/DEVICE_TYPE=terminal-type Informs the system of the terminal type and sets characteristics according to the device type specified. You can specify any of the following terminal types: UNKNOWN LA100 PRO_SERIES VT102 VT200 FT1-FT8 LA120 VT05 VT105 VT300 LA12 LA210 VT52 VT125 VT400 LA34 LN01K VT55 VT131 VT500 LA36 LN03 VT100 VT132 LA38 LQP02 VT101 VT173 The default characteristics for the VT100-, VT102-, and VT125- series terminals are as follows: /ADVANCEDVIDEO /NOALTYPEAHD /ANSI_CRT /NOAUTOBAUD /NOBLOCK_MODE /NOBRDCSTMBX /BROADCAST /CRFILL=0 /ECHO /NOEIGHT_BIT /NOESCAPE /NOFORM /FULLDUP /NOHOSTSYNC /LFFILL=0 /LOWERCASE /NODMA /PAGE=24 /NOPARITY /NOPASTHRU /NOREADSYN /SPEED=9600 /TAB /TTSYNC /TYPE_AHEAD /WIDTH=80 /WRAP