Cache=file Nocache Specifies an after-image journal cache file specification on a solid-state disk. If the Cache qualifier is specified, after- image journal caches are enabled. If you specify a file name, but not a file extension, the file extension .aij is used by default. If the Nocache qualifier is specified, AIJ caches are disabled. You can use this qualifier only when users are detached from the database. This file must be written to a solid-state disk. If a solid-state disk is not available, after-image journal caching should not be used. Unless you are involved in a high performance, high-volume environment, you probably do not need the features provided by this qualifier. You can determine whether the cache file is accessible by executing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier. If caching is enabled, but the cache file is unavailable, the cache file is marked inaccessible and after-image journaling continues as if caching was disabled. Once the cache file has been marked inaccessible, it will remain so marked until either the existing cache file is dropped from the database, or a new cache file is added to the database (even if this is the same cache file as was previously used). If this qualifier is omitted, the AIJ cache state remains unchanged.