VMS Help  —  DCE  DCE_RPC, Application Routines, rpc_rgy_get_codesets

   rpc_rgy_get_codesets - Gets supported code sets information from the
                          local host

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_rgy_get_codesets( rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t *code_sets_array,
                              error_status_t *status );



   No input is required.


       An integer array that specifies the code sets that the client's
       or server's host environment supports. Each array element is an
       integer value that uniquely identifies one code set.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as






   The rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine examines the locale environment of
   the host on which the client or server process is running to determine
   the local code set currently in use by the client or server process
   and the set of supported code set conversion routines that exist on
   the host into which the client or server process can convert if
   necessary. It then reads the code sets registry on the local host to
   retrieve the unique identifiers associated with these supported code

   The routine returns a code sets array. The set of values returned in
   this structure correspond to the process's local code set and the code
   sets into which processes that run on this host can convert.  The
   array also contains, for each code set, the maximum number of bytes
   that code set uses to encode one character (c_max_bytes).

   Server applications use the rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine in their
   initialization code to get their host's supported character and code
   sets values in order to export them into the name service database
   with rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute().

   Client applications use the rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine during the
   server binding selection process to retrieve the supported character
   and code sets at their host in order to evaluate them against the
   character and code sets that a server supports.  Client applications
   that use the evaluation routines rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() and
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() do not need to call this routine
   explicitly, because these code sets evaluation routines call it on
   the client's behalf.  Application developers who are writing their
   own character and code set evaluation routines may need to include
   rpc_rgy_get_codesets() in their user-written evaluation routines.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Commands: csrc(8dce).

   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets
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