1 IMPORT Creates an Oracle Rdb database from an interchange .rbr file. You use the IMPORT statement with the EXPORT statement to make changes to Oracle Rdb databases that cannot be made any other way. The EXPORT statement unloads a database to an .rbr file. The IMPORT statement re-creates the database with changes that may not be allowed by an ALTER DATABASE statement. The IMPORT statement lets you: o Convert from a single-file to a multifile database, and vice versa. o Change database root file parameters that you cannot change with the ALTER DATABASE statement: - COLLATING SEQUENCE - SEGMENTED STRING STORAGE AREA - PROTECTION IS ANSI/ACLS - DEFAULT STORAGE AREA o Change storage area parameters that you cannot change with the ALTER DATABASE statement: - PAGE SIZE - PAGE FORMAT - THRESHOLDS - INTERVAL - FILENAME, SNAPSHOT FILENAME o Reload tables with existing rows to take advantage of newly created hashed indexes. o Reload tables to take advantage of new or changed storage maps. o Move a database to another directory or disk structure. However, if moving a database is the only change you need to make, it is more efficient to use the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands. o Create an empty target database that uses the same data definitions as a source database by copying the metadata, but not the data, to the target. If you use the NO DATA option, the IMPORT statement creates an Oracle Rdb database whose metadata is identical to that found in the source database used by the EXPORT statement, but the duplicate database contains no data. The NO DATA option is not compatible with the repository databases. See the description in the Arguments section under the NO DATA option. 2 Environment You can use the IMPORT statement in interactive SQL only. 2 Format IMPORT DATABASE --> FROM -+ +--------------------------------------+ +-+-> FILENAME --+----------------------+-+ | +-> literal-user-auth -+ | +-> WITH ALIAS -----------------------------+ +----------------------------<------------------------+ ++-+--------------------------------------+-+-----------> | +-> import-options --------------------+ | | +-> character-sets --------------------+ | | +-> import-root-file-params-1 ---------+ | | +-> import-root-file-params-2 ---------+ | | +-> import-root-file-params-3 ---------+ | | +-> import-root-file-params-4 ---------+ | | +-> storage-area-params-1 -------------+ | | +-> storage-area-params-2 -------------+ | | +-> create-clause/statement -----------+ | | +-> drop-statement --------------------+ | +-----------------<------------------------+ literal-user-auth = ---> USER '' -+------------------------+--> +-> USING '' -+ import-options= -+-+-------+-+-> ACL ----------------+-+---> | +-> NO -+ +-> BANNER -------------+ | | +-> BATCH UPDATE -------+ | | +-> CDD LINKS ----------+ | | +-> DATA ---------------+ | | +-> FORWARD_REFERENCES -+ | | +-> TRACE --------------+ | +-> COMMIT EVERY TABLE --------------+ +-> COMMIT EVERY n ROWS --------------+ character-sets = -+-+--> DEFAULT CHARACTER SET --+-+-> | +--> NATIONAL CHARACTER SET -+ | | +--> IDENTIFIER CHARACTER SET -+ | | +--> DISPLAY CHARACTER SET ----+ +---------------------- <---------------------------+ import-root-file-params-1 = -+-> PATHNAME -----------------------------+-> +-> attach-options -----------------------------------+ +-> COLLATING SEQUENCE ------+ | | +-----------------------------------------+ | | ++---------------+----+----------------+--+ | | +-> COMMENT IS -+ +-> ' ' -+ | | | +-----------------------------------------+ | | +--> -+-----------------------+---------+ | +-> FROM + | +-> NUMBER OF USERS --> ---------------+ +-> NUMBER OF BUFFERS -----> --------+ +-> NUMBER OF CLUSTER NODES ----> --+ | | +---------------------------------------------+ | | +-+-----------------------------------------+----+ | +-> ( -+-> SINGLE ---+-> INSTANCE --> ) --+ | | +-> MULTIPLE -+ | +-> NUMBER OF RECOVERY BUFFERS -> | +-> BUFFER SIZE IS -> -> BLOCKS ------+ +-> global-buffer-params -----------------------------+ attach-options = -+-> DBKEY -+-> SCOPE IS -+-> ATTACH -------+-----------------------+-> +-> ROWID -+ +-> TRANSACTION --+ | +-> MULTISCHEMA IS -+-> ON --+-------------------------------------+ | +-> OFF -+ | +-> PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS ARE -+-> ON --+------------------------+ | +-> OFF -+ | +-+-------+-> RESTRICTED ACCESS -----------------------------------+ +-> NO -+ global-buffer-params= --> GLOBAL BUFFERS ARE -+-> ENABLED --+--------------+ +-> DISABLED -+ | +----------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------+---> +> ( -++-> NUMBER IS ----++> ) + |+-> USER LIMIT IS ---+| |+-> PAGE TRANSFER VIA --+-> DISK ---+--+| || +-> MEMORY -+ | |+-> LARGE MEMORY IS --+--> ENABLED --+--+ | +--> DISABLED -+ | +------------------- , <----------------+ import-root-file-params-2 = -+-> SNAPSHOT IS -+> ENABLED -+-> IMMEDIATE --+-+------------------+-> | | +-> DEFERRED ---+ | | | +> DISABLED ------------------+ | +-> DICTIONARY IS ---+---> REQUIRED -------+----------------------+ | +---> NOT REQUIRED ---+ | +-> ADJUSTABLE LOCK GRANULARITY IS -+-> ENABLED -> alg-options -+-+ | +-> DISABLED ---------------+ | +-> LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL IS SECONDS ------------+ +-> SEGMENTED STRING -+-> STORAGE AREA IS ------------+ +-> LIST -------------+ | +-> DEFAULT ----------+ | +-> PROTECTION IS ---+---> ANSI --+-------------------------------+ | +---> ACLS --+ | +-> RESERVE --+-> CACHE SLOTS -----+--------------------------+ +-> JOURNALS --------+ +-> STORAGE AREAS ---+ +-> SEQUENCES -------+ alg-options = --+------------------------------+--> +-> ( --> COUNT IS --> ) --+ import-root-file-params-3 = -+> CARDINALITY COLLECTION IS --------------+--+-> ENABLED --+--------+> +> CARRY OVER LOCKS ARE -------------------+ +-> DISABLED -+ | +> GALAXY SUPPORT IS ----------------------+ | +> LOCK PARTITIONING IS -------------------+ | +> LOGMINER SUPPORT IS --------------------+ | +> METADATA CHANGES ARE -------------------+ | +> STATISTICS COLLECTION IS ---------------+ | +> WORKLOAD COLLECTION IS -----------------+ | +> SYSTEM INDEX -+-> COMPRESSION IS -+-> ENABLED ---+-----+----------+ | | +-> DISABLED --+ | | | +-> ( -+-> system-index-options -+-> ) --+ | | +---------- , <-----------+ | +> PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS ARE +> ENABLED -> prestart-trans-options ++ | +> DISABLED -------------------------+| +> SECURITY CHECKING IS ---> security-checking-options --------------+ +> SYNONYMS ARE ENABLED ---------------------------------------------+ system-index-options = -+-> COMPRESSION IS --------------------------------++- ENABLED -++-> +-> PREFIX CARDINALITY COLLECTION IS --------------++> DISABLED +| +-> PREFIX CARDINALITY COLLECTION IS ENABLED FULL ---------------+ +-> TYPE IS SORTED --+-----------+-------------------------------+ +-> RANKED -+ prestart-trans-options = -+---------------------------------+-> +-> WAIT SECONDS FOR TIMEOUT -+ +-> WAIT MINUTES FOR TIMEOUT -+ +-> NO TIMEOUT -------------------+ security-checking-options = -+-> EXTERNAL -+------------------------------------------------++-> | +-> ( -> PERSONA SUPPORT IS -+-> ENABLED --+> ) -+| | +-> DISABLED -+ | +-> INTERNAL -+-----------------------------------------------+-+ +-> ( -> ACCOUNT CHECK IS -+---> ENABLED --+> ) + +---> DISABLED -+ import-root-file-params-4 = -+-> ASYNC BATCH WRITES ARE --+-> ENABLED --> async-bat-wr-options -+-+> | +-> DISABLED -------------------------+ | ++------------+-> ASYNC PREFETCH IS --+ | |+> DETECTED -+ +-------------------+ | | +-+-> ENABLED ---> async-prefetch-options +--------+ | +-> DISABLED ---------------------------+ | +-> ROW CACHE IS -+-> ENABLED --+-+----------------------+-----------+ | +-> DISABLED -+ +-> row-cache-options -+ | ++------+-> INCREMENTAL BACKUP SCAN OPTIMIZATION --------------------+ |+> NO -+ | +-> MULTITHREAD AREA ADDITIONS ----> multithread-options ------------+ +-> RECOVERY JOURNAL -> ( -> ruj-options -> ) -----------------------+ +-> SHARED MEMORY IS --+-> SYSTEM ---------------------+-------------+ +-> PROCESS --+-------------+---+ +-> RESIDENT -+ asynch-bat-wr-options = -+----------------------------->-------------------------------+-> + ( ++-> CLEAN BUFFER COUNT IS BUFFERS --++> ) + |+-> MAXIMUM BUFFER COUNT IS BUFFERS +| +------------------- , <-----------------------------+ async-prefetch-options = --+-----------------------------------------------------------+> +-> ( -+-+-> DEPTH IS BUFFERS -----+--+> )-+ | +-> THRESHOLD IS BUFFERS -+ | +----------------- , <--------------------------+ row-cache-options = -> ( -++-> CHECKPOINT -+-> ALL ROWS TO BACKING FILE -----------+-++-> ) --> || +-> TIMED EVERY SECONDS ------------+ || || +-> UPDATED ROWS TO -+-> BACKING FILE -++ || || +-> DATABASE -----+ || |+-> LOCATION IS --> ---------------------+| |+-> NO --+--> LOCATION --------+--------------------------+| || +--> SWEEP INTERVAL --+ || |+-> NUMBER OF SWEEP ROWS IS --------------------------+| |+-> SWEEP INTERVAL IS SECONDS ------------------------+| +-------------------------- , <-----------------------------+ multithread-options = ---+-----------------------------------------+--> +-> ( --+-> ALL AREAS -----------+--> ) --+ +-> LIMIT TO AREAS --+ ruj-options = -+-> LOCATION IS --> -+--> +-> NO LOCATION ----------------------+ +-> BUFFER MEMORY IS -+-> LOCAL ------+ +-> GLOBAL -----+ storage-area-params-1 = --+-> ALLOCATION IS ---> --> PAGES -----+-> +-> CACHE USING --------------------+ +-> NO ROW CACHE ------------------------------------+ +-> extent-params -----------------------------------+ +-> INTERVAL IS --> -------------+ +-> LOCKING IS --+-> ROW --+--> LEVEL ---------------+ | +-> PAGE -+ | +-> PAGE FORMAT IS +-> UNIFORM -+--------------------+ | +-> MIXED ---+ | +-> PAGE SIZE IS ----> --> BLOCKS -----+ extent-params = --+-> EXTENT IS -+-> ENABLED -------------------++--> | +-> DISABLED ------------------+| | +-> --> PAGES --+| | +-> (extension-options) -------+| +---------------------<------------------------+ extension-options = ---> MINIMUM OF PAGES, --+ +------------------------------------+ +--> MAXIMUM OF PAGES, --+ +------------------------------------+ +--> PERCENT GROWTH IS -------> storage-area-params-2 = --+-> CHECKSUM CALCULATION IS -----------+--+-> ENABLED --+-+-> +-> SNAPSHOT CHECKSUM CALCULATION IS --+ +-> DISABLED -+ | +-> SNAPSHOT ALLOCATION IS --> ----> PAGES ---+ +-> SNAPSHOT EXTENT IS -+-> ----> PAGES --++ | +-> (extension-options) ---------+| +-> SNAPSHOT FILENAME --> --------------------+ +-> THRESHOLDS ARE ( +-----------------------+> ) -+ | +> , -+----------++ | | +> , + | +------------------------------<--------------------------+ create-clause/statement = -+-> create-cache-clause -----------+-> +-> create-index-statement --------+ +-> create-storage-area-clause ----+ +-> create-storage-map-statement --+ drop-statement = ---+-> DROP CACHE -----+-> +-> DROP INDEX ---------+ +-> DROP STORAGE AREA ---+ +-> DROP STORAGE MAP -----+ 2 Arguments 3 ACL Syntax options: ACL | NO ACL Specifies that the IMPORT statement uses the access control lists from the original database when it creates the new database. The ACL option is the default. If you are using the IMPORT statement to restructure a database, you typically want to use the ACL option and preserve the access control lists. The NO ACL option overrides the ACLs from the original database and uses the database system default ACLs. Specify NO ACL if you are using the IMPORT statement to rebuild a database on a different system. The NO ACL option makes you the owner of the new database and creates default access control lists. 3 BANNER Syntax options: BANNER | NO BANNER This clause requests that IMPORT display informational messages during the import of the database header, such as product identification, and values for some database parameters. The default is NO BANNER which will mean most IMPORT statements generate no output. 3 BATCH_UPDATE Syntax options: BATCH UPDATE | NO BATCH UPDATE Specifies whether the IMPORT statement stores user data and indexes using batch-update transactions (BATCH UPDATE) or read/write transactions for each table (NO BATCH UPDATE). The NO BATCH UPDATE option is the default. A batch-update transaction is faster but does not perform recovery-unit journaling, which means you cannot recover the database in the event of a failure during the IMPORT operation. With the NO BATCH UPDATE option, you can recover the database. For more information about batch-update transactions, see the SET_TRANSACTION statement. 3 CDD_LINKS Syntax options: CDD LINKS | NO CDD LINKS Determines whether the IMPORT statement tries to reestablish links between database definitions originally based on repository definitions (domains and tables created with the FROM path name clause) and their sources in the repository. The default depends on whether or not the IMPORT statement specifies the PATHNAME option. If the IMPORT statement does specify PATHNAME, the default is CDD LINKS; if it does not specify PATHNAME, the default is NO CDD LINKS. The CDD LINKS option specifies that the IMPORT statement tries to reestablish repository links even if you do not specify the PATHNAME option. If you specify CDD LINKS and the database repository definition on which a database definition was based does not exist, the IMPORT statement generates a warning message. The NO CDD LINKS option specifies that the IMPORT statement does not establish data repository links even if you specify the PATHNAME option. Specify NO CDD LINKS if you are using the IMPORT statement to rebuild a database on a different system. 3 COMMIT_EVERY Syntax options: COMMIT EVERY TABLE | COMMIT EVERY n ROWS Specifies whether the IMPORT statement commits entire tables, or commits a certain number of rows at regular intervals. If you use the COMMIT EVERY n ROWS clause, you can supply a value from 1 to 2147483647 for n. The default is COMMIT EVERY TABLE. If you use the COMMIT EVERY n ROWS clause, the table will be left with a partial set of rows if the IMPORT process fails. NOTE If the table being imported includes a storage map with the PLACEMENT VIA INDEX clause, then the COMMIT EVERY clause is ignored for that table. A message is displayed to inform the database administrator of the tables that did not have COMMIT EVERY applied. This condition is shown in Example 6. 3 create-cache-clause See the CREATE CACHE clause for a complete description. 3 create-index-statement See the CREATE INDEX statement for a complete description. 3 create-storage-area-clause See the CREATE STORAGE_AREA statement for a complete description. 3 create-storage-map-statement See the CREATE STORAGE_MAP statement for a complete description. 3 DATA Syntax options: DATA | NO DATA Specifies whether the database created by the IMPORT statement includes the data and metadata contained in the source database, or the metadata only. DATA is the default. When you specify the NO DATA option, you import the metadata that defines a database from an .rbr file and exclude the data. Duplicating the metadata of a database while excluding the data offers the following benefits: o You can use established, tested metadata to create a database to store new data. Standardized metadata can be created once but used in multiple databases. o You can use the duplicated metadata to test the database structure. You can experiment with storage areas and storage maps, and by entering sample data, you can test other aspects of database structure. o If a database needs testing by someone outside of your group, you can submit the database metadata without exposing any sensitive data. Also, if the database is very large, you need not submit multiple reels of tape to the tester. NOTE The NO DATA option is not compatible with repository databases (CDD$DATABASE.RDB). An .rbr file, created by an EXPORT statement with the DATA option (the default) and generated from a CDD$DATABASE.RDB file, cannot be used with the NO DATA option for the IMPORT statement. SQL issues an error message stating that the NO DATA option is not valid for repository databases. 3 DROP_CACHE Syntax options: DROP CACHE row-cache-name Prevents the specified row area from being imported. 3 DROP_INDEX_index-name Prevents the specified index from being imported. 3 DROP_STORAGE_AREA Prevents the specified storage area from being imported. 3 DROP_STORAGE_MAP_map-name Prevents the specified storage map from being imported. 3 FILENAME_file_spec Specifies the file associated with the database. If you omit the FILENAME argument, the file specification takes the following defaults: o Device: the current device for the process o Directory: the current directory for the process o File name: the alias (if you omit the FILENAME argument, you must specify the WITH ALIAS clause) Use either a full file specification or a partial file specification. You can use a logical name for all or part of a file specification. If you use a simple file name, SQL creates the database in the current default directory. Because the IMPORT statement may create more than one file with different file extensions, do not specify a file extension with the file specification. 3 FORWARD_REFERENCES Syntax options: FORWARD_REFERENCES | NOFORWARD_REFERENCES The EXPORT interchange file contains declarations of all routines that will be referenced by other definitions. The default is to declare the interfaces to those routines prior to creating domains, tables, views, triggers, functions, procedures and modules that may need them. The default is FORWARD_REFERENCES. Use NO FORWARD_REFERENCES to disable these declarations. However, this may result in definition failures during the IMPORT. If you include the FORWARD_REFERENCES option on the IMPORT command line then informational messages will be generated for each declared routine. 3 FROM_file_spec Names the interchange .rbr file that the IMPORT statement uses as a source to create a new database. 3 import-root-file-params Parameters that control the characteristics of the database root file associated with the database, or characteristics stored in the database root file that apply to the entire database. For more information on other "import-root-file-params-1", "import-root-file-params-2", "import-root-file-params-3", and "import-root-file-params-4", see the descriptions of "root- file-params-1", "root-file-params-2", "root-file-params-3", and "root-file-params-4" in the CREATE DATABASE. 3 limit-to-clause See Select_Expressions in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about the LIMIT TO clause. 3 literal-user-auth Specifies the user name and password for access to databases, particularly remote databases. This literal lets you explicitly provide user name and password information in the IMPORT statement. 3 order-by-clause See Select_Expressions in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about the ORDER BY clause. 3 PROTECTION_IS Syntax options: PROTECTION IS ANSI | PROTECTION IS ACLS By default, the IMPORT statement retains the protection style of the database that was exported. However, if you specify PROTECTION IS ANSI or PROTECTION IS ACLS, then the IMPORT statement creates a database with that protection type. If the protection of the database created is different from the protection of the database that was exported, then no protection records are imported and you will receive default protections. 3 select-clause See Select_Expressions in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for information about the SELECT clause. 3 storage-area-params Specifies parameters that control the characteristics of database storage area files. You can specify most storage area parameters for either single-file or multifile databases, but the effect of the clauses differs. o For single-file databases, the storage area parameters specify the characteristics for the single storage area in the database. o For multifile databases, the storage area parameters specify a set of default values for any storage areas created by the IMPORT statement that do not specify their own values for the same parameters. The attributes of a storage area are supplied by the interchange file unless redefined by the IMPORT statement. The default values apply to the storage area named in CREATE STORAGE AREA database elements. For details about storage area parameters, see the CREATE STORAGE_AREA clause. NOTE The CREATE STORAGE AREA clauses can override these default values. The default values do not apply to any storage areas created later with the ALTER DATABASE statement. 3 TRACE Syntax options: TRACE | NO TRACE Specifies whether usage statistics are logged by the IMPORT statement. The NO TRACE option is the default. Some actions taken by the IMPORT statement can consume significant amounts of I/O resources and CPU time. These actions include the following operations: o Loading data o Defining indexes o Defining constraints When you specify the TRACE option with the IMPORT statement, SQL writes a message when each operation begins, and writes a summary of DIO (direct input/output operations), CPU, and PAGE FAULT statistics when the operation completes. When the IMPORT statement finishes execution, a summary of all DIO, CPU, and PAGE FAULT statistics is displayed. The display also includes information on access to the .rbr file, database creation, and loading of data. For more information about these statistics, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning. 3 USER_username Syntax option: USER 'username' Defines a character string literal that specifies the operating system user name that the database system uses for privilege checking. 3 USING_password Syntax option: USING 'password' Defines a character string literal that specifies the user's password for the user name specified in the USER clause. 3 WITH_ALIAS_alias Specifies the alias for the implicit database attach executed by the IMPORT statement. An alias is a name for a particular attachment to a database. You must specify an alias or a file name. If you omit the WITH ALIAS clause, the default alias for the database created by the IMPORT statement is RDB$DBHANDLE. If you omit the FILENAME argument, the IMPORT statement also uses the alias as the file name for the database root file and creates the root file in the current default directory. If you omit WITH ALIAS, you must specify the FILENAME argument. 2 Examples Example 1: Converting to a multifile database This example uses the EXPORT and IMPORT statements to convert the online sample database, personnel, to a multifile database. SQL> export database cont> filename PERSONNEL cont> into PERS; SQL> SQL> import database cont> from PERS cont> filename MF_PERSONNEL cont> default storage area MFP0 cont> create storage area MFP0 cont> filename MFP0_DEFAULT cont> page format is UNIFORM cont> create storage area MFP1 cont> filename MFP1 cont> create storage area MFP2 cont> filename MFP2 cont> create storage map EMPLOYEES_MAP cont> for EMPLOYEES cont> store randomly across (MFP1, MFP2); SQL> SQL> show storage area; Storage Areas in database with filename MF_PERSONNEL MFP0 Default storage area MFP1 MFP2 RDB$SYSTEM List storage area. Note that the storage area RDB$SYSTEM was created implicitly in this example. The database administrator could add a CREATE STORAGE AREA RDB$SYSTEM clause to this IMPORT example so that the name, location and space allocation for the RDB$SYSTEM area can be controlled. Example 2: Importing a database created with ANSI/ISO-style privileges This example imports a database originally created using ACLS style protection to create a new database with ANSI style protections. SQL> import database cont> from PERS cont> alias NEW_PERS cont> filename MF_PERSONNEL cont> protection is ANSI cont> ; SQL> show protection on database NEW_PERS; Protection on Alias NEW_PERS [DEV,SMITH]: With Grant Option: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,SHOW,CREATE,ALTER,DROP, DBCTRL,OPERATOR,DBADM,SECURITY,DISTRIBTRAN Without Grant Option: NONE [*,*]: With Grant Option: NONE Without Grant Option: NONE SQL> SQL> show protection on table NEW_PERS.EMPLOYEES; Protection on Table NEW_PERS.EMPLOYEES [DEV,SMITH]: With Grant Option: SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,SHOW,CREATE,ALTER,DROP, DBCTRL,REFERENCES Without Grant Option: NONE [*,*]: With Grant Option: NONE Without Grant Option: NONE Example 3: Importing a database and displaying statistics This example imports a database and uses the TRACE option to display DIO, CPU, and PAGE FAULT statistics. SQL> IMPORT DATABASE FROM personnel.rbr cont> FILENAME personnel_new.rdb cont> TRACE cont> CREATE INDEX LOCAL_INDEX ON jobs (job_code); IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: RDB$SYSTEM IMPORTing table COLLEGES Completed COLLEGES. DIO = 103, CPU = 0:00:00.89, FAULTS = 169 Starting INDEX definition COLL_COLLEGE_CODE Completed COLL_COLLEGE_CODE. DIO = 25, CPU = 0:00:00.24, FAULTS = 26 IMPORTing table DEGREES Completed DEGREES. DIO = 96, CPU = 0:00:01.15, FAULTS = 9 Starting INDEX definition DEG_COLLEGE_CODE Completed DEG_COLLEGE_CODE. DIO = 27, CPU = 0:00:00.36, FAULTS = 1 Starting INDEX definition DEG_EMP_ID Completed DEG_EMP_ID. DIO = 39, CPU = 0:00:00.49, FAULTS = 2 IMPORTing table DEPARTMENTS Completed DEPARTMENTS. DIO = 99, CPU = 0:00:00.70, FAULTS = 3 IMPORTing table EMPLOYEES Completed EMPLOYEES. DIO = 182, CPU = 0:00:01.60, FAULTS = 21 . . . Starting CONSTRAINT definition SH_EMPLOYEE_ID_IN_EMP Completed SH_EMPLOYEE_ID_IN_EMP. DIO = 48, CPU = 0:00:00.56, FAULTS = 2 Starting CONSTRAINT definition WS_STATUS_CODE_DOM_NOT_NULL Completed WS_STATUS_CODE_DOM_NOT_NULL. DIO = 36, CPU = 0:00:00.23, FAULTS = 0 Completed import. DIO = 3530, CPU = 0:00:32.97, FAULTS = 2031 SQL> Example 4: Reserving Sequence Slots During an Import Operation SQL> IMPORT DATABASE FROM MF_PERSONNEL.RBR cont> FILENAME 'mf_personnel.rdb' BANNER cont> RESERVE 64 SEQUENCES; . . . Unused Sequences were 32 now are 64 IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: RDB$SYSTEM IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: DEPARTMENTS IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_LOW Example 5: Specifying the BANNER option SQL> import data from x file mf_personnel BANNER; Exported by Oracle Rdb X7.1-201 Import/Export utility A component of Oracle Rdb SQL X7.1-201 Previous name was mf_personnel It was logically exported on 29-MAY-2003 12:32 Multischema mode is DISABLED Database NUMBER OF USERS is 50 Database NUMBER OF CLUSTER NODES is 16 Database NUMBER OF DBR BUFFERS is 20 Database SNAPSHOT is ENABLED Database SNAPSHOT is IMMEDIATE Database JOURNAL ALLOCATION is 512 Database JOURNAL EXTENSION is 512 Database BUFFER SIZE is 6 blocks Database NUMBER OF BUFFERS is 20 Adjustable Lock Granularity is Enabled Count is 3 Database global buffering is DISABLED Database number of global buffers is 250 Number of global buffers per user is 5 Database global buffer page transfer is via DISK Journal fast commit is DISABLED Journal fast commit checkpoint interval is 0 blocks Journal fast commit checkpoint time is 0 seconds Commit to journal optimization is Disabled Journal fast commit TRANSACTION INTERVAL is 256 LOCK TIMEOUT is 0 seconds Statistics Collection is ENABLED Unused Storage Areas are: 0 System Index Compression is DISABLED Journal was Disabled Unused Journals are: 1 Journal Backup Server was: Manual Journal Log Server was: Manual Journal Overwrite was: Disabled Journal shutdown minutes was 60 Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED Async prefetch depth buffers is 5 Asynchronous Batch Write is ENABLED Async batch write clean buffers is 5 Async batch write max buffers is 4 Lock Partitioning is DISABLED Incremental Backup Scan Optim uses SPAM pages Unused Cache Slots are: 1 Workload Collection is DISABLED Cardinality Collection is ENABLED Metadata Changes are ENABLED Row Cache is DISABLED Detected Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED Detected Asynchronous Prefetch Depth Buffers is 4 Detected Asynchronous Prefetch Threshold Buffers is 4 Open is Automatic, Wait period is 0 minutes Shared Memory is PROCESS Unused Sequences are: 32 The Transaction Mode(s) Enabled are: ALL IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: RDB$SYSTEM IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: DEPARTMENTS IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_LOW IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_MID IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMPIDS_OVER IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: EMP_INFO IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: JOBS IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: MF_PERS_SEGSTR IMPORTing STORAGE AREA: SALARY_HISTORY IMPORTing table CANDIDATES IMPORTing table COLLEGES IMPORTing table DEGREES IMPORTing table DEPARTMENTS IMPORTing table EMPLOYEES IMPORTing table JOBS IMPORTing table JOB_HISTORY IMPORTing table RESUMES IMPORTing table SALARY_HISTORY IMPORTing table WORK_STATUS IMPORTing view CURRENT_SALARY IMPORTing view CURRENT_JOB IMPORTing view CURRENT_INFO Example 6: Using the COMMIT EVERY option SQL> import database cont> from 'TEST$DB_SOURCE:MF_PERSONNEL' cont> filename 'MF_PERSONNEL' cont> cont> commit every 10 rows cont> cont> create storage area DEPARTMENTS cont> filename 'DEPARTMENTS' cont> page format is mixed cont> snapshot filename 'DEPARTMENTS' cont> create storage area EMPIDS_LOW cont> filename 'EMPIDS_LOW' cont> page format is mixed cont> snapshot filename 'EMPIDS_LOW' cont> create storage area EMPIDS_MID cont> filename 'EMPIDS_MID' cont> page format is mixed cont> snapshot filename 'EMPIDS_MID' cont> create storage area EMPIDS_OVER cont> filename 'EMPIDS_OVER' cont> page format is mixed cont> snapshot filename 'EMPIDS_OVER' . . . cont> ; ! end of import Definition of STORAGE AREA RDB$SYSTEM overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA MF_PERS_SEGSTR overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_LOW overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_MID overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA EMPIDS_OVER overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA DEPARTMENTS overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA SALARY_HISTORY overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA JOBS overridden Definition of STORAGE AREA EMP_INFO overridden COMMIT EVERY ignored for table EMPLOYEES due to PLACEMENT VIA INDEX processing COMMIT EVERY ignored for table JOB_HISTORY due to PLACEMENT VIA INDEX processing SQL>