]: ". The threshold indicates the number of users
    sharing a row to be displayed; for instance, if you entered "5"
    then only those rows being accessed by 5 or more users will be
    displayed. Also, those rows shared by exactly 5 users would be
    identified using an equal sign (=) and those more than 5 would
    be identified using the digits 6 through 9 or the asterisk (*) if
    more than nine users are sharing a row.

    When there is more than one page of the Row Cache Utilization
    screen, the header section contains the page number currently
    displayed and the total number of pages in the screen. Use the
    left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page and the
    right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the screen.

    The Row Cache Utilization screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

187  –  Hot Row Information screen

    This screen displays a list of the most frequently accessed rows
    for a specific row cache.

    The Hot Row Information screen contains a list of the hottest, or
    most heavily shared, rows in the row cache. The list is sorted in
    descending shared frequency and ascending DBKEY sequence.

    The sorting algorithm ensures that the first displayed page
    contains the set of hottest rows while the last displayed page
    contains the coldest rows.

    In order to display the largest possible amount of information,
    the Hot Row Information screen is divided into two columns. The
    information should be viewed from left-to-right, and top-to-
    bottom. For example, the left column of row 1 contains the first
    hottest row, while the right column of row 1 contains the second
    hottest row, and so on.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Area:Page:Ln- identifies the DBKEY of the row

       The value Empty:n indicates an empty cache entry with its
       corresponding slot number for identification.

    o  #Users- indicates the number of users sharing the row

    o  D- indicates whether or not the row is dirty

       The value Y indicates the row has been modified.

    o  O- indicates whether or not the row has overflowed

       The value Y indicates the row size no longer fits into the
       cache buffer.

    When there is more than one page of the Hot Row Information
    screen, the header section contains the page number currently
    displayed and the total number of pages in the screen. Use the
    left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page and the
    right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the screen.

    The Hot Row Information screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

188  –  Row Cache Status screen

    This screen provides overall status for a specific row cache.

    The Row Cache Status screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

189  –  Row Cache Queue Length screen

    This screen helps you determine the relative CPU performance
    impact of row caching. Poor CPU performance can result if many
    hash table collisions occur.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Cache ID- the row cache identifier

    o  #Rows- the total number of rows in the row cache

    o  Table Size- the total number of hash table entries for the row

    Each character position of the screen identifies a specific hash
    table entry. The character, if any, identifies the length of that
    entry's queue. The asterisk (*) denotes a queue length of 10 or

    The line of "X"s indicates the end of the display. All blank
    lines following the row of "X"s can be ignored.

    Ideally, every space of the screen should be non-zero. A display
    containing many long queues and a lot of blanks indicates poor
    CPU utilization.

    You can use the Config menu option to filter the Row Cache
    Queue Length screen. Select this option, by typing the letter
    C, to display the configuration submenu. The configuration
    submenu contains a single option: "Filter Utilization Display".
    Selecting this option will display the prompt "Enter row cache
    threshold (0+) [current=1]: ". Any queue length which is less
    than the specified utilization threshold will not be displayed.
    By default, the utilization threshold is 0, so that all entries
    on the screen are displayed, even those of length 0.

    The number of rows in the row cache affects the size of the
    corresponding hash table. Hash table queue lengths can be
    controlled by increasing or decreasing the number of row cache

    When there is more than one page of the Row Cache Queue Length
    screen, the header section contains the page number currently
    displayed and the total number of pages in the display. Use the
    left angle bracket (<) key to go to the previous page and the
    right angle bracket (>) key to go to the next page of the screen.

    The Row Cache Queue Length screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

190  –  Row Length Distribution screen

    This screen graphically describes the distribution of the various
    row lengths within a particular row cache. It is necessary
    to know the distribution of the various row lengths in the
    row cache to determine how well sized the row cache is. For
    instance, knowing that each cache entry is wasting even 5 bytes
    is significant if there are 100,000 entries in the cache.

    The summary region displays three lines containing information
    about the row cache and boundary row lengths. The first line
    identifies the selected row cache name.

    The second line identifies the number of rows whose lengths
    were below the minimum selected row length (XXX-) or above the
    maximum selected row length (XXX+++). Also, the 95th percentile
    row length is displayed; this value indicates the row size that
    95% of the rows in the cache are less than or equal to.

    The third line identifies the lowest and highest row length in
    the cache. Also, the 85th percentile row length is displayed;
    this value indicates the row size that 85% of the row in the
    cache are less than or equal to.

    The information displayed is based on a scale that represents
    the row lengths to be analyzed. Initially, the screen's scale
    is based on the cache's specified row size. This scale can be
    changed using the Config menu option.

    Each vertical line of the screen identifies a row length bucket,
    based on the selected screen scale. Each asterisk (*) in the
    bucket represents a particular number of rows in the cache. Note
    that a value of 10, for instance, means that up to 10 rows are
    represented by that asterisk (*).

    The number of collection buckets is based on the display width
    of the terminal. By default, each bucket comprises 5 columns of
    the display; the number of columns can be configured by the user
    using the Config menu option. For example, setting the terminal
    width to 132 columns will allow you to display more information
    than with an 80-column terminal width. Decreasing the number of
    columns per bucket will achieve the same effect on an 80-column
    terminal width, but with a corresponding loss of precision.

    Two sliding indicators are displayed along the bottom horizontal
    axis; "A" indicates the average row size and "M" indicates the
    median row size.

    The configuration menu option allows you to fine-tune the
    distribution parameters and the display appearance. The options
    allow you more control over what row size information is
    displayed. You can:

    o  Set the number of bucket columns

       Decreasing the number of columns per bucket allows you to
       display more row sizes. Conversely, increasing the number of
       columns per bucket allows you to display fewer row sizes, but
       with more accurate size reporting (i.e. better scaling) per
       bucket. The minimum number of columns is 2 and the maximum is

    o  Set the row length range values

       Setting a specific row size range values allows you to
       determine the actual row size display range, which is by
       default based on the row cache database parameters.

    o  Eliminate/Include empty slots

    The Row Length Distribution screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

191  –  RCS Statistics screen

    This screen provides information about the run-time operation of
    the Row Cache Server (RCS) process.

192  –  Index Statistics Retrieval screen

    This screen monitors how much retrieval activity is taking place
    in a database's sorted indexes. Oracle Rdb often uses direct
    index lookups and index scans to access records in the database.
    This screen monitors these operations as well as the number of
    index nodes fetched.

193  –  Index Statistics Insertion screen

    This screen monitors the update activity of a database's sorted
    indexes during insertions; that is, when you store or modify an
    index key field or when you use the SQL CREATE INDEX statement on
    a table. This screen also indicates in which type of index node
    the insertions occur and displays node creations by node type.
    By examining this screen, you can monitor how a database balances
    its sorted indexes after insertions into the database.

194  –  Index Statistics Removal screen

    This screen monitors the update activity of a database's sorted
    indexes when you perform any removal operation; that is, erase,
    alter, or modify an index key field or drop or delete an index.
    This screen indicates from which type of index node the removals
    occur. It also shows node deletions by node type. This screen
    lets you monitor how a database balances its sorted indexes when
    nodes are removed from the indexes.

195  –  Hash Index Statistics Screen

    This screen monitors the update and retrieval activity of a
    database's hashed indexes. It indicates the total number of key
    insertions and deletions, the number of scans that were opened,
    and for retrievals (successful fetches), the total number of
    nodes (either bucket fragments or duplicate nodes) that were

196  –  Name Translation screen

    This screen shows statistics on database dashboard updates and
    logical name translation.

197  –  Object KROOT object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the KROOT object. The
    KROOT object contains the database control information that
    describes all of the other database objects.

198  –  Object FILID object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the FILID object. The
    FILID object contains the storage area information.

199  –  Object SEQBLK object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the SEQBLK object. The
    SEQBLK object contains the information on the allocation of
    sequence numbers such as transaction sequence numbers (TSNs)
    and commit sequence numbers (CSNs).

    The SEQBLK object also serializes access to the TSNBLK locks.

200  –  Object TSNBLK object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the TSNBLK object. The
    TSNBLK object contains the information on the last committed

    The number of TSNBLK objects is a function of the maximum number
    of users in the database; there is one TSNBLK object for every 28
    database users (rounded up). For example, a database containing a
    maximum of 512 users would contain 19 TSNBLK objects.

201  –  Object AIJDB object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the AIJDB object. The
    AIJDB object contains the AIJ control information.

202  –  Object AIJFB object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the AIJFB object. The
    AIJFB object contains the AIJ journal information.

203  –  Object RTUPB object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the RTUPB object. The
    RTUPB object contains information on active users.

204  –  Object ACTIVE object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the ACTIVE object. The
    ACTIVE object contains information on active transactions.

205  –  Object CPT object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the CPT object. The CPT
    object contains information on the corrupt page table.

206  –  Object RCACHE object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the RCACHE object. The
    RCACHE object contains the row cache information.

207  –  Object CLIENT object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the CLIENT object. The
    CLIENT object contains client-specific information.

208  –  Object CLTSEQ object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the CLTSEQ object. The
    CLTSEQ object contains the client sequence information.

209  –  Object UTILITY object screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the UTILITY object. The
    UTILITY object contains information used by the RMU utility.

210  –  Object objects fetch shrd screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects fetch shrd
    collection category. This category shows the number of objects
    that are fetched for the shared retrieval process.

211  –  Object objects fetch excl screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects fetch excl
    collection category. This category shows the number of objects
    fetched for exclusive access with the intention of subsequently
    being updated. This statistic does not indicate that the object
    was actually updated.

212  –  Object objects refreshed screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects refreshed
    collection category. This category shows the number of objects
    whose information was detected as being stale, so the information
    was read again from the database root file.

213  –  Object objects modified screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects modified
    collection category. This category shows the number of objects
    whose information was modified. Only objects fetched for
    exclusive access can be modified.

214  –  Object objects written screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects written
    collection category. This category shows the number of objects
    whose information was written back to the database root file.

215  –  Object objects released screen

    This screen displays the statistics for the objects released
    collection category. This category shows the number of
    objects whose shared or exclusive access was released to other


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input


    This screen displays the actual database parameter and attribute
    settings being used by the processes attached to the database.
    Optionally, users are allowed to dynamically update certain
    database parameters and attributes on a single node at run time.
    The net effect of these changes can be examined at run time
    without having to restart database processes. These updates are

    For example, when the RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name is defined
    at the process level, there is no method available for the
    database administrator (DBA) to examine its setting at runtime.
    The same is true for any database logical name and most
    interesting database attributes that affect runtime performance
    of the database. However, the Database Dashboard provides this
    information dynamically.

    The Database Dashboard facility allows you to "drive" the
    database faster or slower, and immediately see the impact of
    increasing or decreasing certain database settings.

    You can use the Update menu option, by typing the letter U, to
    change the value of a database attribute. Before you can update
    database attributes, you need to start your Performance Monitor
    session with the Options=Update qualifier and you need OpenVMS
    WORLD, BYPASS, and SYSNAM privileges.


       You should use the Update option carefully. Oracle Rdb does
       not perform error checking on the updated values.

    Note that updates made to any attributes are not stored in the
    database root file. The purpose of updating attributes is to
    test and measure the effects of changes on the database, so that
    you can later make persistent changes to appropriate database
    attributes using interactive SQL.

    Database attributes are updated on the current node only.

    You can use the Config menu option, by typing the letter C, to
    display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Use XXX notification of change

       Broadcast the changes to the database attributes and
       parameters actively or passively. The option description
       changes depending on which method of broadcast is current.

    o  Notify users of previous changes

    Active notification means that all processes attached to the
    database on the node will be immediately notified that a database
    attribute setting has been modified and that they should reset
    their individual parameter values. Passive notification means
    that the user processes will be notified passively at intervals
    determined by the database software. Passive notification is the
    default, as it is non-intrusive to system performance.

    The advantage of active notification is that each database user
    on the node is immediately notified of the change and that the
    new parameter settings are immediately used. The disadvantage
    is that system performance may be temporarily impacted while the
    users respond to the notification.

    The advantage of passive notification is that there is no impact
    on the system. The disadvantage is that you have no control over
    when the individual processes will be notified that a particular
    database parameter setting has changed.

    When using passive notification, a broadcast notification can be
    performed using the "Notify users of previous changes" option of
    the Config submenu.

    The Dashboard display contains the following columns:

    o  Current Value

       This column contains the current value for each database
       attribute. On global database screens, this is the default
       value being used by all processes. On per-process screens,
       this is the actual value being used by that particular

    o  Previous Value

       This column contains the previous value for each database
       attribute. When a database attribute is dynamically updated,
       this column will contain the value before it was modified.

    o  Lowest Value

       This column contains the lowest value for each database

    o  Highest Value

       This column contains the highest value for each database

    o  Original Value

       This column contains the original value for each database
       attribute. This column remains unchanged regardless of the
       changes made to the database attribute.

    o  Chng Cnt

       This column contains the count of the number of changes to
       each database attribute. On global database screens, this
       count is the number of times the particular database attribute
       was updated by the user. On per-process screens, this count is
       the number of times the actual process has updated its dynamic

    The dynamic updates that users make to the database are reflected
    only in the Current Value column. The remaining columns reflect
    changes made by the current user only.

    You can display successive dashboards by pressing the right angle
    bracket (>) key or the Next Screen key. To display a previous
    dashboard, press the left angle bracket (<) key or the Prev
    Screen key. Note that you cannot go to the per-process dashboard

    The Dashboard screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this display
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

231  –  Buffer Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about local and global buffer

    The following information is examined:

    o  Asynchronous Prefetch status

    o  Detected Asynchronous Prefetch status

    o  Asynchronous Batch Write status

    o  Ratio of local buffers to allocate set

    You can use the information in this screen to examine the
    effectiveness of local and global buffers.

    Information in the Buffer Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Buffer Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  LB/AS page hit threshold

       The default threshold is 75. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_LB_PAGE_HIT_RATIO logical name.

    o  GB pool hit threshold

       The default threshold is 85. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_GB_POOL_HIT_RATIO logical name.

    o  GB IO-saved threshold

       The default threshold is 85. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_GB_IO_SAVED_RATIO logical name.

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Buffer Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

232  –  Transaction Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about transaction performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  Ratio of verb successes to verb failures

    o  95th percentile transaction duration

    Information in the Transaction Analysis screen is displayed
    only if it exceeds established threshold values or normal
    expectations. Note that the items identified in this screen are
    not necessarily indications of performance problems. The items
    may be an indication of a performance problem, but in most cases,
    further research is necessary.

    The Transaction Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Verb success threshold

       The default threshold is 25. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_VERB_SUCCESS_RATIO logical name.

    o  Transaction duration threshold

       The default threshold is 15. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_TX_DURATION logical name.

    o  Read/Write Transaction duration threshold

    o  Read-Only Transaction duration threshold

       The default threshold is 15 seconds. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_RO_TX_DURATION
       logical name.

    o  Transaction duration percentile

       The default threshold is 95. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_TX_PERCENTILE logical name.

    o  Read/Write Transaction duration percentile

    o  Read-Only Transaction duration percentile

       The default threshold is 95. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_RO_TX_PERCENTILE logical

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Transaction Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

233  –  AIJ Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about AIJ journal performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  AIJ journaling status

    o  Database configuration

    o  Reserved journals

    o  AIJ log server (ALS) status

    o  Journal overwrite

    o  Default allocation

    o  AIJ backup server (ABS) and backup file names

    You can use the information in this screen to ensure that AIJ
    journals are on their own device. You can also examine the
    AIJ request block to I/O ratio, blocks per I/O ratio, and the
    formatting of the AIJ request block.

    Information in the AIJ Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The AIJ Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that allows
    you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Seconds to AIJ extend/switch

       The default threshold is 60. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_AIJ_SEC_TO_EXTEND logical name.

    o  ARBs per AIJ I/O

       The default threshold is 2. You can override the default value
       with the RDM$BIND_STATS_AIJ_ARBS_PER_IO logical name.

    o  Blocks per AIJ I/O

       The default threshold is 2. You can override the default value
       with the RDM$BIND_STATS_AIJ_BLKS_PER_IO logical name.

    o  Background ARB threshold

       The default threshold is 50. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_AIJ_BKGRD_ARB_RATIO logical

    o  Cache overflow threshold

       The default threshold is 10. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_CACHE_OVF_RATIO logical name.

    o  Network bandwidth threshold

       The default threshold is 60 seconds. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_AIJ_NETWORK_BPS logical

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The AIJ Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

234  –  RUJ Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about RUJ journal performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  Ratio of synchronous to asynchronous write I/Os

    Information in the RUJ Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The RUJ Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that allows
    you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Synchronous RUJ I/O threshold

       The default threshold is 10. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_RUJ_SYNC_IO_RATIO logical name.

    o  RUJ extend threshold

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The RUJ Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output file
    produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen
    is not available when you replay a binary file using the Input

235  –  Recovery Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about process failure recovery

    The following information is examined:

    o  Ratio of DBR invocation to database attach

    o  Date and time of the last full database backup

    Information in the Recovery Analysis screen is displayed only if
    it exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations.
    Note that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Recovery Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  DBR invocation threshold

       The default threshold is 15. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_DBR_RATIO logical name.

    o  DBR recovery duration

    o  Full database backup threshold

       The default threshold is 6. You can override the default value
       with the RDM$BIND_STATS_FULL_BACKUP_INTRVL logical name.

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Recovery Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

236  –  Record Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about record storage and
    retrieval performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  Ratio of global pages checked to pages discarded

    o  Ratio of global records stored to records fragmented

    o  Ratio of global records fetched to records fragmented

    Information in the Record Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Record Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Pages checked threshold

       The default threshold is 10. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PAGES_CHECKED_RATIO logical

    o  SPAM pages fetched threshold

    o  SPAM records stored threshold

    o  Records stored threshold

       The default threshold is 20. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_RECS_STORED_RATIO logical name.

    o  Records fetched threshold

       The default threshold is 20. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_RECS_FETCHED_RATIO logical name.

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Record Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

237  –  Area Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about storage area performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  Equally distributed storage areas within devices

    o  Storage areas whose I/O stalls exceed the database average

    o  Storage areas that have extended

    Information in the Area Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Area Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

238  –  Locking Analysis Screen

 This screen provides information about locking performance.
    The following information is examined:

    o  Lock stalls, timeouts, and deadlocks

    o  Excessive timeouts or deadlocks

    Information in the Locking Analysis screen is displayed only if
    it exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations.
    Note that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Locking Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Lock stall threshold

       The default threshold is 2 seconds. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_LOCK_STALL logical

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Locking Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

239  –  Index Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about B-tree and hashed index

    The following information is examined:

    o  B-tree duplicate indexes fetched

    o  B-tree depth

    Information in the Index Analysis screen is displayed only if it
    exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations. Note
    that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Index Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that allows
    you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  B-tree duplicate fetch threshold

       The default threshold is 15. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_BTR_FETCH_DUP_RATIO logical

    o  B-tree leaf node fetch threshold

       The default threshold is 25. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_BTR_LEF_FETCH_RATIO logical

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Index Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.

240  –  Row Cache Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about row cache effectiveness
    and performance.

    The following information is examined:

    o  Whether row caching is allowed

    o  Whether row caching is enabled

    o  Hash table queue lengths

    Information in the Row Cache Analysis screen is displayed only if
    it exceeds established threshold values or normal expectations.
    Note that the items identified in this screen are not necessarily
    indications of performance problems. The items may be an
    indication of a performance problem, but in most cases, further
    research is necessary.

    The Row Cache Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  Hash table queue length threshold

       The default threshold is 2 rows. You can override the default
       value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_MAX_HASH_QUE_LEN logical name.

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Row Cache Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.

241  –  Process Analysis Screen

    This screen provides information about process effectiveness and

    The following information is examined:

    o  Process n ENQLM <x.y> ratio below <x.y>% threshold

       This message indicates that the process ENQCNT to ENQLM ratio
       is below the corresponding threshold.

    o  Process n BIOLM <x.y> ratio below <x.y>R% threshold

       This message indicates that the process BIOCNT to BIOLM ratio
       is below the corresponding threshold.

    o  Process n DIOLM <x.y> ratio below <x.y>% threshold

       This message indicates that the process DIOCNT to DIOLM ratio
       is below the corresponding threshold.

    o  Process n PGFLQUOTA <x.y> ratio below <x.y>% threshold

       This message indicates that the process PAGFILCNT to PGFLQUOTA
       ratio is below the corresponding threshold.

    The Process Analysis screen has a configuration submenu that
    allows you to set thresholds for the following:

    o  BIOLM

       The default BIOLM threshold is 25%. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PROC_BIOLM_RATIO logical

    o  DIOLM

       The default DIOLM threshold is 25%. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PROC_DIOLM_RATIO logical

    o  ENQLM

       The default ENQLM threshold is 25%. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PROC_ENQLM_RATIO logical


       The default PGFLQUOTA threshold is 25%. You can override
       the default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PROC_PGFLLM_RATIO
       logical name.

    o  ASTLM

       The default ASTLM threshold is 25%. You can override the
       default value with the RDM$BIND_STATS_PROC_ASTLM_RATIO logical

    Note that the Online Analysis facility uses the actual database
    parameters and attributes specified using interactive SQL. The
    Online Analysis facility does not use the Dashboard facility
    because the Database Dashboard attributes are temporary settings.
    Therefore, online changes made using the Dashboard facility are
    not reflected in the analysis output. Yet, using the Dashboard
    facility is the recommended method for testing potential database
    attribute settings. You must use interactive SQL in order to make
    the attribute settings persistent.

    Also note that the Online Analysis facility is invoked at the
    designated screen refresh interval. As the Online Analysis
    facility is fairly CPU intensive, and the analysis results seldom
    vary greatly over a miniscule period of time, it is recommended
    that the screen refresh interval be set to 3 seconds or more.

    The Process Analysis screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.
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