RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Checkpoint Information transaction screen
    This screen displays one line of information for each process
    attached to the database on this node. There may be blank
    lines in the display as processes detach from the database; in
    this way, once a process has attached to the database, it will
    maintain the same location in the screen until it detaches from
    the database.

    The oldest active checkpoint, quiet-point, and transaction are
    highlighted to aid in identifying the process in each category.
    Note that the highlighted items may be for separate processes.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Checkpoint
    Information screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Display Transaction XXX Time

       Displays either the transaction start time, or the transaction
       elapsed time. The option description changes depending on
       which transaction time is currently being displayed.

    o  Unsorted Display

       Displays the screen in its default configuration.

    o  Sort by oldest active checkpoint

       Sorts the screen display in ascending active checkpoint
       sequence. This means that the oldest active checkpoint will
       be displayed on the first line and the most recent checkpoint
       will be displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest active transaction

       Sorts the screen display in ascending transaction start time
       sequence. This means that the oldest active transaction is
       displayed on the first line and the most recently started
       transaction is displayed on the last line.

    o  Sort by oldest quiet-point

       Sorts the screen display in ascending quiet-point sequence.
       This means that the oldest quiet-point will be displayed
       on the first line and the most recent quiet-point will be
       displayed on the last line.

    This screen displays the following fields:

    o  Process.ID

       This is the ID of the process attached to the database. The
       number following the colon (":") differentiates multiple
       attaches to the same database.

    o  Ckpt.Vno

       This is the sequence number of the AIJ journal that contains
       the most recent checkpoint information for the process.
       Sequence numbers start with "0". If nothing is displayed,
       the process has not yet performed a checkpoint operation; this
       may occur if the "Fast Commit" feature is displayed, or if the
       process actually has not performed a checkpoint operation, as
       is typical of utilities.

    o  Ckpt.Vbn

       This is the block number within the identified AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent checkpoint information for the
       process. If nothing is displayed, the process has not yet
       performed a checkpoint operation.

       This field sometimes contains two keywords:

       o  BACKUP-indicates that the checkpoint VBN has been moved
          because of an AIJ backup operation. This keyword will only
          occur if an extensible AIJ journal is backed up.

       o  ACKNWLDG-indicates that the process has "acknowledged" the
          BACKUP indication and will perform a checkpoint operation
          as soon as possible. Performing the checkpoint operation
          will cause the block number to be re-displayed.

    o  QuietVno

       This field contains the sequence number of the AIJ journal
       that contains the most recent forced quiet-point for
       this process. A forced quiet-point occurs when a database
       operation, such as database backup or AIJ backup, acquires a
       quiet-point on the database.

    o  ST

       This field contains the transaction mode. The valid values

       o  RO-indicates a read-only transaction.

       o  RW-indicates a read/write transaction.

    o  Tx.Seq

       This field contains the transaction sequence number.

    o  Transaction Time

       This field displays either the transaction start time or
       the transaction elapsed time, depending on the screen
       configuration selection. The transaction time information is
       displayed for processes on the current node only, even though
       checkpoint information may be displayed for processes on other
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