SQL$HELP_OLD72.HLB  —  LSE  General SQL Terms, col_clause
    A placeholder used in LSE templates for the DECLARE TABLE syntax.
    The col-clause placeholder allows the optional expansions of
    either the col-constraint or sql-and-dtr-clause placeholders.

    In the following syntax diagram for col-definition, col-clause
    is represented by the right-most syntax loop that includes col-
    constraint and the sql-and-dtr-clause.

  declare-col-definition =

  --> <column-name> --> data-type -++------------------------++->
                                   |+-> col-constraint ------+|
                                   |+-> sql-and-dtr-clause --+|
                                   +----------- <-------------+

    See also the Help topic on col-definition, located at this same
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