/NAMES[(=option)] /NAMES=UPPER (D) Controls whether the compiler translates external names (program-id's,literal entry-names in CALL statements, external data items) to uppercase, lowercase or leaves it unchanged. AS_IS Causes VSI COBOL not to change the case of literal entry-names for CALL statements. The AS_IS option has no effect on other external datanames or program-id names. VSI COBOL does not support mixed-case of external data names or program-id names. However, specifying the AS_IS option may be useful for calling non-Cobol routines. When AS_IS is specified, external datanames and program-id's are treated as if UPPER has been specified. LOWER Causes VSI COBOL to force all external names (program-id's, literal entry-names in CALL statements, external data items) to be lowercase. UPPER Causes VSI COBOL to force all external names (program-id's, literal entry-names in CALL statements, external data items) to be uppercase. This is the default. The default is /NAMES=UPPER.