VMS Help  —  DTM  FILTER  Command Qualifiers, /DATE
   Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter replaces date
   stamps by substituting a "d" for each displayed number of the day
   of the month, an "m" for each displayed letter of the month, and
   a "y" for each displayed number of the year. Where the date form
   is spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month", the numeric
   day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".

   The following list shows some examples of the date filtering
   functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day
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