RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  DBKEY Information screen
    This screen displays, for each process attached to the database
    on the node, the last retrieved DBKEY for each of the following
    page categories:

       data page
       snapshot page
       SPAM (space area management) page
       AIP (area inventory page) page
       ABM (area bitmap) page

    If the attached process provides line number information as
    part of the data page retrieval information, the line number
    is displayed. Otherwise, only the area and page number are
    displayed. For the snapshot, SPAM, AIP, and ABM pages, only the
    area and page number are displayed.

    The DBKEY Information screen is especially useful for identifying
    collisions on hot pages.

    The DBKEY Information screen is not recorded in the binary output
    file produced using the Output qualifier. Consequently, this
    screen is not available when you replay a binary file using the
    Input qualifier.
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