VMS Help  —  SET  FILE  Qualifiers  /GLOBAL_BUFFER

    For OpenVMS versions prior to Version 8.3, sets the OpenVMS
    Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) global buffer count (the
    number of buffers that can be shared by processes accessing the
    file) for the specified files. The value n must be an integer in
    the range from 0 to 32,767. A value of 0 disables buffer sharing.

    The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable global
    buffers on a file currently being accessed; however, any new
    global buffer settings will only be applied to new accessors of
    the file. If a file is already open with global buffers, any new
    number of global buffers will not take effect until the file is
    closed by all accessors of the file.

    For OpenVMS V8.3 and later, sets the OpenVMS RMS global buffer
    count for the specified files. Note, you can specify only one
    type of global buffer qualifier in the same command string.

    The keyword can be:

    o  COUNT=n-The value n sets the longword count of the number of
       global buffers.

    o  PERCENT=p-The value p expresses the size of the global cache
       as a percent of the total number of used blocks currently used
       in the file.

    o  DEFAULT-Requests RMS at runtime to recalculate the global
       cache size based on an algorithm that makes use of two global
       buffer SYSGEN parameters, GB_CACHEALLMAX and GB_DEFPERCENT.

    The following qualifiers can also be used with the /SHARE






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