RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  AIJ Backup Activity screen
    This screen displays information about each AIJ backup operation
    being performed on the node.

    The AIJ Backup Activity screen is also available during cluster-
    wide statistics collection. This means you can monitor the
    activities of all AIJ backup operations occurring on any node
    accessing the database.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID - The process identifier of the AIJ backup process.
       This process may be one of the following:

       o  AIJ backup server (ABS) in which case the process
          identifier contains the "s" suffix.

       o  RMU Backup After_Journal command, in which case the process
          identifier contains the "u" suffix.

       Use the Zoom menu option to display additional information
       about this process.

    o  Activity - The description of the backup activity being
       performed by the AIJ backup utility. The following backup
       activities are displayed:

       o  activation - The AIJ backup utility is being invoked by the
          monitor if it is the ABS, or startup if the manual backup
          command is being used.

       o  bind - The AIJ backup utility is binding to the database.

       o  start - The AIJ backup utility is starting the backup

       o  create bkup - The AIJ backup utility is creating a disk-
          based backup file.

       o  create temp - The AIJ backup utility is creating a
          temporary AIJ journal. This activity typically occurs
          when the fast commit feature is used in conjunction with
          extensible AIJ journals.

       o  record bkup - The AIJ backup utility is backing up an
          extensible AIJ journal to disk, or any type of AIJ journal
          to tape, using a record-by-record transfer algorithm.

       o  block bkup - The AIJ backup utility is backing up a fixed-
          size (circular) AIJ journal to disk, using a 127-block
          transfer algorithm.

       o  finish - The AIJ backup utility is completing the backup of
          an AIJ journal.

       o  quiet-point - The AIJ backup utility is attempting to
          acquire the quiet-point lock.

       o  record shfl - The AIJ backup utility is performing the
          record shuffle operation used for extensible AIJ journals.

       o  unbind - The AIJ backup utility is unbinding from the

    o  VBN - The current block number of the AIJ journal being
       backed up. The block number is normally prefixed with the AIJ
       sequence number, so it is easy to identify which AIJ journal
       is being backed up.

    o  Operation - The activity-specific operation being performed by
       the AIJ backup utility. This column contains messages similar
       to those displayed by the Stall Messages screen.

    o  Lock.ID - Any lock the AIJ backup utility may be trying to
       acquire. This lock is typically the quiet-point lock.

       Use the LockID menu option to display additional information
       about this lock.

    The AIJ Backup Activity screen is not recorded in the binary
    output file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently,
    this screen is not available when you replay a binary file using
    the Input qualifier.
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