The STORE statement stores a new record in the database, establishes the
  record as an owner of an empty set of each set type for which the record
  is an owner record type, and connects the record as a member to the
  current set of each set type for which the record is an AUTOMATIC member
  record type.

  Format -

   STORE record-name [ [ NEXT TO ] DBKEY ] [ WITHIN { realm-name } ... ]

      [           [{| REALM                    |}]          ]
      [ RETAINING [{| RECORD                   |}] CURRENCY ]
      [           [{| { SET [ set-name ] ... } |}]          ]
      [           [{| { { set-name } ...     } |}]          ]

      [ ON ERROR stment ] [ NOT ON ERROR stment ]

      [ END-STORE ]

1  –  record-name

  names a subschema record type.

2  –  realm-name

  names a subschema realm.

3  –  set-name

  names a subschema set type.

4  –  stment

  is an imperative statement.
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