The FIND ALL statement locates zero or more records in the database and
  inserts them into the named keeplist.

  Format 2 -

   FIND ALL keeplist-name [ record-name ] [ WITHIN { realm-name } ]
                                          [        { set-name   } ]

      [ USING { rec-key } ... ] [ FOR UPDATE ]
      [ WHERE { bool-exp }    ]

      [{ [ AT END stment ]  [ NOT AT END stment ]      } ]
      [{ [ ON ERROR stment ]  [ NOT ON ERROR stment ]  } ]

      [ END-FIND ]

1  –  keeplist-name

  names a keeplist in the Sub-Schema Section.

2  –  record-name

  is a subschema record name.

3  –  realm-name

  is a subschema realm name.

4  –  set-name

  is a subschema set name.

5  –  rec-key

  is a key data item within the subschema record occurrence.  The same
  rec-key can appear only once in a given USING phrase.

6  –  bool-exp

  is a conditional expression that involves data items of the object
  record.  It is used to specify additional requirements of a
  qualifying record.

7  –  stment

  is an imperative statement.
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