VMS Help  —  POSIX Threads, PTHREAD routines, pthread_attr_setname_np
    Changes the object name attribute in a thread attributes object.

1  –  C Binding

    #include <pthread.h>

    pthread_attr_setname_np (
             pthread_attr_t   *attr,
             const char   *name,
             void   *mbz);

2  –  Arguments


    Address of the thread attributes object whose object name
    attribute is to be changed.


    Object name value to copy into the thread attributes object's
    object name attribute.


    Reserved for future use. The value must be zero (0).

3  –  Description

    This routine changes the object name attribute in the thread
    attributes object specified by the attr argument to the value
    specified by the name argument. A new thread created using the
    thread attributes object is initialized with the object name that
    was set in that attributes object.

    The object name is a C language string and provides an identifier
    that is meaningful to a person debugging a multithreaded
    application. The maximum number of characters in the object name
    is 31.

    This routine contrasts with pthread_setname_np(), which changes
    the object name in the thread object for an existing thread.

4  –  Return Values

    If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer
    value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as

    Return      Description

    0           Successful completion.
    [EINVAL]    The value specified by attr is not a valid thread
                attributes object, or the length in characters of
                name exceeds 31.
    [ENOMEM]    Insufficient memory exists to create a copy of the
                object name string.

5  –  Associated Routines

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