Format DELETE PROTECTION [ qualifier ] FOR { DIRECTORY } { FIELD } { RECORD } element-name ,... { } { GENERIC type-name } [ POSITION n ] [ id+ ... ] [ ACCESS ] . [ ] DELETE PROTECTION [ qualifier ] FOR { REPOSITORY anchor-name } [ POSITION n ] [ ACCESS ] [ DEFAULT_ACCESS ] . [ ]
1 – Parameters
1.1 – type-name
Specifies the type of file or generic element definition whose ACE or ACL you are deleting.
1.2 – element-name
Specifies the element whose ACE or ACL you are deleting. You can use wildcard characters in this parameter.
1.3 – n
Specifies the relative position of the ACE in the ACL that you are deleting.
1.4 – id
Specifies the identifiers for the ACE you are deleting.
1.5 – anchor-name
Specifies the repository anchor directory whose ACE or ACL you are deleting.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /LOG
Format options: /LOG /NOLOG (default) Specifies whether CDO displays text confirming that the ACE or ACL is deleted.
3 – Description
The DELETE PROTECTION command deletes an access control list entry (ACE) or the entire access control list (ACL) for a CDO element or repository. You need CONTROL access to delete protection. The POSITION clause tells CDO the relative position of the ACE to delete. ACEs are numbered starting with one. You can also delete a particular element ACE by specifying the identifier or identifiers contained in that ACE. If you omit the identifiers and the POSITION clause, CDO deletes the entire ACL. After the DELETE PROTECTION command executes, CDO resequences the remaining ACEs in the ACL. The default access type for all cases is ACCESS.
4 – Examples
1.CDO> DELETE PROTECTION FOR RECORD CAR_POOL POSITION 5. In this example, the DELETE PROTECTION command deletes the fifth ACE in the ACL for the CAR_POOL record element. 2.CDO> DELETE PROTECTION FOR RECORD CAR_POOL [23,56]. In this example, the DELETE PROTECTION command deletes the ACE with the identifier [23,56] for the CAR_POOL record element.