Format DELETE COLLECTION [ qualifier ] ... collection-name ,... .
1.1 – Parameters
1.1.1 – collection-name
Specifies the collection you are deleting.
1.2 – Qualifiers
Format options: /DESCENDANTS /NODESCENDANTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes members. When you specify the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, CDO deletes all members that are not also members of additional elements outside the area defined by your top collection.
1.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the collection is deleted.
1.3 – Description
The DELETE COLLECTION command deletes a collection and, optionally, all members of the collection. Because a collection is a controlled element, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to delete only the highest visible version. If a collection is a member, you must delete its owners before you delete the collection. If the collection's immediate owner is a member of another element, you must trace the relationships back until you reach the element that has no owners and delete elements one by one, in sequence of ownership. If you attempt to delete a collection that owns a version in a different branch, the version must be the latest version in that branch. Otherwise, an error will occur. See the Oracle CDD/Repository Architecture Manual for complete information on branch lines of descent.
1.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE COLLECTION A_COLLECTION. In this example, the DELETE COLLECTION command deletes a collection that is not a member. 2.CDO> DELETE COLLECTION REGIONAL_SALES. CDO> DELETE COLLECTION DISTRICT_SALES. CDO> DELETE COLLECTION LOCAL_AREA_SALES. In this example, the DELETE COLLECTION command deletes a collection, a subcollection, and a further subcollection in sequence of ownership. 3.CDO> DELETE COLLECTION COMPILER_C(3). CDO> DELETE COLLECTION COMPILER_C(2:UPDATE_BRANCH:2). CDO> DELETE COLLECTION COMPILER(2:UPDATE_BRANCH:1). CDO> DELETE COLLECTION COMPILER_C(2). CDO> DELETE COLLECTION COMPILER(1). In this example, successive DELETE COLLECTION commands delete the main line and branch line versions of a collection in sequence of ownership. The branch line originates from version 2 and merges back in version 3.
Format DELETE CONTEXT [ qualifier ] ... context-name ,... .
2.1 – Parameters
2.1.1 – context-name
Specifies the context you are deleting.
2.2 – Qualifiers
2.2.1 /PARENTS
Format options: /PARENTS /NOPARENTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes parents. If you have defined a top collection for the context, CDO cannot delete a parent that is also a parent of an element outside this collection or collection hierarchy.
2.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the context is deleted.
2.3 – Description
The DELETE CONTEXT command deletes a context. Because a context is a nonversioned element, CDO does not accept a branch designation or a version number in the context name. If a context is a child, you must delete its immediate parent before you delete the context. If the context's immediate parent is a child of another element, you must trace the relationships back until you reach the element that has no parents. If you delete your current context, CDO sets a null value for the current context before deleting the context. An error occurs if you attempt to delete a context that has opened files or reserved elements. The SHOW CONTEXT or SHOW RESERVATIONS command indicates whether this condition exists.
2.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE CONTEXT A_CONTEXT. In this example, the DELETE CONTEXT command deletes the A_ CONTEXT context.
Format DELETE DATABASE [ qualifier ] rms-database-name .
3.1 – Parameters
3.1.1 – rms-database-name
Specifies the physical RMS database element you are deleting. You can substitute an asterisk (*) wildcard character for this parameter.
3.2 – Qualifiers
3.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the physical RMS database element is deleted.
3.3 – Description
The DELETE DATABASE command deletes the physical RMS database (CDD$FILE) from disk and its CDD$DATABASE element from the repository. When you issue the DELETE DATABASE command, CDO prompts you to confirm that you want to proceed. You cannot suppress this prompt. If you respond Yes at the prompt, CDO deletes the highest visible version of CDD$FILE and, if you have not specified another version number, the highest visible version of CDD$DATABASE. If CDO cannot delete the physical RMS file from disk, the DELETE DATABASE command fails, and the CDD$DATABASE and CDD$FILE elements remain in the repository.
3.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE DATABASE /LOG EMP_FILE(1) In this example, the DELETE DATABASE command with the /LOG qualifier confirms that CDO deleted the RMS file from disk and the RMS database element EMP_FILE from the repository.
See the DELETE REPOSITORY command.
Format DELETE DIRECTORY [ qualifier ] directory-name ,... .
5.1 – Parameters
5.1.1 – directory-name
Specifies the repository directory you are deleting.
5.2 – Qualifiers
5.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the directory is deleted.
5.3 – Description
The DELETE DIRECTORY command deletes a CDO directory. Unless you change directory protection, only the owner of a CDO directory or the system manager can delete a directory. You can delete only empty directories. CDO deletes only the last directory in a fully qualified path name. For example, if you specify a directory name of [SMITH.DICT]CORPORATE.PERSONNEL.SALARIED, CDO deletes only the SALARIED directory.
5.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE DIRECTORY /LOG PROSPECTS. %CDO-I-DIRDEL, directory PROSPECTS deleted In this example, the DELETE DIRECTORY command with the /LOG qualifier confirms that CDO deleted the PROSPECTS directory.
Format DELETE FIELD [ qualifier ] ... field-name ,... .
6.1 – Parameters
6.1.1 – field-name
Specifies the field element you are deleting. You can substitute an asterisk (*) wildcard character for this parameter.
6.2 – Qualifiers
Format options: /DESCENDANTS /NODESCENDANTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes children. When you specify the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, and your field element is controlled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of additional elements outside the area defined by your top collection. If the field is uncontrolled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of any other elements.
6.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the field element is deleted.
6.3 – Description
The DELETE FIELD command deletes a field element from a repository. If a field element is controlled, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to delete only the highest visible version. If a field element is uncontrolled, CDO deletes the highest version unless you specify another version number. You cannot delete a field that is a child. Delete the parent first, or include the /DESCENDANTS qualifier to delete parents and children at the same time.
6.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE FIELD /DESCENDANTS ORDER_NUMBER. In this example, the DELETE FIELD command with the /DESCENDANTS qualifier deletes the ORDER_NUMBER field element and its children.
Format DELETE FILE_ELEMENT type-name [qualifier] ... element-name ,... .
7.1 – Parameters
7.1.1 – type-name
Specifies the type (MCS_BINARY or MCS_BINARY subtype) of the file element you are deleting. See the Oracle CDD/Repository Information Model Volume I for information on these types.
7.1.2 – element-name
Specifies the file element you are deleting. You can substitute an asterisk (*) wildcard character for this parameter.
7.2 – Qualifiers
Format options: /DESCENDANTS /NODESCENDANTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes children. When you specify the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of additional elements outside the area defined by your top collection.
7.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the file element is deleted.
7.3 – Description
The DELETE FILE_ELEMENT command deletes a file element and, optionally, all children of the file element to the bottom of the collection hierarchy. Because a file element is a controlled element, CDO freezes all previous versions and allows you to delete only the highest visible version. CDO cannot delete the following versions in a branch line: o A version that is owned by a version in a different branch o A version that owns an intermediate version in a different branch See the Oracle CDD/Repository Architecture Manual for information on branch lines of descent.
7.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES. In this example, the DELETE FILE_ELEMENT command deletes a file element definition that is based on the MCS_BINARY type. 2.CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES(3). CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES(2:UPDATE_BRANCH:2). CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES(3:UPDATE_BRANCH:1). CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES(2). CDO> DELETE FILE_ELEMENT MCS_BINARY PARSER_TABLES(1). In this example, successive DELETE FILE_ELEMENT commands delete the main line and the branch line versions of a file element in sequence of ownership. The branch line originates from version 2 and merges back in version 3.
Format DELETE GENERIC type-name [qualifier] ... element-name ,... .
8.1 – Parameters
8.1.1 – type-name
Specifies the type of the generic element you are deleting. This type cannot be MCS_BINARY, an MCS_BINARY subtype, MCS_COLLECTION, MCS_CONTEXT, or MCS_PARTITION.
8.1.2 – element-name
Specifies the generic element you are deleting.
8.2 – Qualifiers
Format options: /DESCENDANTS /NODESCENDANTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes children. When you specify the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, and your generic element is controlled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of additional elements outside the area defined by your top collection. If the generic element is uncontrolled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of other elements.
8.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the generic element is deleted.
8.3 – Description
The DELETE GENERIC command deletes a generic element. This element can be based on a type supplied by Oracle CDD/Repository or a user-supplied type. If a generic element is a controlled versioned element, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to modify only the highest visible version. If a generic element is an uncontrolled versioned element, CDO deletes the highest version unless you specify another version number. If you use SQL (structured query language) to delete an Oracle Rdb database file, the corresponding CDD$DATABASE element may remain in Oracle CDD/Repository. You can use the DELETE GENERIC command to delete this element.
8.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE GENERIC CDD$DATABASE DEPT1. In this example, the DELETE GENERIC command deletes the DEPT1 generic element from the repository. 2.CDO> DELETE GENERIC CDD$SOURCE_MODULE cont> /DESCENDANTS /LOG COBOL_SOURCE. In this example, the DELETE GENERIC command with the /LOG and /DESCENDANTS qualifiers confirms that CDO has deleted the COBOL_SOURCE generic element and children.
Format { FIELD } DELETE HISTORY [ qualifier ] FOR { RECORD } { GENERIC type-name } { } element-name ,... .
9.1 – Parameters
9.1.1 – type-name
Specifies the type of the file or generic element definition whose history entries you are deleting.
9.1.2 – element-name
Specifies the element whose history entries you are deleting. You can use wildcard characters in this parameter.
9.2 – Qualifiers
9.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the history entries have been deleted.
9.3 – Description
The DELETE HISTORY command deletes the history entries for a CDO element. Note that the DELETE HISTORY command deletes the entire history list for a given entity. This is not a PURGE HISTORY command.
9.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE HISTORY FOR RECORD CAR_POOL. In this example, the DELETE HISTORY command deletes the history entries for the CAR_POOL record element.
Format DELETE PARTITION [ qualifier ] ... partition-name ,... .
10.1 – Parameters
10.1.1 – partition-name
Specifies the partition you are deleting.
10.2 – Qualifiers
10.2.1 /PARENTS
Format options: /PARENTS /NOPARENTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes parents. CDO cannot delete a parent that is also a parent of an element outside the partition or partition hierarchy. When CDO cannot delete any parents, you receive an informational notice. When CDO can delete some parents, you do not receive a notice.
10.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the partition is deleted.
10.3 – Description
The DELETE PARTITION command deletes a partition and, optionally, all the partition's children to the bottom, or root, of the partition hierachy. Since a partition is a nonversioned element, CDO does not accept a branch designation or a version number in partition names. If a partition is a child, you must delete its parent or parents before you delete the partition. If the partition's immediate parent is a child of another element, you must trace the relationships back until you reach the element that has no parents. An error occurs if you attempt to delete a partition that contains elements. Promote or delete elements from a partition prior to issuing the DELETE PARTITION command.
10.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE PARTITION /PARENTS FRONT_END. In this example, the DELETE PARTITION command with the /PARENTS qualifier deletes all the parent partitions of FRONT_END. 2.CDO> DELETE PARTITION /LOG REPORTS. %CDO-I-ENTDEL, entity CDD$DISK:[SMITH.PART]REPORTS deleted In this example, the DELETE PARTITION command with the /LOG qualifier confirms that CDO deleted the partition REPORTS.
Format DELETE PROTECTION [ qualifier ] FOR { DIRECTORY } { FIELD } { RECORD } element-name ,... { } { GENERIC type-name } [ POSITION n ] [ id+ ... ] [ ACCESS ] . [ ] DELETE PROTECTION [ qualifier ] FOR { REPOSITORY anchor-name } [ POSITION n ] [ ACCESS ] [ DEFAULT_ACCESS ] . [ ]
11.1 – Parameters
11.1.1 – type-name
Specifies the type of file or generic element definition whose ACE or ACL you are deleting.
11.1.2 – element-name
Specifies the element whose ACE or ACL you are deleting. You can use wildcard characters in this parameter.
11.1.3 – n
Specifies the relative position of the ACE in the ACL that you are deleting.
11.1.4 – id
Specifies the identifiers for the ACE you are deleting.
11.1.5 – anchor-name
Specifies the repository anchor directory whose ACE or ACL you are deleting.
11.2 – Qualifiers
11.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the ACE or ACL is deleted.
11.3 – Description
The DELETE PROTECTION command deletes an access control list entry (ACE) or the entire access control list (ACL) for a CDO element or repository. You need CONTROL access to delete protection. The POSITION clause tells CDO the relative position of the ACE to delete. ACEs are numbered starting with one. You can also delete a particular element ACE by specifying the identifier or identifiers contained in that ACE. If you omit the identifiers and the POSITION clause, CDO deletes the entire ACL. After the DELETE PROTECTION command executes, CDO resequences the remaining ACEs in the ACL. The default access type for all cases is ACCESS.
11.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE PROTECTION FOR RECORD CAR_POOL POSITION 5. In this example, the DELETE PROTECTION command deletes the fifth ACE in the ACL for the CAR_POOL record element. 2.CDO> DELETE PROTECTION FOR RECORD CAR_POOL [23,56]. In this example, the DELETE PROTECTION command deletes the ACE with the identifier [23,56] for the CAR_POOL record element.
Format DELETE RECORD [ qualifier ] ... record-name ,... .
12.1 – Parameters
12.1.1 – record-name
Specifies the record element you are deleting.
12.2 – Qualifiers
Format options: /DESCENDANTS /NODESCENDANTS (default) Specifies whether CDO deletes children. When you specify the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, and your record element is controlled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of additional elements outside the area defined by your top collection. If the record element is uncontrolled, CDO deletes all children that are not also children of other elements.
12.2.2 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the record element is deleted.
12.3 – Description
The DELETE RECORD command deletes a record element from a CDO repository. If the record element is controlled, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to delete only the highest visible version. If the record element is uncontrolled, CDO deletes the highest version unless you specify another version number.
12.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE RECORD /DESCENDANTS CUSTOMER_ORDERS. In this example, the DELETE RECORD command with the /DESCENDANTS qualifier deletes the CUSTOMER_ORDERS record element and children.
Format DELETE REPOSITORY [ qualifier ] repository-name ,... .
13.1 – Parameters
13.1.1 – repository-name
Specifies the anchor directory of the repository you are deleting.
13.2 – Qualifiers
13.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the repository is deleted.
13.3 – Description
The DELETE REPOSITORY command deletes all the elements in a repository, any relationships between elements in the repository or elements in other repositories, and the repository itself. Unless you change repository protection, only the owner of a repository or the system manager can delete a CDO repository. You cannot delete a repository if it contains an element that is used by another element in a different repository. CAUTION Before you delete a repository, be sure your elements do not have relationships to other elements in other repositories. Check to make sure you have not stored user-created files in the repository.
13.4 – Examples
CDO> DELETE REPOSITORY DISK1:[BOB.DICT]. In this example, the DELETE REPOSITORY command deletes the DISK1:[BOB.DICT] repository.
Format DELETE RMS_DATABASE [ qualifier ] rms-database-name .
14.1 – Parameters
14.1.1 – rms-database-name
Specifies a logical RMS database element.
14.2 – Qualifiers
14.2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the RMS database element is deleted.
14.3 – Description
The DELETE RMS_DATABASE command deletes a logical RMS database element from the repository. If the RMS database element is controlled, CDO freezes previous versions and allows you to delete only the highest visible version. If the RMS database element is uncontrolled, CDO deletes the highest visible version unless you specify another version number. Before you can issue the DELETE RMS_DATABASE command, you must have deleted the associated physical RMS database element with the DELETE DATABASE command.
14.4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE DATABASE DISG_FILE(2). . . . CDO> DELETE RMS_DATABASE /LOG EMPLOYEE_STORAGE. In this example, the DELETE DATABASE command prompts you to confirm that you intend to delete the physical RMS database file from disk. CDO confirms this deletion. The DELETE RMS_ DATABASE command with the /LOG qualifier confirms that CDO has deleted the logical RMS database element EMPLOYEE_STORAGE. 2.CDO> DELETE RMS_DATABASE EMPLOYEE_STORAGE. %CDD-E-INUSE, element is the member of a relationship; it cannot be deleted CDO> DELETE DATABASE DISG_FILE(2). 1 deleting file DISK1:[SMITH]EMP.DAT; proceed? [Y/N]) (N)Y 2 %CDO-I-FILEDEL, file DISK1:[SMITH]EMP.DAT; deleted CDO> DELETE RMS_DATABASE /LOG EMPLOYEE_STORAGE. 3 This example shows the result when you try to delete a logical RMS database definition from the repository while a physical RMS database (on disk) is using it. When you delete the physical database (EMP.DAT), you can then delete the logical database. 1 Delete the physical RMS database definition from the repository. 2 Type Y in acknowledgement that CDO deletes the physical RMS file from disk. 3 Delete the logical RMS database definition from the repository. The /LOG qualifier provides a confirmation of deletion.