There are several SYSMAN IO subcommands. Select the one you want
    from the choices below.


    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only.
    It automatically identifies and configures all hardware devices
    attached to a system by connecting devices and loading their

    On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE.

    You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO
    AUTOCONFIGURE command.



1.1  –  Qualifiers

1.1.1    /SELECT


    Specifies the device type to be automatically configured. Use
    valid device names or mnemonics that indicate the devices to be
    included in the configuration. You can use wildcard characters
    with this qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes under the /EXCLUDE qualifier for notes that
    apply to both qualifiers.

    This table shows examples of how the /SELECT qualifier works with
    ports PKA, PKB, and PIA:


    /SELECT=P*        PKA,PKB,PIA              None
    /SELECT=PK*       PKA,PKB                  PIA
    /SELECT=PKA*      PKA                      PKB,PIA

1.1.2    /EXCLUDE


    Specifies the device type that should not be automatically
    configured. Use valid device names or mnemonics that indicate
    the devices to be excluded from the configuration. You can use
    wildcard characters with this qualifier.

    Usage Notes for the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE Qualifiers

    o  The /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers are not mutually exclusive
       and you can specify both qualifiers on the command line.

    o  You can use the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers to permanently
       specify device autoconfiguration to include and exclude Fibre
       Channel port driver devices (FG) and any SCSI port driver
       devices (PK) for the duration of a manual autoconfiguration
       command. (To permanently specify devices to be excluded at
       each system boot, use the SYSMAN command IO SET EXCLUDE.)

       You cannot use the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers to include
       and exclude any of the following device types:

       -  SCSI class-driver devices (DK, MK, GK) whose names include
          a port allocation class or an HSZ allocation class

       -  Fibre Channel class-driver devices (PG, DG, GG)

       This restriction also applies to SCSI devices on OpenVMS Alpha
       Version 7.1 systems, if the SCSI device names include a port
       allocation class.

1.1.3    /LOG

    Controls whether the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command displays
    information about loaded devices.

1.2  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command identifies and configures all
    hardware devices attached to a system. It connects devices and
    loads their drivers. You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges
    to use the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.

1.3  –  Examples


      This command autoconfigures all devices on the system except

      IO AUTOCONFIGURE automatically configures all standard devices
      that are physically attached to the system, except for the
      network communications device.


      The /LOG qualifier displays information about all the devices
      that AUTOCONFIGURE loads.


    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    connects a hardware device and loads its driver, if the driver is
    not already loaded.

    On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command CONNECT.

    You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO
    CONNECT command.


      IO CONNECT  device-name[:]

2.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the hardware device to be connected. The
    device name requires the following format:

       device-type controller unit-number

    For example, in the designation LPA0, LP is a line printer
    on controller A at unit number 0. If you use the /NOADAPTER
    qualifier, the device is the software to be loaded.

2.2  –  Qualifiers

2.2.1    /ADAPTER

       /NOADAPTER (default)

    Specifies the nexus number of the adapter to which the specified
    device is connected. It is a nonnegative 32-bit integer. The
    /NOADAPTER qualifier indicates that the device is not associated
    with any particular hardware. The /NOADAPTER qualifier is
    compatible with the /DRIVER_NAME qualifier only.

2.2.2    /CSR


    Specifies the CSR address for the device being configured. This
    address must be specified in hexadecimal. You must precede the
    CSR address with %X. The CSR address is a quadword value that is
    loaded into IDB$Q_CSR without any interpretation by SYSMAN. This
    address can be physical or virtual, depending on the specific
    device being connected:

    o  /CSR=%X3A0140120 for a physical address

    o  /CSR=%XFFFFFFFF807F8000 for a virtual address (the sign
       extension is required for Alpha and Integrity servers virtual

    This qualifier is required if /ADAPTER=tr_number is specified.

2.2.3    /DRIVER_NAME


    Specifies the name of the device driver that you are loading.
    If you do not specify this qualifier, SYSMAN obtains the default
    in the same way that the SYSGEN default name is determined. For
    example, if you want to load the VSI-supplied SYS$ELDRIVER.EXE,
    the prefix SYS$ must be present. Without the SYS$, SYSMAN looks
    for ELDRIVER.EXE in SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES. This implementation
    separates the user device driver namespace from the VSI-supplied
    device driver namespace.

2.2.4    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether SYSMAN displays the addresses of the specified
    control blocks. The default value for the /LOG qualifier is
    /LOG=ALL. If /LOG=UCB is specified, a message similar to the
    following one is displayed:

    %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805AB000

2.2.5    /MAX_UNITS


    Specifies the maximum number of units the driver can support. The
    default is specified in the driver prologue table (DPT) of the
    driver. If the number is not specified in the DPT, the default
    is 8. This number must be greater than or equal to the number of
    units specified by /NUM_UNITS. This qualifier is optional.

2.2.6    /NUM_UNITS


    Specifies the number of units to be created. The starting device
    number is the number specified in the device name parameter.
    For example, the first device in DKA0 is 0. Subsequent devices
    are numbered sequentially. The default is 1. This qualifier is

2.2.7    /NUM_VEC


    Specifies the number of vectors for this device. The default
    vector count is 1. The /NUM_VEC qualifier is optional. This
    qualifier should be used only when using the /VECTOR_SPACING
    qualifier. When using the /NUM_VEC qualifier, you must also use
    the /VECTOR qualifier to supply the base vector.

2.2.8    /SYS_ID


    Indicates the SCS system ID of the remote system to which the
    device is to be connected. It is a 64-bit integer; you must
    specify the remote system number in hexadecimal. The default
    is the local system. This qualifier is optional.

2.2.9    /VECTOR


    Specifies the interrupt vectors for the device or lowest vector.
    This is either a byte offset into the SCB of the interrupt vector
    for directly vectored interrupts or a byte offset into the ADP
    vector table for indirectly vectored interrupts. The values must
    be longword aligned. To specify the vector address in octal or
    hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. The
    /VECTOR qualifier is required when you use the /ADAPTER=tr_number
    qualifier or the /NUM_VEC=vector-count qualifier. You can list up
    to 64 vectors.



    Specifies the spacing between vectors. Specify the amount as a
    multiple of 16 bytes. The default is 16. You must specify both
    the base vector with /VECTOR and the number of vectors with /NUM_
    VEC. This qualifier is optional.

2.3  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO CONNECT command connects a hardware device and
    loads its driver, if the driver is not already loaded. You must
    have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO CONNECT

    The chapter "Managing Peripheral Devices" in the VSI OpenVMS
    System Manager's Manual contains information about file-based
    device configuration support.

2.4  –  Examples


      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DDB is located at address 805AA740
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the IDB is located at address 805AEE80
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the SB is located at address 80417F80
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0

      The command in this example connects device DKA0, loads driver
      SYS$DKDRIVER, and specifies the following data:

         Physical CSR address
         Adapter number
         Number of vectors
         Spacing between vectors
         Interrupt vector address

      The /LOG qualifier displays the addresses of all control
      blocks, as shown.


      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0

      The command in this example connects device DKA0, loads driver
      SYS$DKDRIVER, and specifies the following data:

         Physical CSR address
         Adapter number
         Addresses for interrupt vectors

      The /LOG qualifier displays the addresses of the channel
      request block (CRB), the driver prologue table (DPT), and the
      unit control block (UCB).


      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DDB is located at address 805AA740
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the IDB is located at address 805AEE80
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the SB is located at address 80417F80
      %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0

      The command in this example connects pseudoterminal FTA0,
      loads driver SYS$FTDRIVER, and uses the /NOADAPTER qualifier
      to indicate that FTA0 is not an actual hardware device. The
      /LOG=(ALL) qualifier displays the addresses of all control
      blocks, as shown.

    For more information about loading and configuring device
    drivers, see Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in C (Margie
    Sherlock and Leonard S. Szubowicz, Digital Press, 1996).


    Assigns a specific, previously unused device name to a specific,
    previously unused worldwide identifier (WWID) from the SYSMAN IO
    LIST_WWID display.

    VSI recommends that you execute this command clusterwide and that
    you follow the command with a SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command to
    actually configure the device.


      IO CREATE_WWID  devnam_string/WWID=wwid_string

3.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a device-name string. The string must be in the form
    $2$MGAn, where n is less than 9999.

3.2  –  Qualifier

3.2.1    /WWID


    Specifies a WWID string that comes directly from a SYSMAN IO
    LIST_WWID display.

    This qualifier is required.

3.3  –  Description

    This command is an alternative to the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID
    command, which selects system-generated device names for the
    discovered WWIDs. Do not, however, use the SYSMAN IO CREATE_WWID
    command after the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command to redefine WWID
    correlations. Also, do not specify device and WWID strings in the
    SYSMAN IO CREATE_WWID command that are specified elsewhere in the

3.4  –  Example

 WWID $2$MGA5/WWID=04100022:"DEC TZ89 (C) DECCX939S2777"
  SYSMAN> IO CREATE_WWID $2$MGA3/WWID=02000008:500E-09E0-0005-30D7

      The commands in this example create two device names, $2$MGA5
      and $2$MGA3, and configure the devices.


    The SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command probes all Fibre Channel ports,
    detects all previously undiscovered tapes and medium changers
    behind a Network Storage Router (NSR) or a Modular Data Router
    (MDR), and assigns a worldwide identifier (WWID) to each one.

    The command also displays a list of the devices and their
    assigned device names and automatically records this information
    in the SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$DEVICES.DAT file. Finally, the command
    updates relevant local and clusterwide memory structures.

    To configure newly attached Fibre Channel tapes, use this command
    prior to running the SYSMAN command IO AUTOCONFIGURE.

    You must have CMKRNL privilege to use the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID

    For more information about Fibre Channel, see the Guidelines for
    OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.



4.1  –  Description

    Prior to configuring a tape device on Fibre Channel ports, the
    worldwide identifier (WWID) of the device must be detected
    and stored, along with a device name, in the text file
    WWID to accomplish this.

    The SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command probes all Fibre Channel ports
    and locates all tape and medium changer devices. For tapes and
    medium changers that have not been detected by any previous
    SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command, IO FIND_WWID assigns a device name,
    retrieves the WWID of the device, stores the device name and WWID
    data in the SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$DEVICES.DAT file, and updates memory

    Because the main goal of SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID is to populate the
    SYS$DEVICES.DAT file, you need to invoke the SYSMAN IO FIND_
    WWID command only one time for each new device. Note that using
    the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command for the first time detects all
    existing tape and medium changer devices on the system at that

    Once the information is stored in the file, subsequent use of
    the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command reads the file and configures
    the tape and medium changer devices automatically, loading or
    connecting the device drivers as needed. The SYS$DEVICES.DAT
    file is read during each system reboot, initiating the automatic
    configuration of tapes and medium changers on the Fibre Channel.
    (SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID does not load or connect the actual device


       If you add more devices to the system at a later time,
       you must powercycle the MDR to update internal mapping
       information. You must also run the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID
       command again to append the new device information to the
       SYS$DEVICES.DAT file.

       Similarly, for the Network Storage Router (NSR), the LUN map
       must be updated.

    In an OpenVMS cluster environment, you must run the SYSMAN IO
    FIND_WWID command on each node in the cluster to update various
    data structures in memory. Alternatively, you can run SYSMAN
    IO FIND_WWID on one node, and then reboot the other nodes that
    share that same system disk, because the SYS$DEVICES.DAT file is
    read at boot time and causes memory structures to be correctly

    In the case of multiple system disks in the cluster, ensure that
    all copies of the SYS$DEVICES.DAT file are kept consistent,
    preferably by running the SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command on all
    nodes. Alternatively, you can run IO FIND_WWID to update just
    one SYS$DEVICES.DAT file, and then manually edit the remaining
    SYS$DEVICES.DAT files by cutting and pasting the appropriate
    devnam/WWID records from the original file to the target files.

    VSI recommends that you refrain from copying the entire original
    file to another system disk, because the SYS$DEVICES.DAT file
    is also used to define Port Allocation Classes, and PAC entries
    could be inadvertently transferred to the target system.

4.2  –  Example

  %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node SAMPLE
  On port _SAMPLE$PGA0:, the following tape WWIDs and their proposed
  device names have been found but not yet configured:

        [Device $2$GGA0]
        WWID=04100024:"DEC     TL800    (C) DEC3G9CCR82A017"

        [Device $2$MGA0]
        WWID=04100022:"DEC     TZ89     (C) DECCX939S2777"

        [Device $2$MGA1]
        WWID=04100022:"DEC     TZ89     (C) DECCX942S6295"

      This is a configuration example using a TL891 tape library. The
      SYSMAN command IO FIND_WWID displays a list of all previously
      undiscovered tape devices and their device names.

      Note that the overall WWID consists of everything to the right
      of the equal sign. Each such WWID is unique; however, the
      header portion might not be unique, because the header reflects
      only the basic type and length of the the WWID data.

      The SYSMAN IO FIND_WWID command automatically records
      the information about the new tape devices in

        ! Updated 23-OCT-2002 14:17:41.85:  DEC TL800
        [Device $2$GGA0]
        WWID=04100024:"DEC     TL800    (C) DEC3G9CCR82A017"
        ! Updated 23-OCT-2002 14:17:41.93:  DEC TZ89
        [Device $2$MGA0]
        WWID=04100022:"DEC     TZ89     (C) DECCX939S2777"
        ! Updated 23-OCT-2002 14:17:42.01:  DEC TZ89
        [Device $2$MGA1]
        WWID=04100022:"DEC     TZ89     (C) DECCX942S6295"

      You would then use the SYSMAN command IO CONFIGURE to configure
      these devices. After you completed this step, the SHOW
      DEVICE/FULL command would display the worldwide identifier
      of the tape.


    Applies only to tape devices on Fibre Channel. Lists all tape
    device WWIDs that are not yet configured on Fibre Channel.

    You can use the output of this command as input to the SYSMAN IO



5.1  –  Example

  %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node ROCKY

  On port _
 ROCKY$PGA0:, the following tape WWIDs are not yet configured:

  Target 3, LUN 1, COMPAQ   SuperDLT1

  Target 3, LUN 3, COMPAQ   SDX-500C

  Target 4, LUN 1, COMPAQ   SuperDLT1

  Target 4, LUN 3, COMPAQ   SDX-500C

      In this example, each drive is listed twice because the tape
      bridge is dual-ported, with one FC port at target 3 and the
      other FC port at target 4.

6  –  LOAD

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    loads an I/O driver.

    You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO
    LOAD command.


       Be very careful when issuing a SYSMAN IO LOAD command
       because the system does little error-checking.


      IO LOAD  filespec

6.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the file name of the driver to be loaded. This
    parameter is required.

6.2  –  Qualifier

6.2.1    /LOG


    Controls whether SYSMAN displays information about drivers that
    have been loaded. The default value for the /LOG qualifier is
    /LOG=ALL. The driver prologue table (DPT) address is displayed
    when either /LOG=DPT or /LOG=ALL is specified.

6.3  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO LOAD command loads an I/O driver. You must have
    CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the SYSMAN IO LOAD command.

6.4  –  Example

  %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D5A000

      This example loads device SYS$DKDRIVER and displays the address
      of the driver prologue table (DPT).


    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    rebuilds device configuration tables in preparation for using the
    SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command to reconfigure the system.



7.1  –  Qualifier

7.1.1    /VERIFY

    Causes SYSMAN to read and process the files SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_
    CONFIG.DAT and SYS$SYSTEM:CONFIG.DAT, but not to apply the files
    to the I/O database. Messages will be displayed for any errors
    that are encountered. This command can be used by developers
    to test new changes to SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG.DAT without
    modifying the current system.

7.2  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO REBUILD command rebuilds the system's
    device configuration tables by reading and parsing the

    To debug modifications to the SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG.DAT
    file, you can use the SYSMAN IO REBUILD and SYSMAN IO
    AUTOCONFIGURE commands to load drivers without having to reboot.
    Once you load a driver for an adapter, however, you cannot reload
    it without rebooting the system.

7.3  –  Example


      The first command in this example rebuilds device configuration
      tables. The second command reads the device configuration
      tables and loads drivers for newly defined drivers.


    This command allows a user to replace one tape drive behind a
    Network Storage Router (NSR) with another tape drive at the same
    Fibre Channel (FC) Logical Unit Number (LUN) location.

    This command updates all the necessary file and memory data
    structures with the WWID of the new tape drive. The name of the
    replacement drive will be the same as the name of the original

    This command is primarily intended to be used when a hardware
    problem occurs on a tape drive, and a replacement drive must
    installed in its place.

    The command requires CMKRNL privilege. It applies only to FC
    tapes behind a Fibre Channel tape bridge such as an NSR or MDR
    (Modular Data Router).

    For more information about Fibre Channel, see the Guidelines for
    OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.


      IO REPLACE_WWID  devnam_string/WWID=wwid_string

8.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a tape device name.

8.2  –  Qualifier

8.2.1    /WWID


    Specifies a string that comes directly from a SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID
    display. The use of this qualifier is appropriate only under the
    circumstances explained in the description below.

8.3  –  Description

    You can use the two parameters, devnam_string and wwid_string,
    with the REPLACE_WWID command to replace a broken tape device
    with a new device. The command automatically updates the data
    structures that record the new devnam-WWID correlation, and the
    device automatically begins to function correctly.

    This command is useful in two different cases:

    o  In one case, the drive might malfunction and need to be
       replaced immediately without rebooting the system. If this
       happens, the drive is physically replaced with a new drive,
       and the command SYSMAN IO REPLACE_WWID $2$MGAn is issued
       clusterwide. The /WWID qualifier is not appropriate in this
       case, because the new WWID is automatically detected using
       information stored in the device's data structures.

    o  In the other case, the drive might malfunction and not
       be replaced until after the system has been shut down or
       rebooted. The device name no longer appears in the SHOW DEVICE
       display because the device failed to configure during the

       The configuration failure occurred either because the
       broken drive did not respond, or because the new drive has
       a different WWID from the one SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE expected
       at boot time. Therefore, in this situation, in which the
       device name is in SYS$DEVICES.DAT but not in the SHOW DEVICE
       display, use the /WWID qualifier to define the new devnam-WWID

       Follow these steps clusterwide:

       1. Execute the SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID command to display the new

       2. Use the command SYSMAN IO REPLACE_WWID $2$MGAn/WWID=new_
          wwid to define the new correlation.

       3. Use the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command to configure the

    When you use the SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID command, keep in mind that:

    o  You must set the replacement device to the same SCSI target ID
       as the original device.

    o  You must stop all activity on the device before issuing the
       SYSMAN IO REPLACE_WWID command.

    o  The command requires CMKRNL privilege and applies only to FC
       tapes behind an NSR or MDR.

8.4  –  Example

  SYSMAN> IO REPLACE_WWID $2$MGA3/WWID=02000008:500E-09E0-0005-30D7

      In this example, the device named $2$MGA3 malfunctioned and
      was replaced while the system was down. Upon reboot, the drive
      did not get configured, because its new WWID did not match the
      WWID that OpenVMS expected. Therefore, the user redefines the
      devnam-WWID correlation and is then able to configure $2$MGA3
      correctly. The specified WWID comes from the output of the
      SYSMAN IO LIST_WWID command.


    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. This
    command checks each SCSI and FC path in the system to determine
    whether the attached device has been changed. If a device change
    is detected, then the SCSI or FC path is disconnected in the
    IO database. This allows the path to be reconfigured on the new
    device, by using the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.



9.1  –  Description

    You usually enter the SYSMAN IO SCSI_PATH_VERIFY command
    after performing an online reconfiguration of a SCSI or an
    FC interconnect. The command reads the device type and device
    identifier on each SCSI and FC path in the system. If the device
    does not match the data stored in the IO database, then the path
    is disconnected in the IO database. Following a SYSMAN IO SCSI_
    PATH_VERIFY command, you usually enter a SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE
    command, which updates the IO database to match the new SCSI or
    FC configuration.

9.2  –  Example


      The first command in this example checks all SCSI paths and
      disconnects the ones that are no longer valid. The second
      command autoconfigures all devices that are physically attached
      to the system.

10  –  SET

10.1  –  EXCLUDE

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    sets the permanent exclusion list to be used when configuring
    devices automatically.

    The exclusion list can be cleared by entering an empty string.


      IO SET EXCLUDE  = device_name

10.1.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the device type to be excluded from automatic
    configuration. Use valid device names or mnemonics that indicate
    the devices to be included in the permanent exclusion list. You
    can specify wildcards.

10.1.2  –  Description

    Sets the permanent exclusion list to be used when configuring

    You can use this command to permanently specify device
    autoconfiguration to exclude Fibre Channel port driver devices
    (FG) and any SCSI port driver devices (PK) at each system boot.
    (To specify permanently the exclusion or inclusion of devices for
    the duration of a manual configuration command, use the /EXCLUDE
    or /SELECT qualifier with the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.)

    You cannot use the SYSMAN IO SET EXCLUDE command to exclude any
    of the following device types:

    o  SCSI class-driver devices (DK, MK, GK) whose names include a
       port allocation class or an HSZ allocation class

    o  Fibre Channel class-driver devices (PG, DG, GG)

    This restriction also applies to SCSI devices on OpenVMS Alpha
    Version 7.1 systems, if the SCSI device names include a port
    allocation class.

10.1.3  –  Examples


      This example specifies that DKC500 and all DKD devices are not
      to be autoconfigured.

      For additional examples that show how to specify device names,
      see the /SELECT qualifier available with the SYSMAN IO
      AUTOCONFIGURE command.


      This example clears the exclusion list.

10.2  –  PREFIX

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only.
    It sets the prefix list that is used to manufacture the IOGEN
    Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names.


      IO SET PREFIX  =icbm_prefix

10.2.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies ICBM prefixes. These prefixes are used by the SYSMAN IO
    AUTOCONFIGURE command to build ICBM image names.

10.2.2  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO SET PREFIX command sets the prefix list which is
    used to manufacture ICBM names.

10.2.3  –  Example


      This example specifies the prefix names used by SYSMAN IO
      AUTOCONFIGURE to build the ICBM names. The prefixes are SYS$,
      PSI$, and VME_.

11  –  SHOW

11.1  –  BUS

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    lists all the buses, node numbers, bus names, TR numbers, and
    base CSR addresses on the system. This display exists primarily
    for internal engineering support.

    On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command SHOW/BUS.

11.1.1  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO SHOW BUS command lists all the buses, node numbers,
    bus names, TR numbers, and base CSR addresses. This display
    exists primarily for internal engineering support. You must have
    CMKRNL privilege to use SYSMAN IO SHOW BUS.

11.1.2  –  Example


  _Bus__________Node_TR#__Name____________Base CSR__________
  LSB           0    1    EV3 4MB        FFFFFFFF86FA0000
  LSB           6    1    MEM            FFFFFFFF86FC4000
  LSB           7    1    MEM            FFFFFFFF86FCA000
  LSB           8    1    IOP            FFFFFFFF86FD0000
  XZA XMI-SCSI  0    3    XZA-SCSI       0000008001880000
  XZA XMI-SCSI  1    3    XZA-SCSI       0000008001880000
  XZA XMI-SCSI  0    4    XZA-SCSI       0000008001900000
  XZA XMI-SCSI  1    4    XZA-SCSI       0000008001900000
  XMI           4    2    LAMB           0000008001A00000
  DEMNA         0    5    Generic XMI    0000008001E80000
  DEMNA         0    6    Generic XMI    0000008001F00000

      This example is from a DEC 7000 Model 600. Displays vary among
      different Alpha and Integrity servers.

      The indentation levels are deliberate in this display. They
      indicate the hierarchy of the adapter control blocks in the
      system. The column titles in the display have the following

      Column Titles   Meaning

      Bus             Identity of the bus
      Node            Index into the associated bus array; the bus
      TR#             Nexus number of the adapter to which the
                      specified device is connected
      Name            Name of the device
      Base CSR        Base CSR address of the device

    On Alpha and Integrity servers, you can use the SDA command
    CLUE CONFIG to display additional information including hardware
    adapters and devices. This command is documented in the OpenVMS
    Alpha System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual.

    For more information about loading and configuing device drivers,
    see Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in C.

11.2  –  DEVICE

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only.
    It displays information about device drivers loaded into the
    system, the devices connected to them, and their I/O databases.
    All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual.

    On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command SHOW/DEVICE.



11.2.1  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO SHOW DEVICE command displays information about the
    device drivers loaded into the system, the devices connected to
    them, and their I/O databases.

    The SYSMAN IO SHOW DEVICE command specifies that the following
    information be displayed about the specified device driver:

    Driver   Name of the driver
    Dev      Name of each device connected to the driver
    DDB      Address of the device's device data block
    CRB      Address of the device's channel request block
    IDB      Address of the device's interrupt dispatch block
    Unit     Number of each unit on the device
    UCB      Address of each unit's unit control block

    All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual.

    For additional information about SYSMAN, see A Comparison of
    System Management on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX (archived) but
    available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM) and the VSI OpenVMS
    System Manager's Manual.

11.2.2  –  Example


      The following example is a sample display produced by the
      SYSMAN IO SHOW DEVICE command:

                        FTA 802CE930 802D1250 802D04C0
                                                         0 801C3710
                        EUA 802D0D80 802D1330 802D0D10
                                                         0 801E35A0
                        DKI 802D0FB0 802D0F40 802D0E60
                                                         0 801E2520
                        PKI 802D1100 802D13A0 802D1090
                                                         0 801E1210

      SYS$TTDRIVER, OPERATOR, and NLDRIVER do not have devices
      associated with them.

11.3  –  EXCLUDE

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers
    only. It displays the permanent exclusion list used in the
    autoconfiguration of devices.



11.3.1  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO SHOW EXCLUDE command displays the permanent
    exclusion list on the console. This list is used in the
    autoconfiguration of devices.

11.3.2  –  Example

 IOEXCLUDE, the current permanent exclusion list is: DKC500,DKD*

      This example shows the permanent exclusion list used in the
      autoconfiguration of devices; the current list contains DKC500
      and all DKD devices.

11.4  –  PREFIX

    This command is for use on Alpha and Integrity servers only. It
    displays the current prefix list used in the manufacture of ICBM



11.4.1  –  Description

    The SYSMAN IO SHOW PREFIX command displays the current prefix
    list on the console. This list is used by the SYSMAN IO
    AUTOCONFIGURE command to build ICBM names.

11.4.2  –  Example

  %SYSMAN-I-IOPREFIX, the current prefix list is: SYS$,PSI$,VME_

      This example shows the prefixes used by SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE
      to build ICBM names.
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