The FMS/LIBRARY/EXTRACT command extracts the specified form from a form library. Use the /FORM_NAME qualifier to specify the form to be extracted. The form file will have the same name as the form unless the /OUTPUT qualifier is used to change the name. Default file types are FLB for the library and FRM for the output form. Only one form can be extracted at a time. Example: FMS/LIBRARY/EXTRACT LIBNAME/FORM_NAME=AFORM/OUTPUT=THATFORM The form AFORM is extracted from the form library LIBNAME.FLB and placed in the form file THATFORM.FRM.
1 – Qualifiers
library_spec/FORM_NAME=form_name Specifies a form to be extracted. Only one form may be extracted at a time.
1.2 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (D) Produces a log on the device SYS$OUTPUT showing the form extracted. The /NOLOG qualifier disables logging.
/OUTPUT=file_spec (D) /NOOUTPUT The /OUTPUT qualifier allows you to specify a name for the output form file. If the file specification is omitted, the output file name is the same as the form name, with the file type FRM. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier can be used to discard output.