The ACCESS MODE clause specifies the order of access for a file's records.
1.1 – 1format_sequential
The ACCESS MODE clause specifies the order of access for a file's records. Format 1 - Sequential File [ ACCESS MODE IS ] SEQUENTIAL
1.2 – 2format_relative
The ACCESS MODE clause specifies the order of access for a file's records. Format 2 - Relative File { SEQUENTIAL [ RELATIVE KEY IS rel-key ] } [ ACCESS MODE IS ] { { RANDOM } RELATIVE KEY IS rel-key } { { DYNAMIC } }
1.2.1 – rel-key
is the file's RELATIVE KEY data item.
1.3 – 3format_indexed
The ACCESS MODE clause specifies the order of access for a file's records. Format 3 - Indexed File { SEQUENTIAL } [ ACCESS MODE IS ] { RANDOM } { DYNAMIC }
THE ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clause specifies an alternate access path to indexed file records. Format - ALTERNATE RECORD KEY IS { alt-key | seg-key = {seg}...} [WITH DUPLICATES] [ASCENDING ] [DESCENDING]
2.1 – alt-key
is the Alternate Record Key for the file. It is the data-name of a data item in a record description entry for the file. It can be qualified, but it cannot be a group item that contains a variable-occurrence data item. The data item must be described as: (1) alphanumeric or alphabetic category, (2) a group item, (3) unsigned numeric display, (4) a COMP-3 integer, or (5) a COMP integer.
2.2 – seg-key
is the Alternate Record Key for the file. It is a segmented-key name that represents the concatenation of one or more (up to eight) occurrences of seg.
2.3 – seg
is the data-name of a data item in a record description entry for the file. It can be qualified, but it cannot be a group item that contains a variable-occurrence data item. The data item must be described as: (1) alphanumeric or alphabetic category, (2) a group item or (3) an unsigned numeric display item.
3 – AUTO
In the context of ACCEPT, the AUTO clause moves the cursor to the next field when the last character of an input or update field that was defined with the AUTO clause is entered. Format - AUTO
The BACKGROUND-COLOR clause specifies the background color for the screen item. Format - BACKGROUND-COLOR color-num
4.1 – color-num
is an integer in the range 0-7 specifying a color as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------- COLOR COLOR VALUE COLOR COLOR VALUE -------------------------------------------------------------- Black 0 Red 4 Blue 1 Magenta 5 Green 2 Yellow/Brown 6 Cyan 3 White 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
5 – BELL
The BELL clause sounds the workstation or terminal audio tone. Format - BELL
The BLANK clause clears a screen line or clears the entire screen before displaying the screen item. Format - BLANK { LINE } { SCREEN }
THE BLANK WHEN ZERO clause replaces zeroes with spaces when a data item's value is zero. In the context of the Screen Section, it displays spaces when the value of a screen item to be displayed on the screen is zero. Format - BLANK WHEN ZERO
The BLINK clause displays characters on the screen with the "blink on" characher attribute. Format - BLINK
9 – CODE
The CODE clause specifies a two-character literal that identifies each print line as belonging to a specific report. Format - CODE report-code
9.1 – report-code
must be a two-character nonnumeric literal.
In a report group description, the COLUMN NUMBER clause identifies a printable item and specifies the position of the item on a print line. In a screen description, the COLUMN NUMBER clause specifies the horizontal screen coordinate for a screen item.
10.1 – 1format_report_description
Format 1 - Report Description COLUMN NUMBER IS column-num
10.1.1 – column-num
is a positive integer greater than zero.
10.2 – 2format_screen_description
Format 2 - Screen Description COLUMN NUMBER IS [PLUS] { identifier-1 } { integer-1 }
10.2.1 – identifier-1
is an elementary unsigned numeric integer data item. It cannot be subscripted.
10.2.2 – integer-1
is an unsigned integer value.
The CONTROL clause establishes the levels of the control hierarchy for the report. Format - { CONTROL IS } { {control-name} ... } { CONTROLS ARE } { FINAL [control-name] ... }
11.1 – control-name
is any data-name in the File, Working-Storage, or Linkage Section.
12 – Data-Name
Data-name specifies a data item that your program can explicitly reference. FILLER specifies an item that cannot be explicitly referenced. Format - [ data-name ] [ FILLER ]
The DATA RECORDS clause documents the names of a file's record description entries. Format - DATA { RECORD IS } {rec-name} ... { RECORDS ARE }
13.1 – rec-name
is the name of a data record. It must be defined by a level 01 data description entry subordinate to the file description entry.
14 – ERASE
The ERASE clause clears from the starting cursor position to the end of either the line or the screen. Format - ERASE { EOL } { EOS }
The EXTERNAL clause specifies that a data item or a file connector in a defining program is common to other programs in the run unit if the program defines it identically. The group and elementary data items of an external data record and files associated with an external file connector are available to very program in the image that describes them. Format - IS EXTERNAL
The FILE STATUS clause names a data item that contains the status of an input/output operation. Format - FILE STATUS IS file-stat
16.1 – file-stat
is the data-name of a two-character alphanumeric Working-Storage Section or Linkage Section data item. File-stat is the file's FILE STATUS data item.
The FOREGROUND-COLOR clause specifies the foreground color for the screen item. Format - FOREGROUND-COLOR color-num
17.1 – color-num
is an integer in the range 0-7 specifying a color as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------- COLOR COLOR VALUE COLOR COLOR VALUE -------------------------------------------------------------- Black 0 Red 4 Blue 1 Magenta 5 Green 2 Yellow/Brown 6 Cyan 3 White 7 --------------------------------------------------------------
18 – FULL
The FULL clause specifies that a screen item must be left either completely empty or it must be entirely filled with data. Format - FULL
The GLOBAL clause specifies that data-name or file-name is available to every program contained within the program that declares it. Format - IS GLOBAL
The GROUP INDICATE clause specifies that the associated printable item is presented only on the first occurrence of its DETAIL report group after a control break or page advance. Format - GROUP INDICATE
The HIGHLIGHT clause specifies that the field is to appear on the screen with the highest intensity. Format - HIGHLIGHT
The JUSTIFIED clause specifies nonstandard data positioning in a screen item or another receiving item. Format - { JUSTIFIED } RIGHT { JUST }
The LABEL RECORDS clause specifies the presence or absence of labels. Format - LABEL { RECORDS ARE } { STANDARD } { RECORD IS } { OMITTED }
24 – Level-Number
The level-number shows the position of a data item or screen item within the hierarchial structure of a logical record or a report group or a screen description. It also identifies entries for condition-names and the RENAMES clause. Format - level-number
The LINAGE clause specifies the number of lines on a logical page. It can also specify the size of the logical page's top and bottom margins and the line where the footing area begins in the page body. Format - LINAGE IS {page-lines} LINES [ WITH FOOTING AT footing-line ] [ LINES AT TOP top-lines ] [ LINES AT BOTTOM bottom-lines ]
25.1 – page-lines
is a positive integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value must be greater than zero. It specifies the number of lines that can be written or spaced on the logical page. If page-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.
25.2 – footing-line
is a positive integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value must be greater than zero, but cannot be greater than page-lines. Footing-lines specifies the line number where the footing area begins in the page body. If footing-line is a data-name, it can be qualified.
25.3 – top-lines
is an integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value can be zero. Top-lines specifies the number of lines in the top margin of the logical page. If top-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.
25.4 – bottom-lines
is an integer or the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer numeric data item. Its value can be zero. Bottom-lines specifies the number of lines in the bottom margin of the logical page. If bottom-lines is a data-name, it can be qualified.
The LINE NUMBER clause specifies vertical positioning information for a report group, or specifies the vertical screen coordinate for a screen item.
26.1 – 1format_report_description
Format - LINE NUMBER IS { line-num [ON NEXT PAGE] } { PLUS line-num-plus }
26.1.1 – line-num
is a nonnegative integer. Line-num represents an absolute line number on a logical page and establishes a print line for a Report Writer report group.
26.1.2 – line-num-plus
is a positive integer. Line-num-plus represents a relative line number on a logical page and establishes a print line for a Report Writer report group.
26.2 – 2format_screen_description
Format 2 - Screen Description LINE NUMBER IS [PLUS] { identifier-1 } { integer-1 }
26.2.1 – identifier-1
is an elementary unsigned numeric integer data item. It cannot be subscripted.
26.2.2 – integer-1
is an unsigned integer value.
The LOWLIGHT clause specifies that the field is to appear on the screen with the lowest intensity. When only two levels of intensity are available, normal intensity and LOWLIGHT will be the same. Format - LOWLIGHT
The NEXT GROUP clause specifies information for the vertical positioning of the next report group on a logical page following the presentation of the last line of a report group. Format - { next-group-line-num } NEXT GROUP IS { PLUS next-group-line-num-plus } { NEXT PAGE }
28.1 – next-group-line-num
is a positive, one- to three-digit integer value greater than zero. It represents an absolute line number on a logical page and establishes a print line for the next Report Writer report group.
28.2 – next-group-line-num-plus
is a positive, one- to three-digit integer value. It represents a relative line number on a logical page and establishes a print line for the next Report Writer report group.
The OCCURS clause defines tables and provides the basis for subscripting and indexing. It eliminates the need for separate entries for repeated data items.
29.1 – 1format_table-size
The OCCURS clause defines tables and provides the basis for subscripting and indexing. It eliminates the need for separate entries for repeated data items. Format 1 - OCCURS table-size TIMES [ { ASCENDING } KEY IS {key-name} ... ] ... [ { DESCENDING } ] [ INDEXED BY {ind-name} ... ]
29.1.1 – table-size
is an integer that specifies the exact number of occurrences of a table element.
29.1.2 – key-name
is the data-name of an entry that contains the OCCURS clause or an entry subordinate to it. Key-name can be qualified. Each key-name after the first must name an entry subordinate to the entry that contains the OCCURS clause. The values in each key-name are the basis of the ascending or descending arrangement of the table's repeated data.
29.1.3 – ind-name
is an index-name. It associates an index with the table and allows indexing in table element references.
29.2 – 2format DEPENDING
The OCCURS clause defines tables and provides the basis for subscripting and indexing. It eliminates the need for separate entries for repeated data items. Format 2 - OCCURS min-times TO max-times TIMES DEPENDING ON depending-item [ { ASCENDING } KEY IS {key-name} ... ] ... [ { DESCENDING } ] [ INDEXED BY {ind-name} ... ]
29.2.1 – min-times
is an integer that specifies the minimum number of occurrences of a table element. Its value must be greater than or equal to zero.
29.2.2 – max-times
is an integer that specifies the maximum number of occurrences of a table element. Its value must be greater than min-times.
29.2.3 – key-name
is the data-name of an entry that contains the OCCURS clause or an entry subordinate to it. Key-name can be qualified. Each key-name after the first must name an entry subordinate to the entry that contains the OCCURS clause. The values in each key-name are the basis of the ascending or descending arrangement of the table's repeated data.
29.2.4 – ind-name
is an index-name. It associates an index with the table and allows indexing in table element references.
29.2.5 – depending-item
is the data-name of an elementary unsigned integer data item. Its value specifies the current number of occurrences. Depending-item can be qualified.
30 – PAGE
The PAGE clause defines the length of a logical page and the vertical subdivisions within which report groups are presented. Format - PAGE [ LIMIT IS ] page-size [ LINE ] [ LIMITS ARE ] [ LINES ] [ HEADING heading-line ] [ FIRST DETAIL first-detail-line ] [ LAST DETAIL last-detail-line ] [ FOOTING footing-line ]
30.1 – page-size
is a one- to three-digit integer. It defines the number of lines available on a logical page.
30.2 – heading-line
is a one- to three-digit integer. It defines the first line number for a REPORT HEADING or PAGE HEADING report group on the logical page.
30.3 – first-detail-line
is a one- to three-digit integer. It defines the first line number for a CONTROL HEADING, DETAIL, and CONTROL FOOTING report group on the logical page.
30.4 – last-detail-line
is a one- to three-digit integer. It defines the last line number for a CONTROL HEADING or DETAIL report group on the logical page.
30.5 – footing-line
is a one- to three-digit integer. It defines the last line number for a CONTROL FOOTING report group and the first line number for the PAGE FOOTING report group on the logical page.
The PICTURE clause specifies the general characteristics and editing requirements of an elementary item, including an elementary screen item.
31.1 – 1format_general
Format 1 - { PICTURE } IS character-string { PIC }
31.1.1 – PICTURE symbols
The following symbols may be used in a PICTURE clause: A B P S V X Z 9 0 / , . + - CR DB * cs
31.2 – 2format_screen_section
Format 2 - Screen Section { USING identifier-3 } { PICTURE } IS character-string { {| FROM { identifier-4 } |} } { PIC } { {| { literal-1 } |} } { {| TO identiier-5 |} }
31.2.1 – PICTURE symbols
The following symbols may be used in a PICTURE clause: A B P S V X Z 9 0 / , . + - CR DB * cs
The RECORD clause specifies: (1) the number of character positions in a fixed length record, (2) variable length record format, or (3) the minimum and maximum number of character positions in a variable length record.
32.1 – 1format CONTAINS
The RECORD clause specifies: (1) the number of character positions in a fixed length record, (2) variable length record format, or (3) the minimum and maximum number of character positions in a variable length record. Format 1 - RECORD CONTAINS [shortest-rec TO] longest-rec CHARACTERS
32.1.1 – shortest-rec
is an integer that specifies the minimum number of character positions in a variable-length record.
32.1.2 – longest-rec
is an integer greater than shortest-rec. It specifies the maximum number of character positions in a variable-length record or the size of a fixed-length record.
32.2 – 2format VARYING
The RECORD clause specifies: (1) the number of character positions in a fixed length record, (2) variable length record format, or (3) the minimum and maximum number of character positions in a variable length record. Format 2 - RECORD IS VARYING IN SIZE [FROM shortest-rec] [TO longest-rec] CHARACTERS [DEPENDING ON depending-item]
32.2.1 – shortest-rec
is an integer that specifies the minimum number of character positions in a variable-length record.
32.2.2 – longest-rec
is an integer greater than shortest-rec. It specifies the maximum number of character positions in a variable-length record or the size of a fixed-length record.
32.2.3 – depending-item
is the identifier of an elementary unsigned integer data item in the Working-Storage or Linkage Section. It specifies the number of character positions for an output operation, and it contains the number of character positions after a successful input operation.
The RECORD KEY clause specifies the Prime Record Key access path to indexed file records. Format - RECORD KEY IS { rec-key | seg-key = {seg}... } [ WITH DUPLICATES ] [ ASCENDING ] [ DESCENDING]
33.1 – rec-key
is the Record Key for the file. It is the data-name of a data item in a record description entry for the file. It can be qualified, but it cannot be a group item that contains a variable-occurrence data item. The data item must be described as: (1) alphanumeric or alphabetic category, (2) a group item, (3) unsigned numeric display, (4) a COMP-3 integer, or (5) a COMP integer.
33.2 – seg-key
is the Record Key for the file. It is a segmented-key name that represents the concatenation of one or more (up to eight) occurrences of seg.
33.3 – seg
is the data-name of a data item in a record description entry for the file. It can be qualified, but it cannot be a group item that contains a variable-occurrence data item. The data item must be described as: (1) alphanumeric or alphabetic category, (2) a group item or (3) an unsigned numeric display item.
The REDEFINES clause allows different data description entries to describe the same storage area. Format - level-number [ identifier ] REDEFINES other-data-item [ FILLER ]
34.1 – other-data-item
is an identifier. It identifies the data description entry that first defines the storage area.
The RENAMES clause groups elementary items in alternative or overlapping ways. Format - 66 new-name RENAMES rename-start [ { THRU } rename-end ] [ { THROUGH } ]
35.1 – new-name
is the identifier of the item being described. It identifies an alternate grouping of one or more items in a record.
35.2 – rename-start
is the identifier of the leftmost data item in the area. It can be qualified.
35.3 – rename-end
is the identifier of the rightmost data item in the area. It can be qualified.
The REPORT clause in a File Description entry (FD) specifies the Report Description (RD) report names that comprise a report file. Format - { REPORT IS } { report-name } ... { REPORTS ARE }
The REQUIRED clause specifies that in the context of an ACCEPT statement, the user must enter at least one character in the input or update field. Format - REQUIRED
The REVERSE-VIDEO clause specifies that the field is displayed with the default or specified foreground and background colors exchanged. Format - REVERSE-VIDEO
The SECURE clause suppresses the display of input character on the screen. Format - SECURE
40 – SIGN
The SIGN clause specifies the operational sign's position and type of representation.
40.1 – 1format Data Screen
The SIGN clause specifies the operational sign's position and type of representation. Format 1 - Data Description and Screen Description Entries [ SIGN IS ] { LEADING } [ SEPARATE CHARACTER ] { TRAILING }
40.2 – 2format Report Group Description
The SIGN clause specifies the operational sign's position and type of representation. Format 2 - Report Group Description Entries [ SIGN IS ] { LEADING } SEPARATE CHARACTER { TRAILING }
The SOURCE clause identifies a data item to be sent to an associated printable item defined within a Report Group Description entry. Format - SOURCE IS source-id
41.1 – source-id
names an elementary item in the Data Division.
42 – SUM
The SUM clause establishes a Report Writer sum counter and names the data items to be summed. Format - {SUM {sum-name}... [UPON {detail-report-group-name} ... ]} ... [RESET ON { control-foot-name } ] [ { FINAL } ]
42.1 – sum-name
names a numeric data item with an optional sign in the File, Working-Storage, and Linkage Sections, or another sum counter in the Report Section.
42.2 – detail-report-group-name
names a DETAIL report group.
42.3 – control-foot-name
must reference a control-name in the report's CONTROL clause.
The SYNCHRONIZED clause specifies elementary item alignment on word boundary offsets relative to a record's beginning. These offsets are related to the size and usage of the item being stored. Format - [ { SYNCHRONIZED } [ LEFT ] ] [ { SYNC } [ RIGHT ] ]
44 – TYPE
The TYPE clause identifies the report group type and indicates when the Report Writer Control System (RWCS) is to process it. Format - { REPORT HEADING } } { RH } } { PAGE HEADING } } { PH } } { CONTROL HEADING } { control-head-name } } { CH } { FINAL } } TYPE IS { DETAIL } } { DE } } { CONTROL FOOTING } { control-foot-name } } { CF } { FINAL } } { PAGE FOOTING } } { PF } } { REPORT FOOTING } } { RF } }
44.1 – control-head-name
names a control-name in the CONTROL clause.
44.2 – control-foot-name
names a control-name in the CONTROL clause.
The UNDERLINE clause specifies that each character of the field is underlined when it is displayed on the screen. Format - UNDERLINE
46 – USAGE
The USAGE clause specifies the internal format of a data item or represents the address of data in a COBOL program. Format - { BINARY } { COMPUTATIONAL } { COMP } { COMPUTATIONAL-1 } { COMP-1 } { COMPUTATIONAL-2 } [ USAGE IS ] { COMP-2 } { COMPUTATIONAL-3 } { COMP-3 } { DISPLAY } { INDEX } { PACKED-DECIMAL } { POINTER } { POINTER-64 }
The VALUE IS clause defines the values associated with condition-names, the initial value of Working-Storage Section data items, the value of Report Section printable items, the compile-time initialization of variables to the address of data, and to external constants, and the constant values of literal screen items.
47.1 – 1format_lit
The VALUE IS clause defines the values associated with condition-names, the initial value of Working-Storage Section data items, the value of Report Section printable items, the compile-time initialization of variables to the address of data, and to external constants, and the constant values of literal screen items. Format 1 - VALUE IS lit
47.1.1 – lit
is a numeric or nonumeric literal. In a screen description entry, it is a nonnumeric literal.
47.2 – 2format THROUGH
The VALUE IS clause defines the values associated with condition-names, the initial value of Working-Storage Section data items, the value of Report Section printable items, the compile-time initialization of variables to the address of data, and to external constants. Format 2 - { VALUE IS } { { EXTERNAL external-name } { VALUES ARE } { { REFERENCE data-name } { { low-val } [ { THRU } { EXTERNAL external-name } ] } [ { THROUGH } { REFERENCE data-name } ] } ... { high-val } ] }
47.2.1 – low-val
is a numeric or nonnumeric literal. It is the lowest value in a range of values associated with a condition-name in a level 88 data description entry.
47.2.2 – high-val
is a numeric or nonnumeric literal. It is the highest value in a range of values associated with a condition-name in a level 88 data description entry.
47.2.3 – data-name
names a data item in the File or Working-Storage Section. Data-name may be qualified.
47.2.4 – external-name
names a COBOL link-time bound constant. It must define a word or longword integer value.
47.3 – 3format REFERENCE
The VALUE IS clause defines the values associated with condition-names, the initial value of Working-Storage Section data items, the value of Report Section printable items, the compile-time initialization of variables to the address of data, and to external constants. Format 3 - VALUE IS { REFERENCE data-name } { numeric-integer-lit }
47.3.1 – data-name
names a data item in the File or Working-Storage Section. Data-name may be qualified.
47.3.2 – numeric-integer-lit
is a positive numeric integer literal.
47.4 – 4format EXTERNAL
The VALUE IS clause defines the values associated with condition-names, the initial value of Working-Storage Section data items, the value of Report Section printable items, the compile-time initialization of variables to the address of data, and to external constants. Format 4 - VALUE IS EXTERNAL external-name
47.4.1 – external-name
names a COBOL link-time bound constant. It must define a word or longword integer value.
The VALUE OF ID clause specifies, replaces, or completes a file specification. Format - VALUE OF { ID } IS { file-name } { FILE-ID } { data-name }
48.1 – file-name
is a nonnumeric literal. It contains the full or partial file specification.
48.2 – data-name
is the data-name of an alphanumeric Working-Storage data item. It contains the full or partial file specification.