o The VARIANT field description block can be repeated. o The tag variable must be an elementary field fixed in the record and not part of an array, and it must precede the VARIANTS field description statement. It cannot be an unnamed field. o You must fully qualify the tag variable's field name if it is not unique within the record. A fully qualified field name consists of an elementary field name preceded by the field names of as many of its direct ancestors as you need to specify the elementary field uniquely. You must separate each element of a fully qualified field name from the next with a period. Once the elementary field name is identified uniquely, you can omit any remaining ancestors' field names. Furthermore, if the tag variable's name is not unique within the record, none of the ancestors in its fully qualified name can be unnamed fields. o You must include a tag value clause for VARIANT. o At run time, the values (low_value and high_value...) you specify are compared to the value of the tag variable to determine the current VARIANT. o Tag value specifications must conform to the following conditions: - The tag values low_value, high_value... must be legal values as defined by the tag variable's data type. For example, if the tag variable is a TEXT field, the tag values must be quoted literals. - The values of high_value must be greater than or equal to the values of low_value in the collating sequence of the data type. - The range of values in one VARIANT must not overlap the range of values in any other VARIANT. o The compiler ignores commas, but you can use them to make tag value specifications easier to read. o The CDDL compiler does not check that the tag values you specify are legal. If you specify invalid values, you will receive error messages when you refer to the VARIANT field in an application.