RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Process IO Overview screen
    This screen provides summary I/O information for all processes
    activated to collect global statistics using the Process
    Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  Sync.Reads

       This field gives the number of synchronous read QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for
       single-file and multifile databases and snapshot files.
       This operation reads database pages synchronously from the

    o  SyncWrites

       This field gives the number of synchronous write QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot files (.SNP).
       This operation writes modified database pages synchronously
       back to the database.

    o  Read.Stall

       This field gives the time in hundredths of a second spent
       reading database pages from the database rootfile (.RDB),
       storage area (.RDA) files and snapshot (.SNP) files. An
       excessively high number often indicates disk contention that
       might be alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read stall durations.

    o  WriteStall

       This field gives the time in hundredths of a second spent
       writing database pages to the database rootfile (.RDB),
       storage area (.RDA) and snapshot (.SNP) files. An excessively
       high number often indicates disk contention that might be
       alleviated by moving some files to other disks.

       This statistic field includes both synchronous and
       asynchronous I/O read stall durations.

    o  AsyncReads

       This field gives the number of asynchronous read QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot (.SNP) files.
       This operation reads database pages asynchronously from the

    o  AsyncWrits

       This field gives the number of asynchronous write QIOs (queued
       I/O requests) issued to the database storage area for single-
       file and multifile databases (.RDA) and snapshot files (.SNP).
       This operation writes modified database pages asynchronously
       back to the database.
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