o Two unsigned integers (min_number, max_number) specify a range for the number of occurrences; min_number specifies the minimum number of occurrences and must be greater than or equal to zero; max_number specifies the maximum number of occurrences and must be greater than or equal to min_number. o The actual number of occurrences varies according to the value of the named field. o The field (dep_field_name) named in the DEPENDING clause must be an elementary field fixed in the record and not part of an array. Its field description must precede the array field description, and its value must never be less than min_number nor greater than max_number. You must name the field. o You must fully qualify the field name if it is not unique within the record. A fully qualified field name consists of an elementary field name preceded by the field names of as many of its direct ancestors as you need to specify the elementary field uniquely. Once the elementary field name is identified uniquely, you can omit any remaining ancestors' field names. You must separate each element of a fully qualified field name from the next with a period.