Format SHOW FIELD [ qualifier ] ... [ field-name ] ,... [ FROM DATABASE database-name ]
1 – Parameters
1.1 – field-name
Specifies the field element whose properties you are displaying. When you use the FROM DATABASE clause, specify only one field name for each SHOW FIELD command. Specify an asterisk (*) wildcard character for the entire field- name parameter only. If you use a wildcard character as part of the field-name parameter, an error occurs.
1.2 – database-name
Specifies the Oracle Rdb database that contains the field. CDO requires this parameter for fields from an Oracle Rdb database. CDO accepts wildcard characters in the database name.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /ALL
Displays system-specified properties, such as time of creation, and user-specified properties, such as description, for the field name and for all children.
2.2 /AUDIT
Displays history list entries for the field name. The /AUDIT=ALL qualifier displays the history list entries for the field name and for all children. Do not use this qualifier if the field name you specify is from an Oracle Rdb database definition.
2.3 /BRIEF_(default)
Displays user-specified properties for the field name, and provides the names of direct children.
2.4 /FULL
Displays user-specified properties for the field name and for all children.
Format options: /SYSTEM /NOSYSTEM (default) Specifies whether CDO displays Oracle Rdb system relations.
Format options: /RDB_METADATA /NORDB_METADATA (default) Specifies whether CDO displays Oracle Rdb system relations. This qualifier is synonymous with the /SYSTEM qualifier.
3 – Description
The SHOW FIELD command displays a complete or partial list of properties for the field names you specify, provided you have read privileges. If you do not specify a full path name (or the FROM DATABASE clause) for the field name, CDO searches your current default directory for the field name. If you do not specify a field name, CDO displays the properties of all field names in your default directory. If you do not specify a version number for a field name, CDO displays the properties of the highest visible version. NOTE If you make incompatible changes to the CDD$DATA_ELEMENT type, supplied by Oracle CDD/Repository, the SHOW FIELD command may not display those properties whose data types you have modified. If a field has character set attributes, you can display them using the SHOW and EXTRACT commands; in addition, you can use the SHOW command to display size information of a field in both character-based size and octet-based size. See the descriptions of SET CHARACTER_SET command and the DATATYPE_Field_Property help topic found under the fld-properties topic for more information.
4 – Examples
1.CDO> SHOW FIELD CORPORATE_ZIPCODE FROM DATABASE DEPT3 In this example, because no qualifier is specified, the SHOW FIELD command displays default BRIEF information. This information includes the user-specified properties for the CORPORATE_ZIPCODE field name and the names of direct children. 2.CDO> DEFINE FIELD FULL_NAME cont> DATATYPE TEXT CHARACTER_SET KANJI cont> SIZE 2 CHARACTERS. CDO> SHOW FIELD FULL_NAME Definition of field FULL_NAME | Datatype text size is 2 characters (4 Octets) | Character_set KANJI This example defines and shows the field FULL_NAME.