RMUDISPLAY72.HLB  —  Overview  Screens  Transaction Duration Read Write screen
    You can view the Transaction Duration screen either graphically
    or numerically. The default display presents a graph. Choose the
    Numbers option by typing N to change the display from graph to
    numbers. When in the numeric display, choose the Graph option by
    typing G to change to the graphical display.

    The Graph option of this screen presents a graph that indicates
    the overall real-time processing performance of the database.
    It shows the transaction rate (number per second, by default)
    and the time required to complete transactions. The duration of
    each transaction is measured from the first SQL SET TRANSACTION
    statement to the completion of the COMMIT or ROLLBACK verb. In
    addition to displaying average transaction duration, this screen
    shows a graph of the transaction durations. As each transaction
    completes, it is added to the cumulative histogram display. The
    95 percentile response time is continuously updated to show the
    time in which 95 percent or more of the transactions complete.
    The screen gives an indication of subjective system response

    The Numbers option of this screen provides the exact number of
    transactions in each of the 16 time categories. The numeric
    display also shows the number of transactions that completed
    and the number of transactions that did not complete within each
    time category.

    The information in the numeric version of the Transaction
    Duration screen includes:

    o  Total transaction count

       This is the total number of transactions represented by the
       information on the screen. Reset the number of transactions
       with the Reset option by typing R.

    o  Duration

       This column contains the transaction duration categories.

       For the short-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n seconds to
       less than but not including m seconds.

       For the long-duration transaction display, the format n-<m
       means that each category includes transactions of n minutes to
       less than but not including m minutes.

    o  Tx.Count, %

       The Tx. Count column contains the number of transactions in
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions in each transaction
       duration category.

    o  #Complete, %

       The #Complete column contains the total number of transactions
       that completed by the end of the the time specified by
       each transaction duration category. The % column shows the
       percentage of the total transactions that completed by the end
       of the time specified by each transaction duration category.

    o  #Incomplete, %

       The #Incomplete column contains the total number of
       transactions that did not complete before the end of the
       time specified by each transaction duration category. The %
       column shows the percentage of the total transactions that
       did not complete before the end of the time specified by each
       transaction duration category.

       The Complete % and Incomplete % should always add up to 100%
       for each transaction duration category.

    o  <- average

       The <- average indicator on the right side of the screen
       points to the transaction duration category that contains
       the average transaction duration time. This indicator changes
       at runtime to maintain an accurate indication of the average
       transaction duration time.

    You can use the Config menu option to configure the Transaction
    Duration screen. Select this option, by typing the letter C,
    to display the configuration submenu. The configuration submenu
    provides the following options:

    o  Total transaction duration

       Displays read-only and read/write transactions

    o  Read/Write transaction duration

       Displays read/write transactions

    o  Read-Only transaction duration

       Displays read-only transactions

    o  XXX duration transaction display

       Displays either the short or long duration transaction
       display. The option description changes depending on which
       duration is currently being displayed.

    If you collect statistics in an output file using the Output
    qualifier for the RMU Show Statistics command, you can replay the
    Transaction Duration screen by using the Input qualifier.
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