RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Active User Chart screen
    This screen tracks the number of active users attached to the
    database over a period of time.

    The Active User Chart screen graphically portrays the number of
    currently active users attached to the database over a measured
    period of time. The slope of the line can be used to visually
    identify the rate at which users attach to or detach from the

    The screen is also useful for determining when the configured
    number of users is overly large for the number of users that are
    actually attached to the database at any given moment.

    The number of active users is portrayed as a percentage of the
    maximum configured for the database, designated along the left-
    hand side of the screen.

    The screen refresh sample rate is identified at the bottom of
    the screen. Directly above the screen refresh rate is a series
    of timestamps. Each timestamp represents the time for the end of
    each block.

    Note that the rightmost timestamp displayed may not be the latest
    time; this occurs because the output of the screen wraps around
    to the leftmost edge after writing to the rightmost edge.

    The current time is designated by the cursor along the bottom
    horizontal axis. Everything to the right of the current time is
    the end of the previous pass.

    The graph output consists of a single numeric digit being written
    once per the specified sample rate. The numeric digit corresponds
    to the "nth" percentage of the particular percentage category.

    If a digit is not displayed for a given cycle, this means that
    there are no actively attached processes for the database, on any

    This screen is not recorded in the binary output file produced
    using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this screen is
    not available when you replay a binary file using the Input
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