VMS Help  —  RMU72  Backup  After Journal, Command Qualifiers, Protection

    Specifies the system file protection for the backup file produced
    by the RMU Backup After_Journal command.

    The default file protection varies, depending on whether you
    backup the file to disk or tape. This is because tapes do not
    allow delete or execute access and the SYSTEM account always
    has both read and write access to tapes. In addition, a more
    restrictive class accumulates the access rights of the less
    restrictive classes.

    If you do not specify the Protection qualifier, the default
    protection is as follows:

    o  S:RWED,O:RE,G,W if the backup is to disk

    o  S:RW,O:R,G,W if the backup is to tape

    If you specify the Protection qualifier explicitly, the
    differences in protection applied for backups to tape or disk
    as noted in the preceding paragraph are applied. Thus, if you
    specify Protection=(S,O,G:W,W:R), that protection on tape becomes
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