VMS Help  —  SET  HOST  /DUP
    Connects your terminal to a storage controller through the
    appropriate bus for that controller. The /SERVER and /TASK
    qualifiers are required.

    For use only with storage controllers. Requires the DIAGNOSE


      SET HOST/DUP/SERVER=server-name

      /TASK=task-name node-name

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the node name of the storage controller.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
    use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
    information is stored in the file HSCPAD.LOG.

2.2    /SERVER


    Specifies the server name for the target storage controller.

    This qualifier is required.

2.3    /TASK


    Specifies the utility or diagnostic name to be executed on the
    target storage controller under direction of the server.

    This qualifier is required.

3  –  Example

  %HSCPAD-I-LOCPROGEXE, Local program executing -
 type ^\ to exit utility

      The SET HOST/DUP command in this example connects the user
      terminal to the utility program called DIRECT executing on a
      storage controller named R2DH5Y under direction of the MSCP$DUP
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