You can pass records and indicator arrays to SQL module language procedures using the record-type clause. You can also pass records and indicator arrays to SQL module language procedures and retrieve data dictionary record declarations using the record-type clause. If a record reference has an indicator, it must be an indicator array. Specify the INDICATOR ARRAY OF clause instead of an item name or path name. The following example shows the use of record structures and indicator arrays in an SQL module language program. Because parameters in the module are preceded by colons, you must include the PARAMETER COLONS clause in the module header. MODULE employee_module LANGUAGE pascal AUTHORIZATION pers PARAMETER COLONS DECLARE pers ALIAS FOR FILENAME mf_personnel DECLARE WORK_STATUS_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM PERS.WORK_STATUS PROCEDURE OPEN_WORK_STATUS SQLCODE; OPEN WORK_STATUS_CURSOR; PROCEDURE CLOSE_WORK_STATUS SQLCODE; CLOSE WORK_STATUS_CURSOR; PROCEDURE FETCH_EMPS_TO_DEPS_CURSOR SQLCODE, :work_status_rec record status_code PERS.work_status.STATUS_CODE_DOM status_name PERS.work_status.STATUS_NAME_DOM status_type PERS.work_status.STATUS_DESC_DOM end record :ind_array record indicator array of 3 SMALLINT end record ; FETCH WORK_STATUS_CURSOR INTO :work_status_rec INDICATOR :ind_array;