The EVALUATE statement selects a program action based on the evaluation of one or more conditions. Format - { subj-item } [ { subj-item } ] EVALUATE { TRUE } [ ALSO { TRUE } ] ... { FALSE } [ { FALSE } ] { { { ANY } { { { cond } { {WHEN{ TRUE } { { { FALSE } { { { [NOT] {obj-item [{THRU } obj-item]} } { { { { [{THROUGH} ]} } [ { ANY }] } } [ { cond }] } } [ALSO { TRUE }] ... } ... stment} ... [ { FALSE }] } } [ { [NOT] {obj-item [{THRU } obj-item]}}] } } [ { { [{THROUGH} ]}}] } } [ WHEN OTHER stment ] [ END-EVALUATE ]
1 – subj-item
is an identifier, an arithmetic or conditional expression, or a literal other than the figurative constant ZERO.
2 – cond
is a conditional expression.
3 – obj-item
is a literal, an identifier, or an arithmetic expression.
4 – stment
is an imperative statement.