Update Noupdate Specify the Update qualifier to update the stored cardinality values of tables and indexes. You can perform an update only when the stored cardinality values differ from the actual cardinality values. When updating cardinality values, Oracle Corporation recommends that you update the stored cardinality values with the actual cardinality values, not with an alternative value of your own choosing. Specifying a value other than the actual cardinality value can result in poor database performance. The default is the Noupdate qualifier. Using the Update qualifier allows you to update the stored cardinality values of the specified tables and indexes even when the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is designated for read-only access. If you have set the RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only access, Oracle RMU sets it to read/write during execution of the RMU Analyze Cardinality command with the Update qualifier. Oracle RMU resets the area to read-only when the operation completes. If you are updating the stored cardinality for a table or index, and a system failure occurs before the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is changed back to read-only access, use the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to manually change the database back to read-only access. However, note that if you have set the area to read-only, the update operation specified with the Update qualifier commences only if the database is off line or the database is quiescent. If you specify a table name parameter with an RMU Analyze Cardinality command that includes the Update qualifier, the associated indexes are not updated; you must specify each table and index you want to be updated or accept the default (by not specifying any table or index names) and have all items updated. Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Update qualifier during offline operations or during a period of low update activity. If you update a cardinality while it is changing (as a result of current database activity), the end result is unpredictable. Specify the Noupdate qualifier when you want to display the stored and actual cardinality values only for the specified tables and indexes.