RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Process Snapshot Overview screen
    This screen provides summary record access information for
    all processes activated to collect global statistics using the
    Process Monitoring facility.

    The processes displayed on this screen have previously activated
    their global statistics collection. Process global statistic
    collection can be either implicitly activated by the database
    monitor, or explicitly activated by the RMU Show Statistic

    This screen provides the following information:

    o  Process.ID

       The process ID for the current process, assigned by the
       operating system, and the stream ID, assigned by the database.
       If "G" is appended to the process ID, the process had been
       activated for global statistics collection; this is the normal
       case. Server processes will be designated with the "s" tag.

    o  SnpRecRtrv

       This field gives the number of records retrieved by read-only

    o  SnpLinFtch

       This field gives the number of lines fetched by read-only
       transactions. To retrieve a single record, a transaction might
       actually check a number of lines, some of which may be empty.

    o  SnpPagRead

       This field gives the number of snapshot pages fetched by read-
       only transactions. If this count is high relative to the other
       read fields, read-only transactions are fetching records that
       are being updated frequently, and the snapshot file is being
       used extensively.

    o  SnpRecStor

       This field gives the number of records stored in the snapshot
       file by update transactions. Every snapshot record stored
       by an update transaction implies that a snapshot page was
       found and utilized. In the best case, this is a single-page
       fetch. The "page in use," "page too full," page conflict," and
       "extended file" subfields indicate some of the extra overhead
       involved in finding suitable snapshot pages on which to store
       snapshot records.

    o  SnpPagFull

       This field gives the number of pages fetched that were
       unsuitable for storing snapshot records because there was
       not enough room on the snapshot page to include another
       version of a record. In this case, a new snapshot page must
       be fetched and linked with the full page. This allows read-
       only transactions to follow a chain of snapshot pages to find
       the correct version of a record.

    o  SnpLckCnft

       This field gives the number of times a snapshot page fetch
       was requested but aborted due to a lock conflict with another
       process. When a page fetch conflicts with another process,
       another target page is fetched and checked so the lock
       conflict does not cost a disk I/O operation.
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