Syntax options: SQLOPTIONS= WARN SQLOPTIONS= NOWARN Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes informational and warning messages to the preprocessed host language source file and to SYS$ERROR and SYS$OUTPUT (if different from SYS$ERROR). The WARN qualifier accepts the following options: o [NO]WARNING Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes informational and warning messages to your terminal, a list file, or both. o [NO]DEPRECATE Specifies whether or not the SQL precompiler writes diagnostic messages about deprecated features. Deprecated features are features that are currently allowed but will not be allowed in future versions of SQL; that is, they will be obsolete. For example, one deprecated feature is the use of obsolete keywords such as VERB_TIME instead of VERB TIME. A complete list of deprecated features appears on line in the interactive SQL Help utility. The SQLOPTIONS=WARN qualifier is equivalent to the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(WARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier. The SQLOPTIONS=NOWARN qualifier is equivalent to the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(NOWARNING, NODEPRECATE) qualifier. You can specify the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=WARNING qualifier if you prefer to have all warning messages except those about deprecated features. You can specify the SQLOPTIONS=WARN=(NOWARNING, DEPRECATE) qualifier if you prefer the deprecated feature messages only.