A reference to a user-defined word is unique if: 1) no other name has the same spelling, including hyphenation, 2) it is a part of a REDEFINES clause (the reference following the word REDEFINES is unique because of clause placement), or 3) scoping rules make it unique. A name in a hierarchy of names can occur in more than one place in your program. Unless you are redefining it, you must refer to this nonunique name using one or more higher-level names in the hierarchy. These higher-level names are called qualifiers. Using them to achieve uniqueness of reference is called qualification. To make your reference unique, you need not specify all available qualifiers for a name, only the one(s) necessary to avoid ambiguity. You cannot use the same data-name as: 1) The name of an external record and as the name of any other external data item in any program contained within or containing the program describing the external data record. 2) The name of an item possessing the global attribute and as the name of any other data item in the program describing the global data item.
1 – 1format_file
Format 1 - { { { IN } data-name-2 } ... [ { IN } file-name ] } { data-name-1 }{ { { OF } } [ { OF } ] } { condition-name }{ { IN } file-name } { { OF } }
2 – 2format_paragraph
Format 2 - paragraph-name { IN } section-name { OF }
3 – 3format_text
Format 3 - text-name { IN } library-name { OF }
4 – 4format LINAGE
Format 4 - LINAGE-COUNTER { IN } file-name { OF }
5 – 5format PAGE LINE
Format 5 - { PAGE-COUNTER } { IN } report-name { LINE-COUNTER } { OF }
6 – 6format_report
Format 6 - { { IN } data-name-4 [ { IN } report-name ] } data-name-3 { { OF } [ { OF } ] } { { IN } report-name } { { OF } }
7 – 7format_screens
Format 7 - screen-name-1 { { OF } screen-name-2 } ... { { IN } }
8 – 8format RMS
Format 8 - { RMS-STS } { IN } file-name { RMS-STV } { OF } { RMS-FILENAME }